Read real life horror stories short. Mystical stories from real life

We present to your attention photos that, at first glance, may seem quite ordinary and harmless. But what made them famous was the fact that terrible events lurk behind each of them. It is unlikely that any of us thinks that this or that picture can be the last in our life or anticipate a tragedy. For example, not so long ago, newlyweds on vacation were photographed a second before the misfortune. And if death itself cannot be captured, then in each of the photographs below it is definitely invisibly present.

Survivors. In this photo, at first glance, there is nothing unusual. Until you notice a gnawed human spine in the lower right corner.

The heroes of the picture are the players of the Uruguayan rugby team "Old Cristians" from Montevideo, who survived the plane crash on October 13, 1972: the plane crashed in the Andes. Of the 40 passengers and 5 crew members, 12 died in the crash or shortly thereafter; then 5 more died the next morning..

The search operations were stopped on the eighth day, and the survivors had to fight for their lives for more than two months. Since food supplies quickly ran out, they had to eat the frozen corpses of friends.

Without waiting for help, some of the victims made a dangerous and long transition through the mountains, which turned out to be successful. 16 men were rescued.

In 2012 the star of Mexican music Jenny Rivera died in a plane crash. Selfie on the plane was taken a few minutes before the tragedy.

No one survived as a result of the plane crash.

Thunderstorm Games. In August 1975, a girl from the United States, Mary McQuilken, photographed her two brothers, Michael and Sean, with whom she spent time on top of one of the cliffs in California during severe weather. national park sequoias.

A second after the picture was taken, all three were struck by lightning. Only 18-year-old Michael survived. In this photo - the sister of young men Mary.

It is worth noting that the atmospheric discharge was so powerful and close that young people's hair literally stood on end. Survivor Michael works as a computer engineer and still receives emails with questions about what happened that day.

Regina Walters. A 14-year-old girl was photographed by a serial killer named Robert Ben Rhodes a few seconds before being killed ... The maniac took Regina to an abandoned barn, cut her hair and forced her to wear a black dress and shoes.

Rhodes toured the United States on a huge trailer, which he equipped as a torture chamber. At least three people a month became its victims.

Walters was one of those who fell into the trap of a maniac. Her body was found in a barn that was supposed to be burned down.

"Pli!". In April 1999, high school students from the American Columbine School posed for a group picture. For the general cheerfulness, two guys pretending to point a rifle and a pistol at the camera hardly attracted attention.

But in vain. A few days later, these guys, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, showed up at Columbine with weapons and improvised explosives: their victims were 13 fellow students, 23 people were injured.

The crime was carefully planned, which led to such a number of victims.

The culprits were not detained, because in the end they shot themselves. Later it became known that teenagers were outsiders at school for many years, and what happened was a cruel act of revenge.

Girl with black eyes. You might think that we have a frame from a horror movie, but, unfortunately, this real photo. In November 1985, the Ruiz volcano erupted in Colombia, as a result of which the province of Armero was covered with mudflows.

13-year-old Omaira Sanchez was the victim of a tragedy: her body was stuck in the rubble of a building, as a result, the girl stood up to her neck in mud for three days. Her face was swollen, her hands were practically white, and her eyes were bloodshot.

Rescuers tried to rescue the girl different ways but in vain.

Three days later, Omaira fell into agony, stopped responding to people, and eventually passed away.

Family photo. It would seem that in the photo Victorian era, which depicts a father and mother with a daughter, there is nothing strange. The only feature: the girl turned out to be very clear in the picture, and her parents are blurry. Guess why? Before us is one of the most popular in those days posthumous photographs, and the girl imprinted on it died shortly before from typhus.

The corpse remained motionless in front of the lens, and therefore it appeared clearly: photographs in those days were taken with a long exposure, which made it necessary to pose for a very, very long time. Perhaps that is why photos of “post-mortem” (i.e. “after death”) have become incredibly fashionable. Oddly enough, the heroine of this picture is also already dead.

The woman in this photo died in childbirth. In photo salons they even installed special devices for fixing corpses, and the eyes of the dead were opened and a special agent was instilled into them so that the mucous membrane did not dry out and the eyes did not become cloudy.

fatal dive. It would seem that there is nothing strange in this photo of divers. However, why does one of them lie at the very bottom?

