Juicy white fish. Fish: a short excursion into the underwater kingdom

White fish has long been famous for its dietary qualities, weight useful substances and good taste. Nowadays you can buy it in any store, and the product costs much less than red fish. One of the main questions that buyers think about is the choice of product depending on its name and type.

Types of white fish

The list of white fish species is very extensive, so it makes sense to describe the most popular items that are included in the assortment of most retail outlets. The following varieties exist:

  • Kingclip. A fish of the erroneous family, found in the waters of the Eastern Atlantic and South Africa. It goes on sale in the form of carcasses, which are visually distinguished by their spotted skin and elongated shape. Kingklip has delicious meat, which, by the way, is ideal for baby food.
  • Sea bass. Imported en masse from Iceland, the carcasses are small and red-pink in color. They are often purchased for subsequent smoking, although they can easily be prepared in any other way, especially since the fish is not too fatty.
  • Pangasius. A popular commercial fish, it is easy to recognize by the smooth skin on the carcass or by the stripes of fat in the fillet version. Pangasius steak is also often offered to customers.
  • Hake. Popular in Europe and perhaps the most widespread table fish, which is often sold in markets under the name “hake”. The taste of the product is high level, however, when frozen, they partially deteriorate.
  • Cod. One of the leading white fish species on sale. Cod was originally caught in wild conditions, but today there are many farms for its breeding (mainly in Norway).

The names of white fish can be viewed on our website, and information on each product will help you make the most correct purchase!

Popular white fish

Most buyers can hardly be surprised by one name or another of white fish. However, not everyone knows that certain varieties of the product have both distinctive and similar features. One of the options for classifying white varieties is the following:

  • High in calories and tasty. Although white fish are not known for being particularly fatty, some varieties are much fattier than others and, as a result, much tastier. This category can easily include mackerel, halibut, catfish, and everyone’s favorite herring.
  • Light and delicate. This category unites dietary varieties of white fish, which also have good taste. The abundance of vitamins and microelements contained in these products will help enrich your diet and make it healthy and wholesome. These include: cod, haddock, flounder.
  • Exotic and expensive. Anyone who wants to taste delicious fish should pay attention to varieties such as, for example, muksun and eel. You will have to spend more on these fish than on the standard assortment, but the experience will be special.

Photos of white fish, names and useful information can be found on our website. Buy fish products High Quality now!

I'm always amazed by people who claim that they don't like fish. I just want to ask: what kind of fish do you not like? Spicy lightly salted herring, sprinkled green onions, or smoked capelin, which bursts with caviar? Don't like pike perch steamed with seasonings or flounder pulled from the seabed to be fried until crisp? Maybe the gastronomic aversion is caused by fatty mackerel baked in foil with lemon and dill? Or the most tender red meat salmon fish, which turns out delicious no matter how you cook it: steamed, grilled or oven? Of course, if all your acquaintance with fish cooking consists of tasting bony silver carp, cloudy fish soup and indistinct fish balls, which were so fond of treating visitors to Soviet canteens, then you can say with full responsibility: I don’t like fish! In all other cases, such a statement only means that the inhabitants of the deep waters were simply prepared incorrectly.

For whatever reasons people eliminate this product from their menu, they are depriving themselves of a huge number of interesting fish dishes, voluntarily reducing your own palette of taste sensations.

Fish in cooking

The variety of fish species can confuse anyone. They differ not only appearance, but also the content of vitamins and nutrients, meat consistency, aroma and other properties. The meat of all fish contains almost the same amount of protein, but the fat content can range from 0.1% to 33% of weight. Low-fat fish species are called skinny and, in this case, this should not be taken as an insult.

The taste mainly depends on the fat content, and also on how exactly it is distributed in the carcass. There are types of fish in which the meat itself is quite “skinny”, and fat accumulates in the liver (for example, cod), in the subcutaneous layer, near the fins or on the abdomen. And the most delicious breeds of fish do not have “problem areas”; the fat is harmoniously distributed between the muscles, as if they had spent their entire lives in the fitness center.

