Great Twenty (G20). "Group of Twenty" (G20). Help G20 Summit in Antalya

Which many have heard about. It combines 20 key economic systems planets located on different continents. This article will discuss the history of this association, its goals and objectives, as well as Russia’s relations with other participants in this forum.

The year of formation of the G20 is considered to be 1999. Since 2008, the organization regularly holds meetings of its members. The penultimate summit, the Brisbane summit, aroused especially great interest among the world community. G20 I tried to solve several important problems on it.

G20: beginning

The G20 (or G20 for short) stands international association global scale. They take part in it largest economies planets.

Few people know that initially the G20 included not 20 states, but 33! However, a year later, in 1999, the number of forum participants was reduced to the usual twenty. Whether it will remain like this in future years is anyone's guess.

A kind of impetus for the formation of the G20 was the economic crisis of 1998, which affected the entire East Asia. And the consequences of this crisis were felt by almost our entire planet. However, he helped leading players to realize the need to create such global power, which could prevent similar economic crises in the future. And such an organization was established - it became the Big Twenty.

G20: goals and objectives

Constant, sustainable growth of the planetary economy is the main postulate and main goal of this organization. Moreover, this stable increase should affect all countries of the world without exception.

Within the framework of the G20 structure, its members are trying to find adequate solutions to a whole range of pressing problems:

  • What are the best ways to stabilize global economic growth?
  • How to properly develop financial and social infrastructure.
  • How to provide for poor states.
  • How can multiple local and
  • How to “save” the ecology of our planet, etc.

The G20 countries also spend a lot of effort and energy on finding ways to solve the problem of corruption. They are also involved in the implementation of many climate programs.

Of course, the work of the G20 is not complete without its share of criticism. Most often, the organization is accused of insufficient transparency of its activities, as well as of too few forum participants who undertook to solve such important global problems.

G20: list of countries

The G20 International Forum is:

  • 58% of world area;
  • about 60% of the total population of the Earth;
  • 85% of all world trade.

Listed below are all G20 countries (which are currently members of the group):

  1. Canada.
  2. Mexico.
  3. Brazil.
  4. Argentina.
  5. Great Britain.
  6. France.
  7. Italy.
  8. Germany.
  9. Russia.
  10. Türkiye.
  11. Saudi Arabia.
  12. China.
  13. India.
  14. Japan.
  15. South Korea.
  16. Indonesia.
  17. Australia.

You can see the localization of all the above countries on the world map below. We can conclude that G20 members are present on all continents of the planet except Antarctica.

But who is missing from this G20 list? The twentieth member of the forum is considered an organization. In addition, representatives of the IMF, World Bank and European Central Bank often take part in G20 summits. This is the full composition of the G20.

G20 summits

The main form of activity of the G20 is the summit. The G20 gathers for such meetings every year. Every year a new host country is chosen to host the next summit. It also houses the secretariat of the organization.

As a rule, such meetings are attended by heads of state (presidents and prime ministers), as well as ministers of individual departments. The first G20 summit was held in 2008 in the US capital and was called an anti-crisis summit. Obviously, it discussed ways to exit the global financial year.

The G20 holds its summits approximately once a year (only in 2009 and 2010 there were two). Most often, meetings take place in the fall: in September or November. Perhaps the greatest interest in the history of the G20 aroused the Brisbane summit in 2014. It will be discussed further below.

One should not think that all the work of the forum comes down to organizing and holding annual meetings. At the next summit, a certain action plan is discussed and approved, the implementation of which then continues in the work various groups and specialized departments.

G20 and Russian Federation

The issue of relationships in the G20-Russia system in last years is of particular interest to the international community.

As you know, Russia’s membership in the G8 was suspended in 2014. As a result of this, it ceased to exist and returned to its original format - the G7 group.

Soon rumors spread around the world that Russia was going to be expelled from the G20. Australia, which was supposed to host the next summit in Brisbane the day before, was most predisposed to this. The government of this country accused Russia of direct involvement in the downing passenger plane"Boeing-MH 17" in the sky over Eastern Ukraine.

