The whole truth about mobile. The bitter truth about why mobile Internet and communications are becoming more expensive in Russia. Intelligence agencies can listen to any conversation and read any SMS

IN last days On many domestic news sites, the sad headline “Russia is in 50th place in terms of mobile Internet speed” flashes. It usually hides a free paraphrase of the text from

OpenSignal: Russia ranks 50th in the mobile Internet speed ranking

The British company OpenSignal published a study on the state of mobile communications Worldwide. Analysts have compiled a ranking of countries with the fastest mobile Internet in 3G and 4G networks. Tops the list South Korea, followed by Singapore, Hungary, Australia and Denmark. Russia took 50th place after Kuwait. The last two places in the ranking are occupied by Costa Rica and Afghanistan.

This text slightly reduces the fervor of patriotic feelings. But if you look at the results of the study on a map, you can see that Russia is ahead of almost all of Africa in this indicator, Latin America and most Asian countries. And it lags only slightly behind the United States. Data visualization - brilliant invention against the play on words.

This article will show three maps from the above-mentioned Open Signal report and 7 more with results from other interesting international studies(2014-2016) on the topic of mobile technologies.

1. Average Internet speed 2016

In South Korea it is 41.3 Mb/s, in Canada - 18.3 Mb/s, in the UK - 13.7 Mb/s, in the USA - 12.31 Mb/s, and in Russia - 8.3 Mb/s.

2. Share of time connected to 3G/4G from the total time connected to the mobile Internet

Residents of Russia - 73.11%, South Korea - 98.54%, USA - 91.69%, UAE - 85.85%, Afghanistan - 79.42%, and for Ukrainians - 44.81%.

3. Proportion of Wi-Fi use time from the total time of Internet use on a mobile device

In Holland - 70.05%, in Denmark - 56.15%, in Italy - 49.10%, in Russia - 42.18%, in Iran - 36.88%, and in Ethiopia - 15.55%.

4. The most popular smartphone brands

And this map shows which smartphone manufacturer is most famous in different countries Oh. If you look through the gallery, you can see how much the world has changed since 2010, when most people first associated the word smartphone with the word Nokia. Today, it occurs only among residents of Mozambique and some neighboring countries.

5. Mobile Internet Availability Index

GSMA Intelligence has been measuring the Mobile Connectivity Index for several years. The value of this indicator depends on four criteria - the size of the 3G/4G coverage area, the availability of prices for mobile devices relative to the income of the population, the level of computer literacy of residents and the amount of content in their language. You can find out all the details of the calculation.

Canada has a value of this index of 81.1, the USA has 82.6, and South Korea has 80.7. And in Ukraine - 55.5, in Mongolia - 52.5, in Sudan and Ethiopia - about 25. Russia is relatively close to the leading countries - 66.3

6. 4G coverage

As you can see, LTE has taken over the world. But there are still quite a lot of Green Spots (3G), and some are poor African countries live without mobile Internet (turtle GPRS does not count). Pale red colors indicate areas where there is no LTE, but in countries where they are located it is available. For example, in Greenland, only the surroundings of the city of Nuuk (the capital) are marked in red. Russia is painted all over, which is not entirely correct.

7. GSM bands

The most interesting detail on this map is the colored green Japan and South Korea. In these countries, every subscriber has access to 3G. And 2G networks are no longer active. If your phone does not have a 3G module, it will not pick up the Japanese network. For owners of outdated mobile phones, there are phone rentals at airports.

When traveling to other countries, you can safely use any device. Even Siemens A55 (2002) supports three frequency bands. But the 1996 Motorola StarTAC only works in GSM 900.

8. iOS users love fun

And this map shows the results of a study of the popularity of entertainment applications for iOS users in different countries. As you can see, ours are even more inclined to have fun than the Americans. And in China, India and Saudi Arabia life is very sad.

Researchers consider applications from the categories “Entertainment”, “Food and Drinks”, “Games”, “Music”, “Sports”, “Travel” to be “fun”, and “Serious” - “Business”, “Education”, “Finance”. , Productivity, Reference, and Utilities.

