Proper warm-up exercises. Doing the warm-up right - three mandatory steps

Hey! Who does not do a warm-up before training in the gym, then pays very much for it with torn muscles, ligaments, dislocated joints and many other "amenities". Today is a very important question that will relate to how to properly warm up before training. Don't be skeptical, friends.

What is a warm-up?

Warm-up is a large number of repetitions at a fast pace with low intensity, performed in order to warm up, increase the flow of blood and nutrients to the muscles.

A warm muscle is more elastic, flexible and mobile.

Why do you need a warm-up?

So. Very simply, its main task is to prepare your muscles, joints and ligaments with tendons for a serious, heavy load.

If your muscles are not warmed up ("cold"), then you can get severely injured, and you will also not be able to give your best in a working approach.

Why won't it work? Our body is designed in such a way that it will not allow you to immediately take the working weight from the first approach with the right effort. This is necessary in order to save your muscles., as well as ligaments from injuries. The body puts a fuse.

When you warm up, the temperature of your muscles increases. It also increases in other tissues of the body. Nutrients begin to flow into the muscles. Blood starts to run faster and circulate throughout the body, preparing your body for the upcoming load.

Warm muscles are more elastic, flexible, and joints are better lubricated. All this saves you from injury.

Your brain prepares for the upcoming load in the same way. Constantly repetitive actions before each workout cause the body to secrete anabolic hormones (defense reaction), which contributes to the achievement of much greater results.

Types of warm-up in bodybuilding

There are only two types of warm-up in bodybuilding:

  1. Before starting a workout (general warm-up): rotation of the joints, stretching. running, mahi, exercise bike, etc.
  2. Before the start of the exercise (special warm-up): carried out immediately before the exercise and is, as a rule, a couple of approaches with a weight less than the working one. It happens that a special warm-up is performed in the form of a “straight pyramid”, gradually increasing weight, approaching the workers.

How to properly warm up before a workout

Before training, give yourself 10-15 minutes of time. It is not difficult, but mega-useful!

I warm up like this:

  1. I start from the top. I nod my head in different directions to stretch the neck and the top of the trapeze. Also at this time I twist with brushes.
  2. Then the shoulder girdle. Twist in both directions alternately with the shoulder joints (not too hard).
  3. Then twist your elbow joints.
  4. Now stretch the deltas (shoulders). Extend your arm out to the side parallel to the floor right hand to the left, for example) and holding the elbow with the other hand, try to move your hand even further. You will feel the tension of the deltas. That's good, keep going. Just don't overdo it.
  5. Now raise your hand up, and with the other hand, holding the elbow, take it even further back to stretch the triceps.
  6. Lumbar stretch by rotating the pelvis. Then tilt in three directions, trying to reach the socks with your hands.
  7. Then sit down 20-25 times (hands behind your head).
  8. Rotate your knees to both sides to bring nutrients and blood to the joints, as well as provide better lubricity.
  9. Rotate your ankles putting your feet on your toes.

This complex, I think, is quite enough before training.

It is preferable to complete the warm-up with stretching exercises (not too intense). After a preliminary warm-up, stretching will go much faster and easier for you.

People who stretch regularly get stronger! It show various studies smart guys in white coats. Stretching is gradually able to change the shape of your muscles, as well as some anabolic processes begin to occur in them.

Stretching, however, DOES NOT REPLACE your warm-up!!! It should be performed after the warm-up, and not instead.

The most expedient method of stretching muscles for bodybuilders is to stretch the muscle, resting on some kind of support or point.

Stretch until you feel a PULLING pain! It's pulling. If the pain is sharp, change position or stop moving.

REMEMBER: Exercise should NEVER be done through a sharp pain! Your body is signaling damage to you. It is necessary to leave the limb alone until the movements become more comfortable.

This method of stretching the muscles (on the support) is very convenient to use when you take a break between sets, stretching the exact muscle that you are training!

How to understand how to stretch a muscle

I will not describe the technique itself. You can easily understand it yourself. Any muscle contracts when we perform pulling or pushing movements with weight. When the weight is lowered (opposite phase) is stretching phase of the muscle.

Simply repeat this stretch phase without weight. For the chest, for example, it will be very convenient to grab the rack with your hand and copy the movement while doing the dumbbell laying. Also experiment with other muscle groups.

Stretching the muscles between sets makes the muscle fascia more elastic.

Muscular fascia is a connective tissue sheath in which our muscle fibers are densely located. Roughly speaking, this is a SACK in which our muscles lie. The more elastic it is, the easier it is for the muscles to grow. So remember to stretch between sets.

I hope you got the idea of ​​the importance of the warm-up process, friends, and now you understand how to properly warm up before training.

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With respect and best wishes, !

Never and under no circumstances should you give a sharp load on the muscles. This is especially true for training. To prepare the body for physical activity, it is necessary to warm it up with a warm-up. For such purposes, there is one that will make every muscle “turn on”.

