I dreamed that my ex-girlfriend called. I dreamed of reconciliation with a friend. I dreamed of a sick friend

The interpretation of this dream must be approached from different angles. First of all, ex girlfriend can dream of both a man and a woman. For different sexes, the meaning of this dream is different. Secondly, you need to take into account what actions took place in a dream and what other characters appeared.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, then you still think about her and do not let go. You still have hope for a rekindled relationship, but this dream is a warning to you to move on and look for a new relationship. If she dies in a dream, then this dream symbolizes a new beginning. If you dream that you had some kind of sexual relations, then in real life you are waiting for a new romantic relationship. The partner may be new, or maybe you dreamed about it in a dream.

On the other hand, an ex-girlfriend may be dreaming of some kind of fateful meeting. If in a dream you talked to her, then soon your past may appear. If in a dream you quarreled with her or there was some kind of conflict, then perhaps in the near future you will be set up. You won't expect that from this particular person. Fought with her - soon interesting events will happen in your life.

If you dreamed that you kissed her, then in the near future you will meet people whom you have not seen for a very long time, and if you marry her, it means changes in your life. If you see her with a new boyfriend, then you have to make a choice.

Dream Interpretation Longo

An ex-girlfriend in dreams can symbolize an impending loss. There may be conflicts with relatives or close people, or you will suffer some kind of monetary loss. Also, this dream can warn you of gossip or evil gossip. If she hides her eyes, then this means that you are not trusted. If she sleeps in your dream, then everything is going well in your life and all your plans will come true. If in a dream you quarreled with her and at the same time also fought, then this means that in reality you are striving for something impossible, but this will come true only at the end of your life.

Family dream book

This character appears in dreams when you think about him a lot. The dream suggests that in reality you will receive support from where you do not expect it. If you dreamed that you lost your best friend, then this dream suggests that you have real friends and in any difficult moment they will be by your side. If you dreamed that she beat off your boyfriend, then this dream symbolizes your fear. You are so afraid of something that all your thoughts are loaded with only this. Perhaps this dream is warning you about your boyfriend's infidelity. Pay attention to this.

If your girlfriend laughs or looks down in a dream, then this means that a crack has occurred in your relationship, and if she just smiles, then changes will occur in your life in better side. Possible chance meeting.

Some sources also report that an ex-girlfriend in a dream can symbolize an improvement in your situation in real life, and if you had a fight with her in a dream, then in reality this means that your relationship with people is improving.

Many believe that female friendship does not exist, but this is of course not true; perhaps that is why girls often have dreams involving friends with whom they constantly communicate. The image of girlfriends can arise in the subconscious during sleep and mean different things. It is often said that I dreamed of a friend with whom I do not communicate , or have no idea what a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming of .

In the interpretation, the dream book speaks of competition in reality. But in order to give a more detailed prediction, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of a dream.

The psychologist interprets what an old friend dreams of: soon you will find out the sad news. Miller suggests that they are associated with the deterioration of the health of a relative or friend.

Hidden fears

In a dream, did you meet your best, but already forgotten friend? In reality, when there is nothing to hope for, support will come unexpectedly.

Why dream that your best friend is crying? When creating difficulties, keep in mind that the consequences of your actions will affect not only you, but also those around you.

If in a vision best friend appears too often, it means that you are tormented by fear. You probably doubt your ability to correct the situation, feel dependent on another person.

Guests on the doorstep

Why dream that an ex-girlfriend hugs? Expect guests. These are old friends from whom there was no news for a long time.

A friend's wedding in a vision portends ordeal for your family and loved ones.

The dream book deciphers a fight with a friend as an attempt to bring the impossible to life. Perhaps the cherished dream will someday come true, but this will obviously not happen now.


Dreamed of a former girlfriend of her husband? The predictors say: you do not trust your spouse and are very afraid of infidelity.

The last passion of her husband, who appeared in a dream, is interpreted by the dream book as monotony in intimate life. Take the initiative and diversify it. You will both benefit from this.

In some cases, a husband's sex in a dream with an ex is an attempt to calm his conscience after his infidelity.

stop fantasizing

Why does a girl's bosom friend dream? You are an overly impressionable person. Most fears are far-fetched, and you are not in danger.

A quarrel with a friend that occurred in a vision is a harbinger of troubles and failures.

An old friend appears to a lady in a dream before a quarrel, perhaps even parting with her beloved.

Get together

What is the dream of a former girlfriend of a married woman? Dirty gossip and rumors will go about you, the source of which will be hard to find.

Often appearing in dreams, a girlfriend tries to quarrel every time - get ready for a divorce.

think first

Had a dream to communicate with an old friend? To proceed further, you need to get additional information, learn new skills.

If you had to communicate in a raised voice, the dream book foresees: you will be forbidden to pry into other people's affairs without asking.

