What to do if the Internet is available, but the pages in the browser do not open? Solving the problem through a professional master. Check your ISP connection settings

Default from laptop or computer when using WiFi connections, internet and network should connect automatically. The user does not have to think about what and where to include, as when working with wired Internet.

Here, one of the main advantages of this connection is the ability to turn it on from the first second, without waiting.

But it also happens that it was not possible to automatically connect to the proxy server. What does it look like and what should a simple newcomer to the Internet community do in this case. The reason for this problem is hidden in the settings for connecting to a proxy server. You could change them:

  • by accident - by a combination of keys, or in case of a sudden blackout (in the absence of an uninterruptible power supply), etc.;
  • due to a virus - very often the settings fail due to not completely removed malware (software).

What do proxy connection errors look like?

The complexity of such problems lies in the fact that with the Internet connected, which will look like it is on on the command line, and even torrents will work and Skype can work, but it will become impossible to start working in any window. It will open but won't load. Everywhere it will be written that there is no connection to the proxy server.

The signature can be in English, in Russian. Only one tab or different browsers can not open. Or maybe this error occurs in all browsers.

There is no connection to the proxy server, which means that somewhere the automatic connection to the network is broken, which does not require human intervention.

No connection to server

An important note - problems with automatic connection have nothing to do with the operating system (OS). Therefore, there can be no problems here. The difference will be small only in fixing such a problem on different operating systems -7, or 8, or 10.

In this case, the main thing is not to hysteria, not to say that repairs will cost a lot of money. And it is not necessary, in a fit of imbalance and with a hot head, to start with:

  1. Reinstallation of the browser (s);
  2. Reinstallation of the entire OS.

Fixing a connection error using the Chrome browser as an example

To fix connection errors with a proxy server in any browser, the first thing the user should find is simple Settings.

After pressing the button, a window with settings opens. But they may not all be displayed. Therefore, the user needs to look at the window, and if there is nothing with the signature of the proxy server, click the Change proxy server settings button. Then the user will see on the screen a window in which you should already choose to change Internet settings.

It will automatically open on the connection parameter (if not, you need to select it) and after that the button is pressed - Network settings.

After that, the user in a new window must check the automatic detection of parameters option and click OK to fix the connection.

And then the apply button is pressed and you can check the error correction. Mozilla works in a similar way. But the end of the procedure is slightly different. Through the Settings are Advanced, then Networks and there is already selected Configure. Be sure to select the item WITHOUT PROXY. It will be better this way.

Fixes via Internet Options

After the user has corrected the network disconnect settings in all browsers, you need to update the connection through Windows. To do this, the following sequence of actions is performed:

  1. Through the start and Control Panel, browser properties are selected.
  2. In the new window that appears, automatic connection to the proxy is selected again (the window will be one to one, as when corrected in Google Chrome). And changes are accepted.

Checking your internet connection

And now you can try to correct the automatic connection to networks using the tools available in the OS. To do this, select Start, then the control panel and the network and control center.

Network Management Center

Then you need to select - change adapter settings. Then there you will need to move the mouse to the label "connect by local network" and select properties after right-clicking.

In the connection to the local network in the Networks tab, check the box or select the line Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). And, as always, click OK.

Then you need to make this line with the connection active, stand on it, and click the Properties button, which is a little lower. A new window will appear. It must have both IP and DNS addresses automatically selected.

Just in case, you can still run the following phrase through the command line - ipconfig / flushdns. But this requires administrator rights.

Fix virus errors of automatic connection

Things will get worse if automatic settings flew off due to a failure, a power outage, or an incompletely removed virus. Then the computer will have to "treat". Settings due to a virus can fly off in two cases:

  1. After antivirus check;
  2. Because of the virus.

You can fix such errors with the same antivirus. But the program should be simpler so that it does not interfere with the settings, for example, this AVZ.

In this program, through the "File" select restore system settings and check all the boxes, exactly as in the figure below. Then you should click to perform the marked operations.

