Vitaly Gogunsky with his wife. Real ex. Personal life of Vitaly Gogunsky. Girl from the past

Popular Russian actor, known for the comedy series “Univer”, Vitaly Gogunsky announced on November 4 that he was breaking up with his wife. The main reason for this decision was that he was very busy, due to which he could not spend enough time with his wife. Despite the fact that the couple decided to live separately, Vitaly believes that someday their hearts will unite again.

Why did Vitaly break up with his wife?

Vitaly met Anna several years ago. Then the young student and star artist could hardly have imagined how it would all end. “We met in a cafe in the capital, but after two hours of communication we parted ways without the intention of meeting again.” At that time, Anya was only 18, and she refused to believe that the young boy could actually have serious intentions towards her.

“We met for the second time a year later, and at that moment we realized that one fine day would come when all the problems would disappear and everything would be as it should be. normal people. The third time we met was two years later, and before that I often wrote to Anya on Facebook. As a result, I gained courage and invited her to meet. After the third meeting we spent three days together and made a crazy decision - to get married", Gogunsky shared with the press.

But it's gone less than a year, And family life The 36-year-old and his 22-year-old wife Anna began bursting at the seams: a young couple decided to live separately from each other.“We made the difficult decision to take a break and be separated for a while. I stayed in my apartment, and she moved back to her place. I understand perfectly well that Anna needs one thing - a family in the classical sense. I, in turn, cannot work from six in the morning to eight in the evening. Of course, she's young beautiful girl, I want attention and care, but I can’t always give her this because unrealistic work schedule. When I had a break after working at Univer, I was often at home. And now it happens that I can’t see my wife for several days in a row - I’m working. And if I do come, I immediately fall into bed without the slightest desire to do anything or talk about anything... At these moments I just want to be alone. You see, Anya wanted to discuss last news or just talk. It's hard to combine all this, but sacrifice work I'm in this moment not ready, since this is the main means of subsistence..."

Gogunsky hopes that the red cross on relations has not yet been put

Despite all these circumstances, Gogunsky hopes that the marriage can still be saved. Herself Anya also does not experience any negative feelings towards her husband. Moreover, she praises him:

“Vitalik is trying to spend a lot of time with his 4-year-old daughter Milana. He often buys her toys, takes her to the movies, and walks in the parks. There is no doubt that he is caring and loving dad, and can be strict only in one case: if Milanka asks for candy before dinner. And he continues to maintain friendly relations with his ex-wife. But I don't mind."

In the same time Anna considers Vitaly generous and practical. He buys her luxurious things, and instead of flowers, which she hates, he gives her unexpected surprise gifts. “He recently bought me the first X6 in my life. It so happened that I was recently involved in an accident when a bus driver accidentally hit my car from behind. Well, I, in turn, by inertia drove into the car in front, and that into the next one. Instantly sent Vitalik a photo of the wrecked car. A second later he called back and asked: “Is she even alive?” Everything was OK with me, but the problem was that the car was not insured... As a result, my husband took on all the repairs himself. Of course, a husband and wife should be partners, but a husband, first of all, is an assistant and a reliable support. Vitalik is real gold, a caring husband who is ready to fully provide for me, but I don’t always feel comfortable sitting on his neck.”

It becomes obvious that Vitaly and his wife had complete understanding in the family. Perhaps the actor really needs a little time to normalize his schedule, and only then resume his relationship with Anna.

Vitaly performs a song with his daughter (video)

A dozen years ago, Gogunsky’s star was just beginning to rise. Communication with his first fans initially brought pleasure to the actor, but then became too large-scale and intrusive. One fan did not give the actor peace. At some point, Vitaly’s patience ran out and he spoke rudely towards her. A passerby hastened to protect the girl. She began a verbal altercation with the star man, which grew into a calmer conversation. The girl did not notice how she ended up in a cafe at the same table with the star.

At the end of the evening, Gogunsky took the phone from the charming Anna and even tried to call her. The man was captivated by the young lady’s similarity to his mother. However, Anya was only 17, she didn’t want any serious relationship, and the girl’s romance with the star never worked out. But no one stopped the enchanted Vitaly from occasionally calling Anya and communicating with her on social networks.


