5 interesting facts about stingrays. What does the electric stingray eat and how does it hunt? In the photo, a manta ray with an open mouth

Man has always been interested unusual inhabitants underwater kingdom. Let's bring Interesting Facts about slopes.

The widespread opinion among scientists that sharks were the predecessors of rays has been refuted by molecular studies. Different kinds stingrays are grouped into groups. Among them are stingrays equipped with special electric organs, therefore called electric, tail-shaped stingrays that grow up to a meter in length. In stingray specimens, the body is shaped like a rhombus. Sawtooth rays show resemblance to sharks.

The largest among the rays are manta rays, often called sea devils. With a three-ton weight, their length reaches 8 meters.

Speaking about interesting facts about stingrays, one cannot fail to note the features of their reproduction. Among the stingrays there are both viviparous and laying egg capsules, called "mermaid purses". The shape of such capsules is the most intricate; inside this shell is a fertilized egg.

Like many inhabitants of the seas, stingrays are able to change their color in order to merge with the color of the bottom, on which they lie, waiting for prey.

Stingrays are very common, they live both in the seas and oceans, and in freshwater reservoirs. Moreover, they can live at different depths - some species prefer shallow water, while others are attracted by the depths of the oceans, up to 2.7 km.

The most famous are the ability of stingrays to inflict electric shocks, or rather entire series - up to hundreds of strokes in a row. It is worth noting that the current voltage during such shocks is not small - up to 200 volts.

The greatest danger to people is stingrays. This species is capable of inflicting poison from poisonous cells with which their tail spike up to 37 centimeters long is dotted. The result can be paralysis of skeletal muscles and a sharp decrease in blood pressure in a person.

It's funny that the stingray is unable to see the food it eats, since its mouth is located in the lower part of the body, and its eyes are on upper surface his head.

When searching for prey, stingrays mainly use their sense of touch, and sight and smell only complement it. Numerous electroreceptors act as the organ of touch for the stingray. The stingray is able, for example, to feel the impulse created by the contracting muscle of a fish swimming nearby.

Stingray skin is traditionally used for belts and original wallets. Stingray meat is included in the menu of the peoples of a number of countries.

An interesting view where you can see how stingrays fly:

The stingray report summarized in this article will tell you a lot. useful information about this animal.

Message about stingrays

Skat is a marine cartilaginous fish, which differs from others in the presence of electric paired organs. The stingray order includes 4 families and 60 species of fish.

Description and characteristics of the electric ramp

The body of the fish is disc-shaped, which is slightly elongated at the end in the form of a tail. It has a tail fin as well as one or two upper fins. The body of the stingray in size can reach up to 50 cm. But in nature there are more major representatives, whose body length can reach 1.2 m, and weight is 100 kg.

Skat is sea ​​fish and it has a different color: from discreet plain color before bright color with colorful drawings and patterns on the body. It is noteworthy that their eyes are located on top, so this species of fish has relatively poor eyesight. The disc-shaped body is flanked by kidney-shaped organs that are capable of generating electricity. They are located between the pectoral fins and the head. These organs are designed for catching prey and self-defense. With their help, electric rays release electric beam-like discharges with a power of up to 220 volts and hit their prey.

Where do stingrays live?

Stingrays live on reefs, in areas sandy beaches, clay bays. Sometimes they can settle in the depths of the oceans and seas. Max Depth habitat - 1000 m. The fish prefers to live in the waters of tropical and temperate climatic zones.

From birth, baby stingrays can already produce electric charge. One female can bring into the world 8 - 14 babies.

In addition to electrical abilities, these fish have another talent: they are excellent swimmers. Thanks to their rounded fins, they seem to soar in the water and special efforts overcome long distances.

What do stingrays eat?

The electric stingray feeds mainly on carrion and fish. Small-sized species of stingrays feed on small marine plankton: fish, octopus, crabs. large species eat capelin, salmon, sardine, mullet. In pursuit of prey, the stingray spreads its fins. Having caught up with her, he hugs the victim with his fins and sets in motion an electric discharge.

Stingrays: interesting facts

  • AT Ancient Greece electric ray was used as a pain reliever during operations. They became the prototype for the emergence of modern medical electrical devices.
  • Most dangerous creature in the oceans - stingray. It has a 15 cm spike in the tail. The fish makes a lacerated wound incompatible with life.
  • The Manta ray can jump out of the water up to 3 meters high.
  • The female Sea Devil bears only one baby during the year. At birth, he weighs 10 kg.
  • The only species of stingrays that lives in Ukraine is Catfish. He is poisonous. But its meat is still considered a delicacy. Stingray liver is rich in vitamin D.
  • In ancient times, the spikes of the tail-shaped species of stingrays were used by the tribes of the Pacific Basin as a tip for spears and arrows. They were saturated with poison and were deadly weapons.
  • Sawfish is considered the oldest fossil mesozoic era. Catching them is strictly prohibited. Even in ancient times, he was revered by Asian peoples and the Aztecs.

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Man has always been interested in the unusual inhabitants of the underwater kingdom. Here are some interesting facts about stingrays.

The widespread opinion among scientists that sharks were the predecessors of rays has been refuted by molecular studies. Various types of stingrays are grouped into groups. Among them are stingrays equipped with special electric organs, therefore called electric, tail-shaped stingrays that grow up to a meter in length. In stingray specimens, the body is shaped like a rhombus. Sawtooth rays show resemblance to sharks.

The largest among the rays are manta rays, often called sea devils. With a three-ton weight, their length reaches 8 meters.

