Are there saltwater crocodiles? The saltwater crocodile is a man-eating predator. Do crocodiles have enemies?

to my younger brother I really like crocodiles. All his books are about crocodiles, things have crocodiles painted on them, and among his toys there are solid rubber and plastic green reptiles. It is he who initiates me from time to time into the intricacies of crocodile life.

Where does the scary crocodile live?

They call the crocodile scary for a reason. If his huge mouth with sharp teeth slams, it won’t show much. In Australia People die every year from clashes with crocodiles, because crocodiles sometimes swim from their freshwater bodies in salty resort seas . Especially it concerns Nile and African crocodiles. Therefore, when going to the sea in the following countries, you need to be afraid not only of sharks, but also of crocodiles:

The largest concentration of adults is observed in swamps and rivers.

Australian saltwater crocodile

This reptile deserves special attention because all crocodiles are dangerous, but saltwater crocodiles especially. Their species is the largest coastal predator - about 7 m long and weighing about 2 tons. They are found V warm waters the following countries:

  • India;
  • Indonesia;
  • Philippines;
  • Australia.

Crocodiles are not particularly picky when it comes to food. They may not eat for months. But if they go hunting, then for large animals: antelopes, gazelles, monkeys, snakes and so on. They can also catch smaller animals, but due to their size and slowness, this is unprofitable for them. It takes a lot of time to hunt, but in the end there is little food.

But the diet of young and newborn crocodiles very different from the diet of adults. Young animals prefer the following:

  • small fish and frogs;
  • crustaceans, crabs and mollusks;
  • water birds;
  • lizards

Do crocodiles have enemies?

Crocodiles are standing on top the food chain , and they have no enemies in nature. On average, crocodiles live 70 years. But not everyone survives to a natural death. Because the crocodile is a valuable trophy for man and his beauty needs. From crocodile skin they make bags, belts, boots.

People also catch crocodiles for food. His meat is considered an exquisite delicacy. I don't know if I could eat boiled crocodile...

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I can’t say that I’m a big thrill-seeker, but I learned about one place that I wanted to visit. In Australia Darwin has a crocodile park called Crocosaurus Cove. And in this park there is an “entertainment” called “Cage of Death”. A small cage made of durable glass is lowered into a special large aquarium where they swim freely huge crocodiles. The entertainment lies in the fact that a person is in this cage, and from a distance of a couple of tens of centimeters from himself he watches the predators clicking their mouths. Sounds tempting. Is it true?

Where do crocodiles live?

Crocodiles love warmth, humidity, ponds and tropical climate. Accordingly, the main habitats of crocodiles are:

Now, before traveling to the sea, the first thing I will do is to study the possible presence of crocodiles. Because crocodiles do not always live in fresh water bodies. There are species of crocodiles that thrive in salt water, such are the combed and sharp-snouted crocodiles.

Saltwater crocodile the largest in the world, up to 7 meters in length and up to 2 tons in weight, the most dangerous predator. It lives in rivers that flow into the sea, and can swim into the sea itself, hunting there, among other things, for dolphins and white sharks.

Crocodile farms

Crocodiles are valued not only in Australia. And in Thailand, there are quite a lot of crocodile farms, where predators are raised specifically for preparing dishes from crocodile meat (it is considered especially tasty meat of a Nile crocodile, and an adult one at that), and for the manufacture of various products from crocodile skin, which are very expensive.

Crocodiles and their smaller dinosaur brothers

Crocodiles are the most ancient predators on the planet.

They relatives, so to speak, of dinosaurs. At the same time, they lived in those times when dinosaurs, and according to some scientists, despite family ties We could eat each other a little. More precisely, it was crocodiles that more often hunted dinosaurs, and not vice versa.

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My first such close acquaintance with cold-blooded animals happened in Thailand, in tourist city Pattaya. It was in this city that I visited a crocodile farm. In addition to meeting the animals, I also went to their show program. It turns out to be “toothy” trainable and can carry out a wide variety of commands from their trainers.

Where do crocodiles live?

If speak about Thailand, then representatives aquatic fauna can be found on wetlands of rivers and lakes on the mainland of the country. Average age The reptiles here are 100 years old. As for their size, they grow throughout their lives. Imagine every year after floods, hundreds of crocodiles are thrown out of their usual habitats. After which the “crushers” go on a “free” swim. Therefore, after the floods, you should know that crocodiles can be found anywhere. But it is not at all necessary to go to swampy rivers to get acquainted with crocodiles, and all because you can see crocodiles on special farms. The crocodile farm in Pattaya is located within the city. I went to the farm on an excursion program, which, by the way, was free. The territory where crocodiles live is more like a park, in which, in addition to crocodiles, you can see beautiful garden trees, incredibly beautiful ancient stones, pools with fish and even enclosures with other animals. Crocodiles live in lakes fenced with a metal enclosure. What crocodiles can be seen in the territory:

  • combed;
  • Siamese;
  • gavial.

