Dream interpretation of drawing a girl with a pencil. Why dream of painting a picture with paints: interpretation of sleep according to various dream books. Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Seeing finishing paints in a dream means that a joyful future awaits you, which will give you great love. A can of paint spilled on the floor portends a major trouble into which your own immoderate curiosity will plunge you. The paint that you apply to the walls or roof of a house from a sprayer is a sign that you will certainly succeed in achieving your goals.

Painting on the walls using aerosol cans means that you will have to prove for a long time and persistently what is completely obvious from the point of view common sense, but the law is interpreted completely pervertedly, casuistically and contrary to all human logic.

To stain your clothes with paint - in reality you will be exposed to attack, which you would not expect from people who owe so much to you. Clean or wash off paint from your face, hands, etc. - beware of slanderers, who may be people who have been unfairly offended by you.

Seeing artistic colors in a dream is a sign of fulfillment of desires, whims and whims. Watercolors foretell that you will soon take up something that will bring you satisfaction in all respects. Use in a dream oil paints, drawing a picture, - in real life friends will behave insincerely towards you and you will discover deception where you least expected.

Holding an artistic palette with paints on it in a dream means a happy event in the family. Paints in tubes - regret about a missed opportunity. A set of paints in a box means profit and wealth. Mixing paints, selecting the desired color scheme, means the most daring plans will be fulfilled.

Using zinc white in a dream means you will experience a joyful feeling of freedom and independence from anyone’s influence. Cinnabar portends hot mutual love. Purple is a sign that your demands on life are too high and unrealistic. Indigo is a harbinger of unexpected cash receipts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Rice

Rice dreams of success in love and friendships.

If you ate rice in a dream, then fate will give you family happiness and a cozy home.

Contaminated rice portends illness and discord with friends.

If a girl cooks rice in a dream, then pretty soon she will have new responsibilities that will make her happy and rich.

Boiled rice portends a lack of material resources.

If you ate boiled rice, you will have to spend the savings that you have saved up for years.

Interpretation of dreams from

Idiomatic dream book

Drawing in a dream - what does it symbolize

Draw - “Drawn” (figure, event, girl) - i.e. Appeared, identified. “to show off” - to show off, show off, flirt.

Dreaming of Drawing (interpretation according to the Old Russian Dream Book)

I dreamed of drawing - There is a sign of lasting and pleasant friendship.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean if you dream about Drawing?

Draw - Unexpected income from a trifling matter; for the young - deception through hope.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation Drawing from your dream

Draw – Unrealistic; income; new dreams, plans. Watch how they draw - see the section people (artist), this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

The meaning of sleep about Image (Modern dream book)

Draw - Difficult to explain.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of Drawing

Draw - Draw in a dream - you prefer to be in solitude so that no one can disturb your thoughts and feelings. By nature you are very dreamy and impressionable, you like art. You often visit theaters and museums, and then keep memories of what you saw in your memory for a long time. But if you take a closer look, your life can be called only half rich. The dream warns you that you lack communication with people, and also that you need to change your lifestyle to a more active one. It's time to start doing things that you can handle perfectly, if you just want to. To see someone drawing in a dream means you envy those who do everything in life better, more beautiful, more correctly than you. You cannot forgive them and yourself for not having all this. Being distracted by others, you don't care about your life. You need to learn to either not notice the successes and achievements of others, or enjoy it with all your heart. You must understand that all people cannot live the same way. If someone draws you, a lot of unspent feeling has accumulated in you, but you don’t know where to direct it. You want to surrender yourself to the feeling selflessly; you are characterized by self-sacrifice and mercy. If you have not yet met a life partner, then in order to feel needed, pay attention and provide help to family and friends, friends and even strangers who need it. Seeing your love for others, the one who becomes your lover or lover will feel an irresistible attraction to you.

Esoteric dream book

See Draw in a dream

Draw – Drawing is not visible unrealistic hopes. The drawing is clearly indicated, see exactly what hopes in this area will come true (for example, draw a “house” - living conditions will develop according to your hopes).

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

See Draw in a dream as a symbol

Draw - Earn honors; to see someone drawing - to make plans for the future; to see yourself drawn - you are loved; for others - a new acquaintance; landscapes or other subject - your property is growing; posing - adding to the family.

