Side effects of steroids. Side effects of using anabolic steroids

It's no secret that this is one of the most effective means for gaining lean muscle mass and increasing strength. However, many do not know even half of the side effects and, most importantly, how to deal with them. In this article we will try not only to describe the main side effects of steroids, but also to give practical advice to reduce harm from steroids.

It is worth noting that most negative effects can be prevented if you follow simple recommendations, associated primarily with the choice of drugs, course duration, doses, etc. All data is taken from authoritative foreign sources, which are listed in the notes.

General measures to prevent harm

Do not use large doses of drugs

Do not take courses longer than 2 months

Choose steroids that suppress testosterone production to a lesser extent

Give preference to products that are not toxic to the liver

Use antiestrogens to restore testosterone secretion and prevent gynecomastia

Contraindications to taking steroids

Do not use anabolic steroids under the age of 21 as they may cause permanent damage at a young age: changes hormonal levels and growth arrest, as a result of the closure of bone growth zones.

Heart defects are also an absolute contraindication, as taking medications can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Kidney and liver failure

Uncompensated arterial hypertension

Benign prostate tumor

Severe atherosclerosis

Special cases

Suppression of the production of your own testosterone

Inhibition of endogenous testosterone secretion is an inevitable consequence of taking anabolic drugs. When hormones are introduced into the body, a signal appears to the endocrine system about an excessive increase in their concentration in the plasma, which in turn leads to the suppression of their production in the testicles.

This is the so-called mechanism feedback. The body constantly strives for homeostasis, and if the concentration of a particular hormone begins to increase, the receptors record this and the endocrine system reduces the production of this hormone in order to restore endocrine balance. In this way, the secretion of almost all hormones is regulated.

The above figures show that with an increase in the concentration of nandrolone in the blood, the level of testosterone in the plasma begins to decrease in a mirror manner, then the reverse process occurs.


Fortunately, this side effect is reversible. To minimize the harm of steroids, it is necessary to use gonadotropin - this drug can effectively increase the production of your own testosterone, as well as prevent testicular atrophy.

In our body, gonadotropin is constantly produced, and it is this hormone that maintains testicular function (throughout sexual activity). During a steroid course, the production of gonadotropin is suppressed and the testicles begin to atrophy. The introduction of exogenous gonadotropin allows you to restore hormonal balance and preserve testicular function.

Doses of gonadotropin depend on the “power” of the steroid course. If the duration of the course does not exceed 4 weeks, 1 drug is used in small doses, then there is no need for gonadotropin. If the duration of the course is more than 4 weeks, the dosage is too high, 2 or more anabolic agents are used: give 2 gonadotropin injections per week, 500 - 1000 IU, starting from the third week of the course.

You can often hear the opinion that the administration of gonadotropin is necessary only at the end of the course, but this is incorrect, since in this case the testicular tissue will not receive stimulation for a long time and will begin to atrophy, and this cannot be allowed. The administration of gonadotropin throughout the course allows you to achieve the maximum physiological balance of hormones in the body and maintain sexual function. It is also worth emphasizing that the need for its use in this case is not related to weight gain, but to safety, which is why small dosages are needed.

To restore the secretion of your own testosterone, Tamoxifen 20 mg per day is successfully used for 2-3 weeks after the course.

Liver damage

Liver damage is one of the most well-known side effects, but its actual significance is quite low. The media often focuses on this problem as an inevitable consequence of using anabolic steroids.

Firstly, liver damage is caused only by tablet forms of drugs that have a methyl group at position 17. This group prevents the destruction of the drug in the liver, but makes it toxic to it. Secondly, side effects on the liver occur only when very large doses are consumed.

As confirmation of these words, one can cite the results of studies of Fluoxymesterone, Dianabol and laboratory animals. Scientists have found that liver tissue damage occurs only when using doses that are 10 times higher than recommended. For example, toxic properties Methandrostenolone effects begin to appear only at daily dosages above 80 mg per day, whereas the recommended dose is approximately 20-30 mg.

Another study has already been conducted on humans. Two groups of athletes, one using steroids and the other training using only natural remedies, were examined for changes in the liver. Athletes who used steroids in high doses had signs of liver damage, but after 3 months no changes were found. Thus, we can conclude that the side effects on the liver are reversible.


do not use 17-alkylated drugs

give preference to injectable forms, they are safe for the liver


Gynecomastia is a benign growth of the mammary glands in men. This side effect is very unpleasant, but it only occurs out of stupidity because it is very easy to avoid.

Gynecomastia is caused only by those drugs that are converted into estrogens (Methandrostenolone, Testosterones, Sustanon, etc.).

Nandrolone, Boldenone, Primobolan, Winstrol, Anavar, etc. almost never cause gynecomastia.


If you plan to use drugs that aromatize to estrogen, then start taking antiestrogens (Tamoxifen 10-20 mg per day) starting from the second week of the course. The drug can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. This gives an almost 100% guarantee of safety.

