Tired of caring for a girl. How to care for a girl. Write her a letter. Normal

The rules of courting a girl are not a strict code of conduct, but only a few useful tips for men, how to achieve a goal.

Any relationship in a couple develops according to a unique scenario. However, there are a number of rules in the code of love that have stood the test of generations that will help diversify your courtship. Without them, relationships can crack and fail to pass the test, and fail to develop into a great and bright feeling. The rules of courting a girl are not a strict code of behavior, these are some useful tips for men.

A classic of the genre that girls never get tired of - flowers as a gift, with or without reason. Many men think that this ancient ritual The women themselves came up with the idea and turned the flower presentation into a duty, into an “obligation.” A bouquet for a birthday, March 8 and Valentine's Day - why does a girl need more cut flowers? However, living reminders of love given from the heart will gratefully respond with a smile and a tender look from your beloved. Such moments of courtship remain in the memory of women for a long time, while the image of a man in girls’ eyes increases significantly.

Aimless wandering through the streets sooner or later gets boring for every couple, even the most in love. Long conversations or eloquent silence cannot add romance. It's time to turn on your creativity and choose interesting shapes communication. Inviting a girl to a nightclub or bowling alley, horseback riding or a cafe, an amusement park or a picnic, a celebrity concert or a trip abroad - all these communication options involve significant financial expenses. However, you can just as easily come up with an interesting a budget option romantic trip with exploring local attractions. Such an emotional excursion will help young people get to know each other better. Find personal cozy places, name them good names and send it to a general museum of memories - these impressions remain in the memory for a long time, having high liquidity.

Flowers are flowers, but as a keepsake, the girl should have tangible evidence of ardent passion in the form of things dear to her heart and souvenirs. “Your gift is not dear to me, your love is dear,” this line from an old song has long been published and has become irrelevant. Love is undoubtedly a feeling for which it is worth being born, but not everything can be said by words and looks, deeds and actions. Little signals of love are cute little things, girls love trinkets very much, they brag about these gifts to their friends, emphasizing the reverent and tender attitude of a man. The price of such gifts depends on the financial status of the beloved and his generosity. At the same time, the process of giving, the words with which the sign of love is presented, are no less important.

Sooner or later, in a serious relationship between a couple, the moment of truth comes when it is impossible not to admit sincere love. Templates and stamps in this subtle issue it can not be. Every confession should be business card uniqueness of the individual, which is why you should not be shy and swallow words. You can confess your love often, but each time it should be with a different facial expression, with a special intonation, sincerely and purely.

... after all, these are all happy moments of love,” the line of Bulat Okudzhava’s immortal song is true. Not a single girl, even the most persistent one, can do without compliments The Snow Queen. However, there is a fine line in this art - you can easily slip into flattery or say a “sweet” compliment, which will certainly characterize a man as a cynic or a complex person. It’s not difficult to find a reason for a beautiful and subtle compliment; it’s enough to remember what qualities of your beloved’s personality you truly admire. Is she a great housewife? Gorgeous? Is he a great driver? Famous athlete? It's time to tell her about it. Of course, she knows this herself, but she will be happy to hear confirmation of her guesses, because girls love with their ears.

A girl considers each lover, first of all, as strong man, which is why he can seek real male help. Sometimes moral support or opinion is enough to make a strong-willed decision, but more often a woman needs physical help - to carry heavy bags home, to repair a computer, plumbing, electrical appliance, and the like. Not every man has all these skills; there’s no need to be embarrassed or suffer over this, but you don’t need to sharply refuse a girl either. Can you suggest solving it? everyday problem with the help of special repair services, taking on the responsibility of calling a technician. Women usually appreciate this.

No decent girl will forgive the sudden disappearance. If life circumstances are such that regular meetings are impossible, you need to warn your friend about this. The unknown gives rise to a lot of ambiguities and disagreements, scandals and hysterics. Frequent calls, SMS and meetings will help you understand each other faster and grow flowers of mutual love.

There is nothing worse than a man being late for a date. Making a girl wait is a sign of bad upbringing. Faster life, the vices of big cities in the form of traffic jams can disrupt the plans of lovers. If such a life problem arises, you need to call back and warn about being late. True, a date as a sign of reconciliation will have to be turned into a mini-holiday in order to smooth out indirect guilt.

