What do you need for stuffed peppers. Peppers stuffed with meat and rice in tomato sauce. Red sauce for baking

Stuffed homemade peppers are a childhood dish for me. Its taste is associated with home comfort, a kind grandmother and family holidays. This dish, beloved by all fans of home cooking, is very tasty, nutritious and healthy. It has been prepared for decades, both on weekdays and for holiday table. I like stuffed peppers, both cold and hot. I think that in the summer and autumn seasons it must be cooked, and better - more than once. The time spent preparing stuffed peppers will pay off with the gratitude and admiration of everyone who tries this culinary masterpiece.

Stuffed peppers, products

What we need for stuffed peppers:
  • sweet pepper, 1.5 kg;
  • rice, 1.5 cups;
  • minced pork and beef 600 g;
  • onion 300 g;
  • carrots, 200 g (optional);
  • sunflower oil, 150 ml;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings to taste.

Cooking Stuffed Peppers

In the photo you see peppers that are already prepared for stuffing. What we do with peppers: wash thoroughly under running water, carefully cut out the stem and pull it out along with the seeds. The hole should be round and even. Peppers that are cracked when peeled or have a jagged edge are not suitable for stuffing. Try to free the entire inside of the peppers from the seeds, it is convenient to do this by lowering the entire pepper into a pot of water and, as it were, rinsing it for a few seconds under water. If you want the pepper to cook faster, blanch it for a few minutes in a pot of boiling water (already peeled). Then remove the peppers from the pan with a slotted spoon and let the water drain. Set the peppers aside to cool and take care of the onions.
Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Pour 50 ml into the pan sunflower oil, heat it up and lightly fry the onion. It is not necessary to bring the onion to brown, so that it does not betray the bitterness of the dish.

When the onion becomes transparent, add the cooked minced meat to it.

I used ground beef. You can buy it ready-made, but I prefer to make minced meat on my own - it's more reliable. You have to be especially attentive to the quality of meat products when there are children in the family. So, I advise readers of MirSovetov not to be too lazy and cook high-quality homemade minced meat. Add the remaining oil to the pan.
Fry the minced meat with onions for 10 minutes until the twisted meat changes color.

Rinse under cold water long rice (one that does not boil and does not stick together). Boil rice until half done. After cooling the rice a little, pour it into the pan with the minced meat and onions.

Simmer these ingredients by stirring them. Add to the resulting filling for peppers, salt, seasonings and pepper, to taste. Stir again.

It's time for jewelry work - pepper stuffing. My ten-year-old daughter helped me stuff the peppers, it's really not that difficult.

The main thing is to try not to tear the wall of the pepper. To do this, it is better to use a tea or dessert spoon. And one more thing: make sure that the peppers are completely filled with minced meat and do not have a void.
Place stuffed peppers in a deep bowl.

It remains to prepare the filling, which you will fill in the pepper in the pan. Usually, onions and carrots are sautéed for pouring. I sometimes add these ingredients too. But not all of my family members like carrots in gravy, so I occasionally "adjust" to them. In addition, the "simplified" version of the fill is much faster. You will need boiled water (or broth) and seasoning. I use a mixture of dry herbs and pepper. Stir in a bowl 600-800 ml hot water with seasoning, add some salt. Our base for pouring is ready.

If you have sautéed onions and carrots, add them to the filling, mix and pour everything into the pan in which we put the pepper. The liquid should reach half the peppers or more. Close the pan with a lid and simmer the pepper over medium heat for 10 minutes. Then reduce the fire and simmer the pepper for another 30 minutes. After that, try with a fork the readiness of the pepper in the pan. If the wall of the pepper is easily pierced, soft, and the film separates easily from it, your pepper is ready. If the walls of the pepper do not become soft, put it out for another 10 minutes and try again. Cooking time depends on the variety and size of the pepper, as well as the time it was blanched.
Let the prepared pepper brew for 20 minutes in a saucepan and serve.

Such pepper can be eaten with sour cream or poured with gravy, in any case, it will win you over with its “homemade” taste. My whole family forgets about other food until the pot of stuffed peppers is empty. I am sure that fans of this dish will definitely appear in your family.
Enjoy your meal!

