Methods of energy protection from ill-wishers. How to protect against negativity

Damage and the evil eye are magical effects purposeful action that can cause serious harm to humans. There are ways to install reliable protection from this negativity. And the decision to use them is quite reasonable.

You should not think that only a professional magician can provide reliable protection against the evil eye and damage. You can easily do this yourself. You just need to believe in your own strength. Exist various ways protection from negativity. They can be used not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. It is especially important to take care of children and pregnant women, since their biofield is weakened due to the formation of the body or the restructuring that occurs during the process of bearing a child.

When to protect

As a rule, people think about an energy attack when a streak of failures begins in life. In such life periods even skeptics are ready to turn to sorcerers and magicians for help.

    Unreasonable and sudden deterioration in well-being; Development of serious diseases; Bad luck that affects all areas of a person’s life; Bad mood and nervousness against the background of general well-being; Problems in the family and at work; Rejection of people around and constant quarrels.

Having paid attention to the listed symptoms, you need to think about putting up energy protection.

Simple ways to protect yourself from negativity

Since ancient times they have come to us simple ways protection from the evil eye and damage. They are very effective, and if you follow them, you don’t have to be afraid that energy protection will be destroyed by targeted or accidental negative influence.

Below are the basic rules that should become mandatory for a person who seeks to independently organize protection from damage and the evil eye:

    If someone starts praising you, you need to bite the tip of your tongue while listening to the laudatory speeches, but under no circumstances interrupt or get irritated, so as not to open access to your energy field; You cannot let strangers wear clothes, but if such a problem arises necessity, you should give it away forever; In your own home, photographs of the deceased must be stored separately from other photographs and be sure to ensure that they do not disappear, because targeted damage to a photograph of the deceased is very strong; To prevent damage through food, mouth and dishes before eating should be marked with a cross; In your clothing pocket you should carry a small mirror that reflects the surface in the world;You need to take a shower in the mornings and evenings: moreover, morning water procedures charge you with positive energy, and in the evening you can wash off the resulting negativity under running water; You must throw away all chipped or cracked dishes, glass crafts and mirrors from your own home; You cannot pick up other people’s things on the street and keep them with you; You must force yourself to get rid of bad thoughts and tune in to a positive perception of the world around you, this approach will strengthen your protective natural properties body.

There is very strong ritual, which will allow you to protect yourself from human envy and gossip, which are most often the cause of damage and the evil eye.

It consists of the following actions:

    First, you should go to the temple and buy a dozen candles there, and place them there in front of twelve different icons. Moreover, this must be done in front of the images of Jesus Christ, the Trinity, the Holy Mother of God, John the Baptist, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and Archangel Michael. Six other faces of saints can be chosen independently. In the temple you need to defend the service, take prosphora and some holy water; Returning home, you need to eat half a piece of prosphora and wash it down with a sip of holy water. After this, read the “Our Father” prayer, known to all believers, and after it say the prayer for accepting the prosphora, which sounds as follows:

“My God, my Lord, I turn to you, Servant of God (s) ( given name) with gratitude for your gift. Let it be for deliverance from my sins and for the purification of my mind, and also strengthen my mental and physical strength. May my life pass in health without destructive and sinful passions in glorifying you, Lord, and all your Saints.”

After this, the following spell against damage is read:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), will leave my hut, blessing myself and crossing myself, out the gate. I will walk along roads and crossroads into an open field that is not plowed or sown. Nothing ever blooms or grows in it. A damned aspen grew in the middle of it. And later, an evil beast sits with a human body, but with a dog’s muzzle, a cat’s tail, and an eagle’s beak. I, the Servant of God (my own name), will baptize the beast and put it in chains. So she will sit there forever and will not move. I close you with the holy word and do not allow you into the Christian family. Amen!"

You need to complete the ritual in the evening by eating the remaining piece of prosphora at night and washing it down with a sip of water. After this, no negativity can harm you, but only if you are positive and perceive the world around you benevolently.

