Surahs from the Koran and their translation. Blessed properties of the surahs of the Holy Quran. Muslim funeral rites

Prayers from the Koran against the evil eye and damage.

Islam – ancient religion, which is professed mainly in Muslim countries. The holy book is the Koran, and Muslims worship Allah. According to the laws of Islam, the evil eye and damage can be removed only by using the Koran.

It is quite simple to determine corruption both in Islam and the Orthodox. Usually a person himself comes to a magician with complaints that everything in life is falling apart, troubles are pursuing the person one after another.

Signs of damage:

  • Constant weakness
  • Frequent sleep
  • Sadness and despair
  • Frequent yawning while reading the Quran
  • Bad breath
  • Foul-smelling discharge from the uterus in women
Damage in Islam: how to determine?

Islam generally has a negative attitude towards everything magical rites. Most often, the evil eye is removed with the help of prayers and lines that are found in the Koran. In Islam, the process of treating corruption differs from Orthodoxy. No amateur performances or compositions. In Islam, only what is written in the Koran is used.

In order to eliminate damage, certain suras of the Koran are used. These are suras 1, 112, 113, and 114.

Prayers from the Koran:

Allah is one and eternal." He would not have given birth, and he would not have been born. There is no one equal to him.

I ask the Lord for dawn, namely, salvation from the forces of evil emanating from those created by Him, as well as from the evil that has descended from the darkness. I ask for protection from sorcerers and evil envious people, at a time when envy is ripening in him.

These prayers should be said several times in a row. Relatives should also recite these suras at night. It is believed that evil spirits it is impossible to enter a house that is protected by these prayers.

Strong Duas for damage

In each religion, prayers against corruption are called differently. In Islam this is Dua. The lines are also taken from the holy book. There are several reading rules:

  • You can't read from a piece of paper, just memorize it.
  • All prayers must be written on a piece of paper without lines.
  • You need to carry these pieces of paper with you
  • The lines need to be spoken at any time when there is a need for it.

There is no god but You, most holy are You! Verily, I was from the oppressors." Before pronouncing each new prayer, you need to say the word “Salavat”.

Strong Duas from damage

Rukia from genies, evil eye and damage

Rukya is a request for healing, a message to Allah. Ruki are usually used to treat the evil eye and damage. They help protect against genies and all sorts of evil spirits.

VIDEO: Rukya from the evil eye and damage

IN eastern religion No specific rules dua pronunciation. They can be said at any time. If a person is not feeling well, it is worth saying prayers. Unlike Orthodoxy, there are no rules in Islam, such as reading during the waxing moon or anything like that. Everything is very simple, at any time you need to read a prayer and call on the Almighty for help.

In Eastern religion, it is believed that children are angels, and they are not afraid of any damage; accordingly, it is necessary for the child’s parents to change their lives. It is the parents who should read the prayer for healing from evil. You need to start reading at midnight and finish at dawn. In Eastern religion, many believe that all the bad deeds of adults are reflected in the baby. This is why you should not do anything bad during pregnancy.

In order to get rid of damage, the baby’s parents must read 1, 112,113 and last sura. They are listed below.

They often spoil trade. In this case, the business becomes a failure. Duas can help against the evil eye and damage in trade. All these prayers are read in the Muslim language, and they are effective only if the person has converted to Islam. A representative of another faith cannot read verses and duas, since Allah will not listen to him.

Dua for good trading:

“Allahuumma, baoir lahuum fe Mikalihim. Waa Borik lahuum fi Saehim wa mudihim"

The prayer should be read three times, and it is advisable to do this when opening the store door, before letting in the first client. Don't forget to thank Allah for everything he has given you.

Ayats and suras from damage and the evil eye will help you cleanse yourself and restore well-being. You need to approach reading physically purified. It’s worth washing your face and forgetting about all bad thoughts.

Here is the text of the verse:

La ilaha illya anta subhanakya inni kuntu mina zzalimiin

Reading the Koran from the evil eye and damage

Koran – Holy Bible, in which there are a lot of surahs and verses. It is necessary to read prayers at night and before dawn.

Surahs from the Koran against damage and the evil eye

At the very beginning you need to read the “Opening Prayer”. She praises Allah. Then you need to read four verses from suras 113 and 114. At the very end you need to read surah 36, but a lot of time is spent on it.

VIDEO: Surahs against the evil eye

Sounding Koran against the evil eye, damage, witchcraft

It is believed that women can bring the evil eye and damage. That's why everyone beautiful women It is recommended to wear a burqa. In addition, you need to pray several times a day. It is believed that prayers work best at night. In addition, you can read the Qur'an at noon.

VIDEO: Sounding Quran

To get rid of damage and the evil eye in Islam, you need to read the Koran several times a day. It is advisable to retire at this time or go into the desert.

Surah Yasin - Ya Sin was revealed in Mecca and consists of 83 verses. It begins with two letters of the Arabic alphabet.

Then an oath is taken by the wise Koran that Muhammad - may Allah bless him and greet him! - is one of the messengers of Allah, that he stands on the straight path indicated in the Qur'an - in the Revelation - sent down to him from Allah, the Great, the Merciful, so that he would admonish his people, to whose fathers no warner was sent before.

