Is beach soccer included in the Olympics? Summer Olympic sports

The resumption of summer occurred in 1896. During this time, the list included such names of Olympic sports as gymnastics, martial arts, water sports, equestrian sports, all-around, tennis, team games.

In total, about 40 sports were included in the Summer Olympic sports, but over time, 12 of them were excluded by decree. Thus, we can announce the number 28 - that’s how many Summer Olympic sports are included in the list now.


This is perhaps one of His homelands - Southeast Asia. For the first time, the Summer Olympics included badminton on its list in 1972. Demonstration performances took place in Munich. This sport officially entered the Olympic program 20 years later in Barcelona. Since 1996, 5 sets of awards have been played out: individual and doubles in men's and women's categories, as well as in mixed categories. Singles is 36 participants, doubles - 32 and mixed - 16. The winner is the one who first scores 30 points (with a score of 29:29) or 22 (with a score of 20:20). There are 3 games in total, the winner must win 2.


Summer Olympic sports include men's (since 1936) and women's (since 1976) basketball. Increased attention to the Olympic basketball tournaments was noted when NBA players began to be allowed to participate. There are 12 teams participating in the Olympic tournaments, divided into 2 groups. Four teams advance to the quarterfinals and are eliminated using a knockout system.


This team game appeared at the beginning of the 19th century in the USA, but for the first time the Summer Olympics included it in its lists only in 1992. The goal of the teams (and there are two of them) is to score points. The game is played using a ball and a bat. One player throws the ball, and the second returns it. If the batter manages to run around all the bases located in the corners of the field, the team is awarded a point.


Men's boxing has been included in the list of Olympic sports since 1904, and since 2012 women's boxing has also received this honor. To date, medals are played out between boxers in 11 weight categories. During the entire period of the Olympic Games nai large quantity Boxers from the USA (48), Cuba (32) and Russia (20) received medals.


Greco-Roman wrestling has been one of the sports of the Summer Olympic Games since its revival in 1896. It was not included in the list only in These competitions are held only among men. Athletes are divided into seven weight categories. A feature of wrestling is the prohibition of grabbing below the belt, sweeping and tripping. All actions take place using the arms and torso. Since 1904, the Summer Olympics have included freestyle wrestling, in which trips, sweeps and other techniques are allowed. Since 2004, women have also taken part in these competitions. In total, 11 sets of awards are given for freestyle wrestling: in 4 weight categories for women and 7 for men.


The cycling sports of the Summer Olympics are track cycling, road cycling, BMX and mountain biking. The cycling track was first included in the program in 1896, and appeared for the second time only in 1912. Women's competitions were first held in 1988. Track cycling includes individual pursuit, sprint, madison and points racing.

  • Olympic sprint - teams of 3 compete in 750 meter races in which only the last 200 meters are timed.
  • Pursuit race - men's distance - 4 km, women's - 3 km.
  • Points race - men's distance - 40 km, women's - 25 km.
  • Madison is an all-men's team (2 person) 60 km event.
  • Keirin is a 5 ½ lap race of 250m.

The bicycle highway is a group women's (120 km) or men's (239 km) race that begins with a common start. Team members have the right to help each other in terms of repairs. In an individual race, competitors start 90 seconds apart and cannot assist other athletes. BMX was first included in the Olympic Games in 2008. Participants, using maneuverable bicycles, cross the area, which is covered with bushes.

Water polo

Men's water polo is one of the regular sports. Thus, the first competitions were held at the Olympics in 1900, but women’s teams began to participate only in 2000.

The match involves two teams of seven (including a goalkeeper), and there are six players on the bench. The game consists of four periods of eight minutes.


Volleyball first appeared at the Olympics in 1924 as an entertainment show. But he was included in the program in 1964. Two teams of 6 people play 3 games of 25 points each. In this case, the gap must be at least 2 points, otherwise the game is considered incomplete. The tiebreaker (5th game) is played to 15 points. The game has technical timeouts of 60 seconds and two additional timeouts of 30 seconds.