By the way, the last type of reptile does not pose a threat to humans. Also, it is in this country that it is forbidden to sell bags, wallets, key rings made from the skin of this crocodile... Yes, I almost forgot, crocodiles on this farm, for a fee, Can feed the chicken. I recommend checking your reaction!!! The chicken is tied to a rope and you need to try to tease the “toothy one”. Make him click his teeth for the first, and maybe even the second time, before he has time to eat the chicken. Adrenaline, emotions just go through the roof!!!

Character of a crocodile

It turns out that crocodiles are very smart animals. They cannot be called a thoughtless colossus, in whose head the goal is to kill and eat. Main character traits:

  • pliable;
  • communicable;
  • emotional;
  • extrovert.

Besides, crocodilesknow how to trust. Naturally, not to everyone passing by, but, for example, to your trainer. A person who loves an animal and treats it with respect.

What irritates the psyche of crocodiles

Reptiles, it turns out, do not tolerate foreign odors well. Therefore, before each entry into a room with crocodiles, the trainer must pour water on yourself. Otherwise, you can become lunch or dinner for the animal.

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I've always been both frightened and captivated modern dinosaurs- crocodiles. These animals outlived their ancient ancestors and perfectly adapted to modern conditions. Luckily, I can only meet a crocodile at the zoo or on TV. But there are places where people and crocodiles are forced to coexist side by side.

Where can you find a crocodile

Crocodiles can be found in all tropical regions of Africa, America, Asia and Australia. They are not available only in Europe. They live in fresh water bodies, but there are some species, such as the saltwater crocodile, that are great carry salt water . All modern crocodiles spend most of their lives in water. But Olay eggs They on the land. This is due to the fact that ancient crocodiles lived on land and only after some time began to live in water. These aquatic reptiles are divided into three families:

  • real crocodiles;
  • alligators;
  • gharials.

Each of the crocodile families is further divided into separate species. There are 23 of them in total.

Survive at any cost

After the extinction of dinosaurs there were no crocodiles left natural enemies . Lions, tigers, bears and others land predators had a slightly different habitat, so they could not exterminate them. Crocodiles lived in the tropics and subtropics for millions of years, and their appearance remained unchanged. The only onetheir enemym became whatcatcher. He kills crocodiles not only out of fear, but because of the durable leather from which handbags, shoes and other leather goods are made.

All families of crocodiles differ from each other in body structure, muzzle and teeth. But their body is not perfect. Crocodile will not be able to survive in cold climates and in cool water. He is not able to regulate his body temperature, so he maintains it by immersing himself in water or basking in the warm sun.

Crocodiles - reservoir orderlies where they live. They cleanse them of weak and sick animals, and also destroy corpses. The crocodile grows all its life, and he may live to see100 years. These reptiles swim at a speed of 40 km/hour. They run even slower - 11 km/hour. But they can jump out of the water as much as 2 meters.

The crocodile's jaws close with tremendous force. But if you tie the jaw with ordinary tape, he will not be able to open the jaw. A crocodile changes its teeth up to 100 times during its life. The world's largest crocodile can be found in India and the Fiji Islands. Its length reaches 7 meters. This saltwater crocodile.

The most highly organized reptiles - this title (due to complex anatomy and physiology) is held by modern crocodiles, whose nervous, respiratory and circulatory system have no equal.

Description of the crocodile

The name goes back to the ancient Greek language. “Pebble worm” (κρόκη δεῖλος) - the reptile received this name due to the similarity of its dense scales to coastal pebbles. Crocodiles, oddly enough, are considered not only close relatives of dinosaurs, but also of all living birds. The order Crocodilia now consists of true crocodiles, alligators (including caimans) and gharials. Real crocodiles have a V-shaped snout, while they have a blunt, U-shaped snout.


The dimensions of the representatives of the detachment vary significantly. Thus, a blunt-nosed crocodile rarely grows more than one and a half meters, but some individuals of saltwater crocodiles grow up to 7 meters or more. Crocodiles have an elongated, somewhat flattened body and big head with an elongated muzzle, set on a short neck. The eyes and nostrils are located on the top of the head, due to which the reptile breathes and sees well when the body is immersed in water. In addition, the crocodile can hold its breath and sits under water for 2 hours without rising to the surface. It is recognized, despite its small brain volume, as the most intelligent among reptiles.

