How long can you store boiled eggs and how to do it correctly. Shelf life of boiled and raw eggs

How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator?

    They say that a boiled chicken egg can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than four days. But I store them for a maximum of 24 hours, since they then become unpalatable, and sometimes become bad taste. I don’t even want to think about what will happen after 4 days.

    Very good question, I myself have thought about it more than once. Many sources on the Internet contain information that boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 20 days at a temperature of 2 - 4 degrees Celsius. But if the shell on an egg breaks during cooking, then such an egg will need to be eaten within five days, and the egg should be stored in the refrigerator. The reason is the fact that if the integrity of the shell is damaged, pathogenic bacteria can enter the egg.

    For better preservation, eggs should not be wrapped in a plastic bag.

    You can store boiled eggs for up to 1 week, but why? Cook it and eat it.

    According to SanPin fresh eggs Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days, and boiled for no more than 4 days.

    The maximum shelf life of hard-boiled chicken eggs in the refrigerator is no more than 3 days. If in a bag or soft-boiled, then no more than a day. After this period, the egg may spoil and if you eat it, you yourself will get sick.

    It is better to store boiled eggs for no more than two to three days. By the way, experts recommend setting the mode in the refrigerator compartment to the minimum, that is, so that the temperature is lower. It will cost a little more electricity, but the freshness of the food will last a little longer.

    You should not store boiled food for a long time chicken eggs in a refrigerator. This is not a persimmon; it won’t make the eggs any tastier. All sources write that the optimal storage period for eggs is no more than 4 days. But this doesn’t happen to me - the eggs are used up immediately, at most the next day.

    It all depends on how cooked the egg is. On average, a boiled, unpeeled egg can be stored in the refrigerator for about 4 days. If an egg is cracked, you cannot store it for a long time; it may disappear. It is best eaten immediately.

    Personally, I don’t store boiled eggs in the refrigerator for more than three days and don’t eat them, because I don’t want digestive problems. But I know for sure that eggs can stay in the refrigerator for 5 days and not spoil. The smell of the egg will be completely normal, of course, if the temperature in the refrigerator is appropriate.

    Storing boiled eggs in the refrigerator is the last thing. It is advisable to eat them right away, and not even because they have a shelf life of only 4-5 days, but because cold boiled eggs are not tasty at all. but this is of course up to your taste. By the way, raw eggs are stored for about 30 days.

    Boiled eggs cannot be stored in the refrigerator for very long.

    After all, the egg shell has pores.

    Through these pores moisture and various odors enter and the egg soon becomes unfit for human consumption.

    You can store boiled eggs in the refrigerator for 4 days and no more.

    I believe that no one will give you an exact answer. This largely depends on how they are cooked (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), how long they were stored before cooking, on the size of the eggs, as well as in what mode and on what shelf they were stored in the refrigerator. In any case, I would not recommend storing them for more than a week.

  • Storing boiled eggs in the refrigerator

    Boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 20 days. It is better to wrap them not in polyethylene, but in paper.

    Although, why create such a strategic supply of eggs when you can boil them regularly in small portions.

There is a popular belief that eggs can be stored in the refrigerator indefinitely. There they do not spoil for a long time, retain their freshness, and do not lose nutritional value useful properties. However, this is not at all true. Like any other product, they also spoil and eating such eggs can lead to negative consequences for good health.

Many housewives are interested in how long can boiled and raw eggs be stored in the refrigerator? Let's talk about this in more detail on the Popular About Health website:

Temperature and storage conditions

To keep eggs better and longer, it is better to place them in cells with the tapered end down. It is advisable to place them on the refrigerator shelf, which is located closer to the freezer. There the temperature does not rise above 3C.

But it is not recommended to store them on a shelf specially designed for them (on the door). When the door is opened, which usually happens quite often, warm air from the room immediately falls on those products that are located on the door trays. From such a change in temperature, eggs can quickly deteriorate.

If you bought them at the market, they are often dirty. It is better to wash these carefully under running water. cold water, dry and then place on a shelf. Store-bought ones do not need to be washed. Their shell reliably protects the internal contents from the penetration of harmful microorganisms.

