Hard road to glory. Ani Lorak (Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek) (14 photos). Ani Lorak: personal life, children and husband What is the real name of Ani Lorak

Currently, the name of Ani Lorak, details from her biography, as well as personal life have become the most discussed in social network Instagram and in the press. In August 2018, it became known that the husband of a charming singer, model and actress went to his mistress, while the pop diva gave concerts on the stage of various cities according to the planned schedule.

Nevertheless, the performer does not comment on the situation in any way and continues to work, pushing the personal into the background.

The childhood of the Ukrainian singer

Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek was born on September 27, 1978 in Kitsman, Ukraine. The girl grew up in the company of three brothers: Sergei (1968), Igor (1976) and Anton (1985). The People's Artist has repeatedly said in an interview for Ukrainian magazines that each of the brothers was born from different husbands.

The girl's parents divorced before her birth. Therefore, all she knew about her father was that he worked as a journalist in the local city newspaper.

The following years were very difficult for the divorced single mother Zhanna Linkova, who worked as a radio director in Chernivtsi. The money earned was not enough to fully provide for three sons and a daughter. Therefore, the woman gave them to a kindergarten, where it was allowed to leave children for 5 days with an overnight stay, taking them only on weekends. Later, the boys and the girl lived in a boarding school, seeing their mother only on weekends.

When Carolina was 9 years old, her older brother died in Afghanistan. But the tragedy in the family did not negatively affect the girl's psyche, but, on the contrary, made her stronger and taught her to appreciate life as it is.

Zhanna Linkova admired the talents of the future, supporting her in her desire to become a singer. The woman sincerely hoped that the fate, career, biography and personal life of her daughter would turn out completely differently and she would become not only popular, but also happy.

Having moved to the 7th grade, the girl decided that she no longer wanted to live in a boarding school. Therefore, she took the documents from the director and transferred to, which was located next to the house. From that moment on, Carolina began to help her mother with the housework and decided to develop her musical talents. For this, the girl enrolled in a pop vocal studio and participate in various competitions.

    Do you like Ani Lorak?

One of the most significant was the performance at the Primrose festival, at which Carolina met her future husband and producer Yuri Thales.

A talented composer, teacher and mentor insisted that the girl's mother sign a contract, giving permission for her daughter's education and guardianship. Having become popular and famous, Ani Lorak speaks with warmth in her voice about this man, who has become not only a teacher for her, but also a close friend. The girl connected with him long years his personal life, and it was he who left a significant mark on her biography.

The formation of the singer

Yuri Thalesa was next to the artist for 8 years. During this time, he wrote many beautiful and popular songs for his muse, and Carolina's career began to develop rapidly:

  1. In 1995, the singer performed in the program "Morning Star", collecting the laurels of the winner. It was then that the girl decided to take a pseudonym, since the performer Carolina was already there. For this, the producer and the Ukrainian singer decided to use her name as it is reflected in the mirror, dividing it into two parts: “Ani Lorak”.
  2. In 1995, with participation in the international music competition"Tavria Games" the artist was awarded the prize "Golden Firebird". And also during the survey, "New Stars of the Old Year" received the "Discovery of the Year" award.
  3. While participating in the festival Chervona Ruta”, held annually on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, the novice performer took 2nd place, beating the more popular contestants.
  4. In the fall of 1995, Ani Lorak's first album, “I Want to Fly,” was released in the jazz-rock style in a cassette version. But its colleague in the form of a CD, recorded by the famous English company Holy Music in 1996 and released in the amount of 6,000 copies, was sold out abroad, never getting to the artist's homeland.

Re-invited to music Festival“Tavria Games VI” in 1996, the pop diva won and again received the award for the best performer “Golden Firebird”, proving her superiority.

Not stopping there, in the same 1996, Ani Lorak went to the Big Apple Music festival in New York, becoming the winner.

In the summer of 1997, at the Tavria Games, a new album was announced in the form of a video clip “I'll be back.” But fans of the charming singer were able to buy CDs and cassettes only in December.

In the winter of 1999, Ani Lorak, together with Yuri Feles, went on a world tour, performing in major cities USA, France, Germany and Hungary. The return home was marked by new concerts in the homeland and the receipt of the Honored Artist of Ukraine award from the hands of the president.

In the same year, the singer gets acquainted with. The man persuades Ani Lorak to terminate the contract with the previous producer and conclude a new one in 2000. The girl agrees and in a creative tandem a unique composition “Mirrors” appears. The singer not only changes her performance style, but also takes a course towards the Russian public.