Drawing pen in a dream - You will earn honor through your work; drawing instruments - you will achieve a high position.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why dream of Drawing in a dream

Draw - Earn honors - see the person drawing - make plans for the future - see yourself drawn - You are loved - others - a new acquaintance - landscapes or another subject - Your property is growing - pose - adding to the family

Drawing pen - Earn honor through your work

Drawing instruments - Achieve a high position

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of a dream in which I dreamed of Drawing

Drawing - Why dream that someone is drawing you - it means that you are filled with unspent feeling and don’t know where to direct it, to whom to pour it out. You would like to surrender yourself to love selflessly, because self-sacrifice and mercy are defining for your character. If you haven't met your life partner yet, know that it will happen very soon. Someone will feel an irresistible attraction to you. You drew, which means that in reality you tend to idealize yourself and your life, not paying attention to objective factors. You convince yourself that everything in your life is going well and flawlessly, but in reality things are not so rosy.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Drawing mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, why dream of drawing an icon in a dream means a quick death.

If in the summer you dreamed of drawing an icon, you will pray to someone as a deity, but you yourself came up with an idol for yourself, and later you will be bitterly disappointed.

In the fall, why did you dream of painting an icon - a serious test of your soul.

In winter, why do you dream of drawing - to show your best sides.

Many people use visual art to express their feelings, momentary thoughts, vivid emotions, and even those who have never tried to engage in such self-expression in life may come across a plot with a picture drawn in their dreams. Why do you dream of drawing? Interpretations of the dream book are based on small details, right down to what object you used to depict the drawing.

If a young girl in a dream had to draw herself with a pencil, and she got a good detailed drawing, then the predictions include the appearance of a beautiful and good-natured admirer, or the love of a guy who previously did not pay any attention to her.

Drawing a bright, cheerful picture in a dream is a subconscious symbol of the dream book that in reality you really lack new emotions and vivid impressions: you are tired of dullness and mediocrity. If you did not see the final work, but held the finished brush in your hands, then the plan you are in the process of implementing will only bring you positive emotions and satisfaction.

What does it mean to draw in a dream, but not see the drawing? By esoteric dream book it is a symbol of unrealistic hopes. But if the silhouette of an object is clearly visible, then your cherished desires about it will come true in any case.

What does it mean to draw in a dream according to Freud’s dream book? You view events that are not happening too subjectively, and have a point of view that is radically different from the generally accepted one. It is this quality that prevents you from establishing contacts with the right people.

The interpretation of the dream book about why you dream of drawing eyebrows is very interesting. This is a harbinger of a new acquaintance that will happen because of your openness and sexual energy that literally emanates from you.

What was the result of the drawing?

According to the White Magician’s dream book, why you dream of painting a picture is a symbol of your isolation and loneliness. Moreover, this state of affairs does not bother you; rather, on the contrary, you strive for privacy.

If your relationship with your relatives is tense, don’t doubt why you dream of drawing a portrait. This is a sure prediction of a quick reconciliation, which will be associated with your new outlook on things and new priorities in life.

Drawing scarlet flowers in a dream is a dream book’s prediction of a meeting with a mysterious stranger, whose appearance will arouse a violent passion in you, and a reconsideration of all the values ​​that you previously could not doubt.

Improving well-being and increasing income promise what you dream of drawing a tree for. A powerful plant, as a symbol of the house - a “full cup” - predicts a promotion directly related to family ties.

Drawing a cross in a dream is an omen in the dream book about conflict situations with your significant other, which may well lead to a complete break in the relationship due to a difference of opinion.

If in a dream you feel like a baby, and at the same time you manage to draw the sun in a dream, you can prepare for the collapse of your plans and painful loneliness. An even worse interpretation of the dream is given if you had to draw an icon in a dream. You will become an idolater, and because of this you will lose many friends.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Drawing in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Drawing?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of Drawing in a dream?

To a difficult explanation, this means a dream that you had, for more details on why you dream about Drawing, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why dream of Drawing for a woman:

Earn honors and achieve fame. An artist painting a picture means making plans for the future. Posing for an artist means adding to the family. Seeing yourself in a picture - the attitude of your loved ones towards you will change better side. Caricature - your friends will make fun of you. Still lifes foreshadow new purchase. Receive drawings as a gift - you will achieve success in your chosen field. Giving drawings means receiving a nice gift

Modern dream book

Why do you dream of Drawing from a dream book?

If you dreamed that someone was drawing you, then in reality you don’t know who to pour out your unspent feelings on. You wanted to indulge in love, to give your loved one all of yourself without reserve, because you are prone to self-sacrifice. If you haven't met your life partner yet, know that it will happen very soon. If you dreamed that you were drawing in a dream, it means that in real life you tend to idealize yourself and your life. You don't pay attention to objective factors. Things aren't going well for you, but you reassure yourself that everything is going well.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Scribe - Scribe in vain to bother with the authorities.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Scribbling - Scribbling in a dream with a pencil or pen means disappointment in your beloved person.