Why do you need a warm-up?

Warm-up is the beginning of the workout. But many, especially beginners, underestimate the importance of this stage. Some believe that this is a waste of time, as it does not help either lose weight or build muscle. And this is fundamentally wrong.

The warm-up before training includes a series of exercises that are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of sports. How? And here's the thing:

  • warm-up activities allow you to “disperse” muscle tissue to a working state, due to which the whole body comes into tone;
  • light exercise leads to blood filling of the muscles, due to which cardiovascular activity also increases;
  • in 10 minutes of warm-up, the heart accelerates its rhythm to 100-120 beats per minute.

And so that the muscles do not acidify with lactic acid during the warm-up process, it is necessary to perform sets before and after each exercise. 7-10 repetitions are performed. These are stretching exercises that "calm" the muscles.

If you plan to train in the gym with heavy equipment, then the warm-up complex will help in the following points:

  • liberate muscle tissue, which significantly reduces the risk of fiber rupture;
  • provokes the production of adrenaline, due to which the effectiveness of the training itself will increase;
  • tones the nervous system;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  • increases the speed of the nerve impulse, which leads to an increase in the neurosympathetic response in the brain.

Warming up before training helps not only to stretch the body, but also sets the right mood for training.

Types of warm-ups

The main thing to understand is that there is no exact warm-up complex. In each individual case, the program can be selected separately. For example, before running, the bias is done to warm up the legs, while when working with, it is worth preparing the whole body.

Warm-up can be of several types:

  1. General. This category of exercises is designed for functional training of the whole body. Due to such a complex, there is a gradual increase in temperature indicators, metabolism is activated, due to which more oxygen enters the muscles. The general warm-up includes a complex for the upper and lower extremities, light running in place, jumping and rotational exercises to develop the joints. The duration is 10-15 minutes.
  2. Special. Here, muscle kneading is aimed at 10-20% loading of the body specifically for a specific type of training. For example, if these are exercises with dumbbells, then 10-12 repetitions are done on the hands. Its main goal is to “remember” the body how to properly perform the exercises.
  3. Hitch. At this stage, the main task is to help relax the muscles so that they move away from the excited state. Usually, a hitch includes a slow run, with a gradual transition to walking, and smooth stretching of the body in different directions. Such exercises allow you to remove lactic acid, reduce the pulse and temperature, due to which blood flow normalizes in the body. The duration is 5-10 minutes.
  4. . It has 3 types:
    • statistical- exercises are designed to fix the limbs in a certain position;
    • dynamic- exercises allow you to control the course of muscle action;
    • ballistic- movements are fast, motor, chaotic.

Dynamic stretching gives the maximum effect, as it gradually warms up the muscles, which means that the risk of injury to the fibers is minimal.

All of these four steps of stretching should be performed sequentially, without skipping a single one. The fact is that at each stage, the muscles are not just prepared - they are first warmed up (in the truest sense of the word), and then gradually stretched and brought into a "working" state. A "cold" body is easy to injure.

What kind of workout do you need?

A set of warm-up exercises is selected not only for the type of training. Here it is also worth considering the individual characteristics of a person - his body type, joint mobility, general well-being, the presence of certain diseases, etc. It is also necessary to determine for yourself - a warm-up is needed to warm up the muscles or to fill a specific muscle group with blood.

For beginners, the coach can pick up a complex general exercises, which a person will then independently begin to sort. But in without fail warm-up should include:

  • exercises from the general category to warm up and prepare the body for future stress;
  • exercises from a special category, depending on the type of training that follows;
  • stretching complex to prepare not only the muscles, but also the joints.

For beginners, it is better to use a general warm-up, which just has a common complex. In the future, as sports develop, it will be possible to independently adjust such a program.

Warm-up exercises

There is a standard set of exercises that can be used not only by a beginner, but also by a “professional”. This is a combination of aerobic and stretching exercises, which will take 15-20 minutes in time.

To prepare the body before training, the following exercises are performed:

These 8 exercises will help prepare muscle tissue for the upcoming load as much as possible. This complex is considered universal, so it can be used before any type of training for both men and women.

Stretching workout

There is also a complex for stretching muscle tissue. But the trainers recommend starting it not before training, but after it. This will fix the result. This is especially true for intensive exercises, as they lead to clamping of muscle fibers.

Stretching allows you to normalize not only the work of the heart and blood circulation, but also relieves muscle spasms. To achieve this effect, you must remember the following recommendations:

  • before a stretching workout, it is useful to jog or sit on an exercise bike (at an easy pace) to raise the temperature in the muscles;
  • it is necessary to spend 2-3 seconds to take each position, and in the final position to linger for 10 seconds;
  • stretching exercises are performed slowly;
  • the final position is taken up to the point until the person feels slight pain.