Using stones for personal protection

Many natural objects can reliably protect against external negativity. So, you can buy pendants with stones in the store. Such items will become a harmonious addition to everyday clothes, and if you constantly keep them near you, over time they will turn into strong amulet. In addition, they will attract various benefits into a person’s life.

When choosing stones to protect against the evil eye, you need to consider the following:

    Agate is a reliable protection against envious glances. In the event of a targeted energy attack, it can sometimes even crack, but at the same time it will absorb all the negativity, preventing it from harming a person. Jet has similar properties to agate. The cat's eye is considered feminine stone and can serve as a talisman of family happiness. Moonstone not only protects against damage, but also harmonizes the space around a person. Chrysocolla is more suitable for women who lead a public lifestyle. Malachite not only protects against negative influences, but also preserves human health. The stone is also suitable for protecting a child. In addition, it is very useful to keep various crafts in your home, for example, boxes made of this natural material. The tiger's eye is able to detect negativity and inform a person about it by changing its color.

Periodically, amulets stones must be cleaned of negative energy which they have absorbed. This must be done after you have had a chance to communicate with unpleasant people or when you feel that they are trying to harm you.

The most effective method is to cleanse the stone of negativity by freezing. To do this, three days before the new moon, place the stone in a plastic bag, then place it in a jar of water, which should be placed in the freezer. After three days, remove the container from the freezer and allow the ice to melt in a natural way in a warm room. The water from the jar should be poured into the toilet, and the stone should be kept under running water. cold water. After such treatment, the amulet is completely cleared of negative energy and strong natural properties return to it.

Protection by Christian attributes

Sincere faith in itself is a protection against damage and the evil eye. But various attributes that can be purchased at a church or church shop can help strengthen protection or remove negativity.

Among them:

    Pectoral cross;Holy water;Holy salt;Icons;Holy oil.

You should know that pectoral cross must be in contact with the body. If you periodically wash your face with holy water, you can not only remove negativity, but also strengthen natural protection. In addition, if you drink a sip of water in the morning, you can scare away evil spirits.

To protect your home from negative energy, it is recommended to use icons. The “Seven Arrow” icon is considered the most effective. It should be hung opposite the front door. It is believed that the Mother of God will not allow anyone to enter the house bad person which can cause harm. First of all, she will clear his thoughts of the bad and reorient him to the positive. But you just need to remember that the icon used must first be consecrated in the church.

Exercises for reliable protection

Protection against damage and the evil eye can be installed independently using special exercises. It is by developing the internal magical abilities inherent in everyone by nature that a person can reliably protect his own energy field from negative external influences.

Special exercises help not only create a protective barrier, but also restore peace of mind and improve physical state. It is recommended to perform trainings for a couple of months in the morning and evening. Then you should stop at repeating a specific exercise in the morning.

Exercise “Energy mirrors”. You need to concentrate and mentally, brick by brick, build a wall around yourself. After this, you should imagine that the outside of this wall is lined with mirrors. Having mastered this exercise, you will be able to easily communicate with any person, even if you suspect that he has an unfriendly attitude. Energy mirrors easily reflect any negativity and, moreover, return it to the attacker with double force.

Exercise “In a cocoon”. This training develops the ability to sense objects at a distance. First you need to touch a certain object and try to translate sensations into thoughts. Once you are confident that you can feel the qualities of an object by looking at it, you should move on to the second part of the exercise. It consists of building a “cocoon” around yourself. To do this, you need to visualize four peas around own body at the level of the hypochondrium and then mentally force them to rotate around the axis that is your body. Thus, first an energy ring is created, which can easily be transformed into a protective cocoon with mental effort. The process of creating the cocoon itself should take no more than one minute, as it takes a lot of effort.

Having mastered such exercises, a person can be completely sure that he is reliably protected from any negative external targeted influence.