Very often you can hear stupid recommendations, such as: antiestrogens should be used only after completing the course or only when the first signs of gynecomastia appear. This is a serious mistake that is why so many athletes have gynecomastia. Antiestrogens must be used throughout the course; gynecomastia is irreversible, so it needs to be prevented, not treated!

Acne (blackheads)

Another common side effect. Acne occurs due to the fact that anabolic agents increase the secretion of sebum, which leads to inflammation of the hair follicles and the formation of acne. This effect is especially pronounced in highly androgenic drugs.


Keep your skin clean

Accutane is highly effective

Increased blood cholesterol levels

Anabolic steroids can lower high-density lipoproteins (good cholesterol) and increase low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol). Hypothetically, this could lead to atherosclerosis.

However, in practice this does not happen, due to the short duration of this effect. In 4-6 weeks increased level cholesterol does not lead to changes in organs and blood vessels, and after discontinuation of the drugs, the cholesterol level returns to its original level.

It should be noted that a rise in cholesterol does not always occur, and not all drugs have this side effect.


Take omega-3 fatty acids during the cycle

Limit your consumption of chicken yolks and animal fats

Cardiovascular problems

It is known that the use of anabolic steroids is associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system. This is likely due to their effect on cholesterol. In addition, abuse of drugs in this group can cause hypertrophy of the ventricles of the heart. However, it is worth noting that strength training also leads to this.


Do not take long courses or use large doses

Include aerobic exercise in your training program

High blood pressure

This problem occurs because the AC:

Retains sodium in the body

Constrict blood vessels

Increases circulating blood volume

Normal arterial pressure should be below 140/90 mmHg. Art. Systematically measure your blood pressure level using a tonometer.


This side effect of steroids is quite easily eliminated with 50 mg of Metoprolol and 5 mg of Enalapril. If this is not enough, you can increase the dosage of antihypertensive drugs until your blood pressure normalizes.

Kidney problems

The kidneys filter the blood and remove waste products from the body. Taking anabolic steroids may increase the load on the kidneys, but the drugs do not have any direct toxic effects, and the increased load is associated with the increase in blood pressure described in the section above.

There are steroids (such as nandrolone) that are even used to treat some kidney diseases.


Normalization of blood pressure

Mental problems

Increased aggression is a very rare side effect of steroids, occurring in less than 3-5% of cases when high doses are used.

One study showed that main role temperament plays a role, and if you are not prone to aggression in ordinary life, then using AC will not lead to this problem.


Anabolic steroids can contribute to the development of alopecia in men, and this affects only the scalp, while the hair on other parts of the body may thicken slightly.

Scientists believe that baldness is associated with a gene that is located on the X chromosome, so AS can provoke this process only if there is a genetic predisposition. If no one in your family on the paternal or maternal side had alopecia, then it obviously does not threaten you either. Otherwise, this is an almost inevitable process.

The reason steroids cause baldness is due to dihydrotestosterone, so you may want to use drugs that do not convert to this metabolite.


Use ACs that do not convert to dihydrotestosterone

Finasteride has been successfully used to prevent baldness, but the drug has quite a few side effects.

Minoxidil (cream) has proven effectiveness

Blood clots

The use of anabolic drugs leads to an increase in prothrombin time or, in other words, to an increase in blood clotting. In rare cases, in older people, this may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, which occur due to the formation of microthrombi in the supplying vessels.


To exclude the harm of steroids to the heart, it is recommended to use antiplatelet agents over the age of 40. The ideal solution is Aspirin at a dose of 100 mg per day (a quarter of a tablet), this drug suppresses platelet aggregation and eliminates the possibility of blood clots forming in the vessels.


virilization or masculinization- these are irreversible changes in the female body that are associated with the acquisition of masculine features: deepening of the voice, atrophy of the mammary glands, clitoral hypertrophy, masculine facial features, etc.

These symptoms occur especially often when using drugs with a low anabolic index.

Stopping growth

This is an irreversible condition. It is only relevant at a young age, when the bone growth zones have not yet closed. For this reason, it is not recommended to take anabolic steroids under the age of 21.

This effect is especially pronounced in aromatized drugs.

Prostate hypertrophy

First of all, it must be said that steroid drugs only in rare cases contribute to prostate enlargement, and this usually occurs after the age of 40, in the presence of a genetic predisposition.

Dihydrotestosterone is put forward as the main cause, as in the case of baldness.


Finasteride has been successfully used as prevention and treatment.


It would be more correct to say not infertility, but temporary sterility, which is associated with changes in hormonal levels in the body. Fortunately, this condition is completely reversible.


For faster recovery, antiestrogens (Tamoxifen) and human chorionic gonadotropin are used, according to the schemes described above.

Testicular atrophy

Due to the feedback mechanism mentioned above, the production of natural gonadotropin is reduced. This hormone constantly stimulates the testicles; if its concentration decreases, testicular tissue begins to atrophy.

Testicular atrophy may not be reversible in severe cases! This in turn can lead to impotence.