Speaking about interesting facts about stingrays, one cannot fail to note the features of their reproduction. Among the stingrays there are both viviparous and laying egg capsules, called "mermaid purses". The shape of such capsules is the most intricate; inside this shell is a fertilized egg.

Like many inhabitants of the seas, stingrays are able to change their color in order to merge with the color of the bottom, on which they lie, waiting for prey.

Stingrays are very common, they live both in the seas and oceans, and in freshwater reservoirs. Moreover, they can live at different depths - some species prefer shallow water, while others are attracted by the depths of the oceans, up to 2.7 km.

The most famous are the ability of stingrays to inflict electric shocks, or rather entire series - up to hundreds of strokes in a row. It is worth noting that the current voltage during such shocks is not small - up to 200 volts.

The greatest danger to people is stingrays. This species is capable of inflicting poison from poisonous cells with which their tail spike up to 37 centimeters long is dotted. The result can be paralysis of skeletal muscles and a sharp decrease in blood pressure in a person.

It's funny that the stingray is unable to see the food it eats, since its mouth opening is located in the lower part of the body, and the eyes are on the upper surface of its head.

When searching for prey, stingrays mainly use their sense of touch, and sight and smell only complement it. Numerous electroreceptors act as the organ of touch for the stingray. The stingray is able, for example, to feel the impulse created by the contracting muscle of a fish swimming nearby.

Stingray skin is traditionally used for belts and original wallets. Stingray meat is included in the menu of the peoples of a number of countries.

An interesting view where you can see how stingrays fly:

The sea devil is also called this majestic and absolutely safe animal. The size and amazing appearance have led to the creation of legends and stories about this extraordinary fish.

They are able to make high jumps over water.

sea ​​giant

The large fins of the stingray, similar to wings, reach seven meters. They can be completely wrapped whale shark- the most big fish in the world. For the scope and massiveness of the wings-fins of the manta, scientists biologists consider it the largest stingray, a real marine giant.


Stingrays live in the warm waters of all oceans except the Arctic. They are most often found in Indian Ocean where they form whole flocks. Usually stingrays soar in the water column, absorbing the plankton crop, often resting near the surface, exposing the tips of their pectoral fins.

Stingrays are attracted to air bubbles

brain size

Interestingly, manta rays are the most "brainy" fish in the oceans. Specific gravity manta brain (relative to body weight) is the largest of known to science fish. It is possible that manta rays are the smartest fish on Earth.

It feeds on plankton, crustaceans and small fish. In the way for accumulations of plankton, stingrays can travel thousands of kilometers. Stingrays feed on plankton interesting way: they line up in a long "chain" and close it in a circle, then the rays quickly move in a circle, thereby creating a "tornado" under water. This funnel sucks in and holds the plankton captive. A feast begins at the stingrays, they absorb their prey.

giant mouth

The mouth of these stingrays is very wide and is located on cutting edge heads. Like other stingrays, mantas have a peculiar filtering apparatus, consisting of gill plates, on which food is filtered - planktonic crustaceans, small fish.

Among all other inhabitants of the seas and oceans, stingrays stand out especially, mainly due to their unusualness. Looking at how they flutter in the water column, one immediately remembers the birds, which are also at ease in the air. However, most stingrays prefer to stay near the bottom, looking for food for themselves, and in order to admire them, divers have to track them down for a long time. But not all stingrays are harmless! Some of them can be very dangerous, although they do not attack people first - defending themselves, they can even kill a person carelessly approaching them.

Stingray Facts

  • From the point of view of zoologists, rays belong to cartilaginous fish.
  • They are found in all seas and oceans without exception.
  • Different types of stingrays live well in cold Arctic waters temperature of 1.5-2 degrees Celsius, and in the hot tropics, where the water warms up to +30.
  • Most stingrays usually stay in shallow water, but they have been found at depths up to 2700 meters.
  • It is the rays that are the closest relatives of sharks ().
  • Some stingrays live in tropical rivers, although most of them live in salt water.
  • The body length of the stingray can vary from a few centimeters to 3-6 meters.
  • The maximum mass of the stingray, officially registered, reached 2.5 tons.
  • The largest stingray is the manta, or sea ​​Devil. It is named so because of the presence of head fins that are rolled into a tube and stick out forward like horns.
  • The well-known sawfish also belongs to the stingrays.
  • Most stingrays live on the bottom, and only a few of them swim freely in the water column. The latter include the aforementioned manta rays, as well as stingrays.
  • Electric rays attack opponents with a current discharge from 30 to 220-230 volts and a power of over 30 amperes. Such an electric shock can easily paralyze a person.
  • Most stingrays feed on benthic animals, in particular, worms, molluscs and various crustaceans ()
  • Some stingrays have electric organs on the sides of their bodies, and stingrays have spikes on their tails equipped with a poisonous gland.
  • Stingrays pose a great danger to humans. Their poison can easily kill even a physically strong and healthy man.
  • Manta ray fry are exact smaller copies of their parents.
  • Among stingrays there are oviparous, viviparous and ovoviviparous.
  • The skin of stingrays can be either bare or covered with coarse spikes.
  • In some countries, stingray egg capsules are eaten, which are called "mermaid purses."
  • Stingrays are found even in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, the smallest and warmest on Earth ().
  • In Korea, stingrays are eaten in the form of hwe (raw), and the dish with them is called "hon'ohwe chhomuchim."
  • Handles are expensive Japanese swords once covered with stingray skin.
  • Some species of stingrays do not collect prey on seabed and actively hunt fish.

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