This surah speaks of those who did not want to listen and understand the exhortation and did not believe. Indeed, exhortation is beneficial only to those who listen and accept the reminder and fear Allah, the Gracious. The surah indicates that Allah raises the dead and counts the deeds of His servants. In it, Allah gave the Meccan infidels a parable about the struggle between believers who call to Allah and infidels who refute the call to Islam, and indicates the results of the actions of each of these groups.

This surah provides evidence of the power of Allah, leading to faith in Allah and fear of His threat of punishment that will take them by surprise on the Day when every soul will be rewarded according to what it has done. Those who enter heaven will enjoy their stay in the gardens of paradise and indulge in joy, and they will have everything they desire. And those who are banished to hell are under the power of Allah, their lips will be sealed, and parts of their body (arms and legs) will speak. If Allah had willed, He would have changed their appearance. After all, Allah is the One who replaces strength with weakness and intelligence with dementia in those to whom He bestows long life. Allah is the One who protected His prophet from illusions and confusion and did not teach him to compose poetry. After all, this is not befitting him, for poets wander through different regions (in their imagination).

Truly, Muhammad - may Allah bless him and grant him peace! - was sent with Revelation - with a clear Qur'an - based on logic and not on imagination. Further in the surah, the mercy shown by Allah to His servants is mentioned. He subjugated cattle to them, and they own them and use them for transportation. Despite the mercy and favor of Allah towards His slaves in their interests, they associate with Him other helpless gods invented by them. At the end of the sura, attention is drawn to Allah’s creation of man from a drop, who, however, is hostile and openly opposes Him.

Allah is the One who originally created the world, who created fire from green tree, who created the heavens and the earth, who is able to revive decayed bones. When He wills something, He only says: “Be!” - and creation will be. Praise be to Allah, the Most High Master, in whose hand is power over everything and to whom you will be returned!

Very complex problems will be solved for those who read this surah 70 times.

If this surah is read after the ritual ablution of the dead, and then read again after the funeral (janaza), then at this funeral there will be so many angels of mercy present in such a number that only Allah knows. And the deceased will have an easier interrogation and will be protected from punishment in the grave.

And whoever drinks the water in which the written Surah Yasin is dipped, then Allah will fill the heart of this person with such Light that will displace all worries and concerns.

Whoever reads this surah every morning and evening, then, by the Grace of Allah, this will bring salvation from human poverty, provide protection from punishment in the Akhirat, and provide a wonderful place in Paradise.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Yasin” .

And to those who read this surah at least once a day, Allah will send down countless barakat in the form of various blessings and amazing wonderful events.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

“Whoever reads Yasin when hungry will be full; whoever reads Yasin, having lost his way, will find it; whoever reads Yasin, having lost an animal, will find it. Whoever fears that his food will not be enough, then, after reading Yasin, there will be plenty of food. If you read Yasin near a person experiencing the death throes, then these sufferings will be alleviated, and if you read near a woman during her difficult childbirth, then this will make the birth easier.”

“If someone who fears a ruler or an enemy begins to read Yasin, then his fear will disappear.” .

“Whoever reads Yasin at the beginning of the day, all his needs for that day will be satisfied.” .

“Read Surah Yasin for your dying ones” .

“Allah read Surahs Yasin and Ta-ha a thousand years before the creation of the heavens and the earth, and upon hearing this, the Angels said: “Blessings to the Ummah for whom the Qur'an will be revealed, blessings to the hearts that will carry it (i.e. learn it by heart), and blessings to those languages ​​that will begin to read this.".

Also reported in hadith:

“Whoever sincerely reads Surahs Yasin and Saffat on Fridays and asks Allah for something, his request will be fulfilled.”

“Whoever reads Yasin only for the sake of Allah, then all the previous sins of that person will be forgiven. So read Yasin for your dead.”

“Whoever listens to the recitation of Surah Yasin with full attention and sincerity will receive sawab (reward) as if he gave 1,000 gold coins in charity.”

“Whoever reads Surah Yasin in a cemetery, the dead of that cemetery will be spared punishment for 40 days. And the reader will receive a savab equal to the number of those buried in this cemetery.”

“Whoever dies on the same morning or on the same evening when he read Surah Yasin, then 30,000 Angels will ask Allah not to punish this person for his sins. And on the Day of Judgment this person will successfully complete his reckoning and successfully cross the Syrat Bridge.”.


Bismi llahi rrahmani rrahim!

