What psychics say about Donald Trump. Creepy prophecies of Nostradamus and Vanga about Donald Trump. Psychics about a funny show

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Events in the USA are disturbing the whole world. The coming to power of Donald Trump, known for his respect for Putin and his dislike for migrants, has caused a flurry of predictions about the future of America. Some expect decisive action from the new president, while others are confident that Trump will show caution at least in the first months of his reign. What do politicians and psychics say about the fate of the States?

Predictions of Pavel Globa

Russian astrologer Pavel Globa predicts that in the first months of 2017 the planet will be overwhelmed by a financial crisis that will last until 2020. The Seer compares him to Great Depression 1920-1930s. The US will experience the greatest decline, especially compared to Europe. The dollar will depreciate. These events will entail the collapse of NATO and the European Union. The states will remain a single state, but will lose their status as a world leader.

In interviews, Globa often refers to the prophecy of Vasily Nemchin, a Russian seer of the 16th century (however, some sources attribute this prophecy to Vanga). It states that each head of state on the other side of the ocean will rule for four years. The 44th President of the United States will distinguish himself from all his predecessors and will lead the country to collapse.

Previously, the unenviable role was given to Barack Obama, the first black politician to hold this position. But Globa assures: Donald Trump will become the 44th, and not the 45th, leader of the state, as the Americans think. In the late 19th century, Grover Cleveland held office twice intermittently and was both the 22nd and 24th President of the United States. If we take this into account when counting, Trump’s number on the list of American leaders will move one point and fall under the prediction.

To Republican opponents, this prediction seems credible. But the catch is that there is no documentary information about Nemchin’s life and prophecies. We know his forecasts only from the words of Globa, who allegedly found the seer’s works in the archives of the city of Polotsk (Belarus). As soon as the astrologer copied the prophecies that interested him, the book disappeared without a trace. Needless to say that only devoted supporters of Globa believe in the existence of Nemchin?

Predictions of Vera Lyon

The Kazakh clairvoyant is sure: main problem 2017 will be a struggle between the United States and the entire world against the elements. Melting arctic ice will accelerate, coastal areas will disappear under water, devastating disasters will sweep across the world. The US will suffer from flooding, storms and epidemics. Earth's crust will break apart in areas adjacent to the ocean. NATO will lose the support of several allies, and a conflict with Germany will arise.

In Lyon's visions, Donald Trump speaks from the podium. After the words “His wife will come first,” the Statue of Liberty throws itself on the lying woman. The seer does not undertake to interpret these paintings. Perhaps they are talking about the future of Hillary Clinton, whom Trump promised to put behind bars if he wins. Lyon also predicts that Barack Obama will lose Nobel Prize peace.

Kaede's Predictions Uber

The NTV channel calls the French schoolgirl “Vanga’s successor.” According to journalists, a girl suffering from a serious illness foresees events of world significance: terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and so on. Kaede made her last prediction to date in September 2016. According to her visions, at the beginning of 2017 there will be a terrible terrorist attack in the United States that will take many lives.

The clairvoyant’s parents noticed that Kaede is afraid of Muslims and believe that Islamists will be to blame for a future terrorist attack. Kaede also promised victory in the elections for Hillary Clinton and serious illness the first female president. Nothing of the sort happened. In addition, the credibility of the young clairvoyant is undermined by the statements of Vanga’s relatives. They assure that the seer did not teach anyone her skill and did not leave successors to her gift.

Forecasts of politicians and analysts

Psychics often make mistakes or refer to unconfirmed sources. Moreover, Russian clairvoyants are so unanimous in predicting the fall of the United States that the question arises: are they saying what they know, or what they want to hear? We will give the floor to those who also make predictions about the future of the United States. True, these people do not receive information from higher powers, and painstakingly study political and economic events.

