Malawian cichlids. Do fish from Lake Malawi (Malawi cichlids) recognize their owners? Good description of Malawian cichlids

Malawian cichlids owe their name to Lake Malawi, located in East Africa. According to various sources, from 500 to 1000 different species of fish live in its bowels, the largest number of which belong to the cichlid family. Attracts aquarium lovers in these fish bright appearance, as well as behavior.

Features of Lake Malawi

The territory of Lake Malawi is the only park in this state, it has over 500 species of cichlids, most of which are endemic. The history of the discovery of Lake Malawi is associated with the name of the Scottish explorer of the African continent David Livingstone, who discovered this freshwater lake in 1859 Initially, the reservoir was called "Nyasa", but after the independence of the state, the lake was given the name "Malawi", which means "shining light over the lake." The lake runs along the borders of three states: Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. It is included in one of the largest lakes on the planet, several of its islands are declared nature reserves.


These herbivorous cichlids feed on algal growths, stripping them from rocks. They have a convenient mouth structure for such a process. At a younger age, fish eat zooplankton, but later they simply need to eat plants. If you give them live food too often, they will quickly become obese and lose their ability to reproduce. All Malawian cichlids are divided into 2 large groups: "mbuna" and "utaka". Mbuna cichlids, which means "attacking rocks", are distinguished mainly by their diet, which includes plant foods. The main representatives of mbuna fish are labidochromis, melanochromis, pseudotropheus. The color of the fish is very bright, in size they reach up to 15 cm.

The "duck" group includes cyrtocars, aulonocars, and haplochromis. Fish, on the contrary, eat live food, they can eat their relatives. They differ in larger sizes, reaching up to 20 cm, the color of their females is much more modest.

One of the most beautiful Malawian cichlids considered a blue dolphin, different kinds aulonocara, yellow and cornflower blue labidochromis.

Cichlids: description

In appearance, these underwater inhabitants are very diverse. Their body may have an elongated torpedo-like shape, as, for example, in predators - African lepidiolamprologus and American krenichl. But severums, angelfish and discus are distinguished by high and flattened bodies. They live in reservoirs with a sufficient number of plants among clusters of branches and coastal plexus of roots.

Their separating color helps them to hide - vertical black stripes that reproduce the change of shadow and light. But the colorful, conspicuous color of certain African cichlids makes it possible for them to notice and recognize the enemy from a distance - a male of their breed or a female (the tone of both individuals differs quite significantly). When excited, most varieties of fish can almost instantly change the shade: it becomes beautiful, contrasting, specks and stripes appear. The same is observed during spawning: the females of green nannacara are painted with a patterned black color with a checkerboard pattern, and the females of some apistograms take on an expressive yellow color.

What are the diseases of Malawian cichlids?

When buying fish, ask the seller well what kind of food they are best adapted to - dry, canned or live. Mbuna feed on vegetation, grow up to 12 cm, and have a bright variegated color. But ducks eat food of animal origin, and can reach 20 cm in length. Often these fish can attack even their small relatives. If you begin to feed cichlids with food that is unusual for them, then this practice can lead to undesirable consequences.

Food should be fresh and of a size that is easy to swallow. "Malawians" can be offered cyclops, daphnia or brine shrimp. The latter is suitable for both fry and small cichlids. Fans of plant foods can be treated with scalded pieces of lettuce, nettle or spinach. Some predators are spoiled with young guppies or small fish of another species, if you happen to have an excess of such living material.

Breeding rules

Malawian cichlids are not monogamous, the male is simultaneously able to spawn with several
slick females. Although there are individuals who choose their mate for life. Females lay their eggs on a flat stone or in a pre-prepared nest. They hatch eggs and fry in the mouth. Determining whether the fish are ready to breed in an aquarium is simple - the anal fin of the male becomes sharp, while that of the female becomes cone-shaped.

The number of eggs in all species is different, depending on the age and water conditions. Usually fry larvae appear in 2-4 days. Producers care for offspring, sometimes the female and male fight for primacy over offspring, arranging disputes and fights. In this case, the male or female is removed from the spawning ground. Also during the spawning season community aquarium hybridization is possible. Hybrid offspring do not have such a bright color.