Every evening you need to retire in silence, sit comfortably and try to completely relax, detached from the everyday hustle and bustle. You need to imagine how tender and warm Sun rays envelop your body and saturate it with positive energy, pushing out all negativity. You need to stay in this state for no more than a minute.

You can also get rid of negative accidental daytime influences during evening water procedures in the bathroom.

To do this you need:

    Open the tap with cold water; Rub your palms against each other until you feel a pleasant warmth in them; Then you need to circle your palms around your head, creating an imaginary sphere; After this, you need to shake your palms into the sink, under running cold water.

Very often there is a need to protect your own home from damage. This is especially true if you are a hospitable person and like to receive guests. Unfortunately, many people are capable of leaving a lot of negative energy behind when they leave. When accumulated, such energy can cause great harm.

In order to protect your home from negative energy You should prepare a special amulet - a protective bottle.

To do this, you must first prepare the following attributes:

    A small bottle or red jar; A pack of salt; A head of garlic; A small red wax candle; A teaspoon of black peppercorns.

All listed components should be purchased without change. If this cannot be done, for example in a supermarket, where it is simply impossible not to take change, then you must immediately give it to the first beggar you meet.

If you cannot find a red bottle, you can paint an ordinary transparent vessel with red paint. But it is very important to use a new can of red paint. In addition, its remains cannot be used in the future for painting anything. It would be best to bury a can of paint in a vacant lot.

First, you need to divide the head of garlic into cloves and place them in a prepared container. After this, peppercorns should be poured in there. You need to pour salt on top of the bottle or jar. After this, the bottle with the specified ingredients is capped and sealed with red candle wax. You can simply install it and fix it on the neck of the bottle, and then set it on fire.

After the wax has hardened, the bottle must be shaken nine times, while reciting any protective spell in any form. In other words, you need to voice what the created protective bottle should protect you from.

Important! If salt remains, it cannot be used for cooking. It definitely needs to be thrown away.

The protective bottle should be stored in one of the cabinets in any living room. Strong protection works for a month, but then begins to weaken. It is recommended to create a new protective bottle every month. The used amulet must be buried somewhere in a deserted place.

Protective amulets

Since ancient times, people have protected themselves from the evil eye and damage with the help of amulets. Amulets made independently were considered especially effective. One of these methods is offered by traditional healers. To do this, you first need to prepare a small wooden box and several church candles.

Then you need to find time and go to the courtyard of the old temple, where you pick a leaf, fruit, flower or small twig from a tree. This item must be carefully wrapped in a new white piece of fabric and then placed in your pocket. Upon arrival home, you need to transfer the item into a saucer, light a candle and gradually drown it with wax. After hardening, the wax cake must be rolled so that it fits into the prepared wooden box.

It should be closed, taken into right hand and read the magic words over it:

"Light strong energy will protect you from evil and damage.”

From this moment on, the item turns into a protective amulet and must always be kept with you. It should be remembered that it only acts individually and will be absolutely useless for another person.

You can also protect yourself from damage using a mirror amulet. To do this, you need to make a custom-made double-sided mirror with an approximate diameter of 4 cm. You need to cover it yourself with a piece of genuine black leather and constantly carry it with you in the heart area or around the neck. In the second case, you cannot use chains of precious metals, as they will reduce the power of the amulet.

This is a very simple method of protection, which is very easy to apply in practice. Almost every person, when getting dressed, fastens or ties some kind of fastener on his clothing. So, when fastening zippers, buttons or tying shoelaces, you should mentally recite a protective spell.

It sounds like this:

“With this lock on my clothes I protect myself from various bad words, looks and hostile thoughts. At any time of the day I will be protected, and external negativity will not harm me! From now on and forever!

Also, these words need to be repeated mentally when you close the key front door in the home. This will protect not only yourself, but also family members.

When you do not believe in the power of any additional attributes to protect against the evil eye and damage, then there is no particular point in using them. But in this case, you should remember that you can rely on your internal natural capabilities and reliably protect yourself with the power of thought.