Sweet pepper is a national dish of Moldovan and Romanian cuisine, but nevertheless, it is very popular in our country. Bell peppers are used for cooking. The filling for stuffed peppers can be varied: it is stuffed with rice and meat, cheese, berries, various cereals, fish, and shrimp. As a rule, stuffed peppers are prepared in autumn and summer, since at this time it is not expensive, so you can cook this dish at least every day. In order to treat yourself to stuffed peppers in the winter, you just need to prepare the pepper from the summer: cut off the top, clean the seeds, put it in a bag and put it in the freezer, it will turn out no less tasty! Therefore, stuffed peppers, a photo recipe will help us with this, it will be very simple to cook for the winter holidays.

Unfortunately, the history of stuffed peppers has not survived to this day, so it is not possible to find out information about who first came up with stuffing peppers.

How to cook stuffed peppers? What can you stuff peppers with? And here are some recipes with a variety of fillings:

Bulgarian pepper stuffed with meat and rice


  • 1 kg. bell pepper
  • 500 gr. any stuffing
  • 3-4 cups of rice
  • 1 onion
  • 1 st. a spoonful of butter
  • 1 liter of water or tomato juice
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • pepper, salt


To prepare a dish such as stuffed peppers with meat and rice, you need to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. In a frying pan with the addition of butter, fry the finely chopped onion until golden brown, and then add the minced meat. Salt, pepper. Fry minced meat for 15 minutes. Boil the rice until tender, then add to the fried minced meat and mix thoroughly. Put the resulting rice-meat mixture into the peppers, and then place the peppers tightly in the pan. Pour in salted water or tomato juice. How long to cook stuffed peppers? It must be simmered on low heat for half an hour. Peppers stuffed with meat and rice - ready! Before serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Many housewives for cooking stuffed peppers in tomato sauce use sour cream and tomato paste, with which pepper is poured. To do this, just mix 1 tbsp. spoon tomato paste and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream, and then pour water, pepper and salt to taste. Bulgarian pepper stuffed with meat - ready!

Meat and Rice Stuffed Peppers - 160cal per 100 gr.

The history of stuffed peppers with meat and rice is rooted in the history of our ancestors, since this dish is the most popular.

Enjoy your meal!

Stuffed peppers in the oven


  • 1 kg. bell pepper
  • 500 gr. any stuffing
  • 3-4 cups of rice
  • 1 onion
  • 1 st. a spoonful of butter
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish such as stuffed peppers in the oven, it is necessary to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. In a frying pan with the addition of butter, fry the finely chopped onion until golden brown, and then add the minced meat. Salt, pepper. Fry minced meat for 15 minutes. Boil the rice until tender, then add to the fried minced meat and mix thoroughly. Put the resulting filling for stuffing into peppers, and then place the peppers tightly in a baking dish and pour over the sauce of sour cream and tomato paste diluted with water. The sauce should cover the peppers almost completely. Cover the baking dish with foil and then place in the oven for 30 minutes. After that, remove the foil and leave the peppers in the oven for another 10 minutes, so that they are lightly browned. Stuffed pepper ready in the oven! Serve at the table with sour cream. Baked stuffed peppers will undoubtedly decorate any holiday table.

In the same way, you can cook stuffed peppers in the microwave, stuffed peppers in a double boiler, stuffed peppers in a slow cooker, stuffed peppers in an air grill.

Enjoy your meal!

Peppers stuffed with vegetables and rice


  • 1 kg. bell pepper
  • 150 gr. rice
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • pepper, salt
  • 5 tomato
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste
  • 1 onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish such as peppers stuffed with vegetables and rice, you need to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. In a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, fry the washed pepper on both sides. Boil rice. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Finely chop the garlic. Fry onions in a frying pan, add carrots grated on a fine grater, then rice, tomatoes and garlic. Pepper and salt. Remove from fire and cool. Fill the bell peppers with the resulting filling.

To prepare the sauce, to season the peppers, it is necessary to pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder. In a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, fry the onion and garlic and finely chopped bell pepper and then add minced tomatoes. Fry for 15 minutes. Then add tomato paste, salt and pepper. The resulting sauce is filled with bell peppers stuffed with vegetables and simmer for half an hour.

Stuffed peppers in tomato sauce will be especially tasty if you add a small red pepper to the tomato.

Enjoy your meal!