After that, you can reload the browser and try to see if the Internet pages open.

As for the anti-virus programs themselves, in this case it is better to use one-time checkers, without permanent installation on the computer. It can be:

  • kaspersky repair tool ;
  • Dr.web

Cleaning the registry - as an option to fix auto-connect to the network

Another option to fix the automatic connection is clean the registries.

In the operating line of the OS window, type HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Windows\

In the window that opens, you need to check the folder or file Appinit_DLLs. There shouldn't be anything in it!

In version 10 of the OS, this file will be named AutoAdminLogan.

All possible options for fixing the connection to the proxy server have been sorted out. If all else fails, then you should call the wizard. It means that something more serious has happened to the computer than the settings that have flown down.

Erroneous message connection failed - what to do?

Another problem with connecting to networks and working in in social networks. Very often, when downloading sites on the Internet, an annoying window appears with the following content:

connection failed error

The same error very often on the net can be mentioned as Connectionfailure error. Such inaccuracies should be kept in mind when searching. This is just that magical option when you can enter some sites, but on others it knocks out such an error. Most likely there is no reason for the virus. In most cases, this problem is caused by:

  1. Blocking firewall (denies access to the site or sites);
  2. Communication problem (no connection to the site yet);
  3. Antivirus automatically banned this site;
  4. ISP settings have changed.

To solve the problem with the firewall, you will have to turn the firewall on and off. In case of blocking sites due to the included antivirus, you will have to disable such blocking on the antivirus. This is what it looks like on Avast. All you need is to update your antivirus to remove blocking links.

Signature update

And if there is no truth in any of the proposed options, then it remains only to call the provider and find out if preventive work is being carried out somewhere. Yes, and there is such an option that they cut the wires in the yard or the user did not pay for the services.

Configuring network access and disabling it on Windows 7.8, 10

Connecting to a network of a computer or laptop can be done in two ways:

But besides these nuances, there is another view operating system, which must be taken into account. And if the seven and eight from modifications are similar to each other, then the top ten may have its own difficulties.

How to connect an Internet connection via a wired cable and via a wireless network for Windows 7 is very detailed and officially published on the Windows website. Version 8 needs to be connected to the Internet in much the same way.

Thus, the user will not be confused and will not get lost if the computer suddenly starts to swear about inaccessible pages. It will be enough to first try all the above methods on your own, and only then go to the workshop.

Many have faced such a problem as the lack of Internet access on a computer, laptop or other devices. In this case, the browser displays a message: "The web page is not available" or a similar inscription. Frequent culprits for this are: an accident on the provider's line, a malfunction of home equipment (router, network card, etc.) or incorrect settings. All this can be summed up in two words – “no internet”. And what about those who have a connection that works, but web pages do not open?

This article talks about such situations and how to solve this problem. In the last article, I analyzed the situation when .

The first step is to make sure that Internet access is really present and working correctly. As a rule, other programs that use the network work in such a situation (Skype, ICQ, etc. are available).

But there are cases when they are not there, and it is not possible to install these applications. In this case, you can test the network with command line. To do this, press the key combination Window + R and in the window that appears, enter cmd. A terminal should appear in front of the user, where they enter the ping command (then you can try to enter the address of the Yandex website, for example, it will turn out - ping www.yandex.ru). If the described problem occurs, this command will display a message about the inability to connect to the resource. But at the same time, if you enter ping, a message will appear about the successful status.

The causes of the problem when sites do not open can be different. It may be related:

  • problems with the dns service;
  • the influence of viruses and malware;
  • incorrect proxy settings- servers;
  • misconfiguration of the host file ().

Problems with the DNS service

A common culprit in a situation where the browser does not open sites, but Internet access is not closed, is the operation of the DNS server. You can determine this problem in the way described above, when it was necessary to open the command line and ping the address of any resource by domain name and by ip.