(1) Ya sin.
(2) Wal-Qur'ani l-hakim.
(3) Innakya lamin al-mursalin
(4) "ala siratim mustakim.
(5) Tanzilya l-azizi Rrahim
(6) li tunzira kaumam ma unzira aba'uhum fahum gafilyun.
(7) Lakad hakka l-kaulyu "ala aksarihim fahum la yu`minun.
(8) Inna ja "lna fi a"nakihim aglalan fahiya ila l-azkani fahum mukmahun.
(9) Wa ja'alna mim bayni aidihim saddav wa min halfihim saddan fagshaynahum fahum la yubsirun.
(10) Wa sava`un "alaihim a anzartahum am lam tunzirum la yu`minun.
(11) Innama tunziru man ittaba "a z-zikra wa hashiya Rrahmana bi l-gaibi, fa bashshirhu bi magfirativ wa ajrin karim.
(12) Inna nakhnu nuhyi al-mauta wa naktubu ma kaddamu wa asarahum. Va kulya shay"in ahsaynahu fi imamim mubin.
(13) Wadrib lahum masalyan askhaba l-karyati from ja`aha l-mursalun.
(14) Iz arsalna ilayhim usnaini fa kazzabuhuma fa "azzazna bi salisin fa kalu inna ilaykyum mursalun.
(15) Kalyu ma antum illya basharum misluna wa ma anzalya Rrahmanu min shai'in in antum illya takzibun.
(16) Kalyu rabbuna ya'lyamu inna ilaykum lyamursalun.
(17) Wa ma "alaina illya l-balyagu l-mubin.
(18) Kalyu inna tatayarna bikum. La'il lam tantahu lanarjumannakum wa layamassannakum mina "azabun alim.
(19) Kalyu ta"irukum ma"akum. A'in zukkirtum. Bal antum kaumum musrifun.
(20) Wa ja'a min aksa l-madinati rajuluy yas "a kala ya qaumi ittabi" u l-mursalin.
(21) Ittabi "u mal la yas'alukum ajrav wa hum muhtadun.
(22) Wa ma liya la a "I will be llazi fatarani wa ilayhi turja" un.
(23) And attahizu min dunihi alihatan i yuridni Rrahmanu bidurril la tugni 'anni shafa' atuhum shai'av wa la yunkizun.
(24) Inna izal lafi dalalim mubin.
(25) Inni amantu birabbikum fasma"un.
(26) Kylya dhuli l-jannata kala layta kaumi ya "lamun
(27) bima gafara li rabbi wa ja'alani min al-mukramin.
(28) Wa ma anzalna `ala qaumihi mim ba "dihi min jundim min as-sama`i wa ma kunna munzilin.
(29) In kyanat illa sayhatav vahidatan fa iza hum hamidun.
(30) Ya hasratan `ala l-"ibadhi ma ya`tihim mir rasulin illya kyanu bihi yastahzi`un.
(31) A lam yarav kyam ahlakna kablyahum min al-kurun annahum ilayhim la yarji "un.
(32) Va`in kullul lyamma jami"ul lyadeina mukhdarun.
(33) Wa yatul lahum ul-ardu l-maytatu ahyaynahu wa ahrajna minha habban faminhu ya'kulyun.
(34) Wa ja "alna fiha jannatim min hiliv wa a" nabiv wa fajjarna fiha min al-'uyun
(35) liya`kulyu min samarihi va ma "amilyathu aidihim. A fa la yashkurun.
(36) Subhana llazi halyaka l-azvaja kullah mimma tumbitu l-ardu wa min anfusihim wa mimma la ya "lamun.
(37) Wa yatul lahum ul-laylu naslahu minhu nnahara fa iza hum muzlimun.
(38) Va shshamsu tajri limustakarril laha. Zalika takdiru l-"azizi l-"alim.
(39) Wa l-kamara kaddarnahu manazilya hata "ada kal-"urjuni l-kadim.
(40) La shshamsu yambagi laha `an tudrika l-kamara wa la l-laylu sabik nnahari wa kullun fi falyakiy yasbahun.
(41) Wa yatul lahum anna hamalna zurriyatahum fi l-fulki l-mashhun.
(42) Va halyakna lahum mim mislihi ma yarkabun.
(43) Wa`in nasha`nugrikhum falla sariha lahum wa la hum yunkazun
(44) illa rahmatam minna va mata"an ila hin.