Stretching warm-up includes several basic exercises:

  1. It is necessary to stand in a doorway or between two supports on which hands are placed. Further, the body of the body slowly lowers down, without moving the arms. Fixation for 10 seconds, then the starting position is taken. Run 3 times at a slow pace.
  2. Take the supine position on a hard surface. The legs are brought together and gradually rise up and behind the head, while the hands are pressed tightly against a horizontal surface. The toes should touch the floor. Fixation for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Execution - 3 times.
  3. A vertical position is taken so that the heels are together and the socks are apart. With a straight back, the body goes down until the fingers reach the toes. Perform 3 sets with fixation for 10 seconds.
  4. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart. The body bends forward and grabs the opposite leg with the hand, slowly twisting. Fixation at the end point - 10 seconds, after which twisting is carried out on the other side. 3 approaches.
  5. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart and slow tilts are performed to the sides, forward, backward. At each point, fixation is carried out, while it is worth using your hands.
  6. Lunges are carried out on one or the other leg. In this case, the hands should be fixed on the belt. 8-10 sets for each leg.

Such exercises are familiar to everyone from the school bench. “Stretching” the body is not only before training, but also after it.


It has already been noted above that the duration of each warm-up and the set of exercises used directly depends on the very nature of the workout. In addition, it takes into account physiological features human constitution. On average, a warm-up can take from 15 to 30 minutes. It's all about how a person performs approaches - at what pace.

  • jogging (outdoors or on a treadmill) - 5 minutes;
  • squats - 15 times, 2 sets with a 2-minute interval;
  • jumping with claps - 15-20 times;
  • body bends with hands reaching the tips of the toes - 15-20 times;
  • exercise "mill" - 15 times on each side;
  • push-ups - 10-15 times;
  • torso tilts - 20 times.

The warm-up complex can expand or contract, respectively, and the duration of the warm-up can vary up or down.

As a result, it should be said that the warm-up is an extremely important stage of training. It is thanks to her that the muscle tissue is warmed up for the subsequent load, which means that the risk of injury is reduced. Therefore, the warm-up should be done not only by beginners, but also by experienced athletes.

One of critical components during training is a preliminary warm-up. Often warm-up before training in gym do not attach due importance and immediately proceed to the main exercises.

This is the wrong approach, because the effectiveness and positive result of training depends on the preparation of the body.

Why is it necessary to do a warm-up? Positive effects of warm-up

What is a warm-up? This is a system of exercises that help bring the body into a more active state, warm up the muscles, ligaments, and improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Warming up before training in the gym is required to prepare the body for subsequent loads.

Workout Benefits:

  • stretching;
  • warming up all muscles;
  • improvement of the work of the heart, blood vessels;
  • improved blood flow (primarily in the muscles);
  • the effect of "aerobic" load on the body;
  • increase in heart rate;
  • more active saturation of blood vessels with oxygen;
  • improvement of the nervous system;
  • protection from possible injuries (with active physical exercises).

Usually in the gym, a warm-up is carried out before training, although in some programs it is possible after - as the final stage.

In addition, pre-training exercises are the creation of a kind of readiness, a mood for the main workout.

Where to start when coming to the gym

An ideal, universal warm-up before training in the gym does not exist.

You need to select a set of exercises individually: taking into account physiology (body constitution, musculoskeletal system), age characteristics.

Varieties of preliminary warm-up




Before the training process, a general warm-up helps to warm up, helps to bring the body into readiness for exercises in the gym.

It consists of:

exercises for limbs (simple);

jumping (for example, using a skipping rope);

warm-ups of joints;

As a result, body temperature increases, metabolic processes improve. Duration this stage- 15 minutes max.

Reminiscent of the main, intensive cycle of classes. Heavy shells are used, but the load at the same time is no more than 20% of the usual training one.

It is carried out before each exercise from training (10 times). It helps the body to "remember" and "fix" the skills of a particular exercise.

Stretching is used to warm up before the main training process.

There are several types:

static - the arm or leg is "immobilized" (fixed in the desired position);

dynamic - unhurried, measured;

ballistic - intense, fast.

All three types are used, depending on the training.

Important to remember! Before an active training process, it is better to perform a dynamic type of stretching - you do not need to stay in one position for a long time.

Often warm-up and stretching are perceived as synonymous concepts. This is mistake.

Warming up before training in the gym is a system of exercises that increase the tone of the body, and stretching is directly related to the work of the muscles. Therefore, when warming up, be sure to follow a clear sequence of exercises: first, general, and then proceed to stretching.

Warm-up exercises for all parts of the body. Stretching order

Stretching the neck muscles

The whole complex of classes begins precisely with the work of the muscles in the cervical spine.

The following exercises are used:

  1. Basic position- become, the back is straight, the head is lowered down and the chin is pressed to the chest. Hold for a few seconds, then relax the muscles. You will feel the tension in your neck.
  2. Start position- as in the previous exercise, the back is even, the face is straight. Slowly you need to turn your neck alternately to the left and right (while possible). For one approach, it is enough to make 10 turns in each direction.