Each site has its own location indication number, called an IP address. There are many different resources on the global web, and they all have a unique address. In order not to torment the memory of a person, it was invented to create a service that, when entering the name of a site (for example, Yandex), could determine its IP address.

Sometimes there are situations when the provider's DNS server does not work or the network settings in the router or computer have gone wrong. The reason why the pages of the sites do not open has been clarified, it remains to explain how to solve this problem.

There are two solutions. If the network settings are lost, then here you need to correct them for the correct ones and, if necessary, restart the equipment. In the event of a DNS crash, you can change the settings on the network adapter. To do this, click "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Network and Internet" - "Network and Sharing Center" - "Change network adapter settings". Here, on the “Connected to a local network” icon, right-click and select the “Property” option. Then select the item TCP version 4 and in the window that appears, select the item "Use the following DNS addresses". Below in the window, enter ( public google DNS server) or (public DNS Yandex). Then click the "Save" or "Apply" button.

To check the work, you can open the command line (Window + R - cmd), then you need to check the connection (for example, with Yandex). Enter the command ping www.ya.ru. With the right actions below, you will be able to see information about the server response time.

Impact of viruses and malware

Also, the problem when sites do not open in the browser, but there is Internet access and DNS works, may be due to the influence of viruses and malware. In this case, it will help to solve the question “Why are the pages not opening in the browser?” checking the system with specialized programs: AdwCleaner, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free, Zemana AntiMalware, etc. These utilities allow you to find malware that has caused problems with opening pages on the Internet.

Incorrect proxy server settings

Another reason why sites are not displayed in the browser may be changes or data entered about an incorrect proxy server. At the same time, the computer is connected to the Internet and the connection works for all parameters.
To fix this situation, you need to get into the browser settings. To do this, go to the control panel, where they select the browser (or browser) properties item.

In the menu that opens, select the "Connections" tab and click on the "Network settings" button.

Here, in the window that appears, all parameters are checked, and if they are not needed, they simply erase all the information and select the automatic detection item.

After that, in browsers, sites should show their pages.

Misconfigured host file

Also, the reason why pages of Internet resources may not open may be an incorrect configuration of the host file. This situation is unlikely, but still worth checking. The host file is designed to record the domain names of sites and their IP addresses, but as a rule it is empty and sends all requests to the DNS server. Sometimes there are situations when a malicious program writes some parameters and the browser becomes inoperable.

To check the file configuration, you need to go to the Windows system folder on drive C. Next, System32\drivers\etc and open host with notepad. As a rule, it has a standard content as shown in the figure:

If, after the description of localhost (, there are lines with information about any sites and their domain names, and there is no slash in front of this data, then most likely the browser does not work properly because of them. To fix this situation, you just need to remove these lines and save the changes in the file. After that, you need to restart your computer and try to browse the web again.

The situation when the computer is connected to the network, but the sites are inaccessible to the user is common. In the first place, this is a problem caused by failures on the provider side when the DNS servers are not working. The second most frequent, when Internet resource sites are unavailable, is the impact of malware. In this case, it is recommended to have good anti-virus software and more often to carry out preventive measures to detect viruses.

In contact with

In this instruction - step by step on what to do if the Internet does not work on a computer with Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7 in various scenarios: the Internet disappeared and stopped connecting for no reason via the provider's cable or through a router, it only stopped working in the browser or certain programs, works on the old computer, but does not work on the new computer and in other situations.

Note: My experience is that about 5 percent of the time (which is not a small number) is the reason why the Internet suddenly stops working with the message “Not connected. No connections available" in the notification area and " Network cable not connected” in the list of connections indicates that the LAN cable is really not connected: check and reconnect (even if visually it seems that there are no problems) the cable both from the side of the computer’s network card connector and from the LAN connector on the router, if the connection performed through it.

The Internet is not only in the browser

I'll start with one of the most common cases: the Internet does not work in the browser, but Skype and other instant messengers continue to connect to the Internet, the torrent client, Windows can check for updates.

Usually in such a situation, the connection icon in the notification area shows that there is Internet access, although in fact it is not.

