The most powerful predator in the ocean. Sharks are formidable predators of the seas and oceans. Goliath tiger fish

Which predatory animals are the largest and most dangerous? Most people probably think of lions and tigers first, but these predators are just babies compared to the really big predators that live on our planet. So, in this post - about the largest and most dangerous predatory animals.

First of all, it is worth dividing predators by habitat. It is clear that marine predators living in water can grow larger than their land-based competitors. But it is impossible to make a clear division here. For example, sharks can attack not only the inhabitants of the sea, but also such completely land animals as deer, horses and bears. On the other hand, many terrestrial predators hunt sea creatures. Finally, there are many predators that lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle; they can be found both at sea and on land.

The largest sea predators

The record holder among marine predators and generally the largest predator in the world is the sperm whale. Sperm whales are huge marine mammals from the order Cetacea. Modern sperm whales reach 20 m in length and weigh up to 50 tons.

The sperm whale is the largest predator on Earth

Sperm whales live in all areas of the world's oceans and feed mainly on fish and cephalopods. Despite the fact that sperm whales breathe air, they can dive to a depth of 3 km, remaining under water for up to an hour and a half.

How dangerous are sperm whales? The sperm whale is the only predator that can swallow a person whole without even chewing. Nevertheless, sperm whales are not the first to attack people; a scuba diver can swim next to a huge sperm whale without fear. Unfortunately, man himself, as soon as he mastered navigation, began to exterminate sea ​​creatures, taking up hunting, including sperm whales. And the sperm whales showed the whalers that they were by no means helpless victims. They themselves responded by attacking whaling ships, ramming and even sinking them. Even for modern sea vessels, sperm whales are dangerous.

Another big, smart and efficient one sea ​​predator from the order of cetaceans - killer whale. Killer whales are not dangerous to people and do not attack them, but many marine inhabitants are not given a single chance.

Killer whales reach a length of 10 m and can weigh up to 8 tons. They live throughout the world's oceans and mainly hunt fish and seals. Killer whales often hunt in packs; they surround and drive victims, pressing them to the shore or surface of the water. You can understand how dangerous killer whales are from the fact that they even attack large whales and sharks.

The most dangerous and largest predatory fish, of course, White shark . Great white sharks reach a length of 6 m and a weight of about 2 tons. The white shark is a dangerous and aggressive predator; it often attacks everything that moves, testing buoys, boards and other floating objects. Dozens of swimmers and surfers have been attacked by white sharks.

Over hundreds of millions of years of evolution, these dangerous predators developed many unique devices. For example, sharks have a unique sense of smell, smelling blood from kilometers away, feeling the slightest temperature changes and even electromagnetic fields. Sharks are not at risk of caries - in addition to the fact that their teeth (of which there are about 300) are very strong, they grow and are renewed throughout their lives.

The largest semi-aquatic predators

There are many animals that can stay for a long time both on land and in the sea. Among them there are also large predators, the largest of which are southern elephant seals . The southern elephant seal lives in the seas southern hemisphere, mainly in Antarctica.

Southern elephant seals reach a length of 6 m and weigh up to 5 tons. They hunt mainly for marine life, feeding on fish and squid. Despite their size, these predators are usually not dangerous to people.

Another thing - saltwater crocodiles. Saltwater crocodile, also known as saltwater crocodile, this is the world's largest species of crocodile and a very dangerous and aggressive predator.

These crocodiles can reach a length of 7 m and weigh up to 2 tons. They are able to spend a lot of time at sea, swimming thousands of kilometers. Saltwater crocodiles hunt both land and sea animals, without being very picky. They even attack sharks and elephants.

How dangerous saltwater crocodiles are can be judged by an episode that occurred in February 1945. At this time, the British were trying to capture a Japanese base on an island off the coast of Burma. But to defend the island, the Japanese deployed a detachment of 1215 selected soldiers. Then the English suggested luring the Japanese detachment into the mangrove swamps where saltwater crocodiles lived. The plan worked brilliantly - the crocodiles attacked the Japanese who carelessly entered the swamp, and almost the entire detachment was soon exterminated. Only 20 soldiers managed to escape.

The largest land predators

Of the predators living on land, the largest are bears. The biggest of all bears - polar bear , living in the Arctic.