Fortunately, it is easy to prevent with gonadotropin injections, according to the scheme described above. Testicular atrophy develops extremely rarely and only when using large doses during long courses.

Gonadotropin is necessary only for long courses (more than 1.5-2 months) using large doses.

The mythical harm of steroids

In this section we will try to list the most popular myths associated with the side effects of steroids:

Reducing the length of the penis

Brain damage

Side effects always occur and are irreversible

It is impossible to achieve muscle growth after using AC

All steroids damage the liver and kidneys

Tablets are safer than injections (the situation is the opposite)

Once used, you can't stop

Surely, many are familiar with the abbreviation “AAS” - for brevity’s sake, this is the name for androgens and anabolic steroids, which are indispensable for quickly building muscles.

Are steroids harmful?

Let's start with the fact that steroid hormones, unlike non-steroidal ones, bind directly to receptors located in cells, penetrating inside. As a result, protein synthesis occurs.

All processes occurring under the influence of chemistry constitute a delicate mechanism, the operation of which can be quickly and easily destroyed due to outside interference. When an athlete takes anabolic steroids, he harms the endocrine system.

What happens when an athlete uses anabolic steroids? Once in the body, the synthetic hormone tries to establish a relationship with the target cell. Then, without first binding to receptors, the hormone leads to forced growth of cell protein. When the cell is oversaturated with a chemical hormone, the pituitary gland receives a signal that the saturation of the cell has already been completed, and the attack continues.

As a result, the pituitary gland is forced to regulate the natural supply of hormones to the cell, commanding that the glands do not function, or that they do so at a reduced rate. If steroid therapy is continued for too long, the glands may permanently lose their ability to produce their own hormones. They will become overgrown with connective tissue and turn into a useless organ. As a consequence, complete atrophy of most of the rather important links that are located in the center of the endocrine system.

Side effects of steroids

  1. Sodium is retained - excess water accumulates in the body, the whole body becomes swollen, especially in the cheeks and under the eyes. Blood pressure rises, ailments in the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys progress.
  2. Acne - acne. If there is an excess of “chemicals” in an athlete’s body, this can manifest itself as acne on the back and chest. The same goes for the shoulders, neck and face. In case of genetic predisposition, a steroid attack will lead to more serious consequences.
  3. Gynecomastia is an abnormal enlargement of the mammary glands in representatives of the stronger sex. We can say that this disease is a professional disease of a bodybuilder. Pain and hardening appear in the nipples, the shape of the breast changes, it becomes more feminine. In the case of subsequent cycles of steroid use, gynecomastia begins to progress; it cannot go away on its own.
  4. Increased aggressiveness and irritability is a characteristic state for those who prefer harsh “chemistry” to long-term exercise.
  5. Increased blood pressure.

Myths about steroids

There are many myths and legends surrounding these drugs. Let's figure out what is true and what is an outright lie.

Myth 1. All “chemistry” is deadly

And steroids, and anabolics, and hormones, and chemistry - these names evoke ordinary people real panic. Undoubtedly, the risk of unwanted consequences after taking anabolic steroids is high, but you risk no less when you smoke or drink alcohol.

In fact, such drugs can also be beneficial. After all, they are used to treat many diseases. With their help, it is even possible to defeat breast cancer. Which means it's not all that bad. Compared with mortality from alcohol or tobacco, the risk fatal outcome from anabolic steroids is minimal.

Myth 2. Steroids cause impotence and infertility

In fact, a course of steroids leads to the opposite effect - libido increases significantly. If you exit the cycle incorrectly or abuse dosages of androgens-steroids, then a decrease in sexual desire is possible.

The same applies to erections. But this side effect is reversible. Some time after finishing the chemotherapy, sexual function returns to normal. For quick recovery, hormonal therapy is prescribed, as well as drugs that actively stimulate erection. If we talk about infertility, the percentage of such consequences is minimal.

Myth 3. You can also achieve impressive results without AAS

If we talk about addition, speed and strength indicators, then this is true. But for this you must be a real monster in genetic terms, a mutant in the truest sense of the word.

A common person will never be able to achieve the same results that athletes achieve without using doping.

Chemicals (doping) can to some extent level the odds. With their help, those who do not have impressive genetic inclinations are able to get as close as possible to their goal.

But here it is important to remember that stimulants can never replace training. Errors in training cannot be corrected with the help of doping. As for bodybuilding, there are also errors in the correct selection of diet.

Myth 4. Banning doping will help clean up the sport.

In fact, such a struggle not only does not motivate one to give up doping drugs, but also inspires the invention of new similar assistants. So doping continues to live. Surely, it will be in demand for a long time, and maybe even forever.

Myth 5. Anyone can succeed in sports with the help of steroids.

In fact, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. In order to achieve success, you need willpower, patience, dedication and a great desire to achieve your goal.

In order to achieve impressive results in sports, you should train at least two to three times a day. And of course, the coach plays a big role here - you need to find the best, a master of his craft. In addition, it is important to study the working principle, as well as the structure of the muscles.