9. Popular mobile instant messengers

In Russia, the most popular messenger is WhatsApp (as in most countries), in Belarus and Ukraine - Viber, and in our friendly Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan - Telegram. It's amazing how uniformly colored the countries of South America are.

The brightest point on the map is South Korea, where the KakaoTalk messenger is used by 93% of the country's population, as it was developed by a local company.


It is already difficult for us to imagine how for centuries people managed without such an ordinary thing as a cell phone. It’s so convenient to be in several places at the same time - that behind the “horror stories” about mobile phones, we are ready to see only someone’s way of making money on means of protection against electromagnetic fields (EMF). We, mobile and enlightened, have the right to choose. As well as the right to objective information about things that belong to us. The information is this: cellular communications have an impact on human health. And then just the facts, as agreed.

Research into the biological effects of the electromagnetic field in the USSR began in the 50s. The results of these studies made it possible for the first time in the world to develop hygienic standards for EMF. The maximum permissible levels (MALs) for the population established in these standards were several thousand times (!) lower than those subsequently introduced in the USA and European countries. Joint Soviet-American research from 1975 to 1985. confirmed the correctness of the concept of Soviet scientists. As a result, regulations in the United States were lowered.

Until 1997, no special studies of the biological effects of cell phone EMFs were carried out in Russia. The current GN 2.1.8./ “Temporary permissible levels (TPL) of exposure to electromagnetic radiation created by cellular radio communication systems” were developed only on the basis of general theoretical concepts, without conducting appropriate research work and even without analyzing the accumulated data foreign data at that time. Although, as is known, the specificity of the “cell phone-person” system is such that the person is in the near zone of the EMF. In such a situation, the interaction of EMF with the body occurs differently and special requirements are placed on measuring instruments.

IN last years, in connection with the widespread introduction of household electronic equipment (personal computers, radiotelephones, microwave ovens, etc.), in order to carry out preventive measures acceptance among the Russian population and the development of protective equipment, research was begun using real conditions contact of the population with these sources of EMF. By 2000, WHO prepared the document “ Electromagnetic fields and public health.

Precautionary policy." A precautionary policy is a risk management strategy that is applied in conditions of insufficient scientific knowledge of the problem and involves the adoption of preventive measures to avoid possible harm, even if the probability of its occurrence is negligible. Current state scientific knowledge about the problem does not allow us to predict all the consequences of the action of EMF created by elements cellular communication. In this situation, according to WHO recommendations, it is advisable to adhere to a precautionary policy. A number of countries adhere to the precautionary concept regarding EMF of cell phones: Switzerland, Italy, Australia, Sweden, Israel, Great Britain, France, Hungary, etc.

In a cellular communication system, sources of EMF are handsets and base stations (BS). The principle of action of these EMF sources on humans is different. Distinctive feature cell phone as a source of EMF is its maximum proximity to the user's head at a distance of 0-3 cm in uncontrolled conditions (i.e. the frequency and duration of exposure is controlled by the user himself). In this case, the brain, peripheral receptor zones of the vestibular and auditory analyzers, and the retina of the eye are exposed to EMF. People around the user are also exposed to cell phone EMFs.

The EMF of base stations is constantly generated and covers the entire coverage area of ​​cellular communications with an “electromagnetic blanket”. Base stations are located in places where people permanently reside, i.e. there is round-the-clock chronic exposure of the population to low-intensity electromagnetic fields of the radio frequency range, even if all sanitary rules and the standards during their construction were observed.

It has been established that the absorption of EMFs in body tissues is associated with the conversion of electromagnetic energy into thermal energy. But noticeable heating of tissue is possible only at sufficiently high EMF voltages - more than 10 mW/cm2. At a relatively low level of EMF, it is customary to talk about information impact. The concept of information impact means the formation of a biological response due to the energy of the organism itself, external influence only gives impetus to the development of the reaction.