The wrong choice of fish type can ruin even the best culinary idea. Which fish should you choose to fry? Who better to put in the oven? Which fish is best to make soup from, and whose karma is it to be salted for long-term storage? Detailed description each type of fish and the peculiarities of their preparation in volume will be a worthy competitor to “War and Peace”, so I will focus on the inhabitants of the water element, the most popular in cooking.

Sturgeon family

Sturgeon, beluga, sterlet, stellate sturgeon

I remember that even as a child I was impressed by a picture from a large Soviet culinary encyclopedia, which depicted a sterlet proudly curled up on a bed of strangely chopped vegetables and covered with a complex mayonnaise mesh. The child's consciousness could not imagine how it was, but it was very beautiful, and since then the sturgeon has been associated with something luxuriously pretentious and unattainably beautiful, despite the relative availability and existence of the masses simple recipes preparations.

In ancient Russian recipes you can find the description “red fish” in relation to sturgeon. Here we are not talking about the color of the meat, but about the special nobility of these breeds, where “red” means beautiful, valuable. Speaking modern language, premium fish.

These fish have a cartilaginous rather than a bone skeleton; inside the ridge there is a notochord - a long strip of specific dense cellular tissue, and along the abdomen and on the sides there are “bugs” - small bone growths. Using them you can easily determine whether the fish is a sturgeon. During their lives, these fish accumulate a certain amount of fat in the abdominal area, but all muscle meat is permeated with delicate layers of fat, like, for example, the most elite marbled beef, which is why sturgeon meat has an exceptional taste. They are equally wonderful in cold and hot dishes, soups and aspic. Heads and cartilages have a direct path to fish soup or solyanka, and the signature dishes of traditional Russian cuisine are pies with viziga - a specially processed spinal chord of sturgeon.

Salmon family

Salmon, salmon, trout, chum salmon, pink salmon

The meat of these fish has different shades of pinkish-red color and does not contain small bones. Delicate taste, sufficient fat content and the absence of a pronounced fishy smell make these types of fish one of the most popular both on restaurant menus and for home holiday tables.

Salmon are sold in the form of lightly salted fillets and frozen or heavily chilled carcasses, whole or cut into pieces.

Lightly salted salmon fillet is a ready-made delicious delicacy used for cold appetizers and salads. Thawed meat of these fish is best used for frying and baking. Steaks and fillets are suitable for this. The fattest part is the belly; they are good salted or, in combination with lean fish meat, for minced fish. And heads, ridges with leftover meat and other trimmings can be used to prepare wonderful, rich fish.

Salmon are caught in the Caspian Sea and Far East. Far Eastern salmon include chum salmon, sockeye salmon, and pink salmon, from which most red caviar supplied to the market, which, although called chum salmon, is actually obtained from different types of salmon.
Salmon is considered one of the best views salmon fish, the proportions of fat and muscle in the tender meat are ideal.
Trout lives in different bodies of water around the world, fresh and salty, so its varieties (lake, rainbow, etc.) differ in size, appearance and fat content, but they all have excellent taste.

Flounder family

Flounder, halibut

Outwardly, the strange fish look as if they were crushed by the entire burden of the world's problems at once. These inhabitants of the seabed, who feel the pressure of water all their lives, have a flat body shape, an asymmetrical head and a certain dress code: dark top, white bottom.

This is one of the favorite fish of residents of the coastal regions of the Baltic, Black, Azov, Mediterranean seas And Pacific Ocean, which is valued for its very tender, fatty meat with a rich taste. It is used in many recipes: fried, stewed in sauce or wine, which greatly enhances the already good taste of this juicy and soft fish.
And the delicious halibut meat is also smoked, then cut into thin, transparent slices that simply melt in your mouth.

Cod family

Cod, haddock, navaga, burbot

Most fish of this family are fleshy, dense, have a rather strong fishy smell and are almost devoid of small bones.
The cod itself has a highly valued fatty liver (up to 70%), rich in vitamin D, from which delicious snacks are made, but its meat is completely lean. Perhaps because of this, many have formed the opinion that it is “second-rate” and unsuitable for truly creating delicious dish. In fact, tender and very healthy meat of cod and haddock is excellent for baking with sauces, frying in batter, steaming with spices and minced cutlets, which must be supplemented with suitable ingredients: vegetable or butter and onions. These dishes turn out juicy and flavorful, and not dry and bland, as trescophobes claim. In addition, cod is most often sold already gutted and cleaned, which greatly facilitates the preliminary preparation of the fish.