However, if you are going to drink a fresh raw egg, you must wash it.

Raw egg whites, which are often left over after preparing baking dough, can be stored in a tightly closed jar for no more than 2 days.

How long to store raw eggs?

It is important to know that this product is usually distinguished by categories: egg
dietary, table and chilled.

Dietary: these can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week from the day the chicken laid them. These eggs are the healthiest because they contain greatest number useful substances. They can be consumed raw (One per day, no more than 3-4 times a week).

Chilled - a category of eggs that are stored from 25 to 45 days. They should not be consumed without prolonged heat treatment, as this can negatively affect the body. These eggs can only be hard-boiled and used for making snacks, salads and baked goods.

Storing quail eggs

Regarding this useful product, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. At the same time, the most useful are those that were stored for no more than 10 days. Then they gradually lose a significant amount of their beneficial properties. You can't lie down for a long time quail eggs eat raw. This may be hazardous to your health.

How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator??

In a refrigerator:

Hard-boiled eggs keep well in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. However, if the shell is damaged, this period is significantly reduced - up to 4 days.

Without refrigerator:

If for some reason you cannot put them in the refrigerator, then boiled eggs can be preserved simply at home. To do this, put them in an enamel bowl and place them in the coolest and darkest room.

You can put them in a container, close the lid tightly, and then place them in a bowl filled with cold water. Change the water periodically. This way they will not spoil for quite a long time - up to 5-6 days.

At normal room temperature they are edible for only 2 days.

Methods long-term storage

The methods presented below allow you to store raw eggs out of the refrigerator for 2 to 12 months. Let's look at them in more detail:

Paraffin treatment:

Our distant ancestors used this method when there was no talk of any refrigerators.

You need to lubricate each testicle with warm paraffin in two layers. Then put it in a dry basket and place it in a cool, dark room, for example, a cellar, where the temperature does not rise above 15C. This way they will stay fresh for up to six months.

Animal fat:

In the old days, eggs were laid in ceramic dishes, after which melted, warm fat was poured to the surface of the dish. In a cool, dark place they kept well for up to six months. Given that temperature regime- no higher than 15C.

How to determine the freshness of eggs?

You can tell if an egg is fresh or not by yourself without breaking it. Place the raw egg with the shell intact in a container of cold water.

Very fresh ones will remain at the bottom, or will rise quite a bit.
The stale will float to the surface. It is better not to use this as food. But it can be useful for baking.

We figured out how and how much boiled eggs and how much raw eggs can be stored in the refrigerator. We also learned how to determine their freshness and what to do if there is no refrigerator. I hope the information was useful to you.

And also, remember that nutritionists recommend eating only very fresh eggs. They contain the substances necessary to maintain health. During long-term storage, the content of vitamins, minerals and beneficial acids in them is significantly reduced. Be healthy!

Eggs, like many millennia ago, are a sought-after and irreplaceable product. Chicken eggs are considered the most affordable, which is why they are bought most often. They contain fatty acid, lecithin, choline, vitamins and a huge amount of benefits for the body chemical elements. They contain calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, iodine, chromium, iron, manganese, potassium and other substances. Eggs are actively used in cooking, so it is not surprising that many housewives stock up on them for future use. However, this is not always effective. Eggs have a certain shelf life, after which they become unsuitable for food, that is, you can stock up on them, but not have time to eat them. So how long should you store eggs and what is the best way to do it so that they stay fresh longer?

Shelf life of raw and boiled eggs

How long eggs will stay fresh depends on where they are stored and at what temperature.
In the refrigerator, raw eggs are best stored at a temperature of +1 to +2 degrees.

  • Table eggs under such conditions do not spoil for 25 days.
  • Dietary – 7 days.
  • Homemade eggs, if not washed before storage, will remain fresh for 3-4 months.
  • A fresh egg without a shell will not spoil for 2 days.

You can also store fresh raw eggs without refrigeration. They will not spoil for about 2-3 weeks if they are kept in a cool, dark place. relative humidity 70–85 %.