Peppers stuffed with cheese


  • 1 kg. bell pepper
  • 350 gr. cheese
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 3 art. butter spoons
  • 100 gr. walnuts, peeled
  • greens
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish such as bell pepper stuffed with cheese, you need to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. Grate the cheese, and then mix with softened butter to a homogeneous mass. Then add chopped walnuts and finely chopped greens. Fill the peppers with the resulting mixture and refrigerate for 1 hour. Peppers stuffed with cheese are ready. When serving, cut the pepper into circles.

Fresh stuffed peppers will come in handy in hot summer weather.

Enjoy your meal!

Peppers stuffed with mushrooms and rice


  • 1 kg. bell pepper
  • 1 cup rice
  • 250 gr. canned champignons
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 liter tomato juice
  • 3 art. butter spoons
  • 4 tomatoes
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish such as stuffed peppers with mushrooms and rice, you need to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. Boil rice. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Finely chop the garlic. In a frying pan, fry onions, add grated carrots on a fine grater, chopped mushrooms, then rice, tomatoes and garlic. Pepper and salt. Remove from fire and cool. Fill the bell peppers with the resulting filling. Put the resulting rice-mushroom mixture into the peppers, and then place the peppers tightly in the pan. Pour in salted water or tomato juice. Simmer over low heat for half an hour. Peppers stuffed with mushrooms and rice are ready.

Instead of tomato juice for dressing, you can use sour cream. Thus, you get delicious stuffed peppers in sour cream sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Peppers stuffed with cabbage


  • 4 kg. bell pepper
  • 2 kg. cabbage
  • 5 carrots
  • 13-15 garlic cloves
  • 2 liters of water
  • 250 gr. Sahara
  • 3-4 st. spoons of salt
  • 250 ml. 6% vinegar
  • 200 gr. vegetable oil
  • Bay leaf

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish such as cabbage stuffed peppers, it is necessary to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. Chop cabbage, grate carrots and mix with cabbage, pepper and salt. Then fill the peppers with cabbage and place tightly in a saucepan. Mix water, sugar, salt, vinegar and vegetable oil, pour the stuffed peppers with the resulting brine, add bay leaf and cover with a lid. Leave for 12 hours. Pepper stuffed with cabbage is ready.

In the same way, you can cook peppers stuffed with lettuce, where lettuce is used instead of cabbage.

Enjoy your meal!

Peppers stuffed with cottage cheese


  • 500 gr. bell pepper
  • 500 gr. cottage cheese
  • 6-7 garlic cloves
  • 4 tbsp. butter spoons
  • 1 st. l. mustard
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method:

To prepare such a dish as pepper stuffed with cottage cheese, it is necessary to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Add garlic, pepper, salt and mustard. Beat the resulting mass thoroughly with a mixer or blender. Fill peppers with curd mass and refrigerate for 1 hour. Peppers stuffed with cottage cheese are ready. Before serving, cut the pepper into circles and garnish with green sprigs.

Enjoy your meal!

Peppers stuffed with chicken



  • 1 kg. bell pepper
  • 700 gr. chicken fillet
  • 6-7 garlic cloves
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 4 tbsp. butter spoons
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish such as pepper stuffed chicken, it is necessary to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. Fry onions in a frying pan, add carrots, grated on a fine grater, and then chopped chicken fillet into pieces. Fry for 15-20 minutes until the chicken is done. Season the peppers with the resulting mass and refrigerate for 1 hour. Peppers stuffed with chicken are ready. Before serving, cut the pepper into circles and garnish with green sprigs. It is recommended to serve with various sauces - tkemali.

Enjoy your meal!

Peppers stuffed with fish


  • 1 kg. bell peppers
  • 500 gr. fish - fillet
  • 100 gr. smoked brisket
  • 3 onions
  • 3 art. spoons of tomato paste
  • 3 art. spoons of mustard
  • 3 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • pepper, salt
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 celery root
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish such as stuffed peppers with fish, you need to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. Fry the onion in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. Cut the fish fillet into small thin strips and dip in the sauce for stuffed peppers for 15-20 minutes. To do this, you need to finely chop the onion, carrot and celery, pour 250 gr. water, bring to a boil, add pepper, salt, sugar, and then 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. Then dry the fish fillet, coat with mustard, put finely chopped brisket on top of the fillet, and then a little chopped onion and roll up. Put the resulting rolls into peppers - one at a time and put in a saucepan. Pour the sauce of tomato paste and water over the peppers, pepper and salt to taste. Simmer for 30-40 minutes. Pepper stuffed with fish is ready!

