Dates of Andrew's name day according to the Orthodox calendar. Andrey's name day. Illustrious saints with this name

ANDREY. Courageous (Greek).
January 27 (January 14)- righteous Andrey.
May 31 (May 18)- Martyr Andrei.
June 5 (May 23)- Righteous Prince Andrei of Smolensky, Pereslavl (Russian).
June 11 (May 29)- Martyr Andrew of Chios.
June 15 (June 2)- Reverend Andrew.
July 3 (June 20)- Apostle Andrew the First-Called (transfer of relics).
July 13 (June 30)
July 17 (July 4)- Saint Andrew, Archbishop of Crete; faithful Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky (Russian) and Rev. Andrei (Rublev), icon painter (Russian).
July 22 (July 9)- Martyr Andrei.
July 25 (July 12)- Martyr Andrew, Stratilates.
August 17 (August 4)- righteous Andrey.
September 1 (August 19)- Martyr Andrei Stratelates.
September 19 (September 6)- two martyrs Andrei.
September 23 (September 10)- Rev. Prince Andrew, monastically Joasaph, Spasokubensky (Russian).
October 4 (September 21)- Hieromartyr Andrew the Presbyter.
October 6 (September 23)- Martyr Andrei.
October 15 (October 2)- Blessed Andrei Tsaregradsky, Fool for Christ's sake.
October 23 (October 10)- Blessed Andrei Totemsky, Fool for Christ's sake (Russian).
October 30 (October 17)- Venerable Martyr Andrew of Crete.
November 9 (October 27)- Righteous Prince Andrei Smolensky (Russian) (discovery of relics in Pereslavl Zalessky).
December 11 (November 28)- Martyr Andrei.
December 13 (November 30)- Apostle Andrew the First-Called.
December 15 (December 2)- Reverend Andrew.

The Apostle Andrew was from Galilee. This Northern part The Holy Land was distinguished by its fertility and picturesqueness, and its inhabitants were good natured and hospitable. The Galileans easily got along with the Greeks, who inhabited their country in large numbers; many spoke Greek and even wore greek names. The name Andrey is Greek and means “courageous.”

When John the Baptist began to preach on the banks of the Jordan, Andrew, together with John Zebedee (who came from the same city as Bethsaida), followed the prophet, hoping to find an answer to his spiritual questions in his teaching. Many began to think that maybe John the Baptist was the expected Messiah, but he explained to people that he was not the Messiah, but was sent only to prepare the way for Him. At that time, the Lord Jesus Christ came to John the Baptist on the Jordan for baptism, and he, pointing to the Lord, said to his disciples: “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.” Hearing this, Andrew and John followed Jesus. The Lord, seeing them, asked: “What do you need?” They said: “Rabbi (Teacher), where do you live?” “Come and see,” Jesus answered, and from that time they became His disciples. On the same day, the Apostle Andrew went to his brother Simon Peter and told him: “We have found the Messiah.” So Peter joined the disciples of Christ.

However, the apostles did not immediately devote themselves entirely to the apostolic title. From the Gospel we know that the brothers Andrew and Simon Peter and the brothers John and James had to return to their families for a while and take up their usual work - fishing. A few months later, the Lord, passing by Lake Galilee and seeing them fishing, said: “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” Then they left their boats and nets and from that day became constant disciples of Christ.

Andrew, who followed the Lord earlier than the other apostles, received the name First-Called. He remained with Christ throughout the entire period of His public ministry. After the Resurrection of the Savior, Apostle Andrew, together with other disciples, was honored with meetings with Him and was present on the Mount of Olives when the Lord, having blessed them, ascended to Heaven.

After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles cast lots as to who should go to which country to preach the Gospel. Saint Andrew inherited the countries lying along the Black Sea coast, the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula and Scythia, i.e. the Land on which Russia was later formed. According to legend, the Apostle Andrew preached on the Tauride Peninsula, then climbed north along the Dnieper and reached the place where Kyiv subsequently arose. “Believe me,” the apostle said to his disciples, “that the grace of God will shine on these mountains: a great city will be here, the Lord will enlighten this land with holy baptism and will erect many churches here.” Then the Apostle Andrew blessed the Kyiv mountains and erected a cross on one of them, heralding the acceptance of faith by the future inhabitants of Rus'.