Shoulders, elbows and wrists

To stretch the shoulder muscles, this exercise is used: position - stand straight. Hands are raised at shoulder level.

don't rush to do rotational movements torso (arms, shoulders, torso) to the stop. 10 times in turn - first on one side, then on the other.

For elbows useful classes:

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are raised at shoulder level. Leaving the shoulders motionless, rotate the elbows.
  2. The elbows are spread apart. The hands are at chest level. You need to make sharp movements with your hands back. In this case, the elbows do not unbend, but the shoulder blades are brought together. After making two jerks, completely spread your arms.

Hand exercises include:

  1. Rotation - hands are clenched into a fist, rotational movements are made in different directions.
  2. Opening your fists, straighten and tighten your fingers as much as possible (to feel the tension).
  3. Fold your palms to chest levels and squeeze them with tension. Elbows are at shoulder level.

General warm-up for the body

For the body, you can use a complex of simple exercises. Its average duration is 15 minutes.

It may consist of:

Note! For unprepared people or over 50 in the gym, it is better to limit yourself to just a warm-up, not including it as a “warm-up” before the main workout.

pectoral muscles

To "develop" and "warm up" the muscles of the thoracic spine, the following exercises will be effective:

  1. Put your hand on any vertical support (stable) so that you get a right angle. Then lean forward and slightly to the side - at the same time, you should feel how the muscles and ligaments are tensed. Repeat the same, changing hands.
  2. Hands "in the castle" (behind). Then raise your hands up (as long as possible). When muscle tension is felt, linger for a few seconds and relax.

Back, waist

This exercise is used: you need to grab a pole or pipe with your hand, lean back. The legs are straight. Hold like this for 5 seconds. Repeat the same, only with support on the other hand.

Warming up for the lower back before the main workout in the gym includes the following exercises:

Oblique abdominal muscles

A simple but effective exercise will help to “warm up” the oblique abdominal muscles. Put on the belt left hand and slowly make a few inclinations in the same direction. Then change hands.

The back of the legs

The back surface of the legs provides exercises for the buttocks and thighs (biceps):

To stretch the hamstrings:

  1. To do this exercise, you should stand near the elevation, throw a straight leg on it and stretch your whole body towards it. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Lower your leg. Do the same approach with the other leg.
  2. Stand in front of a chair. Put your foot on it, take your hands behind your back “in the lock”, reach for a chair top body, while the shoulder blades should be reduced.
  3. Lunge to the side - with a straight back, legs are wide apart, hands on hips. One leg bends at the knee and the weight is transferred to the same side.


Before training in the gym obligatory element warm-ups are exercises for stretching the muscles of the knees:

  1. You need to stand up and grab your knees with your hands. Then make a few circular movements with your knees out and in.
  2. Stand straight, legs (straight) at the same time you need to cross - so that the right one is in front of the left. The right side of the body slowly leans to the left. In this case, the hands are at the top. Fix the position for a few seconds. Swap legs.
  3. Exercise will be effective at which you need to stand at a distance of 20 cm from the wall, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, turn your socks slightly outward. Then slowly do squats until your knees are level with your toes. Hold for 10 seconds and rise. The number of approaches is 2-3 for 10 squats.
  4. Squats will also be effective. focusing on one leg. To do this, first the legs are placed shoulder-width apart. Then one leg rises and bends at the knee. Squats are done - when the knee of the supporting leg is level with the toes, start gently getting up. 2-3 sets will be enough - 5 squats per leg.

Quadriceps femoris (quadriceps)

Effective when stretching the thigh muscle (quadriceps) will be such an exercise: you need to stand on one leg and grab your hand on the other leg at the ankle. Lock in this position for 15 seconds. Switching legs, repeat the stretch.

5-7 approaches will be enough.


To stretch the muscles and ligaments of the lower leg, the following task options are used:

Leg and perineum stretch

For the muscles in the pelvis and perineum, it is useful to do the following exercises:

  1. Basic position - straight stance, feet shoulder width apart. The arms are extended forward and straight. Do not bend your knees. To stretch, bend to the right, left and in the middle, trying to hit the floor with your hands (15-20 times in total).
  2. The position is the same, the toes are turned outward.. Squat (5 times). The deeper the squats, the greater the load on the muscles of the pelvic floor. The back is straight.

Interesting fact! Stretching should be done equally for both sides of the body.

How long do you need to warm up

The duration of the warm-up before training in the gym depends on physical endurance, indoor and outdoor temperature, clothing.

The general warm-up (to raise the tone of muscles and ligaments) lasts an average of 10 minutes.

Special (reminiscent of the main exercises of the training complex and is carried out before the exercise) - the same as the general one. Stretching as the final stage - up to 10 minutes.

Warming up is an important element of a quality training process.

For those who skip it and start the core cycle, the risk of serious injury is much increased. The warm-up consists of exercises for muscle groups of the whole body and is divided into three types: general, special, stretching.