Divers accidentally discovered the body of 26-year-old Tina Watson, who died on October 22, 2003 during her honeymoon. A girl with a husband named Gabe went to Honeymoon to Australia, where they decided to go diving.

Under water, the beloved turned off the young wife's oxygen cylinder and held it at the bottom until she suffocated. Later, the offender, who received a life sentence, said that his goal was to obtain insurance.

sad father. At a cursory glance, there is nothing unusual in this picture with a pensive African, but if you look closely, you can see that a severed child's foot and hand lie in front of the man.

Pictured is a Congolese rubber plantation worker who failed to meet his quota. As a punishment, the overseers ate his five-year-old daughter, giving the remains for edification ... This was practiced quite often, as can be seen from other pictures.

At the same time, white officers and overseers, as evidence that they had destroyed the local cannibal, presented him right hand. The desire to rise in the ranks led to the fact that the hands were chopped off from everyone, including children, and those who pretended to be dead at the same time could stay alive ...

Assassin with a sword. It would seem like a picture from Halloween, right? 21-year-old Swede, Anton Lundin Peterson, came in this form to one of the schools in Trollhätten on October 22, 2015. Two schoolchildren decided that what was happening was a joke and happily took pictures with a stranger in a strange outfit.

After that, Peterson slaughtered these youths and went after the next victims. He ended up killing one teacher and four children. The police opened fire on him and he died from his wounds in the hospital.

dying tourist. Americans Sailor Gilliams and Brenden Vega set off on a hike in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, but due to inexperience they got lost. There was no connection, and due to the heat and lack of water, the girl was left completely exhausted. Brendan went to get help, but crashed after falling off a cliff.

These photos were taken by the group. experienced tourists, who, having returned home with horror, noticed a red-haired girl lying unconscious on the ground. Rescuers went by helicopter to the scene of the tragedy, Sailor survived.

kidnapping two year old James Bulger. It would seem that it is strange that an older boy leads the younger by the hand? But behind this picture lies a terrible tragedy ...

John Venables and Robert Thompson were taken away from shopping center two-year-old James Bulger, brutally beaten, covered in face paint, and left to die on railroad tracks.

The 10-year-old killers were found thanks to video footage from a surveillance camera. The criminals received the maximum term for their age - 10 years, which greatly outraged the public and the mother of the victim. Moreover, in 2001 they were released and received documents for new names.

In 2010, it was revealed that John Venables was returned to prison for an unmentioned parole violation.

Real life is not only bright and pleasant, it is also scary and creepy, mysterious and unpredictable...

"Was it or not?" - real life story

I would never have believed in something like this if I had not encountered this “similar” myself ....

I was returning from the kitchen and heard my mother screaming loudly in her sleep. So loud that we comforted her with our whole family. In the morning they asked me to tell a dream - my mother said that she was not ready.

We waited for some time to pass. I returned to the conversation. Mom didn't "resist" this time.

From her I heard this: “I was lying on the couch. Dad slept next to me. He suddenly woke up and said that he was very cold. I went to your room to ask you to close the window (you have a habit of keeping it open). I opened the door and saw that the closet was completely covered with thick cobwebs. I screamed, turned around to go back .... And I felt like I was healing. It was only then that I realized that it was a dream. When I flew into the room, I became even more scared. On the edge of the sofa, next to your dad, sat your grandmother. Although she died many years ago, she appeared young to me. I always dreamed that she dreamed of me. But at that moment I was not happy with our meeting. Grandmother sat silently. And I screamed that I did not want to die yet. She flew up to dad from the other side and lay down. When I woke up, I could not understand for a long time whether it was a dream at all. Dad confirmed that he was cold! Long time I was afraid to fall asleep. And at night I don’t go into the room until I wash myself with holy water.”

I still get goosebumps all over my body when I remember this mother's story. Maybe grandma got bored and wants us to visit her at the cemetery?.. Ah, if it weren’t for the thousands of kilometers that separate us, I would go to her every week!

“Don’t go walking around the cemetery at night!”

