Giant panda or bamboo bear. Where does the panda live, the funny animal Panda lives

Pandas are called Asian mammals of the order of carnivores. There are two types of these animals, which are somewhat similar. appearance and way of life.

But they belong to different families. Where do pandas live? What is their lifespan?

Where do pandas live: large and small?

Giant panda

This animal looks like a bear. It inhabits dense bamboo forests in western China. Many years systematic position mammal caused controversy regarding its assignment to a particular family. The giant panda was assigned to raccoons, bears or pandas. But data from a molecular study confirmed the proximity of the species to bears. It is assumed that the ancestors split off about twenty-five million years ago. Therefore, they decided to attribute it to the bear family. Hence the other name bamboo bear.

The giant panda has a charming and easily recognizable appearance. Her stocky build and clumsiness make her look like a bear. The body length of the animal is one and a half meters. The mass reaches one hundred and sixty kilograms. The main color of the fur is white, sometimes with a yellowish tint. And the "glasses" around the eyes, ears, lips, nose, limbs and shoulder "collar" are dark brown or black. The unique appearance ensured the popularity of this beast.

On the front paws of a mammal there is a semblance of a thumb. These are processes of the carpal bones, overgrown with fleshy pads. With them, she holds bamboo shoots during meals.

The animal can stand on its hind legs, but always moves on all fours. The gait, like that of his ancestor, is sprawling, clubfoot. True, during the chase, the animal can switch to a clumsy trot. But he does not maintain the pace taken and quickly gets tired.

The giant panda is excellent at climbing trees. She easily climbs to the very top and sits there. Sitting in the branches of bamboo, the animal holds the shoots of the plant with its front paws and methodically peels off the leaves and bark with its teeth. Subsequently, it slowly chews the peeled stalk. Such a leisurely meal in a sitting position takes the animal from ten to twelve hours a day.

She has to eat so much for the reason that digestive system digests only seventeen percent of the food. In addition to bamboo, animals willingly feast on grass, flowers, mushrooms, roots, small mammals and even carrion. Like bears, these bespectacled animals sometimes climb into bee nests.

But giant pandas do not live where the polar bear or its brown counterpart lives. A special subfamily of bears is found in dense bamboo thickets of the Tibetan highlands, in Chinese provinces Gansu, Sichuan and Shaanxi. Animals are observed at an altitude of two and a half to three and a half thousand meters above sea level. Sometimes descend into winter time up to 800 meters above sea level.

Habitat area - thirty thousand square meters. But it is assumed that the species occupies an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than six thousand square meters. Each animal in its native forest marks its own territory, leaving secretions of odorous glands on the border trees. Animals try to avoid each other, preferring a solitary lifestyle.

Mammals are awake from dusk to dawn, and during the day they rest and sleep in a secluded place, hiding among the rocks or in the hollow of a large tree.

Little panda

Other names are red panda, fire fox, cat bear. The first written mention of the animal dates back to the thirteenth century. But in Europe they learned about it only in the nineteenth century. The official opening took place thanks to the English general and naturalist Thomas Hardwick. In 1821 he collected material on the territory of the English colonies.

The red panda is a taxonomic mystery. In appearance, they resemble a raccoon, habits and movements - a bear. At first they were assigned to the raccoon family due to morphological similarities in the skull, teeth, tail and other parts of the body. Then the animal was moved to the bear family. The basis is the similarity of DNA. Today, most researchers classify the fire fox as a raccoon.

The red panda has an elongated body, a fluffy tail, a very wide head and a short, sharp muzzle. The coat is smooth, thick, very long and soft. On the upper side of the body, the fur has a dark red hue, turning into golden yellow on the back. The underside of the body and legs are glossy black. On the chin and cheeks, the hair is white. A rusty-red stripe runs from the eyes to the corners of the mouth. Ears covered with white long hair and dark red on the outside. There are lighter rings on the long red tail. This color makes the fiery fox invisible among the red lichens that grow in its habitats.

The paws of the animal are strong and short. The feet are hairy, which allows the animal to run on snow and ice. Short fingers are equipped with partially retractable strongly curved claws. Like the giant panda, the animal has an "extra" toe on its front paw - an enlarged radial bone. This structure of the paws allows the animal to hold slender bamboo branches.

In size, the red fox resembles a large domestic cat. The length of the body is from fifty to sixty-five centimeters, the tail is from twenty to forty centimeters. Average weight- six kilograms.