  • Hard-boiled eggs, placed in an airtight container after cooking, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
  • Without an airtight container, they are recommended to be consumed within 10 days.
  • If a hard-boiled egg has cracks, it will last in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

Soft-boiled eggs spoil much faster.

  • Their shelf life is 48 hours.
  • The peeled boiled egg should be eaten on the same day.

Boiled eggs are best stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 to +4 degrees.

  • Outside the refrigerator, hard-boiled eggs can stay fresh for up to 3 days at temperatures below 20 degrees.
  • Under the same conditions, a soft-boiled egg can be stored for 24 hours.

How to store eggs in the refrigerator

Eggs will stay fresh longer if they are not stored in a special section located on the refrigerator door. and in the chamber, which is intended for fruits and vegetables. The thing is that when you open the refrigerator, warm air comes in. As a result, eggs are exposed to constant temperature changes, which negatively affects their freshness. It is better to store eggs on the refrigerator door only if they will be eaten in a short time.

It is best to store eggs so that they remain in a fixed position and definitely with the sharp end down so that the yolk is in the center and does not touch air layer. To do this, you can use either the box in which they were sold or a special stand. It is best to use a cardboard container for storing eggs, because it helps maintain the necessary humidity and better protects the eggs from foreign odors. Eggs retain their freshness better if they do not come into contact with each other during storage.

Egg shells have a porous structure, so they can easily absorb other odors. For this reason, it is not recommended to store eggs near foods that have a strong odor: smoked meats, fish, citrus fruits, spices, mushrooms.

Eggs should always be washed just before use. If you wash off the protective layer from them when storing them, they will go rotten much faster.

How to store eggs without refrigeration

Fresh eggs keep well if close the pores of the shell. It is best to use pork fat for this. Vegetable oil will also work. After greasing, the eggs should be placed point down in a box filled with dry oats, salt, sand, shavings with sawdust, millet, wood ash or chaff. The eggs must be laid out in such a way that they lie at some distance from each other. The top of the product must be covered with burlap. In this form, chicken eggs, if stored in a place with low humidity and a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees, will not spoil for up to 3 months.

Helps keep eggs fresh salicylic acid. To do this, you need to make a solution in the proportion of 0.5 liters of water to 2 teaspoons of salicylic acid. The eggs should lie in this solution for half an hour, then they should be dried without wiping and placed in a cool, dry place. Thanks to this method they do not lose their taste qualities and properties throughout the month.

You can also store eggs in lime mortar. This method is good because it allows the eggs not to spoil for up to 3-4 months. However, it has a significant drawback - eggs acquire a specific unpleasant taste. In addition, egg whites stored using this method do not whip well. Half a kilo of quicklime needs to be poured into 10 liters boiled water. The resulting solution should be set aside for 10–12 hours to allow it to infuse. It must be stirred every 3 hours. Pour the prepared lime mortar into a clay dish with eggs laid out with the pointed end down. The lime solution should be several centimeters above the level of the eggs. Thus, eggs should be stored in a cellar or basement, that is, where it is dry and cool.

Eggs are a low-calorie product rich in beneficial properties, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This amazing food product is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and dietetics. Also, its unique properties help in cosmetology, bacteriology and virology. Many chefs know how long boiled eggs can be stored without losing their taste and freshness and share their secrets.

What determines the safety of the product?

Shelf life depends on many factors: it matters where the product was purchased - in a store or on a farm. The conditions of detention, the method of preparation, as well as the air temperature in the apartment or refrigerator are important. Preservation depends on the freshness of the product: the more time passes from the date of production, the less it is preserved beneficial features. If you find cracks and damage in the shell after cooking, bacteria can easily penetrate into them, leading to poisoning and disease. Therefore, it is better not to store dented and cracked eggs, but to eat them immediately.

Cold storage

Boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for one week at a temperature of +2 to +4 degrees. It is not recommended to store the product in cells on the refrigerator: opening the doors creates temperature changes. It is better to place it in a special glass, enamel, metal or Plastic container, which protects against the absorption of foreign odors. It is advisable to place it on the back wall of the refrigerator.