Steroids are an aid in restoring strength after grueling exercise and stress. Even with the use of such drugs, only a few achieve success. But everything is in your hands. The main thing is to believe in victory and strive to fulfill your desires and goals.

Myth 6. Steroids have severe side effects.

If at a holiday you drink three bottles of this drink instead of a glass of wine, then you cannot do without serious consequences. The same applies to taking steroids.

You need to know the measure, the correct dosage. This means that before use you should definitely consult with your doctor and trainer. And then there will be no harm to health. By adhering to the training and medication regimen built by the trainer, you can rise to the pinnacle of success.

Video about anabolic steroids:

Author of the article:

To begin with, it is worth saying that the use of any medicines without the right reasons, it can upset the balance in the body and lead to irreparable consequences.

Now it is becoming fashionable to have beautiful body and many young people who want to get muscle mass V short term start taking steroids. It is very dangerous to engage in hormone replacement therapy (use anabolic steroids) without the right reasons at the age of 14-17, without fully understanding what is happening inside. Often this leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of the body, and not everyone knows that the body grows much longer than it seems - a man becomes at the age of 26-28, a woman at 24-26, and the phrase already works here: the sooner you start, the sooner you'll finish.

General measures to prevent harm from steroid use:

  • Do not use large doses of drugs. Always follow the dosage.
  • Do not take courses that are too long (more than 2 months)

Since mostly beginners read about the first courses, let's start with the side effects of AAS. So, let's go.

1. Suppression of the production of your own testosterone.

There is a feedback mechanism at work here. The body is structured very wisely and constantly strives for a state of balance: if the body notices (with the help of receptors) that there is a lot of some hormone, then the endocrine system gives a command to the organs to reduce the production of this hormone. Let's try to explain in other words. Imagine your body - this is a store where they make soda in the basement, and now you, as the director, decide to import soda from another manufacturer (at a lower price than your own production). Naturally, you will stop making it in YOUR basement.

To summarize, there is a lot of ALIEN (exogenous in scientific terms) and little of OURSELVES (endogenous).

This suppression of the production of one’s own testosterone does not always occur - it all depends on the body’s predisposition. It takes time - usually several weeks - to fully restore the normal functioning of organs.

2. Liver damage.

This is probably the most famous side effect. But him real threat exaggerated. Everything that enters the body passes through the liver (this is done at school). And the liver has very good property- regeneration, which allows her to recover on her own.

Alpha-17 alkylation also helps reduce the effect on the liver. Used in oral AAS, preventing the breakdown of the drug in the first stage of hepatic metabolism.

3. Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is an enlargement (proliferation) of the mammary glands in men. It's not dangerous, but very unpleasant. This side effect is usually caused by stupidity because it is very easy to avoid. Gynecomastia is caused only by those drugs, those drugs that cause the synthesis of prolactin, progesterone and estrogen or are converted into the latter - methandrostenolone, testosterones, nandralon.

Let's return to the store inside you. Your store operates on a hot beach. If you have a lot of soda (testosterone) and your store cannot sell it, then magic happens - the soda turns into candy (testosterone is converted into estrogen) - candy on a hot beach is bad (estrogen in the male body is bad, but when there is a lot of it - even worse:).

The female sex hormone estrogen causes mood swings - for men it turns out to be depression. (If you remember a woman with PMS, this is a living example of a surge in estrogen).

This can be avoided by using aromatase inhibitors. Aromatase inhibitors belong to the class of antiestrogens - they prevent testosterone from converting into estrogen.

Important! Aromatase is an enzyme under the influence of which testosterone can be converted into estradiol (the most powerful estrogen). And androstenedione (another male hormone) turns into estrone (another estrogen).

4. Acne (blackheads)

Simply put, acne. Quite a common side effect. The reason for their appearance is the increased secretion of sebum under the influence of anabolic agents, which leads to inflammation of the hair follicles and the formation of acne. This side effect is most common with highly androgenic drugs. There will be a lot of acne after the course (at the time of exit). Acne may go away on its own within a few months. But if you want it faster, then diet (less simple carbohydrates), personal hygiene and anti-acne medications (Zinerit, Clynesfar) will help.

5. High blood pressure

High blood pressure This problem arises due to the fact that while taking AAS, the volume of blood circulating in the body increases, sodium is retained in the body, and blood vessels narrow.

The most common side effect, but also the least easily preventable, is that high blood pressure can be easily normalized: for example, use B blockers (metoprolol, 50-150 mg per day). When using AAS, we recommend monitoring your blood pressure.

6. Baldness

It comes mainly from dihydrosterone derivatives (Masteron, Winstrol Primabolan and other drugs that are derivatives of dihydrosterone). But this side effect threatens those who are predisposed to baldness.

7. Prostate hypertrophy

First of all, it must be said that AAS only in rare cases contribute to prostate enlargement, and this usually occurs after the age of 40, in the presence of a genetic predisposition.

