An essay based on a painting by O.A. Kiprensky “Portrait of N.V. Kochubey. Natalia Viktorovna Kochubey I love books about health and healthy lifestyles

Raising children is a risky business. For in the case of success, the latter is acquired at the cost of great labor and care, but in the case of failure, the grief is incomparable to any other.


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About Me

I work as deputy head of the VMR in MBDOU MO Krasnodar “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 105”


1. Smolensk Pedagogical College,qualification: children's teacher preschool age majoring in “Preschool education”, 1998

2. North Ossetian State pedagogical institute, qualification: Organizer-methodologist preschool education , 2013

3. GBOUDPO KK KKIDPPO, qualification: Management in Education, 2014.

Additional education:

from 09/14/2014 until May 24, 2015 completed short-term training at the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Workers public education Moscow region, on the topic “ Modern technologies promotion professional competence preschool teacher."

Teaching experience: 17 years.

Books that shaped my inner world

I love books about health and a healthy lifestyle.

"Health. Healthy lifestyle,” these words sound more and more often and make you think about what you need to do, or maybe, on the contrary, not do, in order to improve your health. After all, sometimes we lack basic knowledge. And popular wisdom says: “Who is forewarned is forearmed.”

I reread classic literature and understand it in a new way.

Classic literature constitute foundation cultural potential of the student are a prerequisite for his overall development and spiritual maturity.

My view of the world

You are the master designer of your life, whether you realize it or not.

Our children will never be the same as us. Most of our children have nannies and do not go to kindergartens. They never walk outside after school with friends and classmates with the apartment key around their neck. Because, firstly, it’s scary to let your child go into the yard, and secondly, an alternative has appeared at home - computer games and game consoles.

IN last years The children's infrastructure has greatly developed - studios, clubs, and children's development centers. Lots of activities for every taste. We children could only dream of this. Maximum - went to the sports section or music school. Today is already for nine month old baby You can find educational activities, and babies are taught swimming from birth.

Our children have much more opportunities!

My achievements

Successes and achievements of my children and pupils.

My portfolio

Preschool childhood is a period of intensive growth and development of the body and its increased sensitivity to the influences of natural and social environment, including preventive and health measures carried out in kindergarten. The effectiveness of these activities largely depends on how natural and adequate the child’s living conditions are in preschool educational institution patterns of formation of his body.

The conditions of the kindergarten must meet the age-related needs of the child’s growth and development and ensure his harmonious development, training and education.

One of the most important and powerful natural stimulators of the growth and development of a child in kindergarten is physical activity, which influences the formation physiological systems body in accordance with natural patterns, ensuring its vital activity and successful adaptation to changing conditions modern world. Unfortunately, the lifestyle and health of modern preschoolers reflect negative influences civilized world.

The main sign of the present time has become hypokinesia - low motor activity of children, which does not ensure the full development of physiological functions and strengthening the defenses of the growing body.

In this regard, the main direction of the health-preserving activities of the kindergarten is the formation of the child’s physical culture, his internal need for physical activity.

It is important to determine what type of motor activity the child likes most and provide him with the opportunity to engage in it in a play-based physical education and sports environment prepared for this.

The main principle of raising a healthy child in kindergarten is to ensure a level of physical activity that takes into account the individual age characteristics of the body, corresponds to its functional capabilities and determines the necessary and sufficient conditions for harmonious development.

Her face is familiar to many thanks to the wonderful portraits painted by O. Kiprensky, A. Bryullov and P. Sokolov. Many researchers call her Pushkin’s first love, and some argue that she was his “hidden love”, encrypted in the Don Juan list under the initials NN and becoming the prototype of the married Tatyana Larina. Countess Natalya Viktorovna Stroganova, née Kochubey, was a brilliant salon hostess and trendsetter, and no one disputed this. But contemporaries left very contradictory reviews about her behavior and personal qualities.

There are many blank spots in her biography. Only a few facts are known for certain. She was born in 1800 in the family of a diplomat, Minister of Internal Affairs, Count V.P. Kochubey. Soon after his marriage, the count fell out of favor with the emperor, so early years Natalya Kochubey and her family spent abroad.

After Alexander I ascended the throne, the count was able to return to court. Soon Natalya Viktorovna was promoted to maid of honor. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna wrote: “Now the time has come to talk about the Kochubey family. They were absent for several years, and only in 1818 did the Count, Countess and their beautiful daughter Natalie was introduced to me in Pavlovsk.” Lyceum student Korf claims that Natalya Kochubey was “Pushkin’s first love.” Some researchers support this opinion and believe that one of his earliest poems, “Betrayal,” is dedicated to her.