Calorie stuffed peppers with fish - 120 cal. per 100 gr.

Enjoy your meal!

Peppers stuffed with carrots


  • 500 gr. bell pepper
  • 5 carrots
  • 3-4 onions
  • 1 bunch: dill, parsley, cilantro
  • 3 art. spoons of sour cream
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish such as pepper stuffed with carrots, it is necessary to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. In a pan with the addition of vegetable, fry onions, and then add grated carrots to it. Lightly fry, salt and pepper. Put the carrots in the pepper, then put the peppers in a deep frying pan, pour boiled water, add sour cream, bay leaf, pepper, salt to taste. Simmer for 30-40 minutes over low heat. Peppers stuffed with carrots are ready.

Enjoy your meal!

Peppers stuffed with eggplant


  • 1 kg. bell pepper
  • 5 eggplant
  • 500 gr. tomato
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cups rice
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 100 gr. sour cream
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish such as pepper stuffed with eggplant, it is necessary to wash the eggplants, pierce with a knife in several places, put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven, turning occasionally, until they become soft. Then peel the eggplant and cut into cubes. In a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, fry finely chopped onions, and then add grated carrots. Simmer for about 10 minutes.

Tomatoes are peeled and passed through a meat grinder. Add the resulting tomato paste to the onions and carrots and simmer. Boil rice until tender. Eggplant mix with rice, and then add to the resulting mixture 3 tbsp. spoons of tomato dressing with onions. Finely chop the garlic and greens, add to the minced vegetable. Pepper, salt. Cut off the top of sweet peppers, then remove all seeds and rinse with cold water. Fill each pepper with minced vegetable and place in a saucepan, and then fill with the remaining tomato dressing. Add some boiled water so that it covers the peppers. Salt, pepper. Simmer peppers for 30 minutes, then add sour cream. Pepper stuffed with eggplant is ready!

Enjoy your meal!

Peppers stuffed with buckwheat


  • 1 kg. bell pepper
  • 300 gr. buckwheat
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • 1 liter tomato juice
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish such as pepper stuffed with buckwheat, it is necessary to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. In a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, fry the washed pepper on both sides. Boil buckwheat. In a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, fry finely chopped onions, and then add grated carrots. Mix the resulting frying with buckwheat. Fill each pepper with buckwheat and put in a saucepan, and then pour in tomato juice. Salt, pepper. Simmer peppers for 30 minutes, then add sour cream. Pepper stuffed with buckwheat is ready! Serve with sour cream.

By the way, steamed stuffed peppers will turn out no less tasty.

Enjoy your meal!

Shrimp stuffed peppers


  • 1 kg. bell pepper
  • 400 gr. shrimp
  • 200 gr. meat
  • 1 st. a spoonful of chopped walnuts
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • greens
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish such as stuffed peppers with shrimp, you need to cut off the top of the sweet pepper, then remove all the seeds and rinse with cold water. Finely chop the meat and fry in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, until tender. Peel shrimp and add to meat. Salt, pepper. Fry for 10 minutes. After that, remove the resulting filling from the heat, add 1 egg and chopped nuts and mix thoroughly. Fill each pepper with meat stuffing and fry each pepper on both sides in a pan. Shrimp stuffed peppers are ready! Serve with sour cream.

Enjoy your meal!



Pepper is an amazing tasting vegetable. From it you can cook chic main dishes and interesting, and most importantly, simple side dishes. Everyone can eat this vegetable, as it rarely causes allergic reactions. It is able to give us an unforgettable taste experience, combined with meat, cereals and other vegetables. Find out with us how to cook pepper so that a dish from it becomes the main decoration of a culinary feast.

The advantage of this vegetable is that it can be eaten raw. Just enough to remove the seeds and cut into beautiful slices. At the same time, it shows its taste well after boiling, marinating, baking.

