Fortune telling for your best friend online. Interpretation by suit. Rules for fortune telling

IN modern world It is quite difficult to establish relationships with loved ones, family and friends. But exactly live communication makes us confident in ourselves and the world around us. Good friendships are also important within the family, with your loved one. But how to find mutual language with someone who doesn't notice you? How to return warmth to relationships between previously friendly people Astro7 experts suggest you use energy-psychological methods and fortune telling.

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Friendship and compatibility online

Love and friendship relationships develop when there is a commonality of all five senses: taste, sight, smell, hearing, tactile sensations. To attract a person’s sympathy to your side, you need to find out what he likes. This is not always easy to do, because asking directly is sometimes simply inconvenient. In this case, you can turn to the horoscope based on the date of birth of your chosen one - it will tell you what he likes, what seems attractive in another person. Do you want to please a person? Use his favorite colors, treat him to his favorite food, choose a perfume. But food, perfume and even clothes can be energetically charged from a distance! But it’s not enough to attract attention, you need to keep it.

The advice of our esopsychologists, parapsychologists and psychics will help you with all this. Friendship, a good relationship with loved ones and colleagues - this is very important. Take the time to attract people to you, repay them with kindness for kindness - and you will immediately feel better! This applies not only to girlfriends from school or friends from college - friendly relations with loved ones and family, even children - this is an important component happy life. Astro7 experts will always be happy to help you establish relationships and maintain them.

How much does it mean to have in our lives? true friend or a girlfriend. Every person wants to have reliable support. Friendships sometimes mean more to us than relationships with our significant other. Quarrels, resentments, omissions and envy force us to resort to fortune telling.

Friendships are important for every person

Fortune telling allows you to find out how devoted your friend is to you and whether you should trust her with your secrets. you without special effort find out what your friends think about you, whether they are deceiving you or slandering you.

How to tell fortunes with strings

Fortune telling on strings is the simplest way, which allows you to find out about the feelings of your friends, their attitude towards you and so on.

For fortune telling, you need to prepare yellow, blue, purple, brown, gray, black, light blue, green and white threads. Braid them into a braid. Select threads of the same length. It’s better not to make a tight braid, make it slightly loose. Now close your eyes. Do not peek under any circumstances. Pull one thread from the braid. The color of the thread you pulled will tell you about your friend’s attitude towards you.

Fortune telling with strings has its own errors

  • A red thread indicates your friend's devotion. Such a person is very devoted to you and will go with you to the ends of the earth. She expects the same dedication in your relationship. If it is not there, friendship with such a person will be significantly complicated. But you are still attracted to such unpredictability in relationships.
  • Thread yellow color indicates the ideality of your friend. Such a friend will support you in all your endeavors and will never betray you.
  • A thread of blue color speaks of cold friendships. Yes, you go for walks together. Yes, you share all your secrets with her. Yes, your friendship continues for a long time. But such relationships are very cold and not strong enough.
  • A white thread speaks of an honest and selfless friend. Such a person will never hide his feelings for you from you. He will never lie or tell lies.
  • A thread purple indicates complex friendships. Dissatisfaction quickly gives way to strong friendships, and grievances to a happy pastime.
  • A brown thread indicates that your friend has a rather conservative outlook on life. She forgives you a lot, but she will never allow you to introduce any innovations into your friendship.
  • A green thread indicates an even, warm and calm relationship. Your friend will stay with you until she feels threatened by you.
  • The gray color of the thread speaks of relationships only because material goods. Your friend likes that you lend her money and share things. She is dependent on you and will be with you until you stop sharing all your benefits with her.
  • The blue thread speaks of a cool relationship on the part of a friend, although it is very difficult to tell from you.
  • Black color indicates selfish friendship. You shouldn't have anything to do with such a friend. All he cares about is his own happiness. You shouldn't expect any return from such a friendship. You will suffer greatly from such a person.

Fortune telling with strings has its own errors. And by chance you may get the wrong thread. Do not blindly trust the results of the ritual. You need to draw conclusions only from the actual actions of your friends.