We communicated joyfully and in a friendly way - in the near future events will develop in your favor.

In a dream, it was not possible to have a normal conversation, as we talked on the go, and part of the conversation eluded you - in reality they incorrectly assessed the state of things. The dream interpretation warns: you risk making obligations that you cannot fulfill.

Important nuances

For more accurate interpretation plot in a dream, it is necessary to recreate the events of a dream as accurately as possible in memory. Then you can correctly decipher what you see.

  • The ex-girlfriend spat in her face, the dream book is encouraging - in reality, the old forgotten debt will be returned.
  • I had to swear in a vision with a friend - responsible negotiations are coming.

  • Fight in a dream with a friend - you will be able to avoid serious troubles and get out of the water dry.
  • To put up with an ex-girlfriend - in reality, you can reach unprecedented heights. Any business will be disputed.
  • The dream interpretation claims: to greet a friend in a dream portends a meeting that will exhaust and tire.
  • If a woman had a conflict with a good friend in reality, and in a dream she comes and silently looks at the sleeping woman; this may mean that a friend has unspoken words and unexploded emotions. It is worth calling and talking to establish contact.
  • If a girlfriend in a dream is worried about something and is sad, she says that in the future one can expect trouble and discord with loved ones. It is better to be more careful about your words and try not to offend anyone.
  • What is the dream of an ex-girlfriend with whom the connection has long been lost means that the sleeper has deep feelings that require them to be dealt with immediately; it is possible to go on vacation or set aside time for self-care and pastime away from the eyes and fuss. Might have to think about something and rethink.

Everything is great!

What is the dream of your beloved ex-girlfriend with whom you do not communicate in reality? Although now is not the easiest time, the seers promise that soon family life get better.

If in a vision you meet a girlfriend with whom you do not communicate, it means that you have a discord between beliefs and aspirations.

Throw out the excess

In a dream, reconciled with a friend after a long-standing conflict? Troubles will soon pass, and luck will smile at you. According to another version, the seers claim that this is a shifting vision that portends a new quarrel.

Dream Interpretation, if a former girlfriend in a dream tearfully asks for forgiveness, notes: you still cannot let go of the past, you cling to old grievances and humiliations.

Pregnant or with a child

What is the dream of a pregnant girlfriend , it is not always possible to accurately interpret, but if a woman sees a dream, this may indicate that she does not want to be realized as a homemaker, mother and loving wife. For her, her own freedom and independence is more important.

In a dream, they learned about the pregnancy of an ex-girlfriend. In reality, you will receive a huge amount of money, most likely, financial position relatives will help.

The ex-girlfriend is pregnant - the dream book speaks of problems in family life.

The lady gave birth in a dream - you will be relieved of old debts and obligations. Now you can live in peace.

Did you meet a girlfriend with a child in a dream? Much depends on the gender of the child. The boy portends financial stability; girl is happiness.

A life

An ex-girlfriend who broke up badly died in a vision? In reality, the dreamer is waiting for good health and a comfortable existence.

An old good friend died? Brace yourself, hard times are coming.

If in reality a deceased friend often comes in visions, the dream book says that the events of the past do not let you go. Deal with this issue, otherwise you will not be able to live in peace.


Dream Interpretation, if a man in a vision met a forgotten sweetheart, predicts a romantic acquaintance with a beautiful woman.

A classmate came - the past will soon remind of itself with a meeting with old friends.

The girlfriend that he left, dreamed of by a man, can mean imminent love adventures, at the cost of which health may turn out.

At the level of feelings

Of course, if unpleasant aspects of the personality were affected in a dream, you should not take everything literally, because a lot depends on particular day in which he had a dream. Women are more inclined to feel the messages of their intuition on a subconscious level, so they should be attentive to the position of the moon on the night when they dreamed of something special in their opinion.

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting a dream, we think about when dreams come true. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look into moon calendar- what phase of the moon is today and what lunar day.

Comparing data on lunar day and by the day of the week it can be assumed whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

What is the dream of an ex-Girlfriend in a dream from a dream book?


Who dreamed of an ex-girlfriend?

An ex-girlfriend dreamed of a married woman▼

For married woman a dream where an ex-girlfriend appears symbolizes leisure, a person from inner circle dreamers. Most likely, it is not a dreaming girlfriend who is plotting, but a completely different person. There is also the possibility of family, discord.

What can you say about this ex-girlfriend?

Ex-best friend dreaming ▼

If a former best friend dreamed and she silently looks at the sleeping person, this is most likely her unspoken grievances. Perhaps she is looking for an occasion to express emotions. If you still have a good relationship, and the ex-girlfriend is sad, this may mean future experiences.

I dreamed of a friend with whom I don’t communicate ▼

When a friend with whom you do not communicate is dreaming, this is a sign: you should not limit anything. It is better to devote a few days to solitude, pay attention to your inner, reflect, do something that brings peace.