Beach volleyball is included in the modern Olympic Games. Sports differ in location (the name speaks for itself) and some conditions. For example, a game is considered won if one of the teams has 15 points.


Handball is a team game, both for men and women. She made her Olympic debut in 1936. The game consists of two matches of 30 minutes. Break duration - 10 minutes. The team consists of 14 people (7 on the field and 7 on the bench).


Artistic and rhythmic gymnastics are the sports of the Summer Olympic Games that have appeared on the list since the revival of these competitions. Men's artistic gymnastics made its debut in 1896, and women's gymnastics in 1928. On this moment Medals are awarded among athletes for team participation and individual all-around competition, as well as for each apparatus separately. Rhythmic gymnasts first took part in competitions in 1984. What did the Olympics please fans with? Gymnastics widely known for her amazing pirouettes.


What are the Olympic sports related to rowing? The list included the following:

  • swing (when athletes are divided into two teams, each rowing with one oar) and sculling (each participant has two oars). The race takes place on a straight track with a duration of 2000 m.
  • Kayaking and canoeing for men and women, at different distances in singles, doubles and fours.
  • Rowing slalom - racing along a turbulent stream through a special gate.


Judo is one of the most popular martial arts. It has been included in the list of Olympic sports since 1964. Competitions among women were first held in 1992. The main goal of the participants is to maintain balance and throw the opponent.

Horseback Riding

This is an “aristocratic” discipline; it has been included in the Olympics since 1900. The types of competitions in this sport are constantly changing, but currently medals are awarded for individual and team participation in show jumping, eventing and riding.


One of the most extensive sports is considered Athletics. The Olympics provides for as many as 47 sets of medals. Types of competitions by athletics classified according to the venue:

  • On the athletics track.
  • Inside the athletics core.
  • Outside the stadium.


This sport is one of the most difficult in terms of technique. There are 11 sets of awards for participation in the competition. At the moment, the old classic ships have been replaced by more modern and lightweight ones.


Swimming was included in the Olympics in 1912. Competitions in this sport are held in several stages. There are the following varieties: freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, medley, relay.


This is a type of water sport that involves jumping from a tower or springboard (located at different heights). Single jumps were first introduced at the Olympics in 1904, followed by synchronized jumps in 2000.

Jumping on a trampoline

Included in olympic events sports since 2000, their essence is to perform three exercises of ten elements. Currently, a set of men's and women's medals are being played out at the Olympics.

Synchronized swimming

Synchronized swimming is rightly called one of the most sophisticated sports. Its basis is performing various figures in water to music. Water ballet (this sport was originally called that) debuted in 1984 in the form of singles and pairs performances. Synchronized swimming is exceptional female appearance sport, consisting of a technical and a long program.

Modern pentathlon

Includes the following Olympic sports (you can see photos of competing athletes in the article): shooting, fencing, swimming, horse riding, running. The pentathlon was first introduced in 1912, and initially medals were awarded only to men. Since 1996, women have also participated in this type of competition.


To hit the target using firearms and Airguns. This sport has been included in the Olympics since 1896. Both men and women compete. Today, shooting is divided into bullet and clay pigeon shooting. The first is made from firearms (distance 25 and 50 meters) and pneumatic (10 meters) weapons. Men take 60 shots, women - 40. There are also different positions: lying down, standing and kneeling. Competitions take place at open shooting ranges. Used smoothbore weapon to hit flying targets-plates. Competitions include round, trench and double trap.


Two types of weapons are used - a compound bow and an Olympic bow. Competitors hit stationary targets from a distance of 70 meters. For the first time, this sport was included in the Olympic Games. Both men and women take part in the competition, and team and individual shooting are also provided.


Today, tennis and table tennis are included in the Olympics. The first debuted in 1896, then was excluded, and since 1988, by decision of the IOC, it was again included in the lists of Olympic sports. Table tennis has its roots in the 19th century, but it didn't make it to the Olympics until 1988. Men and women take part in the competition. The one who scores the most points wins the match. The competition consists of seven games, each of which is scored up to 11 points.