After returning to Greece, the Apostle Andrew stopped in the city of Patros (Patra), located near the Gulf of Corinth. Here, through the laying on of hands, he healed many people from illnesses, including the noble Maximilla, who believed in Christ with all her heart and became a disciple of the apostle. Since many residents of Patras believed in Christ, the local ruler Egeat was inflamed with hatred against the Apostle Andrew and sentenced Him to crucifixion. The apostle, not at all afraid of the verdict, in an inspired sermon revealed to those gathered the spiritual power and significance of the Savior’s suffering on the cross.

Governor Egeat did not believe the apostle's preaching, calling his teaching madness. Then he ordered the apostle to be crucified so that he would suffer longer. St. Andrew was tied to the cross like the letter X, without driving nails into his hands and feet, so as not to cause quick death. The unjust sentence of Egeat caused indignation among the people, nevertheless this sentence remained in force.

Hanging on the cross, Apostle Andrew prayed incessantly. Before the separation of his soul from his body, the heavenly light shone on Andrew’s cross, and in its brilliance the apostle departed into the eternal Kingdom of God. The martyrdom of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called followed about 62 years after the Nativity of Christ.

The Russian Church, having accepted the faith from Byzantium, whose bishops trace their succession to the Apostle Andrew, also considers itself his successor. That is why the memory of Saint Andrew the First-Called was so solemnly revered in pre-revolutionary Russia. Emperor Peter I established the first and highest order in honor of the Apostle Andrew, which was given as a reward to dignitaries of the state. Since the times of Peter the Great, the Russian fleet has made its banner the St. Andrew's flag, a blue X-shaped cross on a white background, under the shadow of which the Russians won many victories.

He was the very first to follow Christ, and only then did his brother, the Apostle Peter, follow the Savior. The future apostle was originally from Galilee. He heard about the saving teaching from John the Baptist, when many thought that he was the Messiah. However, John the Baptist explained that it was not He, but only called to prepare the way for Him. Soon what was said in the book happened Holy Scripture. Lord Jesus Christ accepted holy baptism in the Jordan River.
Andrew the First-Called immediately decided to follow Christ, becoming His disciple. The Apostle Andrew was with the Savior almost the entire time of His earthly ministry and preaching.
After the death of the Lord on the cross, Andrew the First-Called was among the disciples to whom the Savior appeared on the Mount of Olives. Having already acquired the Holy Spirit, Apostle Andrew sets out to acquaint humanity with the teachings of Christ; the lands along the Black Sea fell to his lot. He visited the Tauride Island, climbed north from the Dnieper, and reached the future site of Kyiv. He blessed these places by installing a cross here.
Then he returned to Greece and began to live in the city of Patros, where he healed and preached. The ruler Egeat hated the apostle and decided to crucify him on the cross. He ordered the guards to do everything to ensure that the saint’s torment lasted as long as possible. The apostle was tied with the letter X to the cross; no nails were driven in, so that death would not occur immediately. Andrew the First-Called prayed all this time. At the moment of his soul’s departure to the Lord, his body was illuminated with extraordinary light.
From time immemorial in Rus', the Apostle Andrew was especially revered. Peter the Great founded an order in his honor, which was awarded to government officials. It was in honor of the apostle that the Russian fleet installed the St. Andrew's flag as a banner. As you know, it is a blue cross on a white background in the shape of the letter X.

  • In January – 27
  • In April – 28
  • In May – 31
  • In June – 3, 11, 25, 26
  • In July – 3, 13, 17, 22
  • In August – 17
  • In September – 1, 19, 20, 23
  • In October – 4, 6, 15, 23, 30
  • In November – 9
  • In December – 10, 11, 13, 15

- an extremely common name in the Slavic world: it marks more than forty days a year. After all, most children were called righteous, glorious names in the old days.

The days of veneration of saints fall on the date of the end of their earthly journey. Every day the church commemorates many saints with the same names. A person celebrates the day of an angel during his earthly journey and, upon repose, he is remembered by the name with which he was baptized.

Devoutly believing Christians name their children strictly in accordance with the canons of the church, trying not to call them after martyrs, to protect them from such suffering. If the parents do not like the name in the calendar that falls on the child’s birthday, they can choose the name they like and baptize their child on that day.

Name days are a day of honoring and celebrating the life of one's saint.