I dreamed of a pregnant ex-girlfriend ▼

A dream where your ex-girlfriend is pregnant can symbolize the dreamer's unwillingness to create, to become the keeper of the hearth. Surely, there is still a reluctance to give birth to a child, to do household chores, to lead.

A friend of an ex-girlfriend is dreaming ▼

If a friend of an ex-girlfriend dreamed, probably the former passion is now full of difficulties and misfortunes. However, such a dream can rarely portend any cardinal changes in the dreamer.

What happened in the dream?

Why dream of a quarrel with an ex-girlfriend ▼

A quarrel with an ex-girlfriend, the dream book warns, in all likelihood, portends a possible reconciliation between the dreamer and the dream girl in reality. But, in addition, this may be a sign of future general positive trends.

Dreaming of an ex-girlfriend hugging ▼

I dreamed of a fight with an ex-girlfriend ▼

The dreamer and her ex-girlfriend, as the dream book predicts, are a sign of serious ones that may arise on your life path. Most likely, to achieve your goals, it will take a long time, painstakingly, diligently. Relying on it is very reckless.

Why dream about how an ex-girlfriend dies ▼

A dream where an ex-girlfriend dies often turns out to be a warning: someone has planned something bad for the dreamer. But there is no despair: it will be easy to resist intrigues with due care.

I dreamed of reconciliation with an ex-girlfriend ▼

Reconciliation with a former girlfriend in a dream certainly indicates an acute communication between the dreamer and this person. Perhaps you should renew contact, try to re-establish the former trust.

Video: What is the dream of an ex-Girlfriend

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I dreamed of a former girlfriend, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    i dreamed of an ex-girlfriend ... with whom we used to be friends on the site ... in a dream, why was she my neighbor and invited her to drink tea ... she ran out of milk and I went home to my place for milk ... and the dream ended there ... please explain the interpretation of the dream

    My friend with whom we were good friends used to be 3 boys and we were 2 girls and we were great friends, so long time we don’t see each other at all anymore and don’t communicate for half a year once sms hello hello and that’s it. Yesterday he writes and says, I saw you in a dream today and immediately decided to write, I asked what was there, he says they say he began to show me why we are not friends as before, why forgot me he says and I cried, I was with 3 friends and he was with something incomprehensible a guy he doesn’t know. Now I’m wondering why a friend sees that I’m crying :-(aah help and who is the guy that was in the dream why is the stranger I’m afraid

    i dreamed of my best friend (the former, more precisely, we haven’t communicated with her for more than 2 months and she said that she thinks that our friendship is over) in a dream we seemed to meet in the future (in a dream, as in life, we were in a quarrel) and began to talk, we spent the day together, chatting and having fun, I was happy in a dream, because I miss her so much and was glad that we met
    I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday
    such dreams were
    we also somehow met by chance, walked, had a great time and in a dream I was very happy
    since I constantly think about our friendship, and I have already dreamed about it several times in 2 months, I would like to know what it all means
    thanks in advance

    I dreamed that my husband and I were preparing an event, it looked like a wedding anniversary. We have a daughter with him, she also appeared there, guests arrived, but the one we didn’t expect and didn’t want to see with her husband also arrived, she went up to him and said that she saw me smoking with some man, and my husband I believed her, although this was not at all, if someone else needed a family and a child, my husband did not believe me and went to the guests, I turned around and left, and he was not even worried about me. Please interpret this dream, thanks)

    A former friend with whom they were friends 8-9 years ago came in a dream for the first time, parted very hard, a lot of gossip insults, and here in a dream she was so sweet, as if she apologized for everything, and would like to renew the relationship and with a look asked to forgive her and continue communicate, but in fact it is not possible in life.

    for ten years I have not communicated with a friend who betrayed me, I saw her in a dream very rarely, but today it is very clear, she was with her husband, a calm dream, we did not quarrel. We talked a little, and then they went to bed in the next room and I I saw, and I also knew for sure that not far from us, enemies had taken refuge in some cave, but they did not scold us

    I dreamed about how my ex-girlfriend, with whom I haven’t seen or talked for several years, came to my house and started hugging me and kissing me, but I didn’t like it and I was very surprised that she was taking such an initiative towards me

    I dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, we were in some kind of apartment or in the country, I went out on a beam to sit down and smoke, and at that time she began to laugh at me and she very often began to come to me in dreams and it scares me a little

    ex girlfriend gave me back mobile phone, which was stolen from me (in reality) 5 months ago at the station. But instead, I lost another mobile phone that I was given at work in the same place in my dream, and I was very upset because of this. And one more thing: this friend of mine in a dream worked in some kind of medical institution (hospital), in which there were many teenagers. And I went there to someone (to whom and why - I don’t remember). There was one friend (a girl who is not familiar to me in life), also in a dream my friend - she called me somewhere and I followed her until I saw her throw garbage on the ground, I was offended by her for this and I started to run away from her, she was chasing, and I was very afraid that she would catch up with me. While I was running, I noticed that I had lost my mobile phone, which I (in reality) was given temporarily at work.