She deservedly becomes the most sexy woman Ukraine and rises to more high level. Since then, Carolina has been performing at competitions and festivals. international level and concludes contracts with foreign brands as .

celebrity personal life

From 1996 to 2004, the artist lived in a civil marriage with Yuri Thales. But after the conclusion of a contract with Igor Krutoy and the arrival of greater popularity, their relationship began to deteriorate, and then stopped.

On August 15, 2009, Ani Lorak surprised everyone around her by marrying a young and wealthy businessman Murat Nalchajioglu, one of the shareholders of the aviation giant Turtess Travel. The Ukrainian singer insisted that the marriage take place in Kyiv, and then the newlyweds celebrated an important event in Turkey. From that moment on, Ani Lorak's biography and personal life received close attention from the press.

Her husband was repeatedly credited with novels with beautiful girls, but the performer herself did not comment on these speculations.

After 2 years, the charming singer shared significant news with her fans: on June 9, 2011, she became a mother. The king of pop music and the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Irina Berezhnaya became godparents. A happy mother calls her daughter a princess and spends everything with Sofia and her husband free time trying to give her the childhood she never had.

Currently, according to the "yellow press", Ani Lorak's family is going through a critical period. There are rumors that the artist's husband left for another woman. But neither the singer's husband nor the pop singer herself confirms these speculations and prefer not to answer journalists' questions.

This young woman dedicated to creativity most own life. She tried herself as an actress, presenter and model, but still remained true to her true calling - singing. The biography of Ani Lorak is full of bright events, her personal life is not hidden from prying eyes, she often comes out with her husband and child (photo).

Carolina Kuek - that's what the future star was called shortly after birth. The girl’s childhood can hardly be called happy, since her father left the family before her birth, and her mother could not feed her children, although she worked around the clock for a flight.

Due to the difficult situation and hopelessness, the mother of six-year-old Karolina sent the girl and older children to a boarding school, where they lived for many years. Despite the difficult fate, Ani always knew what she wanted from life - already at the age of 4 she imagined herself on stage and sang as soon as the opportunity arose.

Ani Lorak in childhood with her mother (second from left)

At an older age, the girl began to take part in creative competitions, which were held at her school, and then went to another level - she decided to demonstrate her talent at the Primrose singing competition. He then became for her a "lucky ticket."

The fact is that at the festival at that time there was a famous producer Yuri Thales, who immediately saw the talent in the little girl. After he admitted that he immediately fell in love not only with her voice, but also with the performer herself.

Singer in her youth with her parents

Carolina won this competition, which opened the door for her to the professional world of show business. Thales immediately met her and later began to help the young talent learn all the basics of a singing career and backstage life.

In 1995, thanks to her producer, the girl got on the Morning Star program, after which the public started talking about her. At the same time, the young singer changed her name to a pseudonym, by which she is still known. A fast-moving career, a sea of ​​​​fans, fees that had previously only been dreamed of - during this period, Ani Lorak for the first time falls in love with the same Yuri Falyosa and happy couple starts living together.

With former producer Yuri Flesoy

Their romance lasted as long as 13 years, but it never came to the wedding ceremony and children. Rumor has it that Thales still cannot forgive his beloved for leaving him and practically does not keep in touch with him. After all, it was thanks to him that the girl achieved such high altitudes and her name is known all over the world.

Love of all life

A year after Ani Lorak broke off relations with her producer, the singer decided to go on vacation to Antalya. At the hotel, she dressed quite simply - shorts, T-shirt, cap and no makeup.

A young manager also worked there, who one evening, not recognizing Ani Lorak famous singer, declared that one day she would sing just for his ears. The girl was surprised at such impudence and just silently left for her room.

The next evening, the most interesting thing happened - the identity of "Cinderella" was revealed, since a dinner party was arranged in her honor by the hotel administration. And, oddly enough, the whole organization fell on yesterday's guy Murat, who became very shy when he realized who was in front of him.

Singer at the Eurovision Song Contest

Throughout the dinner, the couple did not even say a word, but constantly looked at each other. Later, Carolina admitted that even then some kind of spark ran between them, and she began to like this impudent guy.

Until the very departure, young people communicated every day, realizing that they like to spend time together. And even once, while swimming in the sea, the girl thought to herself: if I see him now on the shore, then we will definitely succeed. After that, she turned around and saw Murat walking along the beach. Apparently, this was a special sign of fate. Before parting, the young man admitted that he did not know if he would ever meet Ani Lorak on his way, but he would always wait for her back.