Oh, and it was a long time ago! I have just - just entered the university .... The guy called me and asked if I would like to go for a walk? Of course, I answered that I want to! But there was a question about something else: where to take a walk if you are tired of all the places? We went through and listed everything that was possible. And then I joked: “Let’s go to the cemetery and stagger ?!”. I laughed, and in response I heard a serious voice that agreed. It was impossible to refuse, because I did not want to show my cowardice.

Mishka picked me up at eight in the evening. We drank coffee, watched a movie and took a shower together. When it was time to get ready, Misha told me to dress in something black or dark blue. I didn't care, to be honest, what I would wear. The main thing is to survive the “romantic walk”. It seemed to me that I would definitely not survive it!

We have gathered. They left the house. Misha got behind the wheel, even though I had a license for a long time. We were there in fifteen minutes. I hesitated for a long time, did not get out of the car. My love helped me! He held out his hand like a gentleman. If not for his gentlemanly gesture, then I would have stayed in the cabin.

Came out. He took my hand. There was a chill everywhere. The cold "went" from his hand. My heart trembled as if from cold. My intuition told me (very insistently) that we should not go anywhere. But my "second half" did not believe in intuition and in its existence.

We walked somewhere, past the graves, were silent. When I got really scared, I offered to return. But there was no answer. I looked towards Mishka. And I saw that he was all transparent, like Casper from a famous old movie. The light of the moon seemed to completely pierce his body. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. The lump in my throat prevented me from doing so. I pulled my hand out of his. But I saw that everything with his body was in order, that he had become the same. But I couldn't imagine it! I clearly saw that the body of the beloved was covered with "transparency".

I can't say exactly how much time passed, but we went home. I was just happy that the car started right away. I just know what happens in films and series of the "creepy" genre!

I got so cold that I asked Mikhail to turn on the stove. Summer, can you imagine? I don't represent myself... We drove off. And when the cemetery is over.... I saw again how for a moment Misha became invisible and transparent!

After a few seconds, he again became normal and familiar. He turned to me (I was sitting in the back seat) and said that we would go the other way. I was surprised. After all, there were very few cars in the city! One or two, maybe! But I did not persuade him to go the same route. I was glad that our walk was over. My heart was pounding somehow. I chalked it up to emotions. We drove faster and faster. I asked to slow down, but Mishka said that he really wanted to go home. At the last turn, a truck ran into us.

I woke up in the hospital. I don't know how long I lay there. The worst thing is that Mishenka died! And my intuition warned me! She gave me a sign! But what could I do with such a stubborn as Misha?!

He was buried in that Sami cemetery…. I did not go to the funeral, as my condition left much to be desired.

Since then, I haven't dated anyone. It seems to me that I am cursed by someone and my curse is spreading.

Continuation of scary stories

"Scary secrets of a small house"

300 miles from home... It was there that the inheritance stood and waited for me in the form small house. I've been meaning to look at it for a long time. Yes, there was no time. And so I found some time and arrived at the place. It so happened that I arrived in the evening. Opened the door. The castle jammed as if it did not want to let me into the house. But I still got through the lock. Went in to the sound of a creak. It was creepy, but I got over it. Five hundred times I regretted that I went alone - alone.

I did not like the setting, because everything was covered in dust, dirt and cobwebs. It's good that water was brought into the house. I quickly found a rag and began to put things in order.

After ten minutes of my stay in the house, I heard some kind of noise (very similar to a groan). She turned her head to the window - saw the curtains shaking. Moonlight burned through my eyes. I again saw how the curtains “flickered”. A mouse ran across the floor. She scared me too. I was scared, but I continued cleaning. Under the table, I found a yellowed note. In it was written this: “Get out of here! This is not your territory, but the territory of the dead! I sold this house and never came close to it again. I do not want to remember all this horror.

History textbooks are littered with tales of who stabbed whom, which city was burned to the ground, and which kings married their cousins. So imagine what details from these stories pundits preferred to omit. Or better yet, we will tell you about them in this article. Continuing our educational quest, we will tell you about the things that your teachers decided to hide from you, and we will reveal some scary and little known facts about the most famous historical moments.

