How long can fresh and boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator? How long do eggs last in the refrigerator and without?

Eggs are a product that no housewife can do without. To keep the eggs fresh and useful qualities as long as possible, they must be stored properly. You will learn in detail how this is done from this article.

How long to store boiled eggs

Boiled eggs can be kept in the refrigerator for up to ten days, provided that they are whole and without cracks. If they are present, then the maximum time is 3-4 days. After this time, active proliferation of microbes begins in the product, which can lead to poisoning.

If it is not possible to place the testicles in a cold place, then you can store them warm for a couple of days. If you want to extend the shelf life, you can lubricate the shell sunflower oil. If you are going outdoors and take with you boiled eggs, then, firstly, they need to be wrapped in paper, and secondly, they should be eaten, the sooner the better. But they should be kept for no more than 12 hours.

Storage times are provided that the eggs are hard-boiled, undamaged and stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. For long-term storage, you can also lubricate with oil. If the product has a specific smell during cleaning, or a gray-blue tint, it is best to throw it away, since the process of decay has already begun.

How long to store raw eggs

Most often, the shelf life and shelf life of eggs depends on where they were purchased. It is recommended that you purchase them from stores so that they are labeled when they are packed up and taken down. It is very difficult to track such information in the market.

At temperatures from 0 to 19 degrees, the product can be stored for about a month. They should be stored wrapped in paper. You can also dilute salt in water and keep eggs in this solution in a cool place. Shelf life is approximately 40 days.

How long to store eggs in the refrigerator

Eggs in the refrigerator should be kept at the back wall, or in the drawers for vegetables and fruits, but in no case on the door. Constantly opening the door changes the temperature and causes movement, which reduces the shelf life of the product. With the right approach, eggs can be stored for up to 4 months. They should be stored in the packaging in which they were purchased or in a special container.

In this case, the eggs should be placed with the sharp tip down. You should not wash them after purchasing, and if you have washed them, it is better to use them within 30 days. Raw eggs from stores they are stored for about 30 days, homemade - 90 days.

Quail eggs are stored for no more than 3 months, duck eggs for a couple of weeks, and eggs are similar in storage to. To prevent eggs from absorbing any aromas, they should be kept away from fish and strong-smelling foods.

How to properly store eggs

Raw fresh eggs are stored in a cool place with a humidity of 85% and a temperature of 0-19 degrees. Several options to keep the product fresh for as long as possible:

  1. Brush each egg with oil or fat. Place them in a box with sawdust or sand, sharp ends down, and cover with a bag on top. Shelf life is a couple of months.
  2. Place the product in a clay dish and pour a solution of diluted slaked lime on top. This storage option prolongs the freshness of eggs for almost a year, although a specific taste appears.
  3. Brush each egg with fresh egg white in a couple of layers. Then wrap it in dry paper and put it in a cool, dark place.
  4. You can grease the testicles with a mixture of vegetable oil. Shelf life up to a year.
  5. To keep the product for up to 3 weeks, you can make a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate, dip the eggs in there for a couple of seconds and dry them. Or make sugar syrup, and also lower the eggs for a while, then let them dry.
  6. Place the eggs in a small box at some distance, sprinkling them big amount plain salt.

Chicken eggs are one of the most popular products that can be found in our refrigerator. Sometimes the question arises about its freshness.

So how long can you store and how can you make sure that the product is still fresh?

Shelf life of fresh eggs

Shelf life of boiled eggs

Boiled eggs are something that people often take with them when going on a long trip. However, we must remember that the shelf life of this food familiar to travelers is much shorter than we would like:

  • They can even be stored in the refrigerator only 1-1.5 weeks.
  • Moreover, if the shell cracked during cooking, the shelf life is further reduced.
  • At room temperature, the product should not be left for longer than 2-3 days. The higher the temperature, the faster it will spoil.