With the help of this vegetable, you can cook very bright and colorful dishes, as peppers can be red, green, orange, yellow and even white. Even an ordinary vegetable stew can strike everyone on the spot only due to its bright colors.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with several interesting recipes in our opinion.


Peppers stuffed with stuffing are present on the tables of people of different nationalities. Stuffed - can be a hearty dish if minced meat was used for its preparation, or dietary - if the filling was mushrooms, onions and carrots.



  • large pepper different colors- 1 kg.
  • Minced meat (chicken and pork) - 500 gr.
  • Rice - 100 gr.
  • Vegetables (onions, carrots)
  • tomato paste
  • A little black pepper

How to cook:

  1. Rinse a whole pepper in water and remove the seeds and stems in it. We do this carefully so that the pepper remains whole and without cracks.
  2. We make minced meat from chicken and pork. If you like lighter dishes, then chicken should prevail in minced meat.
  3. Meanwhile, put the rice on the fire and cook it for about four minutes.
  4. Cut the onion and carrot and fry in butter.
  5. Now we combine meat, rice, vegetables, spices together.
  6. Fill the peppers with the stuffing and put them in a saucepan. In order for our stuffed peppers not to burn, we advise you to put a couple of leaves of cabbage on the bottom of the pan.
  7. Pour a little boiling water into the pan, add tomato paste and simmer for a little more than 30 minutes.


Bulgarian is the most beautiful vegetable. It is quite large, and this simplifies the process of preparing many dishes.

Stewed with cheese

  • Pepper - 6 pcs.
  • Crimean bow - 2 pcs.
  • Brynza (or other salty cheese) - 400 gr.
  • Oil - a couple of tablespoons
  • Garlic - clove
  • Rosemary, thyme
  • Black pepper, salt

How to cook:

  1. It is better to take multi-colored peppers. Remove the seeds and cut into small, even pieces.
  2. Finely chop the Crimean onion. Cut the garlic into slices, and knead the cheese to a state of fine crumbs.
  3. Fry vegetables (pepper and onion) in a deep frying pan for about five minutes.
  4. Then add garlic to the pan.
  5. After two minutes, pour to the pepper.
  6. After the first signs of cheese melting appear, it is necessary to remove the dish from the fire and arrange it on portioned plates.
  7. Decorate like interesting dish can be herbs or rosemary.

In the oven

It's no secret that cooking in the oven is the most preferred. So in order to cook unusual and healthy dish you will need to put in some effort and time.



  • Sweet pepper - 8 pcs.
  • Oil
  • Garlic
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Greens
  • Pepper, salt

How to cook:

  1. Ordinary peppers are suitable for this dish, it is not at all necessary that they differ in written beauty and evenness.
  2. Wash and dry them. Then brush each with vegetable oil.
  3. Now you just need to put the peppers in the preheated oven on the wire racks.
  4. Your main vegetable should spend about 15 minutes in the oven. All this time you need to turn it over for even cooking.
  5. Now you need to remove the skin from each pepper. For convenience, immediately after the oven, put all the vegetables in a regular bag and tie it.
  6. Our peppers taste better when eaten with sauce. Just mix oil and vinegar, add black pepper and salt.
  7. After the peppers have cooled in the bag, it will be elementary easy to remove the skin from them. So quickly remove the skin on all vegetables.
  8. Then chop each pepper and put it on a plate, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with herbs. You can also add garlic for taste.

With scallop


  • bell pepper orange color- 8 pcs.
  • - 500 gr.
  • Rice - 1 tbsp.
  • Sour cream
  • tomato paste
  • Oil

How to cook:

  1. We clean the pepper in the usual way.
  2. Lightly fry the scallops and then cut into pieces.
  3. Rice is not boiled until done. Mix with scallops.
  4. Chop the onion and fry in oil. Add to rice and scallops.
  5. We stuff the peppers, then pour oil, water and tomato paste. Simmer for about 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, you can add sour cream to the pepper.

Peppers can be used to make a variety of delicious treats. And the most important thing is that you can eat it in huge quantities, absolutely not worrying about your own appearance and figure.

How to make stuffed peppers, given all the subtleties and secrets of cooking?

Extraordinarily nutritious stuffed pepper pleases as if palatability and exquisite appearance. This bright and favorite dish of the vast majority can often be seen on the menu of the solemn feast.

