What does Aquarius value in a woman? Aquarius man: a loyal and devoted friend or a free romantic

Surely every man who is in a relationship with a woman of the Aquarius sign has more than once admired high level intelligence and erudition of his chosen one. The Aquarius woman knows the answers to all questions, she learns and develops all her life. Most representatives of this sign have or strive to get higher education. They read a lot and love educational films. To win over such a woman, you must meet a certain intellectual level. Ignorants and simpletons do not inspire her.

Among Aquarius there are many creative personalities. These ladies are sociable and open, however, they often face misunderstandings from others.

Aquarians often suffer from nervous disorders, the cause of which is not weak character, but too complex mental processes. Therefore, Aquarians should avoid mental overstrain and stress. Sometimes it is better for women of this sign to come down to earth and relax in the circle of loved ones. After all, their global thinking and eternal search for truth can simply lead them to a dead end.

If you want to win the heart of the ward of Uranus (the ruling planet of the sign), do not behave aggressively and unbridled, do not use bad words and don't make yourself look like a hero-villain. The Aquarius woman loves elegant, well-mannered men, whose passion is hidden in the wrapper of culture and gallantry. Invite your girlfriend to visit a museum or philharmonic, take her to a cozy coffee shop, or go to the library together.

The best gift for such a woman is a book. She likes classical music, not hard rock. She will be happy to watch the competition figure skating or rhythmic gymnastics. But boxing or football are of little interest to her. Aquarius loves flowers and nature in general. Where the Taurus mistress would plant onions, the daughter of Uranus will sow cute daisies. Take a walk with her autumn forest, admire the sunset or the rainbow after the rain. She is a terrible dreamer, although rose-colored glasses are not among her accessories.

The Aquarius woman is ready to seek a competent approach to her husband, but at the same time she expects him to accept her for who she is. Aquarius is able to cool down the ardor of fire signs or, conversely, rekindle the flame of fading love. But reserved men of the water element signs are unlikely to like her oddities. She has many admirers until old age, but she often fails to find the one.

Aquarius loves to change the environment and travel. Trust the woman you love. If you are dear to her, she will fly in the clouds and will definitely return. She is not frivolous like Gemini or Sagittarius. Family playing important role in her life. She is sophisticated and graceful, takes care of her posture and figure. Such a woman is an invaluable find for the stronger sex!

Aquarius will not live in a golden cage. She needs air and a lot open space. If a man decides to break off a relationship with a woman of the Aquarius sign, then he should know that she will not humiliate herself, beg him to stay and threaten to commit suicide. She will let him go, although she will cry bitterly. But having survived the breakup, Aquarius will free her heart for new feelings, and leave the pain in the past, because Aquarians are people of the future who rarely get hung up on old problems and failures.

The Aquarius woman is like a weightless, beautiful muse. And yet she is earthly and corporeal. Don't hold it too tightly or it will melt. Better hold hands and ascend to the stars together.

Freedom-loving representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign, as a rule, know how to attract attention to themselves, because they have charisma, are romantic and know how to win the heart of any girl. What kind of women do Aquarius men like, how to behave so that he notices and chooses you?

The main quality that attracts representatives of this sign is sincerity. Don’t try to pretend to be God knows who, Aquarius subtly senses falsehood and pretense, and absolutely does not accept them in a woman. The more natural and open you are, the higher your chances of building a relationship with this man.

Do you know what secret words Will they help you make an Aquarius man fall in love with you very quickly?

To find out, click on the button below and watch the video to the end.

General characteristics of the sign Aquarius

Interesting, independent, having their own view and point of view on everything - these are the men of the zodiac sign Aquarius. If your system of values ​​and ideas about life is very different from his picture of the world, you are unlikely to make a strong, harmonious couple.

To a certain extent, representatives of this sign can be called uncompromising. They know what they want in , and will not waste time on a girl who obviously does not meet their criteria - they will not mentor, educate or remake. One of the main life values Aquarius is freedom, both for himself and for people close to him, and this creates certain difficulties in relationships with him.

