Close, but so distant: Yulia Menshova’s father despises his son-in-law because of his betrayal with a famous artist. Personal life and all the wives of the talented actor Igor Gordin You have a sister. What does she do

Famous actor Igor Gordin completely devoted himself to his career for the sake of a woman, but as often happens in such cases, he destroyed the relationship with this very woman. Fortunately, the actor, having proved that he was also no mistake, came to his senses in time.

The future actor was born into a simple family; his parents were engineers and dreamed that their son would continue their work. But Igor dreamed of something completely different.

When Gordin first appeared on the school stage, he realized that his destiny was to become an actor. But the boy was afraid of disappointing his parents and kept his dream secret from them until the very end.

Igor Gordin in childhood.

When Igor graduated from school, he did not dare to resist his parents and began to study to become a nuclear physicist. It didn’t last long; the guy soon realized that he couldn’t go against his nature and took the risk of trying to enter the theater school. But I was so worried that I forgot at home necessary documents and was simply not allowed to take the exam.

Igor Gordin in his youth.

Gordin was very disappointed in himself, received an education that was uninteresting to him, but still pulled himself together and decided to try again. This time everything went well and Gordin was taken. The inspired student was immediately noticed and began to be offered roles in plays.

Igor Gordin in the theater.

Igor got used to the characters so much that he always received applause for himself, this contributed to the fact that he was noticed by film directors. Gordin made his debut very successfully, he looked decent against the background of Porechenkov and Panin. Then he was taken to Children of the Arbat, where he gave even more effort.

Igor Gordin in "Children of Arbat".

New offers poured in for the actor, among his works are such projects as “Saboteur”, Dubrovsky” and many others. Gordin quickly became famous throughout the country. The actor to this day tries to give not even 100, but 200% in each of his roles and this does not go unnoticed by either critics or viewers.

As it turned out, such a desire to produce maximum results did not arise out of the blue. The cause was a woman.

Gordin met his love after another successful performance. Yulia Menshova fell in love with him at first sight, after which she organized their chance meeting with mutual friends. They started talking and soon began dating. After two years of dating, they got married.

Igor Gordin and Yulia Menshova.

The marriage gave the couple two children and everything was fine for the time being, until Menshova’s career took off. Julia was actively filming and was at the peak, while Gordin was marking time. It was then that he became fully involved and began to literally live at work.

Igor Gordin and Yulia Menshova with children.

But Julia did not appreciate this. She was famous, and although Igor tried to reach out to her, things were not going as quickly as he wanted. As a result, scandals began: Julia wanted her husband to spend more time with the children, and Gordin wanted to get out of his wife’s shadow and prove to her that he was not a fool. This confrontation led to their separation.

Gordin and Menshova.

Igor was madly worried about the separation, but was afraid that another scandal would lead to divorce, which was the last thing he wanted. He continued to see the children, but limited his communication with Yulia and concentrated on work. And the result was not long in coming. Gordin's career began to gain momentum.

It was then that Menshova had a rival in the person of Inga Oboldina. Handsome Gordin immediately took notice of Inga and she approached him. Igor was so tired of constant stress that he accepted the attention and love of the actress. It all turned out that they even moved in together.

Ex-lover The TV presenter's husband still regrets that she did not become his wife

The former lover of the TV presenter's husband still regrets that she did not become his wife

Yulia MENSHOVA, who will celebrate her 45th birthday the other day, is now experiencing another round of popularity. For nine months now, she has been hosting the “Alone with Everyone” program on Channel One and openly talks with celebrities. Before this, Julia stirred the souls of viewers when she starred in the series “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...” - Russian analogue"Sex in big city" And even earlier, in the mid-90s, the daughter of Vera ALENTOVA and Vladimir MENSHOV gained fame as the helmsman of the talk show “I myself!” Even then, scandals began to swirl around her name.

Few people know that godfather Menshova became a famous screenwriter and director on television Victor Merezhko. It was he who brought Yulia to the TV-6 channel, popular at one time and now long defunct. But now, when I asked Viktor Ivanovich to remember this, he became gloomy:

I haven’t talked to Yulia for 15 years and I don’t want to know anything about her. I used to be friends with her mother, Vera Alentova, and one day she called me. “Help,” he says, “my daughter left the Moscow Art Theater (like her parents, Menshova graduated from the Studio School at the theater, and after that she worked there for four years. - G.W.). She’s sitting without a job, without money, give her a job somewhere.” I was just launching the “My Cinema” program on TV-6 and, out of respect for my parents, I invited Menshova as an administrator. Then general producer Ivan Demidov called her to lead. Somewhat later, she became Demidov’s deputy and one day began to reprimand me for one of the episodes of the “My Cinema” program. I was shocked by such tactlessness and impudence. Why this lady changed so much, I don’t know. This is for father and mother!

drunken night

Some people think that Julia owes her admission to an acting college and her honors diploma upon graduation to her parents. Menshova herself has repeatedly emphasized that she went on tours on a general basis when the star dad and mom went on vacation.

