In a beautiful and furious world, there is war. Online reading a book in a beautiful and furious world

Platonov is a Soviet writer. His stories are interesting, they captivate by the fact that they very often describe events from life. They are autobiographical, telling us about the fate of the writer himself. In his works, the author tries to understand a person, to find his place in this both beautiful and furious world. Such a story by Platonov is the story of the same name In a beautiful and furious world. According to this work, we have to do.

Platonov wrote his story in 1937, in which he used a lot of information taken from life, because in the story the author describes the events that took place on railway with the train driver. The writer knew this profession well, since he himself was on a steam locomotive and worked as an assistant.

So, Platonov in the story In a beautiful and furious world tells about Maltsev, a driver from God, since he did not just drive the train, he felt it and was the best. Maltsev devoted himself completely to the matter, always drove the car confidently and aroused admiration for this. He studied all the railway tracks so well that even during the incident, he did not stop. It happened during a rainstorm with a thunderstorm. Lightning blinded Maltsev, and he continued to drive, never realizing that he did not see, because all the pictures of the world around him appeared in his head. But they were only in his head, so he didn't see the warning lights. This almost led to an accident, but the assistant managed to react in time, saving hundreds of people.

Alexander Maltsev was convicted and arrested, but Kostya managed to achieve an experiment that proved Alexander's innocence. That's just during the experiment, the hero of the work goes completely blind. This was a tragedy for him, because for him work was the meaning of life. And only a year later, when the assistant passed the exams and began to drive the train himself, he managed to bring Maltsev back to life. Kostya invites Maltsev to go along and even promises to give way to the blind Alexander as a driver. And at the very moment when Maltsev was in the same place, his vision returned to him again.

After the flight, Kostya volunteered to take the former engineer home, wanting to protect the hero of the story from the hostile forces of such an unpredictable, furious and such beautiful world.

The main characters of the work

Getting acquainted with Platonov's work In a beautiful and furious world, one can single out such heroes as Alexander Maltsev and his assistant Kostya.

Alexander Maltsev is a master of his craft, a talented train driver who knew these machines better than anyone. This is a person who was not afraid to trust different trains, including a new locomotive, because Maltsev, like no one else, could cope with everything, and even with such a powerful new type of machine. Alexander not only drives a car, he feels her heartbeat. Maltsev is devoted to his work, sees his own meaning in it and is so immersed in it that he does not see the surrounding reality. In my opinion, it shouldn't be like that. A person, although he must love work, work fully and be responsible at work, but he must also be able to see other angles. In addition to work, we must see the beauty of the world, be able to take the best from fate and get involved in something else, so that in case of unforeseen circumstances we can switch to something else, because life goes on. Maltsev, on the other hand, was unable to switch, with the loss of his job, he aged, life became not sweet.

Another hero is Kostya, who was first an assistant, and then became a driver. He also loved work, tried to fulfill all the functions assigned to him, but at the same time he is sympathetic, kind and notices other people. Moreover, he also comes to their aid, as in the case of Maltsev. It was Kostya who achieved a review of the case, after which Alexander was rehabilitated. Later, he will bring back to life a person for whom work has become the meaning of life. He will take Maltsev on a flight, during which his sight will return. And even after that, Kostya does not leave his acquaintance and escorts him to the door of the house.

Very briefly An old experienced machinist goes blind during a voyage due to a lightning strike, his sight is restored, he is tried and sentenced to prison. His assistant invents a test with artificial lightning and saves the old man.

The story is told from the perspective of the driver's assistant Konstantin.

Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev is considered the best locomotive driver in the Tolumbeevsky depot. No one knows steam locomotives better than him! There is nothing surprising in the fact that when the first powerful passenger steam locomotive of the IS series arrives at the depot, Maltsev is assigned to work on this machine. Maltsev's assistant, an elderly depot locksmith Fedor Petrovich Drabanov, soon passes the exam for a driver and leaves for another car, and Konstantin is appointed in his place.

Konstantin is pleased with his appointment, but Maltsev does not care who is his assistant. Alexander Vasilievich watches the work of his assistant, but after that he always personally checks the serviceability of all mechanisms.

Later, Konstantin understood the reason for his constant indifference to his colleagues. Maltsev feels his superiority over them, because he understands the car more precisely than they do. He does not believe that someone else can learn to feel the car, the path and everything around at the same time.

