A message about Griboyedov's biography. The creative and life path of Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. Origin and early years

Years of life: from 01/15/1795 to 02/11/1829

Russian playwright, poet and diplomat, composer, pianist. Griboyedov is known as homo unius libri, the writer of one book, a brilliant rhyming play “Woe from Wit.”

Griboyedov was born in Moscow into a noble family. The first Griboyedovs have been known since 1614: Mikhail Efimovich Griboedov received lands in the Vyazemsky Voivodeship from Mikhail Romanov in this year. It is noteworthy that the writer’s mother also came from the same Griboyedov family, from another branch of it. The founder of this branch, Lukyan Griboyedov, owned a small village in the Vladimir land. The writer’s maternal grandfather, although a military man, had amazing taste and abilities, turned Khmelity’s family estate into a real Russian estate, an island of culture. Here, in addition to French, Russian writers were read, Russian magazines were subscribed to, a theater was created, and children received an excellent education for those times. The second, paternal branch of the Griboyedovs, was not so lucky. Griboedov's father, Sergei Ivanovich, is a gambler and spendthrift, a desperate dragoon of the Yaroslavl infantry regiment.

In 1802, Griboedov was sent to the Noble boarding school. Moreover, in French, German and music he was immediately enrolled in the middle classes. He would remain strong in music and languages ​​throughout his life. Since childhood, knowing French, English, German and Italian, during his studies at the university he studied Greek and Latin, and later Persian, Arabic and Turkish and many other languages. He was also musically gifted: he played the piano, flute, and composed music himself. Two of his waltzes (“Griboyedov Waltz”) are still known.

A year later, I had to leave the boarding school due to illness, switching to home education. In 1806, A.S. Griboyedov (at the age of 11 years) was already a student at Moscow University, who successfully graduated in 1808, receiving the title of candidate of literature, and in 1812, Alexander Sergeevich entered the ethical and legal department , and then to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

During Patriotic War In 1812, when the enemy approached the Russian border, Griboedov joined (against his mother’s wishes) the Moscow Hussar Regiment of Count Saltykov, who received permission to form it. Young people were seduced not only by the ideas of patriotism, but also by the beautiful black uniform, decorated with cords and gold embroidery (even Chaadaev moved from the Semenovsky regiment to the Akhtyrsky Hussars, carried away by the beauty of the uniform). However, due to illness he for a long time was absent from the regiment. Only at the end of June 1814 did he catch up with his regiment, renamed the Irkutsk Hussar Regiment, in the city of Kobrin, in the Kingdom of Poland. In July 1813, he will be seconded to the headquarters of the commander of the cavalry reserves, General A. S. Kologrivov, where he will serve until 1816 in the rank of cornet. It was in this service that Griboyedov began to show his remarkable abilities in the field of diplomacy: he ensured friendly relations with the Polish nobility, resolved conflicts that arose between the army and the local population, showing diplomatic tact. His first literary experiments also appeared here: “Letter from Brest-Litovsk to the Publisher”, the essay “On Cavalry Reserves” and the comedy “The Young Spouses” (translation of the French comedy “Le secret du Ménage”) - date back to 1814. In the article “On Cavalry Reserves” Griboedov acted as a historical publicist.

In 1815, after the death of her father, her mother, Nastasya Fedorovna, in order to settle the shaky and complicated affairs of her late husband, invited A.S. Griboyedov to renounce the inheritance in favor of his sister Maria, whom the future writer dearly loved. Having signed the waiver, Griboedov is left without a livelihood. From now on, he will have to earn ranks and fortune through his labor. New literary acquaintances in St. Petersburg, acquired during vacation, literary success (Shakhovskoy himself was delighted with his first play, it was successfully staged in Moscow), lack of prospects in military service - all this served as the reason for Griboedov to begin troubles about resignation. However, when transferring him to the civil service, none of his merits were taken into account (he did not participate in hostilities), and instead of the rank of collegiate assessor (8 in the Table of Ranks), which he applied for, he receives the rank of provincial secretary, one of the lowest ranks (12) in the Table of Ranks (for comparison: A.S. Pushkin will enter the service of the College of Foreign Affairs with the rank of collegiate secretary (10), which was considered a very modest achievement).

From 1817 he served in the Collegium of Foreign Affairs in St. Petersburg, met A.S. Pushkin and V.K. Kuchelbecker.

In 1818, Griboyedov accepted an appointment as secretary of the Russian diplomatic mission under the Persian Shah (1818 - 1821, Tiflis, Tabriz, Tehran) and did a lot to bring Russian prisoners home. This appointment was essentially an exile, the reason for which was Griboyedov’s participation in a quadruple duel over the artist Istomina. A.P. Zavadovsky kills V.V. Sheremetev. The duel between Griboyedov and A.I. Yakubovich has been postponed. Later, in 1818, in the Caucasus, this duel will take place. On it, Griboyedov will be wounded in the arm. It is by the little finger of his left hand that the writer’s corpse, mutilated by the Persians, will subsequently be identified.

Upon returning from Persia in November 1821, he served as diplomatic secretary under the commander of Russian troops in the Caucasus, General A.P. Ermolov, surrounded by many members of Decembrist societies. Lives in Tiflis, working on the first two acts of Woe from Wit. However, this work requires more privacy, more freedom from service, so he asks Yermolov for a long leave. Having received leave, he spends it first in the Tula province, then in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In January 1826, after the Decembrist uprising, Griboyedov was arrested on suspicion of involvement in a conspiracy. A few months later, he was not only released, but also received another rank, as well as an allowance in the amount of an annual salary. There really was no serious evidence against him, and even now there is no documentary evidence that the writer somehow participated in the activities of secret societies. On the contrary, he is credited with a disparaging description of the conspiracy: “One hundred warrant officers want to turn Russia over!” But, perhaps, Griboedov owes such a complete acquittal to the intercession of a relative - General I.F. Paskevich, a favorite of Nicholas I, who was appointed instead of Ermolov as commander-in-chief of the Caucasian Corps and commander-in-chief of Georgia.

During this period, A.S. Griboyedov manages to do a lot. He takes charge of diplomatic relations with Georgia and Persia, reorganizes Russian policy in Transcaucasia, develops the “Regulations on the Administration of Azerbaijan”, with his participation the “Tiflis Gazette” was founded in 1828, and a “workhouse” was opened for women serving their sentences. A.S. Griboyedov, together with P. D. Zaveleisky, draws up a project on the “Establishment of the Russian Transcaucasian Company” in order to boost the industry of the region. He negotiates with Abbas Mirza on the terms of the Russian-Persian peace, participates in peace negotiations in the village of Turkmanchay. It is he who draws up the final version of the peace treaty, which is extremely beneficial for Russia. In the spring of 1828, Alexander Sergeevich was sent to St. Petersburg with the text of the agreement. Appointed as Resident Minister (Ambassador) to Iran; On the way to his destination, he spent several months in Tiflis, where he married Princess Nina Chavchavadze, the daughter of the head of the Erivan region and the Georgian poet Alexander Chavchavadze.

On January 30, 1829, the Persian authorities provoked an attack on the Russian embassy in Tehran. A crowd of Muslims, incited by fanatics, burst into the embassy building and massacred everyone there, including Griboyedov. The Russian government, not wanting a new military conflict with Persia, was satisfied with the Shah's apology. The Persian Shah sent his son to St. Petersburg to resolve the diplomatic scandal. To compensate for the blood shed, he brought rich gifts to Nicholas I, including the Shah diamond. This diamond, framed with many rubies and emeralds, once adorned the throne of the Great Mughals. Now it is in the collection of the Diamond Fund of the Moscow Kremlin. Griboedov's body was brought to Tiflis (now Tbilisi) and buried in the monastery of St. David.

