I dreamed of an explosion. Why do you dream of an explosion: one or several? Basic interpretations of why you dream of an explosion at home or in a public place. Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Interpretation of the dream Explosion in Miller's dream book

Seeing explosions foretells that the wrong actions of people around you will be the cause of your dissatisfaction. Your affairs will also upset you. If you dream that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, this means that you will be unfairly accused of being talkative, and circumstances will be against you. Seeing smoke and fragments means failure in business. If in a dream you are engulfed in flames or thrown high up by a blast wave, the dream predicts that your unworthy friends will violate your rights and abuse your trust. Young women having such a dream should be careful when communicating with unfamiliar men.

Explosion in Vanga's dream book

The explosion symbolizes the power of fate, which is useless to resist, but which can be avoided by building your life correctly and existing peacefully in the surrounding space. If you saw an explosion on the horizon in a dream, it means that your existence will soon be overshadowed by a sad event that could crush you if you do not turn to friends and relatives for help and support. Seeing a house being destroyed by an explosion is a bad sign, which warns that you will have to experience all the vicissitudes that evil fate has in store for you. If you were knocked off your feet by a blast wave in a dream, then such a dream predicts internal devastation, disappointment, depression associated with the realization that you spent aimlessly most own life. If you rise to your feet after a blow, this means that in reality you will be able to overcome adversity and regain strength.

Dream Explosion according to O. Smurov’s dream book

Hearing an explosion in a dream is a sign of approaching danger and a big scandal threatening your to a close friend or a relative. If in a dream you were not afraid of him, then trouble will not affect you and you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences. The dream warns you that your frivolous behavior and rash actions can lead to serious consequences and your good name may get hurt. To suffer from an explosion is a sign of great distress due to failure, wounded pride and gossip. If in a dream you also see the destructive consequences of an explosion, then loved ones will betray you.

The meaning of the dream Explosion in Hasse’s dream book

A dynamite explosion portends a high appreciation of your person. The louder he was in the dream, the more recognition and glory you will receive from the people around you. If you caused the explosion yourself, your fame may have a tinge of scandal. To suffer as a result - such a dream warns that fame will have a disastrous effect on your soul.

See also:

Exploding a house in a dream symbolizes crisis situation, which must be addressed immediately. Why else dream of such a destructive impact? The Dream Interpretation offers the most current decryptions.

Miller's opinion

Mr. Miller is sure that an explosion of a house in a dream warns of decisive actions by people around him, which will bring a lot of worries and troubles.

Be prepared for anything!

Did you dream that your home was blown up? The interpretation of the dream depends on how much you personally suffered.

Were you able to avoid serious injury? A misfortune will happen, but you will be able to survive it without much worry.

If you are seriously injured, then be prepared that a debilitating illness will be added to a number of problems.

Trouble streak

Seeing a house explode and watching it collapse right before your eyes means that you will quarrel with your significant other, be it your husband, wife, friend or lover.

Did you dream about a house completely destroyed by an explosion? The dream book believes that a period of total troubles and bad luck is coming.

Find a way out!

Why do you dream about a house exploding from gas? You are about to meet an unpleasant person, and the consequences of this meeting will remind you for a long time.

If a building collapses in a dream due to a gas ignition, then problems will occur due to an incorrect assessment of an event or a person.

Was the gas explosion your fault? You will be able to find a non-trivial way out of a difficult situation.

Some specifics

The dream book suggests including the meaning of this or that explosive in the decoding.

  • An atomic bomb can be a dream about an accident or a break in a relationship.
  • Nuclear - to vain hopes.
  • Homemade - waste your energy to no avail.
  • Grenade - avoid danger completely by accident.
  • Dynamite - you are appreciated, but only in words.
  • Firing from guns means a scandal with neighbors.
  • Bombing - change, the end of an unfavorable period.

It’s good to see a house exploding and shining in a dream. The dream book considers this a harbinger of favorable events.

But the dark smoke enveloping the destroyed building promises real trouble. Flying fragments symbolize failure varying degrees gravity.

Change is coming

Why does a woman dream that a woman’s house exploded? The dream book believes that she will be disappointed in love.

Did you dream that a house exploded nearby and you were literally thrown away by the blast wave? Your enemies will take advantage of your non-conflict and kindness to deal a significant blow.

The worst thing is if your own house exploded in a dream. This is an omen of grandiose events, including forced relocation, ruin, divorce, and even the death of someone in the household.

Dream interpretation explosion

If you had to see an explosion in a dream, then you can expect a strong release of emotions in reality. To correctly interpret what an explosion means in a dream, you must first analyze the general emotional condition dreamer Because first of all, such visions come on the eve of serious mental upheavals.

The general symbolic interpretation given by the dream book is that an explosion is steam released. During all this time, he managed to create an incredible high pressure. The atmosphere was already tense for a long time, and only one drop is needed for all the emotions to come out.