However, after long discussions between the forum participants, the Russian delegation was nevertheless invited to the summit in Australian city Brisbane. The main message of this decision was this: the exclusion of Russia from the G20 will further exacerbate the already complex geopolitical situation in the modern world.

G20 in Australia (Brisbane Summit)

The so-called Australian G20 summit (2014) was held in Brisbane, a city of one million east coast countries. Heads of state traditionally gathered for annual meeting forum, which lasted two days: November 15 and 16.

The main topic of discussion was the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine, which began in the spring of that year. In addition, countries have devoted Special attention And eternal problem corruption. In addition to the heads of 19 states, the summit was also attended by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council. The meeting in Australia ended with the approval of a joint action plan.

Main premises and results of the G20 summit in Brisbane

The 2014 Brisbane summit took place against the backdrop of increasing general geopolitical instability on the planet. Thus, among the main topics of the meeting the following were raised:

  • continuation civil war in Syria and the formation of ISIS - a new terrorist threat to the whole world;
  • a new round of escalation of the Arab-Israeli conflict;
  • active military operations in Donbass and possible ways to resolve the conflict;
  • stagnation of the German and Italian economies, on which the stability of everything largely depends

In addition, at the Brisbane summit they also discussed the problem of a worldwide drop in the price of " black gold", and again looked for ways to stop the spread of Ebola.

What was the outcome of this summit? The main thing that it was decided to devote all the G20 forces to in the coming year is the issue of global security. In addition, the G20 states have set themselves a global goal: to increase global GDP by 2% (by 2018). To achieve this, the “powers that be” planned to increase international competition and increase the volume of allocated investments in economic projects.

G20 summit in Antalya

The last G20 summit was held in Antalya, Turkey. The meeting of world leaders took place against the backdrop of the Paris terrorist attacks, which, of course, were immediately condemned. Obviously, the main topic of the Turkish summit was international terrorism.

Jean-Claude Juncker raised another sore subject at this meeting - the problem of refugees from military conflict zones. The summit noted the enormous contribution of Turkey and Russia in the fight against terrorist organization ISIS. The meeting participants also did not ignore the traditional G20 issue of global economic growth.

As you know, the next G20 summit is scheduled to be held in China.


The G20 international forum was created in 1999 with the goal of united search for solutions for many global problems modern world. At first these were ordinary meetings of individual ministers. But over time, the G20 began to hold major summits, to which the heads of the leading states of our planet were invited.

Today, the G20 includes 19 countries, as well as one organization - the European Union. The last G20 summit was held in Antalya in November 2015.

A noun corresponding to the number 20. A bill of 20 units (hryvnia, euro, dollar). The twentieth psychiatric hospital in Moscow not far from MIPT. “Twenty” is the unofficial name of the Top 20 of any survey, list, hit parade: “Big... ... Wikipedia

Group of eight (G8), Big Eight international club, uniting governments ... Wikipedia

BIG EIGHT- (Group of Eight, G8) group of seven most industrialized developed countries world and Russia. The same name is given to the unofficial forum of leaders of these countries (Russia, USA, Great Britain, France, Japan, Germany, Canada, Italy) with the participation European CommissionLarge current political encyclopedia

"G20" request redirects here; see also other meanings. G20 Countries Dark Blue colour represents countries h... Wikipedia

Big Eight The Big Eight (English: Group of eight, G8) is an international club that unites the governments of the most industrialized democracies in the world (“Group of Seven” or Big Seven (G7)) and Russia. The unofficial forum is also called... Wikipedia

- (English Group of eight, G8) is an international club that unites the governments of the most industrialized democracies in the world (“Group of Seven” or Big Seven (G7)) and Russia. The unofficial forum of leaders of these countries is also called (USA,... ... Wikipedia

Big Eight The Big Eight (English: Group of eight, G8) is an international club that unites the governments of the most industrialized democracies in the world (“Group of Seven” or Big Seven (G7)) and Russia. The unofficial forum is also called... Wikipedia