Polar bears reach a length of 3 m and a weight of up to 1000 kg. These predators mainly hunt seals and fish. Polar bears pose a moderate danger to people, although they are not usually the first to attack.

The most close-up view brown bearskodiak- lives in Alaska and is almost as big as a polar bear.

These bears are omnivores, feeding on both plant and animal foods, especially preferring fish that are caught in rivers during the spawning period.

Large predators, of course, sometimes attack people, but they are by no means the most dangerous among animals. Rather, the largest predators themselves need protection from humans today. The most terrible and dangerous animal that you really need to be afraid of actually looks different. Here it is:

Malaria mosquito is only about 6 mm in size and weighs approximately 2 milligrams. But these dangerous insects kill many times more people than all the sharks, crocodiles and others large predators, taken together. WHO estimates that these mosquitoes infect more than 300 million people with malaria every year, and more than a million of them die.

Barracuda / Photo: wikimedia

Barracuda is a top model tropical oceans: long, up to two meters, thin and graceful. Who would have thought that this beauty is just a killing machine. Barracudas hunt in schools, reach speeds of up to 45 km/h and are absolutely not afraid of anyone. Their teeth are miniature shark jaws.

A barracuda can easily attack a person, but not out of malice: in muddy water or in dark time for days she mistakes our arms and legs for fish that can be eaten. She is also attracted to shiny objects - watches, knives, tools. Remember, barracuda is the top of its food chain, with a hunting experience of 50 million years. If you decide to scuba dive in her domain, be polite and careful.

Striped Tang

Cavity surgeon / Photo: wikimedia

The striped tang is very beautiful fish. Small, up to 40 cm in length, it lives in the Quiet and Indian Oceans. The fish has yellow-blue stripes on its sides and a blue belly with an orange fin. When you look at it, your hand reaches out to touch it. You shouldn’t do this: at the tips of the surgeon’s tail there are scalpel-sharp plates, which are also poisonous.

Remember that there are 1,200 species in the ocean poisonous fish, due to which up to 50,000 people suffer every year. However, dangerous fish compensate for the damage caused - they are indispensable in the development of new drugs.

Yellow sea anemone

Yellow sea anemone / Photo: cepolina

Don't pick flowers for your loved one at the bottom of the sea. If only because these are not flowers at all. Sea anemones They look like a hybrid of a tulip and a peon, reaching a meter in diameter. They live in the tropics and subtropics. In their youth, anemones are attached with their “sole” to solid ground and can no longer move. Never mind, they will still get you: the anemones instantly release tentacles that pierce the fish carelessly swimming nearby. A paralyzing neurotoxin renders the victim immobile. All that remains for the anemone is to drag it to its mouth, grab it with its labial tentacles and eat it. The man, of course, is too large to become lunch, but he is guaranteed a painful burn.

Moray eel

Moray eel / Photo: davyjoneslocker

The moray eel is a fearsome underwater snake up to three meters in length, with a rock-hard crest on its back. Lives in tropical and temperate waters. It looks like it has a small mouth, but in fact it is capable of opening its mouth so wide, swallowing its prey, that it simply cannot do this in its cave. Yawning so much that you can’t even fit into your home is a record.

However, the moray eel does not like to leave the cave, so it does something simpler: it has two rows of toothy jaws, and the second row suddenly moves forward to grab the prey that swims past the doors. It's like a horror movie, isn't it? The surrounding fish know that it is better not to swim onto the “staircase” of the eel, so at night he still has to leave the house to hunt.


Toadfish / Photo: wikimedia

It's hard to imagine a creature uglier than a toad fish. Her huge head is flattened, her mouth is stretched to her ears, and her whole body is covered with growths. Only its small size saves us from fainting: up to half a meter in length and no more than three kilograms of live weight. At the same time, the toadfish is very peaceful: it sits quietly on the bottom, blending in color with it for camouflage purposes, and waits for unwary squids and shrimp. Powerful jaws crunch through the shells of crabs and oysters.

The toadfish defends its territory by making a sound similar to a grinding or honking sound and exhibiting poisonous spines. Respect personal space and you will not have problems with her. But as luck would have it, this fish lives in the western part of the Atlantic, including near the “white beaches” of the resort state of Florida. Hundreds of swimmers jump out of the water screaming, having stumbled upon a poisonous thorn, and are sent straight to the hospital.