Standards governing human exposure to radio frequencies emitted by mobile phones use a concept called SAR, a unit of measurement for the specific absorption of radiation by the human body. Based scientific research international organizations have prepared detailed recommendations regarding the maximum SAR value for mobile phones. SAR is measured in watts per kilogram (W/kg). For different countries, the maximum SAR value ranges from 1.6 to 2 W/kg. The SAR value is the maximum radiated power for which the phone is certified. In practice, the actual SAR level may be much lower because, once a connection is made, the mobile phone operates at the minimum power level required to receive good quality communications. SanPiN standards cannot be converted into SAR units by simple calculations. To determine compliance with a new cell phone model Russian standards, it is necessary to carry out laboratory measurements. Experts note that Russian requirements actually place tighter limits on the power of cell phone transmitters than regulations recommend World Organization Healthcare. However, according to WHO, such an increase in standards does not have any scientific basis.

The cellular communication system operates in the frequency range 450-1800 MHz using various types modulation. The intensity of EMF radiation varies greatly depending on the phone model. The biological effect of EMF is formed depending on:
technical characteristics of the phone;
mode and duration of exposure (frequency and duration of telephone conversations);
the initial state of the target (age, gender, health status, individual sensitivity, etc.);
distribution of energy in biological tissues (type of tissue, depth of penetration, etc.).
Thus, the development of the body’s immediate reaction is influenced by a whole group of factors.

Research into the effects of EMF on brain function, memory, and attention is of increased interest; combined effect of EMF and various carcinogens (factors causing malignant degeneration of cells); influence of radiofrequency EMF on pacemakers.
To date, there is no reliable evidence that cell phones are responsible for causing cancer. But there is a direct relationship between the duration of conversations and the frequency of complaints of headaches, dizziness, nausea, neurological disorders, a feeling of warmth near the ear, and fatigue. A significant increase in reaction time (by 0.5-1 sec) and various sleep disturbances were detected. A direct effect on the sexual sphere of men and women has not yet been proven, but it is obvious that the above reactions have an indirect effect on the functioning of the whole organism. In addition, there is the problem of hypersensitivity to EMF. The levels of EMF that cause the body to react in hypersensitive people are significantly lower than the levels ordinary people. Symptoms that most often occur in hypersensitive people: from the side nervous system- fatigue, tension, sleep disturbance; skin manifestations (tingling, burning, rashes); aches and warmth in the body; burning in the eyes. And also, less general reactions that affect the ENT organs. The prevalence of hypersensitivity in the population is several people per million.
As part of the WHO precautionary strategy regarding cellular communications, the Russian Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection has developed a number of recommendations for the population. Among them: do not use Cell Phones children and adolescents under 16 years of age, pregnant women, persons suffering from neurological diseases. And also limit the duration of conversations to 3 minutes, maximize the period between two conversations (minimum 15 minutes), remove glasses with metal frames during a conversation, since the presence of such frames, which act as a secondary emitter, can lead to an increase in the intensity of the EMF incident on certain areas of the user's head, compared to standard situation, and predominantly use cell phones with headsets and hands-free systems.

People who are permanently or temporarily located in areas adjacent to base stations should only not come close (0.5-1 m) to the BS transmitting antennas and not touch them with their hands. Carrying out other measures, such as installing a screening metal mesh on the windows, covering the premises with foil, etc., is unnecessary in this situation. But if the very sight of BS outside the window causes alarm, then you can always invite specialists who will measure the level of EMF in your apartment and give appropriate recommendations.

Maksimova O.A.
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.
"Ecology of living space"

The debate surrounding how harmful communication using mobile phones is to a person began several decades ago, from the very moment when these portable devices began to be in demand, first in individual countries, and then throughout the world. Scientists and doctors around the world have been conducting thousands of experiments and studies for many years in order to prove or refute certain popular versions about the influence of mobile phones on human life and health. Let's look at the most popular of them, so that in the future each reader can answer the question, has he felt the harm of mobile phones or is it just a myth?