There are many aquarium fish compatibility tables. But you need to understand that the behavior of these beautiful creatures is influenced by many factors - the size of the tank, its design, the type of food, even the temperature of the water. Cichlids can get along with other fish, especially if they are not too different from them in size. But "Malawians" prefer to control the territory, and fights between the inhabitants of your aquarium are almost inevitable. What can be done to reduce aggression? It is best to start all your cichlids in a new aquarium at once. If you do this in stages, then old-timers can pounce on newcomers. Also in this case important role various shelters play - snags, stones, shells. Each inhabitant will find, if desired, a shelter for himself, and wait out a dangerous period.

Behavioral features of the family Cichlidae

The behavior of these representatives of the underwater fauna is peculiar and attractive. Sociable and active by nature, cichlids are in constant motion, using the entire space of the aquarium.

Their activity increases in proportion to the increase in hunger. In pursuit of a portion of food, they arrange real races and can absorb everything that is offered to them in an instant, although such greed does not benefit them.

Some species of fish have highly developed hunting skills:

  • livinqstonii, burrowing into the sand, pretends to be inanimate, thereby luring prey;
  • compresessips, having a narrow and strongly flattened body, is hardly noticeable to other inhabitants of the reservoir, which allows it to approach its prey unnoticed;
  • copadichromis, having a tube-shaped mouth, is able to easily suck in plankton like a vacuum pump.

The intelligence of cichlids is attractive to aquarists. They are able to recognize their owner and demonstrate peculiar social behavior.

So almost all varieties of this family have developed parental care for offspring. Aquarium cichlid fish carefully guard their masonry, care for larvae and fry. Specifically, the Malawian species of fish hatch clutches in their mouths, and hatched fry find refuge in the throat pouch of their parents in a moment of danger. Therefore, with a relatively small number of eggs in these fish, their survival rate is quite high.

These amazing fish are appreciated by many aquarists. Malawian cichlids are not only beautiful, unpretentious and disease resistant, but also have considerable intelligence. Home aquarium lovers celebrate them personality traits character and ability to recognize their masters.

Malawian cichlids are not only beautiful, unpretentious and disease resistant, but also have considerable intelligence.

Malawian cichlids are found in fresh lakes in Africa, Asia, North and South America, in Madagascar. Their population is especially widespread in the African lake Malawi, from which the fish got their name.

Description of cichlids

These fish belong to the perch order. They have a bright multi-color color and elongated fins with sharp rays. Life expectancy in an aquarium is 7-10 years.

Malawian cichlids are very active and constantly on the move. They swim around the aquarium, dig the ground, rush one after another. Most of them are quite peaceful towards their neighbors, but fish can show aggression towards beginners and start chasing them around the aquarium.

A newly acquired Malawi fish is afraid of the owner for the first time and hides from him in a shelter. But she quickly gets used to a new habitat. Seeing the owner, the fish will swim up to the glass and beg for food.

Malayan cichlids take special care of their offspring. They carry the laid eggs in their mouths, thus protecting them from enemies. Newly hatched fry may also hide in their parents' mouths. In some species, the female takes care of the offspring, in others, both parents.

Mbuna and Utaka

Domestic ponds contain a variety of Malawian cichlids, species that differ in size, color, body shape and degree of aggressiveness. There are two main groups among them:

  • Mbuna;
  • Utaka.

The first are herbivores. In nature, Mbuna live near the coast, on rocky areas of the bottom, where they feed on algae. Male teeth have special structure resembling a grater. They are convenient to scrape vegetation from stones and drive away enemies. Aquariums for Mbuna should be spacious enough, with lots of shelters and plants. These fish are very fond of digging the bottom and uprooting algae, so plants with a powerful root system should be planted in the aquarium.

Mbuna are medium sized fish. Their length does not exceed 12 cm. Females and males practically do not differ from each other in color. The most characteristic representatives of this group are Pseudotropheus. They have unusual teeth two-upper shape and body, covered with vertical stripes. Males strictly guard the borders of their territories and do not allow strangers to approach them, females and juveniles stay in flocks.

