The most creepy and dangerous inhabitants of the Amazon. The most dangerous monsters from the Amazon (10 photos) Large Amazon fish

The depths of the Amazon hide things that modern horror directors have never dreamed of.

A huge closed ecosystem, which is essentially the entire basin great river, as if specially populated by incredibly tenacious, incredibly dangerous and incredibly bloodthirsty creatures, an encounter with which for a person can only end in one outcome.

Black caiman

Most big predator throughout the Amazon basin. The black caiman grows up to five meters long and can weigh half a ton. Natural born killers are the so-called apex predators - that is, capable of killing and devouring any animal in their habitat.


The meeting between man and anaconda will be the last. The nine-meter snake swims well and is even capable of diving. An adult anaconda has practically no enemies in nature, unless it comes across a black caiman on a narrow path, and such cases have actually happened.

Brazilian arapaima

Tropical freshwater fish, one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. This predator feeds not only on fish, but also on small animals that come to drink.

Snout shark

No, not because she’s stupid - it’s just the shape of their face. The blunt-nosed shark, or bull shark, is usually found in coastal waters and happily makes its way into rivers. This is one of the most aggressive species of sharks that will attack humans without a second thought.

Electric eel

Perhaps one of the strangest creatures on our planet. Special electrical organs allow eels to generate voltages of up to 1300 V. A sort of floating bare wire, with a positive charge on the face and a negative charge in the tail. With one blow, an eel can stun a horse, but a human heart will simply stop forever.

Brown pacu

You could say that the pacu is a cousin of the piranha. But their teeth are square and resemble human ones. For what? Yes, to tear off larger pieces of meat from the victim.

Giant otter

The cute animal, weighing thirty kilograms, is not very timid, unlike its European relatives. You shouldn’t approach a giant otter for a joint selfie, you might end up without fingers. Local residents nicknamed the otters “river wolves”: flocking into real packs, they boldly attack more large predators.


Another name is the Brazilian vampire. The tiny catfish usually parasitizes other fish, crawling into the gills and drinking blood there. But she absolutely doesn’t care who the victim will be and which hole she will swim into. Thanks to Kandir, smart people in the Amazon never relieve themselves. Can you guess why?

1. Arapaima (Arapaima gigas)
It is very unlikely that you will catch this specimen of fish, but there is always a chance. The arapaima, also known as the pirakuchu or paiche, is a huge carnivorous fish that can be found in the Amazon River and its surrounding lakes. Luckily, this prehistoric giant fish prefers to prey on other fish and birds rather than humans, and they are such effective predators that they can even live in piranha-infested waters. They usually stay close to the surface of the water because they need to take in extra oxygen through their gills. Arapaima can reach two and a half meters in length and weigh up to 90 kilograms and are the world's largest freshwater fish.

2. Tambaki (Colossoma macropomum)
Also known as Pacu, Tambaqui are the seeds and fruits that this fish eats. A member of the piranha family, the species can reach up to one meter in length and weigh up to 45 kilograms. She is probably considered the most valuable fish in the region. The fish often feeds on rubber tree seeds and is usually found in the waters near Manaus in Brazil.

4. Red Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri)
Perhaps the best known and most dangerous sea ​​creature Amazons, the pot-bellied piranha was depicted everywhere as one of the most dangerous fish in the popular Amazon River, this is actually not the case. The fish are mainly scavengers and can grow up to 30 centimeters in length. IN Hollywood films show that they eat their prey to the bones in a matter of minutes, in fact it's quite a rare event and usually only occurs when a school of fish has been starving for a very long time.

5. Armored Catfish
Characterized by bony plates covering their skin. Armored catfish, a member of the loricarid family, usually have a ventral suctermute with papillae on the lips that allow them to feed and breathe. The armored catfish is also known as the "Plek" different varieties The armored catfish can be found in the Amazon region. Fish can eat wood, but they cannot digest it and excrete undigested pieces of wood as waste.

6. Electric eel (Electrophorus electricus)
Despite its name, the electric eel is not actually an eel, it is a fish. The electric eel can reach about two and a half meters in length and weigh about 22-23 kilograms. Adults electric eel They hit with a discharge that can reach 650 volts. This is quite enough to cause very severe damage to a person in the water, up to and including instant death. Usually lives at depth, in dirty soil. After its death, the eel can contain a strong electrical discharge for another 8 hours. Therefore, local residents living on the banks of the Amazon always try to avoid this type of fish.