Even in the refrigerator, boiled eggs can be stored for only 1-1.5 weeks

Ways to check freshness

  1. Most the right way To find out the degree of freshness of a chicken egg - put it in water. Inside it, regardless of the degree of freshness, there is air chamber. Over time, the amount of air under the shell gradually increases: it penetrates there through microscopic pores. Buoyancy changes accordingly:
    • If the egg sank to the bottom of the container with water, it means there is still not enough air. This indicates freshness.
    • If it stands vertically at the bottom, there is already more air, which means the shelf life is running out. It is better not to consume such a product without heat treatment.
    • And if it hasn’t sunk at all, but floats on the surface, it means it’s hopelessly spoiled, so you shouldn’t eat it.
  2. The second method is less visual, requires some experience in use, but only takes a couple of seconds. You need to shake the suspicious product near your ear and listen to the sound. If you hear a knock, it means it’s not fresh.
  3. Finally, if peeled eggs have bad smell or unusual color, most likely, they have spoiled and are unfit for food.
Determining egg freshness

Egg storage conditions

As many know from personal experience, a fresh egg lasts longer than a boiled one. Why is this happening? The reason is obvious: according to its intended purpose, an egg is an egg cell, a potential living organism. Therefore, nature has provided it with immune system proteins that suppress pathogenic microflora.

In addition, the product contains a substance called avidin. It binds the vitamin biotin, which is important for the development of any organism.

But heat destroys all these compounds, so that boiled eggs become more vulnerable to microorganisms that penetrate the porous structure of the shell.

Therefore, it is best suited for long-term storage. raw product. Here are some more facts about storage conditions:

  • Washed eggs have a shorter shelf life- just a couple of weeks.
  • Optimal humidity should be no higher than 85%.
  • For storage it is best to place them with the sharp ends down., positioning them so that they do not touch.
  • This product can also be stored in the freezer. It will not spoil for a whole year, but, unfortunately, it will lose taste and consistency.

How to store eggs

For several days they can be stored either in the refrigerator (0-5 degrees) or in any other place at room temperature (20 degrees). By the way, that compartment on the refrigerator door where manufacturers usually provide a special container for them is not the best the best place. It's too warm there, and temperature changes are inevitable.

Over many centuries, people have come up with many ways to maximize the shelf life of a product if it is not possible to comply temperature regime. For example:

In order to get only the benefits from your favorite foods and dishes, it is important to monitor the expiration dates of the ingredients. Don't take unnecessary risks with your health by eating stale food.

Boiled eggs are very popular not only as a tasty and satisfying breakfast dish, but are also widely used for preparing various dishes and salads, as well as a snack on the road or at work, so many will be interested in knowing how best to store boiled eggs and how much They can be stored in the refrigerator and without refrigeration on the go.

How long can boiled eggs be stored?

The shelf life of boiled eggs primarily depends on storage conditions (temperature, storage location) and on the condition of the eggs themselves (in the shell, peeled, cut). Let's take a closer look at how long a boiled egg can be stored:

  • How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator? The shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is up to 20 days (if the eggs are in an intact shell) or 2-3 days if the eggs are shelled.
  • How long can boiled eggs be stored at room temperature? At room temperature, the shelf life of boiled eggs is on average 2-3 days if the eggs are in the shell and only 12 hours for peeled eggs.

Note: the indicated shelf life for boiled eggs is relevant for hard-boiled eggs (for example, soft-boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for only 2 days).

Having found out how long boiled chicken eggs last, we will consider further how to store them correctly and how to increase their shelf life.

How to properly store boiled eggs?

The answer to this question is obvious - in the refrigerator, and it is better to place boiled eggs not on the refrigerator door, but on the middle or lower shelf closer to the back wall of the refrigerator, after placing them in a special food container (for example, plastic).

It is always important to understand that unpeeled boiled eggs with whole shells are best stored, as well as eggs boiled in onion skins (Easter) and eggs whose shells are lubricated with sunflower oil (this procedure creates a kind of protective layer on the eggshell, which additionally protects the eggs from damage).

In the case when boiled eggs need to be stored on the road or at home, but at room temperature, they should be boiled only hard-boiled and stored, wrapped in paper or foil, protected from direct contact. sun rays place. Pack eggs in plastic bag or storing in a shelled state is not recommended.

Note: fresh hard-boiled eggs with a whole, intact shell last the longest.

If, when peeling a boiled egg that has been stored for a long time, there is an unpleasant odor, or the egg itself has a grayish or bluish tint, it is better not to eat it, so as not to be poisoned.

How long do boiled eggs last in the refrigerator? This question often arises among people who like to prepare food in bulk. Know optimal time storing food is very important, otherwise it can cause significant harm to health.

How to boil an egg?

Most people love eggs very much. You can prepare many tasty and nutritious dishes from them, so before the holiday housewives often boil the poultry product in large volume enough for different salads. In such cases, the question often arises, since the entire amount of the product cannot always be completely used. Therefore, it is important for housewives to know how long the testicles can remain without spoiling.

