The best tank in the world level 10

Before starting the game, each player faces a painful choice: which tank is better to choose? Yes, the choice is not easy, because your victory directly depends on it. To win you have to choose good tank. But how to choose it and which tank is the best in the game? Which tank will lead you to victory?

The player is presented with a huge arsenal of military equipment, from which you must find the most suitable one. Tanks vary in size, power, and type, so it’s not so easy to compare them with each other. As they say: “As many people as there are, so many opinions,” so the tank that is the best for one person will not be anything special for another. We will not argue with you; it is, of course, up to you to decide. But still…

Still, we want to introduce you to our Top 10 rating the best tanks World of Tanks. Even though it is difficult for us to compare tanks with each other, because sometimes they are completely different from each other, but still, our rating will be very useful for someone. If you still can’t make a choice in favor of one tank or another, then perhaps you will listen to our advice and make the right one right choice, which will bring you the cherished victory in a tank battle.

10. FV215b (183)

Crown British artillery is deadly weapon in the hands of a skilled player, because 1750 damage from one shell will be enough to destroy any level 9 tank. But the greatest efficiency is achieved exclusively when using gold shells, so people who do not have a couple of farm tanks in their hangar should not recommend this unit.


Artillery is also in ninth place in the World of Tanks ranking of the best tanks, but it is made in France. Distinctive features from classmates are high accuracy and speed of aiming, as well as a drum for 4 shells. However, it is worth remembering that when playing the Art Sau, you should constantly change your own deployment so as not to become an easy prey for your opponent, but, fortunately, maneuverability and a powerful engine allow you to do this.


The best of the Soviet medium tanks in the game allows you to use tactics similar to the tactics of tank battles of the Great Patriotic War. Thanks to your speed and flexibility, you can attack your opponent from cover with lightning speed, spin him around and destroy him. But a head-on collision or stopping for even a couple of seconds will be fatal for you - the tank is extremely poorly armored.

7. KV-1

We placed the best Tier 5 heavy on the seventh line of the ranking of the best WoT tanks because of his ability to literally execute his classmates, most of whom are simply unable to penetrate him. If we talk about vehicles of lower levels, he clicks them like seeds, moreover, he is able to defeat even tanks of levels 6-7, but only with a high-quality position and the support of his allies.


One of the best anti-tank self-propelled guns in the game. Many consider it unbalanced and constantly demand a deterioration in its characteristics. There is some rationalism in this thought, because inflicting 750 damage per shot, it remains practically invisible, but it is worth remembering that the maneuverability of this unit is practically zero - considering that even a heavy tank can spin it, comments are unnecessary. It is also worth noting the weak armor of the sides and roof, but the frontal sheet is not only extremely dense, but also provides a large number of ricochets.


Perhaps every player was “ignited” after this unit appeared literally out of nowhere, and then destroyed your tank in just a few shots. Yes, a car from the list of the most powerful tanks World of Tanks can cause a lot of trouble, because it is a tank destroyer, which has a rotating turret and excellent maneuverability, which allows it to change its deployment point with lightning speed. Artillery has no chance at all against it, even being at the bottom of the list, the “kitty” creates significant problems for its opponents, playing in the style of a light tank with a high-explosive weapon.


We sincerely wanted to avoid metaphors, but it’s impossible to describe this vehicle in any other way: imagine a mixture of a racing car with a turret equipped with a powerful weapon with six charges in the drum, capable of turning any combat unit into ashes (level 10 tanks are no exception). However, a tank tank acquires this appearance only in skillful hands, because it cannot be hidden in the bushes due to its impressive size, and even a third-tier tank can inflict critical damage on it.


The vehicle, equipped with a drum, was able to climb so high in the ranking - the fastest and most powerful tanks in World of Tanks - only thanks to its own magic tower. Despite the extremely weak armor, shells from enemy vehicles fly off from it like a tennis ball from a wall, only scratching the lining. And add to this a rotating turret, 4 shells that deal a total of 1600 damage, fast aiming, and you obviously don’t want to have such a unit among your opponents.


We declare with confidence that the frontal armor of this tank is almost impossible to penetrate, and in response it fires you 3 shots of 750 damage each from its drum, after which it calmly rolls back into cover, joyfully watching the burnt out hull of your tank. Even inexperienced players can achieve significant success with this unit, but it is worth keeping a distance of 200-300 meters so that attackers cannot target the thin hatch above the gun.