Big Eight The Big Eight (English: Group of eight, G8) is an international club that unites the governments of the most industrialized democracies in the world (“Group of Seven” or Big Seven (G7)) and Russia. The unofficial forum is also called... Wikipedia

Big Eight The Big Eight (English: Group of eight, G8) is an international club that unites the governments of the most industrialized democracies in the world (“Group of Seven” or Big Seven (G7)) and Russia. The unofficial forum is also called... Wikipedia


  • , Samodurov Vadim. These people made themselves - and turned the world upside down. Now the attention of all mankind is riveted to them. But behind the enthusiastic details of publications about multimillion-dollar mansions, luxury yachts,...
  • The richest people on Earth. G20, Vadim Samodurov. 334 pp. These people made themselves - and turned the world upside down. Now the attention of all mankind is riveted to them. But behind the enthusiastic details of publications about multimillion-dollar mansions,...


"Big Twenty": history and goals of the organization. Which countries are in the G20?

November 3, 2015

Many people have heard about this international organization. When did the G20 come into being? What are the goals and operating principles of this forum? Which countries are in the G20? All this is discussed in our article.

History of the organization

Before answering the question of which countries are members of the G20, we should briefly talk about the history of this organization. And also about when it was founded.

The G20, G20 or simply G20 is a global international forum that brings together the world's leading economies. In countries that are included in this organization, concentrates about 85% of all world trade.

The year of creation of the G20 is 1999. The corresponding decision to create such a forum was made at a meeting of finance ministers" G7"in Washington. The first inaugural conference of the organization took place in December of the same year in Berlin.

The impetus for the establishment of the G20 was the so-called East Asian economic crisis of 1998, the consequences of which affected almost the entire planet. " Powerful of the world This" realized the need for a global organization that could predict and prevent such crises in the world economy.

It is curious that initially an organization called the G33 arose, which united 33 states. However, less than a year later, it transformed into the G20. What countries are included in it? Read about this in the next section.

G20 countries: list of members

It is interesting that candidates for the G20 were selected by ministers of only two countries - the USA and Canada. Which countries are in the G20 today?

The international forum includes 19 leading world economies, as well as the European Union as a collective organization. In addition, representatives of other international organizations - the IMF, World Bank, European Central Bank.

All G20 countries are listed below (list as of 2015):

  1. Australia.
  2. Argentina.
  3. Brazil.
  4. Canada.
  5. Mexico.
  6. Republic of South Africa.
  7. Japan.
  8. South Korea.
  9. Russia.
  10. India.
  11. Indonesia.
  12. China.
  13. Saudi Arabia.
  14. Türkiye.
  15. Great Britain.
  16. Italy.
  17. Germany.
  18. France.

All participating countries of this international forum are displayed yellow on the map below (states that are part of the G7 are indicated in more saturated shades).

G20: goals and features of work

The organization was created with one main goal: to achieve stable and sustainable growth of the global economy for the benefit of all, without exception, countries on the planet.

The main form of activity is the meetings and summits that G20 member countries attend annually. Each year, one state is elected to head the organization. The next summit is being held there. The G20 interim secretariat is also located in this country.

One should not assume that the activities of the G20 are limited to summits that take place once a year. They only outline a plan of actions and activities, work on which continues in various working groups and departments of ministries. Among the organization's key tasks are finding ways to stabilize the economy, developing an international financial architecture, developing social infrastructure, ensuring food security, solving problems of corruption, and even financing and promoting various environmental and climate programs.

At the same time, the structure of the G20 quite often lends itself to harsh criticism. Firstly, for the fact that it does not include 173 states of the planet. Secondly, for the lack of transparency in the work of the entire organization.

G20 annual summits

The G20 organization began holding annual summits with the participation of presidents and prime ministers of states in 2008. The first of them took place in Washington and was called anti-crisis. The main issue for discussion on the agenda of the summit was the global financial crisis of 2007-2008.