This is interesting! This cold-blooded reptile has learned to warm up its blood through muscle tension. Muscles engaged in work raise the temperature so that the body becomes warmer environment by 5-7 degrees.

Unlike other reptiles, whose body is covered with scales (small or larger), the crocodile acquired horny scutes, the shape and size of which create an individual pattern. In most species, the scutes are reinforced with bony plates (subcutaneous) that fuse with the bones of the skull. As a result, the crocodile acquires armor that can withstand any external attacks.

The impressive tail, noticeably flattened on the right and left, serves (depending on the circumstances) as an engine, steering wheel and even a thermostat. The crocodile has short limbs that are “attached” to the sides (unlike most animals, whose legs are usually located under the body). This feature is reflected in the crocodile's gait when it is forced to travel on dry land.

The color is dominated by camouflage shades - black, dark olive, dirty brown or gray. Sometimes albinos are born, but such individuals wildlife don't survive.

Character and lifestyle

Disputes about the time of appearance of crocodiles are still going on. Someone's talking about Cretaceous period(83.5 million years), others call twice a larger number(150–200 million years ago). The evolution of reptiles consisted of the development of predatory tendencies and adaptation to an aquatic lifestyle.

Herpetologists are confident that crocodiles have been preserved almost in their original form by their adherence to fresh water bodies, which have hardly changed over the millions of years that have passed. Most reptiles lie in cool water for days, crawling out to the shallows in the morning and in the late afternoon to bask under sun rays. Sometimes they give themselves over to the waves and drift limply with the flow.

On the shore, crocodiles often freeze with their mouths open, which is explained by the heat transfer of droplets evaporating from the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Crocodile immobility is similar to torpor: it is not surprising that turtles and birds climb onto these “thick logs” without fear.

This is interesting! As soon as the prey is nearby, the crocodile throws its body forward with a powerful swing of its tail and firmly grabs it with its jaws. If the victim is large enough, neighboring crocodiles also gather for a meal.

On the shore, the animals are slow and clumsy, which does not prevent them from periodically migrating several kilometers from their native body of water. If no one is in a hurry, the crocodile crawls, gracefully wagging its body from side to side and spreading its paws. Accelerating, the reptile puts its legs under its body, lifting it above the ground. The speed record belongs to young Nile crocodiles, galloping up to 12 km per hour.

How long do crocodiles live?

Thanks to their slow metabolism and excellent adaptive qualities, some species of crocodiles live up to 80–120 years. Many do not live to a natural end because of the man who kills them for meat (Indochina) and fine leather.

True, crocodiles themselves are not always humane towards people. Saltwater crocodiles are characterized by increased bloodthirstiness; in some areas they are considered dangerous Nile crocodiles, but fish-eating narrow-snouted and small blunt-snouted crocodiles are considered completely harmless.

Species of crocodiles

To date, 25 species of modern crocodiles have been described, grouped into 8 genera and 3 families. The order Crocodilia includes the following families:

  • Crocodylidae (15 species of true crocodiles);
  • Alligatoridae (8 alligator species);
  • Gavialidae (2 gavial species).

Some herpetologists count 24 species, others mention 28 species.

Range, habitats

Crocodiles are found everywhere, with the exception of Europe and Antarctica, preferring (like all heat-loving animals) the tropics and subtropics. Most have adapted to life in fresh water and only a few (African narrow-snouted, Nile and American sharp-snouted crocodiles) tolerate brackish water, inhabiting river estuaries. Almost everyone, except the saltwater crocodile, loves rivers with slow flow and small lakes.

Diet of crocodiles

Crocodiles hunt alone, but some species are able to cooperate to capture prey, capturing it in a ring.

Adult reptiles attack large animals that come to drink, such as:

  • rhinoceroses;
  • buffalos;
  • hippos;
  • (teenagers).

All living animals are inferior to the crocodile in bite force, supported by a cunning dental formula in which small teeth lower jaw correspond to large upper ones. When the mouth is slammed shut, it is no longer possible to escape from it, but the death grip also has reverse side: the crocodile is deprived of the ability to chew its prey, so it swallows it whole or tears it into pieces. They help him in cutting up the carcass rotational movements(around its axis), designed to “unscrew” a piece of clamped pulp.