In addition to Menshova, other children of famous parents studied in our course - Alexander Lazarev Jr., Alexander Strizhenov, Anton Korolkov, son Gennady Korolkova, - says Yulia’s classmate - Ruslan Sadkovsky. - I wouldn't like to talk about them. Neither good nor bad. But don’t think anything: every person shows himself, works. In our profession, a big name can’t always help. One of the most cheerful and talented fellow students was a provincial Andrei Panin. When I was preparing material in his memory last year, the actress Vera Voronkova, another graduate of the Studio School, admitted with tears in her eyes: “Our entire youth is connected with Andrei.” For some time I lived in a rented apartment near the Babushkinskaya metro station. Who didn't stay there with me! Even Muscovite Yulia Menshova, when she quarreled with her parents. By the way, it is to her and her family that we owe the fact that many course performances and cheerful student skits remained on videotape. Returning to the apartment, I note that due to the large influx of people, the neighbors were constantly sharpening their grudge against me. When we studied, we only drank tea.

And when we passed the first session, the whole course came to celebrate with me. And they got so drunk that some stayed the night. For some reason I decided to wash my things, soaked them in the bathtub, turned on the water, lay down and... fell asleep. When the police arrived, we were sleeping soundly. From a crazy knock on the door, I open my eyes, and the TV is floating towards me! The neighbors have already managed to tell the law enforcement officers that there is a “brothel” here. It almost came to expulsion, because we filled two floors down.

During her student years, Menshova first knew love. She once admitted that the first kiss in her life happened after she was enrolled in the Studio School. The fact is that her parents raised Yulia in strictness, dressed modestly, although they constantly traveled abroad and could bring fashionable things. What can we say about heels - Vera Valentinovna and Vladimir Valentinovich categorically forbade this “manifestation of debauchery” even in high school. While studying at the Moscow Art Theater, many guys tried to court Yulia. One of them, named Alexander, was reciprocated by the daughter of the Oscar-winning director of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” “Sashka courted him beautifully,” classmates recall. - But when it became clear that things were heading towards a wedding, for some reason everything quickly got upset. Someone thought that Yulia’s dad and mom “tried their best”, dreaming of a more profitable match for their only blood. Others said that it was Menshova herself who turned the guy away, suddenly realizing that he was dating her because of his big name in the hope of making successful career. As a result, she got married only at the age of 28, already when she became a star of the TV-6 channel.

Ideal husband

With an actor from the Moscow Youth Theater Gordin, her future husband, Julia met by chance in a restaurant where she went to have dinner with friends. The silent, but at the same time incredibly witty Igor also came to the company.

She sits and is silent all the time, and then suddenly she says something - and everyone dies with laughter,” the TV presenter said about her chosen one. But most importantly, Gordin bribed her by not looking closely at her as a already popular person. He just loved, he sought: he invited him on dates, gave flowers, walked him home... I must say that Igor had some experience in this area. They said that before Menshova he courted Elena Mayorova. And even earlier, when he didn’t move from his native St. Petersburg to Moscow, for the actress Galina Bokashevskaya.

Yes, Gordin and I really had an affair,” Bokashevskaya did not hide the secret. - We were together for five years. By the time we met, I had already been married, lived with a small son, and suddenly Igor appeared on my way. As they say, we were “married” by the stage - we played in one St. Petersburg theater studio. For a long time I regretted that we never got to the registry office. Igor is a very good actor, and he’s just an ideal person, full of pluses, I can’t even remember the minuses. It is the dream of any woman to have such a husband and caring father. We broke up on my initiative. When Igor left to study in Moscow, time separated us. And a couple of years later he started dating Yulia. She's very lucky!

But, as you know, having acquired a son, Andrei, and then a daughter, Taisya, Menshova and Gordin separated for a while. This happened just a few months after the girl was born. Igor moved to rented apartment, and Yulia celebrated a housewarming party in a luxurious four-room apartment.