    Well, about a month ago, I quarreled with my best friend, today I had a dream about her. I come to work and there she is an intern, I go into the pantry and there she and I scream at her and she has zero attention

    i dreamed about my late husband and he gives me to the guy with whom I have a relationship. also in a dream there was a girlfriend with whom I don’t communicate and she had blood on her face, then I called my friend’s sister and said that Sveta was bad (that’s my friend’s name)

    good afternoon, I dream of a friend with whom I haven’t talked for a long time, and besides, she calls me and invites me to go for a walk, then we see each other and she starts talking about her day, I already have such a dream 7-8 times if not more. I would like to know what they are

    I dreamed of a friend with whom we said goodbye recently, as she acted very badly. We walked in a dream in the park, near the fountain, but could not find a place where we could sit in the rain. We went into an office with a lot of chairs. We sat there, but for some reason we didn’t find shelter there either. Then I began to look for the keys to rented apartment although I live in mine. And then we parted ways. The dream has stopped.

    I only remember that it was some kind of night, the dead lay everywhere, everything was in blood, people threw some kind of bombs / grenades, I got on the bus, there was my classmate with whom we were not in best relationship, I I remember that I asked where Polina is? She answered, and Polina died, I was in shock, said “Kingdom of Heaven” several times, then I saw that many seats on the bus were covered in blood, and some corpse lay under the chair ..

    Good afternoon Tatyana, my name is Sabina, I dreamed of my ex-girlfriend as if we were working with my former boss, she had not worked for him before and this dream is the second time I dream the same

    I broke up with my friend a month ago, today I dreamed that I was sitting at the computer at home and Skype suddenly turned on and she appeared asking me what was happening to me, to which I said don’t even ask. That's all I woke up with.

    My friend and I no longer communicate for two months, in a dream I dreamed that I was visiting him and my boyfriend in the summer and she and I went for a walk around the city, everything was as before
    I forgot about her for a long time and don’t even remember, but it became interesting why she suddenly dreamed of me

    Hello! My name is Timur. So, my dream was like this:
    I don’t remember the first half, but in the second half of the dream, I dreamed that I was standing next to an ex-girlfriend and a new girlfriend. I was telling my girlfriend about something, and the ex was standing, looking at us and smiling. It scared me a little. But then, I leave and go to the Autoshop and buy myself a good expensive car and go to the city center to the club. When I arrive, I get out of the car, I look again, my ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend and boyfriend are standing not far from me. I go up to my girlfriend and hug her and look at ex girlfriend and she looks at me and smiles very tenderly. That's it. This is where my dream ended.

    Hello. I am disturbed by a dream, the essence of which is often repeated. A dream about how I reconcile with my ex-girlfriend, and each time in different places and under different circumstances, but the essence remains the same. I was told that if you think a lot about a person, then he can dream. But I haven't thought about it for 2 weeks now.

    It was at school, we were dressing to go out, but then I saw a wound on her leg and asked: “what is it?” she only answered: “fell”, although this was not in the dream.
    Then she lay on the school floor in streetwear. I approached her and she answered me: "go away .."
    And then I woke up

    I was sitting on a chair, two friends were standing next to me (one on the right, the other on the left), she approached me (an ex-girlfriend, I don’t communicate with her now), put her hands on my treats, pressing and said: It’s clear who you chose. And that's it, she turned and left

    I dreamed of a former best friend with whom I have not communicated for 9 years. She was in the hospital and an unfamiliar man was hunting for her. I protected her and tried to protect her. When the persecution story ended, she cried, and I consoled her.

    at first there was a litter with a girl, a lot of people were involved and a friend said something in a dream, I knew her name, then I left and met 2 girls, they were happy and swam, I turned around and drove on

    Hello, I dreamed that my ex-best friend called me (we don’t communicate with her for 2.5-3 years) and invited me to go for a walk, I agreed, the three of us walked (the third was our common good friend, with whom we both rarely, but we communicate to this day) we had fun, we were the happiest, it felt like we were walking for 3 days in a dream. (And in real life we ​​stopped talking 2.5-3 years ago, due to numerous quarrels, jealousy for new acquaintances , tried to make peace, start talking, but we can’t do it anymore, different interests) please tell me what this dream is for? The dream had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday.