This is interesting! At one time, a crocodile eats a volume equal to approximately 23% of its mass. own body. If a person (weighing 80 kg) dined like a crocodile, he would have to swallow approximately 18.5 kg.

The components of the food change as it grows, and only fish remains its constant gastronomic attachment. When young, reptiles eat all kinds of invertebrates, including worms, insects, mollusks and crustaceans. Growing up, they switch to amphibians, birds and reptiles. Many species have been observed to engage in cannibalism - mature individuals eat young ones without a twinge of conscience. Crocodiles do not disdain carrion, hiding fragments of carcasses and returning to them when they are rotten.

Reproduction and offspring

Males are polygamous and during the breeding season they fiercely defend their territory from the invasion of competitors. Having met nose to nose, the crocodiles engage in fierce fights.

Incubation period

Females, depending on the variety, lay clutches in the shallows (covering them with sand) or bury their eggs in the soil, covering them with earth mixed with grass and leaves. In shady areas, the holes are usually shallow; in sunny areas they reach half a meter deep. The size and type of female influence the number of eggs laid (from 10 to 100). The egg, reminiscent of a chicken or goose, is packed in a dense lime shell.

The female tries not to leave the clutch, protecting it from predators, and therefore often remains hungry. The incubation period is directly related to the ambient temperature, but does not exceed 2–3 months. Fluctuations in the temperature background also determine the sex of newborn reptiles: at 31–32 °C males appear, at lower or, conversely, high levels, females appear. All babies hatch at the same time.


Trying to get out of the egg, newborns squeak, giving a signal to their mother. She crawls to the squeak and helps those who are stuck get rid of the shell: to do this, she takes the egg in her teeth and gently rolls it in her mouth. If necessary, the female also digs up the clutch, helps the brood get out, and then transfers it to the nearest body of water (although many get to the water on their own).

This is interesting! Not all crocodiles are inclined to care for their offspring - false gharials do not guard their clutches and are not at all interested in the fate of the cubs.

The toothy reptile manages not to injure delicate skin newborns, facilitated by baroreceptors located in its mouth. It's funny, but in the heat of parental care, the female often grabs and drags to the water the hatched turtles, whose nests are located near the crocodiles. This is how some turtles ensure the safety of their clutches.

Growing up

At first, the mother reacts sensitively to the baby's squeak, fending off the children from all ill-wishers. But after a couple of days, the brood breaks off contact with the mother, dispersing to different corners of the reservoir. The life of crocodiles is filled with dangers coming not so much from foreign carnivores, but from adult representatives of their native species. Fleeing from relatives, young animals take refuge in river thickets for months and even years.

But even these preventive measures do not protect young reptiles, 80% of which die in the first years of life. The only saving factor can be considered a rapid increase in growth: in the first 2 years it almost triples. Crocodiles are ready to reproduce their own kind no earlier than 8–10 years.

Natural enemies

Camouflage coloring, sharp teeth and keratinized skin do not save crocodiles from enemies. The smaller the species, the more real the danger. Lions have learned to lie in wait for reptiles on land, where they are deprived of their usual maneuverability, and hippos get them right in the water, biting the unfortunate ones in half.


IN South America small crocodiles are often targeted by and.

Crocodiles are reptiles that have lived on Earth for about 250 million years. Crocodiles are extremely dangerous predators up to five and a half meters long. They pose a serious danger to most living creatures that find themselves in close proximity to them. The ancestors of modern crocodiles lived on land, but all modern representatives This order leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle.

Where do crocodiles live?

You can meet a crocodile in almost all tropical countries. They live in both freshwater bodies and salty coastal waters. They spend most of the day in the water. They usually hunt at night.

In particular, crocodiles are widespread in Africa, tropical regions of South, Central and North America, northern Australia, Bali, Guatemala, the Philippine Islands and Japan.

Some species sometimes swim far out to sea and can be found as far as 600 km from the coast.

Despite the fact that crocodiles usually live in water or near bodies of water, they can also be seen at a considerable distance from the water. Sometimes they travel on foot from one body of water to another, usually due to climate change or natural conditions. Some species may undergo seasonal migrations.

They can live in both sandy and wooded areas. They are also found among thickets of bushes and buried in silt.

How cold-blooded they use external environment for thermoregulation of the body. They cannot tolerate temperatures below 20 and above 38 degrees Celsius. In this regard, in unfavorable conditions They can dig nests and hibernate for long periods of time.

Most people answer the question - Are there saltwater crocodiles? will answer negatively. However, such an animal exists and is quite widespread. He is considered freshwater reptile and it belongs to the order crocodiles.