The famous American comedy “Rules of Renting: The Hitch Method” (2005) became a real training for all men on the topic of courting a girl. In an ironic and very kind form main character Alex Hitchens, played by Will Smith, gives psychology lessons to insecure men, helping them make any woman fall in love with them. He is a professional in his field, although he is lonely. By the picture interesting fate: The film grossed over $177 million at the American box office and received numerous awards and nominations.

This romantic comedy is nothing more than a single full-fledged canvas woven from absurdities, valuable advice on the psychology of relationships, jokes, kisses and a small portion of cynicism. Famous Quote Hitch: “Life is measured not by the number of breaths taken, but by the number of moments when happiness takes your breath away,” can become a catchphrase for years.

These tips are not a template for unconditional implementation, blind adherence to which is stupid and unromantic. These are just general recommendations to help avoid a break in relationships and build a strong connection that will last for years.

No matter how sad it may sound, many guys don’t know at all how to care for a girl correctly and beautifully in order to please both her and themselves. And some not only don’t know or don’t know how, but even consider it completely unnecessary and superfluous.

This is explained by one of the following phrases: “It’s wrong to court girls if they already agree to a lot” or “Why should I strain for the sake of someone who is still no one to me, and I don’t know if she will become closer?”

The first male position has a right to exist in the event that the man is really so cool that women, at his first request, run and offer themselves. And he can only choose “the dish he likes from the proposed menu.”

The second position is also reasonable for those men who begin to beautifully court a girl only after they understand that she is the one with whom they want to build a serious relationship. Indeed, if you already invest, then not in everyone, but only in one single, chosen, unique one.

What about all the other representatives of the stronger sex? They simply go through women one after another, trying to use their bodies for “a single purpose.” And at the same time they are still surprised why girls drop hints or speak directly about gifts, flowers, restaurants, and then, not receiving any of this, simply “merge.” Moreover, men don’t understand why suddenly, instead of a nice “Hello”, for no reason at all, they hear only short beeps in the handset, and do not receive a reply SMS to their “hello :-)”. They really don’t understand that they themselves did something wrong, and abdicate responsibility, finding an excuse for their failures in the fact that girls today are too materialistic and corrupt, that they only need parties and expensive gifts... What nonsense!

Of course, in nature there is a category of “empty” beauties who have only clothes on their minds, branded cosmetics, beauty salons and the fix idea “how to seduce a rich daddy.” But if a man is constantly drawn to such beautiful “barbies, focused on money,” then it is his problem that he cannot afford to satisfy the needs of such a barbie. If you don’t hesitate, don’t strain yourself and look for a girl among adequate, smart, serious and non-mercantile people.

And there is no need to say that there are no such girls. Eat. You just need to take care of them, beautifully and correctly. Attention: do not buy, but care for!

We are not talking about gifts in the form of gold jewelry and trips to Greece. After all, you can simply invite someone not straight away to your bed, but to dinner at a restaurant or an evening movie show, after which you can easily continue the evening at home... Why are men so stingy that they are greedy for a rose, so lazy that they do not want to tear their butt off? sofa for the sake of a walk under the moonlight, and are so boring that they are not able to offer something more interesting than just “come visit”...

However, there is still a belief that there are men who are different from their infantile, boring, greedy and primitive brothers, incapable of creativity, romance and initiative. For them, below are several ideas on how to look after a girl beautifully.