1. KV-1S

In addition to high-quality characteristics and a convenient gaming style, this machine receives gold in the rating and the title - most best tank World of Tanks also because it is extremely fun to drive. Judge for yourself: rational angles of inclination allow you to reflect most projectiles, an excellent engine provides the ability to quickly move around the battlefield, always ending up in the right place, a gun that destroys almost any tank below the sixth level with one shot - is anything else needed for a comfortable game?

The fastest and most powerful tank in World of Tanks | Video

As you know, light tanks of level 10 have appeared in the world of tanks. What exactly will the new “fireflies” be like? What characteristics will LT 10 have? Which tank will be the most powerful and which will be the fastest? Which combat vehicle is the most armored and which is the strongest? We will try to answer all these questions right now. We present to your attention the final tactical and technical characteristics of all tier 10 tanks presented in World of Tanks.

We have diluted the dry performance characteristics numbers for you with a fair amount of analytics. Using our advice, you will be able to choose the right tactics from the first minutes of battle on a new tank and get the most out of it. light tank. In addition, in connection with the introduction of light tanks, changes occurred in the development trees of all nations of the World of Tanks, which were added. See the table of changes to development trees at the very end.

TTX LT 10 in World of Tanks

1. Performance characteristics German light tank level 10 Rheinmetall Panzerwagen

As you noticed from the table with characteristics, the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen light tank has a number of features and advantages. The sloping frontal and side armor allows the tank to deflect projectiles while maneuvering at full speed. Moving towards the enemy at an armor angle of 45 degrees will allow you to easily deflect most of the projectiles. High aiming time makes it possible to conduct targeted fire from the tank Rheinmetall Panzerwagen quickly changing goals. The turret's traverse speed significantly increases the capabilities of this combat vehicle in close combat, especially against such classes of vehicles as tank destroyers and self-propelled guns. This tank is the most powerful in the LT 10 line, due to which the Rheinmetal Panzerwagen has the best speed of 75 km/h.

2. Performance characteristics of the Soviet light tank level 10 T-100 LT

As can be seen from the data on the characteristics of the T-100 LT tank presented in the screenshot, the communication range of the Soviet light tank is the best among all new tier 10 products in World of Tanks. It is also worth noting the impressive thickness of the armor of both the hull and the turret, which gives the Soviet combat vehicle T-100 LT the best indicator of survival in battle. With such protection, 1500 units of strength will seem to opponents an insurmountable obstacle to destroying this firefly. The tank's turret is significantly lowered and getting into it will not be an easy task. This gives the tank a high stealth rating.

3. Characteristics of the American light tank tier 10 XM551 Sheridan

One-time damage from a basic projectile is terrifying in its power. In one shot, the American light tank XM551 Sheridan can easily, if not destroy, then remove at least half the damage points from any low-armored tank. As you understand, there is a price to pay for such a powerful gun. At the tank XM551 Sheridan the weakest armor among all tanks not only at level 10, but even at levels 9, 8 and 7! It would not be a stretch to call this tank the weakest link of the armor team. Feature: any large-caliber HE shell for this tank is one-shot. For self-propelled guns, the Sheridan tank will be an easy target. Only long-range or mid-range combat tactics are suitable for him in the second half of the battle. Low penetration of the projectile practically reduces the chances of penetrating armor to zero armor-piercing projectile. The best option using the XM551 Sheridan tank in WOT will be fragmentation shooting high explosive shells.

4. Tactical and technical characteristics of LT level 10 of the French tank AMX 13 105

As for the French light tank AMX 13 105, this is the only combat vehicle of this class at level 10 with a loading drum. The drum charges just 3 projectiles in over 30 seconds. The time between shots is 2.73 seconds, which, with the sight fully retracted in 2.21 seconds, makes it possible to discharge a drum of shells in 8.19 seconds with a maximum efficiency of 878-1464 damage. An impressive indicator, you will agree. Good level 10 firefly AMX 13 105 certainly replaced those so beloved by players in World of Tanks French light tanks.

