What does a dream about mercury promise? Mercury, dangerous and wonderful: what does sleeping with this substance mean?

Each interpreter can describe the meaning of the same dreamed event or object differently, but in few cases the opinion on the interpretation of the dream coincides. For example, everyone talks about losses and damages if you look for “mercury in the mouth” in any dream book. In most cases, dreaming of mercury in the mouth portends pain and separation.

What if you dream of mercury in your mouth?

Every person knows how harmful mercury can be in reality, even in small quantities, and therefore in a dream it is an extremely dangerous substance. And if in a dream there is direct contact with this liquid metal, you should prepare for the most unpleasant events that can happen in life.

If you had to become a participant in a dream in which mercury is present, then it is important not to neglect this meaning. By treating such an event with a high degree of responsibility, you may be able to avoid various troubles.

One of the meanings that mercury carries is anxiety, unfavorable life changes, as well as the wrong road. at will. Considering the danger of mercury to life, it is quite easy to decipher a dream involving this substance.

It is worth noting that mercury is safe as long as it is in a container, which most often in reality is the fragile glass of a thermometer. There is only one reason that can force a person to come into contact with liquid metal - their own carelessness.

The dream book says that dreaming of mercury becomes a harbinger of troubles that will happen solely through the fault of the dreamer. Such a dream should force a person to be very careful and vigilant so as not to create problems for himself. By being careful in your deeds and words, you can, as they say, get away with it.

If a woman saw herself in a dream breathing toxic mercury vapor, most likely this symbolizes separation from her family or from a loved one. Absorption of mercury vapor along with breathing indicates that in reality a negative event has already occurred, which now forces one to be in tension, awaiting the consequences of the situation.

The only thing that can console the dreamer is his innocence, because the danger comes from somewhere outside. Dream books give advice - not to lose composure and control over yourself, which can lead to a better outcome.

Addressing To the newest dream book, it should be noted that mercury in the mouth can mean poisoning. Modern dream book interprets the dream of mercury as unhappy changes in life that will occur due to the fault of the dreamer’s enemies.

Mercury can also have an abstract meaning; it is likely that through a dream a person is told that much around may not be what it really seems like.

What does it portend?

Since mercury is a bad omen leading to trouble, it is worth taking into account that panic and fussiness can increase the number of problems. This means you should calm down and concentrate on solving problems, then “the devil will not be as scary as he is portrayed.”

Also, mercury, according to other dream books, can be a dream of an unknown and fleeting illness. Seeing liquid metal in a dream means a sudden thief who will go unpunished, that is, mercury portends a danger that will be unexpected and quick. Spilling mercury in a dream is not a harbinger of good news - you should expect anything from life, but not prosperity.

Mercury in a dream can become a symbol of ill-wishers who will have no problem causing damage to things that are already not going well. To see in a dream that metal has spilled means that a protracted and unfavorable period will soon begin for the dreamer, or he will have to part with loved ones for a long time.

I dreamed of mercury in open form- expect only losses, grief, separation, sadness and troubles from life. With great patience, calmness and self-control, you can cope with the problems that such a dream was a warning about.

Mercury vapors in real life have a detrimental effect on the health of the person near it. How to understand why you dream of mercury? Most interpreters are confident that mercury in night dreams is an alarming sign, warning a person about the dangers and problems awaiting him.

What if you dream about mercury?

In a dream I saw mercury flowing out of broken thermometer? According to dream interpreter Gustav Miller, a dream in which this poisonous metal appeared promises the sleeping person bad changes in fate. If in her night dreams a woman suffered from mercury vapor poisoning, then in reality she will have to face the betrayal of her own family. Also, a dream can predict a long separation from relatives for the dreamer.

In Evgeniy Tsvetkov’s dream book, mercury is associated with impending danger. After waking up, the dreamer should be careful in all matters, avoid risky activities, air travel and long car travel. Have you ever breathed mercury fumes in your sleep and felt bad because of it? In the near future, a person will have to face adverse consequences from his previous action. It will be impossible to avoid troubles; all that remains is to prepare for them.

Mercury from a thermometer, according to Vanga’s dream book, symbolizes a danger that will arise so unexpectedly that it will take the dreamer by surprise. To protect himself from it, the seer advises the sleeping person to avoid meeting dubious people in the coming days and to refrain from rash actions.

Why do you dream about mercury? By dream book XXI centuries? According to this authoritative interpreter, a dream in which a person dreams of this poisonous metal foreshadows worries and unpleasant life changes. The dream can also promise long journey, in which the sleeper will have to face many obstacles.

The autumn dream book considers mercury in night dreams as a sign foreshadowing a short-term illness for a person, the causes of which will never be identified. The compilers of the Summer Dream Book are confident that a dream with mercury predicts a meeting with a thief for the sleeper. You should carefully monitor your personal belongings and not lose the keys to your home. The dream book warns that if a criminal manages to rob the dreamer, he will be able to disappear without a trace and avoid responsibility for the crime committed. According to Spring dream book, a night vision in which balls of mercury appeared, brings a warning to a sleeping person about impending danger. To avoid it, you should refrain from risky activities and car trips.

