A women's Internet portal that understands women and shares all their interests. Choosing a ring according to feng shui

And the choice of the finger on which the purchased ring will appear is determined by one’s own views and tastes. However, psychologists, astrologers and palmists are confident that if you take seriously the choice of a ring and where to wear it on your hand, you can correct your character. So, which finger should you wear the ring on?

It is believed that the ring on the right hand of a right-handed person indicates what his condition is at the moment. The ring on the left hand speaks of what state would be desirable for this person. It is more difficult to determine the condition of left-handers - a ring expressing the current condition can be on both the right and left hand.

It is recommended for people to wear a ring on their thumb expansive, emotional and with enormous reserves of energy. According to astrologers and palmists, the thumb corresponds to Mars and the ring on this finger should control their temperament. A ring on the thumb pacifies aggression in a person, helping to make relationships more harmonious. Thumb ring wearers tend to be stubborn. The ancient Greeks and Romans wore a ring on their thumb to protect their manhood. According to psychologists, such people try by any means to establish themselves in the world, and first of all, sexually.
It is better to put a copper ring on your thumb.

Hesitant and shy It is best for people to wear the ring on their index finger. From the point of view of astrology and palmistry, this finger represents the power of Jupiter. A ring on the index finger will make them more confident and increase self-esteem. In addition, it is believed that it will bring good luck and success. A person will be able to gain inner faith in his own strength, become more insightful and expand his horizons of knowledge. It is recommended to wear a ring made of tin or gold.

Unlucky People who face many obstacles in their path are advised to wear a ring on their middle finger. It is also recommended to wear a family ring (if you have one), passed down through generations of relatives to you, on your middle finger. The ring on the middle finger helps to cope with difficulties, gives strength to withstand and overcome all adversity. Also, a ring on the middle finger would be suitable for those who practice meditation or introspection. It is recommended to wear rings made of iron on the middle finger.

Wearers of a ring on the ring finger emphasize their passion for beauty, exquisite things and wealth. So it will fit perfectly aesthetes, pleasure-seekers, thirsty for fame and fortune. A ring on the ring finger, especially a gold one, helps in self-expression and the acquisition of celebrity and wealth. Calm and confident people will prefer a small ring; on the contrary, emotional and hot people will prefer large rings. Those who want to find their other half put a ring on left hand, showing everyone that they are free. Also a ring on the ring finger right hand worn by married people. The ring in this case symbolizes their readiness to commit their relationship, and gold, as the metal of the Sun, is best suited for strengthening love in marriage.

Those who lack eloquence, mental flexibility or manual dexterity are advised to wear a ring on their little finger. The little finger, according to astrologers and palmists, is the finger of Mercury, the patron diplomats, doctors, businessmen, speakers, politicians and analysts. Wearing a ring on the little finger is recommended for those who need support in these areas of our lives. Also, the ring on this finger should help establish business contacts and find mutual language with any person. The pinky ring would be suitable for amateurs gambling and flirting lovers. It usually helps such people suppress these qualities of their character. Psychologists are sure that wearers of a ring on the little finger often tell lies, are resourceful and prone to betrayal and adventures.

Clairvoyants and esotericists fits well silver ring. A silver ring helps develop magical abilities, intuition, the gift of prediction and foresight. You can wear such a ring on any finger, but esotericists advise wearing silver bracelets on your wrists, not rings.

Our ancestors took the choice and wearing of rings very seriously. They knew that each ring has its own place on the hand: each finger has a special energy that requires decoration from a certain material and with a certain gem. If neither of the conditions are met, " magic circle" will be for< моего владельца верным талисманом.

Magical tools

Fingers are like antennas that are capable of transmitting and receiving various currents and waves circulating throughout the Universe. And influencing these antennas - in particular, with the help of rings - can affect the character and fate of a person.

Astrologers Ancient world, having “counted” the energy of each finger, they associated it with one of the planets solar system. This knowledge is a godsend for those who want to bring changes for the better into their lives. The rings will act as a magical instrument.