5. Performance characteristics of the Chinese light tank level 10 WZ-132-1

Now let’s look at the characteristics of the Chinese light tank WZ-132-1, which has the best average damage per minute among Tier 10 tanks. In the right hands, this fighting machine is capable of delivering a fantastic 2712 points of damage. The maximum bar for classmates WZ-132-1 also sets the characteristics of armor penetration. The Chinese top-of-the-line firefly projectile easily responds to armor up to 308 mm thick. The Chinese LT 10 is perfect for sabotage on enemy territory. Also, the VZ-132-1 will cope well with the task of conducting targeted fire from a gun while covering the hull and only looking out from cover with the turret.

Tree changes table Development World of Tanks in connection with the introduction of level 10 tanks into the game.

As you can see from the development tree table, many light tanks will change their places.

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Now we will try to figure out what the tenth level medium tanks are, we will find

Now we will try to figure out what the tenth level medium tanks are, and we will find the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

121(10th place)

And let’s immediately note the pros and cons of this tank

+A strong turret that often saves you from the largest guns
+Quite good hull armor for a medium tank of its tier
+The largest alpha of 440 units among all St-10s
+ Quite a good top speed of 56 km/h
+Good DPM
+Main AP shells, hence less loss of penetration with distance compared to sub-caliber ones, and greater normalization

-Weak dynamics of the tank as a whole
-Disgusting gun depression angles
-Location of tanks in the forehead of the hull
-Vulnerable turret hatches and poor roof armor
-Like many Soviet STs, the ammunition compartment is located on the sides of the hull, which is why it is often damaged

The tank is clearly not for everyone, on the battlefield it is better to ride it in a group with heavy tanks, because we have disgusting gun depression angles, but during a firefight with heavy tanks we feel comfortable, according to the DPM it exchanges extremely well.

FV4202(9th place)

+Excellent accurate penetrating weapon

+A kind of ricochet turret, often holding back shells from the largest guns
+Good dynamics tank
+Good penetration with high-explosive shells for gold (hello full damage to cardboard bats, etc.)

+Excellent VLD armor
+Sometimes side screens save you from landmines

-Lack of normal cumulative projectiles with good penetration
-Extremely low top speed
-Several vulnerable areas on the tower
-Poor armor on the sides and rear of the tank, often taking full damage from artillery
-Extremely frequent burning of the tank when it hits the engine

We have an extremely specific tank, whose fans still need to be found. In battle, it is extremely necessary to play on hilly terrain from a more or less “strong tower”; you can also play from the second line as a sniper, thanks to an accurate weapon.

M48A1 Patton (8th place)

+Best review at a level of 420 meters
+Good stabilization in motion
+Excellent elevation angles
+Good dynamics
+Turn around on the spot
+Pretty good armor for the front of the hull and turret

-The tank is simply huge (the same T110E5, only ST)
-Due to its large size, it is a favorite of artillery
-Low top speed
-Huge commander tower (hence the chance to play from the tower is almost reduced to nothing)
-Extremely long repair

The tank is extremely difficult to master, the advantages of which are quite problematic to realize. It seems to have the best visibility among all ST-10s, but due to its size, other STs often show us first. Thanks to good angles, we try to play from the hills, but at the same time we take into account the huge “cap” in the form of a commander’s turret, which will not be difficult to get into

Leopard 1(7th place)

+Excellent accurate, penetrating weapon
+Good review at 410 meters
+Excellent maximum speed and overall dynamics
+Good vertical aiming angles
+Good maneuverability on any terrain

-There is almost no armor anywhere, it can easily be penetrated by any tanks with which he gets into battle
- Quite large in size, making us an even more tempting target for artillery than Bath
-Again, any hit from artillery - almost always only caterpillars can save the full damage

Leopard Tank is clearly not for beginners, this tank requires good hands and skills to realize its advantages. This tank does not forgive mistakes. Typically used for the second line, where he can distribute well thanks to his accurate weapon. Also, at any time you can change flank or run away from superior enemy forces.