Nutritionists advise eating freshly prepared meals: they are the most beneficial for health and do not pose a risk of poisoning due to missed expiration dates.

Storage without refrigeration

At room temperature, boiled eggs can be stored for 2-3 days, no more. If the shell is processed sunflower oil, then during this process the small pores are closed, and the product will be preserved for one week. Without refrigeration, eggs should be consumed within 12 hours maximum if placed in paper or foil. The product goes rancid quickly in polyethylene. It should not be stored in extreme heat without refrigeration.


  • Eggs must be hard boiled for storage.
  • The shell must be solid without cracks.
  • If a peeled egg has acquired a gray or blue tint, it is better not to eat it.
  • An unpleasant odor indicates that the process of rotting has begun. This product cannot be eaten.
  • Due to the paint and coating with sunflower oil, Easter eggs last longer than usual.

These poultry products have become so integral to our diet that we cannot do without them. most of dishes, be it hot dishes, snacks or baked goods. And therefore, this food, as a rule, is purchased for future use, but few people think about the shelf life of raw and boiled eggs in the refrigerator and without it. But besides hens, there are other birds who generously give us eggs, and these ellipsoids in the shell already have their own requirements for living conditions.

Egg story

Eggs have been valued by people since the first birds were domesticated. Ancient poultry farmers immediately noted the high nutritional properties of this product, the ease of its production, unpretentiousness in storage, and ease of preparation.

The first “traces” of laying hens were discovered in India; it was there, according to many scientists, that the first poultry farms were established. In the most developed ancient societies - Mesopotamia, Greece, Persia, Arabia and Egypt, rock carvings of chickens date back to the second millennium BC.

However, in the pharaonic lands the cult of poultry farming was so widespread that they even learned to incubate eggs. Only priests were allowed to participate in this important and even by some standards sacred action.

Today everything is much simpler, and on a larger scale. Eggs are an indispensable product in every corner of the world, and especially here, where there are about 300 eggs per capita per year.

Thanks to this demand, laying hens on poultry farms fulfill and even exceed the plan, regularly replenishing the country’s egg “treasury.” But the question is how long eggs can be stored, given the fact that they do not always reach store shelves right away.

Chicken eggs are the most popular poultry product, and it is they, fresh and boiled, that most often end up in our refrigerator with a supply. In order for us to always be confident in the freshness of the product, GOST has determined the expiration date for these products.

For factory eggs according to regulations state standard There is no single fixed term, since all products are divided into 3 categories, data about which is applied to the shell in the form of markings.

Eggs can be stored this way:

  • dietary no more than 1 week from the date of production,
  • table and chilled - up to 30 days.

In addition, for the storage of this fragile product, certain conditions are provided to extend its shelf life until the deadline.

After purchasing eggs, be sure to place them in the refrigerator. The best place for storing eggs, the bottom shelf, the shelf closest to the freezer, where the temperature does not rise above +3°C, is considered.

Why you shouldn't store eggs on the refrigerator door

Many refrigerator manufacturers equip trays for storing eggs on the doors, but they should not be placed there. So why shouldn't you store eggs on the refrigerator doors?

The thing is that when you open the refrigerator compartment, warm air immediately hits the products located on the doors of the device, displacing the cold. It is precisely because of such unstable “weather” that chicken ellipsoids can quickly become unusable.

Which end down should you store eggs in the refrigerator?

The placement of bird rudiments must be carried out in the grooves of special containers or trays with the end down, which the egg cannot be damaged, that is, narrowed.

The thing is that at the wide base of the chicken oocyte there is an air “corridor”, which, when pressed, can deform the shell and break the tightness of the natural “packaging”.

If the egg supply is so large that there is no space left in the container, then carefully place the eggs in a basket or bowl, the bottom and walls of which are lined with a soft cloth so as not to damage the shell.

Shelf life of boiled eggs

Boiled eggs in their shells can rest peacefully in the open spaces of a refrigerator for 2 weeks, but for those eggs in which a “hole” is found in the shell, the shelf life is reduced to 4 days.