Stuffed peppers are good in that they can act both as an independent dish, and as some kind of similarity. Since it is customary to serve pepper on the table with the broth in which it was boiled. You can stuff peppers with a variety of fillings, but most often they use minced meat with rice. However, this filling option is far from the only one. Peppers are also stuffed with mushrooms, vegetables, cereals, shrimp, cottage cheese, etc. The main thing is that the filling should not be overly watery.


  • Peppers - 12 pcs.
  • - 1 kg
  • – 70 grams
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Tomato - 3 tbsp.
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • Dill - bunch
  • Bay leaf - 4-5 pcs.
  • Allspice peas - 5-6 peas
  • Salt - to taste
  • Black ground pepper - to taste

Food preparation time - 20 minutes

Cooking time - 1 hour

The number of servings - 12 pcs.


Rinse the rice well under running water until the water runs clear. We put it in a saucepan, add salt, pour water (twice the volume of rice) and boil until half cooked for 5-7 minutes, depending on the type of cereal.

You can use raw rice for stuffing, but then the peppers are not stuffed tightly with the filling.

We wash, peel onions and garlic, prepare a meat grinder with a grate with medium holes.

In a meat grinder, we twist the meat, onions and garlic. Add rice, salt and pepper to the minced meat.

We wash the peppers, remove the tails, core and seeds.


There are two ways to remove the core:

  • cut off the cap with the stalks with a knife, and carefully clean the inner membranes and seeds;
  • press the stalk so that it enters the cavity of the pepper, then gently pull it in the opposite direction.

The first option makes a kind of “cups” of peppers, the second one simultaneously removes the stalk from the seeds, and leaves the top of the vegetable untouched.

Use Peppers big size, they are more convenient to stuff.

For stuffing, peppers are selected dense, fleshy, without wrinkles, black dots, spots and other defects, even and pleasant in color.

Rinse the gutted peppers under running water and dry with a paper towel.

We fill the peppers with minced meat: if the rice is half-boiled, fill the peppers tightly, raw - not tight.

We lay the peppers tightly in a saucepan for stewing in one or two layers.

  • Advice: As a rule, stuffed peppers are cooked in an enamel pan. However, the thicker the walls and bottom of the dish, the better.

Add washed and chopped dill, sour cream, tomato paste, bay leaf, allspice and salt to the pan.

Pour the peppers drinking water so that they are completely covered.

Gently mix the water so that the sour cream, tomato paste, salt and dill are evenly distributed over the pan.

We send the pepper to the stove, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a small one and simmer under closed lid to readiness 1 hour.


  • In order for the broth to have a rich taste, coarsely chopped sautéed carrots and onions should be placed on the bottom of the pan, and stuffed peppers should be placed on top of them.
  • If frozen peppers are used, the cooking time will be 1.5 hours.

Put the finished pepper on a dish and serve with a small amount of broth, and if desired, pour them with sour cream.

Do you love stuffed peppers?

Very, my favorite dish 11 23 23 0

I can eat sometimes, it's good 7 23 23 0

I don't really like 3 23 23 0

I never even tried 2 23 23 0

I make this dish a little differently. I don't put onions or garlic in the minced meat. Only raw rice and meat, salt, pepper. I start the peppers, put them in a saucepan. I fry onions and carrots separately, add a little tomato paste or overripe tomatoes. I put this mixture on peppers, pour water, salt, put bay leaf, allspice. And simmer on a slow fire. The aroma in the apartment is such that the tongue can choke on saliva.

Ulyana, it seems to me that you should still cook the pepper as described here. Adding onions and carrots on top is just silly, sorry. Judge for yourself, what then is the use of them? After cooking, you throw away all this mixture, well, or put it separately on a plate. You will not put pepper on a dish like porridge. When everything you need is added to minced meat, it fully gives its taste.

Stuffed peppers are not loved only by those people who simply cannot stand the smell and taste of this vegetable. The rest eat this dish with great pleasure. It is prepared, as a rule, with stuffing a la cabbage rolls: meat, rice, onions. However, not everyone likes the meat component. Sometimes some need, for one reason or another, to know how to prepare a vegetarian version of such a dish. Well, the desire is natural, especially considering the popularization healthy lifestyle life. Therefore, we will now tell you in detail how to make such a stuffed pepper. The recipe (it is really possible to cook such a dish without meat) cooking, and more than one, will be presented to you below.

