The situation is given to your immediate superior bypassing you. Test "relations with colleagues". Functional subordination. application options

Founder of the first sex hotel in Ukraine "Cherry Twins" and sex expert Elena Solovyova told why we need role-playing games and how to practice them correctly.

People meet, people fall in love, get married... And then each couple tries to build their relationship according to the fairy-tale postulate “and they lived happily ever after.”

At the same time, almost everyone works diligently for the duration of the relationship, and not for its quality. At first everything is perfect, you spend almost all of your time together free time and enjoy each other's company.

A few years pass and you realize it's been a damn long time since you kissed in an elevator. You stopped sleeping in an embrace and don’t tear off each other’s clothes when left alone. This means that three messengers of betrayal or divorce have come into your life - everyday life, routine and boredom.

You diligently try not to notice these uninvited guests, say that this is not about you and it’s like that for everyone, but sex happens less and less, there is less and less passion and gradually look New film becoming more interesting than going to the bedroom.

Then there are several scenarios for the development of the plot - at some point you realize that you are two strangers under the same ceiling and simply go your separate ways. You decide to “get” emotions on the side and take on your lover’s mistress.

live parallel lives and find yourself a hundred excuses. And finally, the most difficult option and rare option - you choose to work on the relationship and return the former passion to it. This is what role-playing games are for. And since the sexual education of the majority of Ukrainians is approaching zero, role-playing games are presented as sex, but in costume.

We'll just change into a nurse or a teacher, and then continue as usual. Such “dressing up” has nothing in common with a swarm game. Role-playing is an opportunity to be with other people, to do things that are unusual for you, or to show unusual emotions. Only in this case will you be able to discover new facets in each other and fall in love with your partner again.

A modest woman can become an imperious Domina, a tough boss can become a timid page, and a self-confident beauty can turn into a submissive odalisque. You will learn to receive new and very vivid emotions from each other, it would seem that there are two of you, but every game is sex with a new person. Role-playing games are the prevention of infidelity and divorce.

This is the basis for a harmonious sex life, energy fullness and self-confidence, and most importantly, it incredibly brings people together and increases the level of trust in a couple.

Alas, often couples simply do not know “how to start.” How to admit your desires, fantasies and generally start talking about intimate topics.

  1. If you really know how to start a conversation, send your other half a link to a text or video plot that turns you on and that you would like to bring to life.
  2. Are you ready to discuss your fantasies? Great, but don’t do it casually and on the run. Have a romantic evening out and discuss all the juicy details over a glass of wine
  3. Scenario. The only way. If you are not professional actors, prepare yourself. Come up with dialogues and mise-en-scenes, otherwise it will just be a banal disguise. Remember that there are only two of you on this stage. No one is filming you, judging you or grading you. Enjoy the situation. If you switch to sex 10 minutes after the start, you lose. Have you chosen a nurse and a patient? Carry out an inspection. Tease and touch. Write out the prescription. Drop the stethoscope. Take time and inflame each other until it becomes impossible to hold back
  4. No slippers or dressing gowns. You don't have to buy costumes from a sex shop, but do some work.
  5. Ideally, change the location. The walls of the marital bedroom are anchors that store both positive and negative emotions.
  6. Do not be shy. Don't prick each other and don't be afraid. When you were children, you were able to sincerely imagine your role in the game. Try to remember what it's like.

Our whole life is a game. And play in sex is what makes our life truly bright.

Interpersonal relationships are directly determined by role relationships, on the one hand, and individual personal characteristics subjects, on the other. Most of what we think and do is related to our social roles. As roles change, our views change.

Role relationships are relationships conditioned functional responsibilities subject. They are characterized, in particular, by the following features.

Impersonality. “Roles are attached to everyone who is in the appropriate position of status.