Spring Dream Interpreter

To scribble - to scribble (draw, scribble) on paper in a dream - - to broken plans, to the failure of an idea.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream about Drawing in a dream?

See Draw - If you dreamed that you were drawing a crown, scepter or mantle, then you console yourself with unrealistic hopes.

If you dreamed at night about a picture you drew, then you can make a good profit.

See also: why do you dream about an old painting, why do you dream about a portrait, why do you dream about an artist.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Draw in the dream book:

If you dreamed that you were drawing, then a strong friendship awaits you.

Also, such a dream suggests that you will face large expenses from an insignificant matter.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream of Drawing, what is it for?

If you dreamed that you were drawing someone’s portrait, then you will have a difficult conversation with this person.

If you dreamed that you were painting a landscape, then you will make a successful purchase.

Drawing a still life in a dream means you will become popular in certain circles.

If in a dream you posed for an artist, then you will soon have a child.

If you dreamed that they drew you, then your family will begin to treat you better.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about Drawing, what does it mean:

Seeing from a dream book Drawing a self-portrait is a manifestation of selfishness. Self-aggrandizement.

Adaskin's Dream Book

See drawing in a dream:

Seeing or drawing a portrait in a dream means quick retribution for the illicit pleasures that you so foolishly indulged in.

Drawing in a dream, if you draw at least sometimes, in reality means unexpected expenses. Finding out that you can draw and sketch will lead to income. For lovers, a dream about drawing is a bad sign. For them, drawing means being deceived in their expectations. If someone gives you a drawing, the old sympathy for each other will reignite.

A little intimacy - If you dreamed that someone was drawing you, this means that you are filled with unspent feeling and do not know where to direct it, to whom to pour it out. You strive to surrender yourself to love selflessly, because self-sacrifice and mercy are defining for your character. If you haven't met your life partner yet, know that it will happen very soon. Someone will feel an irresistible attraction to you.

If you dreamed that you were drawing in a dream, it means that in real life you tend to idealize yourself and your life. You haven't managed to find a partner yet. Or maybe you should look at yourself from the outside? You convince yourself that everything in your life is going well and flawlessly, but in reality things are not so rosy.

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why do you dream and what does it mean to Draw in a dream?

A dream in which you see someone criticizing your drawing symbolizes your inner world. you are experiencing strong feeling, but don't know what to do with it. You dream of love and are ready for self-sacrifice, but do not yet see a suitable object. Don't despair: you will soon meet a person whose feelings will be mutual. Your own drawing in a dream means that you are too idealistic own life, while you don’t pay attention to objective things. Although you convince yourself that everything is fine, in fact the situation is far from so rosy, this is how the dream in which you dream of Drawing is deciphered.

Magic dream book

I had a dream about Drawing - what does it mean?

You dreamed of Drawing - income from a small business.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed of Drawing – what does the dream mean?

What does Drawing mean in a dream - Receive unexpected income for trivial work. Imagine that the picture you painted is very bright and colorful, with many details.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed of Drawing, why:

Draw - You see in a dream that someone draws well - yours cherished wish will come true. It’s as if you yourself draw well - a minor amendment to the matter will bring you unexpectedly large incomes.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Did you have a dream and what does it mean to Draw in a dream?

Drawing means good pay for simple work. Imagine a table with a stack of drawing paper on it. Nearby are pencils, crayons, markers or other tools you would like to use to draw. You sit down at the table and draw with passion. Imagine that everything works out just perfectly for you. Whatever you want, your hand instantly displays on paper. The picture turns out very beautiful, bright, colorful. You admire it and then frame it and hang it on the wall.

Art goes hand in hand with the muse. It is difficult to create something worthy of the title “Masterpiece” if there is no inspiration. All the creators of the past looked for it in their beloved women, nature, and the works of other artists. From this side it looks entertaining, in which a person draws.

Even in professional psychology There is a procedure in which the patient is shown pictures, and he must explain what is on them.

Indeed, how and what the subject sees in the world around him can give a clear idea of ​​his soul and character.

The answer to the question of why a particular event or image is drawn by the dreamer in night visions lies in the field of deep psychology, in which, unfortunately, I am not an expert. A dream in which a person sees that he is drawing means that he lacks objectivity in his view of life and many accompanying things.

And his position on current events is too strongly tied to the desires and fears of the dreamer. Such a dream is a reason to think: a person’s character may be a barrier that prevents him communicate with other people.

There are no ideal people. So there are no perfect, I would say even absolute, interpretations of vision. For each specific case, the interpretation of the dream may vary depending on the details. For this reason, it makes sense to turn to special cases of sleep.