To protect yourself from negativity, you need to concentrate on yourself as much as possible, imagining that there is no one around you and you are completely alone. Then you should hold your fists tightly and clearly imagine how shiny gold or silver threads are piercing you. In esotericism, it is believed that gold and silver have the ability to purify human energy and create a protective shell that blocks the penetration of any negativity.

In the process of such visualization, you need to mentally say the following words:

“Every person who tries to send an attack on me will take it for himself. I am protected by the forces of light, and I wish all people well. So it will be.”

If you succeed, then almost immediately you will feel your thoughts clearing up and a significant improvement in your well-being. Moreover, if an energy attack was made on you, then looking around, you will notice that one of the people nearby felt ill.

Very often there is a need to protect not only yourself, but also your home from directed negative impact. There is a very strong ritual that is performed on the twelfth lunar day. For the ritual, you must first prepare the following attributes:
    Salt, which must be blessed in the temple on Maundy Thursday; Nine wax candles; Holy water; Coins, the number of which is equal to the number of corners in all rooms of the home.
The ritual begins with the placement of prepared coins in all corners of the rooms. A candle is lit at the entrance to the house. The flame of this candle sets fire to another candle. With it you will need to enter each room and walk around its perimeter. While saying these words:

“Lord Almighty and All-Powerful, deliver me, the Servant of God (proper name), and my home from the evil deeds of ill-wishers and godless seductions. Cover and protect me and my family from dangerous snares in the secret dreams of Your salvation. Lord Almighty and All-Powerful, grant me true courage and strength to resist filth and evil. I will not renounce You, the Savior of people, I will not renounce the Holy Church. Amen".

While walking around the rooms, you should remember the corners at which the candle begins to crack. After you go around all the rooms with a candle, you need to go to the threshold where another candle is burning. Place two candles next to each other and whisper the following words over them:

After this, you need to light the third candle and go through the corners where the previous candle crackled. All corners should be crossed with a lit candle. During this process, you should repeat the above spell again. After this, the candle should be placed in the middle of the room and left from there. You can return after the candle burns out. Candle stubs should be collected and thrown away. This ritual should be repeated in a row for three days. On the fourth day you need to collect the coins placed in the corners of the rooms and visit the temple. There you should put candles for the health of everyone living in the house in front of the icon Mother of God. You can pray, and then you should definitely turn in your own words with a request to the Mother of God for protection from external influences of your home and everyone living in it. The collected coins must be left in the church and before leaving the temple you should collect holy water. Arriving home, you should sprinkle all the rooms around the perimeter with blessed water, and sprinkle a little salt near the windows and threshold. In this way, you can not only cleanse the room of negativity, but also provide reliable protection for a long time. Moreover, it will be so strong that any person with negative intentions and thoughts simply will not be able to enter your home. In addition, such a ritual also protects from all natural evil spirits and evil spirits. You should believe that you can independently protect yourself from damage and the evil eye. Your sincere desire to protect yourself and your loved ones will allow you to invest your natural energy in any protective magical ritual. And this is precisely the main condition for ensuring effective protection from any negative outside influence. Protection from damage is very important, since it will not allow external negative targeted influence to damage the human energy field. But it must be remembered that positive attitude and a friendly attitude towards the entire world around us can reduce any negativity.

Probably, each of us has friends who seem to attract various troubles to themselves, complaining that they have been jinxed or damaged. There are others who are often called lucky ones. They are rarely bothered by illnesses, and they have significantly fewer problems. What is the difference and why is this so?

The energy shield itself is completely invisible, therefore practically imperceptible an ordinary person. Having established such protection, a person can be calm about himself energetically. After all, such protection gives him a number of advantages:

  1. the evil eye and damage cannot reach his energy fields;
  2. during an energy attack, the shield either absorbs the directed negative energy or returns it to the sender, depending on the type of protection;
  3. people who use an energy shield are more often lucky, since failures and problems are most often just a response to the negative thoughts of others.