Conditioning of behavior by role responsibilities. A social role is a set of expected behavioral stereotypes associated with the performance of a very specific, specific job. Difficult compatibility social roles. The problem lies in defining what exactly is expected and from whom. An individual’s opinion about his role does not always coincide with what others think about it and what actually exists - everything can differ widely. Accommodation of the asocial role of the subject. Roles are quickly learned and can significantly influence the subject's behavior. Role relationships represented by the following parameters. A role episode is defined by the assumption that the group takes a fixed position on some issue. This assumption becomes famous performer role, which, in turn, forms the perception of what is expected of him, and, as it were, subsequently sets some behavior of a member of the organization. However, his behavior may differ significantly from the actual expectations of the group. Therefore, the group's behavior may also change.

A role set is a set of roles corresponding to a given status; it is a group of individuals who form and store expectations regarding how the role performer should behave, exchange these expectations and let the role performer know about them. The role set indicates behavioral stereotypes that exist in social group. The performers of a role have clearer ideas about it in cases where the role set is small than when it is large. Small role sets are associated with the formation of cliques, or isolated small groups within a social group.

Role differentiation is defined as the degree to which types of functions differ between people. The higher the separation of roles, the higher the role differentiation. It gives an idea of ​​how social roles are distributed in specific production circumstances. Any organization faces what is called a role problem. These include:

Role conflict;

Role ambiguity;

Role overload.

There are many ways to solve role problems. One of them is associated with structural changes, a change of job.

A social role is a specific mechanism by which public interest determine the behavior of an individual in a variety of communication situations.

Social roles necessary in specific communication situations are developed by society over long periods of its development as socially approved types of human behavior.

The style of a person’s role behavior is the personal coloring of playing a role, depending on the temperament, character, motivation and other characteristics of the individual, on his knowledge and skills.

The role behavior of an individual has two plans. These are actions caused by:

1) regulatory requirements - “I” in the proposed circumstances, role and;

2) personal claims - “I” as such.

The first plan of behavior is social form role actions, the second plan is a psychological method of role self-realization.

It is precisely here that the significant problem discussed above arises - the difficult compatibility of social roles. The difference between what the subject considers his role to be, what others think about it, and what the “real” one actually is. this role, as a rule, leads to intra-role and inter-role conflicts.

Control questions:

1. What is the content of the concepts of “social differentiation”,

"social inequality"?

2. What is the content of the concept of “social status”?

3. Describe the statuses.

4. What is the content of the concept of “social rank”?

5. What is the content of the concept of “social role”?

6. Describe the signs of a social role.

7. What is the content of the concept “personal role structure”?

8. List and characterize the main elements of the normative structure of fulfilling a social role.

9. Expand the content of concepts that characterize the role behavior of an individual.

Psychological workshop

jvRUnpGame "Bad Company"

Goals of the game:

a) reveal and discredit the forms of communication adopted in primitive groups;

b) identify people’s reactions to each other during game interaction;

c) determine the true distribution of roles in this group;

d) weaken the negative influence on the group of those members who form a kind of “bad company” within it and act through an ironic reflection of reality.

The presenter names the social roles of the upcoming game: “leader”, “authority”, “close associates” (2 people), “sycophant”, “clown”, “puppets” (2 people), “dissatisfied” (2 people), “downtrodden” (2 people). The remaining participants make up the “public”. The presenter helps the players stage-wise determine their role characteristics. For example, the “leader” has a scarf thrown over his shoulder, the “authority” has a pencil or pen behind his ear, the “close associates” have a handkerchief sticking out from under their sleeve, the “sycophant” has his handkerchief tucked into the back of his collar, the “clown” has rolled up one trouser leg, the “puppet” has a thin rope hanging from his collar, the “dissatisfied” one has ruffled the hair on his head, the “downtrodden one” has one hand constantly behind his back. You can, of course, use other signs. Rules of communication and interaction:

- “close” - anyone other than the “leader” and “authority”;

- “sycophant” - anyone except “close associates”, “authority” and “leader”;

- “jester” - everyone except the “leader”;

- “puppet” - only “dissatisfied*” and “downtrodden”;

- “dissatisfied” - everyone except the “leader” and “authority”;

- “downtrodden” is interrupted by anyone.