The influence of electromagnetic waves on human health. Scientists have long proven that they are capable of stimulating changes at the cellular level and causing disturbances in the gene order, as well as promoting the appearance of diseased cells in the body and even pathogenic tumors. So how harmful is the influence of mobile devices, the operation of which is a source of constantly generated electromagnetic waves?

A number of experts who have studied this issue have come to the conclusion that mobile devices can negatively affect health only with excessive, almost round-the-clock use of modern devices, or with the use of outdated, very first mobile phones, which “emitted” much more electromagnetic waves due to imperfection technologies at the dawn of the wireless era. Thus, you can safely communicate using modern mobile phone models, but do not abuse such communication. The manufacturers of such devices themselves do not believe that the products they produce are more dangerous than the same ones that no home can live without in our time.

Negative effect on the immune system. With constant unlimited use, the harm of mobile phones becomes especially noticeable. Research shows that participants in experiments in Denmark and Norway who used mobile phones every day for a long time began to complain of drowsiness, headaches and became more irritable than subjects who limited their communication via cellular communications.

Scientists have also found that constant use mobile phones can significantly weaken the immune system, which will lead to a number of diseases and may aggravate chronic diseases. Therefore, the harm and benefit of cellular communications is the totality of the reasonable use of such brainchildren of progress.

The influence of electromagnetic waves on the brain. Many scientists primarily associate the harm of mobile phones with the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the head. Moreover, such radiation is created around not only mobile phones, but also a number of other devices that have confidently entered our lives - computers, televisions, microwave ovens, radiotelephones and other devices.

This affects not only brain tissue, but also retinal tissue, visual, auditory and visual structures. Minimizing the harm of mobile phones to “our heads” will again allow limiting the use of these devices in Everyday life.

Mobile phone and children. Due to the fact that the child’s skull is thinner and less massive, electromagnetic radiation has a much greater impact on our children greater influence than for adults. Therefore, the harm of mobile phones on children’s bodies is much more noticeable than the impact on the health of adults. Because of this, scientists around the world are calling for the most careful monitoring of the time children spend talking on mobile phones.

Thus, we can safely say that the harm and benefit mobile phone V modern world- concepts are relative. Everything will depend solely on the intensity of use of this type of device - with reasonable approach a mobile phone can bring exclusively benefits to its owner, almost completely excluding Negative influence on the body.

As a matter of fact, mobile communications and the unlimited megaphone tariff 500 appeared not so long ago, but this period managed to undergo such rapid development that one can only be amazed. But it’s true that only science fiction writers could previously describe such a situation as today, that everyone will have a small intercom with many different additional functions.
And now even the smallest kids can do an excellent job with the phone, which is like a toy for them, and even people of the most advanced age are not averse to chatting on their mobile phones.
We seem to know everything about mobile communications, but there are still interesting facts that not everyone knows and which many people generally don’t think about.

Some people are convinced that cellular and mobile communications are different things. In fact, this is not so. Cellular communication is one of the mobile communication options that is available within the coverage area of ​​the cellular network. Therefore, these concepts can be called synonyms. Every mobile operator has gold numbers. Such golden numbers in Kazan are prestigious and convenient. The service for such numbers is absolutely no different from regular ones; you can connect to any tariff.

Ever wondered where this character limit for SMS came from - only 160 characters? This limitation was invented by the inventor of SMS, Friedhelm Hilbrand. Sitting at his typewriter, he tried to figure out how many characters to limit a 128-bit message and came to the conclusion that a short note could fit on two lines, which is exactly 160 characters. Later it was supported by cellular operators, and the standard was adopted in 1986.

The world's first smartphone appeared 20 years after the appearance of the first mobile phone. This happened in 1993 and it was presented to the public at a conference in Florida. It weighed half a kilogram and in terms of functionality, of course, it was very ahead of the first phone.
By the way, interesting fact about the power consumption of modern smartphones. It would seem that it only needs energy from recharging. However, when using a smartphone, the same energy is used as for base stations, servers, and Internet communications. It is estimated that the power consumption of a smartphone is higher than that of a refrigerator.