Thus, in order for you to always have good luck, and for all the machinations of your envious people and enemies to pass you by, it is necessary to create such an energy shield. And the stronger the defense, the more negative energy it can hold.

How to install protection

In order to install such protection for yourself, you need to use one of several common methods.

  1. It’s easy to install a “mirror”. When danger appears negative influence from a certain person, then wish him happiness (mentally), and do it with all the breadth of your soul. Then, while inhaling, “draw” an imaginary mirror in front of him, which reflects the negative back to the interlocutor. Repeat this three times, but do it discreetly.
  2. "Capsule". This type of protection should be done before leaving the house. Give yourself a few minutes. Sit in your chair as comfortably as possible and imagine a thin film of energy filled with love and calm. It begins to cover you first at the back of your head, goes down and, covering your feet, rises up until its edges connect with the starting point. Then the same film passes over the body on the left and right, enveloping every millimeter of your body. When the cocoon is completed, you can go about your business. You just need to do this every day.

And don't forget about cleansing with water. After each visit to an unpleasant place or communication with an unpleasant person, take a cleansing shower.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about the use of magical protection. Let's start with independent rituals used in Russian witchcraft. Let's look at the rituals of black magic, and also touch on such common methods of protection as tattoo amulets against damage. Let's consider effective ways staging protection against damage and the evil eye, which is used by practicing magicians.
  1. The first magical ritual is protection for the home.
  2. The second method that I will offer you is a mirror shield for a practicing magician.

Is there a real need to protect yourself from negativity?

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say right away that magical protection is not a panacea for any attacks, damage and the evil eye. If you persistently hit the target, you can break through any witchcraft protection on a person. In addition, in black magic there are many rituals of weakening, removal and hacking. As indeed in the magic of Runes. But magical protection will soften the blow, will repel an unprofessional attack, and, of course, will give the magician time to feel the threat, mobilize and not allow the influence of others to take control of his life.

Real magicians do not discuss the question of necessity independently install strong protection against damage, since its necessity is known. A professional magician is never limited to one defense. There are always several of them. These are diverse shields that do not conflict, but, on the contrary, are connected and together form a serious energy barrier against magic and witchcraft attacks.

The witchcraft defense of a practicing magician is not easy to crack.

This requires knowledge and strength. The magician protects not only himself, but also his bloodlines, loved ones and home. If it is difficult to curse the magician himself, then they can damage the house, and from there the damage will go to its inhabitants. Real magicians do not allow this. The shields on the homes of magicians and sorcerers are also very powerful. When a task arises, what kind of protection to install against damage, a real magician and a beginner have a huge selection of effective rituals.

Yes, there are indeed many ways to protect yourself, blood relatives, loved ones and home in the arsenal of the ancient tradition of black magic. And many of them are quite simple. Here is an example of how to independently install protection against damage through a lining in your home. Salt is needed for this protection.

How to install protection against damage to your home yourself

Magic protection from linings. Many magicians use this protection in their practice. Here are the ingredients needed to make a witchcraft mixture:

  1. Thursday salt
  2. dried crushed flowers and leaves of St. John's wort
  3. a few cloves of garlic
  4. canvas bag

You can install witchcraft protection against negativity on your home yourself. The home ritual is simple, effective, and has long been used in the practice of Russian witchcraft. Place all the ingredients in a bag and read the protective spell over it three times:

“I close the house, I speak, from, from evil intent, from evil lining. Salt will take away the blackness, the grass will unfurl evil, the color will open up evil words, no one will know, no one will pass, no one will wither, no one will die. Three times three turn, three times three turn, three times three from the gate.”

Hide the bag under the threshold. Salt absorbs negativity, and therefore the protection must be changed after a certain time. The old bag needs to be burned, and, of course, outside the house.