The type of warm-up is selected based on the nature of the workout and physical training. Warming up and stretching are different elements, so be sure to follow the correct sequence of exercises and their duration.

Useful videos on how to warm up properly

Useful video about warming up before training in the gym:

How to properly warm up in the gym:

At serious training, aimed at the result, you have to engage at the limit of your own capabilities. Muscles, joints and tendons are under such tension, which in ordinary life they don't have to bear it.

Let's remember why muscles grow. In the course of working with a lot of weight, muscle fibers receive microtraumas, the body seeks to restore them, taking into account the fact that ruptures can be repeated.

Accordingly, in the process of recovery, the body builds up muscles, they become more powerful and large. In an unheated muscle, the fibers begin to break down prematurely, without “feeling” the weight.

Thanks to the right warm-up:

The body moves from a resting state to an active state

Training involves the work of the body in a stressful state. Warm-up helps to mobilize the body and prepare it for serious stress.

Warm joints are more abundantly lubricated

This helps to avoid injuries that are possible with stress on the joints. Including the likelihood of a crunch or clicking in them, which can bring a lot of problems, will be reduced.

Cartilage wears out more slowly

Obstacles to tendon ruptures are created

They become more elastic.

Non-traumatic muscle strain occurs

Untrained muscles can easily tear or pull, which will take you out of your training routine for months or even years.

Remember: without a warm-up, we prematurely injure muscles, do not achieve a surge in the blood of those hormones that are responsible for increasing strength and muscle mass.

Features of warming up before strength training

Heavy weight training is a serious test for the body, so it must be prepared for work. With strength training, the risk of injury increases significantly.

Warm up for fifteen to twenty minutes. It should start with five minutes of jogging with slight accelerations. At the second stage, we knead the joints: first upper part body, gradually descend to the feet.

This part of the warm-up should be given Special attention: even when doing a normal bench press, we put a serious load on our legs. The joints are warmed up by circular multidirectional movements of the palms.

Having stretched the joints, we move on to the muscles. First you need to do simple charging: tilts, circular movements. Thus, we prepare the back for power loads. Particular care should be taken to warm up the muscles that will be loaded in the current workout. They need to do a kind of mini-massage, consisting of kneading and rubbing.

The final stage of the warm-up before power approaches is working with dumbbells of several kilograms. Here you need to consider the type of exercise performed after the warm-up. Let's say if you intend to press from the chest, the best option warm-ups will be ten to twenty reps with small dumbbells. The muscles will warm up, and you will hardly feel the load.

When warming up before strength training, it is important that the body warms up to a light perspiration, the body must mobilize and prepare for stress.

Fundamental rules

For a good warm-up of the whole body, observe the following points:

  1. You need to do the exercises slowly, trying to feel the muscles, ligaments, bringing the execution technique to filigree.
  2. There is no need to be afraid if a crunch is felt in the joints: this will soon pass. A crunch in the joints is an indicator of their revival, work.
  3. First, a general warm-up is performed, which accelerates all body systems to readiness for stress, warms up the ligaments and muscles, increases the heart rate, and speeds up the metabolism.
  4. The general warm-up should include exercises aimed at following groups ligaments and muscles, in particular: rotational and oblique movements of the hands, head, shoulders, hip joint, knees, ankle joints, torso, slow running, running in place with high knees, low jumps with or without a rope.
  5. After completing the general warm-up, it is time for a special (lead-up) warm-up, which is already aimed at direct preparation for the exercises planned to be performed in training. For example, if in the program you have planned squats with a barbell of one hundred kilograms, before them you should do a warm-up set with a weight of 30-50 kg, with a number of repetitions - 10-15.
  6. Lead-up warm-up is performed immediately before each new program exercise.
  7. When warming up, it is desirable to bring the heart rate up to one hundred beats per minute: this indicator in itself means that the body is ready for the main workout. After completing all the strength training exercises, you need to do a few relaxing exercises - the so-called hitch.

Ready muscles allow you to perform the exercise more correctly, respectively, and the effectiveness of the training will be higher. Those who have been involved in weightlifting have probably noticed that doing the second approach is much easier than the first.

Exercises to prepare the body for stress

Neck and head tilts

Starting position - we stand straight, we hold our arms along the body. Having relaxed the muscles, slowly lower the head down, touch the pectoral muscles with the chin, then tilt the head twenty degrees back and retract it, just as a turtle retracts its head into the shell. In this case, you should not turn your head back as much as possible.

Another important point: you need to do the exercise not through pain, but until a pleasant feeling in the neck. In each position, it is necessary to linger for five to ten seconds, then return to the starting position.

head turns

The starting position is standard - we stand, the back is straight. We begin to turn our head to the left, without lowering our chin. We pull the muscles to a slight tension, then linger for ten seconds and return to the starting position. We repeat the movement, but this time to the right.

Head rotation

The starting position is standard. We lower our head down, touch the chest with our chin and begin to slowly rotate our head to the left, when the chin reaches the shoulder, we tilt our head back a little and complete the rotation. Ten repetitions in one direction and the other.