Mobile communications today are incredibly in demand, popular and widespread. I wonder if there are any left Globe places where there is no such connection. It turns out that they remained. There is no mobile connection on the Tuva Islands. Not long ago, this connection received official permission in the territory North Korea. Previously, you could go to jail or even say goodbye to your life for using a mobile phone. Like this.

There are different mobile networks in Russia. Each company has its own pros and cons, some tempting and useful, profitable offer. Who is the population Russian Federation trusts more? Which operator is recommended to use for certain needs? Understanding all this is not so difficult if you pay attention to reviews from real subscribers. Operators always praise their products. But the real picture often does not coincide with the promises. So which companies in Russia are recommended to pay attention to first? Who offers the most profitable and high-quality services?

What to use it for?

The first step is to decide for what purpose you plan to use the mobile device and its network. Every operator is good in one area or another. And this factor will have to be taken into account. After all, there are no ideal companies.

In general, they are used for the following needs:

  • Job ;
  • uploading videos;
  • video communication;
  • exchange of data and messages on the Internet;
  • SMS communication.

It should be noted that mobile operators actively promote television services, as well as home internet. Because of this, it has become more difficult to decide on a service company.

List of operators

Who can you choose among? What mobile networks are most widespread in Russia? IN different cities Various companies operate. But in the Russian Federation there is a generally accepted list of operators mobile network. They are available in almost every city.

Today, choose a company to provide mobile communication services from the following list:

  • Yota;
  • "Tele 2";
  • "MTS";
  • "Beeline";
  • "Megaphone".

These operators are the most common in Russia. Therefore, you should pay special attention to them. What are the pros and cons of each company? What can they offer their clients?

Factors of influence

Mobile operators are typically rated based on several metrics. They can have a serious influence on the subscriber's decision. Once a citizen has decided on the purpose of using the mobile network, an assessment of all existing companies offering this service should be made.

But what points should you pay attention to first? Among the main factors influencing the decision of a potential subscriber are:

  • cost of services;
  • connection quality;
  • signal level in a populated area;
  • tariff plans;
  • Internet quality;
  • customer reviews.

Accordingly, networks are usually assessed using these indicators. What can each operator offer? In what cases and what tariffs will be considered the most favorable?


Yota is a relatively new company. It is just becoming widespread in Russia. That is why there are not so many reviews about it. Offers good home Internet with a separate signal amplifier antenna.

The cost of services from this operator is high. That's exactly what potential clients say. It is noted that citizens are experiencing frequent network failures and Internet speeds are dropping. Therefore, you should not focus on “Iota”. In any case, on this moment. It is recommended only for extremely patient subscribers who are willing to wait until the operator becomes large and widespread, and also acquires a stable connection.


The next option offered to residents is Megafon. This company has already for a long time exists in Russia, it is considered one of the largest. This company's mobile networks receive varied customer reviews. Many people point out that Megafon is not distinguished by the quality of its communications. The network does not work very well: the Internet is slow, various glitches often occur, and under heavy load it is difficult to reach loved ones. Nevertheless, customer opinions also indicate that Megafon's services are cheap compared to its competitors.

Mobile device networks from this company are not very stable, but all communications are budget-friendly. You don't have to pay a lot to view messages on the Internet or make a call. Subscribers recommend Megafon to those who prefer not to use the mobile network too actively.

What offers and tariffs are users most often interested in? Nowadays package services are very popular. Among them are the following tariffs:

  • XS - 100 free minutes of conversation and SMS messages, 1 GB of Internet traffic, as well as free calls across Russia to Megafon;
  • S - all indicators indicated earlier increase: the Internet has a limit of 4 GB, SMS 300 pieces and “free” calls of 300 minutes;
  • M - 1,200 messages and minutes for dialogues, 15 GB of Internet traffic;
  • L - limits increase to 1,500 minutes and messages, but Internet traffic is less - 15 GB;
  • VIP - offers 3,000 SMS and conversation minutes, 15 GB of information on the Internet.