  1. The classics of the genre are, of course, flowers. It’s not a fact that you will be able to guess which flowers are her favorite, but the girl will definitely appreciate the sign of attention. And there is no need to try to understand what women find in these plants, which will wither in a few days. You still won’t understand, so just give flowers!
  2. Let the girl know what you think about her. One SMS message during the day is already a sign of attention. Don’t make such a common mistake in courting a girl as: you met on Saturday, and then until the next Saturday there is no answer or greeting from you.
  3. Don't be late for your date! Being late is precisely a female weakness, but not a male one.
  4. Don't forget about compliments! A girl loves with her ears, and this folk wisdom cannot be neglected. You can say that her overall image is very attractive, or focus on some wardrobe details that suit her very well. (Read about How to compliment a man correctly. 15 reasons to praise.)
  5. But don't overdo it in expressing your admiration. Otherwise, it may cause a completely unnecessary effect. The abuse of words of admiration is very similar to flattery and fawning.
  6. When talking to a girl, never talk about your ex-passion in a negative way. Even if she was the last..., there is no need to voice it. Throwing mud at your ex will definitely not elevate you in the eyes of your current one.
  7. A real man in the understanding of all, without exception, ladies should personify strength and protection. This should be a person whose strong shoulder you can lean on if difficulties arise in life. Therefore, do not hesitate to show your responsiveness and reliability in cases where the girl needs help. If she mentioned a breakdown of some equipment or electrical appliance, be sure to offer to fix it. If you don’t understand this yourself, contact special repair services.
  8. If a girl has a favorite pet that she dotes on, don’t speak badly about the animals. Even if you hate hamsters, and the girl is interested in talking about her Hamster, tactfully shift the conversation to another topic. And if you bring a small gift for her pet, the girl will certainly appreciate it.
  9. If a girl reacts aggressively to some of your proposals or statements, instead of being offended, apologize and turn it into a joke: “I expected that I would get such a reaction, but I had to try, right?”
  10. In general, proper courtship of girls involves actions by men that evoke positive emotions in women. And you can’t do without a sense of humor here. Make jokes more often, make the girl smile and laugh. This will certainly endear you to your person. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to give the impression of a jester and a clown.
  11. You shouldn't talk about how much you earn. Questions about your salary don’t make a girl look good, and the answers to them don’t make you look good. An intelligent representative of the fair sex will be able to estimate a man’s wealth by his car, clothes and what he orders in a restaurant.
  12. Do not lie! It is very easy to get confused in your lies. And if this doesn’t happen today, then in a week or a month you will probably get a puncture. And this is not good, because... the girl will note to herself that you cannot be trusted or trusted.
  13. Many men think that if a girl accepts an invitation to come over for tea or watch a movie, then she automatically agrees to intimacy. Men, be responsible for your words! If you call for coffee, then drink coffee and don’t drag him straight from the doorway to bed! Of course, you can make some attempts to kiss, but then look at the girl’s reaction: whether she agrees to continue or not. A cup of coffee doesn't have to end in rape or scandal.
  14. Gifts are a sore point... For some reason, some men think that if a woman expects gifts, it means she is mercantile and selfish. (Read about what is self-interest.) No, it's just female nature! We just love all sorts of trinkets and quite useful things that men present to us as a sign of their affection. And it's not just about expensive things. A beautiful pen, a keychain, a notepad, and you never know what else you can come up with if you have imagination and the desire to do something nice. A woman gives you her honor, but you feel sorry for money for gifts...
  15. More creativity in your pastime options! Romantic gatherings in the park or in a cafe with your favorite cup of coffee are cozy and soulful. But if the same thing is repeated from date to date, it becomes boring, monotonous and uninteresting. Therefore, include activities such as:
  • Going to bowling,
  • Horse rides,
  • Amusement park,
  • Theaters,
  • Concerts,
  • Picnics,
  • Cinemas,
  • Exhibitions,
  • Ice Palace,
  • Night club,
  • Excursions,
  • Beaches,
  • Interest clubs…

Take care of the girls correctly and beautifully! And don’t ask the question: “Why?” Just take action!

Courtship is a mandatory ritual love relationship, through which absolutely all living beings pass. Look around, even in the animal world, courtship occurs first, and then the relationship for the sake of which this courtship was carried out. IN human world A man should be the first to court a woman in order to make her fall in love with him, interest her, and make her his. And only then does his courtship stop or become unstable, which often leads to various kinds of indignation on the part of the fair sex.

So, courtship is a must in any relationship. If we talk about the beginning of a relationship, it is usually the man who courts the woman. Why is he doing this? First of all, to interest and please the lady who probably likes him.

Every person is a being who strives to communicate with other representatives of his own species. If a person does not seek contact with other people, this is a certain kind of mental disorder. All other people strive for relationships with each other. This desire leads to a special kind of difficulties and problems that everyone faces, but not everyone overcomes them successfully.

Do all people want to like each other? This can be seen very clearly in personal relationships between men and women, as well as in the work sphere, where high level the sympathy of superiors for subordinates helps the latter to advance career ladder. But at the same time, the most ridiculous desire of a person can be the desire to please absolutely everyone. This is also a kind of psychological disharmony when a person is not able to be satisfied with his own and other people’s assessments of people, rejecting negative reviews about himself.

The desire to please others leads to the fact that a person becomes different from who he really is. In psychology this is called a mask. A person plays a role that allows him to receive those benefits from other people that he desires. For example, a shy man puts on the mask of a Don Juan in order to appear to the women around him as an expert on women's needs and a skillful performer of them. Outwardly, he receives attention from women, but on the inside he continues to remain a shy man.

