Commonwealth Day. Commonwealth Day in Great Britain and its former colonies. Commonwealth Day in numbers

To promote the progress of the world community, it is necessary to maintain friendly relations between countries. There are problems, the solution of which is possible only with the participation of all the states of the Earth. These include issues of health, conflict, technology. Numerous organizations operate to create conditions conducive to good neighborliness. They are endowed with a number of powers and obligations. An international holiday has been established to honor such structures.

When does it pass

Commonwealth Day is celebrated annually on the second Monday in March. In 2020, the date is celebrated on March 9th.

Who notes

Diplomats, members of the Commonwealth, officials, representatives of state governments take part in the celebrations. Public and charity organisations. The action is considered by people related to this international institution. Each year, a theme is assigned under which the next celebrations take place.

history of the holiday

In the 20th century, there was an increase liberation movements in British dominions. They led to the collapse of the Empire. Dominions began to form - territories with broad rights to self-government. After the end of World War II, the Commonwealth was formed. It included former countries metropolitans, who received equal rights. They showed allegiance to the monarchical crown.

The organization includes 53 countries. The headquarters is located in London.

The official name of the department of the British diplomatic service is still the Office of Foreign Affairs for Commonwealth Affairs.

There are facts of the suspension of participation of several members for violations of the norms of governance according to the principles of democracy.

South Africa was excluded in connection with the implementation of the policy of apartheid.

The term "Commonwealth of Nations" was first used by the British Prime Minister, Lord Roseberry. This event took place in 1884. The beginning of the structure was laid by the colonial conference. The foundations of the new policy were fixed on it. The most developed possessions received the status of dominions.

In 1926 the Balfour Declaration was adopted. The document recognized the equal rights of countries and their independence.

The main ideas proclaimed by representatives of the world community today are cooperation and tolerance. First of all, they concern national question, that is, the main goal is the fruitful coexistence of peoples, the suppression of any kind of aggression within any state and the planet as a whole. But there are other reasons why there is a need to unite people belonging to any ethnic group, as well as the country. For example, there is the British Commonwealth of Nations, created to unite the states that were once part of Great Britain, in other words, to strengthen the power of the state. On March 11, 2019, members of this union celebrate the holiday of the same name - which is celebrated every year on the second March Monday.

The essence and foundations of the association

The organization we are considering, the British Commonwealth of Nations, created to unite the states that were once part of Great Britain, in other words, to strengthen the power of the state, the appearance of which on the world stage was the reason for the establishment of a festive spring date - Commonwealth Day, celebrated annually, is special international union. At the head of the British Commonwealth of Nations or, as it is more commonly called, simply the Commonwealth of Nations is the British monarch. Its participating countries are considered a symbol of free unity. The fact that the reins of government of the Commonwealth of Nations are concentrated in the hands of the monarch of Great Britain does not speak of political power monarch over the states and peoples that are part of the organization. In principle, this union has nothing to do with politics as such.

Creation idea international community of nations comes from a natural desire to recreate the British Empire that collapsed in the past, uniting under this auspices the now independent states - former English colonies and other territories that are part of the good old Britain. These are republics, independent countries or the same monarchies as she herself. It is interesting that the powers that took part in this venture, that is, became members of the Commonwealth of Nations, are considered English citizens. By the way, the inhabitants of Eire, which is not an “element” of an international association, still have a similar status. Members of the Commonwealth of Nations, in order to clarify to the uninitiated their role in this organization, use the following wording: "united, free and equal members of the Commonwealth of Nations, freely cooperating in achieving peace, freedom and progress." Obviously, further comments on this issue are superfluous.

Legal status international organization was defined in the first half of the 20th century, namely in 1931. The necessary clarifications were made 16 years later, after the Second World War. In addition to the post of head of the British Commonwealth of Nations, the post of Minister for Commonwealth Affairs was established. The Commonwealth Secretariat also carries out its important activities. The interests of the monarch within the framework of an international organization and each of the states is usually represented by the governor-general, but it is not uncommon for certain documents to be signed by the queen herself.

Member countries of the British Commonwealth of Nations

What countries are part of the British Commonwealth of Nations? This is distant Australia and New Zealand, sultry South Africa, Nigeria, Jamaica, Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia, exotic Seychelles and Solomon Islands, Canada, Cyprus, Pakistan, India and many others. Of course, the UK itself is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Most of all in international association republics and monarchies located on African continent: right there in a bygone era the lion's share of the British colonies was concentrated.

History of origin and development

In this important spring holiday, Commonwealth Day, I want to remember a little how the history of the British Commonwealth of Nations began. So.