  • Ring on thumb, “feeding” on the violent energy of Mars, overly jealous and hot-tempered representatives of the stronger sex will help to restrain irritability and improve their personal lives. Let me say that decoration on the finger of Mars leads to material well-being.
  • Rings entwining forefinger, help their owners build brilliant career, get closer to power and retain it. Of course: after all, he is patronized by the king of the planets, Jupiter! It is no coincidence that European monarchs put rings on this finger during their coronation.
  • On middle finger, under the auspices of Saturn, those who strive for stability in life should wear rings. In addition, constantly wearing jewelry on this finger develops magical abilities. By the way, the prophets and magicians of antiquity wore their treasured “rings of omnipotence” on the finger of Saturn.
  • Also in Ancient Egypt a belief was born that through ring finger- the finger of the Sun - the artery that supplies blood to the heart passes through, and therefore the rings on it bring happiness in love and family well-being.
  • Decorations on the little finger, patronized by Mercury, develop eloquence and intuition, and also contribute to success in business. Until the end of his days, Franklin Roosevelt did not remove his personal ring from the finger of Mercury, since he believed that he owed his achievements to him.

Gold or silver?

The energy of the fingers is “turned on” by certain stones and metals. Incorrectly selected material can only harm a person.

  • Thus, red stones - ruby ​​and garnet - in a gold frame should not be worn on thumb: This may cause uncontrollable outbursts of anger. But silver rings with yellow and blue-green gems, on the contrary, are ideal for the finger of Mars.
  • Forefinger“loves” massive gold jewelry with sapphire or coral. They are the ones who contribute to the discovery of a person’s talents and strengthen his influence on other people. Silver
  • It is not recommended to wear rings on this finger, as they can ruin plans and undertakings.
  • But for middle finger silver is the most suitable metal. A silver ring with a moonstone or amethyst will help you find peace of mind, relieve stress, and bring success in everyday affairs. And here Golden ring with amber or ruby, worn on the middle finger, can cause serious harm to a person’s personal life.
  • On ring finger Gold rings with amber, topaz or pearls should be displayed. They are the ones who strengthen family ties and make their owner irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex. Keep in mind: silver jewelry, put on the finger of the Sun, have the opposite effect.
  • Little finger makes no distinction between gold and silver. However, he only “prefers” green and yellow stones. A ring with an emerald or chrysolite, worn on this finger, will help realize the most daring projects, and in difficult times it will prompt the right decision.

Talisman decoration

In order for a ring to become a talisman, several rules must be followed: simple rules. So, before putting on the ring, you need to mentally ask him for support. When removing the ring at night, you should also hold it in your palm and thank it for the strength it has given during the day.

  • There is no need to overload your hands by putting on a lot of rings “for all occasions”: this will not only “put to sleep” the beneficial energy of the jewelry, but can also cause health problems.
  • You cannot wear jewelry that is not the right size: in this case, its influence may change from plus to minus.
  • Once a week, your fingers should have a “fasting day”, leaving the rings to “rest” in their boxes.

When putting jewelry in the form of rings on their fingers, most people do not think that in this way powerful programs and mechanisms are launched that can change our lives and destiny. These could be changes like better side, and for the worse.

It is known that gold can activate, and silver can protect and extinguish. Also, the right hand is considered masculine, and the left is considered feminine. Wearing jewelry on the right hand activates certain functions, and on the left, on the contrary, it extinguishes, but at the same time protects from certain situations.
So, the index finger of the right hand. When we point at something or someone, we emit a powerful flow of energy, and if the impulse is also made in anger, then this will be fraught for the one at whom we point our finger, especially if that finger is wearing a gold ring. But in order to somehow neutralize your sometimes unconscious actions, it is better to put silver jewelry on this finger. If the silver ring is on the index finger of your left hand, then in this way you will insure yourself against such actions from the outside.