A person would win in the eyes of people if he were what he always was and is, and did not pretend to be what he never was and never will be. “What could be the gain here?” - many will think, remembering the moments of their disappointment when they tried to demonstrate to others their real selves. And the benefit here is that you will be surrounded only by those people who really care about you. Let it be just one or three people, but next to them you will behave naturally, relaxed, without fear of condemnation or loss of sympathy for yourself. Otherwise, when you try to attract everyone's interest without being yourself, you only lose energy, but do not gain true friends and loved ones. Sooner or later, these people will leave and those who truly value you will remain next to you. So, is it worth wasting time and energy on those people who will all leave early?

You can say that people try to please each other in order to receive praise or other type of reward for their actions. But is this praise sincere and real? When you receive praise, consider whether you deserve it. If you don't deserve it, then you've been ridiculed. And this is much more painful than not receiving any approval. Remember that the best praise is that which comes from a person who is not interested in any benefit and to whom you have done nothing good.

And here is another beautiful thought that you should repeat in your head every time you or you are provoked to please others. Don't worry about what other people think of you. They are too concerned about what you think about them!

Courtship can be very diverse. It all depends on the person’s temperament, his capabilities (money) and imagination. Courtship is a demonstration of positive emotions, pleasant communication, visiting various interesting and beautiful places, giving gifts, light and exciting touches. How to care for a girl? Here you can use the following typical methods:

  1. Giving flowers and other gifts.
  2. Trips to restaurants and cafes.
  3. Seeing you home.
  4. Giving compliments.
  5. Opening doors for a girl and pulling up chairs for her to sit down.

In other words, courtship is the performance of actions that should be pleasant to the one for whom they are performed.

let's consider hidden meaning courtship:

  • In nature, animals and birds groom each other in order to charm each other with their beauty, please, appease, position and then gain access to the body.
  • The same thing happens in human nature. Let us disappoint the men themselves a little because they are guided by instincts, that is, they become animals, which is why they begin to care for women. Their main goal is the desire to sleep with the ladies they like. When does the desire to have a relationship with them arise? During those days, while the man courtes and gradually gets to know the woman. That's why many psychologists advise not to rush into intimacy. Let the man look after you, get to know you better, so that he can think not only about sex, but also about relationships, if he likes you as a person.

From this we can draw two conclusions if this article in the online magazine site is read by ladies. Firstly, if a man is courting you, it means he likes you. Does he want a relationship? Not yet known. It all depends on how quickly he offers sex and how he reacts to your refusal. If a man takes care of you for a long time, does not get lost after refusal, and also takes care of you even after sex, it means that he wants a relationship with you.

Secondly, a man must look after you. If you met a man, but he doesn’t call you, doesn’t invite you to meetings, doesn’t make surprises, then forget about him. This man is not interested in you, so all your actions in his direction can only result in one time in bed.

If a man is attracted to a woman, he tries to see her, hear her, and please her with surprises. If you are being courted, then pay attention to this gentleman. But if he is lost, then forget about him.

Men are not that primitive, just straightforward creatures. If they need something or are interested, they will do everything to make sure they have it. If they are not interested, then even under the threat of death they will not change their minds. This is why a woman needs to understand this, especially if she is wondering if a man loves her. If he calls you, tries to see you, listens to your stories, tries to please you with something, then he is interested in you. But if a man seems lost, then he is not interested in you. Your attempts to call him, see him, or have some kind of relationship may result in only a few cases of intimacy, but no more. It is impossible to force someone to fall in love with you, especially since a man always understands whether he likes a woman or not. If a man doesn't look after you, then he doesn't like you. It’s better to understand this, accept and let go of someone who is not interested in you. Pay attention to those who are already courting you, or just wait until someone who is interested in you appears in your life.

If you do not want to be a victim of a manipulator or suffer from unrequited love, then better understand what is happening. Fairy tales and illusions are nice. But it’s better to look at the world soberly and with understanding. If you are lonely and running after a man just because you don’t want to be alone, you better try to cope with your fear. Love your loneliness, get used to it, understand that being free is good. Then a man will appear in your life who will be interested in you and want to make you. A man must look after a woman, otherwise he is simply not worthy of your attention.

What does it mean to court a girl?

Courtship is an attempt to immerse a girl in the fairy tale she dreams of. Remember the fairy tale about Cinderella? So, every girl wants to meet her prince, who will make her life beautiful, rich and happy. To look after a girl beautifully, you need to constantly please her. And how you will do this depends on your capabilities and imagination.