1. Syphilitic "zombies" on the streets of Renaissance Italy

When thinking about the Renaissance, most imagine prim Italians in aristocratic garb admiring the work of Da Vinci, Michelangelo and other masters. What people don't understand is this:

Yes, Renaissance Florence could be an ideal place for various kinds of arts (and parkour, according to Assassin's Creed II), but at the same time, the Italians had a chance to experience their own, so to speak, "zombie apocalypse", which happened during the first major an outbreak of syphilis in 1494. Yes, even before the advent of antibiotics, this venereal disease was by no means a "shameful secret", but a disease (in those days it was called by the supposed nationality origin - "German", "French", etc.), literally eating a person. According to one description, due to the disease, "the skin fell off the face of people, and after a few months death occurred." To be more precise, the outbreak caused "complete destruction of the lips, nose and other parts of the body, including the genitals."
Due to the outbreak, victims of the "Gallic disease" roaming the streets without "arms, legs, eyes and noses" were a common sight. So if the Renaissance fairs being held today in Europe and America were true, then half of the people would look like extras from The Walking Dead.
But no matter how nightmarish the thought of living in a decaying body, the immediate horror lurks in the phrase "a few months later." In other words, the sick somehow managed to live in this state for months, probably languishing in hellish pain, while their flesh was "eaten away, in some cases right down to the bones."
In general, during short period during the era of the great masters of the Renaissance, on the streets you could often see the townspeople - not to mention the whole army of the French - with decomposing and bare faces, who walked around the city until they fell dead. And why wasn't this in Assassin's Creed II?

2 The man who tried to save Lincoln shared the fate of Dilbert Grady

You have probably already seen this illustration, but can you name the people in it?
On the right is obviously John Wilkes Booth, followed by Abraham Lincoln and his wife Mary T. However, unless you are an avid historian, you probably do not recognize the remaining two Union Major Henry Rathbone and his wife, Clara Harris, daughter of a prominent senator USA. Rathbone is better known for his attempt to stop Booth than for the grim Kubrick murder story that befell him a few years later.

During the assassination attempt, Rathbone was seriously wounded, but although he physically managed to survive the attack, his mind could not recover from the tragedy. The officer blamed himself for not interfering with Booth, and although he married Clara two years later, life in marriage only aggravated his condition.
In the end, the man's psyche deteriorated so much that on December 23, 1883, he decided to paint the walls of his house with family blood. While serving in Hanover as an American consul, Rathbone attempted to kill three of his children. When his wife prevented him, he shot and stabbed her with a knife, after which he killed himself.
The police found Rathbone all covered in blood and out of his mind. According to an oft-repeated but unconfirmed version, he claimed that people were hiding behind the paintings in his house.
Rathbone spent the rest of his life in a psychiatric hospital, where he complained about machines hidden in the walls that released gas into his room, which caused him a severe headache. The man died in 1911, becoming last victim Lincoln's assassination attempt, almost half a century after the tragedy.

3. Heads literally exploded during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius

The Italian volcano Vesuvius is infamous for its violent eruption, which left the Roman city of Pompeii (and all its erotic sculptures, since the city was the sexual capital of the Empire) buried in ashes for the next thousand and a half years. But what you probably didn't know is that the gods actually treated Pompeii generously compared to the horror that befell the small city of Herculaneum, which was even closer to Vesuvius, when it began to spit magma.

Pompey's experience can be compared to a classic disaster movie: huge clouds of smoke, people fleeing in panic, ashes, and possibly a collateral story line about Tara Reid reuniting with her ex-husband. Herculaneum, on the other hand, got a real supernatural horror movie, as this town was exposed to "superheated pyroclastic fumes of stone, mud and gas", or to put it more simply, the following began to happen to people:

Seriously. The human skull is filled with different liquids, and if you heat it up very quickly, then the same thing will happen to it as with a hamster in the microwave. And, in fact, this is exactly what happened in Herculaneum, when all the inhabitants of the city fell into a cloud of gas, the temperature of which was approaching 500 ° C. In less than a couple of tenths of a second, "people's skin evaporated<…>the brain boiled and the skull exploded. Without any bullets and buckshot. By itself. From within.
Let us hope that the same fate does not befall the inhabitants of Naples, who persevere in the same place where Herculaneum once stood and where Vesuvius patiently waits for the right opportunity to give them all a good thrashing.

