Staffing schedule for the pharmacy of finished dosage forms. Economics of pharmacy; organization of pharmacy activities. How to create a staffing schedule

The owner, who is also the director, is staffing table for a new ready-made pharmacy dosage forms. How to correctly name the position of an employee whose duties include cleaning office and commercial premises: “nurse-washer”, “cleaning lady”, “technician”?
D. Kasatonov, Penza

The position of “orderly” (washer) from the section “Pharmaceutical workers” of the Nomenclature of positions for medical and pharmaceutical workers was excluded by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 20, 2012 No. 1183n. This means that the orderly (washer) is no longer classified as a pharmaceutical worker.
But it may be in the staffing table (order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 6, 2007 No. 526), ​​since this position is present in the professional qualification groups of positions for medical and pharmaceutical workers. Job title, incl. “cleaner”, “technician”, must correspond to the duties in the job description.
Thus, the director has the right to include in the staffing table any positions necessary to fulfill labor functions at the pharmacy.

Our former pharmacist (retired) was invited to work at the pharmacy to sort out goods received from suppliers. The staffing table indicated the position of “auxiliary worker.” But the employee did not agree with this and asked to change the name to “packer”. What do we pack? We do not prepare medicines, we do not procure herbal medicinal raw materials. During the inspection, will they indicate to us that the responsibilities in the job description do not correspond to the actual job functions?
R. Steklova, Astrakhan

Your employee wants to extend his pharmaceutical experience, because the position of “packer” belongs to pharmaceutical personnel (part 4 of the section “Qualification characteristics of positions for healthcare workers” of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions for Managers, Specialists and Employees, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 23, 2010 No. 541n) .
According to the Qualification Characteristics, job responsibilities The packer includes participation in the acceptance and distribution of goods between pharmacy departments. Responsibilities for packaging and dosage medicines, medical products, if they are not necessary, in job description The packers may not be included.
Keep in mind that the pharmacy packer must know the basic methodological and regulations on pharmacy issues.

What position can a pharmacist who has not worked in his specialty for seven and a half years be hired for in a pharmacy?
N. Onoprienko, Lyudinovo

According to clause 2 of part I of section “Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare”, approved. By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 23, 2010 No. 541n, in the case where a pharmacist has a break in work in his specialty for more than 5 years, he is appointed to the position of a trainee pharmacist for the period of professional retraining. This is done for the purpose of obtaining special knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for independent work as a pharmacist, and obtaining a certificate in the relevant specialty.
During this period, the trainee pharmacist can perform the duties of a pharmacist only under the guidance of another pharmacist who has a specialist certificate, being equally responsible for his actions.

Is it necessary to familiarize a pharmacy employee with the rules for providing special clothing when concluding an employment contract with him?
I. Dvoryadkina, Bryansk region.

No, not necessarily. The rules for providing personal protective equipment (working clothing and safety footwear) to an employee can be familiarized with during induction training. Basis - “Inter-industry rules for providing workers special clothing, special shoes...", approved. by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n, as amended. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 12, 2015 No. 2n.

Last year, the pharmacy laid off its economist and eliminated this position from the staffing table. Now we want to restore it. Does the pharmacy have the right to return the reduced position, or should the same one be introduced, but with a different name?
I. Romanova, Penza

Yes, you have the right. The employer independently determines which positions should be included in the staffing table or excluded from it. The pharmacy manager himself decides how much time should pass between staff reduction and staff expansion. It depends on the situation on the labor market and financial capabilities.
But if the new staffing table contains a position similar to the one that was laid off, then there is a risk that the former employee will go to court with a demand for reinstatement. In such disputes, judges often support workers (Sverdlovsky’s Appeal Determination regional court dated 06/04/14 No. 33-7032/2014).

Head of Sales Department pharmaceutical company works part-time as a regional representative for us. Soon we will send him on a business trip as a regional representative. When calculating average earnings, should one take into account his salary at his main job?
N. Larchikova, Cheboksary

No, don't. During a business trip, you need to accrue to the employee average earnings(Article 167 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The regulations have special rules for calculating earnings for external part-time workers. If such an employee goes on a business trip, then the average earnings are calculated only by the employer who sent the employee on a business trip (clause 9 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749). For internal part-time workers, the specifics of calculating earnings are not provided for in Regulation No. 749.