Great white shark

Great white shark / Photo: Alamy

The white shark needs no introduction. Even those who have never seen the sea know that this fish is a cannibal. Up to six meters in length, it can weigh more than two tons. To her, a person is just a slice of bacon. To bite through that slice, the white shark has 300 teeth, immortalized by Spielberg in the movie Jaws.

Luckily, humans don't seem tasty to the shark. She likes dolphins, seals much more, seals and turtles. When the mood strikes, the white shark feasts on carrion: the carcass of a dead whale is a whole banquet for it. Sometimes she eats other sharks - yes, she is a cannibal not only because she eats people. It is found in all oceans except the Arctic Ocean, but is on the verge of extinction: there are about 3,500 individuals left in the world.

Cone snail

Cone snail / Photo: wikimedia

The small cone snail not only looks harmless - it makes you want to take it home as a souvenir. The correct cone-shaped shape especially attracts attention. An unwary tourist takes the snail in his hand, and the cone, torn out of its usual environment, begins to defend itself. A poisonous thorn is used, which shoots like a dart from a snail's snout. The souvenir comes at a high price: the poison from the cone is deadly to humans, and every third victim does not make it to the hospital.

The cone has an excellent sense of smell - it is able to follow the trail of a victim for hours. Usually the snail preys on shellfish, or small fish, which, of course, are faster than the cone itself, but slower than its harpoon, which can hit a target at a distance of a meter. In times of famine, cone snails eat their own kind without sentimentality - yes, they are also cannibals.

Indonesian pipefish

Indonesian needlefish / Photo: David Doubilet

Everyone knows what a needle fish is: a thin, nimble predator up to 60 cm long, so flexible that it can be tied in a knot. A distinctive feature is the muzzle, elongated in the shape of a needle and full of sharp teeth. Some species of needlefish feel great in the Black Sea and quite friendly avoid divers.

The Indonesian needlefish is also quite peaceful - while it is under water. However, she has a habit of jumping out of the water at Fresh air, where it immediately turns into a throwing dagger, only very angry. This is not to say that the needle does this often. But when she does, for the person who has become her target, it all ends with severe injuries or death. The needle digs into the body, easily biting through the artery. Indonesian fishermen It takes a lot of courage to go out fishing at night - in the dark, lights on boats attract fish and provoke an attack.

Saltwater crocodile

Saltwater crocodile / Photo: wikimedia

The saltwater crocodile is better known as the saltwater crocodile because it lives in salt water. But its most telling name is the man-eating crocodile. This is the largest living predator on the planet - it reaches seven meters in length and can weigh more than two tons. Lives in estuaries and coastal waters throughout South-East Asia and Northern Australia, being the most widespread crocodile in the world.

The saltwater crocodile is extremely aggressive. Huge six-meter males love to organize fights without rules - brutal fights that end in the death of the enemy. This predator hunts alone and eats everything it can handle - and it can handle absolutely everything that lives in its habitat. Another favorite sport is jumping up above the surface of the water. A crocodile can throw almost its entire body out of the water - two tons! - pushing off the bottom with his tail. He is a cannibal - he even eats representatives of his own species, and even snacks on other crocodiles without counting. I don’t even want to think about human victims: the jaws of a saltwater crocodile bite through people like marshmallows, and it’s good if you die quickly.

Hairy cyanea

Hairy cyanea / Photo: masterok

Cyanea is very similar to the colorful jellyfish that we were all afraid of as children. But as people grow, so do their fears: it is tens of times larger than an ordinary jellyfish. Its “cap” reaches two meters in diameter, and its thick tentacles extend up to 30 meters. Another name for cyanide is “ lion's mane" – reflects it well appearance. The dense network of poisonous tentacles of a jellyfish perfectly catches small fish, plankton, and smaller jellyfish. Paralyzed by poison, they become easy prey.

Cyanea often occurs in Pacific Ocean, Atlantic and Baltic Sea. In one of his stories, Arthur Conan Doyle made the jellyfish a killer of people, giving it a bad reputation. We are happy to report that this is not at all true: cyanea is not capable of killing a person, unless it causes serious skin damage. If you have a durable wetsuit and enough courage, you can swim with the beautiful sea monster without risking your life.

The seas and oceans form a joint unique ecosystem, which becomes the habitat of millions amazing creatures. Some inhabitants of the depths are the largest living organisms on the planet, others can be viewed using unusually powerful microscopes.