Despite their sociability, these are often closed and emotionally reserved people who make close contact not only reluctantly, but without much enthusiasm. Even the parents or spouses of Aquarius cannot always boast that they know them well, since this man is in no hurry to open his soul to anyone.

Talented, creative natures, men of this sign are creators, regardless of what profession they realize themselves in. They constantly strive to expand their horizons, to new knowledge, impressions, and experience. Therefore, spiritual fulfillment and the ability for constant development attract them in a woman much more than external qualities or an easy-going character.

Feminine qualities that Aquarius men like

So, what kind of women do Aquarius men like? The key epithet is interesting. This man’s beloved girl is an interesting person with an interesting appearance, for whom everything that happens in life arouses keen interest and a desire to try. What is important is the degree of your internal freedom and the similarity of your key values ​​with his key values. Let's look at the portrait of Aquarius's beloved in more detail.

There must be some mystery in a woman

Initially and throughout your entire communication, you should not completely open up to Aquarius. This doesn't mean playing an image Snow Queen On the contrary, he rather likes “warm”, cozy girls who are ready to share their tenderness with a man. But at the same time, there should always be something unknown and unsolved in you, which will attract this man to you.

How to find the key to the heart of an Aquarius man? Use secret words, which will help you conquer it.

If you want to find out what you need to say to a man to charm him, click on the button below and watch the video to the end.

How to achieve such a contrasting effect? Add new details all the time - in external image, in character qualities, in behavioral strategies. Do not allow the effect of “getting used to”, do not let him feel that he has learned and understood everything about you. Surprise him in every way, this will help you save.

Openness to the world and people

Aquarians consider openness to be one of the most important feminine qualities. They are not attracted to people who are focused on themselves and their inner world, on the contrary - the wider the circle of communication and interests of his chosen one, the more respect she evokes in a man of this sign, the higher her authority and significance in his eyes.

Moreover, by openness he means not only and not so much sociability, but to a greater extent for Aquarius it is a craving for the new, unknown, characteristic of himself. Towards self-development and self-understanding, but not alone, but in close contact with people and the world. Therefore, he does not like “frozen” women, focused on performing daily, routine actions, who do not strive to expand the boundaries of their knowledge and feelings.

Emotionality, the ability to express one's feelings

Representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign are most often men who are very reserved and closed. This does not in any way affect their sociability, but if you try to “go” a little further and deeper, there is a high probability that the door will be slammed right in your face.

But Aquarius expects much more from his woman. She must be able to not only show, but also convey to him her feelings and emotions, and this applies to both their personal relationships and impressions of outside world beyond their scope. Therefore, the ability to deeply experience and empathize is important quality, without which you will not be able to maintain a relationship with an Aquarius man.

Respect for his freedom, external and internal

A mandatory quality, without which you cannot even make friends with an Aquarius man. Never set conditions for him, do not try to force him into the framework of your ideas, limit his freedom in any manifestations, he will not tolerate such an attitude from anyone.

He knows and decides for himself how and with whom to live, what to do, how to behave. And no matter how much he falls in love with a woman, he will never give up his right to freely manage himself and his life at any moment. Therefore, even being married, Aquarius remains a free man belonging only to himself.

Very few women are able to accept such a philosophy of life, so it is often very difficult for Aquarians to find a mate. However, if they manage to meet a woman who understands and shares this view of things, they know how to make her truly happy and build a strong, long-term and harmonious union with her.

Caring, ability to create comfort

A separate and very important point for Aquarius is the ability of a woman to take care of him with full dedication, with all her soul. Moreover, this care should be manifested not only in external, everyday manifestations, but also mainly in relation to him and his inner world. Caring as the ability to support, share difficulties, not reproach or demand more.

In response, the representative of this zodiac sign is ready to give his woman everything she asks. Within the framework of his ideas about what is, in principle, necessary and what is superfluous (of course). Next to such a man, his beloved woman feels very protected, caressed, she does not lack his attention and warmth.

Qualities that repel Aquarius

Insincere, egoists fixated on their own interests, who want to dictate their terms and rules of life to a man, who strive for dominance in the family and relationships, will not be able to keep the Aquarius man. He dreams of someone who will share it with him life goals, will become his ally and partner in all endeavors, will be able to put his interests above his own, without limiting him in anything and without reproaching him for anything, completely accepting him for who he is.

