Status about sarcasm with sarcasm. Ironic statuses

Sarcasm is something we rarely do without. modern world. Sometimes you just can’t express your opinion on something in any other way. Sometimes so that no one understands anything, and sometimes so that everyone understands and understands very precisely. What interesting quotes Can you use sarcasm?


Sarcasm is a type of satire, caustic mockery. Sarcasm is the highest manifestation irony. The basis of sarcasm is not only the contrast between the implied and the expressed, but also the demonstration of the implied. Often, phrases with sarcasm can begin very positively, but most often carry a negative connotation.

Quotes with sarcasm

Often statements of this kind, based on sarcasm, are aimed at the shortcomings of society. Such quotes most often most openly and at the same time somewhat aggressively express the opinion of the speaker.

Black humor and cynical behavior - what else remains smart person in a society of idiots?

Only those who have it go crazy.

Anyone who knows nothing can take on anything.

I knew a man so little read that he had to compose his own quotations from the classics.

Take care of yourself - what if I need you?

Sarcasm is a natural defensive reaction of the psyche against the stupidity of others.

Do you mind if I smoke?

You know, I don’t care even if you shoot yourself.

Sometimes the statements are quite elegant, their quality is much higher.

For a man to find something in the refrigerator, it must be at eye level and it is advisable to run along the shelf, attracting attention to itself.

I don't know about you, but for me nerve cells not only are they recovering, but they are also trying to take revenge on those responsible for their deaths.

I will give you a manual called “How to Answer phone call" or "Oh, that mysterious green button!"

I'm often wrong, sorry, perfect people!

It is not enough to have wit, you also need to be able to avoid its consequences.

Life experience is a lot of valuable knowledge about how not to behave in situations that will never happen again.

Makeup is an attempt to paint on your face the face of another, much more beautiful woman.

Lord, we broke up, I’ll go crazy and throw myself off the chair.

Sarcasm: quotes and aphorisms

The skill of some people in sarcastic statements leads to the appearance of quotes that become aphorisms. For example, these are quotes from Faina Ranevskaya:

Optimism is a lack of information.

There are people in whom God lives; There are people in whom the devil lives; And there are people that live only worms.

Loneliness is a condition that you have no one to tell about.

Many people complain about their appearance, but no one complains about their brains.

The woman is, of course, smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

Do you know what it's like to act in a movie? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and they take you on a tour there.

Health is when you have pain in a different place every day.

If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless.

I do the hardest part before breakfast. I get out of bed.

There are no fat women, only small clothes.

I noticed that if you don’t eat bread, sugar, fatty meat, or drink beer with fish, your face becomes smaller, but sadder.

Sarcasm in music

Interestingly, sarcasm can sometimes be found even in music. And not just in popular songs or in the text of some rapper, but in real operas. Of course, the brilliant composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a master of ridicule, a master of irony. The most different facets of humor from light irony (in the aria “Frisky Boy” - video No. 1 from 45:00) to real sarcasm in the duet of Suzanne and Marcelina, in which they openly quarrel, driving each other to white heat (No. 1 from 22 :00). And in general, the entire opera based on the plot of Beaumarchais is aimed at ridiculing the vices and stupidity of the aristocrats and emphasizing the intelligence of the third estate. And the very plot of one day in the life of Figaro only leaves you wondering how it was even possible to come up with this and twist everything like that?

Below is the opera in Italian, there are Russian subtitles, they can be turned on in the settings.

We present to your attention another opera. She is full of sarcastic remarks.

Among the Russian composers there was also an outstanding master of sarcasm, Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky, a younger contemporary of Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka and one of the founders of Russian national school. Probably even Mozart would envy Dargomyzhsky’s mastery of sarcasm. The difficult fate of the innovative composer led to the fact that he often resorted to irony, including evil irony. But what role does expressive intonation, which the great and mighty Russian language is so rich in, play in conveying sarcasm? Dargomyzhsky enriched the musical language with speech intonations, both in his romances and in operas. A visual aid to this is “The Stone Guest” based on “A Little Tragedy” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The opera is written to the poet's unchanged text, and expressive speech patterns are complemented by musical intonation.

Sarcasm hovers in the opera from the appearance of the main characters Don Giovanni and Leporello, especially in the latter's lines.

Sarcasm is an integral part of language and worldview. Probably, without this phenomenon, life would be a little boring.