Anyone who breaks the rules goes into the “clogged” category. If the “downtrodden” dares to cut someone off, everyone condemns and expels him, and he goes into the “public.” The leader is the only person in the game who is given the right to interrupt the “leader”. The game has two options. In the first case, “bad company” is declared, for example, to be “a pirate or gangster gang” discussing the question of where to go for robbery or robbery. In the second case, the game proceeds in an ordinary way, without involving “pirate” or “gangster” surroundings. Participants improvise their lines as the game progresses. The responsibility of the presenter is to demand lines from the participants in accordance with the game role, suggest approximate lines that are adequate to the situation, and replace one performer with another at his own discretion. Discussion:

a) the statements of the participants about the feelings that arose in them during the performance of the roles are analyzed;

b) the effectiveness of a particular status position and its features is assessed;

c) the presenter assesses the degree of aggressiveness of the players’ feelings, which is necessary during the course of the game: as long as the situation is within the normal limits, the expression of aggressive feelings is useful from a psychological point of view;

d) the presenter analyzes who, on whom and in what way discharged their aggressiveness during the game.

Game "Bureaucrat"

Purpose of the game: learn to see some unpleasant circumstances of life in a favorable light.

Shortly before the end of class (15-20 minutes), the leader announces that it is time to leave, but first everyone needs to write a statement: “I ask you to release me due to the end of class.” Then the authors must sign their statements from one of the participants in the game, whom the author deems necessary to ask to act as the boss. The “boss” can sign or refuse.

In the first case, he puts the resolution: “I allow”, in the second - “I do not allow.”

Basic rules of the game. First: you are not allowed to sign statements for yourself. Second: the participant whose statement was signed no longer has the right to sign other statements, and he leaves the room. It is clear that only half of the players manage to sign their statements; the rest did not break through the snare of the bureaucracy. The presenter asks them to stay and express their opinion about what happened. Yes, he understands that someone will be offended, annoyed, that someone’s pride will be hurt... The presenter must neutralize negative emotions.

Discussion: given according to the criteria of who contacted whom, who signed whom or did not sign. It is also important to discuss the fact that what happened does not affect (or does it affect?) the honor and dignity of a person, that interesting positive aspects can be found in this situation - what?

Test “My social roles”

The goal of the game is for the participants to realize the richness of social connections. Participants are asked to formulate and rank their social roles in terms of relevance in their own lives. Discussion: the presenter explains:

a) in general, students belong to a social group in which the structure of social roles is rather weakly expressed. Not only young people, but also adults usually indicate only 7-9 social roles. For students, as a rule, this set fits into the classic triad: “son”, “comrade” and “brother”. It hardly needs to be said that in fact, every person has dozens of social roles, the vast majority of which are simply not realized, and this has a negative impact on mental life subject;

b) the wider and larger the social connections, the fuller and psychologically healthier a person’s social and personal life;

c) among the social roles of each subject there is special group, which can be called objectively relevant social roles, but which the subject himself may not be aware of. If the objectively relevant role is not recognized by the subject, then it provokes an internal or external conflict in him. For a student, the objectively relevant roles are:

Son (daughter) with living parents;

Brother (sister) if there are brothers or sisters;


Friend, comrade, buddy (since he does not live on a desert island).

For other social groups, the set of objectively relevant social roles will, naturally, be somewhat different;

d) awareness of one’s social connections allows a person to manage them, or more precisely, to actualize them, in accordance with the real circumstances of his life.