Griboyedov's date of birth is a special question. The playwright himself indicated the year of birth as 1790. Judging by the information from the confessional books of the Church of the Nine Martyrs, in whose parish the Gribredovs were members for many years, the year of his birth is 1795. There is also a version that he was born in 1794.

The son of A.S. Griboyedov and N.A Chavchavadze was born premature after the death of his father, was baptized Alexander, but died an hour after birth.

A.S. Griboyedov’s wife left the following words on his tombstone:
“Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory,
But why did my love survive you?


Griboedov's dramaturgy:
Dmitry Dryanskoy (comic tragedy) (1812)
The Young Spouses (comedy in one act, in verse) (1814)
One's own family, or The Married Bride (5 scenes for Shakhovsky's comedy) (1817)
Student (comedy in three acts, written together with P. A. Katenin) (1817)
Feigned Infidelity (a comedy in one act in verse) (1817)
Sample interlude (interlude in one act) (1818)
Who is brother, who is sister, or deception after deception (new opera-vaudeville in act 1 together with P.A. Vyazemsky) (1823)
Woe from Wit (comedy in four acts in verse) (1824)
Georgian Night (excerpts from the tragedy) (1828)

Publicism by Griboyedov:
Letter from Brest-Litovsk to the publisher" (1814)
On cavalry reserves (1814)
On the analysis of the free translation of the Burger ballad “Lenora” (1816)
Special cases of the St. Petersburg flood (1824)
Country Trip (1826)

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov

Russian diplomat, poet, playwright, pianist and composer, nobleman; State Councilor (1828); Griboedov is known for his brilliantly rhymed play “Woe from Wit” (1824), which is still often staged in Russian theaters; it served as the source of numerous catch phrases

Alexander Griboyedov

short biography

- a famous Russian writer, poet, playwright, brilliant diplomat, state councilor, author of the legendary play in verse “Woe from Wit”, was a descendant of an old noble family. Born in Moscow on January 15 (January 4, O.S.), 1795, from an early age he showed himself to be an extremely developed and versatile child. Wealthy parents tried to give him an excellent home education, and in 1803 Alexander became a pupil of the Moscow University Noble Boarding School. At the age of eleven he was already a student at Moscow University (literature department). Having become a candidate of literary sciences in 1808, Griboyedov graduated from two more departments - moral-political and physical-mathematical. Alexander Sergeevich became one of the most educated people among his contemporaries, knew about a dozen foreign languages, and was very gifted musically.

With the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, Griboyedov joined the ranks of volunteers, but he did not have to participate directly in military operations. In 1815, with the rank of cornet, Griboyedov served in a cavalry regiment that was in reserve. The first literary experiments date back to this time - the comedy “The Young Spouses”, which was a translation of a French play, the article “On Cavalry Reserves”, “Letter from Brest-Litovsk to the Publisher”.

At the beginning of 1816, A. Griboedov retired and came to live in St. Petersburg. While working at the College of Foreign Affairs, he continues his studies in a new field of writing, makes translations, and joins theatrical and literary circles. It was in this city that fate gave him the acquaintance of A. Pushkin. In 1817, A. Griboyedov tried his hand at drama, writing the comedies “My Family” and “Student”.

In 1818, Griboyedov was appointed to the position of secretary of the tsar's attorney, who headed the Russian mission in Tehran, and this radically changed his further biography. The deportation of Alexander Sergeevich to a foreign land was regarded as punishment for the fact that he acted as a second in a scandalous duel with a fatal outcome. The stay in Iranian Tabriz (Tavriz) was indeed painful for the aspiring writer.

In the winter of 1822, Tiflis became Griboyedov’s new place of service, and the new boss was General A.P. Ermolov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Tehran, commander of the Russian troops in the Caucasus, under whom Griboedov was secretary for diplomatic affairs. It was in Georgia that he wrote the first and second acts of the comedy “Woe from Wit.” The third and fourth acts were already composed in Russia: in the spring of 1823, Griboyedov left the Caucasus on vacation to his homeland. In 1824, in St. Petersburg, the last point was put in the work, the path to fame of which turned out to be thorny. The comedy could not be published due to censorship and was sold in handwritten copies. Only small fragments “slipped” into print: in 1825 they were included in the issue of the almanac “Russian Waist”. Griboedov's brainchild was highly appreciated by A. S. Pushkin.

Griboyedov planned to take a trip to Europe, but in May 1825 he had to urgently return to service in Tiflis. In January 1826, in connection with the Decembrist case, he was arrested, kept in a fortress, and then taken to St. Petersburg: the writer’s name came up several times during interrogations, and handwritten copies of his comedy were found during searches. Nevertheless, due to lack of evidence, the investigation had to release Griboedov, and in September 1826 he returned to his official duties.

In 1828, the Turkmanchay Peace Treaty was signed, which corresponded to the interests of Russia. He played a certain role in the biography of the writer: Griboyedov took part in its conclusion and delivered the text of the agreement to St. Petersburg. For his services, the talented diplomat was awarded new position- Plenipotentiary Minister (Ambassador) of Russia in Persia. Alexander Sergeevich saw his appointment as a “political exile”; plans for the implementation of numerous creative ideas collapsed. With a heavy heart, in June 1828, Griboedov left St. Petersburg.

Getting to his place of duty, he lived for several months in Tiflis, where in August his wedding took place with 16-year-old Nina Chavchavadze. He left for Persia with his young wife. There were forces in the country and beyond its borders that were not satisfied with the growing influence of Russia, which cultivated in the consciousness local population hostility towards its representatives. On January 30, 1829, the Russian embassy in Tehran was brutally attacked by a brutal crowd, and A.S. became one of its victims. Griboyedov, who was disfigured to such an extent that he was later identified only by a characteristic scar on his hand. The body was taken to Tiflis, where its last resting place was the grotto at the Church of St. David.

Biography from Wikipedia

Origin and early years

Griboyedov born in Moscow, into a wealthy, noble family. His ancestor, Jan Grzybowski (Polish: Jan Grzybowski), moved from Poland to Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. The surname Griboedov is nothing more than a peculiar translation of the surname Grzhibovsky. Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich he was a clerk of the rank and one of the five compilers Cathedral Code 1649 Fyodor Akimovich Griboyedov.

  • Father - Sergei Ivanovich Griboedov (1761-1814), retired second major;
  • Mother - Anastasia Fedorovna (1768-1839), also maiden name Griboyedova - from the Smolensk branch of this family, and her family was richer and was considered more noble;
  • Sister - Maria Sergeevna Griboyedova (Durnovo);
  • Brother - Pavel (died in infancy);
  • Wife - Nina Aleksandrovna Chavchavadze (Georgian: ნინო ჭავჭავაძე)(November 4, 1812 – June 28, 1857).

According to relatives, as a child Alexander was very focused and unusually developed. There is information that he was the great-nephew of Alexander Radishchev (the playwright himself carefully hid this). At the age of 6, he was fluent in three foreign languages, and in his youth already six, in particular, fluent English, French, German and Italian. He understood Latin and ancient Greek very well.