Only in this case do you have a chance to become happy next to Aquarius. Be open and joyful, strive to know him and yourself, learn to hear, understand and obey him - then your relationship will be successful and will last as long as you want.

There are only a few secret words, upon hearing which the Aquarius man will begin to fall in love.

Discover a secret that only a few women know. Click the button and watch the video to the end.

Representatives of the stronger sex, born under this sign, attract women like a magnet with their mystery, independence and versatility of nature. By studying the characteristics of an Aquarius man and what kind of women he likes, you can understand the characteristics of this person’s character, his aspirations and goals in life, because having learned the nature of a person and his desires, you can win him over.

general characteristics

The main quality of representatives of this sign is - independence and love of freedom. They have their own opinion on everything and do not adapt to others. Aquarius is in no hurry to open his soul even to people he knows well. To gain his trust, you need to try.

A man of this sign knows how to attract attention. His charisma is attractive to both very young girls and mature ladies. Despite their sociability, Aquarians are closed people who are in no hurry to make close contact.

Their creative person constantly strives to create something, expand horizons, learn new and interesting things. Most representatives of the air sign have a good education, play sports and strive to earn big money in order to provide decent life. In society, they know how to show their best side.

Type of representative of this sign

Those born under this constellation can be recognized by appearance. Most often, these are eccentric people who prefer to dress brightly and unlike others.

Aquarius always has a fashionable and stylish haircut, is clean-shaven and will never wear unironed trousers. From women he also requires accuracy and a sense of style.

They are constantly gushing with new ideas, inventing various ways solving the problem. In the house of a representative of this sign there is always the most new technology and clothes in the latest fashion.

Man in love

There is something unusual in his perception of love. Intimate relationships he perceives it as if it were something ordinary and can quite calmly talk about them in any company.

Wherein Aquarius is not known for its sensuality, you can even call it cold. He diligently hides his feelings, so women who do not have a fiery temperament will have a hard time with him. Only a passionate lady can stir up this emotional sluggard.

Love for him is, first of all, friendship and devotion. He must be confident in the reliability of his partner, only in this case a long-term close relationship with him is possible.

Who will Aquarius like?

To understand what kind of women Aquarius likes, you need to remember that representatives of this sign have clear requirements for both the appearance and the character of their future partner. They will not waste time on a girl who does not correspond to their ideas of ideality.

Aquarius is quite closed from others and has his own clear picture of the world. If a woman's views and value system do not meet these criteria, it will be almost impossible for her to build a relationship with him. harmonious relationships. This sign keenly senses falsehood, so it cannot be deceived. It’s better to confess right away, then he will understand and, perhaps, forgive. But he will not tolerate lies in any case.

Preferences in appearance

To impress a man born under this sign, you need to know exactly what kind of girls Aquarius likes.

February man will attract a woman who always looks well-groomed and neat. His girlfriend can't have excess weight, do not play sports, do not take care of your figure and hair. Aquarius will always pay attention to unusual hair color, fashionable or extravagant outfit and bright makeup. A lady must have own style and a memorable appearance.

A guy born between January 21 and February 19 will always pay attention to a cheerful and sociable girl. A wide, open smile is one of the main things that attracts him.

Character of a woman

Aquarians like independent women who clearly know what they want and are used to achieving it in life. To interest this man, you need to behave a little mysterious, unpredictable, emotional and passionate.

Winter men like the following character traits in women::