Utaka are predators. In nature, they live in small underwater reefs, where they feed on fish fry of other species and small crustaceans. They usually live in the upper layers of the water. This big fish up to 15-25 cm long. Utaka is kept in spacious aquariums along with other predatory cichlids of the same size. They need a lot of shelters: stones, grottoes, snags. Algae are not planted in the aquarium.

Unlike the multi-colored mbuna, the color of the utaka is neutral. Males acquire bright colors when they reach puberty, females do not change color. Typical representatives of the fish of the duck group can be called Aulonocara. These are fish with an elongated body, a large head and a strongly protruding dorsal fin. They have a special depression on their head - it is believed that it refers to the sense organs. The fish have an unremarkable gray color with a pattern of stripes and spots. Males are larger than females.

Aulonocara are able to freeze in one place above the ground. IN natural conditions it helps them to hunt. An immobile fish does not attract attention, but at the same time it catches the slightest fluctuations in the water with the help of a depression on its head. Having found the prey, it instantly rushes at it.

Other types

The division of cichlids into Mbuna and Utaka is very conditional. This applies more to the habitats of fish. There are other types of fish from Lake Malawi that are difficult to classify into one group or another. One such species is the haplochromis. These fish eat both plant and animal food.

Cornflower haplochromis is beautiful fish similar to common perch. Their length is about 15 cm. Males are bright of blue color, with yellow or red anal fins. The females are gray-brown in color with transverse stripes. With age, they also become blue, but much less bright than males.

The birthplace of fish is the African Lake Malawi. There haplochromis live at a depth of 10-40 m. aquarium conditions they live in the middle or lower water layers. Due to its magnificent color, the cornflower blue haplochromis is highly valued by fish lovers.

Haplochromis eat both plant and animal food.

Malawi settle in an aquarium of 5 individuals. There should be only one male among them, otherwise conflicts arise. Haplochromis are quite peaceful and accommodating fish. They get along well with neighbors of similar size, but they should not be housed with small fish and large predators.

Haplochromis are not picky about food. They can be fed bloodworms, chopped earthworms, and other animal foods. They also love small trash fish. Malawi fish should be kept in large tanks with plenty of hiding places - they love to hide.

Livingston's haprlochromis, or leopard cytocara, is the exact opposite of cornflower blue. It is a shiny blue-green fish with large dark spots. She is very aggressive. Males terrorize not only other inhabitants of the aquarium, but also relatives - they attack each other, females and juveniles. Often they have to be kept behind glass partitions.

At home, Malawian cichlids are kept in large aquariums with a volume of 150 liters or more, the bottom of which is decorated with snags, grottoes and big stones. They will serve as hiding places for fish. For cichlids of the Mbuna group, ground and floating algae should be planted. Utaka do not need vegetation, but to improve the water, their aquariums are equipped with photo filters. For fish, water parameters are of great importance. They should be as follows:

  • temperature - from 24 to 26º C;
  • hardness - from 10 to 15 dH;
  • acidity - from 7.5 to 8.5 Ph.

The aquarium must be equipped with filters and a compressor to aerate and create a slight current. Water should be changed weekly by 30%.

At home, Malawian cichlids are kept in large aquariums with a volume of 150 liters or more.

Nutrition and reproduction

It depends on which group the cichlids belong to. Mbuna's diet consists of plant foods. They are given lettuce, dandelion, spinach, sliced ​​cucumbers and dried nettles. As a source of protein in fish feed, add:

  • shrimp;
  • squid meat;
  • Ground beef.

Utaka reject plant foods. The protein component is important in their diet. Specialized feeds are sold in stores for this group of fish.

During the spawning period, the fish become very bright. and actively prepare nest for offspring. If they do not want to breed, they can be encouraged to do so by raising the temperature to 27-28 degrees. The female takes the fertilized eggs into her mouth and wears them until the offspring hatch. At this time, she does not eat food and moves her gills in order to increase the flow of oxygen to the eggs. Sometimes young parents eat the first clutch, but usually they carefully care for the offspring.