Game “Drawing... communication”

Purpose of the game: highlight meaningful ideas regarding stereotypes and attitudes about conversation in various role positions. The presenter asks the game participants to divide a sheet of paper into four equal parts. In the first square, everyone draws the beginning of a conversation with a boss, in the second - with a subordinate, in the third - with an equal in status, in the fourth - the beginning of a conversation in optimal or ideal, as the author of the drawing understands it, conditions. The quality of the drawing is not at all important, what is important is its content, i.e. what will be drawn. After finishing the work, everyone passes their drawings around in a circle to introduce them to others. Discussion: Analyzes what facilitates or impedes the establishment of contacts in various role positions.

Test “My subpersonal roles”

Mark the serial numbers of the statements with which you agree:

1. Believing people 31. Receptive 61. Praising

2. Distrustful 32. Superstitious 62. Sarcastic

3. Alert 33. Astute 63. Cautious

4. Illogical 34; Shrew 64. Concerned

5..Spontaneous 35. Independent 65. Desperate

6. Incontinent 36. Moody 66. Unindependent

7. Reasonable 37. Patient 67. Forgiving

8. Severe 38. Picky 68. Conservative

9. Rational 39. Sober 69. Thrifty

10. Absent-minded 40. Stubborn 70. Inactive

11. Passionate 41. Humorous 71. Changeable

12. Aggressive 42. Timid 72. Excitable

13. Uniting 43. Benevolent 73. Decent

14. Irritated 44. Autocratic 74. Tough

15. Flexible 45. Realistic 75. Skillful

16. Slow 46. Unsystematic 76. Superficial

17. Comical 47. Creative 77. Straightforward

18. Easily excitable 48. Unpredictable 78. Uncontrollable

19. Sincere \ 49. Reliable 79. Noble

20. Unyielding 50. Self-confident 80. Self-flagellation

21. Visionary 51. Reasonable 81. Consistent

22. Irrational 52. Unfocused 82. Imprudent

23. Energetic 53. Laid-back 83. Cheerful

24. Selfish 54. Whiny 84. Self-centered

25. Attentive 55. Hardworking 85. Self-confident

26. Grumpy 56. Strict in thoughts

27. Understanding 57. Purposeful 86. Ordering

28. Suggestible 58. Unrealistic 87. Original

29. Curious 59. Amused 88. Argumentative

30. Indecisive 60. Immature 89. Broad-minded 90. Changeable in mood

Dough processing:

Developmental parent:

“Yes”: 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85

“Yes”: 2 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 62 68 74 80 86

Rational component of an adult:

“Yes”: 3 9 15 21 27 33 39 45 51 57 63 69 75 81 87

Irrational component of an adult;

“Yes”: 4 10 16 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 64 70 76 82 88

Positive component of the child:

“Yes”: 5 11 17 23 29 35 41 47 53 59 65 71 77 83 89

Difficult component child:

“Yes”: 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90

1 Interpretation basis of the test:


Main functions:

~ makes it possible to act effectively as real parents;

Carry out automatic reactions and decisions;

Reduces anxiety;

Maintains moral and ethical standards; - preserves and transmits cultural traditions;

It is a reproduction of the external reality of the first 6-8 years of life.

Body language of a conservative parent:

Frown brow;

Pursed lips;

Pointing finger;

Hands on hips;

Hand wringing;

Gestures of prohibition;

Gestures of refusal. Vocabulary:

- “lovely”, “son”;

- “disgrace”, “disgusting”, “vulgar”;

- “stop it once and for all”, “for nothing in the world”;

Critical and value judgments.

Behavior styles:




Controlling; *


Eradicates everything that resembles childish joy;

Lives and acts in accordance with established patterns;

Recognizes any changes with hostility. Developmental parent: -

Conducive to individual development;

Promoting a person's self-esteem;

Humanistic in raising children;



Spiritually close.

Conservative parent component:



Highly critical;




Focused on force and arbitrariness. Adult.

Main functions:

Performs objective processing of information;

Calculates probability;

Regulates the activities of the parent and child;

Provides objective mediation between parent and child;

Forms a self-image;

It is a reproduction of experience acquired throughout life.

