Arusha Tanzania. Arusha, Tanzania - Tourist. Cultural excursion to nearby villages

Safari tours through Arusha

Safaris in other national parks

    Lake Manyara

    National Park Lake Manyara is spread over tropical forest at the foot of the Great Rift Valley. The park attracted not only predators, but also became home to colonies of pink flamingos, the number of which amazes even experienced travelers. A dense pink spot along the coast, reflected from the water surface, increases the already huge population on an incredible scale.


    The name was borrowed from the Tarangire River that cuts through the park, which supplies the surrounding flora and fauna with the necessary life fresh water. Tarangire Park itself is home to one of the largest colonies of long-lived baobabs. During the dry season, many herbivores migrate to the river in the hope of finding relief from drought. Herds of wildebeest, zebra and buffalo trample along the dry lagoon, fueling the hunting instincts of the watching lions and leopards to reach the underground streams of the river. Everyone wants to grab their own piece of life-giving moisture.


    The ancient Ngorongoro crater is a UNESCO heritage site and one of the most interesting parks in Tanzania, where it lives greatest number various types animals per square kilometer. The park fits harmoniously into natural landscape Great Rift Valley, framed tropical forest he delivered his natural beauty to the present day. Enjoy exciting rides along the crater rim, lunch on the lake with hippos and picturesque lakes with pink flamingos.


    The Serengeti Valley is one of the greatest places where wild and untouched nature has been preserved in its original form. It is called the “Endless Plain of Africa”, and there is no doubt about it - an area measuring 15 thousand square kilometers, a place where herds of wildebeest can begin five meters from you and end, merging with the horizon into a thin dark stripe against the backdrop of a crimson sunset. Once in the valley, you realize that this is a completely different world, where everything seems surreal and more reminiscent of a dream than reality. The Serengeti National Park is considered one of the most interesting parks in Tanzania. Travelers come here with their children to show scenes from the cartoon "The Lion King", and it is here that hundreds of programs are filmed for National Geographic and Animals planet.

    Lake Natron

    We know that there are many places on Earth with extreme environment habitats that sometimes look completely harmless and friendly, but one can hardly say something similar about Lake Natron. Once you try to describe it in colors, only such epithets immediately come to mind as alien, bloody and lifeless, which is partly true. But, as they say, it all depends on the perspective - for some, this place, on the contrary, gives a chance for survival.

    Lake Eyasi

    A picturesque creation of the rift valley is the soda lake Eyasi. On its coast live the completely different tribes of the Hadza and Datog peoples. The former led a nomadic lifestyle in the past: they were engaged in hunting and gathering, and gradually settled in this region. Their survival skills wild environment extremely high, and of course the skill of archery exceeds any expectations. In turn, the people of the Datog people, on the contrary, have always been engaged in cattle breeding and cultivation of the land. They were pushed to Lake Eyasi by other tribes who had best weapons and advantage in numbers. Finding yourself away from developing world, the Hadza and Datog tribes remained intact and were able to maintain their way of life. Thanks to this, we can now plunge into the atmosphere of the primitive African life and even go hunting with them.

Despite the fact that Arusha National Park is one of the smallest Tanzanian parks, it is very picturesque and has the greatest topographic diversity. Arusha's main attractions include the Ngurdoto Crater, often referred to as mini-Ngorongoro, located in the eastern part national park Lake Momela. A little further west is Mount Meru. Western and East End protected area are connected by a narrow road, in the middle of which is the Momela Gate. The altitudes of the park area vary from 1500 meters to 4500+ meters. Arusha has various vegetation zones that serve as habitats for many animals.

The Ngurdoto crater is surrounded by forests, while the bottom of the basin is a marshy flat area. West of the caldera is the Serengeti Ndogo (Little Serengeti), a vast area of ​​open grassland and the only place in Arusha National Park where herds of Burcellus (savannah) zebra can be found.

Lakes Momela, like many reservoirs of the Great Rift Valley (aka Rift Valley), are shallow and classified as alkaline lakes. There is a wide variety of aquatic birds and especially many flamingos. The lakes are recharged underground rivers. Due to the difference in mineral composition, various algae grow in the reservoirs of the lake system, due to which the Momela lakes are colored different colors. The above factors also influence the preferences of birds choosing “their” body of water, even if the neighboring one is located just across a narrow strip of land. Mount Meru is partly covered with dense forests and partly bare rock. In the center of the mountain there is a deeply impressive crater.