She bought them with money from advertising, and not from her salary,” Gordin explained then in an interview with Express Gazeta. “Besides, she managed to do it before prices soared.” At first, we took out a loan to buy our first apartment. The fact that my wife earned more than me is an incentive to work. However, not everything is in my power - well, there was no way to make millions back then, this is impossible in the theater! I helped Yulia, freed her from some household chores, and spent more time with the children.

- Were you jealous of Yulia?- they asked Igor then. - No, she didn’t give a reason. It depends on temperament: I am phlegmatic by nature... I don’t want our relationship to turn into “Santa Barbara” or into an epic for a curious public, like Nastya Zavorotnyuk.

List of lovers

Nevertheless, this could not be avoided. It was as if the journalists were competing: who would find more lovers of the now free Gordin and Menshova.

Igor’s romance with a colleague at the Youth Theater Yulia Svezhakova then everything was discussed. Then they started talking about the fact that a year before breaking up with Menshova, when she was carrying a daughter, her husband allegedly had sex with her Inga Oboldina. At first, they say, they passionately rehearsed the play “The Cherry Orchard” together, and then Inga, they say, assigned Igor to the film “Ellipsis” Andrey Eshpai, where she also starred. The list of Julia’s lovers, according to the writing fraternity, turned out to be even more extensive. The producer of radio “Chanson” was first recorded there. Sergei Kunkin, then - a colleague at the enterprise Mikhail Polizeymako, son Farada seeds, then Menshova’s partner on the TV show “Dancing with the Stars” Yana Galperina and finally, another actor - Andrey Chernyshov(they also played together in the play).

The first person I turned to for comments was Chernyshov.

- Would you like,- I ask - Congratulate Yulia on her 45th birthday? Moreover, they wrote that you had so much in common.- Don't talk nonsense! - the actor besieged me. - Yulia turns 40 (where Chernyshov got such information from, I still don’t understand. - G.W.). And I'm not going to talk about it!

But Polizeymako turned out to be more talkative: “I’ve known Yulia for a long time.” At first they said hello at various theater parties, and then, when in 2004 they began to play in the play “Bollotoch,” they became close acquaintances and became friends. Although the play is no longer on and we rarely see each other, I think Yulia good friend, a charming woman and professional actress. It is very deep, simple and dear in its own way - in a word, very soulful person With beautiful soul. She has the breed, the spirit of the Russian intellectual. We not only played on stage together, but also starred in “Balzac’s Age...”. I love her children, parents, husband Igor. Glad they are back together. - Sorry,- I interrupted Mikhail, - but during a break in the relationship between Gordin and Menshova they said that it was you who became her lover.- Yes, the press wrote about our romance. I can't say that it was offensive to me. When the article came out, Yulia and I discussed it and laughed. How else can you react to stupidity? I consider Igor Gordin my friend, my wife is also friends with Yulia.

Lyudmila Porgina: God is her judge!

In one of the episodes of the “Alone with Everyone” program, MENSHOVA’s guest was Lyudmila PORGINA, the wife of Nikolai KARCHENTSOV. Spectators watched in surprise as Yulia tried to reproach the wife of a wonderful actor for promoting herself on her sick husband.

I hope this is not my own opinion Menshova, and it was necessary for the editors of the program who write questions for Yulia to increase the rating,” sighs Porgina. - One way or another, inappropriate, sometimes very rude, reproaches rained down on me. I felt both funny and offended. It is not clear why Menshova adopted such a harsh manner of communicating with me, as if she had decided to crucify me on a cross. At one point I felt sorry for her: clever woman, her husband left her, she was raising two children, she herself went through joys and sorrows, and suddenly such stupid behavior. I didn't want to argue. Why step on her platform and act like her? We'd look like two yapping dogs. I left as a winner and forgot. But if I see Yulia somewhere, I’ll say hello and shake her hand. It is clear that Menshova is just doing her job. And work can be dirty or clean. Julia made her choice. God be her judge!

Igor Gordin is a fairly popular actor who appears in films and plays in dramatic productions. For several years the man did not appear in the public eye. It turned out that he took a sabbatical, which helped him channel his creativity in the right direction. He is currently actively working. Soon the public will be able to see the actor in a number of films and dramatic productions.

In the personal life of Igor Gordin, everything is currently calm. He lives with his wife Yulia Menshova. But a few years ago the family almost broke up. The man became interested in Inga Oboldina. He even left his family for her. But after a few months, Igor realized that he had almost made a big mistake, and returned to Yulia. His wife loved him, she was able to understand her husband’s actions. Gradually life returned to normal.