Adult body language:

Deep concentration. Vocabulary:

- “constructive”;

- “capable”;

- “economical”;

- “useful”, “harmful”; -reasoning. Behavior styles:

They don't stand out.

Models of behavior with complete predominance of the component:

A rational person;


Lacking ethical values ​​and beliefs;

Emotionally cold. Rational component of an adult:


With a well-developed sense of reality;

Completely and quickly receives information and processes it;

Clearly goal-oriented;

Demonstrating flexible behavior; - aimed at solving a problem.

Irrational component of an adult:

Defective sense of reality;

Limited ability to receive and process information;

Defective thinking;

Maladaptive behavior.

Main functions:





Reckless actions;

Everything is instinctive;

Need for protection;

The need for a feeling of security;

Manifestation of the inner reality of the first 6-8 years of life.

Language of the body:


* shyness;

* tricks;

* curiosity;


Vows; - curses;

Interjections. Behavior styles:




Models of behavior with complete predominance of the component:

Gets a lot of joy from life;

Deprived of all resources;

Exposed to many dangers;

Not interested in the consequences of his behavior;

He just wants to have fun and play. Positive component of the child:

Predominant interest in life;



Seeking pleasure; - amenability; - easy education;

Adaptability. Difficult component:

Predominance of impulsiveness;

Increased self-centeredness;


Rebellion, rebellion; - addiction;

Shyness, timidity;

The interest of men and women in role-playing games, as part of sexual play, arose back in old times. Our ancestors came out of the caves, more or less arranged their life, established social life and got bored. At that moment it probably occurred to them that loving each other can be done not only different ways and in different poses, but also using different means at hand and playing role-playing games. True, over time it became clear that the game is different.

What is sexual role play

Dr. Dan Michael - clinical sexologist, expert in the field family relations, author and coach, believes that this is an erotic variation of regular role-playing, when two or more adults role-play a sexual fantasy. These can be simple improvisations and seriously elaborate games with complex costumes and scenarios.

Many erotic games have a BDSM motive, that is, they are based on submission and dominance. This, for example, is playing master (mistress) and slave (slave), variations on the theme of rape, that is, forced sex, kidnapping and erotic “torture”, gender reassignment (the main thing here is not to die laughing while watching your partner portray a flirtatious woman). And games in which one of the participants portrays inanimate object. In the latter case, considerable endurance and patience may be required, unless, of course, you have extensive experience in pantomime.

Why do we need erotic role-playing games?

The main task of a role-playing sex game is to make sex life brighter, refresh relationships and give them more color. This is true for couples of all ages.

Newlyweds (let's loosely call those who haven't been together that long) are simply channeling stupid sexual energy in the right direction. Couples with experience renew close ties, remember past passions and add variety. Thoughts about what happened in the bedroom last night pleasantly invigorate you during the day and put you in a playful mood.

Role-playing sex game is a wonderful opportunity to liberate yourself, be someone else and “forgive” yourself for the desire to be vulgar or even depraved. This is especially true for “good girls” who believe that they “need to behave decently.” So be it, but even good girl can turn into a sex bomb for a while and then become herself again.

The most popular erotic role-playing games

Most couples don't have to go very far with their fantasies. The simplest erotic games will already bring a lot of benefits to relationships, if there is a need for it.

By the way, fun fact: According to the online magazine, the millennial generation, that is, those born at the end of the last - beginning of this century, have a greater penchant for erotic role-playing games. The explanation is simple: millennials grew up during the heyday of diverse computer games, in which the player selects a character, “pumps up” (develops) him, chooses clothes, equipment, and the like. In other words, modern young people are already accustomed to role-playing games; for them this is a common thing.

When it comes to popular erotic games, prioritizes meeting two strangers in a crowd or bar. The opportunity to replay the moment of the first meeting is incredibly exciting. The second common plot is a teacher and a student and the reverse version. The combination of power and innocence is a hundred percent turn on.