Animal world Arusha National Park is very diverse. Here you are likely to see zebras, waterbucks, marshbucks, giraffes, klippspringer antelopes, hippopotamuses, elephants, buffalos, mongooses, hyenas, warthogs, dik-diks, baboons, vervet monkeys and plump colobus monkeys. There is even a chance to see a leopard. Only there are no lions and rhinoceroses in Arusha - poachers have tried.

Although travel companies usually allocate no more than one day of tour for a tour of Arusha, for a more or less complete acquaintance with the nature of the national park and its inhabitants, you will need at least two days. This time can be devoted to a short walking tour and canoe safari.

The main entrance to the park area is at Ngongongare Gate, approximately ten kilometers from the highway. The administration is located a little further (about 14 kilometers) - at Momela Gate. You will have to deal with the administration when booking places in the sanatorium, organizing camping, ordering the services of a guide and porter for climbing Mount Meru. There is another entrance to the Arusha National Park - at Ngurdoto Gate, in the south-eastern part of the reserve. All gates are open from 06:00 to 18:00. Climbing Mount Meru from the park area is allowed; there is a walking track that runs around part of the perimeter of the Ngurdoto crater (though neither on foot nor on vehicles It is not allowed to go down to the marshy bottom of the caldera).

Best card national park - MaCo Arusha National Park map, widely distributed throughout all tourist infrastructure of the protected area. You can leave the car at any holiday home/sanatorium in Arusha (about one hundred dollars; for a full-fledged all-inclusive safari you will have to pay about two hundred). If you are arriving at the park without a car, be aware that most holiday homes organize excursion trips with their own transport. The cost of such tours starts from 70 dollars (transport only). If you bring your own car and come to visit Mount Meru, you will have to leave the car at Momela Gate (where you will have to pay for parking). A cheaper option is to park your car at the Momela Wildlife Lodge.

In Arisha Park itself there are several good roads with gravel surface. Almost all the main natural attractions of the protected area (open to tourists) and popular viewing platforms can be reached by car. Most gravel roads are designed to accommodate all types of vehicle traffic. On the rest, traffic is not prohibited, but the passability of some of the roads deteriorates greatly during the rainy season and only a powerful jeep can drive there. At the Hatari Lodge there is a rough road with a terrible surface, which leads to the highway leading to Nairobi. The exit from the highway is at Longido.

How to get there by public transport:

There is a daily bus service from Arusha to the village of Ngare Nanyuki (10 kilometers north of Momela Gate). The bus leaves Arusha at around 13:00 and from Ngare Nanyuki at around 07:00. The driver can drop you off at the park gate. Or you can take any bus between Arusha and Moshi and get off at the stop at Usa River Village, and from there walk about one kilometer to east direction. You can try to get from Usa River to Arusha by hitchhiking. From time to time there are cars driving through the park to Ngare Nanyuki. Unfortunately, it is not possible to rent a car in the protected area - none of the sanatoriums in Arusha provide such a service. If you are planning to climb Mount Meru, please note that it is not possible to rent a car at the Ngongongare Gate, where you need to pay to enter the NP. And Momela Gate, where you can hire a guide and pay for climbing the mountain, is located 14 kilometers from Ngongongare Gate. Moreover, pedestrian traffic is prohibited on this 14-kilometer section.

Arusha, Tanzania is a city with a population of more than 400 thousand people, located in the north of the country, where acquaintance with African beauties often begins. Arusha is at the center of northern Tanzanian attractions including Kilimanjaro, Ngorongoro, Serengeti and Manyara.

Good to know! The city of Arusha, named after the Maasai tribe, was founded at the beginning of the 20th century. Initially he was administrative unit German colony. All that remains of the colonial past is the wall of the former fort in the south of the city.

Julius Nyerere

Coping well with the functions of a tourist Mecca, Arusha is the political and economic center of Africa. Bill Clinton aptly called Arusha the "Geneva of Africa", implying its importance to the world. Conferences and negotiations are held in the city, important decisions international importance. It was here that the first President of Tanzania, Julius Nyerere, presented the Arusha Declaration, and in 1999 the Treaty on the formation of the East African Community was signed. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda was located in Arusha and the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights operates to this day.

Interesting to know! Exotic plants are grown in Arusha, coffee, jute grains and coconut fiber are processed.