The reasons in this case may be unwanted programs on the computer, changed settings network connections, problems with DNS servers, sometimes - an incorrectly removed antivirus or a Windows update ("big update" in Windows 10 terminology) with an antivirus installed.

I considered this situation in detail in a separate guide:, it describes in detail how to fix the problem.

Checking the network connection via local area network (Ethernet)

If the first option does not suit your situation, then I recommend that you follow these steps to check your Internet connection:

Let's stop at point 6 - the local network connection shows that everything is fine (on, there is a network name), but there is no Internet (this may be accompanied by the message "No Internet access" and yellow Exclamation point next to the connection icon in the notification area).

LAN connection active but no internet (no internet access)

In a situation where the cable connection works, but there is no Internet, there are several common causes of the problem:

  1. If the connection is made through a router: something is wrong with the cable in the WAN (Internet) port on the router. Check all cable connections.
  2. Also, for the situation with the router: the Internet connection settings on the router have gone wrong, check (see). Even if the settings are correct, check the connection status in the web interface of the router (if it is not active, then for some reason the connection cannot be established, perhaps the 3rd point is to blame).
  3. Temporary lack of Internet access by the provider - this does not happen often, but it does happen. In this case, the Internet will not be available on other devices through the same network (check if possible), usually the problem is fixed within a day.
  4. Problems with network connection settings (DNS access, proxy server settings, TCP/IP settings). Solutions for this case are described in the article mentioned above and in a separate material.

For the 4th item of those actions that you can try first:

If these two methods did not help, try more sophisticated methods for solving the problem from the separate instructions given above in the 4th paragraph.

Note: if you have just installed a router, connected it with a cable to a computer and there is no Internet on the computer, then with a high probability you simply have not configured your router correctly yet. Once this is done, the Internet should appear.

Computer network card drivers and disabling LAN in BIOS

If the problem with the Internet appeared after reinstalling Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7, and also in cases where there is no LAN connection in the list of network connections, the problem is most likely caused by the fact that the necessary network card drivers are not installed. Less often - the fact that the Ethernet adapter is disabled in the BIOS (UEFI) of the computer.

In this case, follow these steps:

Perhaps in this context it will be useful: (if there are unknown devices in the list in the task manager).

Network card settings in BIOS (UEFI)

Sometimes it may turn out that the network adapter is disabled in the BIOS. In this case, you will definitely not see network cards in the device manager, and LAN connections in the list of connections.

The parameters of the computer's built-in network card can be located in different sections of the BIOS, the task is to find and enable it (set the Enabled value). Here can help: (relevant for other systems).

Typical sections of the BIOS, where the desired item may be located:

  • Advanced-Hardware
  • Integrated Peripherals
  • On-board device configuration

If the adapter is disabled in one of these or similar sections of the LAN (may be called Ethernet, NIC), try turning it on, saving the settings and restarting the computer.

Additional Information

If by now it has not been possible to figure out why the Internet does not work, as well as to make it work, the following information may be useful:

  • In Windows, in the Control Panel - Troubleshooting there is a tool to automatically fix problems with the Internet connection. If it doesn't fix the problem but does provide a description of the problem, try searching the web for the problem. One of the common cases: .
  • If you have Windows 10, look at the following two materials, they may work:,.
  • If you have a new computer or motherboard, and the provider restricts access to the Internet by MAC address, then you should tell him the new MAC address.

I hope some of the options for solving the problem with the Internet on a computer via cable came up for your case. If not - describe the situation in the comments, I will try to help.

Today, we are all heavily dependent on the Internet. And when it does not work, panic immediately sets in, the heart sinks into the heels and life seems meaningless. It may sound funny to you, but for some it is true.

Especially the user is lost when the internet is connected but not working. Today I will tell you why this happens and what to do if this happens to your network.

Why is the internet not working?