For the trapezius muscle

We lower our head to the right, hold it in this position for ten seconds, repeat to the left. When performing the exercise, you should not try to reach your shoulders with your ear: this can cause injury. Ten repetitions in each direction will be enough.

For pectoral muscles

Everyone knows the exercise called "push-ups from the wall." We approach the wall, lean on it with our palms. Leaning towards the wall. Be sure to feel how the pectoral muscle tenses. Ten push-ups are enough.

For stomach and back

In this case, you can not do without auxiliary equipment: we need a pole. We approach the pole, we take it with one hand. We begin to bend the torso forward, while the legs remain in place, the knees are not bent, and the pelvis is thrown back. This position allows the back muscles to stretch perfectly. Returning to the starting position, change the hand. You need to do five to six repetitions on the left and right hands.

If there is a horizontal bar, you can perform next exercise for the back and abdomen: we hang on the horizontal bar and with all our strength we stretch our legs to the floor. Hold on for thirty seconds.

Tilts back, forward and to the sides, as well as all kinds of twisting of the body, superbly warm up the muscles of the back and abdomen.

For triceps

This exercise can be performed in a standing or sitting position. We raise the right hand up and bend it, touch the gap between the shoulder blades with the palm of our hand. With the left hand, we take the elbow with the right and press it down a little, lowering the right hand as low as possible. Then we change the position of the hands, repeat the movement. Six to eight repetitions for each hand.

For the shoulder joint

Starting position - stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended along the body. With both hands, we begin to perform circular rotations in one direction and the other. 8-10 repetitions.

For deltas

The exercise can be performed both standing and sitting. Keep your back straight, bend your right arm at the elbow so that the forearm is parallel to the floor. We pull the right hand with the left hand, at the same time turning the body to the left. You need to perform the exercise at a leisurely pace.

For legs

Lunges are an ideal exercise for warming up the leg muscles. Lunges can be done both directly and to the sides, the main thing is to arch your back and pull your legs.

For the knee joint

We take the knee with both hands and begin to carry out rotational movements in one direction and the other. We change the leg. It is necessary to perform fifteen exercises on each side.

Another great exercise for warming up the knee joint. We squat, put our hands on our knees, keep our back straight. We begin to rotate the knees inward, then outward. Ten to fifteen repetitions will be enough.

Athletes who are building muscle mass should not do long runs during the warm-up.


  1. Without a proper warm-up, every workout can bring more problems than good.
  2. It is worth paying attention to absolutely all parts of the body, and the working muscles doubly.
  3. Warm-up will keep you healthy for a long time.
  4. After training, it is recommended to perform a hitch, which will help the body return to normal.

Looking for something new in warming up your body before a workout? Look at the following picture:

Personal trainer, sports doctor, exercise doctor

Compiles and conducts personal training programs for physique correction. Specializes in sports traumatology, physiotherapy. Engaged in sessions of classical medical and sports massage. Conducts biomedical monitoring.

Warm-up before training is a set of exercises to prepare the body for physical activity, which will help you avoid injury and conduct the lesson as efficiently as possible. The main purpose of the warm-up is to gradually increase body temperature and warm up muscles that are in a state of inactivity.

The importance of the warm-up is difficult to overestimate, it is a fundamental part of the workout. First, a good warm-up before exercise reduces the risk of injury. Secondly, warm muscles work more efficiently. The warm-up should include a complete and thoughtful set of exercises that will help prepare your body for training in a quality manner.

We are offering to you a selection of warm-up exercises in pictures and a ready-made sequential plan for their implementation. These exercises are equally suitable for warming up at home and in the gym.

Why is it necessary to warm up before a workout?

Warming up before exercise is essential part of fitness . A good warm-up will gradually increase heartbeat, increase blood circulation in muscles, tendons and ligaments, as well as prepare you for training from a mental point of view. Regardless of whether you are going to do strength or cardio exercises, warming up before training is a must.

Benefits of stretching before exercise:

  • You warm up the muscles, ligaments and tendons, which improves their elasticity and reduces the risk of injury and sprains.
  • Warm muscles contract and relax better during exercise, which means your strength capabilities during exercise will be higher.
  • Warm-up exercises optimize the activity of the cardiovascular system: this will help reduce the load on the heart during exercise.
  • Warming up before a workout improves blood circulation, which will saturate your muscles with oxygen and nutrients. This will help increase your stamina while exercising.
  • During the warm-up, your body increases the production of hormones responsible for energy production.
  • Training is a kind of stress for the body, so a quality warm-up will prepare you for stress from a mental point of view, improve coordination and attention.
  • During light warm-up exercises, adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, making your body better able to cope with physical exertion.
  • Warming up speeds up metabolic processes.