The habitat of the species is concentrated in the provinces of Sichuan and Yunnan in China, in the north of Burma, in Nepal, Bhutan and in the northeast of India. Ancestors of the animal were distributed much more widely. Their remains were found in North America and Eastern Europe.

Lesser pandas prefer tall forest, which consists of coniferous and deciduous species. AT lower tier- rhododendron and bamboo. These mountain bamboo forests are located in a temperate climate, at an altitude of 2000-4000 meters above sea level. Most For years, the forests are shrouded in clouds, thanks to which mosses and lichens actively grow. Falling precipitation lingers as long as possible in a tightly intertwined root system a large number vegetation.

The main food of the small panda is young leaves and bamboo shoots. And she eats, like a big friend, about thirteen hours a day.

How long do pandas live?

giant pandas in wild nature live fourteen to twenty years, in captivity, animals lived up to fourteen years. Today, these animals are under the threat of extinction and are listed in the international Red Book. According to experts, at the beginning of the twentieth century, about a thousand individuals remained in nature.

The fact is that when the animal opened up to the world, it began massacres. The goal is fur of an unusual color. Today, there is a very severe punishment for killing a giant panda in China. But people are destroying bamboo forests. And this is the main habitat of animals. Given their not very long life expectancy, high population growth is not to be expected.

The red panda in captivity lives for about fourteen years. Average duration the life of an animal in the wild is eight to ten years. natural enemies the animal has a little. The main threat to the red panda is habitat destruction. For this reason, the species has been given the status of Endangered. Deforestation deprives animals of a place of residence and a source of food. Fortunately, red pandas breed well in captivity. About three hundred individuals are kept in zoos around the world. Per last years the same number were born in artificial conditions.

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Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) or bamboo bear - belongs to the species of mammals of the Bear family, which is at risk of becoming endangered. The panda has become the national emblem of China and is listed in the Red Book, and is also the winner of the Guinness Book of Records as the cutest animal on our planet.

scientific classification

The Giant Panda species can be divided into two subspecies:

Ailuropoda melanoleuca melanoleuca

Ailuropoda melanoleuca qinlingensis

Qinlin pandas - live in the west of China in the Qinling Mountains, after which they got their name. They differ from black and white pandas in color and smaller size. This is a very rare subspecies of pandas. To date, their number is no more than 300 individuals.

"Panda" is the name of two Asian mammals that are similar in appearance and lifestyle, but belonging to different families. The Giant Panda is in the Bear family and the Lesser Panda is in the Panda family. On the Chinese"Panda" means "bear-cat". This name comes from the Lesser panda, which feeds mainly only on vegetation and has a size of slightly more cat.


The giant panda lives in one single country - China. She lives in mountainous regions such as Tibet and Sichuan. It can also be seen in some zoos in other countries that have rented a panda. The cost of rent reaches a million dollars a year. All cubs born in captivity are considered the property of China. Scientists believe that there are approximately 2,000 Giant pandas left.


The giant panda is a bear that has a peculiar color - black and white color. The back and abdomen are white color. All paws are dark in color. Their head is white with black ears and spots around the eyes. She conquered the whole world with her appearance. One day in 1869, a traveler, zoologist Armand David, brought from China to the Museum of Natural History, located in Paris, a skin unusual beast similar to a bear. He bought it from the inhabitants of Sichuan province, who told him that it belongs to a real animal "bei - shungu" (in translation - a white mountain bear) living in the mountains. Looking at this amazing skin, everyone had the impression that in front of them lay two skillfully sewn pieces different color. Scientists have not been able to find traces of gluing and sewing. There was even a version that the skin was simply painted.

Later, the traveler managed to buy the killed Bei Shung from the hunters and send it to Paris for research. After studying the structure and lifestyle of this beast, it was originally called a bamboo bear. In length, pandas reach from 1.2 to 1.8 meters. Their weight does not exceed 160 kg. Males are always larger than females. Their body is massive, claws are sharp. They are distinguished from all mammalian pandas by the presence of six toes on their paws. Actually the sixth thumb can't be called a finger. It's just an enlarged sesamoid bone. In other bears, it is very small. Thanks to this developed “finger”, pandas can hold onto bamboo. Pandas are considered the closest relative spectacled bear living in South America.


Pandas live alone. Only during the mating season do they gather in pairs for the joint upbringing of children. This type of bear is found in impenetrable bamboo forests. Bamboo is both a hiding place and food for bears. Although pandas are carnivores, they feed mainly on bamboo, which makes up 99% of the panda's diet. On the day she spends 14 hours on food and eats up to 30 kg of food. But in rare cases, they feed on small animals, birds, eggs. These animals do not hibernate. Only in extreme cases, if there is a lot of snow, they can fall asleep for a while. Bears in captivity can live up to 30 years.

