Gua number and directions by gua number. Eight types of fate and feng shui

In Feng Shui philosophy, it is believed that a person is born with his own type of destiny, and from him the type of energy associated with one or another geographical direction is determined - magnetic declination.

Fate type refers to the special energy associated with the date of birth, which is called the Gua number or personal trigram.

It is very important to know your personal trigram in order to correctly use the recommendations of the ancient knowledge of Feng Shui in practice.

The fact is that each Gua number has its own favorable and unfavorable directions and locations, and they should be taken into account when you choose a place to work, sleep or relax.

Even just knowing the favorable and unfavorable directions and sectors of space will significantly increase your level of luck!

Gua number and types of fate

There are eight Gua numbers in total, and they are divisible by two. large groups, which are also called types of fate - eastern and western. Each group has common favorable and unfavorable directions and locations.

Eastern group:

  • People with Kua number 1, 3, 4 and 9.
  • Favorable directions: north, south, east and southeast.

Western group:

  • People with Kua number 2, 6, 7 and 8.
  • Favorable directions: northwest, southwest, west and northeast.

To determine which group you belong to, you should calculate your Gua number.

How to calculate Gua number

The Gua number is calculated by date of birth, separately for men and women.

Please note that in the Chinese calendar the year begins in February.

Therefore, if you were born in January or early February, take into account the previous year when calculating.

Calculation of Gua number for men

  1. From the date of birth, take the last two digits and add them. If the result is a two-digit number, then you need to add its digits. If the result is a single digit number, then go to step 2.
  2. We subtract the resulting number from 10. This will be the Gua number for this man.

If it turns out in the end number 5, then this man's Gua there will be 2.

Let's look at an example.

1. Take the last two digits of the year of birth and add them:

The result of addition is a two-digit number, add its digits:

2. Subtract from 10 what we get:

In total, the Gua number for a man born in April 1973 will be 9.

If a man was born in January 1973, then 1972 would have to be used for calculations.

Note: if the calculation needs to be done for those born after 2000, then at the third stage we subtract from 9, not from 10.

Calculation of Gua number for women

The calculation algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Add the last two digits of your year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add the digits of the resulting number again. If the number is single digit, then proceed to step 2.
  2. Add 5 to the resulting number. If this results in a two-digit number, then add the digits of this number. This will be the Gua number of this woman.

If it works out in the end number 5, then this woman's Gua it will be 8.

Let's look at an example.

1. Add the last two digits of the year of birth:

The result is a two-digit number, so we add up its numbers:

2. Add 5 to the resulting number:

In total, the Gua number for a woman born in August 1973 will be 6.

If the woman was born in January 1973, then 1972 would have to be used for calculations.

Note: if the calculation were to be made for those born after 2000, then 6 would need to be added to the resulting number, not 5.

Gua numbers and favorable directions of space

For each Gua number there are directions of space that are favorable in a special way.

Sheng Qi- exactly this favorable direction, which brings success in all endeavors. Ideally, if this sector is located Entrance door.

Qian-Yi is a direction that is often called the Heavenly Doctor. The energy of this direction gives health and longevity.

Yan Nian- this is a direction that brings harmony in relationships and healthy offspring. Very well suited for placing a couple's bed.

Fu-Wei- this is a direction favorable for personal growth, the development of internal strength that contributes to social success.

I have collected all the information on Gua numbers and favorable directions for you in a table:

Gua Number Sheng-qi Qian-Yi Yan Nian Fu-Wei
1 southeast East south north
2 northeast west northwest southwest
3 south north southeast East
4 north south East southeast
5* Gua 5 does not exist. For a man - see Gua 2, for a woman - Gua 8
6 west northeast southwest northwest
7 northwest southwest northeast west
8 southwest northwest west northeast
9 East southeast north south

I wish you success and prosperity!

With respect and good luck,

Gua Number- This is a person’s personal feng shui. A competent calculation of the Gua number will allow you to specify the recommendations of ancient Chinese science for you personally.