Sarcasm is a real art. It's quite difficult to describe in simple words, but it is quite possible to express it in some phrases. We present to your attention selected statuses with sarcasm.

Don't let others judge you - do it yourself

  1. If you notice that you are being lied to, politely ask the person to be more artistic.
  2. Have you been unable to find reciprocity in your relationship with a girl for a long time? Go outside and feed a stray dog. That's where you get reciprocity!
  3. I don’t always prefer to answer the phone. And I get terribly angry if I find out that someone else is doing this.
  4. If you are offended by your significant other, then either lie down together and wake up in the morning in an embrace, or sit and develop a plan for revenge.
  5. What, honey, were you distracted by someone else? Don't be distracted by me now!
  6. It turns out that people with poor eyesight cannot believe in miracles. They can't see love at first sight.
  7. I thank the grandmothers at the entrance for spreading surprisingly loyal rumors.
  8. Everyone has a person who has completely ruined their life. And everyone has their own person.

The tongue will lead to sarcasm

Statuses about sarcasm are designed for when you want to explain everything quickly, and at the same time - a large number of people. The following phrases will allow you to make the most subtle, and at the same time, the most appropriate hints.

  1. Don't be too offended by the swearing. Perhaps this is in my principles...
  2. Whenever you do something stupid, remember that someone once took out a loan to pay for a wedding.
  3. Don't be afraid of "under the bed" monsters. Give them a bag of chips that you eat while watching a TV series, and they won't eat you.
  4. Why should a man worry about appearance, if he has already put on whole clean socks...
  5. Don't be offended by my sarcasm. This is how I defend myself from your stupidity.
  6. Appropriate jokes were invented in order to protect someone from suffering, and someone even from suicide.
  7. Do you know why guys make girls laugh so often? Because a laughing woman usually doesn’t understand much!
  8. I have so little strength that I don’t even want to pick myself up from the floor.

How much hatred there is sometimes in the phrase “Everything is fine”

A good phrase can replace not only status, but even a full-fledged psychologist. Enjoy short statuses with sarcasm!

  1. A person should be the only one, not the best.
  2. Knowing the price does not mean appreciating it.
  3. Don't look at your enemies, look further.
  4. Meet, meet. You'll break up anyway.
  5. Not knowing your worth is sometimes bad.
  6. TV series are the drug of the new generation.
  7. Finding tar is more difficult than finding honey. But we succeed.
  8. In life, avoid idiots and extra calories.
  9. The truth won't bring you friends.
  10. Most often, the impact on the rake occurs unnoticed.
  11. There is always insincere hatred between lovers.
  12. Accept that everyone is talking about each other.
  13. You can test the depth with only one foot.
  14. Not to promise also requires strength.
  15. The more friends a person has, the better he lies.
  16. A secret for two. The third one will destroy it.

If you have a disgusting character, you leave no one indifferent

Funny statuses with sarcasm are definitely not for the faint of heart. We warn you that not all of your friends on social networks may like them.

  1. As soon as they start ignoring me, I involuntarily catch myself thinking that they are simply enjoying me.
  2. I wish all my enemies long life to their annoying relatives!
  3. Conscience often contradicts logic. I develop the second, and mostly ignore the first.
  4. It’s not baggy clothes that make you look fat, but the “porky” portion.
  5. All children are born a little strange. Most adults remain this way.
  6. Don't lie to your parents. But there are some parents who can kill you for a certain kind of truth.
  7. I don't want to seem intrusive, but I would be glad to never meet you again.
  8. An unloved colleague did not come to work and fell ill. Let him recover quickly, who should we throw mud at...

There's nothing more annoying than love at first sight

Almost everyone has exes with whom, to put it mildly, it was not a good break up. In order to speak correctly on the topic, there are statuses about love with sarcasm.

  1. When looking at a loved one, the pupils dilate slightly. Especially when looking at yourself, your loved one.
  2. Jealousy is bad. For the hair of that miguera who dared to look at him.
  3. Yes, I loved her. But this cannot mean that I loved no one besides her.
  4. Before building a relationship brick by brick, take care of the protection of building materials.
  5. Love is something that is not worth looking for. All its charm is in surprise.
  6. “I love you”: so few words, but so many different problems...
  7. The strongest relationships are those where respect prevails. Love can ruin a lot of things.
  8. There is definitely a soulmate somewhere, but if you are made to be stupid, you will lose it as soon as you meet it.
  9. I'm ready to do anything for her. No, not for that, and certainly not for that. Come on, it’s not bad to live alone...