In the process of evolution, each Living being The ocean has developed a unique strategy that allows each individual and the species as a whole to survive in the depths of the waters.

However, not all inhabitants of the ocean chose a defensive form of behavior; some of the representatives of the underwater fauna became real predators, aggressive, cunning, insidious and deadly.

This article will name the most deadly inhabitants of the deep sea.

"Blunt Shark"

She hunts in shallow waters, where people so often swim, and is deservedly considered one of the most insidious and dangerous sharks that live in the ocean.

Sharks of this species are called “blunt-snout”, due to their massive, solid body, and a certain shape a mouth resembling the edge of a square. The aggressive reputation of blunt-nosed sharks is confirmed by the frequency of attacks and killings of people. An adult reaches four meters and moves underwater with amazing speed. She literally hunts in the waters of all oceans, eating everything in her path.

Scientists have recently found that the shark practically does not use its eyes when hunting; it relies on more “subtle” senses. A developed sense of smell allows her to detect the scent of prey at a distance of up to two kilometers.

A special organ on her head detects the slightest vibrations in the water, which helps her track her prey. Once the predator has identified its prey, it quickly rushes towards it, accelerating up to 20 kilometers per hour, which is twice as fast as an Olympic swimmer swims.

The blunt-nosed shark is armed with teeth, the edges of which resemble small saw blades. Indeed, evolution created ruthless killer. It is almost impossible for a person to escape from its mouth.

"Big Barracuda"

Sharks are not the only creatures that have been designed by evolution to be ruthless predators. There are many creatures in the ocean that can boast of being deadly.

There are approximately 26 species of barracuda in the world, but the "Great Barracuda" is the largest, most aggressive and dangerous. Its structure is similar to a torpedo. An adult reaches 2 meters and weighs 45-50 kilograms. It can pursue its prey at depths of up to 100 meters. The hunter determines the exact location of the prey thanks to excellent vision. The large barracuda is an excellent strategist; scientists have determined that this predator uses two methods of catching prey, catching up with the victim, reaching a speed of 55 km/h, or waiting for prey in ambush. Fortunately, this predator rarely attacks humans; there are only two officially known cases of a barracuda killing a person.

"Sperm whale"

The length of an adult individual reaches 25 meters, and the weight can reach up to 50 tons. Every day this giant carnivore eats a ton of food. The sperm whale's throat is large enough for it to swallow an adult man. According to the official scientific paradigm, this sea ​​monster does not hunt people, but is content with octopuses and fish, which he eats thanks to his teeth as sharp as daggers. Although some scientists suggest that the sperm whale can eat a person, as an alternative to the same octopus.

"Electric Stingray"

Large disc-shaped body electric stingray can weigh more than 40 kilograms. This is one of the 24 species of stingrays that can strike with force. electric shock. This blow can “turn off” a person for a long time, and in some cases even kill. Often, lonely scuba divers die because of that creature, stunned by its blow; they simply do not have time to surface when the oxygen in the cylinders runs out.

The stingray, attacking its prey, inflicts a crushing electric shock on it, which destroys it nervous system and leads to muscle spasm. This predator can attack its victims at depths of up to 200 meters, but prefers to hunt in shallow water.


This type of fish does not have teeth as long as a blade, but a sharp growth protruding forward can be used by them as lethal weapon. Often people die while fishing for this ocean inhabitant. The sailfish grows up to four meters and can weigh 100 kilograms. This predator is the fastest of all hunters in the ocean; its sculpted body shape allows it to accelerate to speeds of 120 km/h.

"Leopard Sea"

This species of seal feeds primarily on warm-blooded prey. His hunting grounds are cold arctic waters. Its main dish is penguins, which the leopard seal mercilessly pursues and eats. On average, the predator kills 5-6 penguins per day. Penguins can only hide on floating ice floes. During the hunt, the leopard seal reaches speeds of up to 40 km/h. Its weight is 500 kilograms.

"Spike-cushioned sea urchin"

Sea urchins are small creatures that typically have a hard shell and are covered in sharp spines. In addition, one type of sea urchin can also bite.

However, we will talk about a completely harmless, at first glance, representative of this species. It does not have sharp thorns and at the same time looks bright and festive.