Personal life, meanwhile, went on as usual. On the set of “Univer” he met a beauty from Cherepovets, model and “Miss Moscow” Irina Mairko. Soon after several weeks of dating, the couple shared a home. And after a short time, Irina became pregnant.

Fans were indignant when information appeared in the tabloids that their kind and caring idol had stopped communicating with his pregnant wife, and had not come to pick her up with her daughter from the maternity hospital. The situation was aggravated by endless gossip about Mairko, then about Gogunsky and their allegedly dissolute lifestyle. Unable to bear the slander, Irina got into her husband’s phone and found romantic correspondence. From that day on, the relationship was put to an end.

Having recovered from the scandal, Vitaly restored his relationship with his daughter and began to help his ex-family materially. But I decided to radically change my personal life. So the young girl Anna appeared in it again.


Vitaly finally managed to build a relationship with Anya, the same intercessor for the fan whom Gogunsky had been waiting for for several years. After several romantic months, the actor proposed to the charming blonde. This time Anna gave her consent.

But official marriage I didn’t give the girl not from an acting background the necessary reassurance. The more time passed, the more acutely Anna became aware of her loneliness. She wanted Vitaly to be with her more often, to spend evenings and weekends at home. The young wife strove for a traditional family home.

Later, in his interview, the actor admits that he perfectly understands his wife’s claims, but such is his life, such are the features of the profession he has chosen. Filming, touring, unstable schedule, constant absence from home.

Towards the end of his relationship with Anna, Vitaly began to communicate more and more closely with his ex-wife. The daughter often stayed with her dad on weekends; her mother, having made peace with him after a six-year separation, understood and supported... The decision to divorce Anna was not sudden. The relationship had already outlived its usefulness and required change.

And again Irina

After the divorce, Gogunsky was not immediately noticed in the company of his first ex-wife. But soon he surprised fans, first with his romantic photographs, which began to appear on Irina’s Instagram, and then with an official proposal.

In 2017, Irina agreed to marry Vitaly and even took his last name, which is unusual for people in show business. Now the Gogunsky family lives happily together.

Biography and family of a handsome and talented actor Vitaly Gogunsky

And the actor Vitaly Gogunsky is a public favorite, known on television for his roles in popular films. Having a beautiful appearance and strong body he attracts a lot of people: people ask if he has a wife and children. In this material we will tell the biography of a man and the history of his family life.

How did Vitaly achieve success?

The future star was born on July 14, 1978 in Odessa, although she grew up in Kremenchug. His father at that time was a deputy of the council of this city; he was remembered as a man who decided everything himself, both at work and in the family.

Despite this way of life, Vitaly was interested in creativity from childhood, went to music school, played the piano and achieved serious success: he became the best pianist at the regional youth competition (in his age group).

The beginning of the career of Vitaly Gogusky

The future actor was hardworking and used to achieving his goals. Sports activities helped him develop this valuable quality - Vitaly was involved in football and martial arts.

Although the boy grew up in a prosperous family, he preferred to earn money on his own, starting part-time work at the age of 12. At one time he worked as a loader and cleaner. Soon the teenager managed to get a job at a local TV channel and become a TV presenter. Vitaly liked his work and did it successfully; activity in the media sphere influenced his fate, young man I liked working on television, for some time the future actor even wanted to become a professional journalist. A talented person noticed on the federal channel - he received an offer from the Rossiya channel. Vitaly's fate could have turned out completely differently, but in the end he realized that the acting profession was what he really wanted.

After studying at school, the young man thought about entering a theater school, but his choice was influenced by his father, prompting him to begin studying at the Odessa Polytechnic Institute with a degree in industrial engineering. But even after receiving his diploma, Vitaly did not forget about acting; he soon moved to Moscow and submitted documents to VGIK. Tellingly, he managed to enter this prestigious institute on his first try.

The training was easy - Vitaly’s talent allowed him to master acting skills quickly and efficiently; During his studies, he began acting in films, and already in 2004 he made his debut in the film “Goodbye, Dr. Freud,” where he brilliantly played the complex role of a company executive suffering mental problems. Vitaly also showed himself well as a composer: he wrote the soundtrack for the film “Think of Me.”