Sarcasm statuses are a great opportunity to show a sense of humor. Therefore, quickly install the phrase you like.

As soon as relatives appeared in contact - Brothers and sisters about whom you had not previously suspected in some strange way showed up, about 50 people each. I can no longer say anything about sons and daughters. Even 13 year old girls have them. Don't you people think this is nonsense?

One day in a letter I will send you a bomb that will explode your heart and fill your brain with shrapnel

You meet people who claim to have made it to the top, when in fact they just floated up there.

The more generous a man is on the first date, the less time he needs a woman.

A smart woman, she doesn't take offense. He just immediately starts planning revenge.

I would forget you and you would be calm with her. But one idiot keeps reminding me of himself, asking why I love him and whether I want to forget him. At the most inopportune moment. (ha, why are you afraid that I will disappear and no one will wake you up to love you, you won’t wait)

Sometimes, as soon as you get to know a person better, you immediately want to send him to hell.

A true friend will always be happy for your success, but a fake one, smiling, will hate you for it with all her soul.

If a person is bitten by a vampire, he becomes a vampire. It seems to me more and more that you have been bitten by a flock of sheep.

There are days when you are a dove, and there are days when you are a monument!

Based on conversations with some people, it seems that the year of the goat has never passed.

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man always keeps himself under control. So be wise.

Show your trick, disappear into thin air!

I want to fill a sock with batteries and punch someone in the face!

I am Russian Post. I don't want to deliver anything, I want lunch and a break.

Sometimes you meet such people. When you get to know them better, you immediately want to move away.

Damn, if you have become so grown up, then be smarter and shut your mouth! I’ve already started to get used to your rudeness towards me!

Success in life depends on those who use their brains while others flapping their ears.

This is how people talk who believe that they predicted you one step ahead, but in fact they were not even remotely close to understanding who you are and what you can do.

I told her: That’s enough, I’m filing for divorce! I leave the house, I hear a shot - I shot myself! I come back - I opened the champagne, you bastard!

Despite the fact that my dog ​​is female, the cat turned out to be a female.

She lied so beautifully, almost like a weather forecast.

Dear my ill-wishers! I suggest you suck off the toad that is always choking you! Of course, this will not add love to me, but it will keep you occupied for a while.

You are so rude as if you had a spare jaw in your pocket.

Never swore dirty! My mat is always clean, fresh and tidy.

You have sunk below the baseboard, but I don’t pick up the dirt from the floor.

That's why. Here's a cute guy who goes to school and you like him, and then he adds it on the internet and writes about it. You think it would be better to remain silent. It turns out that the usual selfish schmuck.

I gave up fatty and unhealthy foods... And now he is deputy. CEO of Lukoil

If for every lie you told me I gave you a balloon, you would have long since flown away!

Rich inner world can be donated for organs

It seems like a call from the city authorities: do not go out into the streets in the snow and do not use personal vehicles! - only utility workers listen.

I can divide my life into two periods - everything is going on around me and I’m sleeping.

Remember. everything will be okay, and we will find the culprits.

You will open your mouth at the dentist.

What song reminds you of him? - Yes, all the work of the Leningrad group

Sighs, suffering. but no one dreams of what is not interesting to him.

Who else gets mad when guys talk about their exes, and do it with delight, while at the same time swearing at her from head to toe!

I look with a smile at those who are trying to put a spoke in my life. Fools! My wheels are bulldozer tracks

I would tell you who you are and what you are like, but I’m afraid you’ll be very offended.

A wonderful weather! You won’t burn, you won’t peel, you won’t stick to the asphalt, you won’t sweat! The only negative is that the slates do not fit on a warm sock.

And you can get a heart attack silently, sitting, without doing anything. Just when a message comes with the content: sorry, I did wrong, I still love you. and this is spam (damn.

I don't have big breasts anyway. Damn, she's not even in a swimsuit!

I take criticism calmly, but I ask you not to poke your log into my speck.

So many emotions. And all with obscenities.

The shortage of real men is not yet a reason to cling to someone you don’t know.

Don't touch me, I'm angry today. Fell off the broom

I wish I could take some indelible paint and write Shmarovoz on his car. A friend will ask: -Who are you with? Then he looks at the inscription and everything is clear. And the number of passengers will decrease sharply

Tough. I saw photos of a woman on VKontakte, photos of her and her friend’s legs were taken this way and that, even in the bathroom! Damn, aren't people f#cking crazy?