Seeing mercury, according to Zhou Gong’s dream book, means a danger to life. If in his night dreams a person admired the shine of dangerous metal, then in reality he will worry a lot and cry. Collecting mercury from a broken thermometer is a sign that predicts the dreamer a happy opportunity to avoid mortal danger. Unable to collect silver balls from the floor or other surface? In reality, difficult things await a sleeping person. life trials, which will take him a lot of time, effort and financial resources.

What does it portend?

Spilled mercury in a dream portends danger for gullible people. This interpretation can be found in the Emperor’s dream book. The interpreter warns the dreamer not to trust others, because behind their beautiful smile and promising words there may be evil intentions hidden.

The sorceress Medea was sure that a person who saw mercury in his night dreams should be careful about his health in real life. An unexpected illness can put him in bed for a long time and it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

Why do you dream of mercury, which the dreamer collected and put in his pocket? Interpreters consider a dream with such a development of events as a sign foretelling hard work for a person, which will not bring him either a worthy financial reward or moral satisfaction. If it is possible to refuse such work, it is best to do so immediately.

Holding mercury balls in your hands in a dream means the need to perform a dangerous task. Interpreters advise the dreamer to cast aside fear and set about implementing the task. Perseverance and self-confidence will help him achieve success with minimal losses.

Mercury in a dream is an alarming sign that cannot be ignored. But dream books urge a person not to be upset when he sees her in night vision. Having received a warning about impending danger, the dreamer can make efforts to avoid it. In this case, the negative omen will not come true.

Explaining why mercury is dreamed of, the dream book first mentions the malice of such an amazing metal. A brilliant substance with unique variability is a huge threat to life in reality and in dreams.

Be careful with the thermometer!

The dream book explains why you dream of mercury spilled from a thermometer whose surface was accidentally broken. Unfortunately, the plot does not predict favorable events.

Did you dream about a damaged thermometer? In real life, a dark streak comes. It is almost impossible to foresee their character in advance; in this regard, the dream book recommends being prepared for a future test, at least internally.

When you dreamed that a chemical essence was running out of a thermometer, you can be prepared for the next enemy attack, which this time may bring great damage.

The Wanderer's Dream Interpreter gives the most understandable explanation of why a broken thermometer dreams. The dreamer's acquired property will be in danger. Focus on the system fire safety, as well as on alarms.

If you dreamed that mercury leaked out, the risk of robbery and theft increases in the coming future. In addition, the possibility of finding the thief and returning stolen valuables is not at all high. Perhaps he will not be punished for the crime he committed.

For someone who dreams of a broken thermometer, the dream interpreter prophesies a spontaneous long-distance departure, due to which all the plans of the sleeping person will be confused.

An explanation of why mercury is dreamed of is also found in the Emperor’s dream book. It is only possible for simple-minded individuals to see it in a dream, who are accustomed to perceive a lie as the truth. The dream vision recommends not to go after something that sparkles.

The sorceress Medea points out that if you happen to see a chemical substance in a dream, in reality you need to take care of your own health. An illness can arise suddenly, but it will not be easy to cure it, including with the help of experienced doctors.

Vanga's dream book explains differently why he dreams of how mercury spilled. The plot prophesies difficulties, the specific reason for which is the dreamer’s worries. Best Method destroy their negative effect - control yourself and try to be more focused. The distress ranges are probably not huge.

What to watch out for

Miller's dream book attributes the most negative sign to when a representative of the fair sex dreamed of a chemical substance. A sleeping woman is surrounded by a whirlwind of unpleasant incidents. The likelihood of forced separation from family or dearest people increases.

According to Miller’s dream book, there is no way out that will protect oneself from such unfavorable situations. Problems may arise unexpectedly and very soon.

The dream book, in which the plot involves intoxication with mercury vapor, is called upon to be taken in an almost literal sense. In the coming future food products Low quality pose a serious danger to the dreamer’s health. Those who frequently suffer from food allergic reactions should take special care.

How to neutralize negativity

When in a dream you were supposed to pick up balls of mercury with your own hands, although this is dangerous, one way or another, it is better than doing nothing. Anyone who tries to do something in a dream, for example, collect mercury, in reality has more opportunities to overcome troubles with low losses.

You can also collect mercury in a figurative sense. If in reality you often think about a goal, the subconscious continues to transfer all the images into dreams.

If you managed to collect all the mercury balls that flowed out of the broken thermometer, in reality you will be able to overcome all sorts of life difficulties.

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If you dream of mercury leaking from a thermometer, then in reality something sad will soon happen, which will lead to depressing consequences. The scale of the problem can be either catastrophic or quite insignificant.

If you comply necessary measures precautions, accuracy, even in extreme situations you can be protected and prepared for negativity.

Mercury on the floor according to the dream book

Did you dream that mercury spilled on the floor? The dream is a warning of impending health danger.

