Games for a small company at home. What can you find in a women's cosmetic bag? Games on the move

Surely everyone is already tired of parties that turn into a banal feast with alcohol and sour faces. There are situations when unfamiliar people gather in a company or even strangers and find mutual language conversation becomes problematic.

In order to get to know each other better, relax, and talk, you need to come up with some kind of entertainment, or rather, find or come up with interesting games for company. For example, if you have a group of young people, then games of an erotic nature are suitable for you, but if you have a family group with children, then board games are more suitable.

There are so many party activities to choose from, so the team website made a selection and picked the most Interesting games For the company, go!

Let's start with games for young people, or rather games of an erotic nature.

Make a hole
Selected M-F couple. Several pairs are possible. Taken common leaf paper and placed between the partners' faces. They, in turn, hold it with their foreheads. Now, on command, they try to make a hole in the sheet. And most likely they will start making a hole with their tongues, the process is very exciting.

Broken mechanism
There are four people participating (M-F-M-F) who go out the door. The rest wish for some part of the body, an organ. The first one comes in - they tell him where the breakdown occurred (he is a broken mechanism). The second one comes in. He is informed that he is a mechanic, but armless, he needs to determine the location of the “breakdown of the mechanism” by touching it with his nose, lips, but not with his hands. While the mechanic determines the location of the breakdown, the mechanism “reacts,” i.e. The closer to the breakdown site, the more actively it “starts up”. When the “mechanic” determines the location of the breakdown, he becomes a “mechanism”.

Black bag
A black bag covers an artificial penis on a stand, which you can borrow from a girlfriend. Those interested are invited to guess what is under the bag, but they must guess only with their nose, while they are blindfolded. Everything is very funny, if there are a lot of people willing, everyone guesses, but not everyone says what it is!

Fill with liquid
Any number of players. A one and a half liter bottle (empty) is placed halfway in pants or in a skirt at waist level. The point of the game: Use a tablespoon to fill a bottle with any liquid. 2-3 holes are made into the bottom of the bottle, which is in the pants. And laughter and sin.

The mug is placed on the clean floor on its side - this is the gate. And two balls of cotton wool or foam. And now two girls must blow their ball into the goal and not let their opponent do it. Did you understand the hidden meaning)?

The tiger is coming!!!
The alcoholic drink is poured to taste into the glasses of the participants, who, when the presenter shouts “The tiger is coming!” must quickly hide under the table. At the command “The tiger has already left,” everyone crawls out from under the table again and drinks. At the unexpected command of the leader, everyone hides again. The losers are those who can no longer crawl out from under the table and hide from the tiger!

The bear came, the bear went
The essence of the game is as follows: a full glass of beer (200 ml) is poured. The player drinks exactly half, then tops up with vodka until full. Next, half is drunk again and vodka is added. And so on until there is pure vodka in the glass. This is the first stage of the game, which is called “The Bear Has Came.” The second stage is the reverse of the first. Drink half a glass of vodka and top up with beer. Further - until there is only beer in the glass. Now “the bear is gone”! Calculate your strength strictly, otherwise you can quickly “leave” even before the “bear comes.”

Drink vodka, lie on the ground, sleep on the sofa bed
The game is well suited for a feast. An alcoholic drink is poured into a glass for all guests. Everyone takes turns drinking the contents of the glass and quickly, clearly and clearly pronounces the phrase: “Drink vodka, lie on the ground, sleep on the sofa bed.” Then everything is repeated in a circle. The first one who cannot pronounce the cherished phrase normally is eliminated from the game and watches everything that happens from the side. The last one remaining in the game wins. Good game for a fun company.

Cowboy Joe
The two stand on opposite sides of the table. The third loudly knocks on the table with his fist. At a signal, vodka is taken onto the chest. The first one to return the empty container back to the table wins. You need to return it loudly.

Drunken checkers
There are even quite official competitions for this game. A real checkers board is used, and instead of checkers there are stacks. Red wine is poured into the glass on one side, and white wine on the other. Further everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. He cut down the enemy's pile and drank it. For variety, you can play giveaway. Particular maniacs can pour cognac and vodka into shot glasses. In this situation, only international-class masters of sports can win three games in a row.