Height, weight, age. How old is Igor Gordin

Igor Gordin, whose photos in his youth and now, like those of other artists, are incredibly popular, weighs about 70 kilograms and is 185 centimeters tall. The actor maintains his shape physical exercise And healthy eating. A man starts his day with a glass of milk or kefir. On holidays, Igor Gordin can drink a glass of good French wine. But, according to the film actor, eating sweet and starchy foods is harmful to health. This is what leads to weight gain.

In 2016, the popular presenter Timur Kizyakov visited our hero. The couple spoke openly about everything that happened in their family. Fans were able to find out what kind of loving spouses height, age. How old are Igor Gordin and Yulia Menshova can be easily found in official sources. The star of “Children of Arbat” quietly celebrated his 52nd birthday. According to tradition, on his birthday he was involved in a dramatic production. Then the man and his wife went to their favorite restaurant, where they celebrated the event.

Biography and personal life of Igor Gordin

The biography and personal life of Igor Gordin is developing incredibly quickly. The man lives a typical life for actors. He actively plays on the theater stage and in films.

The birth of the baby took place in Syria. His mother and father were nuclear physicists. They were involved in the development of the nuclear industry in Asian countries. The boy was named after his paternal grandfather. Soon after this joyful event, the parents and the baby returned to their homeland and began to live in northern capital. It was here that Igor began to study in first grade. He was an ordinary child. I enjoyed playing Cossacks-Robbers and football. The guy never fought. He tried to solve all the problems that arose peacefully.

Gordin did well at school. He received only excellent marks. Many of his peers listened to the guy’s opinion. WITH primary school Igor knew that he would become a nuclear physicist. His parents were happy about this development. But unexpectedly, even for himself, the boy became interested in dramatic art. He played in various performances. Many people who saw our hero's performance advised him to become an actor. But, having received a certificate, yesterday’s graduate goes to study as a nuclear physicist. For five years, he diligently studied the basics of the profession, realizing that he had made a mistake. After receiving his diploma, the young scientist worked for several years in his specialty at one of the research institutes.

Then the guy decides to fulfill his dream and become an actor. He goes to the Russian capital and on the first try becomes a student at GITIS. The guy gets a job in the troupe of the world famous Sovremennik. Yesterday's graduate was offered episodic roles for now. The guy didn't like it. After working for several months at Sovremennik, he moved to the capital's Youth Theater. Fans of theatrical art enjoyed watching Igor play in “Oblomov”, “Lady with a Dog”, “Caligula”, “Ivanov” and others. For my creative activity the artist was awarded several prizes and awards. He recently became an Honored Actor of the Federation.

The man played in almost forty films. His roles always attract with their mystery and intelligence.

The actor is happily married to Yulia Menshova. Despite the recent coolness in the relationship, the couple managed to save the marriage. They are raising a son and daughter who decided to follow in their footsteps.

Filmography: films starring Igor Gordin

The man's film debut took place quite late. He appeared on the silver screen at the beginning of the new millennium, playing one of the central roles in the film “Trio”. From that time on, our hero began to be regularly invited to filming. His filmography begins to grow quickly. Films featuring Igor Gordin in leading role are becoming a new word in the film industry.

Among the artist’s significant film works, one can highlight his roles in “The Death of the Empire”, “Landing Tour”, “Afghan Ghost” and others. The artist was trusted to play the roles of courageous and intelligent characters. They openly expressed their position. Every year several films featuring the actor appeared. His work schedule was scheduled several months in advance.

Since 2015, after filming the film series “Adult Daughters,” in which he played the father of six daughters, the man began to refuse roles. In interviews he has stated more than once that he does not find for himself interesting works. But recently it became known that Igor Gordin will appear in films again. He agreed to star in a Russian blockbuster. For now, the name of the film and its plot are kept secret. Our hero plays one of the main roles in the film narrative. The actor refuses to talk about his work. The film should be released on Russian screens in the summer of 2019.

Family and children of Igor Gordin

The family and children of Igor Gordin occupy great place in the life of a popular actor.

Our hero's parents were specialists who studied the intricacies of the atomic nucleus. They dreamed that the child would become a nuclear physicist. After their son left for the capital, his mother and father did not communicate with him for several years, considering his infatuation to be momentary. After playing as an actor in one of the productions, the mother and father present at the performance realized that this was precisely the purpose of their son. From that moment on, they support him in all his endeavors.