To court a girl means to become her prince, who:

  1. Takes care of her. Open doors, carry her bags, solve her problems, etc.
  2. Makes her happy. Give gifts, take you to beautiful places, be beautiful yourself.
  3. Protects her. Solve her problems, protect her, understand if something worries her.
  4. Communicates with her using various gadgets. If you are not together, be sure to write or call her.
  5. Pays attention to her. But here you need to be careful not to infringe on her personal space. You shouldn't follow a girl everywhere. Be with her only sometimes, the rest of the time leaving her alone with your thoughts, desires, positive emotions and life in general.

How to properly care for a girl?

Courtship begins literally from the first days of acquaintance. Of course, the first meeting when you first met should not be of the nature of “throwing money left and right.” However, you can buy a cup of coffee or give a girl a ride home.

Already on the second you can look after a girl. Don't think that courtship consists of giving gifts, driving a girl around a cafe or paying compliments. These are all included, but they are not the only ones. Humanity remains important in courtship - you must show the girl what kind of person you are, despite the fact that you are trying to make her life bright and fabulous.

Chat with a girl, walk, talk in interesting topics, help in difficult situations. Sometimes make unexpected surprises and surprise. You don’t need to immediately dump your feelings on the girl. Let it take a few dates before she gets used to you, gets to know you better, and begins to experience something herself.

It is better to make a declaration of love beautifully and romantically, and not unexpectedly. Let your confession be what the girl wants to hear from you. You will understand this by her behavior. At first, the girl will act cold, distant, or simply friendly. But after a few dates, you can see that she begins to reach out to you, talks about relationships, makes plans for the future with you, etc. If you notice that a girl is always happy to see, hear, meet and spend time with you, you can confess to her that feelings.

A girl should feel safe around you. It doesn't just show up in your ability to protect her from bullies. You can demonstrate your ability to solve any problems:

  1. Call a taxi and pay for it if the girl cannot leave by other means of transport.
  2. Solve her life problems or just listen.
  3. Buy her new shoes if your heel suddenly breaks during a walk.

Beautiful courtship means, of course, gifts, compliments, trips to beautiful places and a waste of your money. You are creating a fairy tale for your lady whom you want to conquer. This requires considerable financial expenditure.

  • Learn to give compliments. The main rule is to pay attention to what the girl can also notice about herself. Praise what the girl really has.
  • Give gifts. Just don't overload her with them.
  • Go to beautiful places. They are not always cafes and restaurants. You can walk through parks, go boating, and be in nature.

How to care for a girl in a relationship?

Courtship often begins and ends during the candy-bouquet period. This often leads to constant whining on the part of the weaker sex, who enjoyed pleasant moments and are now deprived of them. Guys and men must understand that they need to court ladies not only to make them fall in love with themselves, but also later, when relationships begin, everyday life is formed, or even family life begins.

Of course, there is no need to give gifts and compliments every day. But you shouldn’t forget about them. Courtship a girl in a relationship periodically, but don’t deprive her of courtship altogether. Give gifts, give compliments, hug and kiss, have a pleasant conversation, take you to beautiful places from time to time, so that sometimes you can arrange a holiday for your beloved.

Bottom line

Courtship is mandatory stage at the beginning of a relationship and a desirable attribute in the future. Take care of your beloved women - this will please them and make them more loving towards you.

Many men often find themselves courting a girl for a long time, but do not see any reciprocity from her. What's the problem? What are they doing wrong?

In fact, it’s easy to make mistakes when courting girls. Women are mysterious and unpredictable creatures. Often they themselves do not know what they want. How to look after a girl beautifully? This article will provide some tips that will definitely help you get an answer to such a complex and important question.

How to properly care for a girl

To begin with, let us remind you that absolutely any lady will appreciate attention. For many of them, attention is exactly what is missing. How to start courting a girl? To begin with, just try asking a few questions about herself. Who did she study to be? What does she like best? What does she dream about? These questions are very simple, but the point is that they help not only get to know a person, but also gain his trust. Let us remind you once again that every girl likes it when they pay attention to her, and even more so they are sincerely interested in her personality.

You shouldn’t overplay your hand, since it’s not that difficult to recognize fake interest. How to avoid failure here? We advise you to learn to really be interested in people. Practice - you will definitely succeed sooner or later.

How to properly care for a girl? You need to understand that originality is important in this matter. In many cases, the issue does not even come down to money. Experienced men can spend an ordinary walk in such a way that the lady will be in seventh heaven. Constantly come up with something new, original and unusual. Don't try to repeat yourself. Take the time to learn a few poems, jokes, or just funny stories that you can use to fill awkward moments of silence.