Staffing table- this is a document that contains information about positions, the number of staff units and tariff rates, taking into account various allowances of the structural divisions of the organization.

How to create a staffing schedule

Used as a staffing form unified form No. T-3, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

The staffing table is compiled by structural divisions of the organization in the order of subordination of employees. The staffing form is filled out by a personnel service employee, labor economist or accountant. The staffing table is approved by order of the head of the organization.

Organizational staffing table: instructions for filling out form T-3

Fill in the “company name” field according to the data in constituent documents organizations.

We enter the OKPO code of the organization.

We put the number, the date of drawing up the staffing table (in the format day, month, year) and the period of its validity.

In the “Approved” column we indicate the date and number of the order of the head of the organization on approval of the staffing table, total staffing units.

Let's move on to filling out the table.

In the first and second columns we indicate the name and code of the structural unit of the organization, respectively.

In the third column we indicate the position in accordance with the Classifier of Occupations for each structural unit in order of subordination.

In the fourth column we indicate the number of staff units for each position.

In the fifth column we enter the tariff rate (salary) in rubles for each position.

The sixth to eighth columns “Allowances” are filled in if available additional payments(in rubles) to employees of certain positions for special working conditions, work hours, special knowledge or incentive bonuses.

The values ​​of the ninth column are calculated by summing the numbers in columns 5-8 and multiplying by the number of staff positions in the fourth column for each position.

We add up the total number of staff units (the sum of the values ​​in the fourth column) and the final monthly fund wages(sum of values ​​in the ninth column).

We sign the head of the HR department and the chief accountant.

Changes may be made to the staffing table due to the introduction new position, renaming it, transferring it to another department, changing the tariff rate, etc. based on the order of the head of the organization.

Annex 1

to the order of the USSR Ministry of Health

Staffing standards for pharmaceutical and auxiliary personnel of pharmacies

Administration note: By order of the USSR Ministry of Health of August 31, 1989 № 504 The following staffing standards are declared advisory

1. Provisional staff

1.1. The positions of pharmacist-technologists are established:

1.1.1. For receiving prescriptions, dispensing and quality control of drugs at the rate of 1 position for:

22 thousand recipes for individual production of medicines;

100 thousand prescriptions for finished medicines.

In a pharmacy with more than 10 thousand prescriptions per year, at least 0.5 positions of pharmacist-technologist are established.

1.1.2. For in-pharmacy preparation of medicines according to the most common prescriptions, concentrated solutions and semi-finished products, replenishment of medicines in pharmacy departments, dispensing medicines and other goods to medical, preventive and other institutions:

1 position in a pharmacy with the number of prescriptions per year from over 100 to 350 thousand and an annual turnover of over 65 thousand rubles;

2 positions in a pharmacy with the number of prescriptions per year over 350 thousand and an annual turnover of over 350 thousand rubles;

2 positions in a pharmacy with the number of prescriptions per year over 350 thousand and annual turnover over 350 thousand rubles.

2 positions in a pharmacy with the number of prescriptions per year over 450 thousand and an annual turnover of over 500 thousand rubles. and additionally 1 position for every 300 thousand prescriptions per year (over 450 thousand) and 500 thousand rubles. turnover per year (over 500 thousand).

1.1.3. To monitor the work of pharmacists in preparing medicines at the rate of 1 position for every 5 positions of pharmacists assigned to the pharmacy in accordance with clause 2.1.1.

1.1.4. For information work 1 position for each:

City, regional, regional, republican hospital (multidisciplinary) from 500 beds;

An independent city clinic with 800 medical visits per shift.

1.1.5. To ensure the operation of one of the pharmacies in two shifts with the number of prescriptions over 15 to 50 thousand per year, located in a city (urban-type settlement, workers' village) or in a rural locality district center, where there is no pharmacy of greater capacity and its organization is impossible - 1 position.

1.1.6. To ensure the operation of one of the pharmacies of the city (district) at night - 1 position.

1.2. One position of pharmacist-analyst is established for every 200 thousand prescriptions per year.

When calculating the indicated positions for the central district pharmacy, prescriptions received by subordinate pharmacies are taken into account, which, according to these staffing standards, are not entitled to the positions of pharmacist-analysts.