The G-20 summit was held twice in 2009 and 2010. Experts note that great importance had the Seoul summit, which took place in November 2010. It, in particular, discussed the topic of monetary policy in the United States and China. The 2014 Australian summit in Brisbane also caused a huge resonance in world society. Three pressing issues were raised at it: the fight against corruption, the Ukrainian crisis and the problem of global security in general.

Russia and the G-20

In 2014, Russia was excluded from the structure, or rather, its membership in the G8 group was suspended. Thus, " Big Eight"returned to the G7 format again. Soon after this, information appeared that Russia was going to be deprived of the right to participate in the G20 forum.

Most critical of Russian Federation Australia is in the mood today. The government of the island state accuses Russia of involvement in the crash of the Boeing MH-17 in the skies over Donbass. However, the Russian delegation was invited to the Australian summit in Brisbane. The G20 made this decision in the hope that it would help “ease overall geopolitical tensions” in the world.


Now you know which countries are members of the G20. The international organization was formed in 1999. Initially, she organized and conducted meetings and consultations with finance ministers of different states. Later, heads of countries were involved in the G20, and the organization began to address more global issues.

The current composition of the G20 countries includes 19 independent states from different continents, as well as one collective organization - the European Union (EU).

The G20 (Group of Twenty) summit will take place in early September in the Chinese city of Hangzhou.

What this format is, who participates in it, why it was created and how it functions - in the TASS material.

What is G20?

  • The G20 represents informal association largest economically developed and developing countries.
  • The decisions of the Group, which are taken by consensus, are non-binding and are subject to approval by the IMF, the World Bank and other financial and economic organizations.
  • The G20 countries, home to two-thirds of the world's population, account for 85% of world GDP and 75% of world trade.

How and why was the G20 created?

  • The G20 was created in response to the outbreak that broke out in Asia in 1997-1998. financial crisis that had Negative consequences for the global economy.
  • One of the important goals of the G20 at the time of its creation was to involve large developing countries in the process of developing economic solutions to emerging challenges at the global level.
  • The founding conference of the G20 took place on December 15-16, 1999 in Berlin on the initiative of the finance ministers of the leading industrialized countries (G8) - the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Japan (Russia, a member of the G8 "in 1997-2014, did not participate in meetings of heads of ministries of finance).

What are the goals of the G20 today?

  • Now the Group’s activities are aimed at achieving global economic stability, creating conditions for sustainable growth and reducing the risks of financial crises, as well as reforming the global financial architecture.

Who is part of the Group?

  • Canada
  • Great Britain
  • France
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • China
  • South Korea
  • Mexico
  • Russia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Türkiye
  • European Union

How is the G20 presidency organized?

  • The selection of the chairing country is organized according to the principle of rotation.
  • At the same time, the continent that the G20 chairman represents must change every year. Thus, in 2010 South Korea presided, in 2011 - France, in 2012 - Mexico, in 2013 - Russia, in 2014 - Australia, in 2015 - Turkey.
  • Since January 1, 2016, China has held the presidency (Germany in 2017).
  • The presiding country determines the main directions of the G20's activities for the coming year.
  • The coordinating bodies are the temporary secretariat (located in the presiding country) and the “leading troika” - the former, current and future chairmen.

How is the G20 organized?

  • At first, the main form of activity of the Group was annual conferences at the level of finance ministers and heads of central banks, which took place in different countries"twenties".
  • After 2008, when the Group held its first meeting at the level of heads of state and government, the format of the meetings was changed - the main event became annual summits (their preparations are carried out by Sherpas - representatives of the leaders of member countries).
  • Meetings of finance ministers are held several times a year, and meetings of heads of other ministries are also organized.

How else does the G20 interact?

  • Within the framework of the G20, interaction is carried out with non-state structures. Thus, since 2008, meetings of representatives have been held civil society("Civil Twenty", Civil-20), since 2009 - meetings of business circles ("Business Twenty", Business-20), since 2010 - meetings of the "Youth Twenty" (Youth-20) and chairmen of parliaments, with 2011 - representatives of trade unions (Labour-20), since 2012 - conferences of research centers (Think-20).
  • In addition, within the G20 there are working groups to support employment, reform global agricultural markets and the global financial system, combat corruption, as well as a Rapid Response Forum to discuss world food prices.