Now you know the most interesting games for company. Feel free to suggest them to your friends and be sure that great mood, fun and relaxation are guaranteed!

What to do when it's cold and dreary outside it's raining or just tired of wiping your pants on the slide near the entrance? It's time to collect fun company playful boys, dreamy girls and... play at home! But not by bending over the screen of a tablet or phone, but simply. Simply, simply, simply...

1. Keen eye

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: dishes (jar, bowl, pan, etc.), sheet of paper, scissors.
Preparation: Before the game begins, participants must carefully examine the selected container and try to mentally imagine it.

Rules of the game: At the signal, players must cut the lid for the selected vessel. The winner is the one whose cap matches the hole of the selected item as accurately as possible.

2. Plucked chicken

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: clothespins.
Preparation: Divide into 2 teams: “chickens” and “catchers”.

Rules of the game: The “catchers” attach clothespins to their clothes (the same number, so that everything is fair). Their goal is to catch up with the “chickens”. If the “catcher” has caught the “chicken,” he attaches a clothespin to her. By the way, it is the “catchers” who will be “plucked”. Moreover, the more the “catcher” is plucked, the better! Victory will go to the one who gets rid of his clothespins the fastest. Then the teams change places and the game continues.

3. Whose shoe?

Number of players: 3 or more people.
Props: shoes of the players, a blindfold for each player.
Preparation: Take off your shoes and put them in a pile.

Rules of the game: Players stand in a circle with a mountain of shoes in the center. Blindfolded. The presenter shuffles the shoes and gives a signal. Everyone starts looking for their shoes (you can try them on). Anyone who thinks they have found their shoes should put them on and stay in them until the end of the game. Everyone takes off the bandages and looks at the result.

4. Living node

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: Stand in a circle.

Rules of the game: At the command of the leader, the players extend their right hands into the center of the circle and take someone by the hand (you cannot take a neighbor). The players then extend their left hands and do the same. But! You cannot take the hand of someone you are already holding with one hand. The result is a living node. The leader’s task is to untangle the knot without breaking his hands. Players, at his request, can step over each other, climb between hands, etc.

5. Great cook

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: 2 spoons (forks) and fruits (vegetables), blindfold.
Preparation: wash fruits (vegetables).

Rules of the game: The volunteer picks up spoons (forks) and by touch tries to recognize the fruits (vegetables) that the presenter slips to him. You can use potatoes, carrots, onions, pears, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

6. Conductor

Number of players: 5 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: The players stand in a circle, one person goes out the door.

Rules of the game: A “conductor” is chosen from the remaining players in the room. He shows how to play musical instruments, and the rest repeat all the movements after him. A guesser enters the room during a “concert” and must determine who the “conductor” is. If he manages to do this in less than three attempts, he stands in a circle, and the former “conductor” walks out the door.

7. Salad

Number of players: 6 or more people.
Props: cards with the names of vegetables/fruits (according to the number of players), chairs (one less than the number of players). The names on the cards may be repeated, for example, 2 apples, 3 pears, etc.
Preparation: Hand out cards to players.

Rules of the game: Everyone sits on chairs, one remains in the circle (he also has a card). The presenter (the one standing) shouts: “Pear!” Those who have a card with this name must change their place. The driver takes a chair and one of the players is left without a seat, he stands in the center of the circle and the game continues. You can shout out two or three names at once. At the word “Salad!” all players change places.

8. Who is faster?

Number of players: 10 or more people.
Props: an object as a prize (apple, stone, etc.), a coin.
Preparation: Everyone is divided into two teams, stand or sit opposite each other, and hide their hands behind the backs of their neighbors. The leader stands at one end of the chain, and the prize item is placed at the other.

Rules of the game: The presenter tosses a coin. If the coin lands on heads, nothing happens, the coin is tossed again; if it lands on heads, the last player on each team must shake hands with his neighbor. So, along the chain, the signal is transmitted to the other end. The last one must grab the prize. The player who did this first brings his team a point, moves back to the end of the chain and the game continues. The team with the quickest change of players wins.