Object 430 (6th place)

+Excellent damage per minute
+Extremely low silhouette
+Good strong tower
+Good dynamics and maneuverability
+Good, rebound body
+Due to the low silhouette, one of the best camouflage indicators among all ST-10s

-Extremely fire hazardous tank, filled with tanks
-Low one-time damage
-Poor stabilization
-Extremely long aiming of the gun

The tank does not seem to differ much from object 140 and 62, but the tank is very uncomfortable to use. Here you won’t be able to distribute while moving like on 140, and for an accurate shot you will still need to converge. However, there is even more damage per minute than its twin brothers 140 and 62, which is a good plus. On the battlefield it is used in close combat, due to the rapid-fire gun we can keep almost any tank on the track, we feel good when playing from the turret, but the air defense is often not enough. It’s also worth noting that if you get used to a TT-10 from the side, it won’t be able to do anything to you, the tank is extremely low, and you shoot at it thanks to your damage per minute.

So, we come to 5th place, there are simply excellent tanks here, each can be safely put in 1st place, the places given to them may differ from the opinions of others, they all have their own unique advantages.

E50 Ausf. M(5th place)

Here it is, the pride of German engineering

+Excellent precision weapon
+Best penetration among all ST-10s at 270 units
+Good top speed of 60 km/h
+The tank was simply created for ramming, (a ramming master is extremely necessary) 62 tons flying at full speed in Bath often become fatal for him. I always advise using a ram against other ST, PT, and often TT, many weigh less than us.
+Excellent armoring of the hull's VLD, frequent failure to penetrate even from PT-10
+The largest safety margin of 2050 units, almost like the AMX 50B heavy tank

-The tank is huge, like a royal tiger
-The tank is tall, hence more frequent artillery hits on us
-Not the most outstanding PDM
-It only flies at 60 km/h when it accelerates well, so we travel 45–55 km/h
-Ordinary turret armor, you don’t have much hope for it

The E50 M is extremely good, but the tank is mainly used to support allied tanks from the second line, with our most accurate and penetrating gun we often hit the smallest pixels. It’s stupid to shoot 1 on 1 with other CTs; almost everyone’s damage per minute is better than ours. The same in any suitable situation use a ram, especially against other st. Also, you shouldn’t rely too much on a strong VLD; at close range we have a huge NLD open, which is sewn with a bang

STB-1(4th place)

One of the favorite tanks of skilled players

+Excellent rebound tower
+Excellent gun declination angles
+One of the best damage per minute among ST-10
+Low silhouette

-Weak hull armor, sometimes you can even penetrate it with land mines
-Disgusting gun stabilization
-It often flies into the gun causing damage and damage.
-Artillery almost always hits with full damage
-Weak penetration basic projectile

STB-1 is extremely interesting tank, requiring skill to bend anything and everything. On the battlefield, we always play from our ricochet tower, we try to deceive the enemy with it. Also, don’t forget about one of the highest damage per minute, we can confidently re-throw almost any ST-10. We also don’t forget about the flimsy hull during frontal firefights with other tanks and about artillery

T-62A (3rd place)

The T-62 is an extremely easy to learn tank, recommended to anyone who has decided to upgrade their first ST-10

+Excellent damage per minute
+Excellent tower armor, we can safely take damage
+Best chassis turning at the level
+Extremely fast turret rotation
+Good weapon with good stabilization
+Low silhouette, hence good stealth
+Turn around on the spot

-Low one-time damage
-Tanks in the forehead of the body
-Weak maximum speed and low power density
-Weak vertical aiming angles
-Mediocre frontal armor

The T-62A is definitely one of the best ST-10s in the game. This tank is extremely versatile and can perform almost any task on the battlefield. In battle, we try to play from our “cast iron tower”, trying to dismantle everyone according to DPM, trying not to exchange shot for shot, otherwise we are in the minus due to our low alpha. It's often worth rushing in and dealing to everyone, especially effective when playing in a platoon

Object 140 (2nd place)

Why is 140 higher than T-62A on the list? The author just likes 140 better, otherwise they are almost the same

+Good damage per minute
+The best stabilization in motion among all ST-10s, you just drive and the circle almost doesn’t increase, it distributes from the turntable as it should
+Good dynamics and maneuverability
+Good vertical aiming angles, it seems to be 1 degree more than 62, but sometimes it feels
+Good speed turret rotation
+Good armor towers
+Good top speed
+Low silhouette

-Low one-time damage
-Vulnerable turret hatches and poor turret roof armor
-Again, there are tanks in the front of the hull, they burn very often, automatic fire extinguishers are required
-There is also a BC in the forehead of the hull, so we are not surprised by constant damage to the forehead of the hull