Saxo Bank Predictions

The Danish brokerage company Saxo Bank is famous accurate forecasts in the field of finance. Every year it compiles a list of events that can radically change the economic situation in the world. Among the crises predicted by Saxo Bank is the depreciation of Chinese yuan in 2014 and the fall in oil prices. Financiers started talking about softening Russian-American relations even before Donald Trump’s victory. Considering that the politician has a much better attitude towards Russia than Clinton, this prospect looks realistic.

According to Saxo Bank, already in 2017 the West will lift some of the sanctions, and the dollar will fall in value. The American currency will strengthen by the end of 2016. But in January-February the dollar risks weakening, which will lead to a fall in the price of oil. National situation currency and the US Federal Reserve's intentions to raise rates will lead to a fall in production rates. The result will be mass protests and perhaps radical change political life USA.

Prophecies of Russian clairvoyants

If psychics predict the literal death of the United States from natural disasters, then analysts predict the collapse of the political life of the United States

Andrey Dirgin's forecast

Russian financiers are sure: for the Russian Federation, Trump is a more preferable head of the United States than Clinton. Representative Russian company Alfa-Forex Andrey Dirgin believes that the opinion of the new president as an impulsive and unpredictable person is exaggerated. The Republican economic policy involves government stimulation of the economy and tax cuts.

From a financial point of view, Trump's plans are more successful than Clinton's. Although news of the Republican victory sent global markets tumbling, Deargin said it was merely a reaction to the windfall: investors were betting on Hillary. According to the expert, a change of power in the United States will not bring global changes to Russia. The Russian economy largely depends on the price of oil, and Trump has no control over it. He may lift sanctions, but in the distant future.

Media forecasts

British edition Financial Times assures: Trump will fulfill his loud campaign promises. In the near future, he will establish a partnership with Russia and block the flow of migrants. The US will say goodbye to democracy. Other media write that during the election race, the future president undermined the trust of Republicans. He will devote the first year of his reign to reconciliation with the party and the Congress, so that the world community will experience a lull.

Opinion of Ukrainian experts

Many Ukrainians fear that their country's position on the world stage will suffer from a change of power in the United States. Trump's statements about Ukraine are contradictory. In the summer of 2016, the politician promised: if he becomes president, Putin will not come to the neighboring country. In response, the Republican received accusations of ignorance of the situation in Ukraine. His position regarding Crimea is also unclear. A year earlier, Trump expressed indifference about Ukraine joining NATO.

Political expert Mikhail Pavliv criticized the Ukrainian authorities for harsh statements against Trump. Whatever American President, politicians must build adequate relations with him. According to the expert, the situation in Donbass can change only at the end of 2017, after the elections in France and Germany. Like most political scientists, Pavliv notes the unpredictability political decisions Trump.

Be that as it may, Russian and Ukrainian politicians of the first echelon congratulated Donald Trump on his victory and expressed hope for fruitful cooperation with the United States.

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The famous astrologer Pavel Globa announced a prediction about the fate of Donald Trump, the USA and Russia.

Predictions of various psychics, clairvoyants, and astrologers about the fate of significant persons and the future life of states may seem absurd. And this is logical. After all, people who are in close contact with invisible matters and talk with spirits or stars are not very immersed in the specifics of political science and social nuances of society. People do not always pay attention to the historical retrospective. However, one cannot deny the fact that often “mythical fortune-telling” hits the mark. As they say: “not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.”

In particular, the legendary Vanga is famous for her precise statements about the future, including politics. For example, more than 40 years ago, Vangelia Pandeva predicted the appearance of Barack Obama on the political arena.

In addition to Vanga, there were other clairvoyants who were no less accurately able to see the future. One of them was Vasily Nemchin. According to Pavel Globa in an interview with Life, this was the real “Russian Nostradamus XVI.” It was he who predicted that the last ruler of the United States would be the 44th president.