  • Mysteriousness. You need to intrigue and attract the attention of your life partner every day. A man will never get bored, discovering something new every day in his life partner. This does not mean that a girl should be unapproachable and cold. On the contrary, he will be attracted by tenderness and softness, but at the same time mystery and unexpected images every day.
  • Positive, cheerful and open-minded. Aquarians are drawn to such women, drawing the joy of life from them. For these men, such life partners are an ideal. The wider a girl’s social circle, the more she arouses respect, interest and sympathy. For him, openness is not only sociability, but also a thirst for knowledge, learning the new and unknown. A woman who performs the same actions every day without trying to develop will never interest him.
  • Unavailability. Touchy men are attracted to men of this sign because he loves mystery, as mentioned above. In a woman’s behavior, understatement and half-covering are important to him. When everything is on display and can be easily obtained, it is not interesting. To captivate an Aquarius, you need to periodically ignore him.
  • Versatility. An Aquarius girlfriend should have varied interests. The main thing for a representative of this sign is diversity and the desire to learn new things. A lady should be more than just a housewife. She needs to be interested in computers, cars, fishing, read a lot and be able to talk about what she read, and be interested in sports. Aquarius is sure that for normal family life a community of interests is necessary.
  • Care. Any man loves to be taken care of, but for those born in late January-early February this is especially important. He will appreciate the food that was brought to him in bed, care during a slight illness and heart-to-heart talk when he is sad. In a woman he is looking for both a caring and affectionate mother and a faithful, reliable friend.
  • Respect for freedom. For Aquarius, the main thing is his external and internal freedom. To scare him off, you need to control his actions and thoughts. You should never tell him about your desire to formalize the relationship. Freedom-loving Aquarius may get scared. He needs to be led to such a thought carefully. Many women do not understand why their lover behaves this way and break off communication. But for those who understand his freedom-loving soul, he will become true friend and life partner.
  • Sexuality and passion. This man is often cold in bed, so he needs a passionate and hot life partner who would awaken his desire and initiate sexual relations.

What traits will repel Aquarius?:

  • Selfishness and narcissism. A woman who cares only about her interests and desires will not suit him.
  • Absence life position and interests. A woman who is bogged down in household chores, who does not want to develop, grow and have her own hobbies, will never attract an Aquarius. He's bored with the "house clowns."
  • The desire to control. This man cannot be controlled in any way. Jealousy, nagging, the desire to limit freedom - he will run away from this very quickly. Those born under this constellation value freedom and trust.

How is love expressed?

Different men express their feelings differently. And if for some people passion is immediately noticeable, others try to hide it under ostentatious indifference or severity. To find out what feelings an Aquarius man is hiding, and how to understand that he is in love, you need to take a close look at his behavior.

What a man becomes:

  • solitary;
  • generous;
  • caring;
  • jealous.

This air sign has many acquaintances and friends in life with whom he regularly communicates. But if a man begins to avoid companies and tries to spend time with one and only girl, it means that she has managed to win his heart.

Aquarius in love becomes doubly generous. From this sign one can immediately guess that Cupid pierced his heart with an arrow. This man’s girlfriend will receive unusual, expensive and amazing gifts.

The fact that a man of this sign is passionate about a lady can be recognized by his thoughtfulness. He begins to show concern, to be interested in the slightest changes in the life and health of the chosen one. Its constant phone calls They may get annoying, but you shouldn’t tell him about it so as not to offend him. Aquarius wants to be needed by his woman in any life situation.

An Aquarius in love becomes a desperate jealous person. It constantly seems to him that other men are encroaching on his beloved. But as soon as he makes sure that his passion is true to him, he will calm down.

Wondering how to understand that an Aquarius man is in love, you need to pay attention to changes in his appearance And. To get the girl to like him, he begins to experiment with his hairstyle and wardrobe.

Like the representative of any other zodiac sign, Aquarius requires a certain approach. If you behave correctly, a man will become your best friend, assistant, faithful and caring husband and father.

Aquarius men are freedom-loving and very difficult to tie to yourself. It is not surprising that many women who meet them want to know how to please them. Such a man, even if he is next to you, is somewhere far away in his thoughts, since representatives of this sign almost always plan something for the future, dream about the future, strive for something.

What kind of women do men like according to the Aquarius horoscope?

Aquarius men are great explorers, they are attracted by everything unidentified and new; by nature, such men are very curious.

In most cases, Aquarius men achieve what they want; one can only envy their perseverance, and having conquered one goal, they immediately rush to a new one. A non-quarrelsome character and fidelity in marriage make a man of this zodiac sign very eligible bachelor, just what kind of women do such men like?

What are Aquarius men like according to the horoscope?

What character traits of the fair half of humanity “catch” these men?