So let's start. How about no meat?

General principles

No need to think that peppers stuffed without meat will not be so tasty. Not at all. Rather, even vice versa. Nevertheless, the rice and meat filling, no matter how good it may be, is also boring. And few people, by the way, know that you can stuff this vegetable with other ingredients. Vegetables (all with or without the same rice), mushrooms, buckwheat, pasta, cheese, shrimp, cottage cheese are perfect for such purposes. As well as not everyone is aware that peppers stuffed without meat can not only be stewed, but also cooked in the oven, slow cooker, on the grill. And even if you stew, it’s not just like that, but in vegetable gravy, tomato juice, sour cream.

Food preparation

Stuffed fillings for which can be very diverse, as we found out, it is not difficult to cook. This vegetable seems to be created in order to fill it with various ingredients. It is enough just to cut off the bottom with the tail, get the partitions with the seeds - and please, the container for any filling is ready. By the way, by cutting off the bottom, you can grab a little more pulp and eventually get a beautiful lid, which then covers the filling. As for color, size, variety, maturity, any specimens can be stuffed.

Which is exactly what we are going to do now.

without meat, classic. Ingredients

To prepare this vegetarian dish, the hostess needs to stock up following products: ten sweet bell peppers, a glass of rice, one large onion, carrot, a tablespoon of tomato paste. The set, as you can see, is more than simple. The only thing you should pay attention to is that the rice needs to be taken round. It is more sticky, thanks to this the filling will hold its shape better.

How to cook

First, we carefully wash the rice, and more than once. Then we fall asleep in boiling water (a glass of cereal - two waters). You don't need to mix. Cook for ten minutes over medium heat, then keep another five minutes on the smallest one under the lid. Turn off. We leave to cool. Cooking peppers. As described above. We make vegetable oil frying from grated carrots and arbitrarily chopped onions. Mix it with rice, pepper and salt. And then we fill in its peppers. No need to try to tamp them to the maximum. So peppers can burst, as a result, the dish will turn out ugly. Then we cover them with lids from the bottom with a tail (you can skip this step if you wish). We put it in a saucepan, pour water mixed with tomato paste (it should not reach the top of the peppers), simmer over low heat for about forty minutes. Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise.

This was the easiest recipe that most of our hostesses use. But he is far from the only one. Next, consider how to cook Bulgarian in Greek. At home, this dish is called "Gemista".

Greek version of stuffing

First, boil a glass of rice and cook ten peppers in the same way as above. Cut two eggplants finely, salt well and leave in this form for about twenty minutes. Thanks to this procedure, we will get rid of bitterness. In principle, the peel can be removed. Then this step can be skipped. We clean two carrots and one zucchini, wash it. Finely cut and add to them three hundred grams of chopped champignons. And then put it all in a pan with hot olive oil and fry for five minutes. Then add eggplant. If you left them with a peel and kept in salt, then you must not forget to rinse the pieces under running water. Fry all the vegetables for another 15 minutes. Then add the cooked and washed rice, stir. We try, pepper, salt, mix again and turn off the fire after a couple of minutes. We leave the filling to cool, and we will do the filling ourselves. We grate another carrot and finely chop five tomatoes. Fry everything in olive oil for five minutes. In two glasses of water (necessarily hot), we dissolve three tablespoons of miso paste and one familiar tomato paste. Stir, pour the resulting mixture into vegetables. Add a tablespoon of sugar, salt and pepper, simmer for five minutes, no more. Then we stuff peppers with cooled vegetables and mushrooms, put them in a saucepan, pour in the resulting filling and cook on low heat under a lid for about forty minutes. Do not serve immediately, let the dish brew for another half hour. Well, then you can call relatives to the table.

Peppers + mushrooms + pasta

“Peppers stuffed without meat - that's all right! But stuffing mushrooms and pasta into it is just blasphemy!” - that's what many may exclaim. And they will raise a cry in vain. Such a peculiar filling gets along well with the taste of pepper and makes the dish very original. And in principle, what is surprising here, by and large. Remember the same pasta (in our opinion - banal pasta), in which Italians add almost everything they see. Including peppers and mushrooms. So, if you think about it, here you should not be indignant, but quickly run to the stove. To cook stuffed peppers without meat in a completely different incarnation.