8. Infertility. Don't play with this!

It would be more correct to say not infertility, but temporary sterility, which is associated with changes in hormonal levels in the body. Fortunately, this condition is completely reversible. This is due to the fact that from taking steroids, sperm become slow and simply “do not swim to the egg.” Severe sterility occurs IN VERY RARE CASES - steroids as a means of contraception work very poorly.

9. Testicular atrophy

Due to the feedback mechanism (the store is within us:), the production of natural gonadotropin is reduced. This hormone is responsible for stimulation of the testicles, and its reduced concentration leads to atrophy of testicular tissue. Testicular atrophy may be irreversible in severe cases (tumor development). Usually, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is used as therapy and you are a man again.

Do not overdo it - this in turn can lead to impotence. Use hCG only if you are not on a cycle. As you can see, there are a lot of side effects, but all cases are isolated, it is not a fact that you will have any side effect. This mainly depends on hereditary predisposition.

As a conclusion

If you have fear or uncertainty, then it is better to refrain from using AAS - the hobby will go away, but the sores will remain.

Attention! The portal does not sell, promote or encourage the use of steroids and other potent substances. The information is presented so that those athletes who decide to take them do so with an understanding of the processes occurring in the body - as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

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From the editor: We are neither for nor against the use of anabolic steroids and other doping agents. We are in favor of ensuring that the athlete has complete, truthful information about such drugs, their effect on the body, possible health risks, medical methods for monitoring the body’s condition, doping control and disqualification. After weighing all the pros and cons, each athlete must decide for himself whether to use doping or not. In any case, the use of doping agents must be under the strict supervision of a physician.

The widespread use of anabolic steroids in both sports and general medicine has made it possible to obtain sufficient statistics on the unwanted side effects of their effects on the body. However, if a doctor prescribes anabolic drugs to treat a disease, then the dosage conditions and course of their use are strictly observed, so that to a certain extent this process is under control. In sports practice, the situation, unfortunately, is somewhat different. Most athletes who use anabolic steroids (AS) do not think about the fact that they can harm their health. They focus exclusively on the growth of results, which, in their opinion, steroids must provide. There is a widespread opinion, especially among novice athletes, that “the more, the better and more effective.” This is a deep and dangerous misconception that has neither theoretical nor practical justification.

From the point of view of the theory of the mechanism of action of AS on the human body, they may well affect those organs and systems that are not specialized for testosterone. That is, the spectrum of pharmacological action of AS significantly expands and it turns into toxicological. Now we can definitely say that long-term use of AS in large doses causes a number of complications that can cause severe pathology and, in some cases, be fatal.

The use of any AS can cause more than one negative side effect. In most cases, it all depends on the dosage. The higher the dose, the more likely the occurrence of various negative effects. Such side effects include acne, fluid retention, changes in testicular size, liver dysfunction, scalp hair loss, body hair growth, sleep problems, increased appetite, gynecomastia, deepened voice, increased aggressiveness. Most of these side effects are considered reversible (temporary) and disappear after stopping the steroid medication. However, much more severe consequences of using AS are possible, such as heart disease and serious mental disorders. It should also be noted that athletes who use steroids often become physically and mentally dependent on the drugs.

Possible health hazards force athletes to stop taking AS or not use them at all. Nevertheless, as practice shows, there will always be those who will use them. The fight against many of the negative side effects must begin in the early stages of their occurrence. In this regard, if you nevertheless decide to use AS, then timely consultations with a doctor will help to detect the unwanted effects of the drug and avoid serious complications.

It is important to note that sudden cessation of taking AS can lead to negative effects, which is associated with a sudden decrease in their level in the circulatory system. A sharp sudden change in hormonal levels may be accompanied by the presence of the following symptoms: nausea, runny nose, headache, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, decreased libido, depression and a strong need to immediately resume taking anabolic steroids. Therefore, stopping taking steroids should be gradual and preferably under the supervision of a doctor.

We should not forget that sports performance, acquired thanks to steroids, will be largely lost after stopping the use of AS. Regular training will help preserve them, at least partially. But finding enough incentives for them will not be easy due to the usual state of depression in such a situation.

So, let's take a closer look at some of the negative side effects associated with the use of AS.

Effect on the central nervous system

Initially, experts paid the greatest attention to the negative impact of AS on the organs and systems directly responsible for physical state organism. And only after some time, researchers came to the conclusion that the consequences of taking steroid drugs no less affect the mental state and behavioral reactions of people. The human brain has receptors for interaction with testosterone and therefore may well be considered as a “target organ” for this hormone and its synthetic analogues.