To find out which side of the world and the corresponding zone in space are harmoniously in tune with you in terms of energy, you need calculate Gua number.

After reading the article, you will learn:

  • yours personal Gua number,
  • what is the practical benefit from this knowledge,
  • How effortlessly improve your life today.

Gua number is easy to calculate!

The good thing about Feng Shui is that it works. for a long time after application in practice, without requiring adjustments to actions.

For example, having found out your personal Gua number, you will determine the zone in the apartment that is most favorable for placing a bed. If necessary, rearrange the furniture once, and then you will sleep peacefully.

Before you start calculating your personal Gua number, you need to understand the difference between our culture and the Chinese one (Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching).

For several decades now in our culture New Year By Chinese calendar meet on January 1st. This year, on January 1, 2018, we celebrated the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog. But in China it's New Year Not tied to a specific date (January 1st)! Every year this date different.

Most often, the New Year on the Chinese calendar falls on February month. So, 2018 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog according to the Chinese calendar. February 16, 2018.

Why was this clarification necessary? So that you checked were you really born in that year according to the Chinese calendar, which you know as your year of birth.

If you were born during from January to mid-February any year, your year of birth - previous!

Look for your year of birth in the table below (Fig. 1). The date of its occurrence is written under the year. If born before this date, your year of birth is the previous one.

Example. Birthday: January 15, 1989. The year of birth according to the Chinese calendar is 1988, since 1989 came later - February 6, 1989.

Knowing exactly your year of birth is easy calculate Gua number:

Calculation of Gua number for men Calculation of Gua number for women
Procedure For men born before 2000 For men born With 2000 For women born before 2000 For women born With 2000
1 Add the last two digits of the year of birth
3 Subtract the resulting number from 10 Subtract the resulting number from 9 Add 5 to the resulting number Add 6 to the resulting number
4 If you get a two-digit number, add the numbers to get a single-digit number
  1. 9+0=9
  2. 10-9=1
  1. 0+6=6
  2. 9-6=3
  1. 8+8=16
  2. 1+6=7
  3. 7+5=12
  4. 1+2=3
  1. 1+6=7
  2. 7+6=13
  3. 1+3=4

Note. The Gua number cannot be equal to 0 or 5. If the calculation turns out to be 0 , your number 9 . If a woman gets a number 5 , its number 8 . If 5 for a man, his number is 2 .

Favorable Feng Shui zones for Gua number

Gua numbers are divided into two groups:

  1. Eastern - 1,3,4,9.
  2. Western - 2,6,7,8.

Knowing this, it is already possible to determine favorable cardinal directions for you:

Now more specifically in the most significant areas of life:

Directions improving life and zone name
Gua Group Gua Number

Success, money, fame, status (most favorable zone)

Sheng Qi

Health, vitality, activity


Love, marriage, family harmony

Yan Nian

Stability, development, thinking, career growth


Eastern 1 Southeast East South North
3 South North Southeast East
4 North South East Southeast
9 East Southeast North South
Western 2 Northeast West Northwest Southwest
6 West Northeast Southwest Northwest
7 Northwest Southwest Northeast West
8 Southwest Northwest West Northeast

Next step - find these cardinal directions in a space that is meaningful to you:

  • country,
  • locality,
  • home,
  • apartment,
  • office,
  • a separate room,
  • desktop,
  • piece of paper.

An octagon or octagon is traditionally used to distribute Feng Shui zones. Ba Gua grid(Fig. 2).

In addition to the Ba-Gua grid, to find the cardinal points in space, use compass, card or corresponding application on your phone.

If you apply the Ba Gua grid to a piece of paper, you will have the basis for creating a magical Feng Shui wish card! Feng Shui wish card for 2018. How to do it correctly?

How to improve your life by knowing your Gua number?

In addition to favorable areas in the premises there are unfavorable.