140 is almost the twin brother of the T-62, the principle of application is the same
We try to protect our forehead, which is stuffed with tanks and ammunition, and play against good UVNs and a strong tower. It is also not advisable to enter into a clinch with other tanks, they will punch into the roof

Bat. Chatillon 25t (1 place)

The most unusual and amazing ST level 10

+The fastest ST-10, not even an ST, is more reminiscent of an LT
+Drum for almost 2000 damage, almost any ST-10 goes behind the drum at medium alpha
+The tank has almost no armor, if they hit us with cumulative shells, it’s better for us
+Good armor angles, sometimes even ricochets occur
+Turn around on the spot

-No armor, any hit from art is 90% full damage
-Extremely small ammunition load of 30 shells, you need to use it wisely, there can be no talk of any landmines in the BC for waffles
-Weak gun stabilization, high dispersion
-The smallest mass of the tank is clear from the name 25 tons, so avoid rams like fire
-Weak vertical aiming angles
-Big chance damage to crew and modules
-Small safety margin of 1800 units

Bat is a very good tank with extremely unique battle tactics. On the battlefield, due to our poor accuracy, we try to fly into the stern of the tanks, land a drum in exchange for their shot, and run away to change the drum, so that speed allows. It is also very useful to exchange fire at close range with other CTs, almost 90% of them will go into the hangar from the drum, with each penetration. Also, don’t forget about the art, we are a tasty morsel for her. And despite its disadvantages, Bath is one of the best ST-10 level, but the amount of drive that you get when playing on it cannot be compared with other STs. Also a very good bunch of 2 baht and any ST-10, or 3 baht, they just tear everything apart
So, the choice is yours, based on your preferences.

Any rating that experienced players make when trying to determine the best tier 10 tank is subjective. And all because everyone has different tastes. While some prefer to push through enemy defenses on heavyweights, others sit on anti-tank self-propelled guns, enjoying excellent visibility and rate of fire. However, beginners are quite concerned about this issue. The choice of game branch and the efforts spent on its development depend on which level 10 tank is better. After all, as a result, you want to get reliable and comfortable equipment that is a pleasure to play.

Therefore, we will simply name the most popular vehicles, each of which deserves to be included in the top 10 tanks in World of Tanks. But how exactly the places within this ranking will be distributed, everyone can decide for themselves.

Best Tier 10 Heavy Tanks


When choosing the best lvl 10 tank, one cannot help but mention the legendary IS-7, which the vast majority of players have pumped out. WITH latest update it acquired many new advantages. This Soviet heavy weapon has almost impenetrable armor, which is reinforced with screens. The vehicle is quite versatile and is suitable for solving a variety of combat missions. You can easily break through the enemy or hold him back in battle at medium or short range. Due to the fast dynamics, you can easily dodge enemy hits and find yourself in advantageous positions faster than others. Many players believe that the IS-7 is the best contender for the title of leader not only in the top 10 heavy tanks, but also among all tier 10 tanks in the top.


Another contender for the title of best heavy tank of tier 10, only of the American branch. Excellent hull and turret armor, excellent dynamics, convenient aiming angles and quite a good viewing angle for this type of equipment. This is perhaps the best contender to compete with the IS-7, since their confrontation on the battlefield always looks quite epic. If these two machines meet, the outcome of the battle will be determined by the experience of the players and their ability to navigate the situation. An excellent choice if you want to get equipment from the top 10 into your hangar tanks world of Tank.


This versatile Japanese vehicle has excellent one-time damage with its top gun. The hull armor is excellent, but there are weak points, which the enemy takes advantage of when faced with this vehicle on the battlefield. The device is quite cumbersome, but some consider it a worthy contender for the “Top 10” list. WOT tanks 2017".


A heavy Chinese vehicle with the dynamics of a medium tank. This mobility allows him to dodge enemy hits. The vehicle attracts players with its balanced weapons and impenetrable turret armor. This vehicle is consistently included in the list of 10 best WOT tanks.