From the late 30s to the mid-80s, steroids were used abroad as a remedy against nervous and mental disorders, including psychoses and depression. Therapeutic doses of AS in clinical settings led to improved memory in patients, decreased fatigue and improved mood. Research has also found significant influence testosterone on the development and functioning of the nervous system. Testosterone and AS affect brain function, ensuring an increase in hormonal levels. They cause changes in brain activity similar to amphetamines and antidepressants. However, along with these therapeutic effects, psychological side effects caused by the use of steroids were also discovered. They appear differently, depending on the dosage. Doctors noted the presence of psychosis and manic-depressive states, as well as depression associated with abrupt cessation of steroid use. An overdose of AS can lead to increased aggression, tendency to violence, depression and hallucinations. Cyclic use of steroids, accompanied by breaks, causes permanent shifts mental state, leading to general unstable brain activity. In the specialized literature there are many specific examples where excessive passion for AS led to changes in the function of the central nervous system and traditional behavioral reactions of athletes (increased aggressiveness, including of a criminal nature, periods of increased excitability and deep depression, sometimes personal type of psychosis, etc.). More often than not, for these athletes, not only did their career in sports completely end, but severe disability was added. Sexual crimes due to the use of AS have also been described.

There was a dependence in the behavior of athletes who took steroids on age. The younger the athlete, the more profound changes in the psyche take place, that is, a young, growing body is much more vulnerable to steroids. A significant side effect of using AS is the athlete becoming dependent on them. Moreover, psychological dependence on AS is a much more common phenomenon than physical dependence. It is not yet completely clear whether there is a certain predisposition for this, and, if so, what is the reason for it.

In general, side effects on the central nervous system as a result of the use of AS manifest themselves very individually, can be very significant and lead to severe irreversible consequences, and can disappear after stopping their use, depending on the specific drug and dosage.

Effect on the endocrine system

Since testosterone and anabolic steroids themselves have hormonal activity, it is natural to expect their influence on the endocrine system. This is, first of all, a reproductive function in men. The introduction of high concentrations of anabolic steroids for a long time suppresses the synthesis of own testosterone, which leads to a decrease in its concentration in the blood, testicular atrophy, and impaired sperm formation. Spermatozoa lose mobility, the ability to penetrate the egg, and the amount of sperm decreases. In boys, early puberty and disruption of the growth process are observed. Due to the fact that part of testosterone and anabolic hormones is converted into estradiol during metabolism, feminization of the male body takes place. This is expressed in gynecomastia - growth of the mammary glands by 65% ​​in adolescents and 40% in adult men. Experts believe that a decrease in the fertility index, changes in sexual desire and impotence are the most striking clinical manifestation of the so-called medicinal anabolic syndrome, common among athletes, that is, a new disease of a civilized society caused by the systematic use of anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids also affect the adrenal cortex, which regulates electrolyte and water metabolism in the body. An increase in potassium and sodium levels can lead to water retention and edema, and weight gain.

In women, anabolic steroids cause changes in reproductive function as a result of atrophy of the uterus, ovaries, menstrual irregularities, even amenorrhea. Virilization of women, especially young women, occurs (deepening of the voice, hair growth on the chin and upper lip, mammary glands decrease, the clitoris enlarges, muscle growth changes the figure according to the male type). When anabolic steroids are discontinued, rehabilitation of athletes occurs within one to two months, and with long-term use after six months, and sometimes the changes are irreversible.

Practical recommendations. In these cases, gonadotropins, multivitamin complexes such as supradin, vitamin E, leveton, and eltonapivitis are recommended. tranquilizers, antidepressants and other drugs. Symptomatic therapy is used.

Effect on the genitourinary system

Under the influence of anabolic steroids, stones form in the kidneys and glomerular function is impaired. Among athletes who use steroids, cases of kidney tumors have been recorded. The fact that androgens influence the growth of prostate adenoma in men is also beyond doubt.

There is a debate about the role of anabolic steroids in the occurrence of prostate cancer and tumors of the female genital organs. They agree that anabolic steroids do not directly cause cancer, but their long-term use contributes to the development of prostate cancer. Consequently, the athlete’s genitourinary system is subject to quite distinct changes that are caused by anabolic steroids with their long-term use. Increased blood pressure, sometimes leading to fainting, among athletes (and non-athletes) who took anabolic steroids is widespread known fact In 25% of patients using anabolic steroids, heart disease and hypertension occur, and in 1-2% - myocardial damage. Various authors have described several cases of death as a result of acute heart failure as a result of taking anabolic steroids. Thus, while there is a tendency to increase milk pressure, metabolic shifts towards the occurrence of risk factors (increased levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins, increased formation of free radicals, etc.), the possibility of complications from the cardiovascular system increases many times, despite the relatively young age of athletes taking ana Bolic steroids .

Practical recommendations. To relieve these complications, doctors use drugs that reduce blood pressure, improve microcirculation, prevent and treat acute and chronic heart failure (cardiac ischemia, arrhythmias, which are a common occurrence when performing physical exercises with weights that are large in volume and long in time).