To date, this position has been occupied by Donald Trump, elected on November 8. It is worth noting that there are discrepancies in the predictions and calculations of America's leaders. So, in the States, the billionaire is the 45th president. However, according to the calculations of astrologer Pavel Globa, the billionaire is 44th. This is due to an error in the calculations. Since it is not taken into account that Howard Cleveland was both the 22nd and 24th president of the United States. In this regard, it is necessary to shift the counting row back one unit.

As it became known from the statements of the astrologer, Donald Trump will behave very strangely and will lead the American state into the abyss.

Whether to believe in such a forecast or not is everyone’s business. However, we cannot ignore the fact that the expert community does not see positive prospects after Trump comes to power. Not the entire American establishment supports the personality of the billionaire, as he has questioned the paradigm of America's foreign policy. In addition, some political scientists are inclined to think that Trump will ruin the political and economic system USA. In this context, we should not forget about America's huge debt, as well as the constantly working " printing press", which causes a lot of problems.

It should be noted that the Astrologer predicted the normalization of the situation in Russia by 2024. According to Globa, the state is facing an unprecedented demographic boom.

Donald John Trump - American politician, a representative of the Republican party, is widely known for his ability to communicate openly and say everything to his opponent's face. In this article we will talk about how psychics made the alignment

Biography of Donald Trump

Trump's resilient character was instilled in his youth. The father sent his son to military academy and it was there that the future millionaire was instilled with leadership qualities.

According to official data, Donald has starred in more than 100 films and TV series.

Basically, his roles were episodic, but such behavior, unusual for a politician, caused a huge stir. And the films turned out to be far from documentaries, but quite youthful: “Zoolander” (2001), “Celebrity” (1998), “Studio 54” (1998), “Companion” (1996), “Eddie” (1996), “ Love with Notice" (2002), "Sex in big city"(TV series, 1998–2004), etc.

Trump is the only politician who harshly criticized Obama. Not only did he verbally try to expose the president’s identity, he also tried to prove it with actions, challenging Obama’s citizenship. And the politician did not calm down until Obama’s Marriage birth certificate was put on display for the world to see. Repeatedly in social network On Twitter, Trump criticized one or another of Obama's decisions. Sometimes very sharply and without skimping on words.

What awaits Donald Trump in the near future?

Currently, Donald Trump is fighting for the presidency of the United States of America along with Hillary Clinton.

Trump's ideology is that he wants to restore America's former strength. One of his promises was to establish good relations with the Russian Federation.

In the first round of the race, Trump easily beat his competitors and took the lead, as in subsequent rounds. His person dialed required quantity votes to automatically be nominated for President of the United States.

Psychics' opinions, Tarot reading

Victoria Zheleznova is a finalist in the third season of the “Battle of Psychics,” a clairvoyant and psychic. The gift is passed down in her family through the female line. She is a descendant of Scandinavian magicians. In her work she uses Tarot cards, which she has held in her hands almost since infancy. Battle of Psychics Season 3 Episode 1 dated September 30, 2007 watch online

Her opponents in the battle were:

  1. Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa
  2. Sulu Iskander
  3. Alexey Fad

Having laid out the Tarot cards, Victoria spoke about Trump's near future.

“The swords fell first. This means that now a person is drawn into a struggle, both physical and spiritual. This fight is truly fierce and one wrong word can destroy his entire career. The family line is not stable now, but he has good support from his family. This helps to stay afloat. So far there are no black cards, which means there are not demons or other evil spirits behind him. This means that it is absolutely safe for society.

The health card appears in the correct position, which means he has plenty of strength to win the battle. He hates his opponent as much as he admires him.

The cards in the future line indicate that some kind of shock will soon await him. I can't tell whether it's good or not, the outcome of this incident will directly depend on his actions. If he manages his strength correctly, then everything will turn out to his advantage. Most of the cards are light, which means only prosperity and success are on his way. Trump knows how to choose his subordinates, which means his team is much stronger than that of his opponents.

However, he needs to sometimes think about the words he says. Natural straightforwardness is always good, but for some words you can lose your authority in society and completely lose this battle. It may seem to the people that he is not very serious about the presidency, and then the votes will quickly disappear. Who would need a president who cannot control his speech and emotions? How will he control the people then?