(45) Wa isa kylya lahum uttaku ma bayna aidikum wa ma halfakum la "allyakum turkhamun.
(46) Wa ma ta "tihum min ayatim min ayaati rabbihim illya kyanu "anha mu"ridin.
(47) Wa isa kylya lahum anfiku mimma razakakum Ullahu kala llazina kafaru li-llazina amanu a nut"imu mal lyav yasha`u Allahu at"mahu"in antum illya fi dalalim mubik.
(48) Va yakulyuna mata haza l-va"du in kuntum sadikum.
(49) Ma yanzuruna illa sayhatav wahidatan ta'huzuhum wa hum yahissimun.
(50) Fa la yastati"una tausiyatav wa la ila ahlihim yarji"un.
(51) Wa nufiha fi ssuri fa isa hum min al-ajdasi ila rabbihim yansilyun.
(52) Kalyu ya vailana mam ba "asana mim markadina. haza ma va "ada Rrahmanu wa sadaka l-mursalun.
(53) In kyanat illya saykhatav vakhidatan fa isa hum jami "ul lyadaina mukhdarun.
(54) Fa l-ayuma la tuzlyamu nafsun shayav wa la tujzauna illya ma kuntum ta "malun.
(55) Inna askhaba l-jannati l-yauma fi shugulin fakihun
(56) hum wa azwajuhum fi zilyalin "ala l-ara`iki muttaki`un
(57) Lahum fiha fakihatuv wa lahum ma yadda"un
(58) Salamun kaulam mir rabbir rahim.
(59) Wa mtazu l-yauma ayyuha l-mujrimun.
(60) A lam a "had ilaikum ya bani Adama all la ta" will be shaitan innahu lakum "aduvvum mubin.
(61) Va an i "buduni. haza siratum mustakim.
(62) Wa lakad adalla minkum jibillan kasiran a fa lam takunu ta "kilyun.
(63) hazihi jahannam llati kuntum tu "adun.
(64) Islauha l-yauma bima kuntum takfurun.
(65) Al-yauma nahtimu "ala afvahihim wa tukallimuna aidihim wa tashhadu arjuluhum bima kanu yaksibun.
(66) Val lyav nasha "u latamasna "ala a" yunihim fastabaku sirata faanna yubsirun.
(67) Wa lyav nasha’u lamasahnahum “ala makanatihim fama stata” u mudiyan wa la yarji”un.
(68) Wa man nu "ammirhu nunakkishu fi l-halki a fa la ya" kilyun.
(69) Wa ma "Allamnahu ash-shi"ra wa ma yambagi lahu in huwa illya zikruv wa qur'anum mubin
(70) whether yunzira man kyana hayyav wa yahikku l-kaulyu "ala l-kafirin.
(71) Au lam yarau anna halakna lyahum mimma "amilat aidina an" aman fahum laha malakun.
(72) Wa zallalnaha lahum fa minha rakubuhum wa minha ay'kulyun.
(73) Wa lahum fiha manafi "u va masharibu a fa la yashkurun.
(74) Wa tahazu min duni llahi alahatal la "allahum yunsarun.
(75) La yastati "una nasrahum wa hum lahum jundum mukhdarun.
(76) Fa la yahzunka kaulyuhum. Inna na "lyamu ma yusirruna wa ma yu`minun.
(77) Avalam yara l-insanu anna halyaknahu min nutfatin fa isa huva hasimum mubin.
(78) Wa daraba lana masalav wa nasiya khalkahu. Kalya may yuhyi l-"izama va hiya ramim.
(79) Kul yuhyiha llazi ansha'aha avvala marrativ va huva bikyulli khalkin "alim.
(80) Allyazi ja "ala lakum min ash-shajari l-akhdari naran fa isa antum minhu tukidun.
(81) A wa laysa llazi halyaka ssamavati wa l-arda bi qadirin ala ay yahlyuka mislyahum. Balya wa huwa l-hallaku l-"alim.
(82) Innama "amruhu iza arada shai'an ay yakula lahu kun fayakun.
(83) Fa subhana llazi biyadihi malakutu kulli shay`iv va ilyayhi turja"un.
From the book “Salvation in Prayer” by Mufti Ravil Gainutdin and Marat Murtazin