This is the most large predator of all existing on earth. Belongs to the family of true reptiles.

These animals live in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia on the island of Bali. There are still peoples who consider these reptiles their deity. Huge size, the power and mercilessness of this animal has always evoked superstitious fear in humans.

The giant predator is revered in some provinces of India. There is even a pond in Pakistan where sacred reptiles live. It can live in both salt and fresh water. Favorite places Habitats: lower reaches of rivers, ponds and swamps. In Australia, crocodiles are often found in the coastal waters of the northern coast.

The saltwater crocodile (saltwater crocodile) is the most powerful, large, formidable and ruthless representative of the genus of true crocodiles of the crocodile family.

He feels so at ease in both river and sea waters that he can even drive away a shark. This predator lives in territories washed by the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Habitat: eastern India, central Vietnam and the coast of southeastern Asia. His original places of residence are Indonesia and New Guinea.

Largest quantity individuals of this species live in northern Australia. The saltwater crocodile is an excellent swimmer and is found even in the Philippines and Japan. Crocodiles were a separate population Seychelles, but now they are all exterminated.

Appearance of a saltwater crocodile

The predator owes its name to two ridges located on its muzzle. They consist of skin bumps and go from the eyes to the very end of the muzzle. Only adult individuals have combs; young animals do not have them. These animals are born weighing 70 grams and with a body length of 25-30 cm. At the age of one year, saltwater crocodiles already weigh 2.5 kg, and their body length is about 1 meter.

Males become sexually mature when their body reaches a length of 3 meters. For females this figure is 2.2 meters.

An adult male has a body length of 4 to 5.5 meters, weight ranges from 400 to 1000 kg. Some individuals reach 6 meters in length and weigh more than one ton.

The saltwater crocodile is a very large predator.

The dimensions of females are significantly smaller. Their body length varies from 2.5 to 3.5 meters, and their weight is 400-450 kg. The largest saltwater crocodile was shot in the Philippine Islands in 2011. Its length was 6.17 meters and it weighed 1075 kg.

This predator has a large head and strong jaws. Covered with scales consisting of oval scales. The body of young individuals is pale yellow. There are black spots on the tail and body. This coloring in crocodiles lasts until puberty, then the skin darkens.

Adults are greenish-gray in color and have light brown spots. Some crocodiles become very dark during puberty. The belly color varies from white to yellow. Tail gray. There are dark stripes on the lower part of the body, with the exception of the belly, and on the tail.

Behavior and nutrition

The saltwater crocodile prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. Each individual has its own habitat. Feels good in sea ​​water, but prefers fresh. In water it can move at speeds of up to 30 km/h, although it often swims at a speed of 3-5 km/h. This predator prefers to hunt early in the morning and late in the evening, at dusk.

Spends daytime resting. It settles in water or coastal thickets. It feeds on turtles, fish, rodents, snakes, monkeys, and large ungulates that come to the pond.

During the hunt, the crocodile hides in the water and waits for prey there. Then, quickly and unexpectedly pouncing, he knocks him down or grabs him with his jaws. The predator carries the prey underwater so that the victim drowns. Cases of saltwater crocodile attacks on humans have been recorded only in Australia. The predator attacks either near the shore or on the shore. According to statistics, this reptile kills two people a year, but this is only official data. There is an opinion that some cases are not registered and in fact there are many more victims.

Reproduction and lifespan

These reptiles breed during the rainy season. The saltwater crocodile is an oviparous animal. There can be from 30 to 90 eggs in a clutch, usually there are 50-60 of them. The nest is built close to water, on some hill. The female collects branches, dirt, leaves into a heap and buries the clutch there. The diameter of the resulting hill is approximately 1.6-1.8 meters, it reaches a height of 50 cm. The temperature in this heap is constantly maintained at approximately 32 degrees Celsius. The nest is built in the same place year after year.

The eggs lay in the clutch for 80 to 98 days, then the young hatch from them. They are all of the same sex, which depends on the temperature that was in the nest at incubation period. If the temperature was 31.5 degrees, then males are born, but if the temperature was a little higher or lower, then females are born.

The hatched cubs immediately give a voice when they hear their squeak, the female rakes the hill, opens the nest and helps the offspring get out of there. Then she, taking the small crocodiles in her teeth, takes them into the water. The female stays close to the offspring while they get used to aquatic environment. Young animals have very high rate mortality rate, only about 5% of the brood survives to adulthood.

The remaining cubs become victims of monitor lizards,

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