Carolina with close friend Philip Kirkorov

And a year later, Carolina again went to Turkey to shoot a new video and, quite by accident, ended up in the same hotel, completely without putting her hands to it - another person was in charge of choosing a place to live.

This time, Murat did not blunder and met his star with flowers, in a limousine and settled in a luxurious apartment that occupied an entire floor. After that, the girl decided that she did not want to restrain her feelings. This is how a new personal life appeared in the biography of Ani Lorak, which gave in the future a loving husband and the best daughter (photo).

The test of time

Feelings Ukrainian singer and young man were so strong that they were not afraid of the test of distance. For a while, the lovers communicated exclusively by phone, spending all their free time on it and receiving huge phone bills. They were interested in every little thing, down to what was eaten for dinner or what the weather was like outside. Such communication did not bother, but brought incredible pleasure, although Carolina very soon realized that this was not enough for her.

Ani Lorak: photo

She confessed to Murat that she wanted more and that the "telephone" romance could not last forever. Then he first visited Kyiv and spent unforgettable days with Lorak. After that, for 6 months, the lover practically lived in two countries in order to see the girl of his dreams more often. And on one of these visits, he suggested that Carolina try to live together. And has stayed with her ever since.

Wedding of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchajioglu

The couple in love began to live together in 2006, and two years later Murat made a marriage proposal to his girlfriend. It is difficult to imagine what Ani Lorak felt when she realized that her personal life was going to new level and soon in her biography there will be a line about such important event like creating a family, and with loving husband children will definitely appear (photo).

Karolina and Murat never competed with each other for a place in the sun and always made common decisions. They both believe that there should be equality in the family and that everyone's opinion has its own importance.

Karolina and Murat Nalchadzhioglu during the wedding ceremony

But in preparation for the wedding, the groom suddenly became incredibly persistent and said that he would take care of the preparations on his own and would not let his future wife worry about the troubles that might arise. Of course, Ani Lorak, like any other bride, wanted to take part in the preparations, but Murat promised that he would arrange a real fairy tale for her, and the girl resigned herself to her passivity.

The celebration took place in Turkey, in the homeland of the groom. There, Karolina met his relatives, who at first did not take the news very well that their son was ready to give up everything for the sake of a Ukrainian girl. But, having got to know Murat's chosen one better, the relatives changed their minds and blessed the young.

Ani Lorak still remembers this day with warmth in her heart. Their first dance, a song that Murat dedicated to his beloved, although he had not even admitted that he could sing before, a chic dress strewn with precious stones and happy guests who all evening wished happiness and prosperity to the young family.

On the set of the video "Autumn Love"

To the sound of sea waves at the very end of the celebration, the Ukrainian singer said that she had never felt happy and that on that day she simply enjoyed every minute.

Ani Lorak admitted that she was ready to tell everyone about this event in her biography, because thanks to him she learned what it means to move from personal life to creation strong family, to feel the love of a husband and child (photo).

Birth of a daughter

It would seem that quite recently the wedding fireworks died down, and already on June 9, 2011, Ani Lorak for the first time became the mother of a little girl, who is called Sofia. Become godfather offered to Philip Kirkorov, with whom Ani Lorak had very good friendly relations. Philip honorably accepted this title and now he does not have a soul in his goddaughter.

Singer with daughter Carolina

Both parents are engaged in raising the baby, although without the help of a nanny in star family not enough. But both Karolina and Murat devote all their free time to their child and still cannot get enough of such happiness.

Next to Sofia, Ani Lorak and Murat begin to feel like children - they sing songs, play in the street, build sand castles and fool around, not paying attention to anyone. They are happy and do not hesitate to show their feelings.

Relationship Difficulties

It was rumored that Ani Lorak would soon delete her husband from her biography and leave the child to herself, putting an end to her personal life (photo). But these words turned out to be a lie, which was generated by the fact that Murat is a Turk by nationality. Many spoke and wrote in newspapers that you cannot build a family with such a person, because all Turks are womanizers and gigolos.

But Carolina denied all the rumors and supported her lover with all her might in a difficult period. He did not understand why everyone took up arms against him because of his nationality, despite the fact that it was already not easy for him in a foreign country, when his wife, among other things, was a famous artist.