Spine-cushioned sea urchin, despite the festive season, bright color deadly and merciless, the poison in its needles can easily end the life of an adult. A pouch on each needle contains a potent toxin that enters the victim's body as soon as the needle breaks the skin.

However, this is not the entire arsenal of this creature. In addition to needles with poison, the hedgehog has many tiny jaws, which contain small fangs. A particularly dangerous toxin accumulates at the end of the teeth, which, when released into the blood, paralyzes the nervous system.

The ocean is fraught with a huge number of dangers; at first glance, harmless creatures can cause significant harm to humans, what can we say about the creatures that were presented on this list.

It has long been necessary for a person to understand that he is not such a master after all. wildlife, in the face of real predators, all the achievements of civilization fade.

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Some denizens of the deep would happily feast on us, but most are only dangerous if you attack them first. You can call this the “accidentally stepped on, poisoned and died” principle. In this case, who should you not step on?

The Portuguese man-of-war is an entire colony of jellyfish that hunts other marine life with the help of long, poisonous tentacles. The base of the “ship” floats on the surface of the water at this time, but it is easy to miss. Every year they poison several thousand people.

Box jellyfish have long been famous as one of the most dangerous creatures off the coast of Australia. Their tentacles, numbering up to 60, reach a length of four meters. The poison of some of their species can paralyze a person with one touch and cause him to choke.

Blue-ringed octopuses are as legendary among mollusks as box jellyfish are among cnidarians. These are the most poisonous creatures in all the oceans of the world, the attack of which leads to paralysis and death.

Great white sharks are much scarier on screen than in reality, but that doesn't make them any less fearsome predators. At least 74 unprovoked attacks on people were recorded, including attacks on fishing boats.

Sea snakes are equipped with a more powerful toxic poison than their terrestrial relatives - simply because fish are not so sensitive to poison. Their venom, like that of all adders, has a paralyzing effect. Fortunately for people, they use their weapons mainly only when hunting, and if handled with care they do not bite.

Lionfish do not waste time on their spines, generously displaying them throughout their body. They very successfully hunt other fish, even capturing territories that are not necessary for the survival of their species. Due to their toxicity and prevalence, lionfish are a real headache for fishermen.

Crocodiles mainly prefer rivers, but their largest representative is saltwater crocodile- not at all averse to swimming in salt water. Males of this species grow up to seven meters in length and two tons in weight. Aggressive specimens often attack people.

Large barracudas are impressive predators, growing up to two meters in length. Their teeth are considered to be among the sharpest and most painful of all. sea ​​world. Barracudas often follow divers out of pure curiosity, but they rarely attack. True, if this happens, then death is guaranteed.

Millepora, also known as fire corals, are extremely poisonous cnidarians with a deceptively harmless appearance. One touch to them will provide a person with a severe burn, which subsequently develops into an ulcer. This is not fatal, but contact can cause painful shock and loss of consciousness.

Warts, also known as stone fish, can boast not only of outstanding appearance, but also of terrible deadly poison! Extremely painful, too. Their back fin contains 12 sharp spines, each of which is equipped with a separate bag of poison. Considering the habit of warts to rest in shallow water, stepping on them and getting a dose of poison is a piece of cake.

Many people are afraid of sharks that kill people. However, these are not the only bloodthirsty inhabitants of rivers and seas. Killer fish live in some bodies of water, where everyone swims and fish carefreely, unaware of the possible threat.

Goliath tiger fish

This creature is so dangerous that the famous piranha looks like a harmless fish against its background. The length of the individual is up to 2 m, and the weight is over 30 kg. These fish gather in schools and move in the reservoirs of the central part African continent. They are capable of tearing a huge victim to shreds in seconds. The killer's mouth with yellow eyes has large fangs that resemble knives. Their length is over 5 cm.

Once upon a time on the river Several people died in the Congo; the aborigines could not determine the cause of death. Everything was attributed to evil spirit And dark forces. An extreme fishing enthusiast was able to clarify the situation. He pulled a terrible monster out of the water. From this moment on, the Goliath fish instills even greater fear in the natives and tourists.

Piraiba catfish

Novice fishermen in the waters of the Amazon may well encounter him. When such killer catfish grab the bait, it seems like something big is biting. The fisherman is trying to pull him out, not yet knowing who exactly is hanging on the hook. The most terrible moment comes when you realize that you have caught a catfish 3 m long.