I see that most of the promises that Trump makes now, he will keep when he takes the presidency. The family will not let victory go to Donald’s head, which means that a person with a sober mind will ascend to the post.

The last card is a card of joy and jubilation, but it is not a political joy. Perhaps his family will please him with some news. I can see it being related to his daughter. Most likely, Donald will be told about her pregnancy, and, inspired by this event, he will go to conquer new heights. Very soon he will make an offer to the people of the United States of America that many will not be able to refuse and will vote for Donald Trump. This candidate will attract some with his character, some with his outstanding past, some will be close to his humane actions, and some will hope for the fulfillment of all his promises.

In any case, the chances of this candidate winning are very high; everything will depend on his decisions and rational actions. That's what the Tarot cards tell me."

What do you think of Donald Trump's tarot reading? Can he predict who will win the presidential race? Read more about the elections in the article Psychics about Donald Trump and friendship with Russia

Everyone's eyes are now directed to the West, everyone is watching the election race in the United States with interest. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are vying for the presidency. If many people are impressed by Clinton, because her policies are close to voters, she inspires confidence, then Donald Trump did not become famous with the best side. And although the gap between them is not particularly large, according to preliminary data, many people ridicule and fear Trump. Of course, he appeared in politics like a jack-in-the-box and literally within a few weeks became known throughout the world.

For more information about who this person is, read the article Psychics about Donald Trump and friendship with Russia. It is quite possible that this funny little man is the first bridge in the friendship between Russia and America.

The life and work of Donald Trump

Previously, Trump was known as a successful, very wealthy businessman; now he is also known as a politician who is famous for his extravagance and unique aggressive behavior. A year ago, he very confidently declared that he would become the best president of the United States; Trump claims that he will bring conservatives to power. It’s been a long time since there have been such strong opponents in elections who keep pace.

Donald Trump's views on life were shaped by his parents and the military academy. It was at the academy that he understood what the spirit of competition was and how important it was to calculate his actions several steps ahead. Trump, like no one else, knows that it is very important to stick to your line to the end. His opponent is Hillary Clinton, whose husband was already US President. You can read more about her in the article Psychics about Hillary Clinton's illness

But young Donald never imagined himself as a military man, but as a businessman, like his father, this, from his point of view, was what was needed. While still studying, he began to take part in various competitions and projects, and the results were not long in coming. Trump received several very profitable projects that provided him with a comfortable life for a long time. And now that he has become a famous politician, many purposefully go to his hotels. Today Donald Trump is considered the most successful businessman. Maybe his entire presidential campaign is aimed only at promoting business?

In business and on the political platform, Trump behaves quite aggressively, despite his 70 years, he is very energetic and does not hesitate to speak in relation to his opponent Hillary Clinton. His policies cause laughter for some, and horror for others, because if he becomes president, many changes will happen. Is America ready for them?

Dalai Lama on Trump

Donald Trump is famous not only in the United States, but also abroad. About a week ago, a video hit the internet, and bloggers still joke about it to this day.

To the program " Good morning, Britain,” presenter Piers Morgan called on the Dalai Lama himself. They discussed various burning topics:

  • The question of war and peace.
  • Terrorism.
  • the problem of migrants, which is quite acute in many countries.
  • The Dalai Lama even commented scandalous divorce Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. The Supreme Head of Tibet expressed his regret that such a couple, who also have children, are separating.

But it was not this that aroused particular interest, but the Dalai Lama’s comment about Donald Trump. You can watch online what the Dalai Lama said about Trump right now on our website.

Morgan asked what the spiritual leader thinks about Trump’s policies and what the Republican party’s chances of victory are. The Dalai Lama said that it has been a long time since he has seen such repulsive politicians who quickly generate negative attitudes towards themselves. The Dalai Lama admitted that when he mentions Trump, all he remembers is his short stature and strange hairstyle. However, words alone were not enough. The Dalai Lama depicted both the first and the second.