The pamphlet stated, in part, that if humans could not send their pets out of town, "destroying them would be the best course of action" (the choice of words in this case would suggest that this document was written by an early prototype Dalek). And how did the British population react? Protests across the country, you decide. But no. In fact, 750,000 pets were "destroyed" in just one week.
At the same time, we emphasize that this action took place in the summer of 1939, that is, before the German invasion of Poland, when the British government could do much more harm Nazi Germany if instead of mass murder animals she attacked in the past the world lair of the Nazis.

5. The first documented serial killer in history lived happily ever after during the Pax Romana era.

Pax Romana, or "Peace of August", is one of the most peaceful periods in history. Deciding that their Empire was already large, the Romans forgot about bloodshed for a while and focused on more productive things, such as regulating the laws that we still use. And how did Rome manage to live so long without the daily garbage collection and laws, invented specifically to keep all sorts of serial killers away from the streets and honest people?
However, the latter can be deleted. The first documented serial killer in history lived, as they say, royally in the era of Pax Romana.
Her name was Locusta, and her story begins in the middle of the 1st century BC. AD, when a woman was arrested for poisoning. However, luck smiled at Locusta when Agrippina turned to her for help, deciding to poison the emperor Claudius. Later, for her help, the criminal received a pardon.

And what did she do next? A year later, in AD 55, Locusta again fell into the hands of justice, and again for poisoning. Luckily for her, her help was needed by Emperor Nero, who asked the woman to prepare a lethal cocktail for her 13-year-old half-brother Britannicus. For her service, Locusta received a pardon and a pretty villa, along with apprentices whom she could teach her craft.
Be that as it may, Locusta's luck ended when Nero committed suicide, leaving her with only a couple of allies, and a reputation as a witch. In 69 AD the woman was arrested and immediately executed on the orders of Emperor Galba. How did she die? An "ironic" death, you decide after tasting your own potion. But no. She was publicly raped to death by "a wild animal [some sources say it was a giraffe], trained specifically for this kind of punishment."
Oh, those Roman laws.

6. Joan of Arc fought shoulder to shoulder with one of the worst child killers.

Let's not lie to you: we adore Jeanne. She was real. She was a hero. And she didn't let anyone push her around.
However, although most of the glory for helping France in the fight against England in the XV century. and goes to Jeanne, she would never have been able to do what she did without the help of people like Gilles de Rais, who was her "passionate companion" and one of the bravest knights French army. He was even featured in a big-budget film starring Milla Jovovich, in which Vincent Cassel played him.

So why don't people name churches after him, you ask. Perhaps because at night de Rais played a role scary killer who preyed on children between the ages of 6 and 18.
Don't forget that we are now talking about one of the few people in the French army who helped Joan of Arc build her career and ultimately secured her place among the saints... and yet, as incredible as it sounds, he was also sadistic monster. The records of his trial and his personal confession cause chills on the skin and make the soul freeze with horror: in addition to murders and physical torture, de Rais liked to torture his victims psychologically, convincing them that what was happening to them was just a game, after which he did something more perverted. This guy would have been kicked out of Arkham Asylum in no time for scaring the Joker.
Depending on the source, de Rais's victim count ranges from 80 to 800 children, making him one of the most "prolific" serial killers in history. Like his girlfriend, de Rais was burned at the stake, unless in his case it was well deserved.

Several years ago, in one of hunting grounds Perm Territory I heard an unusual story. About a strange mushroom picker. Impressed by what he heard, he even wrote a short poem “The Lost Mushroom Picker” on this occasion. Comic. Slightly changing the essence of the story. I did not believe then in its veracity. How many people come up with...

Although the hunter, who told about the strange incident, did not look like a humorist at all. In all seriousness, he said that for the second year in the local forests, mushroom pickers and hunters meet a very strange character.

Back in school, the boys and I noticed a strange trend - each of us had a particularly unlucky body part. Which got more than the rest of the organs and limbs. For someone it turned out to be a hand, for someone it was a leg, for someone it was a bad head. And someone was unlucky in general on the right or, conversely, on the left side of the body. Like me, for example.
Over the years, for the majority, the situation probably levels off, and the “bumps” begin to pour evenly over the entire body. And the number of injuries with age and the advent of the mind noticeably decreases. But not everyone, unfortunately...