A good warm-up before training will help you not only avoid injuries and problems with the cardiovascular system, but also conduct the lesson more effectively . If you want to skip warm-ups and save time and focus more on heavy lifting for faster results, then this is the wrong way to go. After a warm-up, your body will work better, you will be more energetic and stamina, which will give you much more best result in perspective.

A dynamic warm-up is essential before any workout. regardless of the type of load: strength training with weights, running, cycling, kickboxing, plyometrics, stretching with twine, and any other sports direction. A warm-up before training is needed both when exercising in the gym and at home (on the street).

Why don't people warm up before a workout?

Many people do not warm up before a workout, considering it a waste of time. You probably heard more than once from friends or acquaintances: “I regularly do strength and cardio workouts in the gym and never warm up and cool down. I didn't feel any harm."Never rely on someone else's dubious experience!

Firstly, each person has his own individual level of strength, no one knows the reserves of his body. It may not fail for a month, two, six months or even a year, gradually wearing out, but how long this can last is unknown. Secondly, in the face of redundant and very often conflicting information on fitness, many of us already make a lot of mistakes that can affect our health. So try to follow at least the canonical recommendations - Performing a warm-up before each workout is just one of them.

It is important to note that even personal trainers and group coaches may not spend warm-up minimum time. But you are responsible for your health you yourself, so do not be too lazy to come 10 minutes before training and do the warm-up yourself. Even if before today you have passed the injury, then remember that a cold tendon tear or other unpleasant injury can happen at any time.

The situation is similar with home workouts, of which a large number are now being produced. Typically, programs are designed for 20-30 minutes, which is very important for many people in conditions of high employment. And of course, in such short programs, at best, 2-3 minutes will be given to the warm-up, and at worst - there will be no workout. One of clear examples- the popular Insanity Max 30 program from Beachbody. Classes last 30 minutes, there is no warm-up at all, the hitch is rather conditional.

Of course, such examples from fitness professionals make one doubt whether a warm-up is even necessary before training? But let's not forget that the goal of sports corporations is to create profitable commercial product . And if the training lasts less in time , then it must be as saturated as possible in order for the result to be achieved. Therefore, most often in short programs they sacrifice a warm-up and a hitch. In the long term, this is a blow to health, but here and now such an approach will give desired result in terms of weight loss.

What is the danger of not warming up?

Studies show that only 5% of people do a good warm-up before training, and this is a very sad statistic. Many practitioners believe that this is a waste of time, which is already limited in fitness classes. Let's remember once again how dangerous it can be to not warm up before training, in addition to reducing the effectiveness of the session?

  • The most common problem that occurs when there is no warm-up before training is sprain. A very unpleasant and painful syndrome, because of which you have to take a break from training.
  • An even more annoying problem is joint injury. If you practice on a cold joint, that is high risk damage him. The danger of a joint injury lies not only in the duration of recovery, but also in the fact that after an injury, it will constantly remind of itself. Due to incorrect loads, especially often suffer knee, ankle, shoulder and hip joints.
  • Without a quality warm-up, due to the high load on the heart, dizziness or even fainting.
  • Sudden sharp exercise without a preparatory warm-up part can cause a sharp pressure surge, which is equally dangerous for people with hypertension and hypotension.

Warm-up structure before training

It is advisable to give a warm-up before training at least 7-10 minutes. It is better to start warming up with light cardio exercises to warm up the body. Then you should perform dynamic exercises to warm up the joints and stretch the muscles. The warm-up ends again with cardio exercises with already b about more intensity. At the end of the warm-up, we restore breathing by taking a deep breath and exhaling.

The structure of the warm-up before training for 7-10 minutes:

  • Light cardio warm-up: 1-2 minutes
  • Joint gymnastics: 1-2 minutes
  • Dynamic Muscle Stretch: 2-3 minutes
  • Cardio warm up: 2-3 minutes
  • Recovery breathing: 0.5-1 minute

Cardio warming up will increase body temperature, increase blood circulation, and prepare your muscles for further stretching. Joint gymnastics activates the work of joints, tendons and ligaments, improves their mobility and helps to work out the periarticular muscles. Dynamic stretch will make your muscles more elastic, which will help them work more efficiently throughout the workout.

Thanks to such a warm-up, you will make your heart work faster, speed up blood circulation, gently wake up all the muscles of the body. After a proper warm-up, a pleasant warmth spreads through the body, you feel cheerful and full of energy . If you have planned stretching or stretching for twine as a workout, then the final cardio warm-up can be increased to 5-7 minutes.

Do not confuse warming up and stretching after a workout. In the warm-up, your goal is to warm up the muscles and joints, increase blood circulation, and prepare the body for stress. The warm-up should not be slow and static, you should warm up well. After training, on the contrary, you should restore breathing, lower your heart rate and perform static stretching exercises.

Warm-up exercises

Stage 1: Light cardio warm up

The warm-up should always begin with light cardio exercises to warm up the body and not pull the muscle during dynamic stretching. Cardio warm-up lasts 1-2 minutes and may include light jogging or brisk walking in place. During the frame warm-up, your heart rate should rise and your body warm up. Each exercise for cardio warm-up is performed 30-45 seconds .