The name is Greek, Russian: it means “brave”, “courageous” and “brave”.

The most famous saint is considered to be the First Called - one of the twelve apostles, disciples of Jesus.

According to church code, the name sounds like “Andrey”.

Many Slavic countries have their own variations of the name: Andriy, Ondrey, Ondrya, Andrzej, Andrew, Andrian, Andreas, Henri, Andris. There are a great many of them.

In Russia, the diminutive, affectionate, everyday form of the name is also incredibly diverse: Andreika, Andryushka, Andryukha, Andreychik, Dryulya, Andryulya, Andrya, Andrian.

Many powerful and noble persons, church hierarchs who went down in history were named after Andrei.

The character and life path of Andrei in a secular interpretation

Since childhood, Andreika has been a curious, active leader. He takes part in all the fun, organizes them himself, jokes and laughs contagiously. Has a rich imagination. Loves active, noisy games.

Everyone loves him, is touched, and praises him. Andryusha has an inquisitive mind, the depth and kindness of his soul is amazing. Those around him are jealous of him, believing that he is lucky. But the young man himself is the “smith” of his own happiness. Remembers to work hard to achieve results.

Always in good standing with the team, non-conflicting.

Can work in different areas: from creative professions, before law enforcement. An excellent lawyer and speaker. He will succeed in business, tends to hoard, and is stingy.

He chooses a woman himself, often older than himself, in which he experiences deep disappointment over time. At an older age, having solid material luggage and a stable career, he marries a bright, young lady. Children appear again, whom Andrei loves selflessly, just like the children from his first marriage. Good father, family man.

Men with this name are happy, fate is generous to them. They help relatives, actively relax, and love traveling.

Famous saints named Andrew

  1. Andrew the First-Called, holy apostle. As a boy, he devoted himself to God, being a disciple of John the Baptist. The name First-Called was given because the young man was the first to be called to become an apostle. Andrei converted his brother, the future apostle Peter, to the faith. He witnessed a divine miracle when Christ fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread; and also witnessed the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. Andrew preached at Balkan Peninsula, in Abkhazia and the upper reaches of the Dnieper. From the descriptions of Nestor the Chronicler in the Tale of Bygone Years it follows that Andrei erected a cross on the site of the future city of Kyiv. He predicted that many temples would be built here. Subsequently, Kyiv will truly become the capital Kievan Rus. The apostle also visited the land of the Slavs in the future city of Novgorod. He preached in Rome, Byzantium, where he founded the Church of Constantinople Christian church; contributed to its rapprochement with the Russian Church. He was repeatedly persecuted and beaten, but the Lord invariably showed miracles of healing. Andrew was crucified by the pagans, he preached from the cross for two days. When, fearing popular anger, it was decided to remove the tortured apostle, he began to pray fervently to prevent this. Thus, in the city of Patras, the venerable Andrew the First-Called rested. They pray to Apostle Andrew for the protection of the Fatherland from wars and attacks on independence. He also helps in healing from illnesses and patronizes fishermen and sailors. The symbol of the Russian fleet was a flag with the image of St. Andrew's Cross.
  2. Saint Andrew, Archbishop of Crete. Was born in Damascus. He suffered from muteness until he was seven years old; he began to speak after converting to the Christian faith. An educated rhetorician and philosopher, he devoted himself to asceticism in a monastery. He was reputed to be extremely meek and ascetic. He served as a clerk, a deacon, and then became the Archbishop of Crete. He composed many prayers and chants, and composed the “Great Canon of Repentance,” now called “St. Andrew’s Station.” The founder of such a concept as “canon”. He wrote hymns and taught. Poet and preacher of the word of God.
  3. Andrey Rublev, icon painter. Born around 1360, he was well educated and studied artistic skills in Byzantium and Bulgaria. He painted icons in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the Savior-Andronik Monastery. The artist lived in an atmosphere of amazing holiness and submission to God. The icon painter is an ascetic, took monastic vows, and achieved great mastery in his godly occupation. Canonized as a saint for his extraordinary feat of icon painting.

Let's celebrate the name day

The day of an angel should spiritually elevate the bearer of the name above his problems, be peaceful and serene. This is a very significant day of the year, along with birthdays.

In the morning you need to plan to visit the nearest temple and pray to the intercessor of your name. Ask for help in daily worries, about the health of loved ones. You must believe that the patrons of the name will certainly “take care” of you.