Ani Lorak with her husband and daughter

By the way, the People's Artist of Ukraine also experienced some difficulties due to her busy schedule and had to seek a compromise in order to see her husband more often and not jeopardize personal happiness.


People's Artist of Ukraine, Ani Lorak, was born in Kitsman, September 27, 1978. She was the second child in the family. Ani Lorak's parents could not come up with a name for their daughter for a long time, eventually settled on the name Olga, but at the request of her grandmother, who was Polish, they named her Karolina. Real surname Ani Lorak - Kuek. Carolina Kuek's father works as a local journalist, despite the fact that he graduated from a music school as a conductor. Mom was a radio announcer.

Due to the fact that dad had a musical education, he was able to develop his daughter's interest in music. Since childhood, Carolina Kuek began to take part in all kinds of concerts, first at school, and then at a more serious level. I must say that Karolina developed and progressed very quickly - at the age of 14 she became the winner of the Chernivtsi festival "Primrose". Thanks to this victory, Carolina was noticed - producer Yuri Falesoy signed a contract with Carolina Kuek. It was the first professional contract in the life of Carolina. Just three years later, Carolina Kuek became famous thanks to the Morning Star-95 program. It was because of this program that Carolina came up with her pseudonym "Ani Lorak". It happened like this: when applying for the competition, Carolina Kuek ran into a problem - one of the participants had already applied under the name of Carolina. So I had to come up with a pseudonym. Carolina for a long time could not come up with something worthwhile, in a fit of desperation, she simply wrote her name on the contrary “Ani Lorak” and this turned out to be just what was needed. Already under the new pseudonym Ani Lorak, she took second place at the Chervona Ruta festival, which was held in Crimea. And at the end of this year (1995), Ani Lorak completed the recording of her album “I Want to Fly”, which, unfortunately, was released in 6000 copies, but not a single copy was released in the CIS. In 1996, Ani Lorak took part and won the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition, which was held in New York. In December 1997, Ani Lorak released the album "I'll be back."

In 1999, Ani Lorak was awarded the title People's Artist Ukraine. She became the youngest person to be awarded this title, and not surprisingly, she was barely 19 years old.

In 2000, Ani Lorak began to collaborate with Igor Krutoy, as a result, the song "Mirrors" appeared. In 2001, Ani Lorak released the disc "Where you are ...". A year later, Carolina is recognized as the best singer in Ukraine. 2004 was no less successful for Ani Lorak than previous years - her album "Ani Lorak" receives the status of a "golden album", the song "Three sonorous words" is recognized as the best song of the year, and Ani Lorak is the best singer of the year. In 2005, Karolina Kuek released the album "Smile", the song of the same name from which she wanted to perform at Eurovision, but the Greenjols group with their political song "Once we are rich .." prevented Ani Lorak from entering the competition. Thank God fate gave Carolina another chance. In 2008, Ani Lorak took second place at Eurovision, after Dima Bilan.

Ani Lorak (Carolina Kuek) - famous Ukrainian and Russian singer, which gained fame thanks to its participation in Eurovision 2008, taking second place.


Karolina Kuek was born on September 27, 1978 in the small town of Kitsman. Even before the birth, her future was distributed, her parents could not get along together, and therefore the mother's pregnancy did not save the situation, and the couple divorced.

The girl's childhood was very difficult, the father did not participate in the life of his daughter and sons, so Carolina's mother was engaged in raising and providing for the children. But, unfortunately, despite the fact that the woman worked around the clock, she could not feed her family, and for this reason she sent four children to a boarding school.

Already, being a four-year-old girl, Carolina realized that she wanted to become a singer in the future, but poverty and separation from her mother dictated completely different rules, but, nevertheless, the girl was not going to say goodbye to her dream so easily and continued to take music lessons and perform at school events. Unfortunately, the parents, knowing that their children in the boarding school did not think about their return to the family, and therefore Karolina was brought up by two older brothers who tried not only to protect her, but also financially provide for her.

Musical career: the beginning

For three years he was the producer of an aspiring singer in Ukraine, but later he decides that nothing shines for her at home and decides to go with her to Russia. But because of problems with the name, the girl had to decide something, and, reading her name in reverse, Carolina realized that this was a wonderful and very interesting pseudonym. Throughout 1995, the girl participated in various musical television shows, where she was noticed. They already talked about the singer, they knew her and discussed her hairstyle, appearance and style with particular interest.