In 1803 he was sent to the Moscow University Noble Boarding School; Three years later, Griboedov entered the literature department of Moscow University. In 1808 (at the age of 13) he graduated from the literary department of the university with the degree of candidate of literary sciences, but did not leave his studies, but entered the ethical-political (legal) department of the Faculty of Philosophy. In 1810 he received his PhD and remained at the university to study mathematics and natural sciences.


On September 8, 1812, cornet Griboyedov fell ill and remained in Vladimir, and, presumably, until November 1, 1812, due to illness, did not appear at the regiment's location. In the summer, during the Patriotic War of 1812, when the enemy appeared on Russian territory, he joined the Moscow Hussar Regiment (a volunteer irregular unit) of Count Pyotr Ivanovich Saltykov, who received permission to form it. Arriving at his duty station, he found himself in the company “young cornets from the best noble families”- Prince Golitsyn, Count Efimovsky, Count Tolstoy, Alyabyev, Sheremetev, Lansky, the Shatilov brothers. Griboyedov was related to some of them. Subsequently, he wrote in a letter to S. N. Begichev: “I was in this squad for only 4 months, and now I haven’t been able to get on the right path for 4 years.”. Begichev responded to this like this:

But they had barely begun to form when the enemy entered Moscow. This regiment received orders to go to Kazan, and after the expulsion of the enemies, at the end of the same year, it was ordered to follow to Brest-Litovsk, join the defeated Irkutsk Dragoon Regiment and take the name of the Irkutsk Hussars. S. N. Begichev

Until 1815, Griboedov served in the rank of cornet under the command of cavalry general A. S. Kologrivov. Griboedov's first literary experiments - “Letter from Brest-Litovsk to the publisher”, feature article "About cavalry reserves" and comedy "Young Spouses"(translation of the French comedy “Le secret”) - dates back to 1814. In the article "About cavalry reserves" Griboyedov acted as a historical publicist.

The enthusiastically lyrical “Letter from Brest-Litovsk to the Publisher,” published in the “Bulletin of Europe,” was written by him after Kologrivov was awarded the “Order of St. Equal to the Apostles Vladimir 1st degree" and the holiday on June 22 (July 4) in Brest-Litovsk, in the cavalry reserves, on this occasion.

In the capital

In 1815, Griboyedov came to St. Petersburg, where he met the publisher of the magazine “Son of the Fatherland” N.I. Grech and the famous playwright N.I. Khmelnitsky.

In the spring of 1816, the aspiring writer left military service, and already in the summer he published an article “On the analysis of the free translation of the Burger ballad “Lenora”” - a response to N. I. Gnedich’s critical remarks about P. A. Katenin’s ballad “Olga”.

At the same time, Griboyedov’s name appears on the list of active members of the Masonic lodge “United Friends”. At the beginning of 1817, Griboyedov became one of the founders of the Masonic lodge "Du Bien".

In the summer he entered the diplomatic service, taking the position of provincial secretary (from the winter - translator) of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. This period of the writer’s life also includes his acquaintances with A. S. Pushkin and V. K. Kuchelbecker, work on the poem “Lubochny Theater” (a response to M. N. Zagoskin’s criticism of “The Young Spouses”), and the comedies “Student” (together with P. A. Katenin), “Feigned Infidelity” (together with A. A. Gendre), “One’s own family, or the Married Bride” (co-authored with A. A. Shakhovsky and N. I. Khmelnitsky).


In 1817, the famous “quadruple duel” between Zavadovsky-Sheremetev and Griboedov-Yakubovich took place in St. Petersburg.

Griboyedov lived with Zavadovsky and, being a friend of the famous dancer of the St. Petersburg Ballet Avdotya Istomina, after the performance he brought her to his place (naturally, to Zavadovsky’s house), where she lived for two days. Cavalry guard Sheremetev, Istomina’s lover, was in a quarrel with her and was away, but when he returned, incited by the cornet of the Life Ulan regiment A.I. Yakubovich, he challenged Zavadovsky to a duel. Griboyedov became Zavadovsky’s second, and Yakubovich became Sheremetev’s; both also promised to fight.

Zavadovsky and Sheremetev were the first to reach the barrier. Zavadovsky, an excellent shooter, mortally wounded Sheremetev in the stomach. Since Sheremetev had to be immediately taken to the city, Yakubovich and Griboedov postponed their fight. It took place the following year, 1818, in Georgia. Yakubovich was transferred to Tiflis for service, and Griboedov also happened to be passing through there, heading on a diplomatic mission to Persia.

Griboedov was wounded in the left hand. It was from this wound that it was subsequently possible to identify the disfigured corpse of Griboyedov, killed by religious fanatics during the destruction of the Russian embassy in Tehran.

In the east

In 1818, Griboyedov, having refused the position of an official of the Russian mission in the United States, was appointed to the post of secretary under the Tsar's charge d'affaires in Persia, Simon Mazarovich. Before leaving for Tehran, he completed work on “Sideshow Trials.” He left for his duty station at the end of August, two months later (with short stops in Novgorod, Moscow, Tula and Voronezh) he arrived in Mozdok, and on the way to Tiflis he compiled a detailed diary describing his travels.

At the beginning of 1819, Griboedov completed work on the ironic “Letter to the Publisher from Tiflis on January 21” and, probably, the poem “Forgive me, Fatherland!”, and then went on his first business trip to the Shah’s court. On the way to the appointed place through Tabriz (January - March), I continued to write travel notes that I started last year. In August he returned back, where he began to advocate for the fate of Russian soldiers who were in Iranian captivity. In September, at the head of a detachment of prisoners and fugitives, he set out from Tabriz to Tiflis, where he arrived the following month. Some events of this journey are described on the pages of Griboyedov’s diaries (for July and August/September), as well as in the narrative fragments “Vagin’s Story” and “Ananur Quarantine”.

In January 1820, Griboedov again went to Persia, adding new entries to his travel diary. Here, burdened with official chores, he spent more than a year and a half. His stay in Persia was incredibly burdensome for the writer-diplomat, and in the fall of the following year, 1821, due to health reasons (due to a broken arm), he finally managed to transfer closer to his homeland - to Georgia. There he became close to Kuchelbecker, who had arrived here for service, and began work on the draft manuscripts of the first edition of “Woe from Wit.”

Since February 1822, Griboyedov was the diplomatic secretary under General A.P. Ermolov, who commanded the Russian troops in Tiflis. The author’s work on the drama “1812” is often dated to the same year (apparently timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of Russia’s victory in the war with Napoleonic France).

At the beginning of 1823, Griboyedov left the service for a while and returned to his homeland, for more than two years he lived in Moscow, in the village. Dmitrovsky (Lakotsy) Tula province, in St. Petersburg. Here the author continued the work begun in the Caucasus with the text “Woe from Wit”, by the end of the year he wrote the poem “David”, a dramatic scene in verse “Youth of the Prophetic”, vaudeville “Who is the brother, who is the sister, or Deception after deception” (in cooperation with P. A. Vyazemsky) and the first edition of the famous waltz “e-moll”. It is customary to attribute the appearance of the first entries of his “Desiderata” - a journal of notes on controversial issues of Russian history, geography and literature - to the same period of Griboyedov’s life.

The following year, 1824, dates back to the writer’s epigrams on M.A. Dmitriev and A.I. Pisarev (“And they compose - they lie! And they translate - they lie!..”, “How magazine brawls spread!..”), the narrative fragment “Character my uncle,” the essay “Special Cases of the St. Petersburg Flood” and the poem “Teleshova.” At the end of the same year (December 15), Griboyedov became a full member of the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature.