Prepare a table with festive dishes, dine with good friends and relatives, in a peaceful atmosphere.

You should say a prayer to your heavenly angel as regularly as possible:

“Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Andrew, as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.”

Andrey's birthday church calendar are celebrated in almost every month of the year.

Translated from Greek language this name means "courageous". If we talk about Andrei’s name day, we must first note that every day of the calendar in Orthodoxy is dedicated to the memory of a saint, and sometimes several. At baptism, a person is given the name of his heavenly patron. Name day is also called the day of the angel. However, one should not confuse the guardian angel, which is given at baptism, with the patron saint, after whom the baptized person is named.

Name day

Saint Theodore of Edessa writes that the Lord gives each person two guardians, the first is a guardian angel who protects him from all misfortunes and evil and helps him do good deeds. And the second one is a saint. He intercedes with God with prayers for his ward. They constantly strive to fill their souls with love for their Creator and their neighbors.

Ambrose of Optina said that according to your name let life be. A person named after a saint must understand that this is not only his patron, but also a worthy role model. And for this you need to know his life well. Is it possible to imitate Christ for the sake of the holy fool? Of course not, but we must learn to cultivate the will, humility and patience in ourselves in order to persevere through all life’s difficulties. One must be able to fight self-love and pride, as all the saints did.

Andrew the First-Called. Name day

Jesus Christ called the brothers Simon (Peter) and Andrew with him. They were born in Bethsaida. Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, and from him he learned about the lamb of God - the Savior Jesus Christ, who did not come to show miracles, but to save all humanity. Little is written in Scripture about the Apostle Andrew, but some details of his deeds can be learned from the life of the saint, who was martyred in the year 60.

If we talk about Andrei’s name day, then first of all we need to remember from the Gospel how the apostles went by lot to different countries to glorify the Lord and bring his word to the world.

Andrei's path lay to the coast of the Pontus Euxine (to the Black Sea and to the Crimean south coast). At that time, this entire territory was under the rule of the Roman Empire. Andrei visited the northern Black Sea region, where the barbarians, or Scythians, as they are also called, lived. Nobody knows how far he went in this direction.


In a later legend one can read that Saint Andrew climbed up the Dnieper and consecrated the place where the city of Kyiv was later built. Later, he allegedly reached the Novgorod land, where he was surprised by the Russian baths, but in earlier sources there is no information about these wanderings of the holy apostle. It is believed that it was Apostle Andrew who first began to spread Christianity in Rus' and, most likely, visited Chersonese, the future Sevastopol.

He preached a lot, healed and resurrected, and prayed to his Teacher. Saint Andrew defended with all his might the Christians who were thrown into prison, tortured, and then brutally killed. The same fate awaited the apostle: he was crucified on an oblique cross in the shape of the letter “X”, hence the name “St. Andrew’s Cross”. He hung on it for two days and then died.

Orthodox name days named after Andrei are celebrated on December 13 (June 30).

Andrey Bogolyubsky

The great ruler of Rus' and saint is called the passion-bearer. His date of birth is between 1111 and 1125. His memory is honored on July 4 (July 17). We must admit the fact that Saint Prince Andrew managed to distinguish himself in many areas: science, culture, religion, art, politics and, of course, military affairs. His father is Yuri Dolgoruky, who trained real warriors from his sons. Andrei's mother was the daughter of the Polovtsian Khan Aepa (Osenevich).

Andrey was a very religious person. One night he had a vision: a revived icon told him to go to Vladimir, although his father sent him to rule in Vyshgorod.

During his life, Andrei Bogolyubsky rebuilt, decorated and furnished more than thirty white stone churches. I didn’t spare any money for this. He was a great intellectual, knew 6 languages. Under him, the Vladimir-Suzdal state became very powerful.

Bogolyubsky wanted to unite the fragmented Rus', but the princes did not want to lose their independence. The Grand Duke had many like-minded people, but he also had plenty of enemies. The conspirators treacherously killed the prince on July 12, 1174. First, his weapon was stolen, and then a group of armed people broke into his chambers and brutally killed him. According to modern examinations, he received 45 stabbing wounds from swords, spears, daggers and sabers.

If the prince had not been killed, and if he had managed to unite the princes even then, then half a century later the Russian people would not have had to suffer from the Mongols. And maybe history future Russia It would have turned out completely differently.