7. Pancake ramps
The fish literally resembles pancakes. This species was discovered in 2012 in Rio Nanay near Iquitos, Peru. Freshwater stingrays are known to grow to approximately 450 kilograms and have more than 40 various types many of which are constantly found in the Amazon River.

8. Bull shark(Carcharhinus leucas)
Traditionally sea ​​fish, also known as the Bull Shark, has adapted to freshwater and is most often found in Brazil due to its proximity to the ocean. These smart creatures have developed special osmoregulatory kidneys that allow them to change the salinity of the water where they live. Their kidneys primarily process the vital salts they need throughout their body, allowing them to constantly move into freshwater areas.

9. Payara vampire fish (Hydrolycus scomberoides)
Payara or vampire fish can be found in most areas of the Amazon in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. Known as extremely aggressive look fish (and vampire-like!). Vampire fish are most often found in fast-moving water and rapids, which usually makes them harder to spot. Fierce predators can eat fish up to half their body size, which is usually about one meter and weighs about 18 kilograms. Its striking feature is its two front fangs.

10. Peacock Bass or Tucunar Peacock Bass (Cichla Temensis)
Tucunar Peacock Bass is native to the Rio Negro, Huatuma and Orinocoin basins to the north South America. This special kind Basa is also known as: spotted pavon, spotted peacock or painted pavon. This is a very large South American cichlid and a very valuable fish. Reaches almost 1 meter in length and weighs more than 12 kg. Peacock bass are most often found in rapids and calm, moderate-depth waters. They only eat small fish, especially string cap, mosquitoes, tilapia and blue fungus.

The Amazon originates at an altitude of 5 thousand meters from snowy peaks Peruvian Andes. Gradually, streams of meltwater flow down, forming a river. At such heights there are practically no inhabitants in the river, but there are exceptions. The Spur Duck (Merganetta armata) thrives in cold, stormy streams.

Driven by the force of gravity, the river makes its way through the mountain ranges, washing away sediment from the mountain ridges along the way. Soon the Amazon falls into the humid mountain forests. These forests are one of the wettest places on the planet. Clouds and fog collide with the mountain slopes, and there is 6 meters of rainfall per year. Passing through mountain gorges, the Amazon forms numerous waterfalls.

This kingdom of rain forests is located at an altitude of 3.5 thousand meters, here the Amazon continues to gain its power. Survive in this humid climate It's not easy either. But many plants take advantage of this dampness; they do not need soil moisture and therefore can grow directly on tree trunks. Instead of insects, hummingbirds and other birds act as pollinators. It is home to the largest diversity of hummingbird species in the world. Each species has a beak adapted for specific tasks; birds and plants complement each other perfectly. Something else lives here too amazing creature- the smallest bear in the world and the only bear in South America called spectacled bear(Tremarctos ornatus). Monkeys do not rise to such heights.

Descending lower and lower, the Amazon finally reaches the foot of the Andes. Here the river slows down its rapid flow and spills over a wide plain.

Near the Peruvian city of Iquitas, the river gets its name Amazon. Already here the width of the river reaches 2 km, and average depth river is 100 meters. Despite the fact that this place is 3.5 thousand meters away from the Atlantic Ocean, ships sail here. From here the river will flow across the plain, making its way through the world's greatest tropical jungle area of ​​7 million km. sq.

The river is full of minerals brought from the mountain peaks, and they settle on the river shallows. These minerals provide many benefits to the wild animals and fish of the Amazon. For example, Ara parrots cannot imagine life without them. This clay helps Macaws get rid of the poison that they eat along with plant seeds.

The intricacies of the branches and tributaries of the Amazon basin are home to a huge number of unique and unusual animals. The variety is amazing flora in the Amazon basin as well underwater world rivers.

Brazilian or giant otter (lat. Pteronura brasiliensis). Loves quiet backwaters, grows up to 2 meters in length. One of the largest predators in the Amazon. He can even eat a boa constrictor or a python for lunch. Giant otters live in large family clans.

Wedge belly or Amazon flying fish. To escape from predators, it can jump 120 cm out of the water with the help of well-developed pectoral fins.