If you have an Internet connection, but it does not work, the first step is to find the cause of the problem. To do this, you must restart all devices that are associated with Internet access. This refers to the router, computer and so on. Most often, such a reboot completely solves all problems with the Internet, and it starts working properly. If, after restarting the router and computer, you did not get the expected result, we proceed to the following “treatment” procedures.

Today, most often you connect to the Internet using a Wi-Fi router. If you also have, then you need to check whether the Internet access indicator on the router is on or not. For those users who use a TP-Link router, the Internet access signal is marked with a globe icon. On other routers, this signal is most often signed "Internet".

If the indicator is off, you need to check the router settings. If everything is fine with them, then we call the technical support of our provider and ask why there is no Internet, maybe just repairing the backbone or network.

But, if the indicator is on, then there is a connection and the provider is not to blame. Check internet access on other devices. It doesn't matter what it will be - phone, tablet or other laptop. So you can figure out in which direction you need to dig further to decide this problem. I will say right away that the case when the router is connected to the Internet, which is obviously working well, but at the same time it does not distribute it to other devices, is considered a very rare case. The reason for this problem lies in the failure of the router. It's not hard to fix. You need to reset all settings to standard and reconfigure it again, remember that after resetting, all settings will be lost and the Internet may not work until the router is configured correctly!

Often there are cases when only one device or computer cannot connect to the Internet using a router, and all the rest can easily go out to eat. In this case, you need to look for the cause directly on this device.

If you are connected to mobile Internet through a USB modem or WiFi module connected to the USB port, then try disconnecting it and reconnecting it. If this does not help, try using a different port to connect. Perhaps a freshly reinstalled driver will help you solve this problem.

Checking Internet Connection in Windows

In the case when the Internet is connected on your PC or laptop, but it does not work, and at the same time you are absolutely sure that incorrect settings are the reason for this, then you need to perform a series of procedures that will quickly solve your problem.

You need to start reconfiguring by pinging any popular site. To do this, press the combination "Win + R". This will open the "Run" window.

In the text input field, you need to enter the following "cmd" and click on "OK". If you are not a fan of my site, you can write google. After that, press enter and wait for the result. If everything is fine, then the server will send you something like this:

If the response from the server contains the line "Ping failed to find the nodepec-comp.com. Check the hostname and try again”, then you need to type another command, for example “ping .”. This is the IP address of the public DNS server from Google, which will always be available. If the computer has access to the external network, then the answer will be the same as in the picture above, but with different numbers after "answer from...".

If the ping goes through the IP address, but it does not open in the browser, then most often this indicates that there is an Internet connection, but the network does not work due to incorrect settings of the network card, namely, the address is not registered or registered incorrectly DNS servers. How to fix this, I will tell a little later.

If you see a different response from the server, then you need to check access to the router. We will also check with the help of ping. You can find out the IP address of the router on the sticker that is pasted with reverse side his corps. Most often, the IP address of routers is "" or "". The first address is registered on my router, so I got this response:

If the router pings, but the Internet node does not, then most likely the reason lies again in the settings of the router or in itself.

But if the router is unavailable for server requests, then there is a reason to get into the settings of the network adapter on the computer. But, before doing this, disable your antivirus and firewall, if any. Sometimes it is these two "comrades" that cause problems with working with the Internet.

If after that the Internet did not work, although there is also a connection, press the key combination "Win + R" again, but now in the "open" field we write "ncpa.cpl."

If you have registered everything correctly, then the Windows network connections window will open. In it you need to find your active connection and right-click on it, then select "properties". In the window that opens, look for the line "IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and double-click on it to open the protocol parameters .

Check "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically". Click OK and check the result in the browser.

If this does not help, then mark the item “Use the following addresses” with a dot. You need to register an IP address from the subnet of your router. If it has an IP of, then set the computer to , then on the PC it will be the gateway, you must specify the address of the router.Specify it as the preferred DNS server.Alternative DNS, you can specify the server from Google -

In any case, watch my video on speeding up the Internet, if you apply all the settings, then the Internet should work.