9. Mechanisms come to life

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: Players are divided into two or more teams. Each team, secretly from their opponents, decides which mechanism (vacuum cleaner, washing machine, hair dryer, etc.) she will depict.

Rules of the game: Everyone must take part in the dramatization. You can imitate the sounds of a mechanism, depict dimensions with your hands, but you cannot speak. A team gets a point if they guess the opponent's mechanism. Those with more points win.

10. We're tired of meowing!

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: blindfolds according to the number of players, chairs to limit the space.
Preparation: Players are divided into two teams: one – piglets, the second – kittens.

Rules of the game: Kittens should meow, and piglets should grunt. Everyone is blindfolded and shuffled among themselves in a circle of chairs. You need to get your team together as quickly as possible without leaving the circle.

Everyone knows that for pranking friends and even unfamiliar people there is a special day in our calendar - April 1, when everyone who is “caught” is not offended, but mobilizes his strength to also deceive or prank someone. As for pranks at holiday parties, you need to act more subtly - success largely depends on the comments and artistry of the host (or organizer of the fun).

As a rule, the spectators get much more pleasure from a prank game than the participants, so you need to choose the “victims” very carefully, it is best if they are funny people with a sense of humor or easy-going good-natured people who will not be offended for a long time, but will have fun together with everyone.

We offer our twenty games - pranks for a friendly company, some of them are already known, some are not, choose those that you like and will go off with a bang! in your company.

1. Prank game "Imaginary obstacles."

Invited participants should not know that this is a drawing. To be successful, the presenter will need 4 assistants; everything must be discussed with them in advance, and unnoticed by others. The assistants must, when the main players are blindfolded and asked to overcome a certain obstacle course, remove all these obstacles from their path.

The presenter prepares four obstacle courses. The first obstacle on it will be pieces of twine laid out on the floor - future players will have to walk right along this straight line, which will not be easy for them to do.

The second stage is ropes stretched between two chairs, under which the players will have to pass, bending very low so as not to get touched. The third test is a rope at a height that you need to jump over or step over. And the last obstacle is the chairs arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Players will have to go around them along a “snake” trajectory.

The players are given time to look carefully and remember, then everyone is blindfolded at the same time, the leader distracts them: he explains the rules again, talks about the obstacles in all the details, and warns that it is strictly forbidden to feel the obstacles with your hands. At this time, assistants quietly remove all chairs with ropes.

Naturally, all participants will overcome these imaginary obstacles in accordance with the degree of intoxication and athletic ability, in their hearts they are proud of their dexterity. They will only find out about the trick when their bandages are removed, but in the meantime they “suffer and try in vain” to the delight of the audience. Everyone gets prizes and applause at the end.

2. Raffle "Statue of Love".

The presenter takes 5-6 people of different sexes out of the room, leaving one couple: a guy and a girl in the hall. He offers those who remain to make a statue depicting passionate love. Then, he invites one of the remote participants and invites him to be a sculptor and make his own changes to the statue of love.

The most interesting thing is to watch how the separated players seat or put a man and a woman in very piquant “positions”. And so, when they achieve perfection, they are offered to replace the partner of the corresponding sex in this statue in the pose sculpted by themselves. Then the next player comes out, also creates and becomes a “victim” of his creativity.

When guests come to the house, it’s wonderful!

When guests come to your children (for example, for a birthday), it is doubly wonderful, because the house is filled with the noise of children's voices, joyful laughter and smiles.

But now the exchange of impressions is over, the cake is eaten, and the guests begin to get bored. And if a large group of ordinary children begins to get bored, then the consequences of this boredom can, sadly, be quarrels (even fights), scattered toys and a generally turned upside down house.

To prevent this from happening, just after eating the cake, invite the children to play. Funny Games For big company will relieve boredom and save your home from possible destruction!

Musical apple

This game is fun to play with both a large group and a small one. Take an apple and stick fifteen matches or wooden toothpicks into it.

The one who has an apple in his hands must take out one match and sing a song about summer (or about spring).

You can recite a poem or ask a riddle. It is important that the theme matches the time of year you are meeting.

The one who knows the most songs, riddles, and poems wins. Give him as a reward tasty apple!