Giant panda video:


Giant pandas reach maturity no earlier than four years, and some even later, for example, by eight years. They mate only in spring. The female gives birth every two years. The duration of pregnancy is from 95-160 days. Usually one or two bear cubs are born (rarely three), weighing up to 130 grams. But no matter how many babies are born, the mother will raise only one, leaving the second to certain death. If the babies are born in captivity, then the zookeepers change their places, so both babies receive maternal care. The cubs stay with their mother until they are three years old.

Before telling where the panda lives, you need to immediately mention that there are 2 completely different animals with that name. The first is the giant panda, which belongs to one of the bear families, lives in China. The second - the small panda, belongs to the marten-like. You can meet her in China, India, Bhutan and Myanmar.

Where does the giant panda live?

Would you like to see a giant panda in its natural habitat? Then go to the mountainous regions of China. Bears living in the Sichuan region have the usual black and white color. Those found in Tibet are considerably smaller than their neighbors and have brown and white coats. Small populations of pandas are found in the Chinese provinces of Shanxi and Gansu.

All of them live high in the mountains, so to see them, a person needs to overcome not only a long, but also a difficult path. And for those who do not want to bother themselves, the bears will be shown in Chengdu, where the center is located, which breeds and studies these animals.

In the center of Chengdu is open national park, which daily receives hundreds of tourists from all over the world. Here they tried to recreate for pandas all the conditions necessary for a comfortable stay. For a normal existence, a pair of adult pandas needs about 3,000 hectares of bamboo thickets. Therefore, in 1998, the government of the country decided to ban the cutting down of bamboo forests.

You can meet giant pandas in zoos around the world.

Where does the red panda live

If we talk about the small panda, then today these animals are listed in the Red Book, as they are under the threat of complete extinction. Most of these animals live in the Himalayas. In China and Myanmar, where the panda lives, you can find the subspecies of Stayan, and in Nepal and Bhutan, the western red panda is found.

This type of animal is called a taxonomic mystery, since outwardly, it looks like a striped raccoon, although it has all the habits of a bear. Red pandas live mainly in coniferous or deciduous forests. For food, as well as for gathering, the red panda uses bamboo shoots.

Despite the prohibition of the authorities, the hunt for these animals is still ongoing, in order to obtain fur.

How long do pandas live

In its natural habitat, the giant panda is able to live 20 years, and in captivity, their life expectancy does not exceed 14 years. By different estimates, at the beginning of the 21st century, no more than 1000 individuals of such bears remained in the wild.

As for the small panda, in nature it can live no more than 10 years, while in humans, a bear can live up to 14 years. How many of them live in nature, scientists could not calculate. And there are about 300 bears in zoos around the world.

These animals have a number of features, which is why scientists like to study them so much and reveal interesting facts from their lives:

  1. It turns out that all the time of wakefulness, the panda eats all the time, and this is about 13 hours a day.
  2. Due to the fact that the panda chews all the time, it manages to process a huge amount of food during the day. However, her body absorbs only 17% of total eaten.
  3. There is an opinion that they eat only bamboo. However, this is not quite true. In the absence of their favorite treat, they can easily eat grass, roots, tree bark, various root crops and mushrooms. A delicacy for them is the honey of wild bees, which they can get by climbing trees. Extremely rarely, they can catch fish or attack small mammals.
  4. The female panda reaches sexual maturity at 5, sometimes 8 years. Their pregnancy lasts 95-160 days, after which 1 or 2 babies are born. If two are born, then the second one always dies, since the bear will take care exclusively of her firstborn.

Probably, there is no such animal for which it was easy to win the hearts of many people so quickly. In appearance, soft, clumsy and associated with comfort, panda animal for a long time misled many scientists.

In their appearance, they are very similar, the difference between them is only in the structure of the teeth and the presence of a rather long tail. Until recently, this beast was considered large.

But ordinary peasants from China, who have been eyeing pandas for a long time, still managed to convince the world that they are like bears. They really look like cubs with a black and white color, which is very difficult to confuse with someone else.

A white head, with black circles around the eyes, black sleeves and a collar, black ears and a black tail play the role of disguise, and maybe patronage. Despite the massiveness of the body, the limbs of the panda are small.