In 1996, she won the English Big Apple Music 1996 Competition, in addition, she actively stormed Russia and some foreign countries, conquering them with her voice and songs. Now Ani Lorak is a very famous and sought-after singer who quickly made a name for herself and became popular not only in her homeland and Russia, but also in some foreign countries.

Personal life

Carolina does not belong to the type of stars who try to hide their personal lives behind seven seals, the singer is happy to share the details of her life with reporters. From 1996 to 2004, the artist had a romantic relationship with producer Yuri Falyosa, but later they broke up and on this moment are good friends.

A year later, she met the very influential and wealthy Turkish owner of Turtess Travel, Murat Nalchagioglu. After four years of relationship, young people decided to get married.

In 2011, a daughter, Sofia, was born. The newly-made parents were sincerely happy with the addition to the family. In the same year, the christening of the girl took place, whose godfather was Philip Kirkorov.

According to the singer, she made such a decision because the King of Pop became a real brother for her. The fact is that the older brother Sergei died in Afghanistan when Karolina was only nine years old. During pregnancy, the artist gained fifteen kilograms, but the girl did not worry about this, she tried to fully enjoy the pleasant things that you get when you are pregnant, Carolina ate everything that she denied herself for so long.

However, after the baby was born, the singer pulled herself together and began to train hard and went on a very strict diet. In just one month, she dropped a record fifteen kilograms.

There are a huge number of rumors on the Internet that Ani Lorak has resorted to help more than once plastic surgeon and used beauty injections. After all, the artist has changed a lot over the past few years and began to look only worse. However, the singer tries not to comment on this.

Ani Lorak: divorce rumors

Recently, a video appeared on the network in which the husband of the famous Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak came to a local karaoke club, accompanied not by his wife, but by some young brunette. The video clearly shows how Murat Nalchadzhioglu is smiling and talking to the girl, gently hugging her intimate places. As soon as this video fragment was published on the Web, some stars came to the defense of the singer, while others began to harshly criticize the singer in that even she, having ideal forms and good condition, could not keep the man. The journalists immediately became interested in who this mysterious heartbreaker was and therefore began to conduct a kind of investigation and found out that it was Yana Belyaeva, who is a dancer and a shoe saleswoman. It is clear that the well-known blogger Lena Miro could not pass by this, who in a very harsh form ridicules the personal life of domestic and foreign celebrities. This time Ani Lorak also got it. "That's it! A month ago, I told you all about the fact that Carolina scored excess weight, and no matter how hard she tries to hide her flaws behind filters and photoshop, we all know perfectly well that she is fat. Moreover, the character has hardened, there is no longer that sweet Anya. Here the man could not stand it and went to another! Ani Lorak herself does not comment on anything at the moment. It is already the fourth day that she does not publish photos, and in fact, before this very sad news, the singer regularly shared pictures. Followers are worried why the artist does not publish anything, but recently Ani Lorak admitted that she was very tired and her only desire was to sleep well. Perhaps Carolina managed to find time for relaxation, and now she is trying to enjoy it to the fullest. It is not known what will happen next, perhaps the spouses will disperse, or perhaps Ani Lorak will forgive him, and the family will try to return idyll and harmony to family life.

She conquers with her beauty, charm and talent, becoming popular not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, and her many fans follow not only her work, but also her personal life, and they would be interested to know if she is married and who Ani Lorak's husband? Yes, the singer has been happy with her husband, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchajioglu, for more than nine years, and seven of them are legally married.

Ani Lorak's personal life

Ani Lorak's personal life developed in different ways, and not always there were only cloudless days in it. The parents of Carolina Kuek, this is the real name of the singer, broke up before her birth, so her mother, who had two more sons in her arms, and then a third was born in a new marriage, sent her older children to a boarding school.

In the photo - Ani Lorak and Yuri Thales

Mom, father and grandmothers did not indulge the girl with their attention, and Ani constantly felt lonely and useless, and her main dream was to quickly escape from the boarding school. In the seventh grade, she took the documents and transferred to regular school, but this did not make her life better - Carolina constantly heard ridicule in her address and endured bullying - her peers openly laughed at the poorly dressed "fatherless".

Anya's parents dedicated themselves creative professions- my mother was a radio announcer, and my father was a journalist, a penchant for creativity manifested itself in her too - she loved and knew how to sing and with early childhood She took part in various competitions, and at fourteen her professional career began.