An international organization designed to recreate the great British Empire under the auspices of cooperation appeared at the end of the 19th century, in 1887. The announcement of this event was made at the London Colonial Conference, where relevant political issues were resolved. In addition to the creation of a new organization, during the discussions, a decision was made to grant the colonies with high level development of the status of autonomous quasi-state formations, in other words - dominions.

These areas became members of the British Commonwealth of Nations (in the future, they would also become virtually independent states). In the forefront this status was acquired by the Union of South Africa, Ireland, Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand and Australian Union.

In fact, the independence of the newly-minted dominions from each other was proclaimed in the framework of the Balfour Declaration of 1926. By the way, the name of the organization was formulated and put into use by the British Prime Minister Lord Roseberry 3 years before the appearance of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

As is known from the course of history, the collapse of the British Empire fell exactly at the end of the Second World War - this was already mentioned above. Experts name the reasons for the massive national liberation movements in the colonies, as well as financial difficulties of the ruling apparatus. Therefore, the international name of the organization lost the first part - the word "British", and the association became known as the Commonwealth of Nations. It happened in 1946.

Initially, the countries that were part of the Commonwealth recognized the British monarch not only as the head of an international organization, but also of their state. However, 1947, the year of gaining independence by one of the members of the association of India, turning it into a republic, introduced adjustments to the foundations of activity and the charter of the Commonwealth of Nations: simply the clause on the extension of the political power of Great Britain to subordinate areas belonging to the association had to be canceled. So international organization began to carry out its activities on the principle of voluntary interaction and cooperation.

Many states left the Commonwealth, others never even aspired to get into it, despite the status of the former colony. However, in 1949, India returned to the union on the condition of complete political independence from the British monarch, which had already entered into force two years earlier. Today, 54 participating countries are members of the Commonwealth of Nations. More than 2 billion people live in them - this is about 1/3 of the population the globe. The leaders in terms of population in the Commonwealth countries are India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria. But the record holder in the bad sense of the word is Tuvalu, whose population is only 12 thousand people. Members of the community who have largest territories: India, Canada and Australia.

There were states whose heads wished to join the Commonwealth of Nations, despite the absence on their territory of areas that once belonged to Great Britain. Such an idea arose in the head of Charles de Gaulle - French President, Israeli ruler David Ben-Gurmont. These desires were fully justified: the leaders of the states wanted to have a strong ally. But the hopes were not justified. But the United States did not even think about this, although the territory of the state consists entirely of former British-subordinate regions.

Commonwealth Day

Blanks: envelopes with pre-cut proverbs and sayings about friendship, explanatory dictionaries Russian language, stickers/badges for correct answers or a quickly collected proverb.

Dear children, today the whole world is celebrating a holiday - the Day of the Commonwealth of Nations. What do you think this holiday is? Who marks it? Why did such a day appear on the calendar as Commonwealth Day?

The guys answer.

SLIDE 1: The main ideas proclaimed by representatives of the world community today arecooperation and tolerance . First of all, they relate to the national question, that is, the main goal is the fruitful coexistence of peoples, the suppression of any kind of aggression within any state and the planet as a whole. But there are other reasons why there is a need to unite people belonging to any ethnic group, as well as the country. For example, there is the British Commonwealth of Nations, created to unite the states that were once part of Great Britain, in other words, to strengthen the power of the state. On March 12, 2018, members of this union celebrate the holiday of the same name - Commonwealth Day.

Commonwealth Day - an annual holiday of 53 participating countries international community Commonwealth of Nations (until 1947 - British Commonwealth of Nations), associations independent states, formerly part of the British Empire, recognizing the British monarch as a symbol of free unity. Commonwealth Day is celebrated on the second Monday in March. The legal status of the Commonwealth of Nations is determined by the 1931 Statute of Westminster. There is a Commonwealth Secretariat, annual conferences Commonwealth countries. In Great Britain, the post of Minister for Commonwealth Affairs has been established in the government. After the British Empire lost 13 American colonies, leaving behind Canada, India, some possessions in the West Indies and a number of scattered and remote settlements, two political lines emerged in the mother country. The first assumed an orientation towards the expansion of British influence in India and Far East.

The second line, along with the expansion of this influence (in the interests of British industry and in order to save public spending) allowed the development of self-government in the colonies in order to prevent a repetition of the War of Independence of the North American colonies.