Fortune Balls

For this game you will need several balloons. Before inflating the balloons, put notes with funny predictions in them.

Let one of the adults or older children, unnoticed by everyone, wrap a scarf or shawl in the form of a turban around his head and take a bunch of balloons in his hands, and then solemnly appear before the public saying that he is famous fortune teller AlBabuCabosRabos, which sells magic fortune balls.

The “payment” for the ball is different for everyone: let one jump on one leg twenty times, and let the other perform an aria from the opera; for the little ones, the “payment” will be a poem, for older children – a tongue twister or guessing a riddle.

After the “fortuneteller” has received the “payment”, he gives everyone a ball with a note-prediction.

Predictions could be:

In the near future you will have a delicious barbecue with friends in nature.

Your dreams will definitely come true.

You will have many friends!

You will soon meet a kind man.

Nightingale the Robber

Absolutely everyone can participate in this game.

To carry it out you will need empty bottle and a deck of plastic cards. The deck is placed on the neck of the bottle, and the players take turns blowing on the deck. Objective: blow away some cards. Those who blow off the entire deck or do not blow off a single card are awarded penalty points. The sum of these penalty points determines the loser, the “punishment” for which is agreed upon in advance.

The most dexterous

Prepare toys (their number should be one less than the number of participants in the game) and place them on the floor. Choose a driver. The game begins when the driver turns on the music or starts singing. The players disperse around the room and dance. As soon as the driver turns off the music or falls silent himself, you need to have time to pick up the toy.

Those who do not have time leave the game.

Each time we reduce the number of toys by one. The one who remains in the game will be recognized as the most dexterous.


The good thing about the game, despite its menacing name, is that it is guaranteed to avoid bodily harm. You can play in any company.

So, the presenter calls two participants into the “ring” and announces to them that now they will fight tooth and nail for the heart of the beauty. “Boxers” wear gloves (thick mittens are suitable as a substitute; for greater effect, you can stuff something soft into them). The audience applauds and cheers on the fighters as they warm up before the fight. The host announces the start of the competition and gives each participant a piece of candy in a candy wrapper, which must be unwrapped without taking off the gloves. The winner receives a prize, which is discussed in advance.


Everyone has already warmed up a little - it's time to play Kolobok. There should be no fewer participants in the game than characters from a famous fairy tale, plus the host.

The players sit on chairs, each of them is assigned the role of a fairy tale character and each of them is Kolobok. The presenter tells a fairy tale, and the participant, having heard his role, must run around the chair. When you hear the word “bun”, everyone runs around. The tale is told from the heart, with a fair amount of improvisation and frequent repetitions of the names of the roles. For example: “Grandma scratched the bottom of the barrel - a housewife, well done, she’ll bake a bun, wow grandma, grandma has everything...”.

The game ends when all participants are tired.

Thick-cheeked lip slap

Everyone enjoys playing this game: children, adults, even older people. To play you will need a lot of small round caramels. You can play in pairs or in a group.

Participants take turns putting one candy in their mouth and saying the phrase “Fat-cheeked lip slap.” Happened? Wonderful! The second candy goes into the mouth... the third, etc. The winner is the one who was the last to pronounce the phrase clearly.


All those gathered for the picnic are divided into two teams. Everyone comes up with their own funny name and chooses a captain.

For example, you decided that the teams will be called “Tomato” and “Sausage Lovers”.

One of the teams comes up with a word or phrase denoting a known object.

For example, “Sausage Lovers” think of the word “crocodile.”

The captain of the “Tomato” team approaches the opponents and is told the intended word. He returns to his team and must show the hidden word with gestures so that his teammates understand what is being said. You can ask any questions, but the one who shows the word can only nod or shake his head negatively.

The team gets a point if the word is guessed.

The more expressive the pantomime, the easier it is to guess what is intended. After guessing, the teams change: the team “Sausage Lovers” guesses the word.

The team that scored greatest number points, the title “Best Mime” is awarded.

Fashion designers

This game will stir up any company and allow people to show themselves in the most unexpected ways. The composition of the company can be any, the main thing is that there is an opportunity to split into pairs. It is more interesting if the role of a “model” is a girl, and the role of a “fashion designer” is a boy.