1.3. The positions of senior pharmacists are established:

1.3.1. In the central district pharmacy of a rural area:

1 position - subordinate to at least 3 pharmacies with an annual turnover of more than 40 thousand rubles;

2 positions - subordinate to at least 7 pharmacies with an annual turnover of more than 200 thousand rubles;

3 positions - subordinate to at least 13 pharmacies with an annual turnover of more than 400 thousand rubles;

4 positions - subordinate to more than 19 pharmacies with an annual turnover of over 600 thousand rubles;

1.3.2. In the central district pharmacy of the city district:

1 position - subordinate to at least 5 pharmacies;

2 positions - subordinate to at least 11 pharmacies with an annual turnover of over 600 thousand rubles;

3 positions - subordinate to more than 17 pharmacies with an annual turnover of over 1.5 million rubles.

1.4. The position of the head of a pharmacy point of the 1st category (with the right to manufacture medicines) - a pharmacist is established instead of the position of a pharmacist when the point's turnover exceeds 5 thousand rubles. in year.

1.5. The positions of deputy heads of departments of pharmacists are established instead of the positions of pharmacists in pharmacies of I - IV groups for remuneration of executive employees:

1.5.1. Prescription, production and inventory - 1 position in a pharmacy with the number of prescriptions over 80 to 150 thousand and turnover over 70 to 100 thousand rubles. in year.

1.5.2. Prescription and production, inventory, finished dosage forms - 2 positions for each specified department in a pharmacy with the number of prescriptions over 350 thousand and turnover over 350 thousand rubles. in year.

2. Nursing staff

2.1. The positions of pharmacists are established:

2.1.1. For the preparation of medicines at the rate of 1 position per 20 thousand individual recipes.

In a pharmacy with the number of individual prescriptions exceeding 7 thousand per year, 1 position is established.

2.1.2. For writing copies of recipes at the rate of 1 position per 100 thousand copies of recipes per year.

2.1.3. For dispensing medications without prescriptions - at the rate of 1 position per 30 thousand rubles. turnover per year.

When calculating the positions of pharmacists for a pharmacy with a turnover of dispensing drugs without prescriptions of less than 30 thousand rubles. per year, missing up to 30 thousand rubles. amount replenished from trade turnover on vacation medicinal herbs, patient care, sanitation and hygiene items.

2.2. The positions of junior pharmacists are established at the rate of 1 position per 30 thousand rubles. turnover per year for the sale of medicinal herbs, patient care items, sanitation and hygiene, excluding its part used in calculating the positions of pharmacists in accordance with clause 2.1.3.

2.3. Positions of optical salespeople are established with the permission of the pharmacy administration (inter-district office) at the rate of 1 position per 20 thousand rubles. turnover of spectacle optics per year.

2.4. The positions of heads of departments - pharmacists are established in departments of pharmacies I - IV groups for the remuneration of executive employees:

2.4.1. Dispensing medications without prescriptions, medicinal herbs, patient care items, sanitation and hygiene - 1 position in a pharmacy with the number of prescriptions over 75 thousand and a turnover over 50 thousand rubles. in year.

When selling the specified medicines, medicinal herbs and items in the amount of up to 125 thousand rubles. per year, this position is being introduced instead of one pharmacist position.

2.4.2. Opticians - 1 position in a pharmacy with a turnover of spectacle optics of over 60 thousand rubles. per year instead of one optical sales position.

2.5. Two positions of deputy heads of the department of dispensing drugs, without prescriptions, medicinal herbs, patient care items, sanitation and hygiene - pharmacists are established instead of two positions of pharmacists or junior pharmacists in pharmacies of groups I - IV for remuneration of executive employees, with the number of prescriptions over 80 thousand and a turnover of over 70 thousand rubles.

3. Support staff

3.1. The positions of packers are established at the rate of 1 position for:

100 thousand recipes per year;

20 thousand rubles. per year for the wholesale supply of medicines and other goods;

50 thousand rubles. per year for the sale of non-prescription drugs, patient care items, sanitation and hygiene.

3.2. The positions of nurse-washers are established in pharmacies with a turnover of up to 100 thousand rubles. per year in the amount of 40%, and a turnover of over 100 thousand rubles. per year - 30% of the number of positions of pharmacists-technologists, pharmacists and junior pharmacists entitled to the institution in accordance with paragraphs. , , , . and, but not less than one position.