On South

At the end of May 1825, due to the urgent need to return to his place of duty, the writer abandoned his intention to visit Europe and left for the Caucasus. Subsequently, he will learn Arabic, Turkish, Georgian and Persian. The first teacher who taught Griboedov the Persian language was Mirza Jafar Topchibashev. On the eve of this trip, he completed work on a free translation of the “Prologue in the Theater” from the tragedy “Faust”, at the request of F.V. Bulgarin, he compiled notes to “Extraordinary Adventures and Travels...” of D.I. Tsikulin, published in the April issues of the magazine “Northern” archive" for 1825. On the way to Georgia, he visited Kiev, where he met prominent figures of the revolutionary underground (M. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, A. Z. Muravyov, S. I. Muravyov-Apostol and S. P. Trubetskoy), lived for some time in Crimea, visiting the estate of his old friend A.P. Zavadovsky. Griboedov traveled through the mountains of the peninsula, developed a plan for the majestic tragedy of the Baptism of the ancient Russians and kept a detailed diary of travel notes, published only three decades after the author’s death. According to the opinion established in science, it was under the influence of the southern trip that he wrote the scene “Dialogue of Polovtsian Husbands.”


Upon returning to the Caucasus, Griboedov, inspired by participation in the expedition of General A. A. Velyaminov, wrote the famous poem “Predators on Chegem.” In January 1826, he was arrested in the Grozny fortress on suspicion of belonging to the Decembrists; Griboyedov was brought to St. Petersburg, but the investigation could not find evidence of Griboedov’s belonging to secret society. With the exception of A.F. Brigen, E.P. Obolensky, N.N. Orzhitsky and S.P. Trubetskoy, none of the suspects testified to the detriment of Griboyedov. He was under investigation until June 2, 1826, but since it was not possible to prove his participation in the conspiracy, and he himself categorically denied his involvement in the conspiracy, he was released from arrest with a “cleansing certificate.” Despite this, Griboyedov was under secret surveillance for some time.

Return to duty

In September 1826 he returned to service in Tiflis and continued his diplomatic activities; took part in the conclusion of the Turkmanchay Peace Treaty (1828), beneficial for Russia, and delivered its text to St. Petersburg. Appointed as Resident Minister (Ambassador) to Iran; On the way to his destination, he again spent several months in Tiflis and married there on August 22 (September 3), 1828, Princess Nina Chavchavadze, with whom he only lived for a few weeks.

Death in Persia

Foreign embassies were not located in the capital, but in Tabriz, at the court of Prince Abbas Mirza, but soon after arriving in Persia, the mission went to present itself to Feth Ali Shah in Tehran. During this visit, Griboyedov died: on January 30, 1829 (6 Sha'ban 1244 AH), a crowd of thousands of religious fanatics killed everyone in the embassy, ​​except for the secretary Ivan Sergeevich Maltsov.

The circumstances of the defeat of the Russian mission are described in different ways, but Maltsov was an eyewitness to the events, and he does not mention the death of Griboyedov, only writes that 15 people defended themselves at the door of the envoy’s room. Returning to Russia, he wrote that 37 people in the embassy were killed (all except him alone) and 19 Tehran residents. He himself hid in another room and, in fact, could only describe what he heard. All the defenders died, and there were no direct witnesses left.

Riza-Kuli writes that Griboyedov was killed with 37 comrades, and 80 people from the crowd were killed. His body was so mutilated that he was identified only by a mark on his left hand, received in the famous duel with Yakubovich.

Griboedov's body was taken to Tiflis and buried on Mount Mtatsminda in a grotto at the Church of St. David. In the summer of 1829, Alexander Pushkin visited the grave. Pushkin also wrote in “Travel to Arzrum” that he met a cart with the body of Griboyedov at a mountain pass in Armenia, later called Pushkinsky.

The Persian Shah sent his grandson to St. Petersburg to resolve the diplomatic scandal. To compensate for the blood shed, he brought rich gifts to Nicholas I, including the Shah diamond. This magnificent diamond, framed with many rubies and emeralds, once adorned the throne of the Great Mughals. Now it shines in the collection of the Diamond Fund of the Moscow Kremlin.

At the grave of Alexander Griboedov, his widow, Nina Chavchavadze, erected a monument with the inscription: “Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory, but why did my love survive you!”.


According to his literary position, Griboedov belongs (according to the classification of Yu. N. Tynyanov) to the so-called “younger archaists”: his closest literary allies are P. A. Katenin and V. K. Kuchelbecker; however, the “Arzamas people” also appreciated him, for example, Pushkin and Vyazemsky, and among his friends there were such different people, like P. Ya. Chaadaev and F. V. Bulgarin.

Even during his years of study at Moscow University (1805), Griboyedov wrote poems (only mentions have reached us), created a parody of V. A. Ozerov’s work “Dmitry Donskoy” - “Dmitry Dryanskoy”. In 1814, two of his correspondences were published in the “Bulletin of Europe”: “On cavalry reserves” and “Letter to the editor.” In 1815, he published the comedy “Young Spouses” - a parody of the French comedies that made up the Russian comedy repertoire at that time. The author uses the very popular genre of “secular comedy” - works with a small number of characters and an emphasis on wit. In line with his polemics with Zhukovsky and Gnedich about the Russian ballad, Griboedov wrote an article “On the analysis of the free translation of “Lenora”” (1816).

In 1817, Griboyedov’s comedy “Student” was published. According to contemporaries, Katenin took a small part in it, but rather his role in creating the comedy was limited to editing. The work is polemical in nature, directed against the “younger Karamzinists,” parodying their works, a type of artist of sentimentalism. The main point of criticism is the lack of realism.

Techniques of parody: introducing texts into everyday context, exaggerated use of periphrasticism (all concepts in comedy are given descriptively, nothing is directly named). At the center of the work is a bearer of classicist consciousness (Benevolsky). All knowledge about life is gleaned from books, all events are perceived through the experience of reading. Saying “I saw it, I know it” means “I read it.” The hero strives to act out book stories; life seems uninteresting to him. Griboyedov will later repeat the lack of a real sense of reality in “Woe from Wit” - this is a trait of Chatsky.

In 1817, Griboyedov took part in writing “Feigned Infidelity” together with A. A. Gendre. The comedy is an adaptation of the French comedy by Nicolas Barthes. The character Roslavlev, Chatsky's predecessor, appears in it. This is a strange young man, in conflict with society, uttering critical monologues. The same year the comedy “One’s Own Family, or a Married Bride” was released. Co-authors: A. A. Shakhovskoy, Griboyedov, N. I. Khmelnitsky.

What was written before “Woe from Wit” was still very immature or was created in collaboration with more experienced writers at that time (Katenin, Shakhovskoy, Zhandre, Vyazemsky); conceived after “Woe from Wit” - either was not written at all (the tragedy about Prince Vladimir the Great), or was not completed beyond rough drafts (the tragedy about Princes Vladimir Monomakh and Fyodor Ryazansky), or was written, but due to a number of circumstances is not known modern science. Of Griboyedov’s later experiments, the most notable are the dramatic scenes “1812”, “Georgian Night”, “Rodamist and Zenobia”. Special attention The author’s artistic and documentary works (essays, diaries, epistolary) also deserve recognition.

Although world fame came to Griboyedov thanks to only one book, he should not be considered a “literary one-liner” who exhausted his creative powers while working on “Woe from Wit.” A reconstructive analysis of the playwright’s artistic intentions allows us to see in him the talent of the creator of a truly high tragedy worthy of William Shakespeare, and the writer’s prose testifies to the productive development of Griboyedov as an original author of literary “travels”.