We increase the speed of the Internet to the maximum!

I hope at least one of the methods will definitely help you regain access to the Internet. If none of the solutions to the problem helped you, then you will have to call a specialist who will determine true reason and will solve this problem. But, I am sure that it will not come to this and you will fix everything yourself.

One of the most common situations that I have to deal with in my practice is when the user has the Internet connected, but does not work. Why is this happening?!
The first thing to start looking for a solution to the problem is to reboot all devices associated with Internet access - a router, a computer, etc. Very often this is the result of a small glitch in the operation of one of them and is solved by a simple restart. If it doesn't help, read on!

So, your Internet is not working. How are you connected to it? As a rule, in most cases, the connection is organized through a Wi-Fi router, then see if the Internet access indicator is on or not. For example, on D-Link routers it is made in the form of a globe, on most devices it is simply signed as Internet.

Does not burn? Check the router settings and if everything is in order, call technical support your provider.
But if the indicator glows friendly, then the connection is successful. Check access from other devices - from a tablet, phone or laptop. So you can find out from which side it is worth looking for the cause of the problem. Such cases, when the router connects to the global web and does not distribute the Internet to connected devices, happens once in a thousand. Usually they are associated with a malfunction in its operation and are treated by resetting the settings to the factory settings, followed by a complete reconfiguration. More often, it happens that there is no access from only one of the computers, while everything works fine for others. Then you need to look for the "root of evil" already on it.

If you are connected to the mobile Internet via a USB modem or WiFi module connected to a USB port, then try disconnecting it and reconnecting it. Does not help - switch the gadget to a nearby free port. Windows will reinstall the drivers and you can check again whether access has been granted or not.

Internet Connection Diagnostics in Windows 10

If the Internet is connected on your computer or laptop but does not work and you are sure that the reason lies in the wrong settings, then you should perform several simple operations. Let's start by pinging some popular site. To do this, press the key combination Win + R to open the Run window:

In the "Open" line, type the command cmd. Click on the "OK" button to open the command line window. We select a command:

ping yandex.ru

If you don't like Yandex, you can specify Google instead. Press the "Enter" key and see the result. If everything is in order, then you will receive something like this response from the server:

If you receive this response:

Then we type another command:


This is the IP address of the public DNS server from Yandex, which is always available. Alternatively, you can ping the server from Google - If the PC has access to the external network, then the response should be:

If the node pings by IP, but the sites do not open, then usually this indicates that the Internet is connected but does not work due to the fact that the DNS server address is not registered (or incorrectly registered) in the settings of the network card. How to do this, I will tell below.

If you see this response:

Then it’s worth checking if the router is available. To do this, it also needs to be pinged. You can see what IP address is used on it on a sticker, usually located at the bottom of the case. Usually it is either or . I have a D-Link router and it uses the second option:

If the router pings, but the node is not on the Internet, then the reason is most likely again in the router or in its settings.
But if the router is not available, this is a reason to delve into the network adapter settings on the computer. But before that, try disabling the antivirus and firewall, as very often they are the cause of most network problems.

It did not help and the Internet is still connected but does not work ?! Well, then again press the key combination Win + R so that the "Run" window appears and enter the command ncpa.cpl.
If everything was done correctly, then the Windows 10 network connections window should appear:

Right-click on the connection icon and select "Properties" from the menu. In the window that appears, double-click on the line "IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" to get into the protocol parameters:

Here we try to set the automatic receipt of addresses and again check the output to the global web.
Still not working? Then check the box "Use the following addresses":

You need to register an IP address from the subnet of your router. If it has an IP of, then set the computer to If the router uses, then the PC will have Mask As the gateway, you must specify the address of the router. Register it as your preferred DNS server. You can specify an alternative DNS server from Yandex or from Google -

As a rule, after that access to the Internet appears. If none of the tips helped you, then I'm afraid that you need to call a professional specialist who can determine the cause of the problem and be able to fix it. Good luck to all!

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