Pagan tarot cards. The meaning of the Major Arcana. Pagan Tarot, or Tarot of Snow-White and Dark Magic

The Pagan Tarot is also called the Tarot of white and black magic; it was created based on the work of the American Witch and has extraordinary power and occult depth.

The task of white magic is creation, and black magic is destruction. It was created specifically for practical application in modern world.

The deck, unlike the deck, is not bright, but nothing distracts from its unusual power.

It combines the knowledge of ancient pagans and modern esotericists, it paints the whole picture modern life, all its complex interactions and relationships with multidimensional space and the unknown.

All cards have their own plot and deep meaning. This is an excellent tool for self-discovery, meditation, magic and fortune telling.

The real and otherworldly worlds intersect very easily here. The cards will help reveal the path of the witch in different everyday situations, there is a book translated into Russian with all the layouts and descriptions of the cards, it will help you get to know this interesting deck and give the necessary recommendations and tips, and explain what is happening.

Deck Pagan Tarot designed to guide modern pagan practices, it will help and give advice in real life.

  • Cards can be used for meditation and reflection, predict and change situations, you can change your world, it will become cleaner and better.
  • These cards will draw full picture of our world will be shown by all its complex relationships.
  • It is known in Russia as the Tarot of White and Black Magic, it is no longer a magical tool, but an assistant for those who want to become a true master and find harmony with the world.

The key here are the Court Cards, these are the change markers. In the manual you can find semantic and predictive aspects of all arcana and examples of layouts.

The book is written in the author's style, it has a lot of associations and humor. It will appeal not only to professionals, but also to everyone who is ready to work with Tarot in a new way. The deck easily moves from one plane of existence to another, it’s all one life and it will help everywhere.

She argues that any life experience is valuable, only the year on the calendar is unimportant, faith does not matter, the only thing that matters is what people take out of the everyday bustle, the discovery of the soul, those qualities of character that are strengthened in trials.

It can be seen as the story of a girl looking for herself in love, career, psychology and mysticism. The deck will appeal to all followers of Wicca and lovers of the synthesis approach.

All Major cards and Minor Arcana have their own plot. The main face of the deck is a young girl; there are no special Wiccan motifs in it; most likely, this is just the image of a modern witch.

The general interpretation of this deck is similar to the classic one, but the drawing of some cards is very different from the usual one. It also has a special meaning, it is similar in this to, but there is much more depth here.

The minor arcana are divided into Pentacles, the element of earth, Swords - symbolizing air, Cups - water and Wands - fire; Aces do not depict people, they only reflect the shape of the elements and seasons.

From twos to tens, all the cards of the Minor Arcana tell own story, mark events that can happen in the life of a person, a pagan, a witch, on the Five of Pentacles you can see a woman standing in line at a pawn shop and looking back at the man standing next to him, holding his hands close to her bag.

The Four of Wands shows a pagan wedding and 4 wands are raised above the heads of the lovers.

  • The palace cards are Elementals, Novices, Initiates and Elders.
  • Elementals reflect the pure energy of the elements. Other palace cards indicate people of different ages and different degrees of dedication.
  • Cups and Pentacles are women, and Swords and Wands indicate men. The symbolism of the deck is very clear and transparent, it is easy and interesting to read.

This is a feminine and soft deck, it is calm and harmonious, it’s like communicating with an elder and more wise friend, he loves to joke and laugh, and gives all his answers with a half-smile.

This deck has a lot of Earth energy, it is dim because it is in brown and green tones. This deck is aimed at inner world man, his self-knowledge.

At first she gives simple answers, they seem to lie on the surface, but then she begins to reveal situations deeply and shifts the focus to a person’s internal problems.

It will help spiritual growth and development. It's great for meditation. There are no clearly bad cards in it, even an unsuccessful alignment is the starting point of a new round of life, any death always speaks of a new birth and beginning, the others in this regard are very different from it.

0 Fool

Straight position:
0 - Fool (IL MATTO): New movement; trust in what is outside the parameters of our everyday existence; expansion of consciousness to the entirety of the Universe and achieving more than we are directly.

© Original values cards that come with the deck.
© Lo Scarabeo. Torino.
© "Avallon". Moscow. Russian version.

Rider White values:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Uranus/Mercury in the sense of openness of character, curiosity, spontaneity and a bit of crazy; in interaction with Neptune - a feeling of guidance from above.