During the spawning period, the fish become very bright and actively prepare a nest for offspring.

Malawian fish are in good health. They are harmed not so much by infection as by injuries received in quarrels. But from an excess of nitrates, sodium chloride or malnutrition, the fish develop a disease. Its symptoms are a swollen abdomen and raised scales. There is no cure for the disease, and the fish usually die.

Despite all the advantages of cichlids, their breeding is best done by fairly experienced aquarists. This is due to the fact that the health of fish is highly dependent on the composition of the water and the conditions of detention. If these conditions are comfortable, then smart and funny fish will please their owners for a long time.

Malawian cichlids are fish native to Lake Malawi, which is located in the southeastern part of African continent. They have many bright colors and are loved by many aquarists for this. Photos of Malawian cichlids will be presented in the article along with information about the species and their content.

general information

The description of Malawian cichlids should begin with the fact that the fish belong to the perch family, and by nature they are not the most friendly. However, each representative underwater world very individual. There are both very aggressive and slightly territorial cichlids that may well live with other waterfowl. Malawian cichlids got their name in honor of their habitat.

In nature, cichlids prefer to live in the zone of the bottom space. Some of them like more spacious parts of the reservoir, while others live closer to the shore.

They do not like bright lighting. Cichlids are spawning fish, but what is especially interesting is that many of them hatch their eggs in their mouths.

cichlid groups

All types of Malawian cichlids are divided into two large groups. The main difference between these groups is the type of food and habitat of fish.

One of the groups of fish prefers to live in conditions of rocks and algae. Such Malawian cichlids are called "mbuna". The main food for this group is vegetation, they also eat live food, but only that which they meet among those same algae.

A group of cichlids called "duck" is more diverse in the choice of residence. She is interested in both crevices in the rocks and caves. It can settle in algae, but will give preference to those that are deep. Food is mostly protein.


Types of Malawian cichlids are diverse. Individuals meet various colors and sizes. As previously stated, behavioral features they are also individual. Therefore, we propose to consider some popular types of these fish in more detail.

Labidochromis Yellow (mbuna)

This type of cichlid has a bright yellow color, hence the additional "yellow", but this subspecies has other color variations. Juveniles are somewhat paler than adults. Females, like males, have black edging on their fins. Only in males it is much more pronounced.

  • The temperature regime of water is from 24 to 28 degrees.
  • The acidity of the water is from 7.2 to 8.8.
  • Water hardness - from 10 to 20.
  • Aquarium at least 120 liters.
  • Food: live, vegetable or dry food.
  • In nature, they can grow up to 8 cm, and in an aquarium - up to 10 cm.
  • Life expectancy - from 6 to 10 years.
  • Relatively calm temperament, there should be no aggressive fish in the neighbors.

Iodotropheus Sprenger (mbuna)

The color of these fish varies depending on the sex. In males, the head and back are yellow-orange, and the body has a lilac-brown color. The females are burgundy with a brown tinge. Both sexes have egg spots on their hind lower fins.

Requirements for the maintenance of Malawian cichlids of this species and general characteristics:

  • Water hardness - from 6 to 10.
  • Aquarium at least 150 liters.
  • Nutrition: live, frozen or dry food with herbal supplements.
  • Able to grow up to 10 cm.
  • Life expectancy - from 7 to 8 years.
  • The character is calm.

Pseudotropheus Zebra (mbuna)

These Malawian cichlids are very diverse. There are six color options for the zebra alone. There are three more subspecies in the pseudotropheus family. One is called "pendani", the other "crabro" and the third " white prince". But we will consider only the most popular zebra, a bright orange color. Aquarists appreciate her very much, as she is able to "color" almost any aquarium.

Requirements for the maintenance of Malawian cichlids of this species and general characteristics:

  • The temperature regime of water is from 25 to 26 degrees.
  • The acidity of the water is from 7 to 8.1.
  • Water hardness - from 8 to 25.
  • Aquarium at least 80 liters.
  • Nutrition: specialized food with spirulina.
  • Able to grow up to 12 cm.
  • Life expectancy - up to 8 years.
  • Territorial character. Which speaks of a generally non-aggressive disposition, but requires a certain personal space.