Raw proteins can also be stored in the refrigerator for two days; to do this, they should be sealed in a container and placed deep into the coolest shelf.

What determines the shelf life

Also, do not forget that eggs different birds have different shelf life.

So, a guinea fowl, for example, has an egg shell that is 1.5 times thicker, 3 times stronger than a chicken egg, and also has a minimal number of pores, which makes it long-lived on refrigerated shelves and more.

Quail “babies” are protected by lysocin, a natural bactericidal substance, thanks to which they can be stored for quite a long time.

How long can eggs be stored without refrigeration? Many people have probably asked this question, especially those who have excellent Agriculture and chickens, quails, turkeys, geese and guinea fowl regularly bring a generous “harvest”.

Undoubtedly, for long-term preservation, all avian oocytes require maintenance in a refrigerator. However, even at home, raw eggs can be perfectly preserved in a dry, cool, dark room, where the temperature does not exceed +15 +18 °C and the humidity is 85%.

Shelf life:

  • chicken eggs in shell under such conditions is 4 weeks,
  • quail – 1 month,
  • Caesar's - up to 4 months.

However, unfortunately, boiled eggs are unlikely to be able to repeat the same trick, since finished product in this form it can remain fit for food for no more than 3 days.

Storage methods without refrigeration

And this immediately begs the question: is it possible to store eggs without refrigeration for a longer time? We will find the answer from our ancestors, who came up with a way to preserve these poultry products from 2 to 12 months.

Preservation with paraffin

The first method is quite simple and very effective. Lubricate each egg with paraffin, melted fat or butter, then place them carefully in a box or basin, sprinkling them in layers with salt or grain.

Then we send the filled container to the cellar or basement, where at a temperature of +15°C, poultry products can be stored for up to 6 months.

Storage in fat

In the old days, eggs were also varnished, dried, placed in ceramic pots and filled with melted fat. Such “canned food” could be stored in an underground or cellar for 1 to 2 years.

Storage in lime

Another option for one-year egg storage requires placing bird rudiments in a solution of slaked lime so that it covers the “bookmark” by 2 cm.

Usually such filled pots were kept in glaciers or in the coldest place of the cellar. However, the method was not in great demand, since lime had an extremely negative effect on the taste of proteins.

Storage table for raw and boiled eggs

Type of eggs Cold storage Storage without refrigeration
Shelf life How to store. Optimal temperature Shelf life
Chicken: Boiled soft-boiled It is best to store boiled eggs in the middle part of the refrigerator compartment, where the temperature varies from +2°C to +4°C Up to 2 days Outside the refrigerator, boiled eggs are stored at room temperature +20°C on a table or in a buffet in a cardboard tray, basket or bowl covered with a cloth napkin. No more than 1 day
Hard-boiled, Easter 2 weeks No more than 3 days
Fresh homemade Eggs should not be stored on the door! The optimal place for storage is the compartment closest to the freezer, where t= + 1°C +3°C. Or in a dry (50% humidity) fresh area at t = 0°C. In an egg tray with the narrow end down, in a basket or container lined with cloth. Up to 4 weeks In a cellar or cool, dark pantry at a temperature of 15°C and a humidity of no more than 85% in a cardboard tray, basket, recessed container or box lined with cloth or sawdust Up to 3 weeks
Raw store-bought Up to 3 weeks Up to 2 weeks
Quail Up to 60 days 30 days
Goose 1-2 weeks No more than 4 days
Ostrich 3 months 1 month
Duck 1-2 weeks No more than 4 days
Turkey Up to 3 weeks Up to 2 weeks
Guinea fowl eggs In any compartment of the refrigerator at a temperature ranging from 0°C to 10°C in a basket, recessed container or egg container. Up to 6 months 2 months

Well, now we’ve figured out how to approach egg storage wisely.

Now, knowing for sure the shelf life of raw and boiled eggs in the refrigerator and without it, you will definitely not let such a valuable product go to waste.

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