The city of Arusha in Tanzania was chosen by the Catholic and Protestant bishops to host representatives of their faiths. In the multinational city, followers of these religions, as well as Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. coexist peacefully. Americans and Europeans, Indians and Arabs flock here, but indigenous Africans still predominate among the residents of colorful Arusha.


In a lively, rapidly developing city, the past and the present met - natives in bright national clothes and tourists, women with heavy baskets on their heads and fashionable cars, movers and artisans mixed into a colorful, noisy crowd. Bazaars, souvenir shops and shops invite customers, restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs and casinos open their doors in anticipation of visitors - in Arusha and the surrounding city there is entertainment for everyone and attractions for everyone.

Mount Meru is one of the main attractions of Tanzania and the “mother” of Arusha, because it was at its foot that a settlement arose, which later turned into a city. Today, this giant (its height is more than 4000 meters) with a malleable character can be seen from anywhere in Arusha. Meru is considered a natural talisman of the Tanzanian city. Anyone can conquer it in just 3-4 days (depending on the health and physical fitness of tourists) - this mountain can become an independent goal or preparation for Kilimanjaro.

On a note! Meru is a stratovolcano. His last violent eruption was recorded at the end of the 19th century.

Meru promises an interesting climb due to its topography, unparalleled views from the top and walking safari. The mountain is surrounded by the Arusha National Park, which contains giraffes and zebras, elephants and antelopes, buffalos and warthogs. Organized groups of travelers are always accompanied by professional guides and rangers with guns, so the adventures that Meru promises are absolutely safe.

Good to know! From Mount Meru, 50 kilometers to Kilimanjaro Airport, almost 400 kilometers to the capital of Tanzania and almost 300 kilometers to Indian Ocean.

Another attraction, Arusha National Park, is located thirty kilometers from the city. It covers just over 100 km², making it the smallest of the Tanzanian reserves. wildlife, but no less entertaining. Among the "insides" are craters and lakes, views of Mount Meru, leopards and hyenas, rare colobus monkeys and four hundred species of birds.

The national park has three zones with different types vegetation: Mount Meru, Lake Momela (home of pink flamingos) and Ngurdoto crater. Importantly, in Arusha you can go on walking tours accompanied by an armed ranger - in most African parks leaving your car in open areas is strictly prohibited. Walking along a proven path (from the thickets of bushes through a cozy valley to the Ulyulusya waterfall), you can feel safe, since not a single attack on people has been recorded in this park.

The Tanzania Tourism Board can arrange excursions to villages near Arusha. They will help you get to know ethnic groups better. African country, learn about their way of life, history and traditions. This is an amazing opportunity to interact with the people of the villages of Ilkidinga and Ngiresi (an hour's walk away), as well as Monduli Yuu and Oldonyo Sambu, Tengeru and Longido, Ilkurot and Mulala (an hour's drive from the city).

A cultural excursion is a way to see with your own eyes how local residents engage in pasture farming and agriculture, listen to amazing legends, and admire the sights along the way, including waterfalls. In Longido you will be offered a safari on flexible camels; in some villages you can set up a camp and stay for several days.

Note! If a guide on a cultural excursion asks you to donate money to charity, ask him how to donate it directly to a reputable charity. Not all conductors are conscientious enough to send money to its intended destination, and not into their pocket.

Safaris to national parks


A few kilometers from Arusha, the world of wild savannah opens up. The main attractions of northern Tanzania are national parks, and the main entertainment in them is safaris. If prices don’t bother you, you can visit the Serengeti, Tarangire, Meserani Snake Park and Lake Manyara Park, and also take an excursion from Arusha to the Ngorongoro Crater. Hundreds of species of animals live here - wildebeests mysteriously freeze on the plains, buffalos leisurely stroll and zebras frolic, lions bask in the shade of bushes, early morning There are cautious servals and caracals, as if elephants are grazing in slow motion.

African safari tours have options for different budgets: traditional, camel and horseback riding, canoeing and mountain biking, as well as balloons. You can simply walk through the woods or climb the hills, or you can have an adventure full of unpredictable dangers.

Where to stay

Arusha Planet Lodge

There are many hotels in Arusha. Most of them base their prices on the current season, benefiting from the influx of tourists. During high season, which lasts from June to October-December, room rates increase noticeably.

The approximate price for accommodation in a three-star hotel (double room) is $50-70. In this category there are seasonal offers that promise housing for $30-40. Most a budget option for two – hostels and homestays. Such options will cost only $10-15 per night.