Effect on the cardiovascular system

An increase in blood pressure, sometimes leading to fainting, in athletes (and non-athletes) who took anabolic steroids is a well-known fact. 25% of patients using anabolic steroids develop heart disease and hypertension, and 1-2% have damage myocardium Various authors have described several cases of death as a result of acute heart failure as a result of taking anabolic steroids. Thus, with the existing tendency to increase blood pressure, metabolic shifts towards the occurrence of risk factors (increased levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins, increased new formation of free radicals and others), the possibility of complications from the cardiovascular system increases many times over, despite the relatively young age of athletes taking anabolic steroids.

Practical recommendations. To relieve these complications, doctors use drugs that lower blood pressure, improve microcirculation, prevent and treat acute and chronic heart failure (cardiac ischemia, arrhythmias, which are common when performing physical exercises with weights that are large in volume and long in time).

Effect on the hepatocellular system

It is the most characteristic and obvious effect of anabolic steroids, which athletes, doctors and trainers are well aware of (liver pain syndrome, liver enlargement below the edge of the costal arch, and others). Intense physical activity itself can cause pathological changes in the liver, since the metabolism increases many times over, and the liver, which is responsible for metabolism in the body, may not have time to neutralize all the by-products that are formed, including steroids. If it is also forced to neutralize exogenous anabolic-type steroids in high concentrations, then it may simply not have time to cope with this task. The result of this is liver pathology. The liver has testosterone receptors in cells and selectively associates testosterone and anabolic steroids.

It has been proven that oral (tablet) forms of anabolic steroids, to a much greater extent than injectable drugs, have Negative influence on the detoxifying (neutralizing) and excretory functions of the liver. Following functional changes, organic changes occur, which is expressed in jaundice, cholestasis, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Acute liver failure, often found in athletes who have used anabolic steroids for a long time, is associated with blockage of the bile ducts and cholestasis. Some authors described the occurrence of malignant neoplasms in the liver after taking anabolic steroids. Athletes were diagnosed with liver adenoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, angiosarcoma and others serious illnesses, which often end in death. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract include the malignant transformation of colon polyps and the development of adenocarcinoma with long-term use of large doses of anabolic steroids.

Practical recommendations. As for the prevention of liver disease during rehabilitation after taking anabolic steroids, it is appropriate to use all liver protectors Essentiale Forte, Legal, Lif-52, Karsil, antioxidants containing antioxidant drugs - leveton, Elton her tamine E, vitamin C, bee products ( propolis, pollen, royal jelly, honey), adaptogens of plant and animal origin.

Effect on the musculoskeletal system

It is characterized by increased traumatism due to the discrepancy between the growth and strength of the muscles and ligaments to which they are attached. Ligament ruptures occur up to the most powerful ligament (Achilles tendon) in adult athletes. In children's and youth sports, the use of anabolic steroids causes irreversible changes: premature ossification of long bones, accelerated healing of the epiphyseal plates, and disruption of the growth process. The so-called muscle congestion, which athletes are well aware of, occurs due to impaired microcirculation in muscle tissue.

Practical recommendations. Prevention of increased injuries consists of discontinuing anabolic drugs, changing physical activity, surgical and rehabilitation treatment according to doctor’s indications.

Other complications

The appearance of an athlete taking anabolic steroids is quite characteristic and is expressed, especially at a young age, in the presence of acne, increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, allergic dermatitis and other skin manifestations. Due to the immunoweakening effect of anabolic steroids, resistance to tuberculosis, AIDS and common colds is reduced. A number of authors have described other side effects of anabolic steroids, which, for now, can be considered as isolated cases.

The reader would probably ask the question - is every athlete necessarily receiving one of the following when taking anabolic steroids? side effects described in the article? The answer may be this - this is not at all necessary, but the risk of getting it really exists and depends on many factors of the pharmacogenetic properties of the body (the rate of metabolic transformation of certain drugs), their dosage form, chemical structure, dose, duration of use, level of physical activity, age and gender . Many athletes take AS in combination with other drugs. This is done for various purposes: to avoid side effects, pass doping control, and better prepare for the performance. Often, athletes strive to win at any cost and are ready to literally push any drugs into themselves just to achieve success. It must be borne in mind that combining pharmacological drugs, even under medical supervision, is extremely dangerous, and independent experiments can easily lead to serious consequences and even death.

In conclusion, we present a table that presents the disorders that develop in the body with long-term use of anabolic steroids:

Body system Possible pathologies
Central nervous system

mental change;

increased excitability;


aggression or depression;

Endocrine system

changes in insulin secretion and decreased glucose tolerance;

lipid metabolism disorder;



decreased testosterone secretion in men;

suppression of spermatogenesis;

change in libido;


Cardiovascular system

Changes in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism are a factor predisposing to the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Liver and gallbladder

Oral forms of AS cause disturbances in the toxic and excretory functions of the liver.

Long-term use leads to blockage of the bile ducts, cholestasis, fibrosis, hepatitis, and cirrhosis.

Possible neoplasms, tumors, hepatocellular carcinoma, angiosarcoma, liver hyperplasia.

Genitourinary system

formation of kidney stones;

glomerular dysfunction;

Possible prostate cancer, kidney tumors, decreased spermatogenesis and changes in the normal composition of sperm, testicular atrophy.