Directions deterioration life and zone name
Gua Group Gua Number

Obstacles, minor failures, problems

Serious conflicts, legal problems

Accidents, financial losses, thefts, fires, depression

Complete collapse (most unfavorable zone)

Eastern 1 West Northeast Northwest Southwest
3 Southwest Northwest Northeast West
4 Northeast West Southwest Northwest
9 Northeast West Southwest Northwest
Western 2 East Southeast South North
6 Southeast East North South
7 North South Southeast East
8 South North East Southeast

Knowing both favorable and unfavorable zones, feng shui specialists recommend:

Zone Actions
Desires, goals, dreams - everything you want
May all your endeavors be successful. Bring financial abundance into your life. Become status. Sheng Qi

Turn the desktop in this direction.

Ideally, if the door to the apartment faces this way.

Get healthier, heal, become more energetic, livelier, more active. Tien-I

Point the head of the bed towards this direction.

While eating, sit at the table with your face turned in this direction.

Ideally, if the door to the bedroom faces in this direction.

Find a life partner. Create harmonious family. Long years live in love with your spouse. Yan Nian Point the head of the bed towards this direction.

Grow as a person, develop. Climb the career ladder.

Improve your thinking area.

Fu-Wei Turn the desktop or area where you work in this direction.
Problems, difficulties - all the negativity
Minor difficulties, minor problems Ho-Hai Avoid the area.
Conflicts in the family and at work Liu-Sha

Avoid the area.

Remove the bed and/or desk from here.

Accidents, illness, lack of money, loss of property Wu Gui

Avoid the area.

The head of the bed should not face this direction.

Complete bad luck, misfortune Jue-Ming

Avoid the area at all costs!

Do not look in this direction when working at the table, do not lie in its direction with your head.

Worst place for a front door.

Without what does Feng Shui not work?

Feng Shui works even for those people who don’t believe in it. If you find it difficult to believe that a simple action - rearranging furniture - will help improve your life, do it at least for the sake of experiment.

Remember that any negative can be neutralized, minimized, partially compensated. If you cannot change the location of the front door in any way, then it is always within your power to correctly arrange the bed, table, and workplace.

Of course, feng shui will not work if in the house:

  • a lot of old things
  • mountains of unnecessary trash,
  • dirt, garbage,
  • full of items that no one uses,
  • dark, poor lighting,
  • smells bad
  • constant quarrels, scandals.

Start transforming your space liberating, cleansing, brightening his. Read “Cleansing the house before the New Year”. The article contains universal recommendations on how to properly clean your home.

It’s great when the Gua numbers of all household members or people working in the same room are match the groups. IN married couple The following combinations of Gua numbers are considered ideal:

  • 1 and 6 - rich pair;
  • 2 and 7 - joint happiness until old age;
  • 3 and 8 - real passion;
  • 4 and 9 - spouses-partners, famous, respected.

Remember that you and only you are your own inner state define happiness is all around. When you are harmonious, do not be surprised that even without knowing Feng Shui, everything in the house is arranged Right.

If something is wrong on the outside, analyze what internal problem this “something” reflects.

For example, in your zone of wealth there is a cup with a broken handle. Why do you keep it? What is it about you that doesn’t let her go? Fear that such a thing may not exist? Inability to let go? Habit of clinging to suffering?

You will be filled with gratitude because you will find a lot most interesting information V open access, if you visit the project of Natalia Shulgina, Doctor of Science in the field of Consciousness Science, Vedic astrologer, vastu expert.

Yours happiness in your hands! Just decide be happy and be!

It will help you to correctly attract favorable energy Qi into your life. gua number, calculate which is not at all difficult. How to do this, as well as how to use the information received and what each value means, this is what will be discussed in this publication.

feng shui gua number

First, a few words about what this mysterious meaning is; in fact, it is a kind of formula that allows you to harmoniously coordinate your personal Qi energy with the Qi of the entire space around us. It is this that the Chinese consider one of the most significant and effective formulas. Having information about the meaning of the Gua number, you can very easily determine the directions that are favorable and dangerous for you and, accordingly, properly arrange your life so that in most cases you are in your element. In addition, you will be able to predict events that are important to you in advance, decide to proceed certain days to new things or put them off for a while, because each of the directions has a certain impact on one of the qualities of your life - health, love, relationships, career, etc.