Third place goes to games based on the popular Fifty Shades of Grey. In fourth place are games with uniforms: flight attendants, maids, police officers, nurses (this is a hit of all times), plumbers, auto mechanics and other professions with which we associate uniforms.

Bondage as a game and an act of art

Obviously, bondage and tie-up games did not appear with the novel about Mr. Gray. In Japan, for example, the art of shibari or shibari has existed since ancient times. This is not about tying at random, this is a real creative and philosophical process of limiting the partner’s mobility with the help of strong ropes, preferably from natural materials. The technique in shibari is firmly intertwined with aesthetics.

The history of shibari began with war and military skill, but, as often happens, skill became the property of the people. Once upon a time, shibari masters tied their enemies in a special way to demonstrate respect for their merits and experience. Today, shibari is also liked by those who are far from the topic of BDSM. For many, it is a form of self-expression and a form of expression of sensuality. The famous sexy sword belts come from there.

Most importantly, shibari takes imperfection into account human body so that no one feels funny. Great respect and even reverence for your partner - this is where the mastery of the ancient Japanese art binding. We can agree with this one hundred percent: few people want to look like a bandaged ham in a store.

Funny role-playing sex games

Not all games are created equal, as can be said about failed scenarios and ridiculous costumes. Take an alien costume and a game based on the movie “The Fifth Element.” If you don't discuss the details in advance, your partner may not guess who you are portraying in that red wig and bandages. If you also speak gibberish in an incomprehensible language, your loved one may think that you, for example, feel ill.

Interpersonal relationships are directly determined by role relationships, on the one hand, and the individual personal characteristics of the subjects, on the other. Much of what we think and do is related to our social roles. As roles change, our views change. Role relationships are relationships determined by the functional responsibilities of the subject. They are characterized, in particular, by the following features:

  • 1. Impersonality. Roles are attached to everyone who is in the appropriate status position.
  • 2. Conditioning of behavior by role responsibilities. A social role is a set of expected behavioral stereotypes associated with the performance of a very specific, specific job.
  • 3. Difficult compatibility of social roles. The problem lies in defining what exactly is expected and from whom. An individual’s opinion of his role does not always coincide with what others think about it and what actually exists—everything can differ widely.
  • 4. Getting used to the social role of the subject. Roles are quickly learned and can significantly influence the subject's behavior.

Role relationships are usually represented by the following parameters. Firstly, role-playing episode which is defined by the assumption that the group takes a fixed position on some issue. This assumption becomes known to the performer of the role, who, in turn, forms the perception of what is expected of him, and subsequently, as it were, sets some behavior of the member of the organization. However, his behavior may differ significantly from the actual expectations of the group. Therefore, the group's behavior may also change.

Secondly, role-playing set, representing a set of roles corresponding to a given status. This is a group of individuals who form, maintain, and communicate expectations about how the role performer should behave, exchange these expectations, and make them known to the role performer. The role set indicates behavioral stereotypes that exist in a social group. The performer of a role has clearer ideas about it in cases where the role set is small than when it is large. Small role sets are associated with the formation of cliques, or isolated small groups within a social group.

Thirdly, an important parameter of the role is role differentiation, which can be defined as the degree to which types of functions differ between people. The higher the separation of roles, the higher the role differentiation. It gives an idea of ​​how social roles are distributed in specific production circumstances.

A social role is a specific mechanism through which social interests determine an individual’s behavior in a variety of communication situations. Social roles necessary in specific communication situations are developed by society over long periods of its development as socially approved types of human behavior.

The style of a person’s role behavior is the personal coloring of playing a role, depending on the temperament, character, motivation and other characteristics of the individual, on his knowledge and skills.

The role behavior of an individual has two plans. These are actions caused by:

  • 1) regulatory requirements - “I” in the role offered by circumstances;
  • 2) personal claims - “I” as such.