Commonwealth member countries are located all over the world - in Africa, Asia, North and South America, Europe and the Pacific. Among them are both large and rich states, and small and poor countries of the world. All members have equal right votes, regardless of size and economic growth. Representatives of the member countries form the policy and priorities of the Commonwealth. Every two years they meet to discuss all pressing issues.The Commonwealth of Nations includes the following states: UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Republic of South Africa, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Malaysia, Singapore, Cyprus, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Cameroon, Mozambique, Namibia, Malawi, Malta, Botswana , Guyana, Lesotho, Barbados, Mauritius, Swaziland, Nauru, Tonga, Samoa, Fiji (its membership is suspended), Bangladesh, Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Kiribati, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Brunei, Vanuatu. On the very same holiday, a multi-denominational service is held in Westminster Abbey in London, in which the British monarch takes part as head of the Commonwealth.In a number of countries, Commonwealth Day is public holiday, and in the rest of the member states, thematic events and Commonwealth flag-raising ceremonies are held on this day.

SLIDE 2: Guys, what is friendship? Who thinks? (WORKING WITH DICTIONARIES). Here is the definition of friendship given in Ozhegov's dictionary: "Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests."

And in Ushakov's dictionary it is said that FRIENDSHIP is close friendly relations, close acquaintance due to affection and disposition.

Slide 3: guys, now I will read you one parable, and you will say which Russian proverb reflects the meaning of this instructive story.

“A long time ago there lived a rich man in the mountains. He had a huge flock of sheep and as many friends. One day, trouble came to his house. Thieves broke into his sheepfold one night and stole all the sheep. When the next morning the owner came to the sheepfold to drive his flock to pasture, not a single sheep was there. The owner of the sheepfold sighed heavily and began to cry. All his many years of work was in vain, and the family became impoverished overnight.

Soon the whole district knew about the misfortune that had befallen the owner of the sheepfold. Another day passed and at dawn the owner saw a cloud of dust on the road. It kept getting bigger and bigger. Soon he could see the people in the dust cloud. These were his friends. Each of his friends did not go empty-handed, but led a small flock of sheep. When they all entered his courtyard, he realized that his friends had come to help him. Since then, his herd has become several times larger than before. Every morning when he went to drive out his flock, he remembered the eyes of his friends who saved the life of his family.

So, guys, what proverb confirms the meaning of this parable?


SLIDE 4: great guys! What other proverbs and sayings do you know about friendship? Let's play with you. We will divide into several teams, I will distribute one envelope to each team. Your task is to make a proverb from the words that are written on the leaves in the envelope.

Stand up for each other and you will win the battle.

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Money can't buy a friend.

Friendship is not a mushroom, you will not find it in the forest.

Lose yourself, and save a comrade.

Look for friends, and enemies will be found.

Remember friendship, but forget evil!

A tree lives by roots, and a man lives by friends.

The battle is red with courage, and the friend with friendship.

Make new friends, but don't lose old ones!

Die yourself, save a friend.

Great, let's see what you've got! Hello, well done everyone! And there is also this proverb about friendship:

SLIDE 5: People's friendship and brotherhood is more precious than any wealth.

Our Motherland Russia is the largest country in the world. Its population is 143,030,106 people. Representatives of more than 180 nationalities live in Russia, who speak more than 100 languages. Russia is a secular state, but people of different faiths live in it. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, paganism and other religions are represented in Russia. 80% of the believing population of Russia consider themselves Orthodox Christians.

SLIDE 6: Our great country Russia is diverse, rich and multinational. All her peoples are one big family, all of us, regardless of nationality and religion, call ourselves "Russians". And to create a big friendly family always not easy. For centuries, spiritual traditions have evolved that unite all the nations and nationalities of our country. There are many of these traditions.

People different peoples different from each other appearance: face oval, hair color, eye shape. And each nation has its own costumes. But all the peoples of Russia are connected in united family common Motherland, mutual respect and friendship.

SLIDE 7: We have one motherland, and we are all her children. Friendship of the peoples of Russia is a very ancient and kindest tradition of our multinational people.

SLIDE 8: Each republic has its own national traditions, its own language, its own religion, its own culture, and most importantly, each republic has preserved the tradition of friendship between peoples. For Russia, every corner of it, every republic, every nation is dear!

SLIDE 9-20: as it was said, every nation has its own traditions, its own language, its own National Costume. Let's see if you can guess the people from the costume.

SLIDE 21: Well done boys! Well, now we see with you guys how diverse, rich and multinational our great country Russia is. All its peoples are one big family, all of us, regardless of nationality and religion, call ourselves “Russians”.

SLIDE 22: even among us there are people of different nationalities. Someone will proudly say “I am Russian”, someone will proudly say “Min Tatar Malae”, I am sure that among us there are representatives of other peoples who proudly bring their traditions and their culture to the world. However, we are all friends, regardless of belonging to a certain nationality or people, we are friends - because we have common interests and hobbies, we are fun and easy together. I wish everyone to carry your friendship through the years, and now let's take a joint group photo as a keepsake, and for this, let's all join hands and raise them so that everyone can see how friendly we are!