You were fine without me. With him.

Incident in the theater. Performance for children. The moment where the main villain is about to appear - the lights are turned off, the orchestra is buzzing warily. there is silence in the hall. And then such a thin child’s voice: “Fuck your mother!” How scary!!!”

Once Ranevskaya was asked: Why beautiful women are more successful than the smart ones?
- This is obvious, because there are very few blind men, and stupid ones are a dime a dozen.

Be who you are. The rest will be attributed to you.

Those who say that you can’t eat at night, let them try to explain why they invented the light in the refrigerator!!!

The question is not whether to marry this man or not. The question is what to do with the rest???

Judging by the weather, the scarecrow of Maslenitsa still survived, and now, the bitch, he’s taking revenge on us!))

Advice: Do you want to prove to your husband that men are looking at you! Walk a little ahead of your husband and stick your tongue out at every guy passing by. Success guaranteed!!!

My husband is 35 years old, and in “classmates” his classmates are 25-30. Lord, how difficult it was for him to study, he stayed in the second year so many times...

A friend in need is a friend indeed! And my husband... is on maternity leave!!!

The solar circle, the sky around - this is a drawing by a boy. A naked woman, vodka, a barbecue—it was the boy’s father who helped him.

To the question: “How many men have you had?” I answer honestly, hand on heart: “Not one. But asshole..."

Women don't like nice and open people. They love to open closed worlds and re-educate demons.

Girl: “There are no princes, only horses reach us!”
Guy: “The fact is that princes go to princesses, and horses go to horses.”

You suck your stomach in more... and you seem thinner...
What should I do to look smarter?

In general, you know how sexy I am... when I slobbered on a pencil at school, the boys lost consciousness...))

There is nothing more alien than your former...

So, as an athlete, tell me: arrows shoot, swords throw, and darts...?

If you have sex all day long, you can really waste your life.

In disputes, the most boring one wins.

A smoked cigarette shortens your life by 2 hours, a drunk bottle of vodka shortens your life by 3. A working day shortens your life by 8 hours.

Do you want change??? - go to school. there are changes every 45 minutes...))))))) Ironic statuses

Judges, once retired, are constantly poking around in the garden. Not for the sake of the harvest, they simply cannot help but plant.

...SMS to my wife: “Abducted by aliens... They are experimenting on me... They have already doused me with perfume, smeared me with lipstick, scratched my whole back, took my money. They promised to let me go in an hour!!!

Life is like the tide of the sea - today you are on the wave, and tomorrow you are floundering in shallow water.

The husband drank for eight days in a row until his wife decided to mark Friday off the calendar...

- You have 14 children - is this a family tradition?
- No, our tradition is different, and children are a side effect.

Only in Russian “Do you want to drink?” not a question, but a SUGGESTION!

There are SO MANY “necessary” things in my purse that if a pickpocket wants to get into it, he will most likely hang himself out of grief!)

Men brag about fictitious victories, women keep quiet about real ones...))

You can immediately feel the difference in the age of the bride and groom. The groom's children's photos are all black and white, and the bride's are digital...

The phrase “Let’s remain friends” is the same nonsense as, for example, “I’m tired of you dog, let you be my cat”!

What do I care about snow, what do I care about heat, what do I care about torrential rain, when a maniac is running after me...

The eyes are afraid, and the hands are dirty!

I can’t resist self-criticism solely due to the fact that I have a sweet tooth and a gourmet))

- Why, the more you drink, the more beautiful the opposite sex is? - The body thinks that it is being poisoned and is urgently trying to continue its race.

Every self-respecting schizophrenic is obliged to discuss current problems with himself, his loved one, from time to time.

I don't take ANYTHING personally!!! ...except Money!!! ...)))

“Magic logs” in your own eyes do not prevent you from looking at the “specks” in the eyes of other people...

How hard it is to be polite when you are right!

Marvelous!!! How many things can happen on the night from Friday to Monday.

The husband saw the little guy under his wife's bed - the little guy was wearing a cap and holding his pants in his hands.

Fate, like a woman, should be surprised good ending and a sudden turn.

Men! If all women are bitches and bitches... sleep with dogs - they are man's friends!

Ironic statuses

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