Melanochromis Maingano (mbuna)

As in the case of pseudotropheus, it has several types. In addition to "maingano", there are "yohana", "pearl of likom" and "golden" melanochromis. But, as in the previous case, we will consider the most popular one, and this is Mingano. This species has a bright contrasting color. The main background is blue, and the pattern in the form of stripes is saturated black.

Requirements for the maintenance of Malawian cichlids of this species and general characteristics:

  • The temperature regime of water is from 24 to 27 degrees.
  • The acidity of the water is from 7.7 to 8.6.
  • Water hardness - from 10 to 25.
  • Aquarium at least 100 liters.
  • Food: dry food, frozen or live.
  • Able to grow up to 9 cm.
  • Life expectancy - up to 9 years.
  • The character is problematic, aggressive. This is especially evident during the spawning period.

Blue Dolphin Cyrtocara

The color is blue, has vertical dark stripes on the body. A feature is the rounded shape of the forehead, which makes this representative look like a dolphin. During spawning and sexual activity in males, the frontal part turns yellow.

Requirements for the maintenance of Malawian cichlids of this species and general characteristics:

  • The temperature regime of water is from 24 to 28 degrees.
  • The acidity of the water is from 7.2 to 8.5.
  • Water hardness - from 5 to 20.
  • Aquarium at least 200 liters! This is very important as the fish are territorial. Additionally, the aquarium must have a lid.
  • Food: dry food, live and vegetable.
  • Able to grow in nature up to 25 cm, in an aquarium - from 15 to 20 cm.
  • Life expectancy - up to 15 years.
  • The character is calm but territorial. Your own species or other balanced cichlids will suit your neighbors.

General Content Options

It should be noted that most Malawian cichlids live in a ratio of one male and several females. And one kind. This should be taken into account when filling the aquarium. For one male, depending on the specific species, you need from two to four females.

Most representatives of these fish need to "decorate" the aquarium. This is due to their way of life in natural conditions. Therefore, an abundance of vegetation, various snags and caves made of stones are necessary. Moreover, the more fish you have, the more items listed should be in the "interior".

The protein menu of fish usually consists of brine shrimp, cyclops, coretra, krill and musis. You can give these products both in dry and ice cream, and in live form. You can supplement your diet with foods containing spirulina. Granular feeds require pre-soaking.

As for the choice of vegetation for food, you can use following products: lettuce, cucumber, zucchini, red pepper, dandelion greens, nettle, pumpkin.

How many fish to put in the aquarium?

The population density of the aquarium depends on the size of the fish and their nature, as well as the volume of the aquarium itself. Consider the specific volumes of the aquarium and its relationship with the number of cichlids.

For small species of Malawian cichlids, aquariums from 100 liters to 250 liters are suitable. Up to 20 fish can be settled per 100-150 liters. It is permissible to populate 30 small cichlids in an aquarium of 150-250 liters.

Population density for an aquarium of 250-300 liters - no more than 60 fish. For 300-400 liters - no more than 80. For a volume of more than 400 liters, the population density is from 100 pieces.

It is worth clarifying when buying cichlids their features. Especially in terms of territory. Some need more space, while others need less.

A group of Malawian cichlids, inhabiting mainly coastal biotopes and feeding on zooplankton, is named "Utaka" by local fishermen. They are also found near the underwater "chirundu" reefs, which do not reach the surface of the water. Previously, all these species were assigned to the genus Haplochromis (Haplochromis Hilgendorf, 1888), but the revisions of recent decades have made their own significant adjustments. Many species were discovered and described during the cichlid boom of the seventies and eighties. However, until now, Malawian novelties regularly appear in cichlidophiles around the world. Large collections can be created in aquariums by placing other similar species of cichlids with representatives of the Utaka group, similar in temperament, whose diet is based on small aquatic invertebrates and fish fry. First of all, these are multicolored representatives of the genera Aulonocara, Cyrtocara, Lethrinops, Otopharynx, Sciaenochromis, etc. In his home collection, in a more than modest apartment, the author in the early 80s managed to collect up to 50 species of cichlids at the same time.