Are you wondering how to look after a girl beautifully? Let's say right away that finances are important here. It was said just above that you can make even the most ordinary walk unforgettable. Yes, it's really true. However, do not forget that you always need variety. Hearts of many modern girls can only be conquered with the help of expensive gifts, restaurants and the like. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, since most men assert themselves by paying for a girl. Don't have money? Go and earn money! Prove that you are worthy of spending time with beautiful ladies.

Don't forget that a girl loves with her ears. Constantly compliment her, continue to be interested in her personality even after you have learned everything you need to know about her. In theory, in order to attract a representative of the fair sex to you, in some cases compliments alone are enough? Well, which of them wouldn’t agree to go on a date with a man who idolizes her?

How to properly care for a girl? Always show yourself only with the best side. Talk about what you have achieved in this life, what you want to achieve in the future and what it will give you. Ladies don't like weaklings and whiners. Let their image of you become embedded in their subconscious as the type of person they can rely on, who can actually achieve a lot.

Let's return again to the question of money. How to properly care for a girl? You need to spend a lot of money, but still do it in moderation. Here, in principle, everything depends on the purpose for which you need this or that lady. If you want to spend the rest of your life with her, then you shouldn’t spoil her too much - the fair sex gets used to money too quickly, without it it will be very difficult in the event of difficult life circumstances. If you need a fleeting romance, then you can litter it with banknotes - it’s quite effective.

How to properly care for a girl?

Of course they love attention. After all, every girl wants to constantly feel interesting and attractive! If you are going to court a girl, then the main thing that is required of you is constant signs of attention. Precisely constant, and not from time to time. It’s like with a flower - you forgot to water it, that’s it - interest in you faded and a more attentive admirer appeared on the horizon.
What signs of attention will help make your courtship more effective? Everything is simple here - any gifts, cards, SMS - everything will be appropriate, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to look intrusive. In addition, gifts do not have to be expensive. You're not going to buy her attention, are you? These can be any trinkets, the main thing is that they are cute and original. If it’s an SMS, then with some funny text that lifts the mood; if it’s some kind of trinket, then it’s unusual and memorable.

Very good sign flowers will be of attention. Guys cannot understand why flowers, cut off from their roots and doomed to wither, have such an effect on girls, but the fact remains that a gift of a flower has a flawless effect on a girl. Try not to forget to give flowers to the girl you are courting, not only on holidays.

When meeting a girl, be polite and gallant. Don’t forget to open the door, let him go forward, give him a coat, pull up a chair, give him a hand. In conversation, avoid slippery topics, vulgarity and ambiguity. When courting a girl, you should exclude all negativity from the conversation - do not criticize politicians, relatives, acquaintances or, God forbid, the girl’s friends.

When talking to a girl, be open and friendly. Don't forget to give compliments. Let them be sincere. You should not make ambiguous compliments with any subtext, for example, hinting at the decent contents of the neckline. Compliment the hairstyle, new shoes, gloves. Note the successful combination of colors in clothes or tastefully selected accessories.

You must be different from other guys - be interesting, attentive and have some skills that make you stand out from the crowd.

How should a guy look after a girl?

I have this question: how should a guy look after a girl? That is, we will now talk about ideal courtship. Most of the guys now have gone completely bad and don’t know how to look after girls at all. All they know how to do is come, get laid and wave. How do you think a guy should look after a girl? I mean the perfect courtship. What should it be and what should it look like?

Kristina Khokhlova

there are two options
1) if you are courting for the sake of getting laid, then everything will be banal for you. Cinema, flowers, parties, more flowers, etc.
2) if you really like a girl and you are crazy about her, then courtship will flow like a stream, or rather from the heart, and you will no longer ask this question here))

Yes, there’s no need to delve into this...no one owes anyone anything...everything is done at the behest of the heart and soul...but you manage to come and get over it....sya...to whom what is given... ... sometimes he is a gift himself and you don’t need anything from him...

Roman Ushakov

The guy should show his respect for you in every possible way. Give flowers, invite you on a date. And not to sleep through the night. . Must seek you. Respect your interests. Must be ready to help at any time. Help out in everything, even in some small things.

Alexander Abdullaev

If they gave you flowers and paid for dinner at a restaurant, it doesn’t mean anything. A guy should be a gentleman in the little things - give a hand on time, move a chair, help carry a heavy bag, walk home, don’t give offense, don’t be afraid to meet your parents. But the most important thing is to do everything unobtrusively, as if it was intended by nature. Well, it’s natural not to rush things. Tell me, are these people gone? No, this is exactly how my husband looked after me, and still looks after me.