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Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant

Arusha is not the gastronomic capital of Tanzania, but there are plenty of restaurants, cafes, taverns and street fast food here. You can find decent establishments with traditional African dishes (Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant on Nairobi Road), European (Picasso Café in Kijenge Supermarket) and even Asian menus (Chinese Whispers restaurant on Njiro Road). The estimated cost of lunch or dinner for two in a middle-class restaurant is $23.


You can explore the sights of Arusha, move between the hotel and a restaurant, market or shops by taxi. Here this type of transport is quite accessible. The main thing is to agree in advance with the driver about the cost of the trip, since there are no meters in taxis that we are used to. You can catch a car right on the road, and there are a great many of them near each hotel. A trip around the city will cost $1-2.5.

The main mode of transport in Tanzania is Dala-dala. Minibuses, which are trucks with tents and benches, ply along the main routes of Arusha, offering to transport anyone for just 0.25 cents. It will be crowded and dangerous, but you will get there with the breeze. Recommendation: Keep an eye on valuables.

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Lake Natron is located in northern Tanzania and is a unique place. The reservoir is a habitat for flamingos and a place archaeological excavations where the remains were found Homo Sapiens, which are more than 30 thousand years old.

The lake area is favored by flamingos - more than 2 million birds gather here every summer. It is worth noting that Natron is the only place in the world where the lesser flamingo breeds. Another feature of the lake is the crust of salt that covers its surface. As a result of the activity of microorganisms living in the lake, the salt crust can turn red and pink, which is an amazing sight.

Ngorongoro Game Reserve

Ngorongoro Game Reserve is a special biosphere reserve created in 1959 around the huge Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania on the edge of the Serengeti savanna.

This reserve is notable for its long years it formed a unique collection of various species of animals that did not have the opportunity to get out of the crater. This place is also distinguished by the largest concentration of predators in all of Africa.

A trip to Ngorongoro Game Reserve could be your very best safari experience. Monkeys, cheetahs, elephants, rhinoceroses, all kinds of birds, zebras, buffaloes, antelopes, gazelles, lions, leopards and hippos, unusual for these latitudes - that’s not full list animals that you can observe in close proximity. At the bottom of the Ngorongoro crater there is Lake Magadi, where you can see a huge number of flamingos within almost 10-20 meters from you.

Ngorongoro Game Reserve is one of the most breathtaking places on Earth. A place where Discovery Channel pictures come to life.

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Arusha National Park

Arusha National Park is a national park in Tanzania located in the north of the country in the Arusha region. Founded in 1960, the park included the Ngurdoto Crater and Momella Lakes and was called Ngurdoto Crater National Park. After the Meru volcano became part of it in 1967, the park changed its name to Arusha.

The park is located between Mount Kilimanjaro and Meru, 25 kilometers east regional center city ​​of Arusha. The city of Moshi and Kilimanjaro International Airport are also located in close proximity to the park.

Arusha consists of three main areas: Ngurdoto Crater, Momella Lakes and Meru Volcano. Ngurdoto Crater, also known as mini-Ngorongoro, is the most protected area in the park and is closed to tourists, who can only observe the animals from several observation platforms on its edge. The Momella Lakes are a group of shallow alkaline lakes fed by underground springs. Mount Meru is the fifth highest peak in Africa and the second highest in Tanzania with a height of 4565 meters.

Arusha Airport is small, but it is of strategic importance, because its location is near a large international diplomatic city, which is approximately 1 hour away by car.

In addition, the airport is the only type of modern transport, because... Railway it remained unfinished.

Despite the compact size of the airport, about 100 thousand passengers use its services every year! The popularity of the airport is also due to the fact that the city of Arusha itself is the starting point for departures further to the cities of Nairobi, Moshi and Dodoma.

Also, many international meetings take place in Arusha, without the existence of an airport, which were extremely difficult to conduct.

Tabora Airport

Tabora Airport (abbreviated as TBO) is located near the city center of Tabora in Tanzania, just 6 kilometers away. This is an important communication point for this city with a population of 130 thousand people. outside world. The length of the runway is 4 meters. The airport is located at an altitude of 1179 meters relative to sea level. The nature here is more reminiscent of deserted sun-scorched fields, so oases of greenery are somewhat scarce.