During this period, many family acquaintances speak of Natalya Viktorovna with genuine admiration: “She has an elegant figure, she dances charmingly, in general, she is exactly what you need to be in order to charm. They say that she has a lively mind, and I readily believe this, since her face is very expressive and mobile.” Another contemporary said that she was “quite beautiful, full of talents and well brought up.” M. Speransky wrote: “I saw Natasha here for the first time in a French quadrille, the embodiment of grace.”

Dolly Fikelmon spoke about her like this: “Natalie Stroganova has a piquant physiognomy; definitely not being a beauty, she seems to be liked much more than many others beautiful women. The capricious expression on her face suits her very well. Her eyes are especially beautiful - in them she main beauty. At the same time, she is quite witty.”

In 1820, Natalya Kochubey married Count Stroganov. Most of his contemporaries unanimously call him a narrow-minded and mediocre person. The most merciless characterization was given to him by the historian S. Solovyov, who was the teacher of children in their family: “Alexander Grigorievich Stroganov ... served as a terrible example of what kind of people in Russia during the reign of Nicholas I could achieve the highest degrees career ladder. ... Having an extremely superficial mind, ... he would solemnly lay out some absurd thought and try to puzzle him with it, persistently supporting and arranging with other similar absurdities. At the same time, not the slightest nobility or delicacy.”

Solovyov did not spare his wife either: “The wife was still worse than husband: with intelligence and education also superficial, with huge claims to both, with complete absence hearts, selfishness embodied, unscrupulousness of means, the ability to humiliate myself to the most indecent searches when it was considered necessary, and at the same time pride, exorbitant lust for power - this is Countess Natalya Viktorovna Stroganova, nee Princess Kochubey. This couple was spoiled by the governorship. ... This superior position, this servility of the Russian provincial officials, nobility and merchants before the Governor General easily corrupted the Stroganovs.”

Many contemporaries considered their marriage unhappy - the count was not faithful to his wife, and she paid him in the same coin. Solovyov characterized the countess as “a woman without convictions and without a heart” and hinted that in St. Petersburg she led a dissolute life. Even Dantes is named among her lovers. Nevertheless, Pushkin often saw Countess Stroganova in the last decade of his life; she remained his true friend until death. This salon owner was for the poet the standard of a society lady. Pushkin told Pletnev that Stroganova served him as a prototype for the image of the married Tatiana in the 8th chapter of Eugene Onegin.

P. Guber believes that it was Stroganova who became that very “hidden love” of Pushkin, for which he had unrequited feelings, but other researchers refute this statement:

Kochubey Natalya Viktorovna (1800-1854)

In the surviving “Program of Autobiography” under 1813, Pushkin wrote: “Countess Kochubey. Death of Malinovsky...” This entry refers to Countess Natalya Viktorovna Kochubey, daughter of one of Alexander I’s closest collaborators V.P. Kochubey, later Chairman of the State Council and Committee ministers. According to M. A Korf, she was “Pushkin’s first love,” the early passion of the young poet.

Pushkin’s acquaintance and meetings with Kochubey date back to the first years of his stay at the Lyceum, when she lived with her parents in Tsarskoe Selo. The poet’s feeling for young Kochubey was apparently reflected in the poems “Betrayal” (1815) and “Intoxicated with Memories” (1819). In 1820, Kochubey married Count A.G. Stroganov. Her meetings with Pushkin became quite rare and dated back to the last decade of the poet’s life. They met in St. Petersburg secular society, and, by his own admission, Pushkin used the living nature of Kochubey to depict Tatyana in the eighth chapter of Eugene Onegin (1829-1830).

She was unhurried, Not cold, not talkative, Without an insolent look for everyone, Without pretensions to success...

In the last years of his life, Pushkin met with Kochubey at the Karamzins, where she was a regular visitor, and at other mutual acquaintances. Soon after the poet's death, when St. Petersburg society was divided into defenders and enemies of Pushkin, Kochubey-Stroganova spoke “with great fervor” in defense of the poet. The image of Kochubey was reflected in the plans for the novel "Russian Pelam" (1834-1835). The unrealized plan was supposed to give a broad picture of St. Petersburg society in the 1820s, and Kochubey was supposed to be one of the representatives of the great world.

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