"Woe from Wit"

The comedy in verse "Woe from Wit" was conceived in St. Petersburg around 1816 and completed in Tiflis in 1824 (the final edition - an authorized list left in St. Petersburg with Bulgarin - 1828). In Russia it is included in school curriculum 9th grade (in Soviet times - in 8th grade).

The comedy “Woe from Wit” is the pinnacle of Russian drama and poetry. The bright aphoristic style contributed to the fact that she was all “dispersed into quotes.”

“Never has any people been so scourged, never has any country been dragged so much in the mud, never has so much crude abuse been thrown into the public’s face, and yet never has more been achieved complete success"(P. Chaadaev. “Apology for a Madman”).

“His “Woe from Wit” was published without distortions or abbreviations in 1862. When Griboyedov himself, who died at the hands of fanatics in Iran, had not been in this world for more than 30 years. Written more than ever at the right time - on the eve of the Decembrist uprising - the play became a vivid poetic pamphlet denouncing the reigning regime. For the first time, poetry burst into politics so boldly and openly. And politics gave in,” she wrote in the essay “Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. Woe from Wit" (in the author's column "100 books that shocked the world" in the magazine "Youth") Elena Sazanovich. - The play in handwritten form was circulated throughout the country. Griboyedov in Once again quipped, calling “Woe from Wit” a comedy. Is it a joke?! About 40 thousand copies, copied by hand. A stunning success. It was a blatant slap at high society. And high society did not laugh at comedy. It was wiped off. And Griboyedov was not forgiven..."

Musical works

The few musical works written by Griboyedov had excellent harmony, harmony and conciseness. He is the author of several piano pieces, among which the most famous are two waltzes for piano. Some works, including the piano sonata - Griboedov's most serious musical work, have not reached us. Waltz in E minor of his composition is considered the first Russian waltz that has survived to this day. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Griboyedov was a wonderful pianist, his playing was distinguished by genuine artistry.


In 1828, Griboedov completed work on the “Project for the Establishment of the Russian Transcaucasian Company.” In order to develop trade and industry in the Transcaucasus, the project envisaged the creation of an autonomous management company with extensive administrative, economic and diplomatic powers to manage the Transcaucasus. The project, as contrary to his personal power in Transcaucasia, was rejected by I. F. Paskevich.

An extensive section of Griboyedov’s creative heritage consists of his letters.



  • In St. Petersburg, the monument to A. S. Griboyedov (sculptor V. V. Lishev, 1959) is located on Zagorodny Prospekt on Pionerskaya Square (opposite the Theater of Young Spectators)
  • In the center of Yerevan there is a monument to A. S. Griboyedov (author - Hovhannes Bejanyan, 1974), and in 1995 an Armenian postage stamp dedicated to A. S. Griboedov was issued.
  • In Alushta, a monument to A. S. Griboyedov was erected in 2002, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the city.
  • In Moscow, the monument to A. S. Griboyedov is located on Chistoprudny Boulevard.
  • In Veliky Novgorod, A. S. Griboedov is immortalized in the monument “Millennium of Russia”, in the group of sculptures “Writers and Artists”.
  • In Volgograd, at the expense of the Armenian community of the city, a bust of A. S. Griboedov was erected (on Sovetskaya Street, opposite clinic No. 3).
  • In Tbilisi, the monument to A. S. Griboedov is located on the Kura embankment (sculptor M. Merabishvili, architect G. Melkadze, 1961).
  • In Tehran, near the Russian embassy there is a monument to A. S. Griboedov (sculptor V. A. Beklemishev, 1912).

Museums and galleries

  • State Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve of A. S. Griboedov “Khmelita”.
  • In Crimea, in the Red Cave (Kizil-Koba), a gallery was named in honor of the stay of A. S. Griboedov.


Streets named after Griboyedov is in many cities of Russia and neighboring countries:

  • Almetyevsk,
  • Petrozavodsk,
  • Perm,
  • Chelyabinsk,
  • Krasnoyarsk,
  • Kaliningrad,
  • Surgut,
  • Simferopol,
  • Sevastopol,
  • Bryansk,
  • Yekaterinburg,
  • Novokuznetsk,
  • Novorossiysk,
  • Novosibirsk,
  • Ryazan,
  • Dzerzhinsk (Nizhny Novgorod region),
  • Irkutsk,
  • Makhachkala,
  • Gelendzhik,
  • Kovrov,
  • Tver,
  • Tyumen,
  • Kirov,
  • Essentuki;

in Belarus- Brest, Vitebsk, Minsk;

in Ukraine -

  • Khmelnitsky,
  • Vinnitsa,
  • Kharkov,
  • Kherson,
  • Irpen,
  • Bila Tserkva,
  • Chernivtsi;

in Armenia- Yerevan, Vanadzor, Gyumri, Sevan;

as well as in the cities of Balti (Moldova), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Batumi and Tbilisi (Georgia), Ashgabat (Turkmenistan),


  • Smolensk Drama Theater named after. A. S. Griboedova.
  • In Tbilisi there is a theater named after A. S. Griboedov, a monument (author - M. K. Merabishvili).
  • A bust of A. S. Griboyedov is installed on the facade of the Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater.


  • Library of National Literatures named after A. S. Griboedov.
  • Central Library named after A. S. Griboyedov Centralized library system#2 Central Administrative District of Moscow. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the library, a memorial museum was opened in it. The A. S. Griboyedov Prize is awarded.


  • 1969 - The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar, a Soviet television play staged in Leningrad in 1969, but banned from showing. In the role of A. S. Griboyedov - Vladimir Recepter.
  • 1995 - Griboyedov's Waltz, a feature historical and biographical film by Tamara Pavlyuchenko. Filmed for the 200th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Griboyedov and talks about recent months life. In the role of A. S. Griboyedov - Alexander Feklistov.
  • 2010 - Death of Vazir-Mukhtar. The Love and Life of Griboyedov is a 2010 Russian television series based on the novel of the same name by Yuri Tynyanov about the last year of his life. In the role of A. S. Griboyedov - Mikhail Eliseev.
  • 2014 - “Duel. Pushkin - Lermontov » - Russian film in the style of an alternative world. In the role of the surviving old Griboyedov - Vyacheslav Nevinny Jr.


  • In recent years Yuri Tynyanov dedicated the novel “The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar” (1928) to the life of A. S. Griboyedov.
  • On April 22, 2014, in St. Petersburg, the Grand Lodge of Russia created the lodge “A. S. Griboyedov" (No. 45 in the VLR register).
  • Secondary school named after A. S. Griboyedov (Stepanakert).
  • Secondary school No. 203 named after A. S. Griboedov in St. Petersburg.
  • "Griboyedov Readings"
  • GBOU Moscow gymnasium No. 1529 named after A. S. Griboyedov.
  • There is higher education in Moscow educational institution- Institute international law and economics named after. A. S. Griboyedova (Moscow).
  • Griboyedov Canal (until 1923 Ekaterininsky Canal) is a canal in St. Petersburg.
  • The Airbus 330-243 (VQ-BBF) aircraft of Aeroflot airline is named after A. S. Griboyedov.