Use this method to independently install energy protection:

  • from curses
  • magical damage,
  • evil eye
  • and other destructive influences on the house and its inhabitants,

- better on Maundy Thursday, because... the strength and energy of this day will give her additional energy for a self-made ritual. However, you can take not Thursday salt, but ordinary, coarsely ground salt, purchased specifically for witchcraft rituals. This simple protection from magic and witchcraft, it does not have to be timed to coincide with Maundy Thursday. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that this magical ritual can be used if necessary.

We independently put on ourselves mirror protection from damage and witchcraft

If negativity has been diagnosed, it must be completely gotten rid of. And this needs to be done urgently. You cannot give black corruption the opportunity to take root in your field and the underlying magical program.

This means that your main task is to remove the damage and install protection.

I would like to offer you a method of mirror protection. In general, mirror shields are a very strong thing. However, they are not suitable for everyone. So, before you install such a magical protective wall for yourself, do a diagnosis and find out if it is right for you. Mirror protections can take a lot of energy. There are others side effects– closing not only from negativity, but also from positive events. In some cases, the money channel suffers. However, I repeat, not everyone has side effects and not always. Do diagnostics.

To install protection yourself after removing the damage, you will need:

  • 2 mirrors
  • 2 wax candles
  • a piece of white natural fabric
  • sharp ritual knife
  • your picture
  • natural fiber rope

Place both mirrors in front of you. Place a candle near each mirror and light them.

Read the plot to protect against damage and the evil eye 7 times:

“Seven days, seven nights, seven fast rivers, seven high mountains, and seven secret words, spoken in seven books. The seven wise men said that if they come together into one, they will not return back. That cursed tribe was cast down from heaven, by lords, by snowdrifters, who became known, and the secrets of those seven men were hidden with black eyes, with oak doors, but not from me, (name), they were covered, the evil one with wisdom, the Satan with cunning. My eyes are sharp, sculpted like a falcon, I know the secrets of those men. Their power is hidden in the mirror surface, with ruinous words, with river stones, they cannot be destroyed, they cannot be martyred, they cannot be tied to a dead thing, knots are distant or forty, a root dug, a poisonous toad cannot be thrown into the grave. And if anyone decides, he will wrap himself in a loose shroud, a fresh grave. Such is the mirror concealment, preserved by the warlock. Whoever hides his soul in two mirrors will not be revealed by the demon himself. This is the knowledge, the knowledge of seven men, it is spoken in seven books, it is folded into two mirrors. So for my darling, the body is alive, two mirrors are protected by a spell. So there will be eternal centuries, black books, seven wise men, forests, rivers, witch faces. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Read the protective plot 7 times to protect yourself from the evil eye at home, damage and any other negative. Then lay a piece of fabric on the mirror, which left hand. Cut your right hand, let the blood drip onto the mirror on your right hand. Rub the blood with your fingertips around the salt on the mirror surface, read the words protective plot from the evil eye and damage:

“The soul to be hidden, the body to be preserved, was ordered by blood, by seven men, by their verbs. What a distant verst, there is no way to get to me (name). The shield is reliable. Amen".

After transferring the scrap onto the surface with the blood, read the text of the protective plot against damage:

“I shift, I unlock myself with our prayer from words, eyes, and deeds of destruction, I defend. Seven words are like one. I, (name), have a cross, oblique, mirror-like, with a menacing rejoicing. The rag is white, the darling is fleshy, not for my body but for the rag business, not for me, but for this rag. This is the legend. Amen".

Place your photo on the rag, face down, and cover it with a second mirror, then take a string and tie them together so that the mirrors are securely fastened together. Wrap the resulting structure in canvas and hide it securely. When done, read the closing plot to strongly protect yourself from negativity:

“Seven messages, one department, not in words, but in mirror-like smoothness. I can’t be fooled, I can’t be driven away with bad words, cold talk, or the witcher’s slander. My shield is mirrored. Amen".