The talented young singer was noticed by producer Yuri Thales and did everything possible to make Ani a real star. As often happens, between the producer and the young singer, despite a solid age difference of seventeen years, a mutual feeling arose, Yuri divorced his wife, and soon they began to live together.

It was Thales who offered Carolina a stage name, turning her real name around - this is how Ani Lorak turned out. However, this civil marriage did not last long, and the reason for parting with her first husband was new love Ani Lorak. She openly admitted to Yuri that she fell in love, but Thales decided not to immediately put an end to their relationship, they continued to work together, and Ani suffered from a new love.

Her lover was a wealthy, famous and wealthy man, but married, and, assuring Lorak that he would soon divorce his wife and everything would be fine with them, in fact, he was in no hurry to change something in his biography and leave the family. Tired of enduring this uncertainty, Ani broke up with him and returned to Thales, but it was no longer possible to restore what was between them before, and they parted completely. And after a few years of loneliness, the singer met her true love.

Who is the husband of Ani Lorak

Ani met Murat while on vacation in Turkey. He was an employee of the hotel, one of the owners of the tour operator Turtess Travel, where the singer stayed, and fell in love with her at first sight, and soon Lorak reciprocated. After a few days spent together, they had to part, but they continued to talk on the phone until Ani realized that this romance would lead to nothing - after all, she and Murat were from different countries, they speak different languages And don't continue the relationship. So they would have parted forever, if a year later the singer had not flown to the same hotel to shoot a video, and their beautiful romance began from this meeting.

In the photo - Ani Lorak with her husband

Murat Nalchadzhioglu arranged romantic weekends for Anya, gave flowers and gifts, and in 2006 moved to Ukraine. This fairy tale lasted all three years, until Ani finally agreed to become his wife - she delayed this moment because she was afraid that the stamp in her passport would ruin their relationship, but this did not happen, and after Murat proposed to her, she decided to marry him. They played two weddings - one in Kyiv, the other in Turkey.

In the photo - the wedding of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu

Murat Nalchajioglu: biography

Many are interested in the question - how old is Murat Nalchajioglu? The singer's husband is almost her age - he was born on June 12, 1977 and a year older than his wife. His biography is somewhat similar to the biography of Anya herself - Murat also started early independent life, at the age of fourteen he began to earn money so that after the death of his father he would help his mother raise three sisters. After moving to Ukraine and marrying Ani Lorak, Murat turned from an average businessman into successful businessman and continues to develop his business - he owns several restaurants in Kyiv, manages entertainment clubs and is not going to stop there.

Children of the singer and her husband

The children of Ani Lorak have always been the ultimate dream of the singer and her husband, because for complete happiness their family lacked only happy children's laughter. On June 9, 2011, the daughter of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchajioglu Sofia was born. Having decided on the birth of a child, the spouses were worried about how the birth would go, because by that time Ani was thirty-three years old, and she was afraid that various complications might arise.

Fortunately, everything went well, and soon photos of the singer's daughter appeared on the network. A year after the birth of Sophia, they baptized her in Kyiv, and Philip Kirkorov became the godfather.

Ani Lorak successfully combines career and motherhood, and her husband helps her in this. The singer says that her husband is a wonderful dad - he always walks with his daughter, plays with her, sings songs to Sophia, and her daughter loves him. Ani calls her family an island of happiness, and considers her a real gift of fate.

Rumors about Ani Lorak's divorce from her husband

Ani knows that star marriages are not distinguished by strength and constancy, but she knows well how to avoid this, and tries to do everything so that their family exists forever. However, he and Murat also had to experience certain difficulties in relations, and rumors often appeared in the media that Ani Lorak's husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu was divorcing her. This was especially often talked about when Murat moved from Turkey to Kyiv, and then everyone disapproved of the fact that the singer was marrying a Turk.

In the photo - Ani and Murat with their daughter Sofia

The singer’s lifestyle also caused some tension in relations at the beginning of her married life - Ani often toured and therefore was very rarely at home, which is why Murat once doubted whether she needed him at all. Fortunately, they managed to survive the disapproval of society and some relationship problems, and now the couple are still happy together.

Murat Nalchadzhioglu learned Russian for the sake of his wife, although it was not easy for him, and now they communicate in Russian in the family. Ani tries not to lose her attractiveness in the eyes of her husband and does not allow herself to look untidy at home. Lorak is sure that a woman should be a source of tenderness, love and warmth, and then her man will never stop liking her. They often have to be far from each other, but even at such moments, Ani and Murat try to always be in touch and remind each other of their love.

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