Gua number calculate online

How to find out your Gua number? This can be done in several ways, thanks to modern progress and popularization worldwide network On the Internet today, many thematic sites offer to find out your gua number online, To do this, you simply need to enter the requested data into the program (day, month, year of birth, and sometimes time - hours, minutes and hour), and literally in a few minutes necessary information will be displayed on the monitor screen.

It is also not so difficult to determine the required value using special tables, which are also very often found on Internet resources. One of the options for such a table is offered to you below; study it carefully and find out your numerical Feng Shui formula. Here you need to select your year of birth, as well as your gender, this is a fairly significant factor for some numbers.

Gua number calculation

It is not so difficult to calculate the required numerical value yourself, not only for yourself, but also for all members of your family, as well as relatives and friends. To complete the task correctly, three important points should be taken into account.

Firstly, we should take as a starting point not our usual calendar year, which traditionally begins on January 1, and the lunar Chinese. According to eastern calendar, each year begins on a different date between late January and early February. This point is especially important for those whose date of birth falls during this period; it is necessary to clarify what year it is designated - it coincides with our calendar year or is distorted according to the previous lunar year. Similar lunar calendars, like many others useful information you can easily find it on the net.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account that gua number for women and men it is performed in completely different ways.

Thirdly, for those born in the twenty-first century (after 2000), gua number for men and women, is calculated using a completely different method.

So, to find out the required numerical value, you should take the last two digits of your year of birth and sum them together, if after this you still get a two-digit result, repeat the addition until the answer is single-digit.

Example for women: year of birth 1975, 7+5 = 12, 1+2 = 3, 3+5 = 8.

Example for men: year of birth 1984, 8+4 = 12, 1+2 = 3, 10-3 = 7.

It should be noted that those born after 2000 should use the numbers 6 (for women) and 9 (for men) in the formula.

Also note that for men born in 1999, the gua number without any calculations will be equal to 1, and for 2000 - 9. For women born in 1999 - 5, and 2000 - 6

The values ​​determined by the methods described above are divided into two groups, the first eastern group includes 9,1,3 and 4, the second eastern group 2,8,7,5 and 6.

Its main element is water.

Owners of such meanings have a serious, cold, reasonable, independent, thoughtful, stubborn, focused personality, have good intuition, hard work, courage and the ability to stand up for themselves.

Such people easily adapt to any situation, they are very sociable, therefore they constantly strive for movements, movements and changes in life. They are interested in new acquaintances, places, establishing new business contacts, new knowledge, they want and can improve themselves.

They are able to quickly and correctly assess any current situation, they like to listen a lot, but speak little, so sometimes it is quite difficult to understand what is on their mind. They are capable of doing unexpected things, which often surprise others. They love solitude and tranquility.

Favorable directions are:

North - responsible for peace and stability;

South - provides love, longevity and romance;

East - health, harmonious attitude;

Southeast - respect and prosperity.

Its element is earth, which corresponds to .

Calm and conservative personalities correspond to similar values. They happily help others and easily sacrifice themselves. They are characterized by such qualities as observation, devotion, diligence, dependence, dedication and care for loved ones. Tenderness, caring attitude and altruism often help them achieve authority, selfless love and devotion. They create warmth and comfort in the house, often make compromises and do not like to quarrel. They are distinguished by reliability, responsibility and stability, love social activities and easily find mutual language in any team - it is these qualities that help them reach their heights in their careers.

Favorable directions.

Southwest - peace and stability;

North-West - longevity, love, romance;

West - health, harmonious relationships;

Northeast - respect, prosperity.