The Sun Heron is a master of bluffing and can scare away many predators due to its unusual plumage.

The Amazon is replete with oxbow lakes. There is no longer a current here and the plants grow in full force. The most successful in this matter is the giant Amazonian lily, or as it is also called Victoria Regia, its leaves reach 2 meters in diameter.

Giant Amazonian lily or Victoria Regia. As you can see, you can sleep peacefully on it without even getting your feet wet.

Floating plants on the river form peculiar floating moving islands; these lawns drift along with the river current. Their diameter can be many times greater than 100 meters. Not only plants, but also animals live on these rafts. The largest animal in South America, the manatee, lives in them. The weight of a manatee can reach 500 kg and a length of 3 meters.

The world's largest rodent, the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), also lives here.

Amazonian caimans play the role of a crocodile here; caimans happily eat capybaras. These rodents should also beware of anacondas.

Video: Anaconda catches and eats a capybara.

Every year before the start of the rainy season, the water level in the Amazon drops to a minimum. Formed a large number of closed lagoons. Exactly this hard times year for the fish, it ends up in a trap. But the predators are feasting with might and main, fishing at this time of year is very simple and you can catch fish without any stress at all.

There are 20 species of piranha in the Amazon, but the most ferocious of them all is the red piranha. If these monsters find themselves locked in a water trap, they first destroy all life around them, and then real cannibalism begins. After such a “massacre” only the strongest individuals remain alive.

During the rainy season, the water level in the river will rise sharply. For the fish to finally arrive Good times. The Amazon Basin is literally a swimming pool. The Amazon does not have time to dump excess water into the Atlantic Ocean and overflows its banks. On such big river and the flood must be great. The river overflows and floods everything around at a distance of 80 km on both sides of its banks. Trees are flooded to a depth of 16 meters. The area of ​​flooded land can be compared with the area of ​​England. The fish rushes after the flood. There is a lot of fish food here, for every taste. Most likely, this explains the diversity of the underwater world of the Amazon. There are more than 3,000 species of fish in the river, which is more than in the Atlantic Ocean.

Not surprisingly, the Amazon is home to the largest freshwater fish in the world - the Arapaima or Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas). This one giant fish there is a semblance of a lung, and from time to time it floats up to breathe fresh air. Arapaima's weight can reach 200 kg.

The largest freshwater fish in the world is Arapaima or Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas)

Others live among the flooded forests unusual creatures. For example, a blind pink penguin lives here ( Amazonian dolphin, or white river dolphin), he uses echolocation to catch fish in the thickets.

Trees can remain under water for six months a year, so the river and fish transport seeds here.

Another unusual local animal is the bald uakari. These monkeys can eat fruits of any maturity.

Bald uakari.

There are also fish here that jump from the water into mating season. The tetra jumps out of the water and leaves its eggs on the leaves of the trees. The male will wet it with water until the fry hatch.

Fire ants have a hard time during a flood; they all gather together and form a living raft, connecting with each other. They are carried away by the current, and the only hope for salvation is if they are washed ashore.

Fire ants huddled together.

People have also adapted to such fluctuations in water levels and live on rafts.

Also, giant giants have lived here for a million years. river turtles, the largest river turtles on the planet. Their shell is more than a meter in diameter.

The Amazon is home to many thousands of species of fish that are found nowhere else in the world. The largest fish in the Amazon, which has been named local residents arapaima is a real giant, and some scientists classify this species as one of the largest of those that live in freshwater rivers.

The freshwater arapaima is the largest fish in the Amazon, as it can reach approximately 2.5-3 m in length and weigh more than 200 kg. Despite the fact that 100 years ago large fish of this species were not a rare prey for local fishermen, nowadays even individuals weighing 50 kg are rarely found. The popularity of catching arapaima is explained by the fact that the meat of this fish is distinguished by its excellent taste qualities. The gradual decline of the arapaima population in the waters of the Amazon has attracted the attention of scientists to this species. Large arapaima are most often found in the Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon, but scientists believe that adult fish can move along the river bed, migrating for seasonal spawning in more clear waters. Arapaima are found throughout the Amazon, but not so often.