In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!
36:1. Ya - Sin. This surah begins with these two letters, like some other surahs of the Qur'an that begin with separate letters.
36:2. I swear by the Koran, in which there is wisdom and useful knowledge.
36:3. Verily, you, O Muhammad, are from among those messengers of Allah whom Allah sent to people with guidance and the religion of truth,
36:4. on the straight path, namely, faith in Islam.
36:5. This religion was sent down by the Mighty, the Invincible, who has power over all things, and whom no one can forbid to do what He wishes. He is merciful to His servants, for He has sent them someone who can guide them on the path to salvation,
36:6. so that you may warn a people to whose fathers no warner was sent, and this people neglects its duty to Allah, to itself and to other people.
36:7. We knew before that most of them would not choose faith. What was predetermined in Our knowledge regarding them has actually been fulfilled, for they will not believe.
36:8. We have made those who persistently deny the faith like those who have shackles placed on their necks up to their chins, and their heads are raised up, constrained by narrow shackles, and their eyes are downcast, and they cannot turn their heads to see.
36:9. And We have made those who do not see Our signs and proofs like those who are confined between two barriers - one in front of them, the other behind them - so that they see nothing either in front or behind.
36:10. Whether you admonish them or not, they still do not believe.
36:11. Your admonition is useful only to those who follow the Quran and fear the Most Gracious, although they do not see Him. Tell (O Muhammad!) the good news to these people about Allah's forgiveness of their sins and a wonderful reward for their good deeds.
36:12. Verily, We give life to the dead and record their deeds in the next life and the traces they left after death. And We write everything down in the Clear Book.
36:13. Bring (O prophet!) to your people a parable about the inhabitants of the city to whom We sent messengers to guide them to the straight path. This parable is similar to the story of your people.
36:14. We sent two to them, but they denied them. We strengthened Our messengers with a third messenger, and these three told the people of the city that they had been sent to them.
36:15. The inhabitants of the city answered them: “You are only people like us, and the Merciful One did not instill any Revelation in any of the people. You are only people who tell lies."
36:16. The messengers answered them: “Our Lord, who sent us, knows that we have been sent to you.
36:17. Our task is only to convey to you the Message of Allah clearly and clearly.”
36:18. The inhabitants of the city said: “We see a bad omen in you! We swear, if you do not stop preaching, we will stone you, and you will be severely punished by us.”
36:19. The messengers told them: “This is a bad omen from yourselves, from your unbelief. Really, if they preach to you what your happiness is, do you think that we are a sign of a bad omen for you, and threaten us with painful punishment?! Verily, you have transgressed all the limits of truth and justice.”
36:20. A man came running from the distant outskirts of the city and said to the residents of the city: “O people, follow the messengers of Allah!
36:21. Follow those who do not ask you for compensation for advice and guidance. Indeed, they are on the straight path, and you will benefit from them leading you along the straight path of goodness and success.
36:22. What prevents me from worshiping the One who created me? And to Him only, and not to anyone else, you will return!
36:23. Am I really going to worship other gods besides Him, who cannot help me or intercede for me if Allah wishes me harm?
36:24. Am I really going to worship other gods besides Allah? After all, I would then find myself in obvious error.
36:25. I have believed in your Lord, who created you and cares for you. Listen to me and obey Allah!”
36:26-27. Because of his faith and call to Allah, he was commanded: “Enter paradise.” He said, being in the midst of the bliss surrounding him and feeling what honor he had been awarded: “Oh, if only my people knew why my Lord forgave me and joined me with the honorable ones, so that they would believe in Allah as I do!”
36:28. We did not send any army from heaven against his people to destroy them, for We never sent the heavenly army against those whom We intended to destroy.
36:29. We destroyed them with just one cry sent at them, and now they died like an extinguished fire.
36:30. What a great loss they were at! They are deplorable. After all, as soon as We sent an envoy to them, they began to mock him.
36:31. Did they not pay attention to how many nations We destroyed before them, and did not learn an instructive lesson from this?! After all, they will not return again to the earthly world.
36:32. All peoples - ancestors and those following - will be gathered before Us, they will be forced to return to Us.
36:33. The proof of Our power in the resurrection is the sign - dry land; We revived it with water and grew on it the grain that you eat.
36:34-35. We have planted in it gardens of palm trees and vineyards, and we have created in it springs of water with which the trees are irrigated and their fruits grow for them to feed on. They did not create all this with their own hands. Will they really not repay their debt to Allah and thank Him with their faith in Him and praising Him?!
36:36. Praise be to Allah Almighty, who created everything in pairs - male and female - from plants, from souls, and from everything that people do not know!
36:37. And another sign for them that Allah Almighty exists is night. We extract the light of day from it, and then people find themselves in darkness, and complete darkness surrounds them on all sides.
36:38. The sun completes its journey, the direction and duration of which are determined for it by Allah Almighty, the Wise, Knowing everything.
36:39. In Our wisdom We have determined the path of the moon by phases: small at the beginning of the month, it increases as the nights pass until it becomes full moon. Then it begins to shrink in the same way until it becomes, like a dried palm branch, curved and yellow.
36:40. The sun cannot leave its path, catch up with the moon and enter its orbit. And the night cannot get ahead of the day and prevent its appearance. They follow each other regularly. After all, the sun, moon and stars move along the arch in their orbit and do not leave it.
36:41. Another sign for these people is what We carried human race in an ark laden with their belongings.
36:42. And We created other vehicles similar to the ark, on which they ride.
36:43. If We had wanted to drown them, We would have drowned them, and there would have been no helper for them, and they would not have been saved from destruction.
36:44. By Our mercy, We will not drown them, but will leave them to enjoy the benefits until a certain time.