Before moving on to the question of the safety of the product, you need to know how to cook it correctly. This is not a difficult matter, but some rules that few people know about should still be followed.

Boil hard-boiled eggs for at least 7 minutes. This heat treatment time is enough to defeat many bacteria, even salmonella, which is resistant to high temperatures.

Omelette lovers should also not forget about their safety. You need to cook the dish over the fire until the egg mass dries out. This will rid the omelet of pathogenic bacteria, if any. Of course, some people prefer a liquid center in scrambled eggs, but in this case the risk of getting an infection is very high.

What affects the safety of eggs?

The shelf life of eggs depends on a number of factors, the main ones:

  1. Freshness of the purchased product, storage conditions before cooking.
  2. Cooking eggs without cracking the shell. If cracks form on the shell during the cooking process, the egg will not last long. To avoid trouble, it is recommended to immerse the product in water not immediately after removing it from the refrigerator, but after a few minutes. After lying at room temperature, the eggs most likely will not crack when cooked.
  3. Detailed inspection after preparation. The welded product must be carefully inspected for cracks. Those eggs whose shells have lost their integrity must be eaten as soon as possible; they cannot be stored for a long time, as there is a risk of harmful bacteria multiplying in them. The period during which you need to eat such a product is 4 days.

The shelf life of eggs will also vary depending on how long they are cooked.

How long to store hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs?

How long can boiled eggs be stored? It all depends on where a person plans to keep the product. The best option- store the eggs in the refrigerator, and the temperature should vary within +2…+4ºС.

After cooking, the product should be cooled in cold liquid, then placed in a tightly sealed container. Such measures will prevent the testicles from absorbing foreign odors, because their shells are porous, which means they absorb foreign odors well. You can store boiled eggs in the refrigerator in airtight containers for up to 14 days.

A poultry product that has undergone heat treatment can remain for some time at room temperature (not higher than +20ºС); storage in such conditions should not exceed 3 days.

The boiled and peeled product cannot be stored for long: the egg must be eaten within 12 hours; later it will become unsuitable for humans.

Some people prefer to cook soft-boiled eggs; with this method of preparation, the product is subjected to heat treatment for no more than 3 minutes. Soft-boiled eggs have a runny yolk, so their shelf life is somewhat different from a hard-boiled product.

The shelf life of soft-boiled eggs is no longer than 48 hours, after which the product should not be eaten, the risk of poisoning is too great. Those who choose to keep their testicles at room temperature should be aware that they will spoil within 24 hours.

On the bright holiday of Easter, people paint eggs, and more than ten at a time. It is very difficult to eat all the preparations at once, so it is important to know the shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator. Of course, for those who paint eggs only a few at a time, long-term storage is an irrelevant issue, but still, the majority create real works of art at Easter, which are then eaten with gusto by the family.

For those who plan to store Easter eggs for a long time, it is recommended to boil the eggs hard-boiled; soft-boiled eggs will not last long. And in general, you should not cook a lot of product, so as not to throw it away later.

The shelf life of boiled eggs painted for the holiday at room temperature is no more than 4 days; pysanky will last up to a week in the refrigerator. For those who wish to extend storage time, it is recommended to coat the shells with oil.

This trick will not only make the testicles more attractive, but will also help to clog small pores, which will extend the shelf life.

Any boiled product has its own storage nuances, eggs are no exception. By following simple rules, you can extend the shelf life of your favorite food. It is thanks to their rather long shelf life that boiled eggs are often taken with them on the road. The main thing is to choose specimens with a solid shell, without chips or cracks. Otherwise, there is a risk that the food will spoil before the traveler decides to try it. If an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the testicles, it is better to throw them away. Poisoning is not so easy to treat, especially on the road. There is no need to put your health at risk.

Eggs in the fridge? Is there a difference between the rules for storing chicken and quail eggs? How long do boiled eggs last? What about the broken ones? What about at room temperature? Let's figure it out.

How many days to store?

Shelf life chicken eggs in the refrigerator depends on their condition. If they are raw and there are no cracks in the shell - up to 90 days at a temperature of 2-5 o C. At a temperature of 5-15 o C - up to 30 days. Storage in warmer conditions is not recommended.

If the egg is raw but broken, then in a closed container it will “live” on the shelf for two days.

The shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator can be up to 20 days. At room temperature they will deteriorate faster, since already at 5-15 o C they can be stored for no more than four days. Monitor the integrity of the shell: it is advisable to eat eggs that have cracked during cooking or have been peeled within two days. The yolk spoils faster than the white.