Ancient fortune telling using Tarot cards is popular today

How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is ancient fortune telling. It's quite popular today. Before you start magical ritual you need to choose the right Tarot:

  1. To choose Tarot, it is recommended to listen to your inner voice.
  2. You shouldn't choose a deck based solely on its appearance or according to the labels on the packaging.
  3. Take the Tarot in your hands and look closely at it. Understand the meaning of the pictures on the cards. Try to identify the image on the cards with your desires. And only after that you can purchase them.
  4. Do not use Tarot card reading very often. They need to take breaks regularly. During this period, they will gain energy and will be most truthful in their predictions.
  5. Don't guess on Sunday and Monday.
  6. Do not make a reading on the waning moon.
  7. Do not lay out Tarot cards more than six times in a row.
  8. Do not ask the same question in different card layouts.

When the Tarot is purchased, feel free to start choosing fortune telling. Fortune telling must be selected based on your feelings. For fortune telling using Tarot cards, it is recommended to choose a round table. Choose a special blanket or tablecloth for it. And don't use it in Everyday life. For the ceremony, prepare candles of the color required for the ceremony.

If, while reading Tarot cards, you suddenly feel a feeling of dizziness, a burning sensation on the top of your head, or severe weakness, you need to stop guessing. If such sensations are not observed, you can safely proceed to the layout on the cards. Card layouts exist a large number of. Each of them is good in its own way. Choose for yourself exactly the one that will help you get the answer to your question.

Card layout for friendship

But not only fortune telling with Tarot cards helps you find out the answers to your questions. There are many ways to deal cards using a regular playing deck. To find out the meaning of your layout on the cards, use specialized literature. In it you will find various variations card fortune telling and their decoding.

Fortune telling using Tarot will give you a great opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about your friends. After all, very often we make friends and communicate with people who deceive us behind our backs, betray us and hurt us. Don't lose faith. Friends can be loyal and devoted. What if your friend or girlfriend is exactly the person who will help you in any difficult moment?

Tarot fortune telling or how your girlfriend treats you

This fortune telling is used by beginners as it is not difficult to perform. The main rule for him is the following: you must clearly ask the question and know the result you want to achieve. Concentrate, relax and start planning. Draw seven cards from different places from a common deck. Place them in pairs. Place one of them in the center. She will be the main one in the entire card layout. It is also called significat. It will symbolize your friend, and the paired cards will symbolize her attitude towards you.

The card layout for friendship itself has its own interpretation. The top card pair means the thoughts that pop up in your friend when she sees you, about your relationship. The second card pair speaks of the spirituality of your friendships. The third card pair is a symbol of external friendly manifestations.

This Tarot card layout allows you to find out all the hidden secrets of relationships between friends. With its help, you can see your friendship from the outside and appreciate it in a new way.

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Friends are good. They will always come to the rescue at the right moment, lend their right shoulder, reassure you and give advice. With such friends, you can go through fire or water. But there are also cases when tangent doubts begin to creep in best friend or girlfriends. Is this person really on your side and doesn’t wish you harm? Or maybe your friend is hiding something?

To get answers to your questions, you can turn to the cards and make a reading, telling fortunes about your friend. In addition, this fortune telling will also help when you have not heard from your friends for a long time and you begin to worry about them. Fortune telling will help determine the sincerity of the person being told fortunes, as well as find out what awaits him in the future.

Rules for fortune telling

Fortune telling "Triple split"

The triple layout is ancient fortune telling, which has survived to this day due to its effectiveness. During fortune telling, all cards are laid out in rows horizontally and exactly three rows vertically.

Each series describes its own time period. So, the first row on the right is responsible for your friend’s future, the next row after it indicates events in the present tense, and the last row is everything that has already happened.

Layout method

To begin with, from a deck of cards you need to choose exactly the one that will symbolize the friend for whom fortune telling is being performed. If your friend is still very young and has not yet tied the knot, then you need to choose the queen of diamonds. If she is already married, then the queen of hearts will do. A friend who is over fifty years old will have a card of clubs. This should also include widows or wives of military personnel, as well as the wife of a distant relative.