Miller's more restrained interpretation suggests that the dreamer may be upset by the actions of the people around him. But this is not at all the level of intensity of emotions that comprehensively explains why an explosion is dreamed of.

Destructions from dreams

If you dreamed of an explosion

If the blast wave caused a lot of destruction, it is very important to pay attention to what was damaged first. Then it will be possible to predict which specific areas of the dreamer’s life may be under attack due to severe mental shock.

City ruins

If, when interpreting what an explosion means in a dream, you need to look additionally about the destruction of the city, things are bad. A dream city can symbolize the habitat and places that the dreamer loves most.

If the blast wave from dreams completely destroyed the city, and the dreamer observes smoking ruins, it is quite possible that after a major scandal, relations with almost all close people will be severed, Miller’s dream book predicts.

The dreamer will want to start life over again, with clean slate. He will change his job, his home, and his closest life partner.

To prevent the consequences of the conflict from being so extensive, it is important to be the first to start a conversation about what infuriates you the most.

In this way, the desire to leave “these vile and two-faced people” can be avoided.

Home destroyed

If you dreamed of an explosion that destroyed a house, this is a bad omen. Because the house symbolizes family relationships or the dreamer's inner self.

For family people

If housing is damaged

Destroyed family nest from a dream can symbolize a huge scandal. Since discontent accumulated day by day, nothing could be achieved using the usual methods of stabilizing relations.

The symbol from the dream warns that in a fit of anger, the dreamer may make a hasty decision, which will only aggravate the conflict.

For single people

If you don’t have your own family, then the house from your dreams can symbolize inner world dreamer To see it destroyed means to lose faith in the correctness of the chosen path and to feel empty.

You shouldn't rush from one extreme to another. If emotions run high, then you can let them out in a more peaceful way. Extreme sports are the best helpers in this matter.

Mutilation on the body

Almost every dream book explains an explosion from dreams as a sharp change in events due to the emotional shock of the dreamer. But if, in addition to this, the pictures of the mutilated body were reminiscent of recently watched horror films, what interpretation could the dream have?

  • Charred head - you will be credited with the unusual quality of spreading gossip, says Miller’s dream book. Since they will be very plausible, then wash your good name It's unlikely to succeed.
  • There are many fragments throughout the body - during a conflict the dreamer will find himself alone. It will be very difficult to defend himself and his opinion, and he will perceive all accusations as a personal insult.
  • A huge fragment that has stuck into any part of the body is one of the warning dreams. You need to be attentive to your health and pay attention to this part of the body. It may reveal serious illness. A medical examination is required.

General impression

In addition to the generally accepted interpretation of sleep, there are others that focus on the details of the incident itself. They are also very deep to understand and carry helpful advice for the near future.

  • Seeing a bright glow during an explosion from a dream is a great success. If the dreamer has been preparing some kind of project for a long time or trying to implement his own business, then now his finest hour is coming. Many will talk about it, and the success will be stunning.
  • Hearing the sound of an explosion is one of the dreams that warns of the danger of gossip around your name, says Miller’s dream book.
  • Seeing black acrid smoke - almost any undertaking will lead to financial ruin due to the evil tongues of ill-wishers. You need to hide for a while and not make any decisions, even if your loved ones persistently demand them.
  • The blast wave threw him up sharply - two-faced people are waiting for the right moment to stab him in the back. If your relationships with new acquaintances are maintained through trust, it is worth reconsidering them, otherwise their betrayal will take you by surprise and cause severe moral trauma.

Seeing fiery flashes in a dream and hearing a strong roar is always unpleasant. A person who has dreamed of an explosion may soon experience a strong surge of emotions. An interpreter will help you find out more about what a flash means in a dream. To do this, you need to remember what you saw in a dream in detail, understand the meaning and feel the emotional load.

Nuclear explosion

A dream in which there was a nuclear explosion is deciphered as a radical change in lifestyle. If you become one of the victims, it means that some unprecedented event will happen that will radically change your outlook on life. Universal dream book advises you to prepare in advance for this event.

The modern dream book believes that seeing an atomic explosion in your dreams at night means that in reality you will learn something shocking about friends and relatives, which will greatly change your opinion about them.

For some time after such a dream, the fortuneteller Aesop advises to stay away from highways and cross the highway strictly at the pedestrian crossing and traffic lights. Accidents cannot be ruled out.

Explosion of a car or plane

A dreamed explosion of an airplane means a loss of calm and fearlessness. This kind of story is dangerous. nervous breakdown. Grishina’s dream book advises taking a break, taking a vacation and moving away from home for at least a week.

Why do you dream about a car exploding, Aesop explains. A dream in which you saw a car explode promises disappointment and a series of unjustified hopes. Beware of arguments and avoid people who cause irritation, because your nerves are like exposed wires - capable of exploding at any moment.

Miller's interpretation of sleep

Miller believes that a bomb explosion foreshadows a dizzying and all-consuming passion that will take over your entire being, leaving your mind not a single chance to stop. Another option for why you dream about something like this - sudden change all my life. A revaluation of values ​​will force you to instantly cut off all your old connections, delete unnecessary phone numbers and start new stage in life.