If the boiled eggs will be kept warm (for example, you take them with you on the road), then wrap them in paper napkins rather than in a plastic bag and eat them within twelve hours.

Easter eggs are sometimes coated with vegetable oil after painting to make them shine. This clogs the pores on the shell, allowing the product to be stored for a week.

Prepared meals containing eggs will last up to four days.

An egg that is up to nine days old can be eaten even raw or half-raw (if, of course, there is one hundred percent confidence in the absence of salmonella or other microorganisms). If it is “older”, then it is better to hard-boil it or make an omelet from it. If the shelf life is coming to an end, it is advisable to use the product for baking.

Which eggs last longer?

Contrary to the stereotype, the color of the shell depends only on the breed of chicken and does not affect the quality and taste. It is true that brown shells are thicker and more resistant to microcracks than white shells. Therefore, you can store brown eggs a little longer. And the shelf life is reduced if the shell is dirty, but washing reduces it even more.

The shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator also depends on their type. You can distinguish dietary, table and small ones. According to standards, the former are stored for a maximum of a week at a temperature of three to twenty degrees. Canteens - up to twenty days under the same conditions and up to 120 days at temperatures from zero to two degrees.

It is advisable to eat duck and goose eggs within two weeks. Turkeys “live” as long as chickens.

The shelf life of quail eggs in the refrigerator is longer than that of others: up to three months, and at room temperature - up to thirty days. Such properties quail eggs provides content large quantity lysozyme, which prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

We take into account the date of purchase and demolition

At the time of purchase, you should check not only the absence of cracks, but also the packaging date. The egg is most useful in the first month after laying. After this period, some properties of the product change. This does not mean that eggs cannot be eaten, but the result of using them will be less expected. For example, when preparing dough.

In general, eggs are one of the few foods that rarely spoil (provided they are placed in a cool, dry and dark place). Moreover, on the day of demolition its taste is less pronounced than after a few days.

What is important for health is not so much the shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator, but the absence of dangerous microorganisms. After hygienic and heat treatment, the latter are destroyed. If you are preparing homemade mayonnaise, it is recommended to add vinegar (6% or 9%) to it.

Another thing is that when long-term storage eggs gradually dry out, as there are microscopic pores in the shell. Microorganisms penetrate through them, which also shortens the “lifespan” of the product. That is why it is recommended to lubricate the eggs with fat, oil, petroleum jelly, or simply wrap them in paper.

And yet, if the store packaging contains all the necessary dates, then in the market it is problematic to determine the day of demolition. In this case, experts recommend storing eggs for no longer than three weeks.

General rules for storing eggs

There is a special compartment in the refrigerator door for storing eggs, and many people are annoyed that there are only eight cells, while the package contains ten pieces. But you shouldn’t get angry, because it is recommended to store on this shelf only those eggs that will be eaten in the next week. The door is often opened and closed, which increases the temperature on its shelves and also contributes to mechanical damage to the shell.

If you plan to store the product for a longer period of time, then the top shelf of the refrigerator is suitable for this, and it is better to place the eggs on it closer to the back wall. You can use a special Plastic container or the packaging in which the eggs were sold. They should lie with the sharp end down and not touch each other.

Eggs should not be placed in close proximity to meat, fish or any foods with a strong aroma. It is impossible to wash before storage, since after this procedure the protective film on the shell is destroyed, which also shortens the shelf life.

If there is no refrigerator

No problem! Fill a box or box with dry sand, sawdust, salt, wood ash, oats, bran, millet, peat - whatever you find. Grease the eggs with any fat or vegetable oil and place them in the box, pointy end down, then cover it with something. If the humidity in the room is low, then you don’t have to worry about the safety of the product for two to three months.

If there is a need for longer storage, then take a clay or glass container and place the eggs in it with the sharp end down. Dilute slaked lime (300-400 g per bucket of water) and pour it over the eggs so that the solution covers them by about ten centimeters. The container must be tightly closed. In this form, the shelf life can reach one year, but provided that the room temperature does not exceed 10 degrees.

This method has a significant drawback - the eggs acquire an unpleasant aftertaste. And the method is applicable only to very fresh products. It is advisable that the eggs are laid on the same day that they are placed in the lime solution.

Now you know what the shelf life of eggs is in the refrigerator, at room temperature and in other conditions.

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