Representatives of another Malawian group, the Mbuna, are completely unsuitable for joint keeping, characterized by increased territoriality and, as a result, aggressiveness and a much greater disposition to a vegetarian diet.

An aquarium for keeping adult Malawian cichlids should be as large as possible. The minimum size is 1 m with a capacity of at least 200 liters. Be sure to have a large number of shelters for fish, as well as a free area for swimming. For decoration, as a rule, large stones and plastic imitations of caves are used. It is very important that the shelters are located along the entire height of the aquarium from the bottom to the very surface of the water, which allows to some extent to divide the territories by “floors”. If the size of the aquarium is minimal, shelters should be located along the entire back wall at some distance from it (usually 5-8 cm), allowing the fish to maneuver freely, moving from “floor” to “floor”.

Coarse sand and several flat stones are laid at the bottom, which can be used by the inhabitants as spawning grounds. Fish love bright light and mildly alkaline water of medium hardness. The optimum temperature is 27°C. Properties natural waters can be briefly characterized by high transparency (up to 17-20 meters), pH = 7.7-8.6 and electrical conductivity of 210-235 microsiemens per centimeter, at a temperature of 20 ° C. A constantly working filter and powerful aeration of the water are indispensable. The most important condition for well-being is a regular change of water twice a week, 25% of the volume of the aquarium. Replacement water is made by mixing hot and cold water from the tap, with the addition of a neutralizing chlorine preparation such as "Chlorine-minus", salt and drinking soda. It is quite possible that Utaki is kept in a slightly modified Dutch aquarium filled with numerous plants, slightly modified with a few stones at the bottom. Obviously, in this case, salt and soda additives are harmful (for aquatic vegetation). It should also be borne in mind that some types of cichlids are very partial to certain types plants. For example, Livingston's nimbochromis and polystigma with obvious pleasure (and in large quantities!) eat Vallisneria.

Aulonocara jacobfreibergi (Jonson, 1974) previously belonged to the genus Trematocranus (Trematocranus Trewavas, 1935). Among the first Malawian cichlids, several specimens called Trematocranus auditor were brought by the author in 1976 and were the beginning of the cichlid craze in those years. Their size is up to 13 cm in nature, but, like most Malawians, in the aquarium they reach large sizes. Females are much (sometimes almost twice) smaller. Unfortunately, both females and fry of all aulonocara are very modestly colored - grayish with metallic gleams of tone, which limits the commercial value of these fish. Despite the exceptionally attractive coloration of adult males, there are few who like to wait almost a year until these ugly ducklings turn into beautiful swans.

Natural habitats are rocky biotopes in which spawning males occupy small underwater caves. Fish form many local races, which differ markedly from each other along the entire length of the lake from south to north. All aulonokars have a very interesting way of obtaining food: fish, obeying the underwater currents, seem to soar almost without movement over the surface of the bottom covered with sandy sediments, instantly rushing down at the slightest stirring in the sand.

Feeding in captivity does not pose any problems: the fish are omnivores and eat almost any kind of live, dry and cooked food with equal pleasure. As for all Great cichlids African lakes, you should avoid feeding fish with tubifex in order to avoid diseases.

Golden Queen (Aulonocara baenschi Meyer & Riel, 1985) took its name from the first imported aulonocara that appeared among German aquarists in the early 70s, as Queen Nyassa (Kaiserbuntbarsch). Overseas lovers of cichlids call these fish peacocks (Peacock Cichlid), which indicates the brightness of the color of the aulonocara and the characteristic movements of the tail and fins, like an opening fan or peacock's tail, in the process mating games or rivalry. Unlike the previous species, this species is known only from one large reef, located at a depth of about 18 meters, five kilometers from the village of Benga, opposite the Nkomo River ( South part lakes).