High relief of Griboyedov on the monument “1000th anniversary of Russia” in Veliky Novgorod

Monument to Griboyedov in Moscow on Chistoprudny Boulevard

Monument to Griboyedov in Yerevan (Armenia)

Memorial plaque to Griboedov in St. Petersburg (B. Morskaya St., 14)

In numismatics

Commemorative coin of the Bank of Russia, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Griboyedov. 2 rubles, silver, 1995

  • In 1995 Central Bank Russian Federation a coin was issued (2 rubles, 500 silver) from the series “ Prominent figures Russia" with a portrait of A. S. Griboyedov on the reverse - for the 200th anniversary of his birth.
  • Medal "A. S. Griboyedov 1795-1829.” was established by the Moscow city organization of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation and is awarded to writers and writers, prominent philanthropists and well-known publishers for their selfless activities for the benefit of Russian culture and literature.

Addresses in St. Petersburg

  • 11.1816 - 08.1818 - apartment building of I. Valkh - embankment of the Catherine Canal, 104;
  • 01.06. - 07.1824 - hotel "Demut" - embankment of the Moika River, 40;
  • 08. - 11.1824 - apartment of A.I. Odoevsky in the Pogodin apartment building - Torgovaya Street, 5;
  • 11.1824 - 01.1825 - P. N. Chebyshev’s apartment in the Usov apartment building - Nikolaevskaya embankment, 13;
  • 01. - 09.1825 - apartment of A.I. Odoevsky in the Bulatov apartment building - St. Isaac's Square, 7;
  • 06.1826 - apartment of A. A. Zhandre in the Egerman house - embankment of the Moika River, 82;
  • 03. - 05.1828 - hotel "Demut" - embankment of the Moika River, 40;
  • 05. - 06.06.1828 - house of A.I. Kosikovsky - Nevsky Prospekt, 15.


  • Order of St. Anne, 2nd class with diamond insignia (14 March 1828)
  • Order of the Lion and Sun, 1st class (Persia, 1829)
  • Order of the Lion and Sun, 2nd class (Persia, 1819)

Russian playwright, diplomat and composer Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov was born on January 15 (4 according to the old style) 1795 (according to other sources - 1790) in Moscow. He belonged to a noble family and received a serious education at home.

In 1803, Alexander Griboyedov entered the Moscow University Noble Boarding School, and in 1806 - Moscow University. In 1808, having graduated from the verbal department with the title of candidate, he continued to study in the ethical and political department.

Spoken French, English, German, Italian, Greek, Latin languages, later mastered Arabic, Persian, and Turkish.

With the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, Griboedov left his academic studies and joined the Moscow Hussar Regiment as a cornet.

At the beginning of 1816, having retired, he settled in St. Petersburg and entered the service of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs.

Leading a secular lifestyle, he moved in the theatrical and literary circles of St. Petersburg. He wrote the comedies “Young Spouses” (1815), “One’s Own Family, or The Married Bride” (1817) in collaboration with playwrights Alexander Shakhovsky and Nikolai Khmelnitsky, “Student” (1817) together with the poet and playwright Pavel Katenin.

In 1818, Griboyedov was appointed secretary of the Russian mission to Persia (now Iran). Not the least role in this kind of exile was played by his participation as a second in the duel of the chamber cadet Alexander Zavadsky with officer Vasily Sheremetev, which ended in the death of the latter.

Since 1822, Griboyedov in Tiflis (now Tbilisi, Georgia) held the position of secretary for diplomatic affairs under the commander of Russian troops in the Caucasus, General Alexei Ermolov.

The first and second acts of Griboedov's famous comedy "Woe from Wit" were written in Tiflis. The third and fourth acts were written in the spring and summer of 1823 while on vacation in Moscow and on his estate close friend retired Colonel Stepan Begichev near Tula. By the autumn of 1824, the comedy was completed, and Griboyedov went to St. Petersburg, intending to use his connections in the capital to obtain permission to publish it and theatrical production. Only excerpts published in 1825 by Thaddeus Bulgarin in the almanac “Russian Waist” were censored. Griboyedov's creation spread among the reading public in handwritten copies and became an event in Russian culture.

Griboedov also composed musical pieces, including two popular waltzes for piano. He played the piano, organ, and flute.

In the fall of 1825, Griboyedov returned to the Caucasus. At the beginning of 1826, he was arrested and taken to St. Petersburg to investigate alleged connections with the Decembrists, the instigators of the uprising in the capital on December 14, 1825. Many of the conspirators were close friends of Griboyedov, but in the end he was acquitted and released.

Upon returning to the Caucasus in the fall of 1826, he took part in several battles of the outbreak of the Russian-Persian War (1826-1828). Having brought the documents of the Turkmanchay Peace Treaty with Persia to St. Petersburg in March 1828, Griboedov was awarded and appointed minister plenipotentiary (ambassador) to Persia.

On his way to Persia, he stopped for a while in Tiflis, where in August 1828 he married 16-year-old Nina Chavchavadze, the daughter of the Georgian poet, Prince Alexander Chavchavadze.

In Persia, among other matters, the Russian minister was involved in sending captive Russian citizens to their homeland. An appeal to him for help by two Armenian women who had fallen into the harem of a noble Persian was the reason for reprisals against the diplomat.

Reactionary Tehran circles, dissatisfied with the peace with Russia, set a fanatical crowd against the Russian mission.

On February 11 (January 30, old style), 1829, during the defeat of the Russian mission in Tehran, Alexander Griboedov was killed.

Together with the Russian ambassador, all embassy employees, except for secretary Ivan Maltsev, and the Cossacks of the embassy convoy died - a total of 37 people.

Griboyedov's ashes were in Tiflis and interred on Mount Mtatsminda in a grotto at the Church of St. David. The tombstone is crowned by a monument in the form of a weeping widow with the inscription: “Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory, but why did my love survive you?”

Griboedov's son, baptized Alexander, died without living even a day. Nina Griboedova never remarried and never took off her mourning clothes, for which she was called the Black Rose of Tiflis. In 1857, she died of cholera, refusing to leave her sick relatives. She was buried next to her only husband.

For death Russian Ambassador Persia paid with rich gifts, including the famous Shah diamond, which is kept in the collection of the Russian Diamond Fund.

The comedy in verse by Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" was staged in Moscow in 1831 and published in 1833. Her images became household names, and individual poems became sayings and catchphrases.

A canal and a garden in St. Petersburg were named after Griboyedov. In 1959, a monument to the writer was erected on Pionerskaya Square.

In 1959, a monument to Alexander Griboyedov was erected in Moscow at the beginning of Chistoprudny Boulevard.

In 1995, the State Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-Reserve A.S. was opened in the Smolensk region. Griboyedov "Khmelita" - family estate Griboyedov, with whom the playwright’s childhood and early youth are connected.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. Born on January 4 (15), 1795 in Moscow - died on January 30 (February 11), 1829 in Tehran. Russian diplomat, poet, playwright, pianist and composer, nobleman. State Councilor (1828).

Griboyedov is known as homo unius libri - the writer of one book, the brilliantly rhymed play "Woe from Wit", which is still very often staged in Russian theaters. It served as the source of numerous catchphrases.

Griboyedov was born in Moscow into a wealthy, noble family. His ancestor, Jan Grzybowski (Polish: Jan Grzybowski), moved from Poland to Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. The author's surname Griboyedov is nothing more than a peculiar translation of the surname Grzhibovsky. Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Fyodor Akimovich Griboyedov was a clerk and one of the five compilers of the Council Code of 1649.

The writer's father is retired Second Major Sergei Ivanovich Griboyedov (1761-1814). Mother - Anastasia Fedorovna (1768-1839), maiden name was also Griboedova.