This is the most secretive animal that leads a reclusive lifestyle, so it is the least studied, and what animal is panda no one can say for sure. Breeding in captivity is rare. Now this animal is listed in the Red. In China, the panda is a national treasure.

Features and habitat of the panda

Bamboo forests, dense thickets in China, the lands of the islands of Kalimantan and Indonesia attract pandas because these places are suitable for recluses and in such places there are no problems with food.

In winter, the panda can sometimes fall asleep, but most often behaves as it does at other times of the year. Sometimes, with luck, this wonderful animal can be seen in the zoo, but this does not often happen because buy a panda animal not so easy.

According to unofficial data panda price animal costs about $10,000. But in order to take her out of the country, it is necessary to draw up a lot of documents, otherwise she faces a prison sentence of five years or more.

The nature and lifestyle of the panda

The panda is considered to be a painfully lazy bear. Lazy even to such an extent that she is too lazy to breed. From this, their birth rate decreases, and the population decreases accordingly. Chinese animal lovers are trying to solve this issue in order to establish breeding pandas in captivity and they have it in recent times gets a little.

These animals prefer solitude. In the wild, pandas are rarely found in pairs. Only during mating season they pair to prolong their kind.

But it often happens that a male panda simply does not find his female due to the fact that bamboo forests are cut down, and their mating season lasts only three days. The result is deplorable - every year there are fewer and fewer pandas.

Little is known about how these animals behave in the wild due to their reclusive lifestyle. Their life expectancy in captivity is about 25-30 years. Animal red panda is a relative of the common panda. Nepal, India, China are the countries in which they mainly live. Animals differ in color and size.

Pictured is a red panda

Red-black in color and slightly smaller. A little more of a cat with a fiery color, this animal attracts Special attention. Bamboo forests with temperate climate- this is what red pandas prefer.

They prefer to lead night image life, and during the day, curled up, and covering themselves with their tails, they sleep in their hollow. On the ground, both animals move with difficulty, but in search of food and, having heard the danger, they move very quickly through the trees. Animals in a state of calm are characterized by sounds reminiscent of the chirping of birds.

panda animal photo involuntarily makes a person smile, to such an extent this is a sweet and gentle creature. Photos with them are cheerful and realistic.


Pandas spend more than 13 hours a day looking for food. This animal feeds mainly on young bamboo shoots, but if they are not available, it does not refuse its old stems. The average panda can eat about 25 kg of bamboo per day.

Thanks to her strong and powerful teeth, she can handle hard bamboo. It's not very high-calorie product food, so the panda has to chew it almost constantly. For a long time everyone believed that bamboo was the only food of this animal.

But later they began to notice bones in the stomachs of dead pandas. It was concluded that the panda is a predator, sometimes it can even eat carrion. There are cases when there are specific problems with food, the animal eats vines, bark, leaves, tree stems, and also some plant roots. panda animal world few understand. They do not let anyone into their small little world, hide it from prying eyes and lead a reclusive life.

Reproduction and lifespan

After the mating season, one or two small, blind and completely helpless panda cubs are born. Only after a month their eyes open and the animal can see.

21 days after his birth, the baby gradually acquires a woolen cover, finally, his color becomes very similar to his relatives. His weight is very tiny - an average of 180 grams.

Closer to two months, the baby already weighs 4 kilograms, while the weight of an adult animal ranges from 17 to 160 kg. Literally before giving birth, the female panda begins to seriously engage in the construction of a hollow.

Of the two babies, most often one survives and stays with his mother for a year, due to his helplessness. To great joy animal red panda breeds well in captivity and live approximately 25-30 years.

In the photo panda

The specific lifespan of a panda in nature is unknown. Scientists say that it does not exceed the life expectancy of a panda in captivity and is estimated at about 20 years.

Giant panda animal interesting and not quite ordinary, which has its own character and prudence. Panda is very sedate and noble. Therefore, for the Chinese, it is sacred symbol countries.

Looking at her, one gets the impression that all the secrets of the world are known to her, the panda behaves so arrogantly, calmly and with dignity. With its beauty and originality, this animal attracts many people. You can admire them endlessly and with tenderness.

The panda is currently on the verge of extinction. People need to make every effort to create conditions so that this does not happen. We must not allow this kind and intelligent animal to disappear from the face of the earth.

They need life in their environment and reproduction without outside interference. Therefore, it is necessary to specifically address the issue of the state of bamboo forests, otherwise it may be too late.