The natural size of the fish does not exceed 9 cm, in the aquarium they are noticeably larger. Spawning occurs year-round, both in nature and in the aquarium. Females incubate the eggs in their mouths for three weeks at 27°C.

Red-topped otopharynx (Otopharynx lithobates (Oliver, 1989)) first appeared in our aquariums under the name Red Top Aristochromis towards the mid-eighties, but was never bred in large numbers for the same reason as the previous species. These fish are interesting in that they spend almost their entire lives in small caves or near them, feeding mainly on the droppings of herbivorous fish species and large catfish that settle on the surface of rocks. The researchers note that sometimes you can meet male otopharynxes away from underwater caves, but at depths of more than 30 meters. Males grow up to 16 cm, females are smaller and capable of producing offspring, reaching a size of about 8 cm. Caviar is incubated in the mouth for three weeks.

Cornflower blue haplochromis (Sciaenochromis ahli (Trewavas, 1935)) known to us as haplochromis Jackson. Males of surprisingly bright cornflower blue color reach 20 cm in length and feed on fry of other Malawian cichlids, as well as juvenile catfish hiding between the rocks. Females are smaller and, like fry, show patronizing coloration. Except for the breeding season, the fish are not territorial, and therefore many brightly colored males can be kept in the same aquarium, along with other species of "Utaka" and some "Mbuna" (see photo on the cover). males northern populations have more yellow-orange pigment, especially in the color of the anal fin. Surprising for the living world, the brightness of the blue color is retained by adult males throughout their lives, noticeably intensifying at moments of irritation, aggression and spawning activity. Like other Malawians, these fish spawn without any pronounced seasonality, females incubate the eggs in their mouths for three weeks.

Golden leopard, or venustus (Nimbochromis venustus (Bolenger, 1908))- one of the largest and most massive species of haplochromids, growing more than 20 cm in length. It is also found in Lake Malombe, located south of Lake Malawi. Juveniles settle among thickets of aquatic vegetation (usually Vallisneria aethiopica, Potamogeton schweinfurthi, P. pectinatus), near rocky shores in shallow waters, and adults gather in groups on sandy soils at a depth of twenty meters. The typical coloration reflected in the name of the fish serves as good camouflage and allows these small predators spy on their victims small fish and fry. Reproduction is typical of other Malawian cichlids in this group.

Blue dolphin (Cyrtocara moorii Boulenger, 1922) has a similar distribution and size with the previous species, but lives at shallower depths - from 3 to 15 meters. Being one of the most characteristic inhabitants of Lake Malawi, the blue dolphin acquires a large fatty growth on its head with age and is a fairly peaceful and calm creature. In nature, fish feed almost exclusively on the remains of food dug up by large fish burrowing in the sand, for example large species Lethrinops, accompanying them at feeding times. Therefore, there are no problems in the aquarium. The delicate blue coloration of C. moorii, unfortunately, appears after reaching puberty. The fry are greyish.

Dormouse cichlid, or Nimbochromis (formerly haplochromis) Livingston (Nimbochromis livingstoni (Guenther, 1893)) is one of the popular aquarium cichlids, thanks to attractive coloring fry and adult fish. The natural diet consists of small fish, which they attract, depicting dead, half-decayed fish lying motionless on the bottom. Curious juveniles that are within reach, they instantly grab and swallow. Like the previous species, N. livingstoni is a characteristic inhabitant of the lake, and the coloration does not allow it to be confused with any other species. Reproduction and maintenance in the aquarium is typical for other members of the group.

Malawian cichlids are perhaps the most common cichlids in our aquariums, with the exception of of course Astronotus and red parrots. Colorful rather unpretentious fish will decorate any aquarium. As a rule, Malawian cichlids are bought when they are made in the style of "pseudo sea", because the colorful Malawians are so similar to marine life. And now more about these fish.

Lake Malawi and its features

Lake Malawi is one of the largest in Africa. The history of its discovery is associated with the name of the Scottish explorer and scientist David Livingston, who found this reservoir in 1859. Initially, Lake Malawi was called Nyasa, but later the reservoir was renamed Malawi, which translates from the local dialect as "shining light over the lake." The lake is the border of three states - Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. In terms of water volume and size, Malawi is second only to Lake Baikal and the ultra-deep Tanganyika, which is located nearby. To date, more than five hundred species of cichlids have been discovered, which are mostly endemic (living only in this reservoir).