In family life, the star of “Children of the Arbat” is happy. He lives with actress and TV presenter Yulia Menshova. But a few years ago the marriage almost ended. The star of “Children of the Arbat” lost his head in love and went to actress Inga Oboldina. Our hero met a woman on the set of one of the films. Igor Gordin and Inga Oboldina, a romance whose photos are in the public domain, decided to register their relationship as soon as the man received a divorce. But a few months later, the popular actor returns to his legal wife, who has forgiven him for his betrayal. Now the couple works in the theater, acts in films and is raising a son and daughter.

Son of Igor Gordin - Andrey Gordin

A year after the wedding, a baby was born in our hero’s family. The film actor wanted to call him Tolya. And the young mother insisted on Petra. The new grandparents offered them a compromise. Several pieces of paper with names were written, pulling out one of them, the couple called the baby Andryusha.

The boy spent a lot of time behind the scenes, where his parents played on stage. He didn't even think about a dramatic career. From the age of 5, Igor Gordin’s son, Andrei Gordin, began modeling. He attended a circle in which he made ship models. In the future, the boy decided to become an engineer.

Andryusha studied well at school. The boy enjoyed reading the works of Agatha Christie, Seton-Thompson and other recognized masters of foreign prose. The most favorite author from home country became a classic Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. The guy re-read “War and Peace” with pleasure. He placed the soldiers on the board, noting where the heroes were at the time of the heroic Battle of Borodino.

In high school, Andrei decided to become an actor. He becomes a student at one of the capital's theater institutes. After receiving his diploma, the young scion of the famous family began working at the iconic Tabakerka. The young artist has already played in several films. Unlike his father, the guy appears in a comedic role.

Daughter of Igor Gordin - Taisiya Gordina

In 2003 in acting family a daughter was born. The baby is loved by her loved ones. Many people believe that Igor Gordin’s daughter, Taisiya Gordina, is similar to her maternal grandmother, Vera Alentova. The actress herself says that her granddaughter’s character comes from her grandfather and father. But sometimes Taya does like her mother.

The girl is involved in several clubs. She is especially interested in knitting and sewing toys. Recently, her daughter’s batik painting was shown on her Instagram page, as well as a toy kitten. Subscribers highly appreciated Taya's talent.

But about future profession one can definitely say. Already at the age of 7, the girl decided to continue the artistic dynasty. She dreams of becoming famous and receiving the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

Igor Gordin's wife - Yulia Menshova

Igor Gordin’s wife, Yulia Menshova, became the only child in the family of popular film actors Vladimir Menshov and Vera Alentova. The girl was very talented. She was the best student among her peers. She graduated from her senior year with a silver medal.

Then our heroine entered one of the capital's theater institutes. The girl actively starred in student years. Teachers noted her talent. One day, Yulia’s friends suggested going to a performance. Here she saw young man, which attracted her. The girl came up and met him. The future spouses talked all evening. They could not part until the morning. The girl’s parents also liked Igor. A few months after their first meeting, the lovers officially registered their marriage. Subsequently, the family was replenished with two children.

Igor Gordin and Yulia Menshova live happily today. They were able to find understanding after some period of separation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Igor Gordin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Igor Gordin are filled with the most important data about the star of Russian cinema.

Wikipedia contains a little information about the life of our hero. You can find out more about Igor Gordin’s participation in productions and his filmography. The page tells a little about the actor’s personal life and his children.

IN in social networks Gordin has his own accounts. But due to being busy with filming and performances, the man cannot often replenish them. The exception is his Instagram page. It is replenished quite regularly. Here you can see numerous photos of him and his family at home and on vacation, which he provides with comments.

Actress whose difficult relationship It’s been an open secret with my husband for a long time in the theater backstage, I had a row with him again, loudly and in full view of many people. Guests turned out to be unwitting witnesses to the family scene anniversary evening on the occasion of mother's 70th birthday, famous actress Vera Alentova.
The daughter of director Vladimir Menshov took part in the celebration not only as a close relative - in her directorial debut, the play “Love. Letters” Vera Alentova and her husband played on the stage of the Pushkin Theater, where the hero of the day has been performing all her life. Everything that happened on the stage was very touching, but soon a scandal broke out.

Despite the fact that half a million rubles were spent on the expected luxurious feast, the organization of the informal celebration behind the stage failed: the assistants did not have time to set the table in time, and then the theater management had to wait quite a long time. The main character of the anniversary became nervous, and this nervousness was passed on from her mother to Yulia Menshova. Which, in turn, fell on her husband, actor Igor Gordin.