Gogunsky became truly popular after the series Univer

The future celebrity was noticed by well-known producers, and the actor played his next role in “The Irreversible Man,” and then in the films “The Heiress,” “Bear Hunt,” and “Storm Gates.”

Vitaly received a diploma from VGIK in 2007, but has not yet gained popularity - participation in the above films did not bring fame.

Dramatic changes occurred in 2008: he played his most striking role to date as a dull jock in the Univer seraglio. His hero, karateka-philologist Eduard Kuzmin, elevated Gogunsky to the pinnacle of popularity. In this sitcom, Vitaly’s composing talent was realized - the hit “Shnyaga Shnyazhnaya” became very famous among Russian youth.

Vitaly left the project in 2013, realizing that one cannot become a “one-role actor.” This step by the star infuriated TV viewers; they asked him to go back, but Gogunsky was already tired of Univer. Over the years, he has played in several films: “Bartender”, “Take the Blow, Baby”, “Hotel Eleon”, and continues to act in films and theater. Vitaly is also known for his parodies in the “One to One” project.

Family: who is Gogunsky’s wife, and how many children does he have?

The public's favorite is very popular among women. A serious relationship with fashion model Irina Mairko, which lasted several years, did not lead to an official marriage, but Irina gave birth to a daughter, Milana, from Vitaly.

The mother of Vitaly’s daughter will become his wife. The wedding is scheduled for the end of April 2017

Soon after the birth of the child, the cohabitants separated (due to conflicting work schedules), and in 2013, the celebrity married financier Anna for the first time, whom he met back in 2008 - a girl 14 years younger than him. The wedding took place in Italy, although there is little information about the event.

But in the spring of 2016, the couple separated – and the whole reason was again Vitaly’s intense work. Also in 2016, the man returned to his daughter’s mother, to whom he proposed. The lovers submitted an application to the registry office, the wedding is planned for 2017.

38-year-old handsome Vitaly Gogunsky continues to act and delight viewers with his talent. His personal life is not easy, but everything is getting better - with Vitaly’s future wife a good relationship, and my little daughter is growing up. We can only wish him happiness, health and further career success.

Vitaly Gogunsky, the famous Kuzi from the series “Univer,” like his hero, has some kind of confusion in his personal life. Not long ago he divorced his wife because he decided to marry ex-girlfriend, with whom he has a child. True, he met his ex-wife before he met the mother of his daughter, so go and find out which of his wives is his ex. However, everything is in order.

Clever and beautiful - Gogunsky’s first wife

Vitaly met his first common-law wife, model Irina Mairka, on the set of the TV series “Univer,” where Irina played a cameo role. Soon the young people began to live together.

Irina Mairko, born and raised in the city of Cherepovets, graduated from St. Petersburg University of Engineering and Economics. Irina successfully combined her studies at the university with working as a model and participating in various beauty contests. In 2007, at the “Beauty of Russia” competition, the girl was awarded the title “Miss Perfection”, and in 2008, at the “Miss Moscow” competition, she received the title “Miss Splendor”.

After graduating from university, Mairko moved to Moscow, where she continued her education at the Moscow State University national institute design. Irina worked as a manager in a beauty salon, and also continued to participate in various competitions. So, in 2010 she participated in the Miss Maxim competition, as well as in the Miss Bikini World.

As a result civil marriage Gogunsky and Irina had a daughter, Milana. The cooling of relations occurred just during Mairko’s pregnancy. Vitaly did not come to pick up his daughter from the maternity hospital, and then disappeared completely, leaving the young mother and child alone.

It was during that period that Irina discovered intimate correspondence Vitaliy with another woman, and the breakup became final. That's what they both thought then.

Girl from the past

After breaking up with the beautiful model, Vitaly lived life to the fullest. In 2013 he was completely unexpectedly and secretly from everyone entered into an official marriage with the girl Anna, whom I was familiar with even before meeting Mairko.

They met Anna for the first time in 2008, when the charming blonde was only 17 years old. In one of the cafes, an unknown girl tried to meet Vitaly, and he rudely refused her. Anna stood up for the fan, and an argument ensued between the young people. Somehow it just happened that they ended up at the same table and started talking.

The actor admitted that Anna looks like his mother. The young people exchanged phone numbers, and soon Vitaly sent the girl a romantic SMS. At that moment the girl was not ready for serious relationship, and their romance did not work out. However, they continued to communicate through social networks and sometimes by phone.