According to relatives, as a child Alexander was very focused and unusually developed. There is information that he was the great-nephew of Alexander Radishchev (the playwright himself carefully hid this). At the age of 6, he was fluent in three foreign languages, and in his youth already six, in particular, fluent English, French, German and Italian. He understood Latin and ancient Greek very well.

In 1803 he was sent to the Moscow University Noble Boarding School; Three years later, Griboedov entered the literature department of Moscow University. In 1808 he received the title of candidate of literary sciences, but did not leave his studies, but entered the moral and political department, and then the physics and mathematics department.

On September 8, 1812, cornet Griboyedov fell ill and remained in Vladimir, and, presumably, until November 1, 1812, due to illness, did not appear at the regiment's location. In the winter, during the Patriotic War of 1812, when the enemy appeared on Russian territory, he joined the Moscow Hussar Regiment (a volunteer irregular unit) of Count Pyotr Ivanovich Saltykov, who received permission to form it. Arriving at his place of duty, he found himself in the company of “young cornets from the best noble families” - Prince Golitsyn, Count Efimovsky, Count Tolstoy, Alyabyev, Sheremetev, Lansky, and the Shatilov brothers. Griboyedov was related to some of them. Subsequently, he wrote in a letter to S.N. Begichev: “I was in this squad for only 4 months, and now for the 4th year I have not been able to get on the right path.”

Until 1815, Griboedov served in the rank of cornet under the command of cavalry general A. S. Kologrivov. Griboyedov’s first literary experiments - “Letter from Brest-Litovsk to the Publisher”, the essay “On the Cavalry Reserves” and the comedy “The Young Spouses” (translation of the French comedy “Le secre”) - date back to 1814. In the article “On the Cavalry Reserves” Griboyedov acted as a historical publicist.

In 1815, Griboyedov came to St. Petersburg, where he met the publisher of the magazine “Son of the Fatherland” N.I. Grech and the famous playwright N.I. Khmelnitsky.

In the spring of 1816, the aspiring writer left military service, and in the summer he published an article “On the analysis of the free translation of the Burger ballad “Lenora”” - a response to N. I. Gnedich’s critical remarks about P. A. Katenin’s ballad “Olga”. At the same time, Griboyedov’s name appears in the lists of active members of the Masonic lodge “Les Amis Reunis” (“United Friends”).

At the beginning of 1817, Griboyedov became one of the founders of the Masonic lodge "Du Bien". In the summer he entered the diplomatic service, taking the position of provincial secretary (from the winter - translator) of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. This period of the writer’s life also includes his acquaintances with A. S. Pushkin and V. K. Kuchelbecker, work on the poem “Lubochny Theater” (a response to M. N. Zagoskin’s criticism of “The Young Spouses”), and the comedies “Student” (together with P. A. Katenin), “Feigned Infidelity” (together with A. A. Gendre), “One’s own family, or the Married Bride” (co-authored with A. A. Shakhovsky and N. I. Khmelnitsky).

In 1817, the famous “quadruple duel” between Zavadovsky-Sheremetev and Griboedov-Yakubovich took place in St. Petersburg. It was Griboyedov who gave the reason for the duel, bringing the ballerina Istomin to the apartment of his friend Count Zavadovsky (Griboyedov was 22 years old at that time). Cavalry guard Sheremetev, Istomina’s lover, summoned Zavadovsky. Griboedov became Zavadovsky’s second, and Yakubovich, a cornet of the Life Ulan Regiment, became Sheremetev’s second.

Griboyedov lived with Zavadovsky and, being a friend of Istomina, after the performance he brought her to his place, naturally, to Zavadovsky’s house, where she lived for two days. Sheremetev was in a quarrel with Istomina and was away, but when he returned, instigated by A.I. Yakubovich, he challenged Zavadovsky to a duel. Yakubovich and Griboyedov also promised to fight.

Zavadovsky and Sheremetev were the first to reach the barrier. Zavadovsky, an excellent shooter, mortally wounded Sheremetev in the stomach. Since Sheremetev had to be immediately taken to the city, Yakubovich and Griboedov postponed their fight. It took place the following year, 1818, in Georgia. Yakubovich was transferred to Tiflis for service, and Griboedov also happened to be passing through there, heading on a diplomatic mission to Persia.

Griboedov was wounded in the left hand. It was from this wound that it was subsequently possible to identify the disfigured corpse of Griboyedov, killed by religious fanatics during the destruction of the Russian embassy in Tehran.

In 1818, Griboyedov, having refused the position of an official of the Russian mission in the United States, was appointed to the post of secretary under the Tsar's Charge d'Affaires of Persia. Before leaving for Tehran, he completed work on “Sideshow Trials.” He left for his duty station at the end of August, two months later (with short stops in Novgorod, Moscow, Tula and Voronezh) he arrived in Mozdok, and on the way to Tiflis he compiled a detailed diary describing his travels.

At the beginning of 1819, Griboedov completed work on the ironic “Letter to the Publisher from Tiflis on January 21” and, probably, the poem “Forgive me, Fatherland!”, and then went on his first business trip to the Shah’s court. On the way to the appointed place through Tabriz (January - March), I continued to write travel notes that I started last year. In August he returned back, where he began to advocate for the fate of Russian soldiers who were in Iranian captivity. In September, at the head of a detachment of prisoners and fugitives, he set out from Tabriz to Tiflis, where he arrived the following month. Some events of this journey are described on the pages of Griboyedov’s diaries (for July and August/September), as well as in the narrative fragments “Vagin’s Story” and “Ananur Quarantine”.

In January 1820, Griboyedov went there again, adding new entries to his travel diary. Here, burdened with official chores, he spent more than a year and a half. His stay in Persia was incredibly burdensome for the writer-diplomat, and in the fall of the following year, 1821, due to health reasons (due to a broken arm), he finally managed to transfer closer to his homeland - to Georgia. There he became close to Kuchelbecker, who had arrived here for service, and began work on the draft manuscripts of the first edition of “Woe from Wit.”

Since February 1822, Griboyedov was the diplomatic secretary under General A.P. Ermolov, who commanded the Russian troops in Tiflis. The author’s work on the drama “1812” is often dated to the same year (apparently timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of Russia’s victory in the war with Napoleonic France).

At the beginning of 1823, Griboyedov left the service for a while and returned to his homeland, for more than two years he lived in Moscow, in the village. Dmitrovsky (Lakotsy) Tula province, in St. Petersburg. Here the author continued the work begun in the Caucasus with the text “Woe from Wit”, by the end of the year he wrote the poem “David”, a dramatic scene in verse “Youth of the Prophetic”, vaudeville “Who is the brother, who is the sister, or Deception after deception” (in cooperation with P. A. Vyazemsky) and the first edition of the famous waltz “e-moll”. It is customary to attribute the appearance of the first entries of his “Desiderata” - a journal of notes on controversial issues of Russian history, geography and literature - to the same period of Griboyedov’s life.

The following year, 1824, dates back to the writer’s epigrams on M.A. Dmitriev and A.I. Pisarev (“And they compose - they lie! And they translate - they lie!..”, “How magazine brawls spread!..”), the narrative fragment “Character my uncle,” the essay “Special Cases of the St. Petersburg Flood” and the poem “Teleshova.” At the end of the same year (December 15), Griboyedov became a full member of the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature.

At the end of May 1825, due to the urgent need to return to his place of duty, the writer abandoned his intention to visit Europe and left for the Caucasus.