Wearing jewelry on the middle finger of the right hand is highly discouraged. Why? The thing is that this finger is responsible for karma, so if there is a gold ring on the middle finger of the right hand, then all karmic programs will be activated. But there is one nuance here: this will make people strong in spirit and character even stronger, but it will make the weak even more vulnerable under the onslaught of the surprise of fate. But wearing jewelry on the middle finger of the left hand can protect its owner from various karmic punishments, even if not one hundred percent, then at least contribute to mitigation or delay. But it is desirable that it is not silver, but gold.

Ring finger responsible for love, family, success, building relationships in communication with people. Therefore, wearing a ring, and specifically a gold one, on the ring finger of the right hand is simply mandatory in order to launch and activate all the good things that we want to attract into our lives, because as we know, a person without love and family certainly cannot exist. By the way, it is customary to wear engagement or wedding rings only on the right hand on the ring finger, and in the event of a divorce, return the rings to each other, otherwise, according to legend, fate will not turn out as desired.
It is worth wearing gold rings on the little finger of the right hand, and it is better with some red stone for those who want to realize themselves in the commercial field, strive for profitable deals, and develop the ability to negotiate and make decisions. But a ring on the little finger of the left hand, especially if it is also gold, is extremely undesirable. This will be fraught with hermitism, closing any doors.

Thumb the right hand is a pragmatic mind, masculine logic, and if you want to strengthen these qualities in yourself, then wear gold rings, preferably with a red stone, on this finger. If you think that you are tired of such qualities and want to somehow neutralize them, then put a silver ring with a cold stone on the thumb of your right hand. If you put a gold ring on the thumb of your left hand, this will increase intuitive knowledge and give impetus to recognition and increase material returns from spiritual knowledge.

Feng Shui meaning of fingers plays a special role in the life of every person, in this article we invite you to look at each finger in detail and find out what it tells you about and what it can help with.

So, feng shui meaning of fingers.

As we noted earlier, each finger carries certain information that can and should be used correctly so that it benefits us and turns our lives in a positive direction. Even a skillfully executed one, in which the selected nail matches the desired color, can help you solve some problems, but about nail design later, first let’s find out feng shui meaning of fingers.

1. Thumb - this finger reminds us of our parents; it is very good when it is straight and even without any damage or defects.

2. Index finger - responsible for controlling power. If its shape is elongated and perfectly smooth, this indicates the influential capabilities of its owner. A short and thick finger is a harbinger of large financial savings, but this person will never have influence on others. A crooked index finger indicates that its owner’s first place in life is his family and careful care of it.

3. Middle finger - also called the Dragon finger, it is desirable that it be smooth and long, definitely longer than all the others; if it is longer than the palm, its owner will have good luck all his life.

4. Ring finger - should be shorter than the index and middle fingers, this is considered the ideal hand structure for women. IN ancient China, they tried not to marry girls whose ring finger was longer than the two central ones, as they were believed to bring bad luck.

5. Little finger - the ancient Chinese believed that this finger could tell you a lot about your old age. If the little finger is crooked or damaged, it foretells sadness in old age.

In addition to a separate meaning for each finger, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, you can learn a lot about a person, his present and future by general appearance hands

Thus, it is believed that fingers with very bony joints indicate excessive laziness of their owner. Such people rarely manage to achieve success and rise to certain heights, and they also do not have a special desire to do all this.

Those whose fingers are perfectly straight, bend poorly and have a hard nail plate should be very courageous, decisive and fair both to others and to themselves.

Soft and easily broken marigolds were considered in ancient China a sign of a short and empty life.

Having information about the meaning of each finger, you can enhance its energy with the help of jewelry - rings, rings, bracelets made of metal, wood, ceramics, as well as applying nail polish of the desired color. We promised to tell you what a successful Feng Shui manicure should be like at the beginning of our publication, so we are happy to keep our promise.

In correct nail art according to Feng Shui, you should highlight the nails on the ring finger, as well as the little finger of the right hand, as well as the middle finger of the left. It is these fingers that will attract goodness, happiness and harmony to you.