A person's legs may well be sticking out of his mouth. The catfish begins to make growling sounds that instill fear. This fish is a potential cannibal. The teeth of the Paraibu catfish are very sharp and are curved towards the pharynx in order to prevent the prey from freeing itself from its powerful jaws.

Catfish bagari

The river flows between India and China. Kali, which has gained notoriety because people strangely disappear and drown in its waters. Install the real reason tragedies for a long time it didn't work out. Horrors about killer fish were confirmed after a terrible brown creature fell into people's hands. Its length was over 2 m, and its weight was about 140 kg. The bagaria catfish has very sharp teeth and desire eat human flesh.

A terrible predator, grabbing its prey, pulls it down. Often the victim dies from lack of air before it is eaten. There is a version that the fish became a cannibal due to the fault of man himself. Local tribes have a custom of burning the dead and throwing the bodies into a pond.

Great barracuda

This creature resembles an organic torpedo, which has very (up to 10 cm long). Killer fish may be attracted to metallic or shiny things. The length of the representative of the ichthyofauna is about 2 m, and the weight is over 45 kg. The fish attacks unprotected animals or objects that irritate it.

Dangerous fish can also attack humans. To prevent encounters with the jaws of a predator, you should stay away from muddy bodies of water, mangrove forests and river mouths. Underwater hunters are at risk. During an attack, the barracuda bites through the tendons, tears off large pieces of flesh, and kills in a matter of moments. On east coast The United States of America has recorded many tragic cases of encounters with this fish.

Common catfish

The waters of Europe seem safe at first glance. But in the rivers and lakes live slippery giants that look like demons. Bathing enthusiasts should be careful, because it weighs about 180 kg and has a length of up to 4 m. It is very aggressive, capturing prey with multi-row sharp teeth.

There is no official information about what size they can reach. According to archival data, it was established that individuals up to 6 m long and 3 tons in weight were caught. Cases have been recorded in which they have bitten divers. One of the catfish caught in Russia had a human body in its stomach.

Giant freshwater stingray

The reservoirs of the southeastern part of the Asian region hide a poisonous creature in the water column. A world-famous crocodile hunter died from an injection from a small stingray. But there are scary ones too fresh waters. The giant stingray claims to be the most big fish, living in such conditions: length - over 5 m, and weight - more than 0.9 tons.

These creatures are dangerous fish because they have a 20-centimeter sting with which they strike, like scorpions. But even without it, a stingray is able to hold a person under water only due to its mass. To avoid meeting with him, be vigilant when swimming in Asian waters.

musky pike

Before today No deaths have been recorded after encountering this creature. However, the description of this fish suggests that it has the opportunity to win a fight with a person. Many are afraid to meet it in its native element, because its length exceeds 2 m. The fish lives in lakes located in the Northern Hemisphere. Its mouth is strewn with sharp teeth, capable of tearing birds, mammals and other inhabitants of bodies of water into pieces.

Dangerous fish are capable of causing serious wounds, and an individual weighing 36 kg can drown a person. A pike attacked a thirteen-year-old girl, bit her and dragged her to the bottom. Miraculously, the victim managed to escape and escape from this monster. A fisherman from a capsized boat received multiple bites from a pike while trying to get ashore. The main habitat of the predator is coastal vegetation. The pike grabs the victim, making a powerful lunge forward from an ambush.

Electric eel

This fish is the main predator of the Amazon basin. When defending and attacking, the eel creates a very strong discharge of electricity. It is enough to render a horse unconscious. A discharge of 600 V kills a person instantly. If the current is less powerful, it will lead to loss of consciousness. In this state, a person can easily choke in water.

Dangerous fish grow up to 250 cm in length and weigh 25 kg. Without danger of getting them, they are handled only with rubber gloves. If you enter a river where eels live, you can receive a fatal blow, since water is an excellent conductor of electricity. Many cases of death from these dangerous predators have been recorded.

Mississippi girt

This ancient monster lives in rivers in the southeastern United States. Its length can be 3 m, and its weight can be 180 kg. These rare fish their appearance resembles a crocodile: a large body and a huge mouth with many fangs.

There is a known case when a shellfish grabbed a man who was sitting on the pier and dangling his legs in the water. The creature tried to pull the man to the bottom, but he managed to escape. Encounters with the shellfish that ended in death for humans are unknown. But it cannot be ruled out that people drowned because of them.