Who else is attending G20 meetings?

  • Regular participants in key G20 meetings are the heads of the UN, IMF, World Bank, OECD, WTO, ILO, and Financial Stability Council.
  • In addition, the so-called guest countries are involved in the work of the Group, which are invited by the chairman for one year.

What solutions have been achieved thanks to the G20 format?

  • Among the main results of the G20's activities is the achievement of an agreement on a fundamental reform of the global financial system.
  • In particular, with the support of the Group, the world began the process of dismantling the tax haven system, many countries tightened their legislation regarding bank secrecy and entered into bilateral agreements on the exchange of information in the field of taxes.
  • Decisions were also made to increase the resources of the IMF and to provide assistance to countries affected by the crisis, to regulate bonus payments to top managers of companies and banks, and to tighten control over financial markets.

GIG 20(Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, G20) - an international club in the format of meetings at the level of finance ministers and heads of central banks, since 2008 - a summit at top level 20 most developed industrial countries. The G20 includes 19 national economies: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, UK, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Canada, China, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, USA, Turkey, France, South Africa, South Korea and Japan. A separate member of the G20 is the European Union. The G20 countries are home to two-thirds of the world's inhabitants and account for approximately 90% of global GDP and 80% of global trade.

The G20 was created in 1999 on the initiative of the G7 members during the German presidency to discuss issues of global economic and financial policy and conduct dialogue with developing countries. The founding conference took place on December 15–16, 1999 in Berlin.

The G20's mission was to find a way out of the financial crisis of the late 1990s. The first meeting took place in 1999 in Canada.

In 2008, with the onset of the global crisis and the need to take anti-crisis measures, the format of the meetings changed. The first summit was held on November 14–15, 2008 in Washington, USA as an anti-crisis summit, at which issues related to the global financial crisis were discussed. Among the measures that the country's leaders promised to take were stimulating economies, providing markets with liquidity, supporting financial institutions, and unfreezing credit markets. They also intended to ease the tax burden within their countries to stimulate domestic demand.

The second anti-crisis summit took place on April 2, 2009 in London, UK. The result of the meeting: the crisis has not yet been overcome, states need to continue to provide assistance to the global economy in the same volume as before. The meeting discussed the reform of the International currency board.

On September 25, 2009, the summit took place in Pittsburgh, USA. The joint statement of the countries participating in the summit said that the summit G20 will become the main one economic forum in the world, thereby taking the place of the G8 summit. This solution will allow us to build a more sustainable and balanced world economy, reform the financial system and raise living standards in developing countries.

On November 11-12, 2010, the G20 summit took place in Seoul, South Korea, at which issues were discussed global economy, international trade and climate change issues. In addition to the final declaration, the following documents were adopted: an anti-corruption action plan, a framework agreement to ensure strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth. Agreements of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision on the gradual introduction of new banking capital and liquidity standards (“Basel III”), which increase the requirements for bank sustainability, were also approved from 2013. The proposal was accepted South Korea about the creation global network financial security, which allows countries to ensure prompt access to credit resources through IMF mechanisms in the event of a crisis.

Among other things, positions were agreed on to prevent excessive fluctuations in exchange rates and artificial devaluation of currencies. The main result of the summit is the adoption of the Seoul Action Plan and measures to reform the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

On October 18-20, 2011, the G20 summit was held in Paris, France, at which issues of reforming the international financial system and the possibility of developing a universal social framework were discussed. Measures were outlined to resolve the eurozone debt crisis, increase the efficiency and flexibility of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and stimulate the global economy.

2012 Los Cabos (Mexico). Discussed at the summit economic issues, the main topic was the European debt crisis. It was decided to increase the IMF's reserves by more than $450 billion.

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