Andrey Rublev

Reverend Andrei Rublev is one of the most famous ancient icon painters of the 15th century. There is very little biographical information about Rublev. He was born around the 1360s in the Principality of Moscow. Previously, nicknames were given because of the craft that a person was engaged in, and a “rubel” was a tool for rolling leather. The icon preserved from that time has the signature “Andrei Ivanov son of Rublev.” Perhaps his father's name was Ivan.

Chronicles indicate that Rublev, together with Daniil Cherny and other assistants, painted the cathedral in the Trinity Sergius Monastery and made an iconostasis, which included the today famous “Holy Trinity” icon. In it he uses a biblical story: the moment when Abraham was visited by the Holy Trinity. Today the painting is in the Tretyakov Gallery and is one of the greatest monuments ancient Russian art.

Name day named after Andrey. Conclusion

In addition to the saints who were given above, there are names of people who were also glorified as saints. Andrew's name day is also celebrated on July 17 (4) in honor of St. Andrew, Archbishop of Crete (712-726); October 15 (2) - Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Slav from Novgorod, Constantinople (10th century) Blessed Andrew; June 25 (12) - St. Andrew of Egypt and many other righteous people who dedicated their lives to serving the Lord. Some did not spare their lives and preached the Gospel, for which they were severely punished by the almighty godless rulers.

Forget about problems -
Happy holiday to you, Andrey!
So that you have everything,
So that my wife always loves,
To have a fuse inside -
The energizer did not burn out,
The battery didn't run out.
Happiness and love, Andreyka!

Happy holiday to you, Andrey,
Bright and shiny days
Optimism and success,
And more laughter in life!

May you always be lucky
Only fate will be good
Things turn out
And the dream will come true.

In my personal life there is only love,
Let friends be true
Always on your way
Joy to you, good luck!

Dear Andryusha, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you and want to wish you sincere love dear people, good luck in life, joyful moments, happy events, high goals, incredible powers, excellent health, reliable friends and great luck.

Dear Andrey,
Don't be sad and don't be sick,
May you always be on the rise -
At least at the dacha, at least at the sea.

Don't disown your friends
Just strive for the best.
Go up, strive, try
And fight for your happiness.

Appreciate life, don’t get angry often.
It's dangerous for health
Living without knowing the positive.
Let all evil pass by.

Be an optimist, Andrey,
Have more fun
Don’t even think about being discouraged
Positivity is important in life.

Let your friends appreciate you,
Respected by everyone in the area
And success is as big as the sea
May it cover you soon!

Andrey is a man, at least - where?
And you can't argue with that.
He's fair as always
He is our reliable sidekick.

Andryukha, our friend, we are with you.
Always be ahead!
We will solve the problem in a crowd,
Just call.

My friend, always be loved
You are your woman
And always respected
In friends company.

You are courageous from birth,
After all, your name is Andrey,
Holiday greetings,
Get it from us quickly!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
Overcome all obstacles
Drunk, drunk with happiness,
And don’t get drunk!

May your wishes come true and
Let your dreams come true
To make life seem like honey,
And may you be pleased!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart, Andrey,
May you always live brightly and happily,
Goodness and millions of clear days,
I wish you a sea of ​​positivity,
Smile radiantly more often,
May your wallet always be full,
Then your dreams will begin to come true
And your every day will be sweet!

You are the soul of company.
And always cheerful and cheerful.
Let life be good
And good luck!

Smile more cheerfully
Getting everything at once.
Happy holiday, Andrey!
Rush forward, adding gas!

I hasten to wish you, Andrey,
So that from fun day after day
You chirped like a sparrow
And he soared towards the goals like an eagle,

Didn't know barriers, didn't know losses,
Longing, betrayal, debt.
Let him open the door to a fairy tale
Magic love for you.

Look, Anryukha, don’t get sick!
Keep your tail of luck in your hands!
Fly on the wings of happiness
Always up to the very bright stars!

Happy holiday to you, Andrey!
If kindly - Andryusha...
Be healthy, don't get sick
And always be the best in everything.

Be loved and love
For love - to the ends of the earth.
Achieve your goals, don't sleep,
To do everything in this life.

Don't be sad and don't be bored.
Have everything you need.
Celebrate this holiday
Bright, fun and friendly!

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