Interesting notes:

Five years later, Vitaly suggested meeting. After a romantic dinner at a restaurant, the lovers were no longer parted; in the morning Anna moved her things to him.

After the wedding, the relationship between the young people did not work out. Vitaly worked a lot, Anna did not have enough attention.

“... I understand that Anna needs a family in the traditional sense of the word. But I can’t work from eight to six.”

In 2015, the Tagansky court ruled on the divorce of the Gogunsky spouses.

Today ex-wife Vitaly Gogunsky is engaged in business; she is a financier by training. She opened an agency for the selection of legal personnel and lawyers in Moscow.

Return of the Prodigal Pope

Vitaly paid a lot of attention to raising his daughter Milana, in particular, in the show “One to One”, his daughter took part in the creation of the number of Vitaly’s transformation into Grigory Leps. Milana played the role of Anna Lorak. Gogunsky then won the show.

He began to see the child’s mother more often. Irina’s Instagram account is full of joint photos with Milana, dad and mom.

There were rumors among fans that old feelings flared up again, and they were right. In February 2017, Vitaly proposed to his ex, and now to my future wife. The wedding took place in the spring of 2017.

Judging by Vitaly, he is finally happy: “ I have a feeling that Irina and I have never parted" According to him, marriage with Anna gave him the opportunity to rethink his life.

Irina commented in her interviews:

“I always told Milana that her dad is good, that he cannot live with us because he has a lot of work.”

Time passed, and the Father began to communicate with his daughter, even during his marriage to Anna, he often took her to visit. Vitaly also fulfilled his financial obligations; his child, according to Mairko’s owls, did not need anything.

Milana visits kindergarten Alla Pugacheva, where Vitaly Gogunsky himself teaches acting. Not long ago she made her second appearance on the big stage. Once again in the show “One to One” the little artist appeared in the image of Marilyn Monroe. The jury praised the performance; Milana's score was 10 points higher than that of the experienced dad.

“It’s too early to talk about her future,” Vitaly comments on his daughter’s success, “my job is to give her the opportunity to develop in the direction that she likes.”

In life, Vitaly Gogunsky is the absolute opposite of his screen hero Kuza from the TV series “Univer,” but it was this series that brought the actor popularity. Most often, Vitaly plays serious and strict heroes. In 2013, changes occurred in his life, he stopped acting in the series and his personal life changed. He broke up with his common-law wife, Irina Mairko, after several years of living together, but she gave birth to his daughter.

Ex-girlfriend Irina is a real beauty, this is confirmed by her numerous titles in beauty contests. Vitaly and Irina met on the set, when she was given an invitation as an incentive prize at the Miss Moscow competition. Gogunsky courted her very beautifully, brought a lot of flowers, invited her to chic restaurants and eventually won the girl’s favor. Initially, Irina perceived him as a friend, she was flattered by the advances of the popular actor, but everything grew into a real romance.

After common-law wife Kuzi from “Univer” Vitaly Gogunsky announced her pregnancy, and quarrels began to occur between them. After the birth of their daughter, they often began to separate, then reconciled, and in 2012 the family separated. Vitaly now regularly sees his daughter Milana and loves her very much.

At the moment, Vitaly Gogunsky is already officially married to Anna. The first meeting of the spouses took place in 2008 in a restaurant. When Vitaly spoke rudely to a girl who came up to him to get acquainted, Anna stood up for the girl, and so a conversation began, which then turned into a pleasant conversation. After breaking up that evening, Vitaly sent Anna a text message: “You are my destiny, but you can’t escape destiny! " At that time, their relationship did not continue, only friendship began. They began to call each other and talk about all sorts of little things, to philosophize, despite the fact that Vitaly met Irina and began to live with her, and Anna had a young man.

After five years of dating, Vitaly invited Anna to dinner and gave her a large bouquet of roses. The girl’s phone died and he offered to come to him to call a taxi, but as soon as they entered the apartment he sat down at the piano, began to play and said the phrase: “Finally you are with me, now I won’t let you go anywhere...”. The next day, Anna packed her things and moved in with Vitaly, confident that he was the man of her life.

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