Best Tier 10 Medium Tanks


Accurate gun, excellent turret armor, high turret traverse speed, excellent cross-country ability and low silhouette - these are the main advantages of the vehicle, which make it a constant contender for leadership in the top 10 tier 10 tanks in WOT. The machine is universal and quite suitable for frontal clinch and aggressive play. But due to the low one-time damage, many players prefer to play on more penetrating machines.

Bat.-Chatillon 25t.

Dynamic, high-speed, accurate, equipped with a loading drum - you can shoot and hit the enemy even on the move. But we don’t recommend staying in place for a long time. Only if you are confident in your cover. the main problem What prevents Bat.-Chat from topping the list of the top 10 best tanks in World of Tanks is its weak hull armor. Therefore, play as support, but don’t get into trouble. Especially if the opponents include heavy equipment and tank destroyers.

E50 Ausf. M

Definitely one of the best lvl 10 medium tanks. High-speed (up to 60 km/h), with a well-armored forehead, with a penetration of 270 mm. It may well go for a breakthrough in a place with other medium and heavy equipment. The main thing for which it can be called the best tier 10 tank in WOT is its gun. It is one of the most accurate in the entire game, allowing you to hit your opponents without much effort. And among all the tens-ST, it has the largest margin of safety. But due to its large dimensions, it is easy to snag a shell from the enemy. So you have to play dynamically and carefully.

WOT top 10 tanks among tank destroyers

Grille 15

Another contender for the title of the best level 10 tank in World from Tank. The vehicle received such a high status thanks to its excellent accuracy, excellent DPM and fast aiming of the gun. In addition, it is very dynamic, which greatly attracts aggressive players who do not like to stand still and take a wait-and-see attitude. Almost complete absence booking forces the player to act as actively as possible, otherwise he can quickly become a target for the enemy.

FV 4005 Stage ll

This Briton has a powerful weapon that is terrifying to his opponents. At the same time, it has good mobility and comfortable horizontal aiming angles. A worthy contender to enter the top of the best tier 10 tanks. However, the vehicle has no armor at all and many weak points that will not allow it to become the best Tier 10 tank destroyer.

FV217 Badger

The Badger's main pride is its accurate weapon, which, coupled with excellent armor penetration, makes it a real death machine on the battlefield. The UVNs are quite comfortable, and the one-time damage is 480 units. And if we remember the excellent DPM, then we will get an exact answer to the question of which level 10 tank destroyer is better. The FV217 Badger is well worthy of this title.

Light tanks

T-100 LT

Perhaps this is the only contender for the title of the best tier 10 light tank. It attracts with its excellent turret armor, fast gun alignment and excellent camouflage. Thanks to its low silhouette, the car easily hides from the watchful eyes of the enemy and becomes almost invisible.

We have named the main contenders worthy of getting into the top 10 lvl WOT. But how the places within this rating will be distributed will be determined by each player for himself. Much depends on the player's experience and playing style. In any case, all the best World of Tanks tier 10 tanks deserve your attention, as they will be fun to play.

IN game World of Tanks the most important thing is tanks. Here are presented real-life combat vehicles, each of which has its own unique history. This is partly why this game is so popular in the world. Every player finds a good tank for himself in World of Tanks and calls it ideal. But in this review we will look at the most attractive cars that are fun to play and fight for the victory of your team.

It is quite difficult to select the 10 best World of Tanks tanks. After all, each car is good in its own way. Some tanks will be very fast, some will be powerful, and some will combine both high speed and power. And what criteria are used to determine the efficiency of the unit? However, each level has its own most successful combat vehicles, which we will try to highlight.

Let us immediately note that we will begin our review of good tanks in World of Tanks right from the fifth level, since below this level frivolous combat vehicles are used. They can hardly be called effective and interesting. IN WOT game Serious battles begin at level five and above.

Level 5

To summarize, the best tanks in World of Tanks level 5 in total 3. The first of these is the Soviet KV-1 unit. It's quite famous soviet car which had big success on the battlefields against fascist Germany. This tank has a solid historical component, powerful all-round armor and versatile weapons. All this gave the tank a serious reputation in the game. Almost every older generation gamer considers it their duty to buy this tank and upgrade it to the maximum.