This is one of the most difficult types of competitions. It includes swimming, cycling and running. The courses are the same for men and women, and all races take place on the same day. Women start earlier than men: when running - 30 minutes, when cycling - 60 minutes, when swimming - 20 minutes.


Another young (since 2000), but progressive sport included in the Olympics. During the competition, not only the ability to conduct contact combat is assessed, but also breaking objects with a hand and foot while jumping. Participants' limbs and heads are protected. During sparring, low blows are prohibited. The winner is the participant who scores more points in technical techniques.


In 1896, weightlifting was added to the list of strength sports. The essence of the competition is lifting weights. The snatch and clean and jerk are the basics of lifting a barbell. Each participant has the right to three attempts. Weightlifting is part of the double event. Since 2000, women have also taken part in the competition. There are 8 weight categories for men and 7 for women.


Fencing is exclusively an individual sport. Included in the Olympics since 1924. Women and men compete. The weapon for the competition can be the fight itself is held on a track 2 meters wide and 14 meters long, made of electrically conductive material. Points are scored as follows:

  • A saber is a thrust and a blow, since it is not only a piercing weapon, but also a cutting weapon.
  • Rapier - injections made to any point of the body except the back of the head.
  • A sword is any thrust given.

During epee fencing, simultaneous thrusts are counted. And when using a rapier - only those inflicted during an attack.


What makes men happy about the Olympics? Football is, perhaps, exactly the kind of game that makes millions of the stronger sex gather in front of the screens. Women's football was also added in 1996. At the very beginning of the development of the Olympic Games, professional clubs were prohibited from participating in competitions. At the dawn of the 20th century, leading football team was the British team. It was she who took prizes at several Games in a row. The England amateur team represented Great Britain. Its composition, oddly enough, included professional football players. The year 1932 was marked by the fact that football was excluded from the list of Olympic sports. There were two reasons for this. First of all, it was believed that football was of no interest to residents of the United States (and the 1932 Olympics were planned there). Secondly, the FIFA federation did not want this promising sport to be in the shadow of such a world-famous event as the Olympics.

Football was restored to the list in 1936. Due to the fact that athletes quickly reached high professional level, FIFA allowed professional players to participate in the Olympics. Only those who did not take part in the world championships were banned. In 1992, age restrictions were introduced: a team should not have more than 3 players whose age exceeds 23 years.

Field hockey

It is a hybrid of football and hockey. The competition involves 2 teams of 16 people. The game consists of two halves of 35 minutes with a break between them of 10 minutes. Until 1980, only men took part in the competition, but now there are also women's teams.

Aikido, chess, bandy, kickboxing, rugby, mountaineering, Combat Sambo, water skiing, sumo. What does this list of sports have in common? All of them belong to non-Olympic sports. Perhaps if they were included in the Olympic Games, the Olympics would become even more popular.

Have you ever wondered why non-Olympic sports are not included in the Olympics?

Non-Olympic sports - rugby

The Olympic Games have team sports such as football, basketball or hockey. Rugby is also a team sport, but for some reason it is classified as a non-Olympic sports discipline. And this is not at all due to the fact that rugby is not as popular in the world as football.

In England, Scotland, Ireland, France, and South Africa this type sport attracts full stadiums. So why is it not an Olympic sport? The fact is that the duration of the Summer Olympics is no more than 15 days.

In order to play a rugby championship you need a lot more days. This is mainly due to the fact that rugby is considered a contact sport, therefore, players expend a lot of energy and need time to rest.

Rugby is a game in which you can’t skimp, the athletes give it their all. Consequently, it takes them many more days to recover after a match than football players.

Rugby is the national sport of England. Previously we talked about national sports sports in more detail.

Non-Olympic sports - bandy

Bandy, or bandy as this sport is commonly called, is played by two teams of 10 players. Athletes move on ice on skates.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has long recognized bandy as an Olympic sport, and was even going to include this discipline in the 2018 Winter Olympics, but at the last moment they decided to change their decision.