If you dreamed of small demolition works, it means that the wrong actions of others will cause your dissatisfaction.

Did you dream about a house explosion? This is a bad sign. Miller's dream book warns against rash actions. The interpreter warns that there is a series of trials that must be endured with pride and not break.

Dreaming of a fire and explosion means the occurrence of difficult situation, which will lead to the threat of dismissal from work. Seeing an explosion and fire in a dream means that this time you will get away with an inappropriate behavior.

Various interpretations

Aesop will help you find out why you dream about war and bomb explosions. A dream in which you experience animal fear, the need to run away and hide, symbolizes a storm of emotions in reality, which will be almost impossible to contain. The dream book believes that discord and quarrels in the house can end in a break in love or family relationships.

An explosion in a dream, according to Grishina, may be a symbol evil rock, designed to teach you resilience and willpower through the lens of failure. The plot in which you managed to get back on your feet after an outbreak is interpreted by Grishina’s dream book as resistance to all the trials presented by fate.

There are dreams that immediately upon awakening seem very scary to us. But in fact, they come to us to reach us, to force us to correct ourselves, so that our wrong behavior does not cause catastrophic consequences. According to the dream book, an explosion in a dream performs exactly this function.

An explosion in a dream, interpreters say, is most often dreamed of because a person has accumulated emotions inside that are ready to “explode” at any moment. Any unpleasant action by relatives or colleagues can lead to a sharp emotional outburst in the dreamer. But seeing an explosion in a dream can also be a sign of pleasant surprises - it all depends on the details of the dream:

  • What exploded in your dream?
  • How bright was the picture?
  • Have you ever heard the sound of an explosion?
  • Were you afraid of what you saw in your vision?

The interpretation of night vision will depend on what answers are given to these questions. If you dreamed of an explosion, the details of the vision will help you turn it to your advantage.

Not a peaceful atom

An atomic explosion in a dream foretells that in reality news awaits you that will have a serious impact on your opinion about some people. An atomic explosion can also symbolize that something is about to happen that will seriously change your worldview. You're likely to realize positive things in your life that you simply hadn't thought about before.

If the atomic explosion in the dream did not have the slightest effect on you, this is a warning. Soon fate will give you a good chance, and your job is to be able to take advantage of it to change your life for the better.

Nuclear explosion, which is accompanied by flashes of light in a dream, warns: one must be vigilant in order to avoid serious deception in reality. But as the dream book says, a nuclear explosion, if in a dream you became its victim, can bring real life well-being.

I dreamed of a nuclear mushroom and terrible pictures of destruction - a reason to take my own health seriously. A nuclear explosion, after which you see devastation and devastation, dream books interpret, can indicate a serious illness, and it is better to identify it at an early stage.

Man-made accidents

Why do you dream of a helicopter explosion or? If in a dream you saw an airplane explosion from the outside, this may indicate that you have accumulated nervous tension and irritation in reality. But if you dreamed that you were inside a plane that exploded, this is definitely a sign to take care of yourself. Noble dream book As a recipe for such dreams, he prescribes rest - preferably outside his native walls.

Why do you dream about an explosion? On the one hand, impressionable people may imagine such a plot after watching the news. But if you didn’t watch such TV commercials before going to bed, the vision suggests that high expectations can lead to disappointment. Try not to make excessive demands on those around you in reality.

If we talk about “explosive” visions, it’s worth figuring out why you dream about the explosion of a special device – a bomb. If, when a bomb explodes, houses collapse in your vision, says the Gypsy Dream Book, this symbolizes that you are afraid to take on obligations in the sphere of personal relationships.

The explosion of a bomb also foreshadows an explosion of emotions, and their range can be very wide. The noble dream book says that a bomb explosion is a sign of a scandal in the family, so in reality it is worth spending more time solving family problems.But if you managed to get back on your feet after the bomb exploded, you will be able to overcome all life's trials with honor.

For a woman, a frank warning is a dream in which she dreams of exploding. This is a signal to take a closer look at your partner’s behavior: it is possible that he is not behaving entirely honestly. No wonder old dream books they said that fire and destruction of buildings are seen on the eve of a break in relations.

Why do you dream of an explosion if, in addition, there is an explosion in your dream? A war in a dream, during which you see shells exploding, tells the sleeper that relations in his home are tense to the limit. War - in the figurative sense of the word - can step from a dream into reality, but if effective measures are taken, this can be avoided.

An explosion, after which the dreamer is engulfed in fire, indicates that the person trusts others too much, and some may abuse this. If you only heard the sound of a shell exploding, but at the same time you did not experience fear, this means that life’s “thunderstorm” will bypass you, you will only hear its echoes.

Hearing an explosion, but not seeing it in a dream, and at the same time being afraid possible consequences- dream books say that soon after such a vision the sleeper may need the help and support of relatives and friends. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

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