Diman Smagin

It all depends on the girl, if she is satisfied with this attitude, then the guy will be satisfied with “come and have sex and that’s it.” Unfortunately there are many such girls. And as for the courtship itself: he should give flowers, gifts, well, in extreme cases, if there is no money, climb into someone else’s flowerbed and pick flowers, coffee in bed, basic care, this care may not concern the financial side.

Should a guy court a girl?

What does the girl do in return? The guy gives flowers and gifts, but the girl, as a rule, never gives anything, or only on her birthday. The guy shows his sympathy by courting. And the girl turns out to be nothing? Some people say that a girl cooks for a guy. But here I think that, firstly, it is unlikely that he is constantly visiting her, and secondly, he also takes her to a cafe/restaurant and pays for both of them there, and besides, she probably also goes to visit him . Some say that in return the girl has sex with him. But this already smacks of prostitution. Besides, it’s also not clear whether she herself doesn’t need sex at all or didn’t want to? Like did you do a favor by having sex?
He should pay for a wonderful girl like me to spend time with him if he likes me. That is, it’s as if the girl herself doesn’t need it, and she doesn’t like the guy. She also spends time with him, but does nothing at the same time. Why should he care if he receives nothing in return and there is no return?


This is the first time I've heard this!! !)))) You are not satisfied with being a man, try to transform into a woman, and now let them look after you, give you flowers, take you to restaurants.... just come back later and tell me: What is it like to be a woman)))))))

*Good guy*

I agree with Elena Portugalskaya. The process of courtship should not be perceived as “here I give, spend money, but receive nothing in exchange.” you should want this yourself - to please the girl you love, to please her, to spend money on her, and not on yourself. and you don’t need to demand anything for it. With these gestures you only show her your sympathy - they do not imply that she should answer you in kind.

Forms of courtship are aimed at attracting attention and winning a lady. Guys are often interested in how to care for a girl in order to provide her with the maximum amount of impressions and emotions. When courting, it is always important to open the door to your companion, accompany her home, gallantly shake hands, present flowers, pamper her with goodies, and bestow compliments. When courting, the topic of conversation, consistency, and regular actions that signal an attentive attitude towards your companion are important.

What does it mean to court a girl?

Courting means making the life of the girl you like better, more interesting, more colorful. You can attract a friend with words, signs of attention, and actions. Morning SMS messages with wishes for the day, calls and questions about business and plans are suitable. When communicating in in social networks You can send emoticons and stickers, pictures and songs. But communication on social media. networks and telephone conversations are considered only an addition to spending time together with a girl. Real meetings and physical presence in her life is a proven way to win a lady’s attention.

To look after means to care and show attention: to offer a hand, help to put on or take off outerwear, move a chair or provide other signs of attention. It is always advisable to focus on the situation: if there is ice outside, give your hand in time and support, if it starts to rain, meet with an umbrella, if a friend is sick, bring fruit or medicine. You can use several methods at the same time to enhance the girl’s positive impression of you.

To learn how to properly care for a girl and win her over, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Be yourself. If there is an intention to build serious relationship, forget about tackles and pick-up tricks taken from the Internet. This may make the girl doubt your seriousness. By pretending to be a mysterious, tough guy, you are misleading your partner, because she should fall in love with you, and not with the illusion you created.
  2. Don't skimp on compliments. Compliments should sound sincere and come from a pure heart, because folk wisdom says that “a girl loves with her ears.” Try to focus on the image or individual details of the wardrobe, admire the hairstyle, look, manners and intelligence. Compliments should not be standard; say what comes from the heart.
  3. Just kidding. All girls love to laugh and consider a sense of humor an attractive trait in a man. The main thing is to carefully choose a topic for a joke so as not to offend your chosen one. Try to find the most neutral, funny topic possible before you find out what offends your lady or what jokes she doesn’t like and scares her away.
  4. Choose interesting places for meeting. There is little exciting or memorable in walks and gatherings in a restaurant or cafe. During the courtship period, it is better to invite your companion to interesting places, for example, to an exhibition in an art gallery or to a karting club. This idea will be appreciated, especially if the exhibition is of her favorite artist, which you should ask about in advance.
  5. Don't skimp on Original gifts. Too expensive gifts for a girl you don’t know well will make your companion feel awkward and may even offend her if she misinterprets such a gesture. Even if it is a small present, it will become the key to future relationships.
  6. Respect boundaries. A man in love wants to make sure as soon as possible that this is mutual and move on to the next stage of the relationship. But there is no need to rush; it is better to observe your friend’s reaction to your attempts to shorten the distance and establish tactile contact. If the girl is not yet ready to throw herself into your arms, you need to try to wait a little. She will definitely appreciate it and will be grateful that you do not forcibly violate her boundaries.
  7. Experiment and surprise. Unusual joint leisure activities, extraordinary topics for conversation will interest your beloved. A large number of Vivid emotions from communicating with you will make your friend think about you more often and want to continue the relationship.
  8. Show your interest. Let the girl know that you like her, remember her hobbies, favorite movies, preferences, hobbies, sayings and more. The girl will be pleased that they hear her and remember something important for her, show interest in important events happenings in her life. Show sensitivity, care and attentiveness as often as possible.