Non-Olympic sports - chess

The list of non-Olympic sports can be continued with chess. They have long outgrown the status of ordinary board games. Every year, championships are held in this sport and sports categories are assigned. So why is chess still not included in the Olympic program?

As for the Winter Olympics, the IOC noted that their program includes only those sports that are held on ice or snow.

Increasingly Popular Non-Olympic Sports

In addition to the sports that we wrote about above, the Olympic sports program also does not include:

  • Acrobatic rock and roll;
  • American football;
  • Armwrestling;
  • Body-building;
  • Bowling;
  • Billiard sport;
  • Weight-lifting;
  • Gorodkov sports;
  • Jujutsu;
  • Kyokushin karate;
  • JKS Karate;
  • Skittles;
  • Kickboxing WAKO;
  • Kickboxing WPKA;
  • Cossack duel;
  • Powerlifting;
  • Paintball;
  • Polyathlon;
  • Hand-to-hand combat;
  • Fishing sport;
  • Rock climbing;
  • Sports aerobics;
  • Sports acrobatics;
  • Orienteering;
  • Dance Sport;
  • Speleology;
  • Sports tourism;
  • Sports bridge;
  • Crossbow shooting;
  • Ski-l;
  • Thai boxing Muay Thai;
  • Taekwondo (ITF);
  • Universal fight;
  • Fitness;
  • Futsal;
  • Checkers;
  • Free fight;
  • Tug of war;
  • Pankration;
  • Aesthetic gymnastics;
  • Cheerleading;
  • Belt wrestling;
  • Squash;
  • Bogatyr all-around;
  • Beach handball;
  • Beach Soccer;
  • Streetball;
  • Dance sport;
  • Wakeboarding;
  • Sporting;
  • Mini golf;
  • Jumping on an acrobatic track;
  • Horting;
  • Jetski;
  • Aeromodelling sport;
  • Automotive sports;
  • Automotive sports;
  • Karting;
  • Airplane sports;
  • Marine all-around;
  • Motorcycle sport;
  • Parachuting;
  • Underwater sports;
  • Radiosport;
  • Sports with dogs.

Who knows, perhaps in the near future the Olympic Committee will consider options with non-Olympic sports and include them in the main program.

Every year, many unrecognized sports compete to gain the attention and approval of the International Olympic Committee. But after a lengthy application process and strict rules, they may not even be approved. If they are approved, this does not mean that these sports will ever appear in the Olympic Games. Given the sheer number of sports in the world, it's a shame that new ones can't bask in the Olympic sun. So which of these sports never got their chance? Here are the 25 coolest recognized but not sanctioned Olympic sports.

25. Cricket

Including cricket in the Olympics makes sense. It is one of the most popular sports in the world with over 2 billion followers. More recently, there has been talk of including cricket in the 2024 Olympics. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

24. Speed ​​skating


If the Winter Olympics have traditional skating, you would think that speed skating would be included in the Summer Olympics. However, it is not yet an Olympic sport. Speed ​​skating organizations are fighting to include the sport in the Olympic Games, but so far have been unsuccessful.

23. Ultimate Frisbee

Photo: Wkimedia Commons

Although the sport may not seem suitable, Ultimate Frisbee has all the necessary parameters to appear in the Olympic Games. In addition, these competitions are very interesting to watch. There has been talk about whether ultimate should be included in the Olympic Games, especially from the International Olympic Committee, which is seeking to match modern trends.

22. Bowling


For many, bowling is something you do when you've tried everything else. It's easy to forget that there are still plenty of really good, competitive bowlers in the world, and they would be ready to compete in the Olympics. If curling can be in the Olympics, it makes sense to include bowling as well.

21. Parkour


Before you laugh at the possibility of parkour being included in the Olympic Games, think about it: isn't this just another form of gymnastics? Sports require good physical training. Some are against the idea because the sport is difficult to judge, but since parkour leaders have met with the IOC, it is a possibility that it will be included in the Olympic sports.

20. Squash


Despite efforts by the World Squash Federation to include squash in the Rio Olympics, the request was rejected and will also be denied inclusion in the Tokyo Olympics. If the popularity of squash in the United States is anything to go by, it would be a great sport for the Olympics. There are 1.6 million players in America and 20 million worldwide.