    I dreamed of my ex-best friend, we do not communicate with each other for a month and several weeks. In a dream, she sucked up to me with communication, and I turned away from her in the literal sense of the word.

    hello, today (03/13/17) I had a dream where I was in some kind of room. There was my ex-best friend with whom I started talking. She looked at me all the time with a smile and wanted to hug. I think she hugged me ( I don’t know for sure). All this time I felt a different feeling, I was in a strong surprise. WHAT does this mean? My gmail ^ . THANK YOU, I'M WAITING FOR THE FORECAST)))))

    Hello, we walked near the school as if in the summer. My grandmother and I went to get paid, and she followed us as always. We went to the store and she followed us. My mother and her parents were there. I wanted all the dresses, then I was offended (I don’t remember what) I ran into the corridor of the store and my friend behind me, I started saying “leave me alone, leave me alone,” she said something like, “let's go Angelin.” I didn’t agree to anything, I stepped on her foot so that she got rid of it, then on her knees, she quickly ran away and bought that dress, I cried.

    Hello, I dreamed about how she slept with some guy in front of my eyes and at my house, and my parents and I just went back and forth, this is my ex-best friend, we were friends with her in childhood

    I had a fight with my best friend a month ago, we had a very serious fight. From the lack of communication with her and from resentment towards her, I took the first step and wrote to her, expressing all the resentment, but she read it and did not answer. And for the fifth day now, she has been dreaming about how she writes to me in my networks, yesterday I blocked her in my network and she began to write from another page, trying to measure herself. In some dreams we made peace, and some just didn't end. What does this dream mean?

    I dreamed of a friend with whom I was in a quarrel. I dreamed that we were sorting out our relationship with her. Then she went home. And she came again in a supposedly drunk state to find out again. And my dream ended there.

    My girlfriend and I haven't spoken in over a week. She came up to me when I was sitting on a bench and asked why I didn’t communicate with her, why I didn’t answer messages in social networks in In reality, I really do so, I never answered.
    Then I was sitting at the computer, she came in a red dress and asked me to give her a seat, I still ignored her, but she sat on my knees, sat a little and the dream ended.
    The dream was from Saturday to Sunday.
    I woke up with a strange feeling in my chest.

    I dreamed that an ex-girlfriend came to my house to pick up her thing, I gave her what she wanted (She had to pick up a teapot on it, the sticker was removed). A friend began to say that the sticker was intact, I said that she already told me I gave it away. As a result, I kicked her out and closed the door, shouting to her that she was a sheep. She turned around and flew into the house, rushed to fight. We knocked each other to the floor, but then the fight stopped and we, as if nothing had happened, went to the computer to look at the pictures that I drew but I did not find them.

    I dreamed of my best friend (with whom we are on this moment in litter) and another friend of mine with whom they constantly walk, in this dream we were, as it were, in litter, but went to a cafe, but we quarreled again and I had a very heavy briefcase. I went to the cafe alone On the other road, while I was walking, I met one very good friend of my best friend, and we went to this cafe with him. He and I were sitting at another table, and when those friends left, my best friend came up and asked something, I didn’t understand. Then I started to beat her to show how much it hurt me. After that, I went up to that friend, started beating her with the words “If your best friend refused you, this does not mean that you need to take her away from me”

    Hello, my friend who owes me money in real life (even sued her, before that I didn’t know her, we’ve been friends with her for about 2 years). So I dream that the judge makes her repay me the debt, and for some reason that the amount is much less (that is, she owes me 1200 euros and pays 240 lei, counting paper money on one side, the paper is white on the other side, colored as they should be, others are black and a portrait King of Moldova (I'm from there) After the trial, I'm walking down the street and she's all like that in a car in a rage with her brother and with one daughter, she wanted to knock me down, but at the last moment she changed her mind, like that I won the court, and she lost.

    Explain, please.
    My ex-girlfriend and I were in a cottage, surrounded by people. When we went to bed, one guy, (maybe her) accidentally touched me, she noticed she started pouring mud on me .... swearing, tears of resentment, I go to my friends, tell them about what happened in response to silence (either they supported her or were just silent) I am in tears of resentment and I don’t understand leaving them all !!! Help me understand, I think something is wrong here!

    I dreamed that I was walking with my ex-best friend towards my house and I asked her for advice on the topic: where can I buy glue sticks for a tero pistol, very small. And she answered me that she has a big thermal gun and she buys glue sticks in the Forum, and I answered that the sticks are too big for my thermal gun, and she replied that then she doesn’t know where else you can buy glue sticks.