In fact, the arapaima is a truly amazing creature, because despite its large size, it can survive in fresh water, where the oxygen saturation level is not too high. The whole point is that this amazing fish able to breathe not only through gills. She has a primitive lung, which allows her to compensate for the lack of oxygen necessary to nourish the tissues of such a large body. Arapaima, living in different parts of the Amazon, come up to breathe air every 20-30 minutes. Large individuals of arapaima prefer quiet backwaters, the total area of ​​which does not exceed 140 m, of which there are many along the entire length of the river. It is the fact that this large fish lives in shallow backwaters, which are not very large, that makes it extremely vulnerable to fishermen.

The arapaima feeds mainly on bottom fish and crustaceans, but may also include in its diet some fruits that fall in abundance into the river during a flood. This fish has excellent hearing and sense of smell, so it can smell ripe fruits in the water even from a great distance. Adult arapaima are very caring parents. During the breeding season, which falls in November for these fish, they move closer to the sandy shores, where they dig a small depression where the female plays. After this, the male is constantly on duty near the hole with eggs, and the female drives away the fish that try to get closer. Thus, fish provide reliable protection for future generations. After hatching, the juveniles stay near the head of the adult and even rise to breathe with the parent. Only after 3-4 months the connection weakens, and the juveniles begin an independent life.

The abundance of food in the Amazon River causes arapaima to grow rapidly and gain weight. The number of arapaima in the waters of the Amazon is gradually decreasing, since if previously only large individuals were exterminated when hunting with harpoons, now the use of modern nets has made it possible to catch juveniles.

The growth of the catfish is clearly not successful; as a rule, there are no specimens larger than a matchstick. The body is thin and thin, so the fish is almost transparent. Having become hungry, the candiru begins to look for a victim, and chooses a larger fish. Even in the opaque Amazon, an excellent sense of smell helps to find it. When the candiru fish senses the characteristic stream of water that the prey throws out through the gills when breathing, and catches the smell of ammonia (a metabolic product of fish, partially eliminated from their body through respiration), it rushes forward.

Victim attack

Having found the fish, the candiru crawls into the gap directly under operculum and then becomes well attached to the gills of the prey. The catfish does this with the help of spines located on the fins, so much so that it is impossible to get rid of it by any force; even the most powerful stream of water that passes through the gills does not help.

Now the candiru fish begins its meal. With skill, she bites a hole in the tissue of the fish gills, and blood begins to ooze out of it, which the catfish feeds on. This explains another name for candiru - “Brazilian vampire”. The fish eats quickly, the time from the start of food intake to complete saturation ranges from thirty seconds to two minutes. The candiru then detaches from the victim and swims away.

Danger to humans

Something terrible happens when a catfish makes a mistake when choosing an owner. The victim may be a person or another mammal, and then the consequences can be the most serious.

Injuries to humans are very rare, but for the victims the consequences are extremely severe. IN human body The candiru feeds on surrounding tissues and blood, which causes bleeding and severe pain in the victim. If the victim is not given medical assistance in time, a catfish infection can lead to death.

Once in the human body, the candiru (fish) cannot get out of it on its own, since people are not typical hosts for catfish. Often, it is not possible to remove the fish from the human ureters without surgical intervention. This is how the catfish keeps the natives living along the shores of the Amazon at bay.

Indian method

Features of behavior

Zoologists have made different assumptions regarding what exactly attracts catfish to human genitals. The most plausible version is that the candiru is a fish that is extremely sensitive to the smell of urine: it happened that it attacked a person just a few seconds after he urinated in the water.

However, the catfish does not always penetrate the victim. Sometimes, having overtaken the prey, they bite through the skin with their long teeth and begin to suck out the blood. This causes the body of the fish itself to swell and swell. After eating, the catfish sinks to the bottom.

Treatment and consequences

If a person who is struck by a candiru fish does not undergo surgery in time, he may die. In most cases surgical intervention passes without serious consequences. Residents of the Amazon coast traditionally use traditional treatment. They inject the juices of two plants, in particular, genips, into the place where the catfish attaches. As a result of this, the candiru dies and then decomposes.


So now you know that the most terrible vertebrate in tropical rivers South America is a small fish, the candiru. It does not occur in Russia. If a person commits troubled waters Amazons process of urination, the catfish feels the characteristic flow of water, as well as the smell of ammonia contained in human urine. The fish mistakes it for the gills and makes a fatal mistake, penetrating the human body.

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