19. Wakeboarding


Wakeboarding would be great at the Olympics. It's a fun water sport and will attract television audiences. But he hasn’t made his debut yet. He was recently rejected from the 2020 Olympics. We hope that it will take place in 2024.

18. Bouncers

Photo: Wikipedia

Everyone remembers dodgeball, and it should definitely be at the Olympics. Everyone knows that this game school lessons physical education. She's incredibly fun to watch and you have to have a steady hand to win.

17. Table football


When you hear “Table Football”, you probably have images of school and students. Table football is not a sport that requires physical training, but it does require a huge number of other skills. Why not include it in the Olympic Games? Believe it or not, this option is actually being considered by the IOC.

16. Billiards


In addition to conjuring up images of smoky, dimly lit bars or college dorms, billiards is a highly competitive sport that can be more fun to watch than foosball. Currently World Association The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association is trying to include it on the list.

15. Chess


Some people don't consider chess a sport, but they are wrong. Even at the Olympics, chess is considered a sport, but it has never been officially included in the games. We think it's time to change that. There is a small chance that this will happen at the Tokyo 2020 Games.

14. Pole dancing


Yes, we know that including pole dancing in the Olympics is a little iffy. However, there are competitive pole dancers and they are very physically developed. Although the sport has not been approved for inclusion in the Olympic Games, it has recently received observer status and may be included as a sport in the coming years.

13. Beach soccer

Photo: Wikipedia

Beach soccer is exactly what it is called. Instead of playing football on a grass field, it is played on sandy beach. He was pushed hard for the Rio Olympics, but was ultimately rejected. Perhaps one day luck will smile on him.

12. Futsal


Another form of football, futsal is usually played indoors and with fewer players than football. Like beach soccer, futsal was considered as a sport for the Rio Olympics, but was ultimately not included.

11. Darts


Darts goes beyond the boundaries of a leisure sport. Darts players take the game very seriously. Although the sport has never competed in the Olympics, it is currently being considered for recognition as an Olympic sport and hopes to become part of the Olympics in 2024.

10. Ice swimming


It would be correct to say that ice swimming is an extreme sport. Swimmers plunge into water at a temperature of 3.8 degrees Celsius. Its roots stretch back to Europe, and many of its supporters would like to see ice swimming at the Olympics. However, critics call it "too dangerous." However, you could probably say the same about bobsleigh.

9. Mixed martial arts


Other martial arts such as judo and wrestling are included in the Olympics, so why not mixed martial arts? They are as old as time and it would have made sense to include them, but the Olympics rejected the sport as “too violent.”

8. Floorball

Photo: WIkipedia

Floorball is essentially hockey without ice. A ball is used instead of a puck. This sport is quite simple, but at the same time spectacular. It is a crime that this game has not yet reached the Olympic Games. Although, it was officially recognized by the IOC.

7. Bowles


A game of bowls, or bowls, is not bowling, but something like that. Essentially, you roll balls across an uneven lawn to get closer to other balls. The game has not been accepted by the IOC, but bowls organizations are working to change that.

6. Ice climbing


Climbing an ice wall is a crazy feat for most people, but the athletes who do it would love to compete in the Olympics. While the Olympics have largely rejected the sport, it could be included in the 2022 games.

5. Competitive ballroom dancing


We've all watched Dancing with the Stars. So, why not allow these athletes to compete in the Olympics? Even though dancing was not considered an Olympic sport, official organization DanceSport did everything possible to change this, and dance was included in the future Olympic Games.

4. Frolf


Frolf, also known as Frisbee, is already recognized as official olympic sport. It's great, but it still hasn't been approved for inclusion in the Olympic Games. We hope that one day Frolf will have the chance to show the world how cool he is.

3. Cheerleading


Calling cheerleading a sport has always been a little strange, but when it gains the status of an official Olympic sport, the controversy may well end. It's only a matter of time before it makes the Olympic roster.