The jester is ours inner child. It means the spontaneous start of something new, impartiality, openness. This is a carefree game, the most elementary joy of life, a period when we enter the unknown with cheerful surprise and without any specific expectations. However, it can also mean infantilism with all its attributes - frivolity, naivety, gambling, and simply stupidity. Or - wise simplicity, modesty of requests and humility, to which we usually come only at the end of a long and the hard way. A jester can also be a cunning, mischievous person. One way or another, he lives only in the present, he is a frank, sincere, mobile person. Is it good or bad? What this card means: our stubborn reluctance to become an adult or, on the contrary, the simplicity acquired along with long experience - will have to be judged by the whole scenario as a whole. The jester always warns about something completely new that is ready to burst into our lives, which causes chaos in it, and we ourselves may get a few bumps, but there is actually nothing dangerous about it.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

0 - Fool
The zero card FOOL (another name is Jester) is likened to the material Universe. But she, like a mortal human body, is nothing more than a robe, a motley suit, suitable for a jester, under whose clothing, however, there is a divine substance, of which buffoonery is just a shadow. Tarot cards were given by enlightened priests to be kept by the stupid ignorant people who made them playing cards, in many ways even an instrument of vice. Man's diabolical habits, therefore, became the unconscious guardian of his philosophical precepts.
If the FOOL is placed in the first place in the deck, and the other cards are laid out in a row from left to right, then you can find that the FOOL goes to other characters, as if passing through all the cards. He, like a neophyte spiritually blind because of a blindfold, is ready to embark on the most difficult journey leading through the gates of Divine Wisdom.

Uranus - embodies the principle of primordial movement. In the TAROT, this principle is compared with the concept of “living nature” and the picture of the Jester, symbolizing divine power before manifestation. This is a divine genius, capable of creating the Universe and destroying it, but... The Universe does not yet exist, and therefore the FOOL is only zero, nothing, absolute emptiness, which can become anything, and the absolute freedom of this becoming: in this there is nothing, in potential contains everything.
The planet Uranus says that God creates the Universe easily, accidentally and not on purpose - and such is the spontaneous Nature of human genius. Most often, the Jester is depicted holding a bundle on a stick over his shoulders and balancing with it (the bundle) on the edge of an abyss. In this bundle there is that “everything” and “nothing” that forced the Jester to set off on his journey.
In a narrowly practical perspective on human life this card is interpreted as a warning against dangers and everything unexpected, fundamentally new and unknown. But behind this unknown there is a broader meaning of higher creativity - creation from scratch, from the fullness of one’s being.
And even though creation is a violation of the original order of being - and therefore there is an abyss before the Fool - but still it is dictated by the highest moral laws and therefore simply cannot be a creation if it does not carry the original principle.

IN upright position the position of the Jester card can mean the beginning of a new life cycle, any new things. There is energy, optimism, strength and happiness. The map shows unexpected, unplanned circumstances that can turn the current state of affairs upside down. Also indicates the need to adopt important decisions: - you are free to choose any direction, go anywhere, do whatever you want.

In an inverted position, the Jester’s position speaks of restless, impulsive activity, rash actions. Symbolizes madness and carelessness, a waste of energy, time and effort. The problem is not being solved. You are very careless about something important. Your choice may turn out to be bad, your decision fatal. Sometimes this card symbolizes a person who is tirelessly looking for a change in environment and activities, starting a lot of things, but not finishing anything. In addition, the card can mean thoughtlessness, whims and caprices, extravagance, lack of discipline, immaturity, irrationality in thoughts and behavior, exaltation, defenselessness, inability to calculate consequences, and in extreme cases, frenzy.

"A symbol of a blind man who has turned himself into the slavery of matter. His knapsack is overflowing with his delusions and senseless actions. A broken obelisk is the death of his deeds. The crocodile (in Papus's cards a crocodile is depicted instead of a dog) is an emblem of inexorable fatality and... inevitable atonement and retribution for what he has done , since nothing in life is done “just like that” - and you have to pay for everything.”

From the book: Rider White Tarot.
Theory and practice.
Series "Secrets of Predictions".
Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

Tarot of white and black magic (original name Pagan Tarot, meaning - pagan tarot) made in Italy based on the works of the American “Witch” (Gina M. Pace), has extraordinary power and occult depth. The deck was released by the publishing house “Lo Scarabeo” in 2005.

Tarot of white and black magic is suitable for both beginners and professionals. At first glance, the deck differs in plot from the classics, but Gina Pace adheres to the tradition, the main tenets of Arthur Waite. One of the differences between the deck and others is that it does not have the standard row of Court cards: elemental, novice, initiate, elder.

Many people call the deck feminine because it describes the path of a young witch (from initiation into the world of magic to deep knowledge). In the deck, magic and spirituality go on equal terms with everyday life. The plots are varied, you can see the main character both at the computer, or in the supermarket, and in magical rituals. The images on the maps are modern; you can intuitively understand the answer to any question posed. This deck is usually used for everyday issues (work, relationships, society, card of the day, advice, etc.).

The cards come with a small 20-page manual, which contains scant, very brief interpretation each card and two layouts: “Star or Pentagram”, “Witch’s Cross”.

Special useful information it's not in it. I recommend purchasing an additional book, or searching the Internet for those who find it difficult to understand the meanings themselves. For example, on this site good description(and not only this deck): [link]

The quality of the deck is pleasant, it corresponds to the price, but I would like it to be a little denser, the size is optimal (12*6.5 cm).

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