36:45. And when they are told: “Fear what happened to the peoples who were before you, for denying faith in Allah, and fear punishment in future life, to which you will be subjected for your persistent disbelief now - perhaps Allah will spare you if you fear Him! - but they turn away from this admonition.
36:46. They turn away from any sign that comes to them from Allah and proves the monotheism of Allah and His power.
36:47. And when believers tell them: “Sacrifice from what Allah has given you!” - the unbelievers answer the believers: “Shall we feed those whom Allah could feed if He wished? This will be against the will of Allah, and you who call for sacrifice are clearly blind and do not see the truth.”
36:48. And these disbelievers say mockingly to the believers: “When will the promise (about the future life) that you talk about be fulfilled, if you are really truthful?”
36:49. But they will not wait for anything except the sound of a trumpet, which will take them by surprise while they bicker about the affairs of earthly life, forgetting about the distant life.
36:50. They will not be able, because of a sudden voice that strikes them, to make a will or return to their families.
36:51. And the trumpet will sound, announcing the resurrection, and behold, the dead come out of their graves and rush to meet Allah. And when the trumpet will sound and what it will be like - only Allah knows about it!
36:52. Those who have been resurrected from their graves will exclaim: “Woe to us! What disaster awaits us?! Who resurrected us from eternal sleep?!” They will be answered: “Today is the Day of Resurrection, which the Merciful promised to His servants, and the messengers were truthful in announcing it.”
36:53. The call to come out of the graves is just one voice, and now they have all been gathered to Us, and they will all appear before Us for reckoning and retribution.
36:54. On this Day, not a single soul will have its punishment reduced for what it has done, and not a single soul will be offended. After all, you will be fairly rewarded for those good deeds and for those atrocities that you committed in your next life.
36:55. Verily, on that Day the inhabitants of the Gardens of Paradise will
enjoy the blessings and indulge in joy and delight.
36:56. They, together with their spouses, recline in the shade of trees on decorated beds.
36:57. For them there will be fruit in the Gardens of Eden different varieties and everything they want.
36:58. They will be told with a word from the Merciful Lord: “Peace!”
36:59. On this Day the sinners will be told: “Separate yourself today, O sinners, from the faithful!
36:60. Didn’t I command you, O children of Adam, not to listen to Satan and not to worship him? After all, he is a clear enemy for you.
36:61. Have I not commanded you to worship Me alone? After all, your monotheism and worship only of Me is a wonderful straight path!
36:62. Shaitan has deceived many of you, leading you astray. Didn't you understand and understand this when you listened to him and obeyed him?
36:63. They will be told: “This is the hell that was promised to you in earthly life, as a reward for your unbelief and wickedness.
36:64. Enter it on this Day and remain in its heat and heat because you disbelieved!“
36:65. On this Day We will seal their mouths, and they will not be able to speak, but their hands and feet will speak, bearing witness to their deeds.
36:66. If We wished, We would deprive them of sight in the next life, and they would rush, overtaking each other, to find the way. But how can they see him if We have blinded them?!
36:67. If We wanted, We would change their appearance, giving them a bad appearance, despite their strength and position, and then they could neither step forward nor retreat back, for We weakened them, depriving them of their strength.
36:68. Those to whom We bestow longevity, We make weak from the strong. Do they really not understand and comprehend Our power and ability to do this, so as to know that the immediate life is a transitory world, and the future life is eternal?
36:69. We did not teach verses to Our prophet. After all, this does not suit his rank and position, and it is not appropriate for him to be a poet. Verily, the Qur'an is nothing more than sermons, and is a Heavenly Clear Book sent down to him, having nothing to do with poetry,
36:70. to exhort those who have living heart and clear
reason, and so that the word about the punishment of those who refutes and denies the Koran is justified.
36:71. Are those who disbelieved so blind that they do not see how We created for them with Our power cattle, which they own and dispose of as they wish?
36:72. We have made the cattle obedient to them: they ride some, and eat others.
36:73. Livestock has a lot of benefits for them, because they use its wool, fluff, skin and bones, and drink milk. Do they really forget these blessings and not thank the One who gives them these blessings?
36:74. Polytheists worshiped deities other than Allah, hoping for their help and intercession.
36:75. But these gods would not be able to help them if Allah wished them harm. Truly, they are unable to harm them or benefit them, but the wicked serve their weak deities and protect them like an army.
36:76. Let not the fabrications of the polytheists about Allah, nor their refutation of your call, nor their misrepresentation that you are a liar. Verily, We know what they hide and what they say openly, and We will reward them for it!
36:77. Does man really deny the existence of Allah and His power? Doesn’t he see that We created him from an insignificant drop?! And so - he is hostile and openly opposes (Us).
36:78. This one, who opposes, gives parables, denying Our ability to revive bones that have decayed. But he forgot how and by whom he himself was created from nothingness. So a hostile person asks: “Who can revive the decayed bones?”
36:79. Tell him (O Muhammad!): “He who originally created them will revive them.” After all, the One who created you the first time can resurrect you. Verily, Allah is knowledgeable in every creation and is able to collect the scattered individual parts.
36:80. Allah is the One who created fire for you from green wood after it dried up.
36:81. Have they really lost their minds and don’t understand that the One who created heaven and earth on such a grand scale can resurrect people - small and weak? Yes, He is able to create everything. He is the Creator, the Mighty, the Wise, and His knowledge embraces everything that exists!
36:82. When He wishes to create something, He only has to command it, saying: “Be!” - and it will immediately be.
36:83. Glory to Allah, the Great Creator, whose power extends to all things. He creates everything, leads everything and disposes of everything! He is above everything that does not become Him! To Him alone you will be returned, and He will reward you for the deeds that you have committed!
Al-Muntahab fi tafsir al-Quran al-Karim