Now, when you hear from someone that he is fond of photography, by God it becomes ridiculous. With the development of digital technologies, a three-year-old child who has learned to poke a finger at a smartphone can rightfully call photography as his hobby.

I got into photography in the late seventies. It was good to have someone to learn from. Yes, and the theoretical base in the form of special literature was present (now many books of those times have become a second-hand rarity).

I heard this story from a good friend of mine. Contrary to the prevailing opinion about former convicts, after serving his term he remained a normal person and returned to normal civilian life.

Most horror stories are like nonsense and clearly border on insanity. No matter how: some of them are more than just real. We will tell about them.


On March 16, 1995, Briton Terry Cottle shot himself in the bathroom of his apartment. Suicide with the words "help me, I'm dying" died right in the arms of his wife Cheryl.

A healthy and well-developed Cottle shot himself in the head, but his body remained unharmed. In order not to waste such good, the doctors decided to donate the organs of the deceased. The widow agreed.

Cottle's 33-year-old heart was transplanted into 57-year-old Sonny Graham. The patient recovered and wrote a letter of thanks to Cheryl. In 1996, they met and Graham felt an incredible attraction to the widow. In 2001, the sweet couple began to live together, and in 2004 they got married.

But in 2008, the poor heart stopped beating forever: Sonny, for unknown reasons, also shot himself.


How to make money like a man? Someone becomes a businessman, others go to a factory, the rest turn into clerks, bums or journalists. But Mao Sujiyama surpassed everyone: the Japanese artist cut off his manhood and prepared a savory dish from it. Moreover, there were even six crazy people who paid $250 each to eat this nightmare in the presence of 70 witnesses.



In 1976, hospital orderly Allen Schowery from Chicago, without permission, entered the apartment of colleague Teresita Basa. Probably, the guy wanted to rob the young lady's home, but when he saw the mistress of the house, Allen had to stab and burn her so that the woman would not tell anything.

A year later, Remy Chua (another medical colleague) began to see Teresita's corpse wandering the corridors of the hospital. It would be half the trouble if this ghost just staggered. So it moved into poor Remy, began to control her like a puppet, speak in the voice of Teresita and told the cops about everything that had happened.

The police, relatives of the deceased and Remy's family were shocked by what was happening. But the killer was still split. And they put him behind bars.


Three-legged guest

In Enfield (Illinois) it is better not to call. There lives a three-legged one and a half meter slippery and hairy monster with short arms. On the evening of April 25, 1973, it attacked little Greg Garrett (however, it took away only his sneakers), then knocked on Henry McDaniel's house. The man was shocked by the sight. Therefore, out of fear, he drove three bullets into an unexpected guest. The monster overcame 25 meters of McDaniel's yard in three jumps and disappeared.

The sheriff's deputies also met the Enfield monster several times. But no one has been able to solve it. Some kind of mystic.


Brian Bethel is a respected journalist who has long built successful career. Therefore, he does not descend to the level of urban legends. But in the 1990s, the master of the pen started a blog in which he published a strange story.

One evening, Brian was sitting in a car parked in the parking lot of a movie theater. Several 10-12-year-old children approached him. The journalist lowered the window, began to look for a dollar for the kids and even exchanged a few words with them. The children complained that they could not enter the cinema without being invited, that they were cold and that he could not invite them into the car. And then Brian saw: in the eyes of the interlocutors, there was no white at all, only a mob.

The poor fellow, in fright, instantly closed the window and pressed the gas pedal all the way. His story is far from the only story about strange black-eyed people. Have you already seen such aliens in your area?

green mysticism

Doris Biter is not the most pleasant resident of Culver City (California). She constantly drinks and insults her sons. She also knows how to summon spirits. In the late 1970s, several researchers decided to see for themselves the authenticity of her stories. It all ended with the fact that the young lady, by spells at home, really called the green silhouette of a man who scared everyone half to death. And one daredevil even lost consciousness.

In 1982, based on the stories of Biter, the horror film The Entity was made.

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