All of the above rates apply even when traveling within Russia. The only exception is the very first sentence. According to reviews, Megafon's home Internet does not work very well.

"Tele 2"

Tele2 is a company that is actively developing. It is not yet available in all cities, which upsets many customers. But where Tele2 is available, subscribers are satisfied with using this operator.

Great for the Internet: social networks ( mobile version or computer - this is not so important) open quickly, the data is loaded into as soon as possible, images are displayed without errors. Subscribers indicate that Tele2 is suitable for using the Internet on a mobile device.

In general, the connection is good. Many people are still put off by the fact that this operator is not distributed throughout Russia. But this is far from the most important factor. The company's prices are not too high. Customers note in their reviews that you can find very good deals from this company. Not the most expensive, but not too cheap mobile network either.

  • "Black" - 500 MB of Internet, free calls within the region to Tele2 (the service is present on all packages), 200 minutes of free calls with this operator throughout Russia.
  • “Very Black” - 300 minutes, the same number of free SMS, 4 GB of Internet traffic.
  • "The Blackest" - 6 GB of Internet, 500 minutes of calls, 500 messages.
  • "Superblack" - 800 SMS, 800 minutes, 8 GB of traffic.
  • "Unlimited black" - 200 messages within Russia, 200 minutes of dialogue to numbers home region and Russia, Internet traffic is unlimited.


The following mobile networks are Beeline services. This operator is one of the largest of its kind. It is in serious demand among clients. Reviews indicate that quite often for home Internet, as well as for working on the World Wide Web via mobile devices, citizens prefer this option.

True, Beeline sometimes has glitches. The connection itself works stably; problems occur only under heavy load. Price tags for services cause customer dissatisfaction. In Russia, Beeline is considered the most expensive operator to which mobile phones are connected. Social media, videos and photos load quickly, but you have to pay for all this. Moreover, this principle applies to both mobile services and home Internet.

What offers are most interesting to subscribers? Now the “Everything!” line has gained popularity. Thanks to it you can get:

  • "ALL for 300": 100 SMS messages, 400 minutes of free calls, 10 GB of traffic.
  • “All for 500”: with prepayment, all indicated indicators increase accordingly to 300 units per month, 800, 18 GB, with postpayment - 600 minutes and messages, unlimited Internet.
  • “Everything for 800”: prepaid offers 22 GB of Internet traffic, 1,200 minutes of dialogue, 500 messages, postpaid - unlimited network, 1,500 SMS and minutes.


The last operator today that has mobile networks is MTS. It is too large organization. Many point out that MTS is Beeline's main competitor. The connection quality is a little weaker, but, nevertheless, it still works stably.

But the cost of services pleases. Both for home Internet and package options and tariffs. It is most profitable to use if many people are connected to MTS in the immediate environment. It is also suitable for home Internet: there are practically no failures, the network is poorly received only in forest areas or places remote from civilization.

What offers might interest you? Of course, package options. This network actively offers them. that do not allow you to use the Internet, there are almost none left. Therefore, subscribers prefer tariffs that immediately offer both the mobile network and the Internet. The following plans are in demand at MTS:

  • Smart: 4 GB Internet, 500 SMS within Russia, the same number of free minutes for calls throughout the country, unlimited communication with MTS.
  • "Smart Unlimited": 200 minutes, 200 messages, unlimited Internet, free calls to MTS in Russia.
  • Smart + - 6 GB of Internet traffic, 900 minutes and SMS, free communication with MTS throughout the country.


Now it is clear which mobile network operators are most common in Russia. Which option should I choose? Everyone must decide this for themselves. You should pay attention to what kind of company your loved ones and those with whom you constantly communicate are using. You may notice that almost all companies offer free calls within the network.

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