Character of the Aquarius Dragon man. The most important! What kind of girl does he need? Aquarius born in the year of the dragon in bed

Another walking paradox - lawyer Anatoly Koni - outstanding court speaker, who achieved the acquittal of terrorist Vera Zasulich, for whom the gallows cried. But US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal once jumped out of a window shouting “The Russians are coming!”

Now let's try to understand the professional inclinations of this astrological type. Aquarius-Dragon finds application in seemingly any area human activity. His character and abilities are too versatile.

Artists: Ivan Shishkin - landscape painter who glorified the beauty and richness of nature (“Morning in a Pine Forest”, “Evening”, “Rye”), Martiros Saryan (“Mountains”, “Yerevan Flowers”). Poets, writers, translators: Nikolai Gnedich (“Homer’s Iliad”), Alexander Stepanov (the epic “Port Arthur”), Pyotr Proskurin (“Fate”). Actors: Vyacheslav Tikhonov (“War and Peace”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”). Nick Nolte (48 Hours, Cape Fear, Skydive), Vladimir Zamansky (Running, Traffic Check, Two Captains), Matt Dillon ( Betta fish", "Pharmacy Cowboy").

Directors: husband of Brigitte Bardot and Catherine Deneuve Roger Vadim (“And God Created Woman”), Igor Usov (“Tobacco Captain”). Scientists: mathematician Joseph Lagrange (“Analytical Mechanics”), nuclear physicist, one of the fathers thermonuclear bomb, Lev Fedktistov. Military: the Prussian king, commander Frederick II the Great, General William Sherman (wasn’t the tank named after him?), Napoleon’s adjutant Jacques Lauriston. Athletes: football players Bebeto and Oleg Protasov.

But it’s worth talking about politicians separately, especially if they are busy with reforms. Their ideal ideas about existence are too at odds with the realities of life. Everything they do is like Arkady Gaidar or Lewis Carroll: the initiator Crimean War George Aberdeen, anarchist ideologist Alexander Atabekyan, deputies Vyacheslav Volodin and Boris Reznik, reformer and minister German Gref. Don’t forget that we also have in reserve such a figure as Eduard Shevardnadze.

Let's mention a few more names: choreographer, creator of modern American ballet, composer, founder of the ballet school, associate of Stravinsky, Petipa and Diaghilev George Balanchine; aircraft designer, creator of “mirages” Marcel Dassault; scientist, host of the television program “Obvious-Incredible” Sergei Kapitsa; violinist Yuri Bashmet; musicians Alexander Barykin and Dmitry Revyakin (“Kalinov Bridge”).

Horoscope of Aquarius-Dragon woman

Aquarius-Dragon women also try to be at the “cutting edge” of history, to challenge public opinion and to ourselves. They want to be everywhere and try everything. The only thing that doesn’t attract them too much is the role of a respectable wife in a quiet family.

Susan Anthony - one of the first suffragettes - fought against restrictions in women's clothing and for women's rights; Elizabeth Blackwell - the world's first female doctor; Ekaterina Breshko-Breshkovskaya - revolutionary Socialist Revolutionary; Ilmira Shamsutdinova - “Miss Russia” and “Vice-Miss Universe”; Blonde-haired and blue-eyed Emma Lee Bunton (“Spice Girls”) is the friendliest pepper from this rabid team of impudent girls.

Let us mention separately three actresses of different generations: Jeanne Moreau (“Queen Margot”, “ Dangerous ties") is a recognized celebrity. Performed the roles of passionate smart women. Her lover was fashion designer Pierre Cardin, which Madame loves to talk about.

Petite Sherilyn Fen became famous for her roles in the films Two Moonlight and Twin Peaks.