The main element is a large tree.

By nature, people whose Gua number is 3 are characterized by excessive mobility, they constantly violate established orders and even sometimes simply blow them up, causing everyone to worry and worry. They easily make simple and risky decisions without thinking about the consequences. They always have several productive ideas and creative solutions in stock for even the most complex problems. They value friendship and good relationships with people dear to them.

Favorable directions.

South - success;

North - health;

Southeast - love;

East - stability.

The element is a small tree corresponding to .

Those with this numerical value are not very decisive, but they are incredibly gentle, calm, and easily establish warm relationships with others and maintain them for a long time. Patience, attentiveness, and a gentle mind easily help them find the right way out of even the most difficult and seemingly insoluble situation. But indecision often deprives such people of the opportunity to get closer to their dreams. Therefore, they often prefer to work for others, giving their all, rather than try to create something of their own.

Favorable directions:

North - success in any endeavor;

South - good health;

East - love relationship and loyalty;

Southeast - stability in everything.

The main element of the element according to Feng Shui is large metal.

In their lives, such people take on too much responsibility and want to have a lot of power. They are given great creative power that can transform and change the world. They are smart, wise, but at the same time very hot-tempered; they have difficulty and misunderstanding of the mistakes and weaknesses of others; they demand from them the same thing that they themselves can give. They cannot stand other people's criticism, do not listen to outside advice, are very ambitious and are always determined only to win.

Favorable directions.

West - success;

Northeast - health and wellness;

Southwest - love and romantic relationships;

North-West - stability in business.

The element is a small metal.

These are very soft and affectionate people on the outside, but incredibly stubborn and strong on the inside. Their main properties are love of life, cheerfulness, openness, friendliness, and sincerity. Their behavior is always relaxed, unlimited, but at the same time does not cross generally acceptable boundaries. They talk a lot in their characteristic manner, are very witty and charming, which is how they win the affection of others. They are observant, thoughtful and keen intuition, they like to have a good time free time, and they treat spending money very easily and calmly, citing the fact that they came and went.

Favorable direction.

North-West - success;

Southwest - health;

Northeast - love and romance;

West - stability.

The main element is small land.

Such people have very strong will, they are quite independent and independent, they do not like to do something together unless it gives them a clear advantage. They are quite restless and suspicious of everything, which is why they often miss many opportunities. They like to lead a calm and secluded lifestyle, are not very sociable and are even slightly hidden. They do not want change and are very conservative. They are often seriously interested in collecting, they create albums and herbariums themselves, and they like to systematize and organize everything.

Favorable direction.

Southwest - success;

North-West - health;

West - love;

Northeast - stability.

The main element is fire.

Outwardly, such people look very strong, firm and stubborn, although in fact inside they are pliable and soft, sometimes even submissive. They have the inner strength of understanding and consciousness of any current situation, finding it the real essence and even have the gift of clairvoyance. They love everything expensive and often live beyond their means, have a large circle of influential friends and acquaintances, but few of them can say that they are well acquainted with the owners of gua number 9. They have good health and a stable psycho-emotional state, they know how to sympathize with their neighbors and always ready to help.

Favorable direction.

East - success in everything;

Southeast - good health and stable health;

North - love relationships;

South - complete stability in any business and endeavor.

Please note that among the numbers listed, we did not come across the number 5, the fact is that among all of them it is the center of Lo-Shu, it does not have its own trigram and, accordingly, its own direction. However, there is the following rule, which was established by Chinese sages through complex and lengthy calculations; it states that the resulting value of 5 for women will correspond to 8, and for men - 2.

The numerical values ​​of Gua according to Feng Shui in certain combinations can indicate the compatibility or incompatibility of a man and a woman. So, for example, values ​​1 and 6 indicate that this joint marriage will bring a lot of wealth. Spouses with numbers 2 and 7 are guaranteed a long and happy life living together, as well as harmonious relationships until old age. Those husband and wife who, after calculating their personal formulas, got 3 and 8 will never be bored next to each other, and a passionate relationship will accompany them throughout their lives. A married couple in which 4 and 9 connect will walk hand in hand through life, seeking joint recognition and fame.