    I dreamed of a friend with whom we communicated very well for a year (university friend) and have not been communicating for half a year. I dreamed that we were sitting in assembly hall and the hairdresser does her hair-curls and we are discussing a fashion show at the university, they say how she has no idea how she will participate because she is larger than ordinary models. And I asked her for a comb, but she didn’t have a regular one, there was some kind of mini comb at the end of the curling iron

    I dreamed about my best old friend with whom I quarreled 2 years ago ... I dreamed that I reconciled with her and we were close friends again, she shared with her problems .. And the problem was in her mother. For some reason, my mother constantly screamed, even threatened her, we were in the same room, and then everything seemed to get better .. But then the scandal began again, she didn’t really treat me in a dream, but she seemed to absolutely care .. Sleep was in bright warm colors, then abruptly turned into cold and gloomy .. After this dream, I remembered the good old times with this ex-girlfriend and I wanted to renew the relationship, I thought it over and considered myself guilty of a quarrel .. And now I think how meet with her, what to say .. And will she reject me .. After such a period of time .. And if so, then I will be calm that I did my best, and did not let everything take its course ... Please explain the interpretation of my dream . Sincerely, Zhanna.

    I had a dream with my ex best friend, the second day in a row
    From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that she was trying to talk to me, and from Saturday to Sunday I dreamed that we met, talked and hugged ..
    I have dreams from Wednesday to Thursday and from Thursday to Friday, and then I also had a dream from Saturday ..
    help me figure out what this is?
    I am Aquarius
    Date of birth January 31, 2003

    At first, the dream was not at all about a girlfriend, various adventure and fantastic things happened in it.
    It featured my relatives, my favorite actress, the people I have ever seen, as secondary characters. But then I met my ex-best friend. We helped each other in various tasks. Then we gathered together in the bathroom (for some reason) to talk heart to heart. We became best friends again. Then she told me what gifts she wanted for some holiday and said what she would give me. I went to collect gifts for her in various places and they came out very original, maybe not even what she wanted. Then the dream ended.

    Good afternoon. In September, I had a quarrel with my good friend Alena, and not so long ago I was offended by my other friend Katya. Yesterday I was too lazy to think about reconciling with them as soon as possible, but I was not sure that Alena would also want to reconcile with me, and that we would soon reconcile with Katya.
    Today I dreamed that Katya apologized and we reconciled with her. I told her, “Well, you communicate with everyone,” and she agreed. Then somehow I dreamed that I saw Alena. She called me her friend and, as it seemed to me, we began to put up, but suddenly she disappeared. She left without saying goodbye.
    Second dream: I had a dream about how some woman was guessing me, carefully looking into my eyes. She had beautiful, light hazel eyes.
    It's all

    An ex-girlfriend left me, found another friend, whose name is Yulia. I have not spoken to her for about 7-8 months. Today I dreamed that my ex-girlfriend was crying and asking for forgiveness from me. I didn't understand.

Unexpected events, projection of past grievances onto the current situation.

In many ways, the interpretation of what the ex-girlfriend dreams about depends on how well the dreamer broke up with her. If the gap was painful and negative, then the dream speaks of a resentment hidden by a girlfriend. If parting with a friend happened easily and without mutual claims, then soon the dreamer expects a change in life, receiving good news.

Comments by famous interpreters

    Miller's dream book

    For a woman to dream about her ex-best friend means that rumors and gossip of various kinds circulate around the dreamer's person. Also, a dream may indicate a relative of the sleeping woman, who is envious of her and unconsciously tries to harm her.

    For married women, a dream promises the appearance of a rival in, the mistress of the spouse. A man to see his ex-girlfriend in a dream promises deceit on the part of a woman.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    Seeing an ex-girlfriend in a dream portends a major scandal with a loved one. Quarreling in a dream with an ex-girlfriend predicts a successful outcome for a woman, and an acquaintance with a stunning girl for a man.

    Fight with ex girlfriend means that the dreamer behaves badly with the closest people. This behavior greatly offends the environment of the sleeping person.

    Dream Interpretation Longo

    Former girlfriend in a dream - it is a harbinger of a changing situation, a large number ongoing events. The dreamer risks getting lost in this maelstrom of life. For a young girl, such a dream predicts a quarrel with a loved one.

    Invite a friend to the house means that the disorder love relationships happened through the fault of the dreamer. To drive a friend out of the house indicates the cessation of all conflicts and quarrels, the achievement of harmony in relationships.

    Man walking with ex girlfriend predicts a great risk in business, the likelihood of betrayal by friends or business partners. For a woman, a dream indicates her frivolous behavior, because of which unpleasant rumors hover around her person.

    The death of an ex-girlfriend or a fight with her portends a happy period in life, getting rid of adversity.

    English dream book

    For women ex best friend dreams of troubles in personal life, the appearance of a rival in the struggle for the love of a man. For business men, seeing an ex-girlfriend in a dream portends problems at work, disruption of contracts, the emergence of a strong competitor in business.

    Modern dream book

    The appearance of an ex-girlfriend in a dream promises big trouble, big troubles associated with business or financial sphere . The dream indicates that in his trouble the dreamer will be left alone - he will not receive help from relatives or friends.