2. Sheep shearing


It may seem ridiculous to call sheep shearing a sport, but many farmers would disagree. Many believe that the time has come to take the sport to its highest level. high level and include it in the Olympics. The likelihood of this happening is very low. Still, it would be interesting to see.

1. American football


Technically, American football was once included in the Olympics, but that was a long time ago and the sport has since been abandoned. Given that the sport somewhat gives America an unfair advantage, would it be interesting to see how other countries play against each other? Some believe the sport could have a chance to enter the 2024 Olympics.

Football appeared at the First Olympic Games of modern times in Athens in 1896, although its participation was limited to an exhibition match between the national teams of Denmark and Greece, which ended with a score of 9:0 in favor of the Danes.

At the next Olympics in Paris, two games have already taken place, three teams from France, Belgium and England, in the same demonstration format, the strongest was revealed. The 1900 Great Britain team is officially considered the first Olympic champion in football, and the rest of the teams also received awards. Also, three teams played football at the next Olympics in St. Louis: two American and one Canadian, the final success was with the Canadians, who beat their opponents with a total score of 11:0. The mentioned tournament, like both previous ones, was a demonstration tournament; initially, football was not included in the program of the 1904 Olympic Games; it was already during the games, at the insistence of the Canadians, that the organizers agreed to hold the tournament, which took place at the very end of the forum. But these results were recognized by the IOC, and the awards also found their heroes.

Football became an Olympic sport in 1908. This fact was facilitated by two circumstances: the creation of FIFA in 1904 and the holding of the next Olympics in England, the homeland of football. One of the indispensable conditions for the British who joined FIFA in 1905 was official recognition Football is an Olympic sport. Since then, football has become an integral part of the Olympic Games program (with the exception of the 1932 Olympic Games in the USA).

Olympic football tournaments are held by the International Olympic Committee, FIFA, which has an Olympic commission, as well as the organizing committee hosting this Olympics, and directly the country that is the host of the Olympic Games. The frequency of the Olympic football tournament is once every 4 years, just like the Olympic Games themselves.

From 1908 to 1956, the football tournament was played exclusively according to the Olympic system, with games played in one knockout match. Starting with the Olympic Games in Rome (1960), the format underwent changes, a mixed formula was introduced, according to which at the first stage a group tournament was held with games in one round (4 groups of 4 teams each), at the second stage the teams that took first and second places in groups continue competitions according to the Olympic system.

The Olympic football tournament was initially limited to only amateur teams, however, in many countries the game did not receive professional status, and therefore the strongest went for medals. Ultimately, it was decided to allow the participation of professionals whose age is limited to 23 years. In addition, three players in each team do not fall under this restriction.

There are no cups awarded to the winners of the Olympic football tournament, football players who win the tournament receive only gold medals, finalists are awarded silver, and third-place teams are awarded bronze medals.

All Olympic medalists (gold, silver, bronze):

1900 – Great Britain, France, Belgium

1904 – Canada, USA, USA

1908 – Great Britain, Denmark, Holland

1912 – Great Britain, Denmark, Holland

1920 – Belgium, Spain, Holland

1924 – Uruguay, Switzerland, Sweden

1928 – Uruguay, Argentina, Italy

1936 – Italy, Austria, Norway

1948 – Sweden, Yugoslavia, Denmark

1952 – Hungary, Yugoslavia, Sweden

1956 – USSR, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria

1960 – Yugoslavia, Denmark, Hungary

1964 – Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Germany

1968 – Hungary, Bulgaria, Japan

1972 – Poland, Hungary, GDR/USSR*

1976 – GDR, Poland, USSR

1980 – Czechoslovakia, East Germany, USSR

1984 – France, Brazil, Yugoslavia

1988 – USSR, Brazil, Germany

1992 – Spain, Poland, Ghana

1996 – Nigeria, Argentina, Brazil

2000 – Cameroon, Spain, Chile

2004 – Argentina, Paraguay, Italy

2008 – Argentina, Nigeria, Brazil

2012 – Mexico, Brazil, South Korea

* - the teams played a draw in the match for third place and, by decision of the organizing committee of the games, jointly received medals

Futsal is played in more than 70 countries on 4 continents. This is if we talk about men. Women play futsal in at least more than 40 countries on 3 continents. The Futsal World Cup adheres to the Olympic anti-doping rules, moreover, they conduct out-of-competition tests in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which meets all the requirements of Olympism. So why has futsal (mini-football) not yet become an Olympic sport?