All you need is a good supply of toilet paper.

The presenter gives each couple a roll of paper and invites the “fashion designer” to dress his “model” in a dress. One condition - glue, paper clips, clothespins and other fasteners cannot be used.

You can tear paper and tie knots. The winner is determined by general voting.

Shoe the team

It is especially interesting to play in a large company. All participants in the game are divided into two teams, each of which chooses a captain. Then the captains go into the next room.

Participants take off one shoe or shoe at a time and put them in a common pile. The task of the returning captains is to quickly and correctly shoe their team. The winner, naturally, is the one who completes the task first. Tip: to make it more challenging and interesting, the shoes of both teams can be put in one big pile, in which case you are guaranteed a most exciting spectacle - where else can you see a fight over a shoe these days? Let the party host not be greedy and generously throw “strange” shoes into the general pile.


The game will not only help you relax and have fun, but also, who knows, perhaps reveal someone’s hidden talents.

Players must choose one famous character, get used to the character and demonstrate it to others. The winner is the one whose image is the most recognizable.

Flies - does not fly

Choose a driver.

The driver begins to list various items, animals, plants, in a word, names any word that comes to his mind. If it is a flying creature, then all players wave their hands.

If not, stand with your hands down.

The one who makes mistakes loses.

The loser is given the task of crowing or meowing ten times.


Two chairs are placed with their backs facing each other, and a rope or jump rope is placed under them. The pieces of rope that stick out from under the chairs should be the same length.

At the leader’s command, two participants begin to walk around the chairs.

At the command “Stop!”, everyone sits on one of the chairs and pulls out the rope from under it.

Whoever managed to pull it out first wins!

The game is played up to three times. Whoever wins twice receives a tasty prize.


A presenter is chosen from all those who wish, the rest will be “parodists”. The players form a semicircle, one of the “parodists” stands in front of them.

Now the presenter can make any movements and gestures that come to mind: raise and lower his hands, squat, stomp, jump, dance or perform any other strange movements, while the “parodist” must repeat them so that everyone finds it funny - but without distorting the actions of the “original” beyond recognition.

If the “parodist” distorts the presenter’s gestures too much, he will have to change him.

The playing time is not limited, you can play until you get bored. The title of “Chief Parodist” is awarded to someone who has never been among the presenters.

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Page creation date: 2016-04-26

Games and competitions for the entertainment of colleagues

Game for adults "Attraction"

Anyone can participate. The players stand in one large circle, looking at the back of each other's heads. Now the presenter gives the task to press together as tightly as possible and make the circle narrower. And now the most difficult part: the guests, at the command of the host, simultaneously bend their legs and try to sit on each other’s knees. As soon as they succeed, the task becomes more complicated: now, at the command of the leader, the players, holding in this position, must extend their arms to the sides. So they all fell! The presenter comments on the situation with the words: “Next time, choose more reliable and stronger friends!”

Competition for adults “Don’t Yawn”

The players are divided into pairs. They are given 2 minutes to look at each other as best as possible and remember all the little details. appearance. Now the participants turn their backs to each other and the competition begins. It is forbidden to peep and cheat! The facilitator asks each pair in turn the following questions.

1. Remember the name of your partner standing behind you.

2. Remember the color of your partner's eyes.

3. How long are your partner’s trousers (it will be much funnier if the girl is wearing a skirt, but this does not change the wording of the question).

4. Tell me what shoes your partner is wearing.

Further questions get more complicated. You can ask, for example, what the partner is wearing on his neck, on which hand he has a watch, etc. The presenter can ask about the color of lipstick, about rings (on which fingers, what shape, etc.), what hairstyle does he have? partner. In general, the more unexpected and interesting the wording of the questions, the more fun and funny the competition will be.

Competition for adults “Hee-hee yes ha-ha”

Participants of the competition take places in the room so that all other players fall into their field of vision.

The first player starts the competition. Its task is elementary, but no less significant. He needs to calmly, clearly, without emotion, say one word out loud: “Ha.”