In addition, it is believed that a partner can be chosen based on the characteristics of the group, in other words, the husband and wife must belong to the same group, this will make it much faster and easier to achieve a harmonious and warm relationship.

Now that you know what your Gua number is, you can competently and harmoniously arrange your life using the basics and rules of Feng Shui.

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Each person, depending on the time of his birth, experiences the influence of cosmic energies of different quality or, in other words, Elements.

People born in the same year have the same influence of cosmic energies.

People born in the same year, but in different months, receive support or opposition from both common and different energies.

Accordingly, people born on different days and at different times already have a completely individual pattern of influence of the Elements, which distinguishes each of us from each other in terms of the nature and influence of periods of success or failure in life.

In accordance with this, the influence of the Elements of a certain year for one person can be favorable, as they say, it will “blow in the back”, or, on the contrary, it will force one to “fight windmills”. The art of Feng Shui and Ba Tzu lies in giving a person a series of recommendations taking into account these individual characteristics.

One of the simplest and effective ways To improve the quality of your life, using Ehen Shui, is to choose directions and sectors of an apartment or house that are favorable for a person. This is easy to do if you know what the orientation and placement of doors or furniture in a particular direction or sector of the house means.

The mechanism is simple:

You determine your GUA number;

Find out which sectors and directions are favorable for you and which are not;

In accordance with this, arrange your bed, table, stove;

Take this into account when choosing or building your new home.

If you always use your favorable sectors and directions, then throughout your life you will receive the support of those Elements and energies that are useful for you.

People whose Gua number 2, 6, 7, 8 belong to the Western group West, South-West, North-West and North-East.

People whose Gua number 1, 3, 4, 9 belong to the Eastern group. Always good for them Southeast, East, South, North.

Now determine for yourself the degree of favorability or unfavorability of a particular direction or sector using the table.

Number of GUA


















The best sector. Success in any endeavor, good luck, prosperity










Healing sector. Ensures good health and quick recovery










Romance. Brings harmony to relationships of any kind










Personal development. Promotes success in work and career










Incidents. May cause minor troubles










May lead to disagreements and monetary losses










Failures. Can lead to serious problems in relationships, business, illness










So, now that you know your best and worst places in the house and directions, analyze which of them are oriented and in which sectors of the house are located:

Your front door (most important!),

Direction of the head of the bed,

Bedroom door

Where do you look when you sit at your dining table or desk?

And in which direction is the front side of the stove in your kitchen oriented if you are preparing food for the family. In this case, the favorable direction will be behind your back.

Using the same principle, it is analyzed whether this or that part of the house or apartment is suitable for you.

It is ideal when the rooms you frequently use are located in favorable sectors, and the entrance and furniture are oriented in the best directions.

If, for example, your number Gua 6, then it is undesirable to make a bedroom a room that is located in the North or South, since for you these sectors have negative meaning. It is good if the bedroom is located in the western part of the house and the head of the bed is oriented in one of the directions from +1 to +4.

However, to choose best place In a house, other indicators are also taken into account for a particular resident. In particular, Flying Stars and individual data on the Ba-Tzu map. There are techniques that are more difficult to understand and study, which are transmitted only from Master to Student.

But often it is enough to use favorable directions according to the GUA number to feel positive changes In my life. Sometimes positive changes are felt within a few days, but in some cases it takes at least six months to feel the results.

Important note!!!

Good Feng Shui is not only the “right directions”, it is also a number of other important recommendations based on a personal energy map, the Flying Stars map, color schemes and other nuances.

It is advisable to take into account as much as possible large quantity recommendations when arranging your home to get tangible results.