Any person, if he is a believer, regardless of his religion, seeks help and support from higher powers. Most often at such moments he turns to sacred texts. After all, many people know that the words of prayers or holy scriptures can help even in the most difficult cases. In Islam, in addition to the obligatory five times prayer, mandatory action reading a holy book is considered. Believers listen and read suras from the Koran for every day. They perform prayers for different purposes.

Prayer for every day

Duas for every day can be different. Or the same ones are repeated. The most famous and important prayer word Korsi (ayat-al Kursi) began to recite. Islamic theologians advise reading it daily at any time and in any situation. Before leaving home or before an important task. When going to bed or vice versa, when a person wakes up.

For example, after the night Isha prayer, it is advised to read the last verses of Surah Cow. And on Fridays there are poems from Al-Kahf. Every evening you can read Yasin. According to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Allah will forgive the reader all his sins. Whoever reads Surah Ad-Dukhan in the evening, 70 thousand angels will ask for him. Or read the last 3 verses of Surah Al-Hashr in the morning. Then the angels will pray for him until the evening.

And if death overtakes him at this time, he will die as a suicide bomber. Whatever surahs a Muslim reads every day, it will in any case be good for him. This is why reading the Quran is so important in Islam.

Basically, people try to find a prayer with the help of which everything will be “okay” in their lives. But the semantics of this word is different for everyone. But in fact, there are several main trends in Islam to improve your existence. Therefore, when turning to God in prayer, you need to specifically ask for this:

It is also useful to ask for knowledge every day. To do this, you can read verse 114, 20 of Surah Ta Ha. When sitting down at the table and after finishing the meal, they also say words of gratitude. It is necessary to read surahs and verses before going to bed or in the morning. On the way to the mosque, for a walk or on important matters. You can pray in any language and in any words. The main thing is that the dua comes from the heart and with sincere faith in the omnipotence of Allah Almighty.

Cleaning the house

IN Muslim world They believe in a parallel world of genies. They are the ones who can ruin people's lives in their own home. Cause various troubles. Quarrels and enmity between relatives begin in the family. Jinns also include believers and non-believers. And they can cause considerable harm to a person. Sometimes genies take over the body and torment the soul.

In such cases, reading the Quran to cleanse the house helps. Cleaning is carried out under special conditions:

  • General cleaning must be done.
  • Ghusl (complete ablution).
  • Wear clean clothes.
  • Read the Koran slowly, pronouncing the words clearly.

Azan also helps to cleanse the apartment. When the call to prayer sounds, Shaitan and the genies are leaving this place. The most effective surah from the Koran for cleansing the house is Al-Bakara; Surah Al-Imran is also read for these purposes.

Surahs that have a beneficial effect on the home environment and family relationships are An-Nur or Ar-Rahman.

Brazil is considered to be the birthplace of cashews. There this tree still grows wild, and wild cashew nuts are also found in the islands Caribbean Sea. It was first cultivated in Brazil, and today more than 30 countries are the main suppliers of raw materials to the world market. The following countries export it: warm climate like India, Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand etc. This type nut does not grow in Russia, but from countries former USSR grown only in the south of Azerbaijan.

The cashew nut shell contains a caustic balm containing toxic substances (kardol), which causes skin irritation.

The cutting of nuts is done manually, and this process is very dangerous: even among experienced “nut cutters”, cases of burns with cardol are often observed. Because of this, nuts are collected with gloves and boiled in a special liquid before consumption, after which the shell is made harmless and fragile.

If you go to any tropical country, and you will have the opportunity to peel the cashews yourself, don’t even try, as it is very unhealthy!

Benefits of cashew nuts

Consistent consumption of these nuts improves brain activity, increases memory and concentration.

Cashews bring particular benefits to people with high cholesterol, as well as those suffering from atherosclerosis and poor vascular condition (presence of atherosclerotic plaques, thrombosis and heart disease).

The nut is very healthy and has an anti-sclerotic effect. It effectively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system: it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them elastic, and also improves blood circulation. The high content of potassium has a healing effect on cardiac activity: the production of hemoglobin is normalized and the composition of the blood improves.

Frequent consumption of cashew fruit strengthens the immune system, and also helps with bronchitis, anemia (anemia), etc.

Cashew in moderate amount is able to normalize blood sugar levels.

The Arabic word “naskh” (نسخ) is translated into Russian as “annulment”, “cancellation”. In Quranic sciences, this term is used to designate those verses that cancel Sharia norms enshrined in previously revealed parts Holy Book Muslims And some Islamic jurists even noted that the verses of the Koran can be canceled by the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). The abrogated verses are indicated Arabic word"mansukh" (منسوخة).

It is noteworthy that neither in the Quran nor in the Most Pure Sunnah is the abrogation of a verse directly noted anywhere (for example, “such and such a verse is abrogated by another verse...”), although words with the root “n-s-kh” are found several times, but in different context. There is only general description phenomena:

“When We replace one verse with another, they say: “Verily, you are a liar.” Allah knows best what He reveals" (16:101)

Information about the specific replacement of one verse with another is available only from the words of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) or through the construction of some logical constructions. According to some estimates, 21 of the 114 Quranic suras contain abrogated verses.

The verse quoted above (16:101) establishes general principle abrogation of an old verse by a new one. This principle was introduced by Islamic jurists in relation not only to the Quranic text, but also to the sayings of the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.w.). Another important verse of the Holy Book regarding the abrogation of parts of its text is the following:

“Allah erases and confirms what He wills, and with Him is the Mother of Scripture” (13:39)

Theologians consider it as the source of two main types of abrogation of verses and hadiths - prohibitions And repression.

Another verse explains why the first parts of the Noble Quran can be replaced:

“We did not send such a messenger or prophet before you, lest Satan insert his own into his reading when he read the revelation. Allah destroys what Satan throws up. Then Allah confirms His signs, for Allah is Knowing, Wise" (22:52)

This verse, when viewed through the prism of the history of the so-called “satanic verses,” acquires additional meaning. Here it is necessary to note what is meant by the provocative term “satanic verses”. We are talking about verses from Surah “Star”:

“Have you seen al-Lat and al-Uzza, and a third one - Manat?” (53:19-20)

Some historians, including Muslim ones (at-Tabari and ibn Hisham), argued that, according to some legends, the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.), after returning from Ethiopia, tried to achieve peace with the Meccans and named the deities revered by them holy angels. He subsequently retracted these words and stated that they were spoken under the influence of Satan. The overwhelming majority of Muslim scholars consider this version to be falsification, however, in connection with it, the 52nd verse takes on a new shade. The fact is that it allows us to justify the method of canceling the verse “naskh al-hukm wal-ittilawa”, according to which the meaning of the Koranic text loses its practical relevance, just as the text itself disappears from the collection (mushafa).