The big business of the Olympic Games is the real reason disagreements between the IOC and FIFA. All rights belong to the IOC, and FIFA will not be able to make its “product” (note “Futsal”) and its events significant in terms of financial gain. Thus, futsal is trapped in the economic games of the authorities.

I started my career in 1992, and since then I have been hoping for the dream of all futsal players to come true: for futsal to become an Olympic sport, and for it to finally receive the recognition it deserves.

Years passed, and the Olympic Games were held: in Barcelona (Spain, 1992), in Atlanta (USA, 1996), in Sydney (Australia, 2000), in Athens (Greece, 2004), in Beijing (China, 2008). .), in London (England, 2012), and in 2016 the Olympic Games will be hosted by Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Expectations have increased for futsal to become an Olympic sport, but the International Olympic Committee decides to include two other sports in the 2016 Olympic program, thereby increasing the number of events from 26 to 28. These sports were selected from a list of seven submitted by the IOC in hopes of participating in the Rio 2016 Games: golf, karate, ice skating, rugby, squash, and baseball and softball, which were played at the Beijing Games. There is still a long way to go until the 2020 Olympics, the location of which is still unknown (the article was written before Tokyo was declared the winner), but some sports such as wrestling (and before it was brought back) have already been ruled out. Also in question are: baseball, softball, squash, karate, roller sports, rock climbing, wushu (kung fu), and wakeboarding. Since the list of sports is limited to 28, in order to introduce a new one, it is necessary for another to leave. But the rules have several “tricks”: for example, swimming, diving and water polo fit under the “water sports” category.

Let's see what says about it official document Olympic Games.

52. Sports programs and admission of sports, disciplines and events

The IOC is responsible for determining the program of the Olympic Games, which consists exclusively of the various Olympic sports.

1. Sports included in the program of the Olympic Games.

1.1. To be included in the Olympic Games, a sport must meet the following criteria:

1.1.1. The sport must be widespread in at least 75 countries and four continents for men and at least 40 countries on three continents for women.

1.1.2. A sport must be widespread in at least 25 countries on three continents to participate in the Winter Olympics.

1.1.3. The sport must adhere to Olympic anti-doping rules, conduct tests outside of competition, in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which meets all the requirements of Olympism.

1.1.4. A sport is accepted into the Olympic Games program at least seven years before the Olympics and no subsequent changes are permitted.


The first Futsal World Cup was organized by FIFA in the Netherlands in 1989. Since then, it has been held every 4 years, like its counterpart in big-time football.

Several reasons why futsal cannot be an Olympic sport

In an interview with the CBFS (Brazilian Futsal Federation) website, Álvaro Melo Filho, a member of the FIFA Futsal Commission, explained that futsal is a form of football, which in turn is already an Olympic sport, so technically futsal can also become an Olympic sport , since FIFA is associated with the IOC. He also mentioned some technical aspects during the interview, noting that there is a limit on the sports (no less than 25 and no more than 28) that can participate in a particular Olympics.

He also revealed the political reasons why futsal has not yet become an Olympic sport. The IOC agrees to include futsal in the program along with 11x11 football along with the main national teams of each participating country, i.e. In order for the Russian national futsal team to get to the Olympic Games, the main Russian national football team needs to qualify. FIFA does not agree with this, thereby driving itself into a dead end from which it will be difficult to get out in the near future.

Some argue that futsal is similar to football and therefore cannot be counted as two separate games. However, beach volleyball denies the validity of this theory. Another argument is that to be an Olympic sport there must be unified international rules, but at the same time basketball (NBA) in the USA has its own set of rules.


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