    Fight with a friend in a dream means that you will have to fight for your dream, even go over your head or against your conscience. Each step towards the goal will be given with great difficulty, you will have to make titanic efforts for this.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomen

    Seeing an ex-girlfriend in a dream means the dreamer's subconscious desire to establish former friendships. The dream also prophesies a meeting with interesting person with a unique outlook on life.

    A young girl sees an ex-girlfriend in a dream portends disturbing emotions, remembering past grievances and troubles. It is likely that in reality there will be a meeting with an ex-girlfriend.

    A married woman has a similar dream portends idle gossip and rumors, a quarrel with a loved one, discord with a spouse.

    Seeing an ex best friend in a dream means that she is bored or holds a grudge against a sleeping person. If in reality there is a good relationship between the dreamer and the girlfriend, then such a dream predicts future emotional experiences.

    To see in a dream a friend with whom the dreamer has not communicated for a long time, indicates that now the best time for relaxation, for reloading your ideas and plans. Seeing a pregnant girlfriend in a dream for a woman means her subconscious desire to become a mother, and for a man, his desire to start a family with his beloved.

    If a man dreams of his ex-girlfriend's girlfriend, then in reality, misunderstandings and quarrels in personal relationships await him. Also, a dream predicts dramatic changes in the dreamer's life.

    Quarreling with an ex-girlfriend in a dream portends a gift of fate, the successful completion of a difficult matter. Hugging with a girlfriend in a dream indicates the dreamer's desire to improve relations with this girl.

    A woman fight in a dream with her ex best friend portends obstacles on the path of life, serious trouble at work. Perhaps the dreamer takes on too much responsibility, which she is unable to cope with.

    If a man dreams that his ex-girlfriend is dying, then in reality, he should be wary of the machinations of rivals, the emergence of new enemies.

    Reconcile in a dream with an ex-girlfriend indicates the desire of the sleeper to feel human warmth, to return the former friendship or romantic relationship.

Her actions in the dream

Seeing an ex-girlfriend in a dream portends the appearance of help from an unexpected quarter. Seeing a crying girlfriend means that in reality the dreamer's personal affairs will become known to the people around him.

If in a dream an ex-girlfriend hugs a dreamer, then in reality portends an unexpected visit of guests. The wedding of an ex-girlfriend prophesies trouble in the personal or professional sphere.

Quarreling or fighting with an ex-girlfriend indicates the dreamer's desire for something impossible, unrealized. To achieve your goal, you will need long years and great effort.

If in a dream an ex-girlfriend makes love to someone, then in reality, the dreamer is tormented by conscience because of his own wrong behavior. For a woman to see how her husband enters into an intimate relationship with his ex-girlfriend, indicates the dreamer's jealousy, her distrust and suspicion of her husband.

If a friend makes a scandal in a dream, then in reality the dreamer will face trouble and total bad luck. If the ex-girlfriend herself spoke to the person, then in reality the dreamer will receive answers to his questions.

Former girlfriend spits in the dreamer's face - to return the debt which he had forgotten about. Say hello to a friend indicates an unpleasant and tiring visit to some person.

If an ex-girlfriend came to reconcile in a dream, then this promises prosperity and enrichment to the dreamer. To see a dancing girlfriend in a dream indicates unnecessary material expenses.

deceased friend

To see that an ex-girlfriend has died portends difficulties and losses, possible disappointment in her lover. Often seeing the death of an ex-girlfriend in a dream means that the events of the past haunt the dreamer and disturb him.

If you dream of a friend who died in reality, then it indicates unfinished business or an unfulfilled promise. Seeing a naked dead girlfriend portends a period of loss and deprivation.

dreamed dead friend in the wedding is indicates the danger hanging over the dreamer. For a girl, such a dream indicates an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy.

Cuddling with a dead friend predicts promotion, success in business and endeavors. If in a dream the deceased danced and had fun, then in reality the dreamer will face a series of losses and troubles, exhausting attempts to stay afloat.

If in a dream a friend is trying to say something to the sleeping person, then in reality he should heed the advice loved one and not act under the influence of emotions.

If in a dream a dead friend gives something to the dreamer, then this predicts an unexpected meeting with a person from the past - a former friend or lover. Also, a dream indicates a complication of relationships with colleagues or relatives.

pregnant friend

To see a former girlfriend in a dream in a position predicts enrichment to the dreamer, getting the opportunity to develop and realize himself, performing a miracle or an unusual event. For a woman, a dream prophesies an early pregnancy, and for a young girl - entering into a happy marriage.

A man sees a pregnant woman in a dream ex girlfriend indicates troubles in the personal or professional sphere. To a married man a dream portends problems in family life.

See in a dream the birth of an ex-girlfriend means release from debts and burdensome obligations. Seeing a girlfriend with a child portends receiving, sudden enrichment.

If in a dream a friend died during childbirth, then such a dream heralds years of happiness and relative serenity. The dream also indicates relative material freedom.