Daughter and granddaughter famous actors Bridget Fonda (“Point of No Return”, “Scandal”, “Little Buddha”) is the idol of modern youth. She regularly stars in unusual and diverse films, which are often released only on video for a narrow circle of fans, for which she received the nickname “Chameleon Woman.” Fonda loves cinema that is “strange, intimate and magical” and unusual directors. In Coppola's film, for example, what the girl liked most was the proposal to tie her to a jukebox and throw her off a cliff.

Bridget almost never filmed with her famous relatives, but she is not inferior to them in talent and originality. The unspoken competition continues. “I always felt that I needed to prove to everyone that, besides my name, I had something else,” the actress confesses. Bridget says about herself that her character is very similar to her father. “He and I are both cynical idealists, and we have a similar sense of humor.”

After leaving school, she "led a rather wild, bohemian lifestyle." Fonda drank and smoked a lot, and also loved to dance on tables. It is logical that the girl began her film career by filming scandalous erotic films. However, Fonda has a congenital heart defect and is now keeping a low profile. “Sometimes I wondered to myself: how am I still alive?” Fonda believes in friendship and love at first sight, and she and actor Eric Stoltz have been together for many years, although the lady has no plans to officially marry.
Fonda is also democratic, condescending to herself and others. She doesn’t need fame, “the main thing is that it’s interesting!”

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Aquarius is original sign Zodiac, which favorably distinguishes both young ladies and strong men. The Dragon woman has taken the best from her zodiac symbol, and in society she is always on top and enjoys enormous popularity among men.

Aquarius-Dragon Woman with early childhood has an analytical mind that he hones throughout his life. This feature is not typical of the fairer sex, so it’s hard not to pay attention to this witty charmer.

Secrets of character

A woman with such a radical combination is distinguished by her bright and emotional character, but makes all decisions only with a cold heart and a sober head. She is sociable, but does not let everyone close to her heart. The circle of friends is limited, while the list of acquaintances simply has no boundaries. This is quite enough for her, since the number of people who can break her heart and disappoint is minimal.

Representatives of this combination see the world with their own eyes, so they very often enter into competition with everyday reality. It's easier for them to live in " pink glasses", because the the world in its gray colors it does not suit and does not even inspire. These are extraordinary individuals who not only have their own vision and perception of everything around them, but they also have a core character, an inability to compromise, to put up with universal injustice.

Such emotional natures are accustomed to living from one extreme to another, that is, they do not have a “golden mean”, a sense of proportion. In all their undertakings, these women go to the end, even if they understand that they are not in the most advantageous position. They are used to getting their way, but such adherence to principles is sometimes incomprehensible even to those closest to them.

The Aquarius woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is always looking for adventure, because she cannot stand everyday life and family routine. She simply needs new impressions, positive emotions and a boost of vigor for every day, otherwise existence in the universe seems meaningless. The absence of such “trash” can put her into a state of depression, provoke apathy and blues, and they suffer from such radical change People around.

Family and marriage for such beauties are a source of inspiration, since it is the married Aquarius woman who blossoms, is in high demand among men and simply looks great, making her life partner noticeably nervous and jealous.

Attitude to life

The representative of this combination is an optimistic person who strives to look for the positive and positive in any event. positive emotions. She succeeds in this very well if there is a caring and loving man. Despite her outward independence, she is fragile and vulnerable, so she will rarely refuse friendly support.

But she is in no particular hurry to start a romantic relationship, since for a long time she cannot find a worthy man. He considers the main character traits to be masculinity, chivalry, and the ability to defend oneself and one’s companion. Unfortunately, there are not so many such candidates for your hand and heart today. If a romantic relationship doesn't work out, it doesn't matter, because ex-boyfriend always remains on warm friendly terms.

All Aquarians get married only after Great love, and are ready to carry this bright feeling through the years. They always respect their partner, idolize and strive to promote all his creative plans and endeavors. A man must appreciate this help, otherwise Aquarius, especially the Dragon, will not tolerate such black gratitude in his life.