The man did not have the patience to let his wife’s barbs fall on deaf ears. He got into an altercation, and this showdown had to be observed by the couple’s eldest son and the guests of the evening.

Yulia Menshova, in a certain sense, repeated the fate of her mother. Vera Alentova and her husband shortly after the birth of their daughter family life gave a serious crack. Menshov and Alentova separated and lived apart for three years, although they did not officially divorce. And although the director tried more than once to start new life with other women, one day he finally decided to return to his wife, and she did not reproach him for anything.

“The parting was good,” Alentova said later. I think if we hadn’t broken up then, we probably would have broken up later. But they would never have connected again.”

As for Yulia Menshova, she and Igor Gordin were already noisily divorced in 2004 - their second child, a daughter, was barely six months old at the time. According to one version, the divorce happened because the man was tired of constantly being in the shadow of his wife with a famous surname. However, some sources claim that the reason for the couple’s separation was another woman, Gordin’s stage colleague Inga Oboldina. For his sake, Oboldina divorced her husband, and for Yulia, who learned about this move by her rival, the news became a disaster.

“At this time we were finishing the third season of Balzac’s Age,” Olga Braund, a member of the series’ crew, said in an interview. “It was scary to look at Yulia, she kept repeating: “We have to do something!” I constantly called Igor and made appointments. In principle, he can be manipulated; they say he gets drunk easily...”

Those around the couple whispered that the “iron lady” Yulia Menshova did everything possible to keep her husband and told him that she was pregnant with her third child, but when the couple reunited, it turned out that she was “mistaken” in her symptoms. According to Olga Braund, it was rumored in the movie crowd that Julia begged her husband: do whatever you want, just don’t leave the family!

In 2008, Gordin returned to his wife, who, like her mother, chose to turn a blind eye to his love affair (according to theatrical rumors, it is still ongoing).

Return to ex-spouses Psychologists associate, oddly enough, with habit. Despite the fact that people leave the family consciously, being ready for new relationships, the everyday side plays a very significant role in the formation of a union.
Over time, everyday life can destroy love. In fact, divorced spouses need to build their lives from scratch, and it doesn’t matter whether the person changes his place of residence or someone else appears in his apartment... Things that are not put together, an unusual breakfast, different foods in the refrigerator and a lack of understanding of desires , which were previously considered law - all this is an incentive to return to the former family. A striking example of this is the story of the reunion of Sergei Zhigunov and actress Vera Novikova. When he left for Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Sergei believed that he had done everything right - his marriage had exhausted itself. But seeing strangers around, and not his own children, the producer and actor gradually fell into

Yulia Savicheva // Photo: Instagram

Singer Yulia Savicheva, who recently became a mother for the first time, flew from Portugal, where she had been for a long time. The performer decided to return to Moscow. The ex-“factory owner” was accompanied by her husband, composer Alexander Arshinov. Apparently, the artist intends to resume her career after a break.

When Savicheva was abroad, her producer Maxim Fadeev shared her ward’s creative plans with journalists. The show business figure reassured Yulia's fans and said that she intended to present new songs. In Portugal, Savicheva did not sit idle: she worked hard, recording tracks and showing her recordings to Fadeev.

Yulia's producer preferred not to comment on information about Yulia's pregnancy, believing that everything has its time. Fadeev also noted that he would definitely share a joyful event with the public if the performer becomes a mother. Later, the show business figure kept his word: on August 22, he got in touch with subscribers and reported important news from Savicheva’s life.

"Hi all! It's time to open up. I want to tell everyone the news. We have very good news. Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a daughter. Many talked about this, especially journalists, Yulia “gave birth” every month,” said the show business figure.

The former Star Factory participant decided to name the baby Anna. After some time, Julia confirmed that she had given birth to a girl. The artist decided to publish a touching message to her daughter, in which she shared her emotions from the long-awaited event. The singer and her husband Alexander Arshinov are very happy to become parents. Savicheva expressed the hope that in the future Anna will definitely read her message.

“You are very little now, and most likely you don’t understand all our joy and pride, but the day will come when you will read this message. You will probably be surprised how many people were waiting for you, how many of our friends congratulated you. How long have we been going towards this? How much effort and nerves were spent in order to tell you today “with Good morning" We wish you health and joy. Be happy and loved,” Julia addressed the baby.

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