As for the color of these nails, it should be chosen according to your personal identity, which will be determined by the last digits of your date of birth.

0 and 1 - element metal, color - white, gray silver.

2 and 3 - element water, color - blue and black.

4 and 5 - element wood, green color scheme.

The magical power of the rings

Since time immemorial, the ring has been considered an amulet endowed with powerful powers. That is why esotericists have always treated such objects with reverence and trepidation. Moreover, in history you can find quite a lot of stories related to rings in one way or another. Thus, rings were presented as a symbol of their affection towards a person, they were used as a kind of message and even as boxes. In the modern world, newlyweds exchange rings during the wedding process, and they are also presented to their loved ones for some significant event.

The meaning of the ring for a modern person

Of course, in modern reality, rings have acquired a more practical meaning. As a rule, they have the status of simple decorations and appear on girls at the very beginning. early age. Of course, they are made from the cheapest materials and do not carry any secret meanings and therefore are perceived as an ordinary toy.

But with age, young girls try to acquire more elegant products, while understanding that the ring that is put on her finger can tell something about the owner to the people around her.

What can rings say?

If a person wears no more than one or two rings on his hands, then this clearly indicates that he believes in magical powers of these products, and therefore never wears them in large quantities. But if a person wears rings on all his fingers at the same time, and puts them on randomly, then they will not be able to tell anything except about a lack of taste. After all, even in ancient times, people knew that in order for a magic ring to act as an amulet and at the same time bring only good luck, it, of course, must be alone.

Factors that give rings magical properties

Knowledgeable people say that there are no small details in a ring, since literally everything, starting with the metal from which it is made and ending with the stone inserted into it, has great value. And if some other things were carried out over the stone magical rituals, then this fact speaks of its unconditional strength. True, in modern world It is quite difficult to find a specialist who knows how to properly perform such rituals. Therefore, rings must be purchased taking into account the metal from which they are made. Of course, if you are interested men's rings or rings, then on the website http://gold.ua you can see that in most cases they are made of gold. But this is not surprising, since gold is precisely the metal that not only reveals the inner talents of its owner and gives him courage, but also attracts dizzying success, which is so necessary for every man.

Alternative Metal Rings

Despite all the attractiveness of gold, rings made of other metals should not be forgotten, since they can also bring unconditional benefits, namely:

  1. Silver rings endow their owner with truly magical powers. At the same time, they develop a person’s intuitive qualities and envelop him in an aura of magic and mystery.
  2. Iron rings can influence a person’s internal state, forcing them to do good and strengthening the will to live. True, iron is also capable of turning its owner into a fierce and aggressive person.
  3. Copper symbolizes love and luck, so rings made of this metal can most often be seen on the hand of a womanizer. In addition, copper rings are recommended for wearing by people who want to meet their love.
  4. Tin rings help strengthen inner kindness and make you do good deeds.
  5. Bronze products are developing mental capacity and intuition, and also strengthen and develop talents.

As you can see, it is not always worth giving preference to gold rings, especially if you want to enhance some of your qualities or talents.

The role of stones in magic rings

According to experts, stones inserted into a ring can open it up to a greater extent. magical properties. True, you need to choose a stone carefully, taking into account your zodiac sign, which will only help attract success and love. Moreover, this does not have to be gem, since this fact has no significance in this case. Moreover, the same diamond, which is considered one of the most expensive and desirable stones, actually does not bring any benefit to its owner. Moreover, this stone accumulates bad energy very well, and if you are presented with a diamond ring that already has some kind of history, you need to treat it very carefully. After all, if someone has already worn such a product before you, then it has absorbed the energy of this person, which may have far from cloudless characteristics. Therefore, if you have been given such jewelry, it is better to carry out a cleansing procedure, for which you need to bury the ring in salt for a day. After this, throw away the salt, rinse the ring under cold running water and read the “Our Father.”

All about feng shui

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