Bull shark

Other killer fish are no longer so scary once the details about this creature are known. The bull shark differs from the typical shark, representing another big threat for others. Its length is 2-4 m, and its weight is up to 270 kg. The fish lives in the sea, but can swim thousands of kilometers into freshwater rivers, ending up in lakes. The action of these predators affected a large number of people in the USA.

This shark is the most aggressive among its relatives, since its blood contains a record amount of testosterone. The death grip of its jaws is the strongest among all fish living in our time. Predator attacks should be avoided in fresh, muddy bodies of water.


Rare fish sometimes pose a greater threat than those that are well known. Pacu is a predator with a body length of about 90 cm and a weight of about 25 kg. The fish is distinguished by an eerie set of teeth that strongly resemble human ones. The creature uses them perfectly during attacks. The homeland of pacu is the waters of the Amazon. After it became an object of sport fishing, its range expanded significantly.

In 1994, two people from New Guinea died from the bite of this fish. They were fishing in the lake when mysterious creature bit off their genitals. Death occurred from severe blood loss. These killer fish are one of the most terrible creatures among the ichthyofauna.

Sawtooth ray

Sawfish can destroy an unwary person by turning him into minced meat. The appearance of the fish is noteworthy, the description of which is as follows: length up to 7 m and the presence of a saw on the snout measuring up to 2.5 m. This device is equipped with many cutting elements. Available data indicate that the predator does not specifically hunt humans, but cases of attack are not excluded.

The saw-throated ray has a very poor eyesight and a strong instinct to protect its territory. His attitude towards random guests and prey is the same - the desire to tear it into pieces with the help of his saw. The situation is complicated by the fact that the fish does not reveal itself until the very last moment, after which it is too late to escape. Anthropogenic impact has led to the fact that fish are on the verge of extinction.

Mackerel hydrolic

These fish have such a terrible appearance that it seems that they came from another planet or from the other world. The length of the animals is up to 1.2 m, and their weight is about 14 kg. It has fangs with a record length - up to 16 cm. With their help, fatal wounds are inflicted on the victim. The fish has incredible sense, biting in such a way as to damage vital arteries.

A person swimming in the Amazon could theoretically suffer a heart or lung injury that could be fatal. The mackerel-shaped fish is an object of sport fishing.


There is one more dangerous inhabitant reservoirs - piranha. Killer fish have flat body, weight up to 1 kg and length up to 50 cm. The lower jaw of the creature is slightly pushed forward. The teeth have the shape of a triangle, their arrangement is such that when the jaws close, the upper ones enter the spaces of the lower ones. This allows you to tear off a piece of flesh from the victim with one jerk and immediately rush after the next one.

Capable of absorbing a 50-kilogram animal in a matter of minutes. The inhabitants of muddy rivers have highly developed hearing and sense of smell. They are able to sense blood diluted 1.5 million times. At a distance of hundreds of meters they can hear the sounds made by wounded animals.

Surgeon fish

Over 100 species of these fish are known to live in coral reefs throughout to the globe. Among them there are very beautiful representatives. But divers are better off not approaching these beauties, which are about 60 cm long. Their tails hide a natural scalpel. It comes out instantly, as if under the action of a spring.

They use a knife to defend themselves from intruders on their territory. A person who approaches them risks being seriously injured with dire consequences. You can die both from severe blood loss and from reef sharks, which will not keep you waiting long.

Brown snakehead

Representatives of this species came under close public attention when rumors spread about their appearance in the waters temperate zone. Major representatives have a weight of 22 kg and a height of 120 cm. One of the most ardent predators is able to defeat almost any animal average size whom he will meet. His teeth are sharp like daggers and his body is muscular. These creatures inflicted severe injuries on rice field workers who found themselves in the territory controlled by the predator.

The aggressiveness of fish increases many times during the period when they protect the young. During wild attacks, people suffered from bites and head blows. In some cases this led to drowning. Fishermen who catch a representative of the species are at great risk. In defense, they bit people and pierced them with fishing rods during attacks. Several children died from the actions of these predators.

Greenland shark

Swimming in the waters of the Arctic zone is by no means safer than in the tropics. can grow up to 6 m. In her stomach they found large mammals. There are legends that human remains were found inside the shark. This polar predator strikes fear into the Eskimos, who have long been familiar with the predator.

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