An innocent girl to see her ex-girlfriend in a position prophesies shame and gossip. To a young guy such a dream indicates that he still has feelings for his past lover.

Former friend or friends

Former friends mean a person's nostalgia, his longing for past happy times. A happy ex-friend portends good news, and a sad and painful ex-friend portends problems and ill health.

See a campaign of friends from the past indicates the establishment of old ties, obtaining the information necessary for the development. Seeing a dead comrade in a dream means trouble and the unwillingness of the sleeping person to compromise, show flexibility and patience.

Former best friend dreams of emotional experiences and a lack of love. Also old friend dreams of problems in the family, of discord in marital relations. To quarrel with old friends means regretting the things you have done.

Drunk Friends Campaign portends joyful events in life, the opportunity to defend their opinion in the circle of important people. Seeing an old friend in a coffin indicates new stage in the dreamer's life.

It happens that communication with the closest people breaks off. To find out what the ex-girlfriend is dreaming of, you need to remember all the details of the dream, as well as the reasons why your friendship ended in reality.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Before proceeding with the interpretation, think about why the dream hooked you so much. Sometimes a former best friend dreams only because the quarrel happened relatively recently, and the emotions are still fresh. In this case, the dream is only a projection of our waking experiences. We stop controlling our own mind when we go to sleep, and all experiences come to us in dreams.

Dream Interpretations say that the interpretation depends on why you stopped communicating. If a friendship is interrupted due to life circumstances, such as moving to another country, and neither party holds a grudge, the dream may simply be a sign that you are missing a loved one.

If your friendship was a long time ago, and you forgot to think about your former friend, and she suddenly bothered you in a dream, you can think about it.

The main interpretations of such dreams:

  1. Perhaps you are simply spending too much time on your past, analyzing it and not allowing yourself to move on. Throw away old grudges and past relationships, otherwise you will not be able to find happiness.
  2. According to Tsvetkov's dream book, reconciliation with an ex-girlfriend, after which you communicate nicely, does not bode well. Usually a vision portends quarrels with loved ones, quarrels with partners. If in a dream you are talking with a girl in a raised voice and even break into a scream, this, on the contrary, is interpreted as good sign. Relations with loved ones will be established, and old conflicts will be forgotten.
  3. According to Longo's dream book, when in a dream a woman seems to suck up to you, says too affectionate words and tries to build ideal relationship, be careful. Someone weaves intrigues and spreads rumors. Try to either nip them in the bud or, if you're late, ignore them. But in no case do not give up, even if it seems that the whole world is against you.

If you had a friendly conversation with an ex-girlfriend, you are in danger of a quarrel with your lover. Ignore the rumors and try to start trusting your man.

If the plot of the dream went beyond a simple conversation, and an ex-girlfriend dropped by to visit you, a major scandal will break out very soon. Even parting with the chosen one can become its outcome. If in a dream, after inviting a friend to the house, you kick her out, the conflict will be hushed up without much sacrifice.

Walking and hugging with former friends in a dream do not bode well. Such dreams mean that intrigues are woven behind your back, and soon you will become a victim of cruel rumors. Spend more time with loved ones, because only they will always be by your side.

Why dream of a friend's wedding

It would seem that the wedding celebration is a bright holiday. But even if you are ready to rejoice for the happiness of your ex-girlfriend, the dream of her wedding is not the most favorable for you. Most often, it means that difficult trials await you, including misunderstandings with loved ones, illnesses of family members and troubles at work with one of your close relatives.

If, to top it all off, you dreamed of a pregnant ex-girlfriend, the dream becomes not so gloomy. Pregnancy in a dream often symbolizes new beginnings and financial luck. Perhaps soon you will win the lottery or receive a large inheritance.

A fight with an old friend in dreams

If in a dream you started a conflict with an ex-girlfriend, or one of you dragged the other into a fight, in reality there were understatements between you. Perhaps a former friend is keeping a terrible secret from you. Particular attention should be paid to the relationship of your lover and ex-girlfriend. If they intersect for work or other reasons, and the man’s behavior has changed to cold and aloof, they started an affair behind your back.

Naturally, the dream book is not the last resort in this matter, but after such a dream you should be more careful and discuss your worries with your loved one.

See reconciliation with an ex-girlfriend

Very often, such a dream plot means that you should take a break from daily worries and devote a little time only to yourself. You feel like you are trapped. You can endlessly love your work and your loved ones, but every day seems like a copy of the previous one. If you think that an eternity can pass like this, immediately go to rest. It is not necessary to spend a month on the beach - an evening walk to your favorite places hometown dispel you no less.

In most cases, an ex-girlfriend in a dream is a bad sign. Moreover, the troubles that await the dreamer will come not from the former friend herself, but from loved ones.

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