The first plane of behavior is a social form of role actions, the second plane is a psychological method of role self-realization. This is where that significant problem arises - the difficult compatibility of social roles. The difference between what the subject attributes to his role, what others think about it, and what the “real” given role actually is, as a rule, lead to intra-role and inter-role conflicts.

) Ask your employees about current affairs more often. Talk and talk again. Discuss solutions to all problems with your team. As you know, “truth is born in dispute!”

Any suggestions to improve the situation in a travel company? Scarlet Sail» Could you contribute?

1) An important stage in improving the situation in the team is the competent distribution of the workload in the team. Here you should take into account the pace of work of each employee, the quality and quantity of assignments, and much more.

) Team spirit in a team is very important. A team is when each employee can count on the help of colleagues and can provide it themselves at the right time. Create conditions for collaboration. For example, you can send part of your team to open a new hotel in a neighboring city. Entrust another part of the team with creating an advertising presentation for a new tourist destination. The main thing is to work as a team.

) Conduct master classes, trainings, attend seminars on tourism. It is necessary to expand horizons. New knowledge is simply necessary. Explore new directions.

) Corporate vacation is very useful for the team - it helps to relax, get into the right frame of mind and restore strength. For example, you can go with the whole team to nature. Minimum costs, maximum pleasure.

) Financial incentives are the most popular incentive for employees.

) Be attentive to the requests and suggestions of your subordinates, very often they are not unreasonable. For example, employees suggested moving the lunch break an hour earlier due to low occupancy for a certain period of time.

Imagine that you are the head of a department. Every day you solve various psychological problems. Below are specific situations, requiring your attention. Indicate what decisions you will make. Use the Blake-Mouton Grid to determine your leadership style.

I stick to 9.1, where I have enough power to impose power on others, but I still have control. Straightforward judgments and their demonstration benefit the work process. Attention to the subordinate is minimal.

Situation 1

Your immediate superior, bypassing you, gives the task to your subordinate, who is already busy with urgent work. You and your boss consider your tasks urgent. What will you do in this situation?

Firstly, it is necessary to warn the boss that this employee has already been given an assignment.

Secondly, clarify the degree of importance of this instruction.

Thirdly, find out at what stage the execution of my order is. If the work is nearing completion, then the order from higher management can be entrusted to this employee immediately after he is released. If the work is far from complete, then you can start doing it yourself.

Situation 2

A conflict has arisen between your subordinates that is preventing them from working successfully. Each of them individually turns to you so that you take his side and resolve the conflict. What is your position in this situation?

Conflict is a special interaction between individuals, groups, and associations that arises when their views, positions and interests are incompatible.

Intrapersonal conflict- a difficult to resolve contradiction caused by a clash between approximately equal in strength, but oppositely directed interests, needs, hobbies of a person, etc. Intrapersonal conflict is accompanied by strong emotional experiences.

Interpersonal conflict- a conflict between two or more people. Interpersonal conflict is very closely related to intrapersonal conflict. The confrontation between people occurs on the basis of a clash of their personal motives.

Intergroup conflict is a conflict between two or more groups. The opposing sides are groups (small, middle and micro groups). This type of conflict is based on a clash of opposing group motives.

I believe that in this situation it is necessary to listen to each subordinate separately and analyze the opinion of each. Then gather the conflicting parties and try to try on the sides through a compromise solution, or make a decision yourself if you can’t try on the sides. As well as an option to solve the problem, you can consider transferring the case to other employees, and give each of them a new task separately.

Situation 3

One of your team members suddenly falls ill. Every employee is very busy with urgent work. The work of the absentee must also be completed on time. How would you behave in such a situation?

The first thing you need to do to solve the problem that has arisen is to try to find an employee who can this moment has the least amount of time, and entrust him with this task. You can also divide this task among other subordinates. If no one can take on this work, then you will have to do it yourself.

What else to read