Musculoskeletal system In adolescence:

irreversible changes in long bones;

accelerated fusion of epiphyseal plates;

tendon degeneration;

changes in muscle structure;

Author of the article:

Today we’ll talk about the benefits of androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS). This is why they are actually used in sports and bodybuilding in particular. We will not go into much biochemistry and physiology, but will just scratch the surface.

Steroids are substances of animal or, less commonly, plant origin that have high biological activity. For example, corticosteroids reduce inflammation and if not for them, you would be writhing in pain. We will not equate everything that bears this name with AAS, but we will agree that steroids are those drugs that are used in bodybuilding.

So, I would like to start with the main advantage, for which we have all gathered, this is the restoration of the body after heavy post. physical activity, or rather its acceleration. With natural hormone levels, the body's recovery process after heavy exercise will take an average of 48 hours (rarely 36, often 72). Unfortunately, this is a fact, but for muscles to grow, it takes both time and a significant supply of energy. With AAC, recovery is much faster.

The story of Arthur Jones with his experiment on Casey Viator is very useful here. The essence of the experiment is training on the Nautilus simulator (invention of Arthur Jones) to failure every other day. And it turned out that in almost a month (28 days) Viator gained 28 kilograms of muscle. That's about a kilogram a day! In addition, 8 kilograms of fat were lost. Of course, this result is unrealistic without the use of anabolic androgenic steroids.

Let's look at the effect of some anabolic steroid

Let's take methandrostenolone for example. So, penetrating inside the cell nucleus, it has the following effects on the body:

1. Activates the genetic apparatus of the cell, which leads to an increase in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and structural proteins, activation of enzymes of the tissue respiration chain (a set of enzymatic processes occurring with the participation of atmospheric oxygen in the cells of organs and tissues, resulting in the breakdown products of carbohydrates, fats and proteins oxidize to carbon dioxide and water - in other words, the process of energy release from the cell is accelerated.

2. Leads to increased tissue respiration (the amount of substances involved and the release of energy), oxidative phosphorylation, ATP synthesis (adenosine triphosphate is the reason for your life, ATP is a synonym for energy in your cells) and the accumulation of macroergs (molecules capable of accumulating this same energy and give you buddy) inside the cage.

3. Stimulates anabolic and suppresses catabolic processes (read more in the article about metabolism) caused by glucocorticoids (by the way, also steroids from the adrenal cortex, control carbohydrate metabolism, and they are also anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, anti-allergic, anti-shock steroids. Less stress - less catabolism process ).

General positive effects of anabolic steroid use

You get the following positive effects:

1. Regeneration of muscle tissue significantly increases after training, regardless of whether you follow a diet or not. Of course, in the latter case there will be an effect, but not as great as with a proper diet, the amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats, as well as their ratio.

2. Fat deposits are reduced. You can even say that AAS in general “burn” stale lard, but with some drugs this is little noticeable due to water retention in the body, so choose wisely.

3. Strength increases, muscle density increases. The mass may remain the same (body composition naturally does not), as everything happens as we have already read above.

4. Strengthening bones, but here it is back side medals - closure of bone growth. For information, fractures heal faster.

A side effect is osteoporosis, but it appears from estrogen and progesterone, which in turn causes an increase in certain drugs, but more on them later.

5. Pump. The volume of blood in the body increases, and therefore your “hot” muscles will look different, much larger.

6. A plus that many people have noticed is attraction (here, without comment, I think everything is clear). It just blows your mind! Of course, the opposite sex also feels testosterone on a subconscious level :). Because more blood means more and the pump is not only in the muscles, the increase in rigidity and size in men themselves understood where;) Yes, this is a rather pleasant fact.

7. “Steroid rage”, or, no joke, aggression. It usually appears from highly androgenic drugs (example trenbolone). Why plus? If you are a guy with a head, you could use some extra energy.

Although you won’t throw yourself at people, just be prepared - if in a normal situation you don’t pay attention to barbs directed at you, then on steroids you can break your opponent’s ribs.

8. Self-confidence. You see your increase, you like yourself in the mirror, and accordingly, you feel more confident, because everything is working out for you, and you are moving towards your goal. Yes, here it is more likely that AAS does not directly affect, but indirectly.

As a conclusion

As you can see, steroids have very useful and interesting effects. And if you decide to achieve high altitudes in bodybuilding, then without AAS it will be almost impossible to do this.

Steroids are like a catalyst in chemistry (much similar) - they speed up the process of achieving results. But if you stop exercising, then two to three months and you will look the same as before the course.

We remind you that the use of anabolic steroids seriously affects the human body, and if you are not going to connect your life with professional sports, then think carefully about whether you need them.

As always, please comment and ask questions. We will be happy to help you.

Attention! The portal does not sell, promote or encourage the use of steroids and other potent substances. The information is presented so that those athletes who decide to take them do so with an understanding of the processes occurring in the body - as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

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