In a pharmacy in which, in accordance with the paragraph, the position of a pharmacist-technologist is introduced, 1 additional position of a nurse-washer is introduced.


1. The work of the information desk is provided by pharmacists, whose positions are assigned to the pharmacy according to these staffing standards.

2. When departments are merged, the positions of their heads and deputies are calculated based on the departments actually added to the pharmacy structure.

3. 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 or entire positions can be entered into the staffing table.

Rounding by positions of the same name is carried out in the following order:

Total figures less than 0.13 are discarded, figures 0.13 - 0.37 are rounded to 0.25; numbers 0.38 - 0.62 - rounded to 0.5; figures 0.63 - 0.87 are rounded to 0.75, and over 0.87 - to one unit.

4. The establishment of positions for pharmaceutical personnel in excess of these staffing standards and the introduction of positions not provided for by the current nomenclature of these workers is not allowed.

Within the limits of the number and names of positions required by the institution according to these staffing standards, positions of less qualified workers may be introduced at the expense of positions of higher qualified workers, but without increasing the number of positions of managers and their deputies.

5. These staffing standards are intended to calculate the maximum number of positions assigned to pharmacies maintained on self-support. Methods and forms of organizing the work of a pharmacy, specific job titles for pharmaceutical and other workers, and their number by department are determined depending on local conditions at the discretion of its manager.

The indicators (number of recipes per year, turnover, etc.) that are used in the standards for calculating the number of personnel are not standards for the workload (service) of employees. The latter are established by pharmacy managers in agreement with the local committee.

6. Calculation of staff according to these standards is carried out in accordance with planned indicators (including indicators for pharmacy points of the 1st category) once a year. If planned indicators are reduced, the estimated number of positions is reduced within a month. The turnover plan for kiosks subordinate to a pharmacy is not taken into account when calculating its staffing levels.

7. The number of occupied positions of pharmaceutical personnel, available according to the staffing table for 1981 and exceeding the number according to these standards, may be maintained at the discretion of pharmacy departments (inter-district offices). At the same time, the retention of all or part of the pharmacist positions in cases where the number of positions of average pharmaceutical personnel, which the institution is entitled to according to these standards, exceeds the actually occupied positions, should be done at the expense of these positions. As persons occupying retained positions cease to work, the latter are excluded from the staffing table. With an increase in the number of positions due to an increase in planned indicators, the number of positions retained in the pharmacy staff decreases accordingly.

Head of Planning and Financial

Department of the USSR Ministry of Health

V.V. Golovteev

Head of the Main Pharmacy

Department of the USSR Ministry of Health

The pharmacy staff is formed based on the needs of the team and is regulated by a special document - the staffing table. In essence, this is a tool with the help of which hiring, transfer to another position, staff reduction, and changing employee salaries are carried out

The pharmacy staff is formed based on the needs of the team and is regulated by a special document - the staffing table.

In essence, this is a tool with the help of which hiring, transferring to another position, reducing staff, and changing employee salaries is carried out.

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The data entered into it initially is adjusted depending on the circumstances that occur.

In order to draw up a pharmacy staffing table, it is advisable to use the unified form No. T-3. It is in the nature of a recommendation, but still it contains all the necessary columns.

In addition, it is acceptable for non-state enterprises to use independently compiled forms of primary accounting documentation.

A human resources specialist or labor economist is responsible for maintaining the staffing table. The last position is most often absent in a pharmacy organization, so the manager can appoint any subordinate responsible for this activity.

These duties are assigned to him by order if his job responsibilities do not provide for this work.

Staffing header

Form No. T-3 indicates the full name of the organization - as indicated in the constituent documentation. In brackets or below full name abbreviation is indicated. Information about the OKPO code can be found by opening information mail Gosstat - it was received during registration together with other registration documentation.

The first pharmacy staffing table is assigned serial number 1, and subsequently continuous numbering is used.

It is also necessary to indicate the date of compilation and the period of validity of the pharmacy staffing table. It must be remembered that the date of preparation and the start date of the staffing table may not coincide.

The details of the order approving the staffing table of the pharmacy are entered in the stamp in the upper right corner.

The order is signed by the head or the person performing his duties, and itself is signed not only by the head of the organization, but also by the heads of the personnel department and the chief accountant. Under the heading you need to indicate the number of staff positions in the pharmacy - the sum of units for each staff position.