Konstantin has been working with Maltsev as an assistant for about a year, and on the fifth of July the time comes for Maltsev's last trip. On this flight, they take the train with a delay of four hours. The dispatcher asks Maltsev to close this gap as much as possible. Trying to fulfill this request, Maltsev drives the car forward with all his might. On the way they are caught by a thundercloud, and Maltsev, blinded by a flash of lightning, loses his sight, but continues to confidently lead the train to its destination. Konstantin notices that he manages the composition of the Maltsev significantly worse.

Another train appears on the way of the courier train. Maltsev passes control into the hands of the narrator, and confesses his blindness:

The accident is avoided thanks to Konstantin. Here Maltsev admits that he sees nothing. The next day, his vision returns to him.

Alexander Vasilyevich is put on trial, an investigation begins. It is almost impossible to prove the innocence of the old driver. Maltsev is imprisoned, and his assistant continues to work.

In winter, in the regional city, Konstantin visits his brother, a student living in a university dormitory. The brother tells him that in the physics laboratory of the university there is a Tesla installation for obtaining artificial lightning. A thought comes to Konstantin's head.

Returning home, he ponders his guess about the Tesla installation and writes a letter to the investigator who at one time led the Maltsev case, asking him to test the prisoner Maltsev by creating artificial lightning. If the susceptibility of Maltsev's psyche or visual organs to the action of sudden and close electrical discharges is proved, then his case should be reconsidered. Konstantin explains to the investigator where the Tesla installation is located, and how to make an experiment on a person. Long time no answer, but then the investigator reports that the regional prosecutor agreed to conduct the proposed examination in the university physics laboratory.

The experiment is carried out, Maltsev's innocence is proved, and he himself is released. But as a result of the experience, the old engineer loses his sight, and this time it is not restored.

Konstantin tries to cheer up the blind old man, but he fails. Then he tells Maltsev that he will take him on a flight.

During this trip, the vision returns to the blind man, and the narrator allows him to independently drive the locomotive to Tolumbeev:

After work, Konstantin and the old driver go to Maltsev's apartment, where they sit all night.

Konstantin is afraid to leave him alone, as own son, without protection against the action of the sudden and hostile forces of our beautiful and furious world.

Goals of the first lesson:

  1. To acquaint students with some milestones in the biography of A.P. Platonov and his era.
  2. To reveal the figurative system of the story and the author's attitude to the depicted.
  3. To instill in students an interest in the work of the writer and his time.

Equipment: portrait of A.P. Platonov, TCO (projector, screen, computer), story by A.P. Platonov "In a beautiful and furious world".

Methodical methods: testing, teacher's story, student's message, vocabulary work, conversation on questions.

Vocabulary work: box, injector, firecracker, reverse, tender.

During the classes

Life immediately turned me from a child into an adult, depriving me of youth.
A.P. Platonov.

I. Checking homework.

Testing. Checking knowledge of the text (the text is read in advance)

(+) Maltsev was still young - he was about thirty, but he had already established himself as a talented machinist.

(+) The machinist Maltsev felt that no one drives trains better than him, no one can share with him the joys of unity with the machine, so he "missed his talent."

(-) Maltsev's assistant turned out to be an indifferent person: he did not try to help him, did not defend him before the investigator.

(+) The investigator is depicted as a distrustful person. He does not believe Maltsev.

(-) Maltsev was sentenced to a long term.

(-) Maltsev "was haggard and aged", lost the meaning of life due to the fact that Kostya did not want to protect him.

(-) Kostya did not take Maltsev on a steam locomotive, although he asked him very much about this.

(-) Maltsev never regained his sight.

(+) The relationship between Maltsev and Kostya has changed. They became family, there was a responsibility for each other, a desire to protect.

II. A word about A.P. Platonov.

1. (Message from a prepared student, accompanied by slides).

All his life, A. Platonov thought about the fate of man, he really wanted to help a person in such an unsettled, disturbing world, full of cruel dangers and twists and turns of history.

Andrei Platonov had the talent to hear someone else's grief, to feel this great disorder of the world. Platonov's life was connected with the most important historical events: the First World War, the revolution, the collectivization of the countryside. Platonov knew so much grief that it did not let the writer go until the end of his days. In childhood, he had to beg (at one time the family reached ten people, and only his father worked). A.P. Platonov early experienced the bitterness of irretrievable losses (they died of starvation younger brothers and sisters), learned hard hired labor, participated in civil war and building a new village. All this shaped the soul and character of Platonov with his painful indifference to need and human suffering.