The giant panda or bamboo bear is a species of mammal that belongs to the bear family. This is an ancient and valuable animal, which is a symbol of China. He is so loved and revered there that they put him under the protection of the law. Killing an animal is punishable by death. It is difficult to confuse him with anyone, thanks to the characteristic black and white color. Mountainous territories of the Republic of China: Tibet and Sichuan - natural area where pandas live. Prefers to live in mixed coniferous forests where there is bamboo.

Giant panda: description, characteristics

Pandas are two Asian predatory species that are similar in appearance and lifestyle, but belonging to different families. Despite the identity of the bear, the panda has long been considered a raccoon representative.

Appearance description

Bear has fairly large body, with an average weight of 70–120 kg and a height of up to 1.5 m. Males are approximately 10% larger than females. Their body is voluminous, with a thick fur cover. The tail, unlike a bear, is long. The paws are short and massive, with small feet. When walking, he completely does not step on his hind legs. To facilitate the grip of bamboo, there are leathery pads between the fingers. The molars are flatter and wider, which makes it possible to grind bamboo stalks.

The head, though large, is in proportion to the body. The muzzle is blunt, on top big ears. stand out standard black color on a white background: glasses around the eyes, marks on the paws, shoulders and ears. The seeming calmness of the bear is deceptive. With its sharp claws, it can cause significant damage to the enemy. characteristic feature, is a protruding thumb on the paws.

Where pandas live and characteristic behavior

AT nature, pandas have limited distribution area - moist forests southern and central China. The approximate area of ​​\u200b\u200bpopulation of the mainland is 30 thousand square meters. km. These are rather secluded individuals that do not encroach on the territory of their fellows. Everyone marks their possessions, leaving scratches on tree bark. They are excellent tree climbers and swimmers, but prefer to live on the ground.

They are most active at night. During the day, they lie in hollows or rocky crevices, where they stay in deep hibernation.

There are a number interesting facts related to lifestyle:

Bears seem to be very silent, but they make unusual sounds when communicating. It resembles the bleating of goats. When irritated or angry, they growl or hum threateningly. Champing speaks of the alert state of the bear, it is better not to approach him. Puppies can squeak and squeal.

Giant panda breeding

With the onset of the breeding season, females are sharply activated. To attract males, they emit a specific smell. According to scientific observations, it is precisely this behavior that is characteristic of sexually inclined individuals. Male representatives begin to compete for the championship, trying to win back the bear they like.

The mating season lasts from March to May. The estrus lasts 2-4 days, when the former vigor in females disappears. They become too restless, lose their appetite. After mating, pregnancy occurs, lasting about 5-6 weeks. Cubs are born in late summer or autumn. Babies appear blind and defenseless, with light fluff. The weight of each varies between 50-160 gr.

Mother Bear takes care of her babies. Helps them get into a comfortable position for sucking milk. Up to 15 times a day, newborns are applied to the nipples. The duration of each feeding is at least 30 minutes. At 3 weeks of age, they can already open their eyes, and at 3-4 months they begin to move independently. The cubs stay with their mother for up to 18 months., and weaned from milk at 45-46 weeks.

It should be noted that pandas do not breed well in captivity. Most often, twins are born. Of these, the female chooses the strongest, and cares for him. The second one usually dies.

What do giant pandas eat

The very name "bamboo bear" speaks for itself. These animals are considered carnivores, although their main diet is vegetable. They have adapted to use order 30 varieties of bamboo trees. Roots, young shoots, even old stems are eaten. With their strong jaws they grind hard sections of wood.

Their digestive system is fully tuned to the digestion of such raw materials. The esophagus and stomach are covered with a mucous membrane that prevents injury from chips. Since the vegetation is poorly absorbed, the bears have to eat up to 15-18 kg per day. Yes, they can support their vitality. All the time they are awake, about 10-12 hours a day, they constantly chew.

A meager diet does not allow giant pandas to store energy for a long time. This causes a limited perimeter where they can live. Just not enough strength for long transitions. Sometimes pandas taste:

Water is taken mainly from bamboo stalks. Every day they go down to the reservoirs, and there they absorb the volume they lack.

With artificial content their nutritious menu is more varied: sugar cane, rice porridge, fruits, protein biscuit, apples, carrots, potatoes.

To date average term the life of pandas is 25–30 years. As soon as the world learned about such outlandish bears, the number of poaching raids increased. The skins of these valuable animals are constantly hunted. Despite the severe punishment for killing pandas, the high cost of prey is overpowering. In zoos, this is one of the most popular specimens, always attracting attention.

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