1. Walking with knees up

2. Walking with arms and legs apart

Stage 2: Joint gymnastics

Joint gymnastics, by the way, is also useful as a regular exercise. morning exercises. We repeat each exercise 10 times, as needed on the right and left sides. Do not forget to perform some rotational exercises both clockwise and counterclockwise.

1. Rotation of the head with a crescent (do not throw the head back)

7. Leg rotation

Stage 3: Dynamic Muscle Stretching

After joint gymnastics, there is a stage for dynamic stretching different groups muscles. Exercises are performed according to 15-20 seconds .

1. Breeding arms for the muscles of the chest and back

2. Shoulder stretch

4. Side bends to warm up the sides

5. Tilts to the legs to warm up the body

6. Back and leg arch squats

7. Squat twists for the back and shoulders

8. Side lunges for leg warm-ups

9. Lunges to warm up the legs

10. Rotate in a lunge to warm up the core, legs, arms and shoulders

Stage 4: Cardio warm-up

In the final stage of the warm-up, we again return to cardio exercises to warm up even more and raise the body temperature. The speed and intensity of the exercise can be increased, the duration of the final cardio warm-up is 2-3 minutes. Each exercise is performed 40-60 seconds, see the execution speed according to your capabilities.

3. Jumping with the breeding of arms and legs

4. Running with knees up

Stage 5: Restoring breathing

Be sure to remember to restore your breathing after doing cardio exercises by taking a deep breath in and out 0.5-1 minute. Choose one of these exercises:

1. Restoring breathing with squats

2. Breath recovery with tilt

Thank you youtube channels for the gifs: FitnessType, Nicole Perry, PsycheTruth, Dayanna Marz, Deporlovers, Tuiwok Talento.

Stage 6: Special warm-up

If you are doing power training with a large weight, then also be sure to pay attention special warm-up. It is aimed at the maximum warming up of those muscles that will be actively involved in the training. As part of a special warm-up, you should perform exercises from the main complex, but no weight or light weight(20-30% of the maximum).

A special warm-up should be performed immediately before the exercise or before training for a whole muscle group. Attention, a special warm-up does not replace the general warm-up before training! This is only one of the stages of the lesson, but also very important.

Here is an example of a special warm-up. Let's say you have 80kg barbell squats scheduled. So, before this exercise, you should do a kneading set of 10-15 reps with an empty bar or with a bar weight of 20-30% of maximum weight. We emphasize once again that a special warm-up is performed after general, and not in return her.

How to warm up before a run or cardio workout?

How to properly warm up before a run or other cardio workout? In this case, proceed absolutely similar scheme: a small cardio warm-up for 2 minutes (running in place, light jumping rope) and then joint gymnastics + stretching. And only after that go directly to cardio training, gradually increasing the intensity.

Many people think that it is not necessary to warm up before a cardio workout. However, this is not true. Muscles, joints, heart get a serious load during running and jumping, so it is very dangerous to exercise without a warm-up. Just walking and gradually increasing the intensity without doing warm-up exercises for the joints and muscles not enough ! Be sure to follow articular gymnastics and stretching before cardio.

Features of warming up before training

1. We perform a warm-up top down(neck, shoulders, arms, chest, back, core, legs). But this is rather a traditional principle of warm-up exercises, the order of exercises does not play a fundamental role.

2. The warm-up should take place in dynamic but at a gentle pace. Your goal is to gently warm up and prepare for more intense exercise. You should feel warm throughout your body from the warm-up, but don't overdo it.

3. Warm-up should begin with a slow pace and a small range of motion, gradually increasing the pace and amplitude.

4. If you work out in the gym, then you can use as a cardio warm-up treadmill or ellipse. Always start with slow pace, the pulse should rise gradually.

5. Avoid long static positions, warm-up before training should include dynamic exercises. Do not confuse it with stretching after a workout, during which it is supposed to freeze in one position for 30-60 seconds to stretch the muscles.

6. During the warm-up before training at home or in the gym, avoid sudden movements, try to do exercises smoothly. Avoid pain or discomfort in the joints (crunching in the joints maybe, it's not scary).

7. If you are exercising in a cool room (or outdoors), then dress warmer for a faster warm-up, or increase your warm-up to 15-20 minutes.

8. If you know that today you will train some part of the body especially intensively, then give it Special attention while warming up. For example, on your lower body workout day, thoroughly stretch your hips and knees, and stretch your leg and glute muscles.

Warm up video before workout

If you need ready-made warm-up options before training, then we offer you 6 short videos to help you warm up and get ready for intense workouts. The programs last 5-10 minutes and are suitable for both men and women.

Warm-up video in Russian

1. Universal warm-up before training for 7 minutes

2. Warm up before training for 7 minutes

3. Warm up before training for 8 minutes

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