The second best tank in World of Tanks 2017 is also the Soviet T-34. She also has rich story. It is believed that the T-34 combat vehicles changed the course of the war. In the game, this tank is valued for its high maneuverability, as well as for its 57 mm ZiS-4 gun, which easily penetrates armor but causes little damage. In the WOT game there are two popular development branches for medium and heavy tanks. At the fifth level, gamers have the opportunity to purchase similar combat vehicles.

There is also a cool one, but it’s quite difficult to get. In the game, users call it an “imba,” that is, a machine that is out of balance. Has all-round armor. It can barely be penetrated by a level 5 cannon. Even “sixes” often cannot damage the armor of the KV-220 tank.

Level 5 Bonus

A bonus at the fifth level is the T67 combat vehicle - this is an American anti-tank self-propelled gun with high speed of movement, stealth, low silhouette, and most importantly, high armor penetration. The unit easily destroys tanks of its level with one shot.

Level 6

At the sixth level, the best tanks in World of Tanks are represented by one Soviet and two British combat vehicles. It’s worth starting with the legendary T-34-85, monuments to which are in many Russian cities.

T-34-85 is a medium tank of the USSR, which has maneuverability and a good tool, capable of penetrating strong armor. High accuracy, rate of fire, maneuverability make the unit popular. His demand is also explained by his rich combat history, but this does not play a role in his fighting qualities, which are at their best. With the right tactics, positioning, and ammo, many experienced players have won victories in this Tier 6 tank against more powerful Tier 8 tanks.

The second good tank in World of Tanks at level 6 is the English Cromwell. The car is good for extras. Unlike the Soviet T-34-85, the British Cromwell has no armor at all, which is why the vehicle has enormous speed and a high-speed gun. All this gives a significant advantage to the player who, without any problems, “shines” enemy tanks for his team.

The third tank of the level is the Sherman Firefly. This combat vehicle has a cool OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII, which allows you to effectively fight even against older tanks of the 8th level.

Level 6 Bonus

The bonus at this level is the Soviet KV-2 tank with very powerful armor and an M-10 152 mm cannon. This vehicle is capable of fighting even with level 10 units, not to mention combat vehicles of its own level. However, getting this tank is quite difficult. Therefore, it is extremely rare in the game, which cannot be said about the T-34-85. This is one of the most popular models, which is in the arsenal of almost every player.

Level 7

According to many gamers, the seventh level of the game is the most balanced. Consequently, it is difficult to single out equipment that would have significant advantages over other combat vehicles.

The first good tank in World of Tanks at level seven is the IS or IS-2. Both cars are almost identical to each other. Therefore, we will add them to this list. IS is one of the most popular tanks in the game, is quite famous due to its powerful cannon, mobility and armored turret. If such a seventh level tank gets into battle with equal vehicles and tanks of more than low level, then the allied team has it easy - the IS always goes straight into battle. And often this ends well. If the IS gets into battle with tanks for more than high level, then shooting from cover - good tactics, which also brings results.

The second unit is the Tiger I. This German heavy tank took part in World War II. It also has a rich history, and in-game its execution is simply stunning. The vehicle has 1500 hit points and is equipped with a Kw.K gun. 43 L/71. Playing on such a tank is pleasant and fun. But if a vehicle gets into battle with tanks of a higher level, then tactics need to be developed as for anti-tank artillery.

The third best vehicle is the T29 heavy tank with powerful armor that sometimes even level 9 vehicles cannot penetrate. Of course it has its advantages, but weak sides are also present. A good balance between armor, mobility and damage makes this vehicle almost universal and convenient for use on the battlefield, which explains the popularity of the tank.

Premium tank level 7

At level 7, the best premium tank in World of Tanks is the so-called “Gatling gun”, or “flea” - this is the German E-25 anti-tank self-propelled gun. It's a very small car and hard to get into. It causes a lot of problems for clumsy and “blind” machines like Soviet tanks TT. The E-25 does little damage. However, the rate of fire and accuracy infuriate opponents who fall under the gun of this “flea.” Unfortunately, this car has become so popular that it is no longer even on sale. However, there are no fewer of them on the battlefield, because those players who managed to buy it or win it for completing tasks actively use it to “farm” money.

The seventh level is so rich in cool tanks that the following vehicles are worth highlighting separately:

  1. T-34-1.
  2. Spähpanzer SP I C.
  3. LTTB.
  4. M41 Walker Bulldog.

All these models should also be on this list.