The other two cancellation methods are “naskh al-hukm duna at-tilyawa” And “naskh at-tilyawa duna al-hukm”. The essence of the first is that the text is preserved in the mushaf (collection), but its meaning loses its relevance in the light of the verse published later.

Examples of mansukh and nasikh verses in the Quran

Abolished verse

The canceling verse

2:115 “To Allah belong the east and the west. Wherever you turn, there will be the Face of Allah..."
2:144 “We saw how you turned your face to the sky, and We will turn you to the qibla with which you will be pleased. Turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque. Wherever you are, turn your faces towards her..."

2:184 “You should fast for a few days. And if any of you is sick or on a journey, then let him fast for the same number of days at other times. And those who are able to fast with difficulty should feed the poor as atonement. And if someone voluntarily does a good deed, then so much the better for him. But you’d better fast, if only you knew!”

2:185 “In the month of Ramadan, the Qur'an was revealed - a sure guide for the people, clear evidence of right guidance and discernment. Whoever this month finds among you must fast. And if anyone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast for the same number of days at other times. Allah desires ease for you and does not desire difficulty for you. He wants you to complete a certain number of days and glorify Allah for guiding you to the straight path..."

2:183 “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for your predecessors, so perhaps you will be afraid.”
2:187 “...Eat and drink until you can distinguish the white thread of dawn from the black one, and then fast until nightfall. Do not have intimacy with them [wives] while you are in the mosques. These are the limits of Allah..."
4:15 “Against those of your women who commit an abominable act (adultery), call four of you as witnesses. If they testify to this, then keep them in their homes until death puts them to rest or until Allah establishes another path for them.”
24:2 “The adulteress and the adulterer, flog each of them a hundred times. Let not pity for them overtake you for the sake of the religion of Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of believers be witnesses to their punishment.”
58:12 “O you who believe! If you talk with the Messenger in secret, then precede your secret conversation with alms. It will be better for you and cleaner. But if you find nothing, then Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."
58:13 “Were you afraid to precede your secret conversation with alms? If you did not do this and Allah accepted your repentance, then perform prayer, pay zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah knows what you do."
60:11 “If any of your wives left you for the disbelievers, after which you received spoils of war, then give to those whose wives left what they spent on the dowry. Fear Allah in whom you believe."
8:41 “Know that if you captured spoils, then a fifth of them belongs to Allah, the Messenger, the close relatives of the Messenger, the orphans, the poor and the travelers, if you believe in Allah and in what We revealed to Our servant on the Day of Discretion, on the day the two armies met at Badr. Indeed, Allah is capable of everything."
16:67 “From the fruits of palm trees and vineyards you receive intoxicating drink and good sustenance. Indeed, in this is a sign for a people who reflect."
2:219 “They ask you about wine and gambling. Say: "They contain great sin, but there is also benefit for people, although there is more sin in them than benefit." They ask you what they should spend. Say: "Excess." Thus Allah explains the signs to you, so perhaps you will reflect."
4:43 “O you who believe! Do not approach prayer while drunk."

5:90-91 “O you who believe! Indeed, intoxicating drinks, gambling, stone altars (or idols) and divination arrows are the abominations of Satan's deeds. Avoid her, perhaps you will succeed. Indeed, Satan, with the help of intoxicating drinks and gambling, wants to sow enmity and hatred among you and turn you away from the remembrance of Allah and prayer. Won't you stop?"

The second method of abolition - “naskh at-tilyawa duna al-hukm” - means the abolition of the text, but not the principle itself or the rule embedded in it. If according to the first two methods the opinions of scientists are more or less consolidated in terms of recognition of their legitimacy, then regarding the latter there are significant disagreements. Its explicit embodiment can be found, for example, in the punishment for adulterers contained in the second verse of Surah “Light”:

“The adulteress and the adulterer, flog each of them a hundred times...” (24:2)

The text directly speaks of punishment in the form of flogging. However, the tradition, which dates back to the time of the second righteous caliph Umar (r.a.), establishes stoning as a punishment for adulterers in nikah.

Let us also note that the issue of the abolition of the Most Pure Sunnah of the Quranic verse is subject to serious discussion in Islamic theology and jurisprudence. The Shafi'i madhhab does not recognize such a mechanism as legal, while in it it is acceptable.

As an example of the abolition of an verse by hadith, the following fragment from Surah “Bakara” can be cited:

“When death approaches one of you and he leaves behind goods, he is ordered to leave a will to his parents and next of kin on reasonable terms. This is the duty of the pious.” (2:180)

This Koranic text was canceled, firstly, by the verses about the process of inheritance in Surah an-Nisa, and secondly, by a hadith from Anas ibn Malik. It narrates that the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.w.) forbade the making of wills that contribute to the distribution of inheritance not in the proportions that were established in Surah an-Nisa (the hadith is transmitted in the collection of Ibn Majah).

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