Thank you, my golden ones, this concludes our friendship lesson, I would like to show you one video as parting.

And with a song along the street to go.

There are sacred boundaries on earth.

And there is FRIENDSHIP without borders in the world!

Commonwealth Day- an annual holiday of 53 member countries of the international community the Commonwealth of Nations (until 1947 - the British Commonwealth of Nations), an association of independent states that were previously part of the British Empire, recognizing the British monarch as a symbol of free unity.

Commonwealth Day is celebrated on the second Monday in March. The legal status of the Commonwealth of Nations is determined by the Statute of Westminster of 1931 (clarified in 1947). There is a Commonwealth Secretariat, annual conferences of Commonwealth countries are held. In Great Britain, the post of Minister for Commonwealth Affairs has been established in the government.

After the British Empire lost 13 American colonies, leaving behind Canada, India, some possessions in the West Indies and a number of scattered and remote settlements, two political lines emerged in the mother country. The first assumed an orientation towards the expansion of British influence in India and the Far East.

The second line, along with the expansion of this influence (in the interests of British industry and in order to save public spending) allowed the development of self-government in the colonies in order to prevent a repetition of the War of Independence of the North American colonies.

The Commonwealth of Nations includes the following states: Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Malaysia, Singapore, Cyprus, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago , Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Cameroon, Mozambique, Namibia, Malawi, Malta, Botswana, Guyana, Lesotho, Barbados, Mauritius, Swaziland, Nauru, Tonga, Western Samoa, Fiji (her membership is suspended), Bangladesh, Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Kiribati, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Zimbabwe, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, Maldives, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Brunei, Vanuatu.

Today 08 June

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(Commonwealth Day) is celebrated annually on the second Monday of March in all countries of the British Commonwealth. In 2015, the date falls on March 9th.

The British Commonwealth (officially the Commonwealth; until 1947 - the British Commonwealth of Nations) is an association that includes Great Britain and many of its former dominions and colonies.

The Commonwealth is one of the world's oldest associations of states. Its roots go back to the British Empire.

The term "Commonwealth" was first used by the British Liberal politician Lord Roseberry. In 1884, during a speech in Adelaide (Australia), he referred to the British Empire as the "Commonwealth of Nations".

The Commonwealth was founded in 1887 at a colonial conference in London, at which the most developed colonies of the British Empire were given the status of dominions - autonomous entities (later - virtually independent states), while they all became part of the British Commonwealth of Nations - an association designed to rally the huge British empire. These dominions were Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Newfoundland and Ireland.

The Imperial Conference of 1926 defined dominions as "autonomous communities of the British Empire, equal in status, in no way subordinate to one another in any aspect of their internal or foreign policy, but at the same time united by a common commitment to the crown and constituting a free association of members of the British Commonwealth of Nations. "This principle was approved by the Statute of Westminster (1931). The Statute legally secured the equality of the British Parliament and the parliaments of the dominions; the legislation of each dominion was recognized as independent and had sovereign force. Foreign relations also became the area of ​​sovereign decision of each dominion. In addition, the document stipulated that henceforth the order of succession to the throne of Great Britain would be regulated by members of the Commonwealth.

After the end of World War II, the British Empire collapsed, caused by the growth of national liberation movements in the British possessions and the financial difficulties of the British government.

India's independence in 1947 and the establishment of republican form Board required a radical revision of the foundations of the organization of the Commonwealth. In particular, the name of the organization itself was changed ("The British Commonwealth" became known simply as the "Commonwealth"), and humanitarian missions, educational activities etc. The Commonwealth is regarded as an organization within which states differing in their level of development and the nature of their economy have the opportunity to enter into close and equal interaction.

There are currently 53 Commonwealth members with 2.2 billion people, over 60% of whom are under 30 years of age.

The last two countries to join the Commonwealth, Rwanda and Mozambique, have no historical ties to the British Empire.

The head of the Commonwealth is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. As Head of the Commonwealth, she has no formal function and her role in daily activities organizations are only symbolic. This post is not inherited, and, in the event of a change of monarch on the British throne, the heads of government of the Commonwealth countries will themselves choose a new head of the organization.

The Commonwealth is administered by the Secretariat headed by Kamalesh Sharma (India).

Every two years, meetings of the leaders of the Commonwealth member countries are held.

The headquarters of the Commonwealth is in London.

Commonwealth Day celebrations are traditionally held in the British capital. A festive church service is held in Westminster Abbey, which is attended by Queen Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family. A reception is held at Commonwealth Headquarters, which is also attended by members of the royal family.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

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