After the card is chosen, you need to concentrate and introduce your friend. Try to remember it as best you can. How it smiles, how it laughs, how it speaks to you. Let all her gestures and even the aroma of your favorite perfume emerge in your memory. When you feel that the image of your friend presented by you has become complete and multifaceted, then move on to the issue that concerns you.

Start laying out cards in rows of exactly three until the hidden queen appears. Once this has happened, you will need to lay out two more rows of cards. You don't need all the remaining cards.

Interpretation by suit

First of all, after revealing the cards, pay attention to their suit: which one prevails? This is very important when interpreting the layout, because if the most diamonds cards fall out, this means that you should not worry about your friend. A happy, rich and joyful life awaits her in the future.

Clubs also speaks about financial well-being. Successful career and her studies will be guaranteed.

The suit of hearts promises mutual love and true friendship. Your friend's life will not be overshadowed by disappointments and lies.

But only spades suit warns of dangers lurking in the future. All the worst will soon befall your friend, and at this moment in her life she will need your support and help more than ever.

Interpretation of cards


Tambourine- an exciting journey awaits your friend, which will bring a lot of impressions.

Cherva- long journey and love adventures.

Clubs- business trip. What to expect from her? Nearby maps will tell you about this.

Pike– it’s better for your friend not to walk alone late at night, this can lead to big troubles and very dangerous situations.


Tambourine– only pleasant events await your friend. This can be either a date or just a spiritual meeting with friends.

Cherva– there is an important conversation ahead that solves problems.


Pike– tears await your friend ahead, but a loved one will help her in successfully resolving problems.


Tambourine– your friend will have a happy family relationship.

Cherva- there is an important conversation ahead that solves problems.

Clubs– important work meetings, these can also be negotiations.

Pike– a noisy party awaits your friend, but you shouldn’t let your guard down, because the pike warns of possible troubles.


Tambourine- new mutual feelings.

Cherva- meetings, dates, marriage - there is a high probability that everything will be like this.

Clubs– new relationships will be based solely on self-interest and mutual benefit, and all for the sake of a successful business agreement.

Pike– your friend’s health will be at risk, she better take care of herself, otherwise a serious illness will manifest itself in the near future.


Tambourine– your friend has so many grandiose plans for the future, you can only hope for their speedy implementation.

Cherva- whatever your friend has in mind will definitely come true. And if there is a ten of spades nearby, then, unfortunately, everything will be in vain.

Clubs- someone will help your friend resolve all financial issues.

Pike- does not bode well; lies, deception and disappointment are everywhere.


Tambourine- the emergence of problems that promise discord in the family and complications with friends.

Cherva- your friend’s interests will be unpleasantly affected; she should be wary of problems in her personal life.

Clubs– with work, everything will also not be very smooth, continuous problems - that’s what awaits her friend ahead.

Pike– a friend should beware of reckless and simply stupid actions, because she will have to pay for them for a long time.


Tambourine- This is a symbol of a young girl, perhaps a friend.

Cherva- this is a symbol of a woman, perhaps she will become a rival of your friend, betrayal may be associated with her.

Clubs– symbolizes a mother or work colleague.

Pike- the emergence of an evil rival who wishes evil and is very jealous.


Tambourine– a mysterious stranger will help your friend solve all her problems.

Cherva– a friend is expecting a meeting with a man who is married or, on the contrary, divorced.

Clubs– symbolizes a boss, colleague or father.

Pike– a new meeting and the beginning of a successful relationship based on gratitude and respect awaits your friend.


Tambourine- wait for news, perhaps you will receive a business offer.

Cherva- the news will be joyful.

Clubs- your friend’s road lies straight to the government house, where important matters await her that cannot be delayed.

Pike– the position of the card itself is also important here: if the ace points with its tip down, then your friend needs to be careful, a cruel blow awaits her. Otherwise, your friend will be busy with unpleasant responsibilities and troubles.

In addition, in order to interpret each dropped card individually, you also need to pay attention to nearby cards. After all, if a good card comes out surrounded by bad ones, then its meaning should be interpreted the other way around. Thus, the predominance of some cards extinguishes the value of the others.

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