Tattoos protecting against the evil eye and magical damage

It's time to talk about tattoos, and which ones are best used as amulets against the evil eye and damage. Each drawing applied to the body has not only an aesthetic meaning, but also contains a certain sacred meaning. When choosing a protective tattoo, thoroughly study the meaning of a particular image. There are tattoos with negative meaning. It is not recommended to wear these on your body.

Let's look at a few examples of widespread images that are commonly worn as protective tattoos from the evil eye and other energetic influences.

  • Dreamcatcher and spider tattoo - Mystical symbol. Catches in his net bad dreams, and protects against evil spirits. If you add a spider to such a design, the amulet will be stronger and will acquire even deeper symbolism. Semantics of the image of a spider: accuracy, secrecy, practicality and modesty, Creative skills and magic, infinity and harmony. Protective tattoos against the evil eye and damage are great for girls. The spider tirelessly weaves its web, tangling the thread of fate in its paws, which makes it the ruler of human lives.
  • Black sun tattoo – Strong male amulet, bestowing good luck. It carries great positive energy that the person will radiate. It will become a reliable shield from enemies and damage. Black Sunancient tattoo protection from the evil eye and dark witchcraft.
  • Celtic patterns - These protective tattoos consist of an infinite number of loops and curls, and carry a colossal meaning. Such tattoos are very powerful amulets against the evil eye. These are magical ornaments, each of them has its own symbolism. The most popular type of protective tattoo of this type is the Celtic knot, symbolizing the interweaving of spiritual and life paths.
  • A protective hieroglyph tattoo is a stylish, widespread symbol. Images in the form of Chinese and Japanese characters are often used as protective tattoos of amulets against the evil eye. They carry uniqueness and mysticism. Simple in appearance, the hieroglyph is difficult to translate and can hide deep meaning and powerful energy.
  • A protective tattoo against the evil eye and damage is pure 13 - the number 13 tattoo does not carry any negative load. This is a kind of protest against superstitions. Such a drawing makes its owner happier, and is often used as protective tattoo against the evil eye. In total, the number 13 gives the number 4. According to numerology, 4 is a mystical number symbolizing power, absolute power over space and time. Symbol of earth, justice, order. The Four feels confident in the spiritual and material planes. This is the basis for everything that exists. He knows how to give raw material a form of completeness and perfection.

Slavic amulets and runes - protective tattoos against the evil eye and magic

Very popular as magical protections Slavic amulets and runes. Most widespread received two symbols: Ladinets and fern flower.

  • Ladinets is a protective symbol family values In addition, it is a symbol of deepening into the other world, the world of intuition and magic. A wonderful tattoo against the evil eye and damage for girls.
  • The Slavic symbol in the form of a fern flower has, in addition to protective properties, also healing properties.

You need to be especially careful with images of runes. The runes contain a huge magical power. They are used as protective tattoos against damage and for protection from negativity of any nature. The problem is that only a professional magician working in the tradition of runic witchcraft can draw up the correct rune formation to protect against damage and curses. Misinterpreted is big trouble.

In general, runes are not recommended to be worn as a protective tattoo on the human body. The fact is that a person is constantly changing. His views, intentions, goals and values ​​change. Runes are unchanged in their meanings, and it may happen that a rune, designed to protect against damage, begins to interfere and conflict with its bearer. This is why magicians do not make runic tattoos against the evil eye and witchcraft. Runic inscriptions are applied to the body, but only temporary - with a pen, marker, henna, etc. Rune amulets and amulets against damage are applied to specially prepared wooden dies or stones.

Ancient tattoo Eye of Horus - protection from damage and other harmful witchcraft

The Eye of Ra, also known as the Eye of Horus, is one of the most widely used symbols in tattoo art. Ancient Egypt. The right eye of the sky god Horus symbolizes the Sun, and the left eye symbolizes the Moon. It was this lunar divine eye that suffered in the battle with the god of death and chaos Set. The god of wisdom Thoth healed the eye of Horus, and now this image is a strong magical tattoo amulet against damage and the evil eye.

What else to read