Lesson 20. Feng Shui for luck: how to calculate the GUA number

The art of Feng Shui dates back more than three thousand years, and those who follow the advice of the ancient sages amazingly transforms your life. If you have already made changes to your home according to Bagua grid, you probably feel how easily and unhindered the positive energy of Qi flows through your rooms, attracting many joyful events into the lives of your household.

Do you want to influence your reality? And achieve your cherished goals without any problems?

Then you just need to use the unique Feng Shui recommendations for good luck and calculate your GUA number.

GUA is the personal number of each person, with the help of which you can determine your favorable direction. Once you know it, you will discover great opportunities effective career growth, health promotion and even attracting a soul mate.

How to calculate the number of GUA?

Use simple mathematical calculations: add the last two digits of your year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add it again.

For men: subtract the resulting number from 10. For example: year of birth 1982. 8+2=10, 1+0=1, 10-1=9. GUA number = 9
For women: add 5 to the resulting number. For example: year of birth 1983. 8+3=11, 1+1=2, 2+5=7. Gua number = 7

Attention! If you celebrate your birthday between January 20th and February 20th, these calculations may be incorrect. Use the table below.

After you have calculated the number of GUA, determine which group you belong to.

GUA = 1,3,4, 9 – people of the eastern group
GUA=5,2,6,7,8 – people of the Western group


Gua Numbers






Healing direction


Romantic direction



Unlucky direction




Direction of the Five Ghosts




Direction of six killers




Direction of total collapse





Gua Numbers







Better direction (wealth)






Healing direction





Romantic direction





Direction of personal development






Unlucky direction


Direction of the Five Ghosts



Direction of six killers


Direction of total collapse



Feng Shui for good luck is based precisely on the correct orientation of your favorable side of the world.

For example, if your GUA number= 9 , you belong to the eastern group:

East– yours best direction, is responsible for wealth and material well-being. Feng Shui masters advise always sitting facing east, even while eating. Arrange your desk according to the direction and you will noticeably improve your financial inflows.

Southeast- responsible for health. If you get sick often, position your bed so that you sleep with your head in that direction.

North– will help you get rid of loneliness and attract love into your life.

South– will develop your mental capacity. The best direction for learning.

As you have already noticed, each GUA number also has unfavorable directions. In our example,
Northeast– is considered the unluckiest place in the house. Be in it less often, and sit with your back to it.

West, southwest and northwest - can attract a lot of troubles to you at once: collapse, ruin, disease, etc. The titles “five ghosts” and “six murderers” are small collections of troubles such as breakups, quarrels, etc. We will not list them.

It should be noted that GUA works specifically with directions, that is, you can activate any sectors according to the Bagua grid and not be afraid of the consequences (of course, if there are no unlucky flying stars there).

You just need to look in your direction of the world when you think about desires, or do something important. Study, eat, sign important papers, sleep facing the best direction, and you will attract great luck into your life!