Platonov is the pseudonym of the writer, formed from the name of his father, Platon Firsovich. His family name is Klimentov. A.P. Platonov was born on September 1, 1899, not far from Voronezh, in the Yamskaya Sloboda. The grandfather of the future writer was a miner, his father was a craftsman, his mother, Maria Vasilievna, ran the household, supporting a large family with her warmth and cordiality. Andrei Platonov was a participant in the Great Patriotic War. In the summer of 1944, he was bombed and his lungs were damaged. On January 5, 1951, A.P. Platonov died. The writer left, but left his books full of goodness and humanity.

2. The word of the teacher.

Platonov's worldview took shape in the era of global historical upheavals: World War I, revolution, Civil War, economic restoration, village collectivization. In his youth, Platonov was a passionate reformer of nature and society, who sincerely believed in the imminent transformation of mankind. The path from blind faith to dramatic insight, the collapse of youth's hopes for a total transformation of society will lead Platonov to create his best works: "The Pit", "Chevengur", "For the future". In them, he will write with great persuasiveness about the fallacy of the path that the country is following.

Throughout the thirties, Platonov was waiting for arrest: many famous people, including writers.

3. Work with a portrait.

Looking at the portrait of the writer, we pay attention to his look, sad, even dreary. A person is looking at us, who, before others, was convinced that there is no other person's suffering and pain. The eyes are very expressive on the face - "the living surface of his heart." In the portrait there is neither external success nor importance. Outwardly, Platonov seems rustic, alarmingly fragile. But his soul was full of love for man.

III. Conversation.

What is this story about?

What impression did the story make on you?

What were you thinking while reading the piece?

What discoveries did you make for yourself, getting to know a new author?

How did you feel when you finished the last page of the story?

What pictures, episodes do you remember the most?

What illustrations would you draw for the story if you were an artist?

Why did Platonov call the story "In a beautiful and furious world"?

IV. Vocabulary work.

Game-competition for the best mechanic. (A group of children was given a task at home: to write out an interpretation of the professionalisms encountered in the story). The interpretation of professionalism is projected onto the board. The guys think what a mechanic should be.

V. Questions.

How does Platonov show the talent of the machinist Maltsev?

What is the significance of work in the life of Alexander Vasilyevich?

Teacher's word.

VI. Homework.

  • Give a title to each of the five parts of the story (citation plan).
  • Answer textbook questions.

The original title of the story is "Machinist Maltsev". Under this heading, it was published in an abridged form in the second issue of the magazine "30 Days" for 1941, and in the third issue of the magazine "Friendly Guys" for 1941 under the title "Imaginary Light". The story was written in 1938.

The work reflects the experience of the writer, who in 1915-1917. worked as an assistant driver in the vicinity of Voronezh, and his father was a mechanic and assistant driver.

Literary direction and genre

In some editions, "In a Beautiful and Furious World" is printed with the subtitle "Fantastic Tale". Indeed, double blindness by lightning, double vision restoration have no scientific evidence. And it is completely unknown how lightning and the electromagnetic wave that precedes it affect the vision of individuals. It doesn't even matter to the reader whether this electromagnetic wave even exists.

All these physical and biological explanations for the blindness of the machinist Maltsev and his miraculous healing are indeed fantastic, but on the whole the story is realistic. The main thing in it is not fantastic elements, but the characters of the narrator and machinist Maltsev, shown in development.

Topics and issues

The theme of the story is the loneliness of the master. The main idea is that talent often leads to pride, which makes a person blind. To see the world, you need to open your heart to meet it.

The work raises the problem of exaltation and sympathy, loneliness, the problem of justice in punishing a person by a person, the problem of guilt and responsibility.

Plot and composition

The short story consists of 5 parts. The narrative is dynamic, spanning two years. The narrator becomes an assistant to the machinist Maltsev on a new locomotive and works with him for about a year. The second chapter is dedicated to the very trip, during which the driver went blind and almost drove into the tail. freight train. The third chapter describes the trial of Maltsev and his accusation.

The fourth part tells about the events taking place six months later, in winter. The narrator finds a way to prove Maltsev's innocence, but artificial lightning causes the prisoner to become permanently blind. The narrator is looking for ways to help the blind man.