Aquarius does not tolerate hypocrisy and falsehood; if he feels that his partner is deceiving him, then he nips the relationship in the bud.


Only enviable tolerance will allow you to comfortably coexist next to Aquarius. Not every lady will like his whims, dreaminess, desire for novelty.


The ability to forgive is an important skill for an Aquarius lady. After all, sometimes this partner can inadvertently offend his life partner with his desire for privacy.


Aquarius himself has a wide circle of friends, and therefore this quality will allow you to feel comfortable next to an Aquarius man in any company.

Aquarius likes originality

Aquarius must constantly satisfy his thirst for novelty, otherwise he will quickly get bored with you. Therefore, be original, come up with unusual ways to spend your leisure time, surprise your partner, both in everyday life and in personal relationships, and you won’t be afraid of any crisis.


Aquarius' curiosity simply cannot exist without your curiosity. Strive together with your partner to learn everything new, comprehend new areas of our lives, acquire new hobbies, and then you will never be bored together.

Don't focus on sex

This aspect of family life for Aquarius is not as important as friendship and mutual understanding.

Don't control it

Excessive control irritates any person, and belonging to the zodiac sign has nothing to do with it.

So, you have found out what kind of women men like, whose horoscope is Aquarius, now the only thing left to do is make sure that you like Aquarius himself!

A guy born under the sign of Aquarius has great charm. He can make you fall in love with just one look or word. That is why women have always wondered how to win an Aquarius man? Like all other signs, he has his own weak spots and needs, by studying which you will find the key to his heart.

Aquarius man - who is he? Such guys are always visible from afar; they differ from the crowd in the style of their clothing, facial expression, gait and manners. They are charismatic and sociable. Such men live in their own world, which is not so difficult to get into.

Such a guy immediately makes contact and expects the same from his companion. He is not the type of person who hides his feelings, so he will easily tell you everything about himself - all you need is a desire to listen. Aquarians are very peaceful, they try to avoid conflicts, so you shouldn’t quarrel with him - this will put an end to your acquaintance. In addition, such people really love everything original and non-standard. They are as elusive as the wind.

Aquarius? Before you decide, Aquarius, ask yourself if you can be the one for him ideal woman? Such people admire everything extraordinary and original. An Aquarius woman should not be inferior to him in curiosity. Such people value openness, sincerity and the ability to surprise at the most unexpected moments.

Aquarius? If you are still puzzling over how to win an Aquarius man, then you already know that they love originality and value flights of fancy above all else. And it’s very easy to attract his attention - Aquarians pay attention to absolutely everything. And if you show him your originality, he will become interested in you.

Dress so as not to look like anyone else - this attracts such men. When communicating with him, be open and do not be modest - answer all his questions, even the most tricky ones. Always listen carefully to your man - he will appreciate it. You must be able to communicate freely on any topic.

Aquarians love silence, and if suddenly he becomes silent and just looks at you, don’t be alarmed, sometimes words are not needed. For men born under this sign, sex is not the basis of relationships. Therefore, if you want a longer acquaintance, then first get closer to him spiritually and only then can you move on to physical intimacy.

How to win an Aquarius man forever? If you want to create more with Aquarius serious relationship, then you must learn a few things for yourself. Such men are capable of deep spiritual intimacy, but for this you need to live in his reality, and this is not always easy.

Be sincere and reliable. Remember, guys just can't stand being alone. It is very important for them to hear how much you love him and how much you need him. Remind him of this constantly, don't make him feel empty.

Aquarians cannot seek your reciprocity for too long - very quickly they lose all hope and look for a more accessible and accommodating woman. Therefore, if you really feel something for him, you should definitely say so.

Always be unpredictable, give free rein to your imagination and he will love you for it. Arrange a romantic date with candles or go skydiving - it will delight him. Under no circumstances do you criticize him or people dear to him, important friends - Aquarius will not forgive you for this.

You can’t be too demanding of such a man. Don't force him to change his lifestyle or clothes, or give up some habits. Aquarius values ​​freedom, he just needs to have personal space, so don't try to control him. Respect his principles, even if you don't understand them. Loving man will become for you not only a passionate lover, but also the most best friend, almost a brother.

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