Table for determining the number of GUA


Element of the year

Gua for men

Gua for women

Feb 18,1912-Feb 5,1913
Feb 6, 1913-Jan 25, 1914
Jan 26, 1914-Feb 13, 1915
Feb 14, 1915-Feb 2, 1916
Feb 3, 1916-Jan 22, 1917
Jan 23, 1917- Feb 10, 1918
Feb 11, 1918-Jan 31, 1919
Feb 1, 1919-Feb 19, 1920
Feb 20, 1920-Feb 7, 1921
Feb 8, 1921 - Jan 27, 1922
Feb 28. 1922-Feb 15. 1923
Feb 16, 1923-Feb 4, 1924
Feb 5, 1924 - Jan 23, 1925
Jan 24, 1925 - Feb 12, 1926
Feb 13,1926 - Feb 1,1927
Feb 2,1927-Nov 22,1928
Jan 23, 1928- Feb 9, 1929
Feb 10, 1929 - Jan 29, 1930
Jan 30, 1930-Feb 16, 1931
Feb 17, 1931- Feb 5, 1932
Feb 6, 1932 - Jan 25, 1933
Jan 26, 1933-Feb 13, 1934
Feb 14, 1934-Feb 3, 1935
Feb 4, 1935-Jan 23, 1936
Jan 24, 1936- Feb 10, 1937
Feb 11,1937- Jan 30,1938
Jan 31, 1938-Feb 18, 1939
Feb 19, 1939-Feb 7, 1940
Fvv 8, 1940-Jan 26, 1941
Jan 27, 1941 - Feb 14, 1942
Feb 15,1942-Feb 4,1943
Feb 5, 1943-Jan 24, 1944
Jan 25, 1944-Feb 12, 1945
Feb 13, 1945-Feb 1, 1946
Feb 2, 1946-Jan 21, 1947
Jan 22, 1947- Feb 9, 1948
FVV 10, 1948-Jan 28, 1949
Jan 29, 1949-Jan 16, 1950
Feb 17, 1950-Feb 5, 1951
Fairy 6.1951 - Jan 26, 1952
Jan 27, 1952- Feb 13, 1953
Feb 14, 1953-Feb 2, 1954
Feb 3, 1954-Jan 23, 1955
Jan 24, 1955 - Feb 11, 1956
Feb 12, 1956-Jan 30, 1957
Jan 31, 1957-Feb 17, 1958
Feb 18, 1958 - Feb 7, 1959
Feb 8, 1959-Jan 27, 1960
Jan 28, 1960-Feb 14, 1961
Feb 15, 1961 - Feb 4, 1962
Feb 5, 1962-Jan 24, 1963
Jan 25, 1963-Feb 12, 1964
Feb 13, 1964 - Feb 1, 1965
Feb 2, 1965-Jan 20, 1966
Jan 21,1966-Feb 8,1967
Feb 9. 1967 - Jan 29. 1968
Jan 30, 1968-Feb 16, 1969
Feb 17, 1969-Feb 5, 1970
Feb 6, 1970-Jan 26, 1971
Jan 27, 1971 - Feb 14, 1972
Feb 15, 1972 - Feb 2, 1973
Feb 3, 1973 - Jan 22, 1974
Jan 23, 1974-Feb 10, 1975
Feb 11, 1975-Jan 30, 1976
Jan 31,1976 - Feb 17, 1977
Fairy 18, 1977-Feb 6, 1978
Feb 7, 1978 - Jan 27, 1979
Jan 28, 1979 - Feb 15, 1980
Feb 16. 1980-Feb 4. 1981
Feb 5, 1981-Jan 24, 1982
Jan 25, 1982 - Feb 12, 1983
Fvv1E, 1983-Feb 1, 1984
Feb 2, 1984-Feb 19, 1985
Feb 20, 1985-Feb 8, 1986
Feb 9, 1986 - Jan 28, 1987
Jan 29, 1987-Feb 16, 1988
Feb 17, 1988 - Feb 5, 1989
Feb 6, 1989-Jan 26, 1990
Jan 27, 1990-Feb 14, 1991
Feb 15, 1991-Feb 3, 1992
Feb 4, 1992-Jan 22, 1993
Jan 23, 1993-Feb 9, 1994
Feb 10, 1994-Jan 30, 1995
Jan 31, 1995 – Feb 18, 1996
Feb 19, 1996-Feb 6, 1997
Feb 7, 1997 - Jan 27, 1998
Jan2v, 1998- Feb 15, 1999
Feb16. 1999-Feb 4, 2000
Feb 5, 2000 - Jan 21, 2001
Jan 24, 2001 - Feb 11, 2002
Feb 12, 2002 - Jan 31, 2003
Feb 1,2003 - Jan 21,2004
Jan 22, 2004 - Feb 8, 2005
Feb 9, 2005 - Jan 28, 2006
Jan 29. 2006 - Feb 17.2007
Feb 16, 2007 - Feb 6, 2008

Anastasia Volkova, for the section

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