The fifth part tells about the events that happened six months later, in the summer. The narrator himself becomes a machinist and takes a blind machinist with him on the road. The narrator operates the machine by placing his hands on the hands of the blind driver. At some point, the blind man was able to see the yellow signal, and then he became sighted.

Each part of the story captures some episode from the story of Maltsev: an ordinary trip - a fatal trip - a trial - an experiment with lightning and liberation - healing.

The title of the story is related to last words a storyteller who wants to save Maltsev from the hostile forces of a beautiful and furious world.

Heroes and images

The image of a beautiful world hostile to man is the main one in the story. There are two main characters in the story: the machinist Alexander Vasilievich Maltsev and the narrator, whom Maltsev calls Kostya. The narrator and Maltsev are not particularly friendly. The story is the story of their relationship, rapprochement, finding a friend in trouble.

Machinist Maltsev is a real master of his craft. Already at the age of 30, he has the qualification of a first-class machinist, it is he who is appointed as the machinist of the new powerful IS machine. The narrator admires the work of his engineer, who drives the locomotive "with the confidence of a great master, with the concentration of an inspired artist." The main feature that the narrator notices in Maltsev is indifference to the people working with him, a certain alienation. One of the features of Maltsev upsets the narrator: the driver double-checks all the work of his assistant, as if he does not trust him. During work, Maltsev does not speak, but only knocks on the boiler with a key, giving silent instructions.

The narrator eventually realized that the reason for this behavior of Maltsev was a sense of superiority: the driver believed that he understood the locomotive better and loved it more. This pride, a mortal sin, may have been the reason for his trials. Although no one really could understand Maltsev's talent, how to surpass him in skill.

Maltsev did not see the lightning, but, having gone blind, did not understand it. His skill was so great that he blindly drove the car, seeing with his inner vision, imagining the entire usual path, but, of course, not being able to see the red signal, which seemed green to him.

After leaving prison, the blind Maltsev cannot get used to his new position, although he does not live in poverty, receiving a pension. He humbles himself before the narrator, who offers him a ride in his engine. Perhaps it was this humility that became the beginning of the recovery of Maltsev, who managed to trust the narrator. His inner world opened outward, he wept and saw "the whole world." Not only material, but also the world of other people.

The narrator is a person who loves his work, like Maltsev. Even the contemplation of a good car inspires him, a joy comparable to reading Pushkin's poetry in childhood.

Important to the storyteller good relationship. He is an attentive and diligent person. It has an amazing and rare ability to empathize and protect. This trait of the storyteller, like his profession, is autobiographical.

For example, the narrator imagines that the locomotive is in a hurry to protect distant lands. So the concern for Maltsev encourages the narrator to seek justice at the trial, to meet with the investigator in order to acquit the innocent Maltsev.

The narrator is a direct and truthful person. He does not hide that he is offended by Maltsev, he directly tells him that prison cannot be avoided. Still, the narrator decides to help Maltsev, "to protect him from the grief of fate", from "fatal forces that accidentally and indifferently destroy a person."

The narrator does not consider himself to blame for Maltsev's secondary blindness, he is benevolent, despite the fact that Maltsev does not want to forgive him or talk to him. After the miraculous healing of Maltsev, the narrator wants to protect him as if he were his own son.

Another hero of the story is a fair investigator who conducted an experiment with artificial lightning and is tormented by remorse, because he proved "the innocence of a person through his misfortune."

Stylistic features

Since the story is written in the first person, and the narrator Kostya, although he loves Pushkin. a man of a technical warehouse, Platonov rarely uses his specific, strangely metaphorical language. This language breaks through only at moments that are especially important for the author, for example, when the author explains in the words of a machinist that the machinist Maltsev absorbed all external world into one's inner experience, thus gaining power over it.

The story is replete with professional vocabulary related to the work of a steam locomotive. Obviously, in the days of Platonov, few people understood the details of the operation of a steam locomotive, but today, when there are no steam locomotives, these details are generally incomprehensible. But professionalism does not interfere with reading and understanding the story. Probably, each reader imagines something of his own when he reads that Maltsev gave "reverse to full cutoff." It is important that the Machinist did his difficult work well.

Details matter in a story. One of them is the look and eyes of Maltsev. When he drives a car, his eyes look "abstractly, like empty ones." When Maltsev sticks his head out, examining the world, his eyes sparkle with enthusiasm. The driver's blind eyes become empty and calm again.

What else to read