The second participant also loudly and clearly pronounces the word twice: “Ha-ha.” The third participant, accordingly, supports the previous ones and continues the noble cause, pronouncing the word three times, and so on, all in turn, adding one more to the number of words already spoken. All this, in accordance with the seriousness of the undertaking, must be pronounced with appropriate pathos, and do not forget about the facial expression!

The game is considered interrupted as soon as one of the participants allows himself, instead of “Ha-ha,” to slide down to the usual “Hee-hee,” or simply laugh!

It is best to conduct the game in a company where people know each other well and where a certain opinion has already been formed about everyone. The game is played as follows. All participants gather together. A presenter is selected. He silently makes a wish for one person present. The task of the rest is to find out who the leader chose. All participants in the game take turns asking the host questions about associations. The presenter thinks for a moment and pronounces his association. Participants in the game listen carefully to the answers and try to put all the associations into a single image, this allows them to guess the intended personality. Whoever is the first to correctly identify the selected person wins and gets the right to become the leader in the next game.

The word “association” refers to the presenter’s impression of this person, his personal feelings, some image that resembles a mysterious person.

An example of questions and answers to associations could be the following dialogue:

What vegetable or fruit is this person associated with?

With ripe tangerine.

What type of shoes is this person associated with?

With hussar boots with spurs.

What color is this person associated with?

With orange.

What type or brand of car is this person associated with?

With a bus.

What animal is this person associated with?

With an elephant.

What kind of music is this person associated with?

With Russian "pop music".

What mood is this person associated with?


After these answers you understand that we're talking about about someone perky, with a good-natured character and a broad soul. You look around in bewilderment: “Who could it be?” And then suddenly someone’s voice is heard calling your name. To your surprise, the presenter says, “This is the correct answer!”

Competition for adults “Blind Find”

To participate in the competition, players are divided into pairs - a man and a woman. As equipment, the presenter should have stools in stock for the number of participating pairs. The stools are turned over and placed upside down. The stronger sex is lined up at a distance of 3 m opposite the stools, after which they are blindfolded.

Girls are given 10 matchboxes. The task for the participants is not an easy one: a blindfolded man must reach his partner, take a matchbox from her, walk to a stool and place the box on one of the legs. Then he returns to his partner, takes her the next box, heads to the stool and... The competition continues until a matchbox is placed on all the legs of the stool. It is clear that fallen matchboxes do not count. And the most important condition: “private traders are prohibited from feeling the legs of the stool, the entire task must be performed under the guidance of their partners, who tell them where to go, what position to stand in, how to move your hand, where to aim, how to sit down, etc. And don’t forget to turn on fun music!

Competition for adults “Portrait painter”

Participants are given felt-tip pens and paper and asked to draw a portrait of the neighbor sitting on their left, with a right-hander doing it with his left hand, and a left-hander with his right.

Competition for adults “Writing letters”

Everyone who wants to take part in the game is given a regular A4 sheet of paper and a pen. The presenter asks the players questions, and they write down their answers, fold the sheet and pass it to another player, thereby exchanging sheets with each other. The questions can be the most banal. For example, who worked for whom, when, what, why, where did he do it, how did it all end?

Anything can come out, for example: Petya, tractor driver, yesterday, went to the dance, had nothing to do, on the roof, got lost.

Competition for adults “Exposure”

To conduct the competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance four album sheets with the inscriptions “bathhouse”, “CHILDREN’S MAINTENE”, “MATERNITY HOSPITAL”, “AT THE THERAPIST’S APPOINTMENT”, which are attached to the participants’ backs. Those, in turn, should not know their content. The lucky ones turn their backs to the guests and take turns being interviewed by the host.

Questions could be the following (you can come up with your own):

♦ Do you like this place?

♦ How often do you come here?

♦ Are you taking anyone there with you?

♦ Who would you invite to visit this place with you?

♦ What five essential items will you take with you to avoid getting into a sticky situation?

♦ What do you usually do there?

♦ Why did you choose this particular location?

Questions can arise during the game if the process captivates the participants and spectators.

After the audience has had a good laugh, the presenter can remove the signs from the backs of the participants and show them where, in fact, they were “sent”. Now the players themselves will laugh long and merrily!

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