How to do?

Boil 150 g of spirals (it is best to take this particular type of pasta) to a state that is called al dente in Italy. And if in our opinion, then so that they do not turn into porridge, but are a little hard. We rub two carrots, cut the same number of tomatoes and onions arbitrarily but finely, send everything to fry in a pan. After five minutes, add 300 g of boiled mushrooms to the vegetables. We also cut the mushrooms finely. Cook for 15 minutes, then pour in two tablespoons of soy sauce, stir, turn off the fire, add the pasta. Beat two eggs and add grated cheese to them (it is enough to take 200 g). Pepper-salt. We mix. We stuff the prepared peppers with the minced meat, fill it with water, mixed with five tablespoons of tomato paste, throw in five peas of black pepper, bay leaf. Simmer in the oven for forty minutes. Be sure to cover. And then another half an hour without her.

and butter

Three hundred grams of mushrooms (any - fresh, but boiled, or canned) need to be finely chopped. Then add three grated potatoes to them. In principle, if you wish, you can also add onions. Salt and pepper the entire resulting mass, stir, and then fill the peppers with it. And on top, as it were, clog tightly with a circle of tomato. Put all this beauty tightly in a saucepan, pour water in which three tablespoons of tomato paste are mixed, and then simmer for an hour on the smallest fire.

Stuffed with corn

When it comes to such a dish as peppers stuffed with vegetables without meat, one can only surprise the fantasies of culinary specialists and the abundance of existing fillings. As is the case with the next recipe. To cook Bulgarian pepper stuffed with vegetables on it, we take a standard jar of corn, drain the liquid, and send the grains themselves to a pan with heated olive oil. Add three finely chopped tomatoes to them, salt, fry until all the liquid has evaporated. We cut the peppers in half lengthwise, remove the seeds and partitions, put them on a baking sheet covered with foil, put them in the oven for twenty minutes at a temperature of no more than 150 degrees. Then we take them out, let them cool, and then fill them with corn-tomato filling, after adding a bunch of chopped greens and one hundred grams of grated cheese to it. Bake for another half hour.

A few words about diet

By and large, almost all the options proposed above (except extreme with pasta and peppers with potatoes and mushrooms) are by definition dietary. Except for one but. The cooking process involves frying vegetables in oil and using sour cream. Therefore, all those who count every calorie should simply skip the sautéing stage, and replace sour cream with fat-free unsweetened yogurt. And it is desirable to take brown instead of ordinary rice. That's all science. Or you can come up with your own. And to make it easier, below is an example of such a dish.

Dietary stuffed peppers. Recipe without meat, with beans

Boil three hundred grams of any beans until half cooked. Do the same with a glass of brown rice. Cool both ingredients, mix, add grated carrot and chopped onion. Salt. Stuff the peppers and cook in a double boiler for half an hour. Serve with soy sauce to enhance the taste.

We make blanks

And now a few words about how to prepare bell peppers stuffed with cabbage for the winter. It is worth noting that there are many recipes, but we will give the simplest, but no less popular. We give all the components based on 10 pieces of fairly large bell peppers.

Grind three hundred grams of cabbage, one bunch of green onions and ten sprigs of basil. We make a marinade from a glass of white wine, half a glass of wine vinegar, one hundred grams of sugar, two tablespoons of curry and cumin and one and a half of the same spoons of salt. That is, simply mix everything, pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil. We free the peppers from the stalks, peel and dip in the marinade. Leave on low heat for three minutes. Then we take out the vegetables, and in their place we throw cabbage. We hold one minute. We take a bowl, put a colander on it, discard the cabbage. When it drains, mix with herbs, stuff the peppers, put them tightly in a three-liter sterilized jar, pour the marinade from the bowl. We add boiled water to the top, drain all the brine, bring it to a boil, pour it into the jar again, roll it up. A great snack for the winter is ready!


We tried to tell in detail how you can cook stuffed bell peppers without meat. The fillings for this vegetable, as we have seen, can be completely different. And the options we have given are a drop in the ocean of available recipes. And if you consider that on the basis of the available cooking methods you can also create your own, then you can do following output: and without meat, stuffed peppers can be quite tasty and quite a satisfying dish!

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