Level 8

At this level, there are already quite serious tanks that take part in company battles, global maps, and fortified areas.

In World of Tanks is the best Tier 8 tank is IS-3. This vehicle is ideal for all of the above battle modes due to its frontal armor on the turret and hull, high-quality gun, low silhouette and mobility. All this makes such a tank successful on the battlefield.

In second place is the FCM 50t - a very difficult machine to play on which beginners will constantly lose. It's slow and big tank without armor, which is easy to destroy. However, experienced players set records with this tank again and again. As an analogue we can offer AMX Chasseur de chars. This car has even weaker armor. However, the camouflage factor of this tank is high, making it difficult to detect. The model also has a very high speed, which is guaranteed by the Maybach HL 295 F engine with a power of 1200 Horse power. Among the best medium tanks in World of Tanks, the AMX Chasseur de chars deserves attention first of all. You just need to know how to play it, and such a machine cannot be recommended for combat to a beginner.

The AMX 50100 is the next best Tier 8 tank and is often found in company battles and fortified areas. Such a combat vehicle is capable of destroying any tank of its class in 1-2 shots and quickly “escaping” from the scene of the crime. This is exactly how most players try to use the machine. The biggest drawback of the tank is its long reload time, lasting 50 seconds. During this time, the tank is “meat” for the enemy. Second weakness- lack of armor. However, this is typical for many French cars.

Level 8 Bonus

Bonus tanks of the eighth level are the British-made Charioteer tank destroyer and the Japanese medium tank STA 1. These are hidden combat vehicles that are perfectly camouflaged. Therefore, it is appropriate to use them as support for allied tanks that are fighting on the main battlefield.

Level 9

The improved tank VK 45.02 (P) Ausf is an imba (that is, an unbalanced vehicle), which, with its new durable armor, represents one of the best tanks at later levels. The technique perfectly holds back the enemy’s onslaught and can be at the forefront of the attack. However, it is important for her not to “shine.” After all, the sides of the tank are very weak, and a shell hit from the side will be fraught with bad consequences. But mobility partly solves this problem.

The second model is the German medium tank E 50. This universal machine, which can suddenly open up in an unexpected area of ​​the map, coming from behind the enemy’s rear. It can also be used as a heavy tank for frontal attack. Thanks to high mobility and a powerful, accurate gun, playing the “epis” (as this model is called by players) is a lot of fun. This machine gives the player many options for fighting, and he himself decides which tactics to choose. This opens up great opportunities for an experienced gamer, but even a beginner will find it quite pleasant to drive this tank. However, if a player has reached level 9, then he can hardly be called a beginner.

M103 is the third best heavy tank of tier 9. This American example has high armor at the front, which can withstand hits from large calibers. Therefore, it is appropriate to use it in battle as the main penetrating force. And if the map allows, then due to its good mobility the tank allows you to play “cat and mouse” with enemies.

Level 9 Bonus

The bonus vehicle at level 9 is the Soviet medium tank T-54. The developers deteriorated this vehicle several times, reducing the thickness of the hull armor. However, this tank is still very popular and a worthy contender for the title of best. High speed, low silhouette and mobility - these are the advantages of the car.

Level 10

At the last, 10th, level there are the best tanks, which are to some extent the result of the technical development of each nation. All cars of this level have their own “chips” and have good characteristics. Naturally, there are even imbats such as ART-SAU, PT 10 and Waffenträger auf which must be replaced.

Overall, the best tank World of Tanks level 10 is almost impossible to select. After all, we are always talking about extremes. There are huge “cast iron walls” that are difficult to break through, there are powerful drum heavy vehicles, as well as diverse medium tanks. Consequently, the player will have to make a choice and determine for himself which tank is better in World of Tanks. After all, the excellent balancing of the game does not allow us to identify the best car, which would be superior to others in all (or at least half) of the parameters. Therefore, among the “dozens” it is impossible to single out just one tank.


Each player determines the best combat vehicle for yourself to the best of your abilities and playing style. Some people like to butt heads heavy tanks, while others prefer to quickly move around the map in order to find targets for their team. The developers very carefully worked out the characteristics of all combat vehicles in the game and eliminated situations where most players choose the same unit, forgetting about the others.

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