Family relationships

A woman born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius is prone to stability of feelings, but the Dragon hidden in her mind always strives for exploits and experiments. Such a contradictory attitude towards family life It may not end well, and the charming woman will one day acquire the status of an “old maid.”

To prevent this from happening, you need to moderate your difficult temperament, listen more often to your chosen lover, not go too far in communication, and, especially, not persistently impose your opinion. Even the calmest man will one day not be able to withstand this high blood pressure addressed to himself, but will go to a more uninitiative person. So in the lyrical relationship of an Aquarius-Dragon woman, you must always feel the conventional line that separates personal happiness from complete loneliness.

The Aquarius-Dragon woman, even in love, strives for complete independence, so not all signs are suitable for her to create harmonious union. A marriage with a Monkey, Rabbit, Rooster and Cat would be ideal, but it is best not to mess with the Dragon and Ox.

It is very interesting to communicate and be friends with this special person in life, but it is not always possible to build a romantic relationship. So you should think before proposing your hand and heart to Aquarius, who was born in the year of the fire-breathing Dragon.

They are strong, successful and energetic women. They are well aware of all their talents and skillfully use them on others. They succumb to their charm, accept their point of view and follow them. Their sociability helps them succeed not only in personal relationships, but also at work. Therefore, already in early age they may look successful people in every way.

Along with tough qualities, they are not devoid of human ones: generosity, kindness and generosity. They show them to everyone around them and, especially to close people. They will never have their head in the clouds and build castles in the air - they soberly assess the situation. Their only drawback can be considered a lack of measure, when generosity can turn into wastefulness, and kindness into naivety.

Characteristics of an Aquarius-Dragon woman in Love

Their lovers are incredibly lucky - they are very attentive and caring women, for whom relationships mean a lot. They always remain faithful to their loved ones, without starting parallel romances. There is always something to talk about with them, they are interested in all the affairs of their companions and even try to help them. It doesn’t matter whether it is material or moral, they will still receive it.

Horoscope of Aquarius-Dragon woman in Family and Marriage

Despite the positive image, it is not so easy to live with these people under the same roof. Their concern is reverse side- they begin to bother, interfere in all matters, not allowing you to take a step. Subsequently, this can bother and irritate partners, which will affect the relationship. But they will never understand the reasons for discontent, much less the reasons to try to change themselves. On the contrary, they will blame only their partners for all troubles.

Dragon-Aquarius Woman - Career and Finance

These are born leaders who are easily given any management positions. They know how to inspire women, make them follow them and distribute all responsibilities between them. They can also do some work well, but will not tolerate constant orders from management and control over the process. Therefore, it is difficult for him to work in an office in a simple position.

Clairvoyant Dragon. Prone to self-criticism.

Eastern horoscope: year of the dragon
Zodiac horoscope: Aquarius sign

Aquarius gives the Dragon calm, clarity and the ability to self-criticize, which is usually not characteristic of Dragons. Such a person is inventive, friendly, and independent. Aquarius-Dragons are usually charming and sociable, but at heart they can be pessimists. They may find it difficult to relax. Sometimes they are overly eccentric.

According to ancient astrological thinking, people born in the Year of the Dragon enjoy enormous amounts of luck and wealth.

The Aquarius-Dragon combination gives these people the gift of a heightened sense of resourcefulness.
These bright personalities often have great foresight and intuition.

Aquarius Dragon may seem to be often in his own small world your thoughts. When you need a person with unconventional thinking, you won't find a better combination than this. One of the main characteristics of this sign is that they have a fantastically creative imagination.

These people fly in the clouds more often than other Dragons. Influenced Chinese sign, these people have mystical powers and a sixth sense that materializes in the world in the form of art or musical talent. If such an Aquarius uses his full potential, he can count on great success.

These people love to help others, but when it comes to themselves, pride prevents them from asking for help. These individuals need comrades who understand them, who will support their dreams and intuition.