State information

The first thing that needs to be indicated after the header is the names of the structural divisions (Column 1). They must be indicated as they are enshrined in local regulatory documentation, but in alphabetical order or in order of functional importance:

  1. Managerial.
  2. Production.
  3. Administrative and technical.

Column 2- these are department codes. They are necessary in order to simplify the generation of consolidated reporting and document management. The coda is essentially the serial numbers of the lines in sample 1.

Column 3- staff positions. If some positions provide compensation, benefits or restrictions, they should be named as specified in professional standards or qualification reference books. In all other cases, positions can be specified arbitrarily.

The manager can establish in the pharmacy staffing table the names of specialties, positions and professions reflected in employment agreements or other personnel documents.

Column 4– number of staff units for positions. For part-time positions or for part-time positions, it is necessary to indicate the quantity in appropriate proportions, for example, 0.75, 1.5, 2, 75, etc.

Payment information

Column 5 indicates:

  • monthly salary for the position;
  • percentage of revenue;
  • additional payments according to KTU;
  • profit share.

Here it is necessary to act in accordance with the standards established by labor legislation, a collective labor agreement or other regulations pharmacy organization.

Columns 6-8 include bonus payments, various incentive and compensation allowances. These columns contain approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation and local acts, references to which are entered in column 10.

Column 9 is the sum of the values ​​of columns 5-8, multiplied by the number of staff units. If it is impossible to fill out columns 5-9 in ruble terms, you can use other units of measurement - coefficients, percentages, etc. This approach, as a rule, is widely used in organizations with mixed, non-tariff and other similar remuneration systems.

Current legislation does not oblige the pharmacy manager to fill out absolutely all columns of the staffing table. In column 10 (“Notes”) you can indicate all additional information - for example, about allowances for employees if, for certain reasons, they cannot be recorded in other columns.

Changes in pharmacy staffing

For any change in the staffing table, reasons are required.

These include:

  • changing the name of a position, profession, specialty;
  • changing the name of a structural unit;
  • change in salary or tariff rate;
  • change in the number of staff units;
  • reorganization of the institution;
  • staff reduction or expansion;
  • changes in labor legislation.

If the above grounds exist, the pharmacy staffing table is either drawn up anew and approved by order, or, if the changes are not significant, a separate order is drawn up for them.

Do not forget to make changes to other documents - personal card, employment agreement, work book, etc. This is necessary, since changes in the staffing table relate to conditions.

Question. Is the position of a pharmacy orderly (washer) subject to reduction if it is excluded from the Nomenclature of Positions for Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers?

Even the fact that this position is excluded from the NDMFR does not negate its use in the pharmacy staffing table.

An exception will result in the salary for this position changing, but if management does not intend to change it, then employment contract with the employee and the staffing table will remain unchanged.

If the employer intends to change the terms of the employment agreement in unilaterally, he must give the employee 60 days' notice.

Coordination of changes with staff

All changes in staffing must be communicated to pharmacy employees. After this (if there are no disagreements) on the basis of the order in their work books appropriate records are made.

Question. Should the manager present the pharmacy staffing table indicating the salaries to the team?

If specific salary amounts are specified in employment contracts, it is not necessary to present the staffing table to the team.

But the phrase “Salary according to the staffing table,” which is present in employment contracts, obliges the employer to notify the staff of absolutely any changes in the staffing table, and this is done against a receipt.

It is permissible to present not the entire document, but an extract relating exclusively to the salary of a specific employee.

The employer must notify pharmacy employees in writing that the terms of their employment contract are changing no later than 2 months before this happens. It is also necessary to indicate the reasons that necessitated these changes.

Employees who do not agree with the changes must be offered another job - also in writing. However, the employer must assess whether the employee, due to his health status, will be able to work in the proposed position.

The employee must be offered all positions that may be suitable for him in this pharmacy.

If the collective agreement provides for the possibility of transferring an employee to another city or region, this option should also be discussed with him. If there are no suitable positions or the employee categorically refuses the proposed vacancy, the employment contract with him is subject to termination (clause 7 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Lack of staffing in a pharmacy organization is a gross violation, entailing up to 5 thousand rubles for an official and up to 50 thousand rubles for an organization.

These fines can be appealed in court, because the responsibilities of the pharmacy manager for maintaining the staffing table are not regulated by current legislation.

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