If you dreamed that you were painting with paints in a dream, then you should think about your life: perhaps in reality you lack vivid feelings and emotions.

The dream book also contains an addition to this interpretation: if you use a thin brush, then it means that in life you make only well-informed decisions, but if you paint with a thick brush, while poorly drawing the details of the drawing, then you need to think about whether your demands are high in relation to to others.

Constant lack of positive experiences can lead to a nervous shock of the body, or even deep blues.

Being sick in body or soul is always unpleasant. Therefore, try to add some color to your life: go to some public place with friends, shake yourself up. And maybe then your outlook on life will even change.

A person who drew with a pencil in a dream should expect that easy, insignificant changes will soon occur in his life.

If a pencil breaks in a dream, then you should expect minor troubles that will not affect important areas of your life.

If you paint a picture with a sharpened instrument, it means that you are moving in the right direction in life. For someone life changes mean stress, and some people like it when something changes in their life. Taking into account the dynamism modern life, it turns out that those who love change often succeed and, even from small changes, can gain benefits.

Such a vision is a sign that you are withdrawn and experiencing loneliness. At the same time, your subconscious is not against this situation, but rather even strives for privacy.

Situations in life can be different. People may seek solitude for different reasons.

It could be unhappy love, or a change in worldview, or other mental stress. In addition, a person may simply be a hermit by nature.

Take a responsible approach to the new stage of your life, unless of course you are a loner by nature. Perhaps loneliness will give you philosophical revelations and A New Look for life.

A dream in which you see yourself drawing a portrait means that your tense relationships with your loved ones will be relieved and you will reach a consensus.

If you believe the dream book, then perhaps a change in ideas about values ​​in life will be the reason for this reconciliation.

Each personality has unique character and worldview. And sometimes these unique qualities serve as a bone of contention with loved ones.

However, everything in this world is subject to change. We ourselves are changing.

A new turn in your destiny means that you have matured in soul and become a little wiser. For most people, the ability to reach agreement with people comes over the years. Therefore, such a dream indicates a certain maturity of character.

What does it mean to dream in which you draw flowers?

If you dreamed that you were drawing, then get ready to meet your ideal comrade. You will understand each other, and he will never let you down. Finding a person in the world who understands you is not very easy.

Sometimes even birth mother cannot understand his child. A person who has gained understanding is happy. And if, moreover, a comrade turned out to be a reliable ally, then he found the jewel.

Learn to appreciate those precious minutes of conversation with your friend that fate gives you. Live life to the fullest, but be sensitive to your friend: sometimes any little thing can lead to a breakdown in a relationship that you would never want to end.

If you dreamed that you were drawing on the wall, then in reality it makes sense for you to prepare for. Mostly men view renovation as acquiring new functions for their home.

Women, for the most part, while they are more romantic and focus on the aesthetic component of their home; women may even associate some event in their life with renovations.

But whether we like it or not, renovation always means changes in everyday life or in worldview.

Such a dream is a good reason to bring to life the little things that we put in the back drawer: put an extra shelf, add additional composition of living space elements.

It's nice to know that you accomplished everything you wanted. Treat the upcoming event with feeling. Create conditions so that your home becomes a place where you want to come after a hard day at work.

If you have seen how you draw on wood?

A person who dreamed that he was drawing should prepare for the fact that he will soon begin to earn more.

According to the dream book, the tree symbolizes a “full cup”, a house that has everything. An increase in income, according to a collection of vision interpretations, is associated with career advancement, which, in turn, is determined by family ties.

What is better for a person: to prove to everyone every day with your life that you are worth it, or to receive warm place by connections? I would still give preference to the first option, not because it is correct, but because it is more reliable: if you have won your place in the sun with sweat and blood, then it is yours by definition, and you can quarrel with your relatives.

However, nothing in this world happens for nothing. And if you really I was lucky to get a good job, even if for some reason not related to your professionalism, be grateful to fortune, and over time the puzzle of life will come together - time will put everything in its place.

A dream in which you dreamed that you were drawing means that you will soon meet a person whom you will attract with your openness and sexual energy. Energy has the ability to attract.

And such strong type, as sexual energy, has a truly magnetic appeal.

Sex plays an important role in our lives. Some people cannot feel happy without satisfaction from their partner in bed.

A relationship with a person who is interested in your sexuality promises to be passionate.

Yours sex life will become saturated. Nice prediction promising the dreamer pleasure, at the same time, also has a practical meaning: satisfaction carries within it the evenness and consistency of feelings. And without these components to an ordinary person it is impossible to achieve spiritual harmony.

Correctly understanding a dream in which you transfer your thoughts onto paper through images means that you are on the path of self-knowledge moving in the right direction.

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