Subsequently, he will learn Arabic, Turkish, Georgian and Persian. The first teacher who taught Griboedov the Persian language was Mirza Jafar Topchibashev. On the eve of this trip, he completed work on a free translation of the “Prologue in the Theater” from the tragedy “Faust”, at the request of F.V. Bulgarin, he compiled notes to “Extraordinary Adventures and Travels...” of D.I. Tsikulin, published in the April issues of the magazine “Northern” archive" for 1825. On the way to Georgia, he visited Kiev, where he met prominent figures of the revolutionary underground (M. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, A. Z. Muravyov, S. I. Muravyov-Apostol and S. P. Trubetskoy), lived for some time in Crimea, visiting the estate of his old friend A.P. Zavadovsky. On the peninsula, Griboyedov developed a plan for the majestic tragedy of the Baptism of the ancient Russians and kept a detailed diary of travel notes, published only three decades after the author’s death. According to the opinion established in science, it was under the influence of the southern trip that he wrote the scene “Dialogue of Polovtsian Husbands.”

Upon returning to the Caucasus, Griboedov, inspired by participation in the expedition of General A. A. Velyaminov, wrote the famous poem “Predators on Chegem.” In January 1826, he was arrested in the Grozny fortress on suspicion of belonging to the Decembrists; Griboedov was brought to St. Petersburg, but the investigation could not find evidence of Griboedov’s membership in a secret society. With the exception of A.F. Brigen, E.P. Obolensky, N.N. Orzhitsky and S.P. Trubetskoy, none of the suspects testified to the detriment of Griboyedov. He was under investigation until June 2, 1826, but since it was not possible to prove his participation in the conspiracy, and he himself categorically denied his involvement in the conspiracy, he was released from arrest with a “cleansing certificate.” Despite this, Griboyedov was under secret surveillance for some time.

In September 1826 he returned to service in Tiflis and continued his diplomatic activities; took part in the conclusion of the Turkmanchay Peace Treaty (1828), beneficial for Russia, and delivered its text to St. Petersburg. Appointed as Resident Minister (Ambassador) to Iran; On the way to his destination, he again spent several months in Tiflis and married there on August 22 (September 3), 1828, Princess Nina Chavchavadze, with whom he only lived for a few weeks.

Foreign embassies were not located in the capital, but in Tabriz, at the court of Prince Abbas Mirza, but soon after arriving in Persia, the mission went to present itself to Feth Ali Shah in Tehran. During this visit, Griboyedov died: on January 30, 1829 (6 Sha'ban 1244 AH), a crowd of thousands of rebellious Persians killed everyone in the embassy, ​​except for the secretary Ivan Sergeevich Maltsov.

The circumstances of the defeat of the Russian mission are described in different ways, but Maltsov was an eyewitness to the events, and he does not mention the death of Griboyedov, only writes that 15 people defended themselves at the door of the envoy’s room. Returning to Russia, he wrote that 37 people in the embassy were killed (all except him alone) and 19 Tehran residents. He himself hid in another room and, in fact, could only describe what he heard. All the defenders died, and there were no direct witnesses left.

Riza-Kuli writes that Griboyedov was killed with 37 comrades, and 80 people from the crowd were killed. His body was so mutilated that he was identified only by a mark on his left hand, received in the famous duel with Yakubovich.

Griboedov's body was taken to Tiflis and buried on Mount Mtatsminda in a grotto at the Church of St. David.

The Persian Shah sent his grandson to St. Petersburg to resolve the diplomatic scandal. To compensate for the blood shed, he brought rich gifts to Nicholas I, including the Shah diamond. This magnificent diamond, framed with many rubies and emeralds, once adorned the throne of the Great Mughals. Now it shines in the collection of the Diamond Fund of the Moscow Kremlin.

At the grave, Griboyedov’s widow Nina Chavchavadze erected a monument to him with the inscription: “Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory, but why did my love survive you!”

Yuri Tynyanov dedicated the novel “The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar” (1928) to the last years of A. S. Griboyedov’s life.

Playwright, poet, diplomat Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov was born on January 4 (15), 1795 in Moscow into a noble family. At the age of fifteen he graduated from Moscow University. During the Napoleonic invasion he enlisted in the army and served for two years in a cavalry regiment. In June 1817, Griboyedov entered service in the Collegium of Foreign Affairs; in August 1818 he was appointed secretary of the Russian diplomatic mission in Persia.

From 1822 to 1826, Griboyedov served in the Caucasus at the headquarters of A.P. Ermolov, from January to June 1826 he was under arrest in the Decembrist case.

Since 1827, under the new governor of the Caucasus, I.F. Paskevich, he was in charge of diplomatic relations with Turkey and Persia. In 1828, after the conclusion of the Turkmanchay Peace, in which Griboedov took an active part and the text of which he brought to St. Petersburg, he was appointed “plenipotentiary minister” to Persia to ensure compliance with the terms of the treaty.

In the same year in August, Alexander Griboyedov married eldest daughter his friend - the Georgian poet and public figure Alexandra Chavchavadze - Nina, whom he knew since childhood, often studied music with her. Having matured, Nina evoked in the soul of Alexander Griboyedov, an already mature man, a strong and deep feeling of love.

They say she was a beauty: a slender, graceful brunette, with pleasant and regular features, with dark brown eyes, charming everyone with her kindness and meekness. Griboyedov called her Madonna Murillo. On August 22, 1828, they were married in the Zion Cathedral in Tiflis. In the church book there is an entry: “Minister Plenipotentiary in Persia, His Imperial Majesty State Councilor and Cavalier Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov entered into a legal marriage with the girl Nina, the daughter of Major General Prince Alexander Chavchavadzev...” Griboyedov was 33 years old, Nina Alexandrovna was not yet sixteen.

After the wedding and several days of celebrations, the young couple left for the estate of A. Chavchavadze in Kakheti, Tsinandali. Then the young couple went to Persia. Not wanting to expose Nina to danger in Tehran, Griboedov temporarily left his wife in Tabriz, his residence of the plenipotentiary representative Russian Empire in Persia, and went to the capital to present to the Shah alone. In Tehran, Griboedov was very homesick for his young wife and worried about her (Nina had a very difficult time with her pregnancy).

On January 30, 1829, a crowd, incited by Muslim fanatics, destroyed the Russian mission in Tehran. During the destruction of the embassy, ​​the Russian envoy Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov was killed. The riotous crowd dragged his mutilated corpse through the streets for several days, and then threw him into a common pit, where the bodies of his comrades already lay. Later he was identified only by the little finger of his left hand, mutilated in a duel.

Nina, who was waiting for her husband in Tabriz, did not know about his death; Worried about her health, those around her hid the terrible news. On February 13, at the urgent request of her mother, she left Tabriz and went to Tiflis. Only here they told her that her husband was dead. She suffered from premature labor due to stress.

On April 30, Griboyedov’s ashes were brought to Gergery, where A.S. saw the coffin. Pushkin, who mentions this in his “Travel to Arzrum”. In June, Griboyedov’s body finally arrived in Tiflis, and on June 18, 1829, it was interred near the Church of St. David, according to the wishes of Griboyedov, who once jokingly told his wife: “Don’t leave my bones in Persia; if I die there, bury me in Tiflis, in the monastery of St. David." Nina fulfilled her husband's will. She buried him where he asked; Nina Alexandrovna erected a chapel on her husband’s grave, and in it - a monument depicting a woman praying and crying in front of a crucifix - an emblem of herself. On the monument there is the following inscription: “Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory; but why did my love survive you?”

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