There is a risk of poisoning from the medications you have due to their incorrect use or erroneous doctor's prescription. There is also an increased risk of harming your own well-being when using all kinds of chemical substances, reagents.

Be extremely careful when handling medicines and any other medications to avoid ending up in a healthcare facility.

Swallow mercury in a dream

If you happened to swallow mercury in a dream, then what you saw can be interpreted as a blunder, an oversight that you made in reality. Such negligence can lead to serious, irreversible consequences, which cannot be corrected quickly or easily.

In all significant events, be extremely prudent, because even one insignificant flaw can lead to a disastrous outcome.

Spilled mercury in a dream

The interpretation of a dream in which you clearly saw spilled mercury indicates the existence of a threat to planned activities, the likelihood of their failure or suspension. The retaliatory actions taken will not have the desired effect; on the contrary, they will provoke an even more negative outcome.

It is better to prevent troubles from occurring than to unsuccessfully try to correct them, so postpone responsible steps until the unfavorable period has passed.

I dream that mercury crumbled

The interpretation of a dream where mercury scattered into small balls promises a lot of unpleasant troubles and various troubles.

Perhaps you will show negligence or inattention, which is why you will be robbed, and the attacker will subsequently not be detained or will avoid deserved punishment. Most likely, it will not be possible to return at least part of the stolen property.

Try with all your might so that your attention does not weaken, do not lose sight of anything important, be extremely concentrated.

I dreamed of mercury in my mouth

If in a dream you had to taste mercury in your mouth, then the vision serves as a harbinger of a number of unpleasant incidents. In personal relationships, you will experience the bitterness of misunderstandings and disappointments. In the business sphere, a crisis and breakdown of agreements are likely. The danger of poisoning or other serious illness cannot be ruled out.

Cancel all transactions for this period, do not start important conversations with loved ones. Take your own health issues with the utmost seriousness.

Dreaming of collecting mercury

The meaning of a dream in which mercury had to be collected indicates a serious threat to the condition of the body or even life. If in a dream you successfully completed this work, the worst troubles will bypass you. Otherwise, you will face numerous trials and intractable problems.

Mercury seen in a dream predicts unpleasant events for a person. If you dreamed of collecting mercury, then in reality the dreamer risks facing danger, getting sick, and parting with loved ones. To understand why one dreams of collecting mercury in a dream, the sleeper should pay attention to the ending of his night vision.

What if you dream of collecting mercury?

Almost all dream interpreters agree that mercury in night dreams is a bad omen for the dreamer. A dream in which you happened to collect mercury indicates the onset of a period in the life of a sleeping person filled with difficult trials. Did you dream of picking up shiny balls of mercury from the floor and putting them in a container? Felomena's dream book recommends that the dreamer refuse to participate in the planned risky event. Without heeding a sign from above, a person risks getting hurt and seriously tarnishing his reputation.

Also, a dream in which the sleeper dreams of collecting silvery balls of toxic metal can warn him of difficulties arising in real life. To overcome them, he needs to resort to active measures. The dream book warns: if the dreamer is inactive, he will not be able to cope with the trials that befall him.

Why else do you dream? According to the dream interpreter mentioned above, a vision in which a person touched this toxic metal can warn him of facing mortal danger in reality. If the mercury was completely collected in a dream, then the dreamer will miraculously avoid a threat to life.

Smurov's dream book also represents mercury with danger. According to the interpreter, the dream in which it happened to be collected indicates that in the coming days there will be a threat hanging over the dreamer. real threat for life. To prevent it, the sleeper must avoid meeting dubious personalities, do not walk in dark time day and do not violate traffic rules.

But even these precautions may be ineffective, since mercury in a dream warns of a serious danger that is very difficult to avoid. Did the dreamer manage to collect it down to the last ball? In this case, you can hope for a successful outcome to the problem that has arisen. If for some reason a sleeping person fails to collect dangerous balls, then an incredibly difficult period awaits him. Even mortal danger can be avoided, its consequences will be so serious that the dreamer will not be able to enjoy life for a long time.

What does it portend?

Ivanov’s dream book is sure that night dreams in which a person collected mercury from the floor or some other surface warn him about high risk poisoning It is important to monitor the freshness of the food you eat in the coming days and avoid contact with toxic chemicals.

Collecting mercury in a dream, according to the compilers of the dream book New Era, is a sign warning a sleeping person to remember that not everything that glitters is gold. If the dreamer forgets this simple truth, he risks committing serious mistake, which he will subsequently repent for a long time.

What other interpretations can dreams with mercury have? If in a dream a person broke a thermometer and called rescuers to collect the mercury that leaked from it, then in reality he will try to maintain his relationship with his significant other. The modern dream book is forced to disappoint the dreamer: the efforts he makes will not bring the expected result, and his loved one will still leave him in the coming days.

A person who had to collect mercury in a dream will have a difficult time in reality. To protect himself from future problems, he needs to seriously think about his own safety and not joke with death. If the dreamer spends the next few days at home, he will be able to avoid the bad omen that his higher powers warned him about.

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