How to care for a girl in a relationship

Even if you have a strong relationship, you should not relax. It is necessary to look after a girl beautifully in a relationship not only at the first stage of dating, but throughout the entire period, for example:

  • In any situation, you need to remain a gentleman - minimal efforts, such as giving a coat, holding the door for a girl, giving a hand, etc., will pleasantly please your chosen one;
  • Taking care are immortal examples of courtship: asking if she is hungry, if she is dressed warmly, if everything is fine at work are considered the main proof that the guy cares. The chosen one will be sure that she has met the right man who really loves her;
  • Show that she is important to you - at a certain point, introduce your friend to your friends and family. Get to know the lady's friends and people close to her. This will demonstrate that your loved one is very significant in your life;
  • Don't forget about romance - you can organize a lot of romantic surprises. It is not necessary to count the stars with your beloved or wash down the berries with champagne, try to find a nice surprise, the main thing is that the girl likes it;
  • Giving gifts - it is advisable to give presents not only on holidays. A favorite sweet, a small accessory or a souvenir for no reason will greatly delight your beloved;
  • Respect and be proud - support in everything, value opinions, listen to advice. These are important factors for the continuation of a relationship.

How to court a girl from a distance

It is not easy to maintain a relationship when distance separates your loved ones. But it is not considered an insurmountable obstacle if you are connected by a strong attachment to each other or strong sympathy.

Don't waste your personal time with your girl. Don't disappear for a few days. It upsets, offends and makes you worry about whether something bad has happened to you. Since you can't go to , find time for a long conversation. But don't limit yourself to just standard dialogue and dry phrases or messages.

Use it modern technologies. Since kisses and gentle hugs are not available to you, do not neglect using audio and video communication for communication. The girl should see you during the conversation, and you should look into her eyes more often during the dialogue.

Write letters. Quite an original and romantic way to court a girl from a distance. Especially if you attach some small change to the letter in the form of a postcard with a landmark in your town.

Use a delivery service. Distance is not an obstacle to gifting the lady you like with a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates. The service courier can deliver a fruit basket at a convenient time, which is well appreciated in long-distance relationships.

Share interesting news. Take a photo of something unusual and send it: a beautiful cloud, an unusual advertisement, a magnificent sunset, your new accessory, etc. All this leaves the feeling that you are nearby, not far from each other; such moments allow lovers to get even closer.

How not to court a girl

Improper courtship reduces the chances of developing further relationships. It is advisable not to do the following:

  • Don't be annoying and persistent - don't overwhelm your friend with dozens of proposals for meetings and constant messages. It’s not a fact that she will appreciate such behavior and give in under pressure; most likely, the girl will run away from you in horror;
  • Do not seduce according to instructions - do not be lazy to look for your own ways to conquer. Using other people's preparations, you prove that you are not able to seduce your companion using your own methods or the development of further relationships is not so important for you;
  • Don't do what you don't want - even a chic and romantic way of courting will not make a special impression on the lady if she notices that you yourself do not enjoy it. Such courtship will lead to the opposite effect;
  • Do not respond to refusal with rudeness and rudeness - if a girl refuses you, do not show your resentment and grief, do not take out your disappointment and anger on her. Such actions will not make your chosen one change her mind, but will help you remain a well-mannered guy and save your own face.

Courtship on the part of a man should be sincere, romantic and interesting. You can't put pressure on, insist on intimate relationships against the will, to behave threateningly. A woman in a relationship should feel comfortable and have personal space, the opportunity to communicate not only with a guy, but also with close friends.

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