This airport, by the way, is the only one in the city, operating only with domestic flights of one airline. For domestic flights, passenger check-in and baggage check-in begins two hours before flight departure. Registration ends 40 minutes before departure. Registration at this airport occurs upon presentation of a passport and ticket, which. By the way, it can also be electronic.

Tanga Airport

Tanga Airport is located in the port city of Tanga in Tanzania. The city stands on the shores of the Indian Ocean. Agave, coffee, tea and cotton are exported from its port.

Flights departing and arriving at the airport are local destinations, that is, it is impossible to fly to another country from this city.

The length of the runway is unknown. Its elevation above sea level is 39 meters.

The international airport code is HTTG.

Lake Eyasi

Eyasi is a lake in northern Tanzania. Located on the floor of the East African Rift valley south of the Serengeti National Park, bordering the Ngorongoro Protected Area to the southwest.

Eyasi is characterized by significant seasonal fluctuations in water levels; in some years it can dry out. The lake is salty and contains large reserves of soda and table salt.

The grasslands along the shores of the lake are home to leopards, cheetahs, hippos, antelopes, various monkeys and many birds. Lake Eyasi offers magnificent views of the Great Rift Valley. Lake Eyasi is also an ideal place for relaxing and bird watching.

The most popular attractions in Arusha with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous places Arushi on our website.

Individual and group

Arusha National Park is no different large sizes, its area is 137 sq. km. It is located near the city of Arusha. The city and the park got their names from the indigenous inhabitants of these places - the Varusha tribes. However, the park covers areas where the Maasai used to live, and most of the local names are of Maasai origin.

Arusha Park can be divided into three areas: Ngurdoto Crater, Momela Lakes and Mount Meru. The height above sea level ranges from one and a half thousand meters (Lake Momela) to four and a half thousand meters (the top of Meru). The vegetation of the park depends on the height and soil of the area. The surrounding area of ​​Ngurdoto Crater is surrounded by forests, while the crater itself is a swampy area. The lakes are alkaline, and Mount Meru is covered with lush vegetation and rocks.

In these areas you can find a wide variety of animals: flocks of migrating birds on the lakes, antelopes in the forests. It is difficult to construct a clear diagram of habitats, because... animals are constantly moving. About 400 species of birds have been seen in the park, some of them arrive only in October and April, others can all year round see in the forests of the park
The park is located in a densely populated area where demand for land is high, and therefore the park borders numerous settlements. Plans to expand the park to include the surrounding forests aim to protect the flora and fauna of the area. The park is only 32 km away. from Arusha, abounds in a variety of flora and fauna

There are three spectacular sites in the park that will not leave you indifferent: Momela Lakes, Mount Meru and Ngurdoto Crater. IN good weather From the park you can see both Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru. The park's gates will let you into a dark mountain forest inhabited by blue monkeys, as well as turacos and trogons. This park is the only place in Safari where you can meet the plump monkey. In the vicinity of the crater you can meet herds of buffalo and warthogs.

To the north, the fields give way to the serene tranquility of the Maumela Lakes, each a different shade of blue and green. Their shores are covered with hundreds of pink flamingos, many other birds gather near the lakes, and herds of antelope roam nearby. Giraffes, zebras and other animals roam the nearby hills.

Although elephants, lions, leopards and hyenas are rarely seen in the park, they can be spotted in the early morning or late evening. At sunset and sunrise it is easiest to appreciate the beauty of Mount Kilimanjaro, just 50 km away. from the park.
However, Mount Meru, Mount Kilimanjaro's unassuming twin brother, dominates the park's views. Its peaks on the eastern slopes are protected by the park.

Walking through the savannah forests, you can meet buffalos and giraffes. Climbing the mountain will lead you to encounter plants such as red poker, Spanish moss and huge lobelia. Flowers are scattered across the expanses of the alpine savannah. From the top you can appreciate all the beauty and grandeur of the mountains.

The forests are rich in a variety of birds and animals, including monkeys and antelopes. The area is very unusual thanks to the volcanic peaks and Mount Meru itself. Everywhere in the park you can enjoy pristine views of nature and wild life. Those who dare to climb the mountain will be treated to stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro and the Valley of Cracks.

How to get there?
From Arusha, the park can be reached in just 40 minutes and is 60 km from Kilimanjaro Airport.
Activities of tourists.
Walks through the forest, excellent picnic areas; A three- or four-day climb to Mount Meru is a great way to adapt to Kilimanjaro's climate.

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