The video instantly went viral and received many comments and reposts. Users wrote that if even the Dalai Lama doesn’t like communicating with Trump, then what can we say about ordinary people who are not so reserved towards others. Many politicians are confident that after this minor statement by the Dalai Lama, Donald Trump's chances of winning the election race have sharply decreased.

Psychics about a funny show

While many openly laughed at the Dalai Lama's antics. The psychics analyzed the situation with concern. They came to the conclusion that such a spiritual person as the Dalai Lama knows much more than he says. And in such a humorous form I wanted to convey a message to all voters. Since he joked about this man, he wanted to push him away, and the joke should have a much greater impact greater action than a direct open warning.

Psychics agreed that Trump is not the person who should be in power and occupy such a responsible position. After all, the fate of many people will depend on any of his decisions. Is it possible to trust decisions to a person with such gestures and an angry forehead?

There is a rumor in certain circles that the Dalai Lama had a vision during meditation in which he was able to see that if Donald Trump came to power, then the great empire called the United States would begin to suffer. better times. Because we should not forget that Trump, first of all, is a prudent businessman who will never miss his profit and only then think about the voters. Such a person may treat the country as nothing more than raw materials for sale.

Who do you think is a worthy candidate? Maybe Trump is not so bad after all, better than Obama, who openly sponsors ISIS (more details in the article? Write your opinion in the comments, the answer will be very soon.

Everyone knows the fact that the Bulgarian soothsayer predicted a black US president as the last in US history.
According to the prediction of the world famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, after the end of the reign of the 44th President of the United States, chaos will ensue in the country; for America, this president will be the last. As with any statement that has not been objectively confirmed by anything, this rather alarming prophecy of Vanga has a decent number of both those who believed in it and those who did not take this prediction seriously. However, how can such a great and powerful power as the United States turn into an abode of chaos and anarchy? Of course, such a bold prophecy raises many unresolved questions that have no answer today. Although, the world knows many stories of the collapse of an entire state system over short term, but take at least Russia and the Great October revolution!
However, everyone in the know came to a consensus on only one thing - that the fall political system, according to the great Vanga, it is the United States that awaits, and Obama is the last president of the Americans.
However, there is also an opposite point of view. Vanga stated with confidence only that her last ruler would be a black man. However, she did not speak about the unequivocal and complete collapse of the States themselves; her words were only about the “unenviable future” that awaits America due to “greed and duplicity.”
Thus, for the 44th time, a “black man” is truly in power in the United States. Who are the main contenders for the post of President? As we know, this is the extraordinary Hilary and the bon vivant billionaire Donald Trump. And logically, if Clinton wins, what are the consequences? After all, her behavior if she comes to power is unpredictable. And revenge, as you know, is a bad adviser. And then, as they say in such cases, “a female president came to power for the first time in the history of the country.” That is, a male president, as was previously the case, will no longer lead the country.
In addition, the increased tolerance of views in this country has led to the fact that, theoretically, anyone can subsequently come to power: a voodoo magician, a representative of sexual minorities, a Mayan Indian who just left the wigwam yesterday.
But, in addition to Hilary Clinton, the colorful billionaire, owner of “everything-that-is-possible”, eternal curator of beauty contests and amateur beautiful women, Donald Trump. How opponents are trying to prevent Trump from coming to power, plotting all sorts of intrigues against the “tall blond”! Either a series of false publications on Facebook discrediting his reputation will agitate society, or some desperate person from the crowd of voters will aim at a candidate speaking at the podium!
And, if in the event of a preponderance of votes in favor of old Donald, the 45th president in the usual sense comes to power in America, then it turns out that there is a flaw in Vanga’s prediction? Although, perhaps, the struggle of various coalitions and political movements in America will lead to a large-scale coup and chaos in the political system? Well, we'll wait and see.

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