Types of Malawian cichlids

To simplify the classification, all types of Malawian cichlids are divided into utaka and mbuna. Cichlids belonging to the Mbuna group feed mainly on plant food. The name "mbuna" is translated from the local dialect as "attacking the rocks" - that is, the fish eats algae and vegetation that grows on the rocks. Most widespread Pseudotropheus, Melanochromis and Labidochromis were obtained from Mbuna. Usually the size of this group of cichlids does not exceed 15 centimeters.

Mbuna have a special structure of the oral cavity, which helps them scrape algae from rocks. Mbuna fry and juveniles feed on zooplankton, but subsequently switch to a plant-based diet. That is why, when keeping this group of cichlids in an aquarium, they need to provide a complete plant-based diet, but private feeding with plankton should be abandoned. Since this leads to problems with reproduction and contributes to the obesity of fish.

Utaka cichlids, on the contrary, prefer animal food and can feed on plankton. Such popular cichlids of this group include haplochromis, aulonocara, cirtocar. The size of these species of fish can reach 20 centimeters.

One of the most beautiful and popular fish from Lake Malawi among aquarists is the blue dolphin. Various types of aulonocor and cornflower blue labidochromis are popular.

The main requirement for keeping Malawian cichlids is the volume of the aquarium. A large space is needed, especially when keeping several species together at once. The minimum volume is 150 liters. 30 percent of the water needs to be changed weekly. For substitutions, it is necessary to use clean, settled water. It also requires high-quality biofiltration and the use of aeration to saturate the water with oxygen. The acidity index can be in the range of 7.5-8.5, and optimum temperature 24-28 degrees.

As decorative elements in an aquarium with Malawi, you can use all kinds of grottoes, stones, caves and shells. The decor used should serve as hiding places for the fish. It should also be remembered that cichlids love to dig in the ground, so it is necessary to select the appropriate soil fraction. If you want to plant plants in a Malawi aquarium, then you need to use only plants with a strong root system, and surround the plants large stones, which will not allow the fish to dig directly under the root. Keep in mind that certain types Malawi may simply perceive the plants as food, and quickly eat the young leaves.

Malawian Cichlid Compatibility

On the Internet you will find numerous compatibility charts for Lake Malawi cichlids. It should be remembered that in addition to the food supply, these aquarium fish may differ in their behavior and conditions of detention. Many species are territorial and will invariably oppress other weaker fish in an aquarium. In such an aquarium, especially if it is small in size and with little cover, fights will be inevitable. To avoid this, it is necessary to create numerous shelters in the aquarium, where weaker inhabitants can wait out a dangerous period for them.

Feeding Malawian cichlids

Feeding is not difficult. You can feed Malawian cichlids with a variety of foods. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the preferred forage base. It is possible to feed frozen, dry and canned food. Remember that you can bring an infection along with live food, so it is recommended to refuse to use it. Great option will be spinach, lettuce, cucumbers and pieces of bell pepper.

In the aquarium, subject to quality feeding herbivorous species cichlids of Malawi can reach sizes exceeding those in natural environment habitat, which is explained by a plentiful and balanced diet.

Reproduction of Malawian cichlids

Malawian cichlids are predominantly polygamous, that is, one male has several females. You can determine the readiness for mating by a pronounced tubercle at the anus. Many species of cichlids court their partners beautifully by playing and dancing in front of them.

After fertilization, the female takes the eggs into her mouth and carries the eggs and then the larvae for several weeks. During this time, the larvae grow into full-fledged fry, which, immediately after leaving the mother's mouth, can fully eat. All this time, the female is starving and after the release of the fry, she may look emaciated and sick. Fry can be fed with daphnia, cyclops or brine shrimp. There is also a technology for self-incubation of the game in special devices incubators. This reduces the load on the female, and she can soon give new offspring.

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