However, gaining the friendship of such a person is not very easy; their trust takes time. If you manage to get him as a friend or lover, he will become the most loyal comrade and like-minded person.

With all this intelligence and amazing talent for premonition, representatives of this sign still lack self-confidence. This may cause him to have seizures. bad mood, but this can be avoided, because these people most often prefer to communicate with those who encourage Draconian intuition, rather than those who discredit it.

The Dragon zodiac sign Aquarius is freedom-loving, artistic and emotional. However, he is not always the joker and life of the party. He is characterized by frequent mood swings - from euphoria to depression and depression.

Aquarius the dragon “floats in the clouds” more often than other signs. The goals that he sets for himself are often so illusory that achieving them is hardly possible. real life. But the Aquarius dragon is categorically not satisfied with this. He is forced not to dwell even on what has not yet been achieved. The strangest thing is that this does not mean that he is wrong.

Aquarius Dragon Man most spends his life searching, and this brings him more pleasure than anything else. Such a person is not very interested in family, relatives and friends. And even the Aquarius dragon woman does not strive for a home. For these people, their “castles in the air” and “windmills” are much more important than ordinary earthly life.

Combination of characters in Chinese and zodiac horoscope determines not only a person’s character, but also his compatibility in love with a representative of the opposite sex.

Characteristics of an Aquarius – Dragon man

The Aquarius-Dragon man is a unique person. He can change his destiny on his own. Also he has big influence on the lives of the people around him.

The character of a man of this zodiac sign is very brave and decisive. They are not afraid of sudden turns of fate, because... We are sure that only a person determines his own life. Nobody and nothing, in their opinion, can influence this. They are the makers of their own destiny. And very often they actually manage to cope with the problem that has arisen.

The Aquarius-Dragon man needs adrenaline. He specifically hits extreme situations. He is looking for something new and unusual. Without this, he simply cannot imagine his life.

In society, such a guy always strives for leadership. They have a full range of qualities to manage any team. The representative of this sign is easy to communicate. He can easily meet someone and quickly strike up a friendship. At first glance, such people leave only the most important information about themselves. pleasant impression. But after a long conversation, their friends and acquaintances understand how complex the character of the Aquarius-Dragon man is. He does not know how to yield to anyone in anything. They always have their own point of view on everything. They never give up on her.

An Aquarius-Dragon man tends to dream. This character trait often prevents you from looking soberly at what is happening.

The vital energy this guy is filled with makes it possible to realize himself in different areas human life. No exception, of course professional growth. This man always correctly determines the direction in which he needs to develop and achieves his goal.

Only excessive fussiness prevents you from growing professionally. This guy can't sit still. He lacks adrenaline. Such fussiness forces him to quit what he started and go in search of new adventures.

Compatibility in love between Aquarius and Dragon men

The Aquarius-Dragon man is like a match, it flares up quickly and burns out quickly. His fussiness does not allow him to stop and think about his personal life. He constantly runs somewhere, changing one partner for another.

On dates, guys of this sign surrender to the will of emotions and feelings. They are always ready to do great deeds in the name of their beloved. Their dreaminess takes them out of the framework of reality and gray everyday life.

An Aquarius-Dragon man, if he falls in love, will be extremely gentle and caring with his beloved. Such a guy knows how to love with all his heart.

In terms of attitude towards family, Dragon - Aquarius men have their own attitude towards it. This is their main meaning in life. If a man feels that his beloved should be with him forever, then he immediately, without thinking, proposes marriage to her.

In a family, the representative of this sign is the tyrant and the main leader. Using his imagination, he always achieves what he wants from the people around him. If the team does not obey, then this is already a reason for disagreements and quarrels.

Astrologers advise the Aquarius-Dragon man to be more gentle towards his loved ones. Patience will help you establish contact with children.

Ladies born in the year of the Dragon, Monkey and Rat can try to make a couple with a guy of this zodiac sign. But with Dog, Tiger and Horse women you shouldn’t even try.

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