Carp family

Carp, tench, bream, carp, silver carp, grass carp, crucian carp, ram, roach

The meat of these fish is tasty, very tender and has medium fat content, but the real problem is removing many small bones. It is almost impossible to remove them all, so carp are rarely served in restaurants; they are not recommended to be included in children's menus. Large carp, carp and silver carp look best when fried with various sauces; they are also used for stuffing. Like crucian carp, they can be baked in the oven.

It is better to put small fish on the fish soup; they will produce a fragrant broth and rich soup, which must be strained to get rid of the bones.

Representatives of cyprinids such as bream, ram, roach are dried, smoked and dried, then the process of gnawing fish bones becomes a special ritual and can bring a certain pleasure.

Herring family

Herring, Baltic herring, sardine, capelin, sprat, anchovy

The meat of these fish is very fatty and quite dense, so they are excellent for salting and pickling. Particularly popular different types pickled and salted herring in Scandinavian cuisine, where the preparation of this fish reached incredible culinary heights.

Depending on the fat content, different side dishes and sauces are served with salted herring. Aromatic, fatty polar, Atlantic or Danube herring requires a neutral accompaniment, for example, boiled potatoes with herbs and onions, while less fatty Black Sea herring is good in a spicy marinade, with spicy dressings or sauces, and is used to prepare pates and snacks, for example, mincemeat.

For long-term storage, herring is placed in strong brine, therefore, when preparing snacks from it, the fish sometimes needs to be pre-soaked in water or milk to remove excess salt.

Smoked herrings are very tasty, but this is quite problematic to do at home. But frying fresh herring or herring is very easy and simple, and they form an amazing crispy crust. True, the smell in the kitchen will be very specific, all the neighbors will be aware of your fish feast, so it’s better to do it on outdoors, Grilled. Great alternative familiar dishes for a picnic.

Perch family

Perch, pike perch, ruff

The lean white meat of these fish has a delicate texture and a lot of useful substances. Pike perch meat is especially dietary, it contains a minimum of fat and a maximum of protein. But their eating can be overshadowed by a certain number of fairly noticeable bones, although there are not as many of them as in cyprinids. The smaller the fish, the more difficult it is to get rid of the bones, so large fish are great for frying, baking and stewing, while small ones are better for making minced meat for cutlets. Fishermen know that the ruff makes the most delicious fish soup in the world, and the rest of the perch fish did not disappoint in this sense. Their meat contains a lot of gelling substances, so the rich broth from them easily solidifies, turning into an excellent fish jelly. All that remains is to add the meat of some boneless fish to it to get a wonderful aspic.

A separate story - sea ​​bass, its other name is sea ​​bass, laurel or branzino.

There is eternal confusion with this fish. The fact is that in English bass is “perch” (and the most common river perch It won’t be bass at all, but perch – but that’s a topic for another discussion). There are a great variety of perch, and in order not to get confused, practical Englishmen (and all English-speaking people) add a description to the name: white bass - white perch, yellow bass - yellow perch, sunshine bass - striped perch, spotted bass - spotted perch. That's sea ​​bass They called it sea bass, simple and logical. Only sea bass is not a perch at all; the fish belongs to a completely different family of Moronidae, differing greatly both in appearance and taste.
Branzino is the same as sea bass, but in Italian, laurel is a translation Latin name, and in Russia this fish has long been known under the name of sea wolf.

This is true universal fish, which is very difficult to spoil with poor cooking. It is valued for its fatty white meat of very good taste and lack of bones. It reveals all its qualities when frying, boiling, stewing, baking in the oven or grilling, whole or in pieces, solo or stuffed with vegetables.

A few more popular fish that enjoy well-deserved gastronomic authority.

This fish, which is rapidly gaining popularity in modern cooking, is nothing more than sea crucian carp. All its names are in one way or another connected with gold: golden spar, aurata, dorada (d’oro - gold) - most likely because of the golden-yellow stripe near the eyes. And now also thanks to sky-high prices, which have grown in direct proportion to the demand for this fish.

Dorado was grown back in Ancient Rome; now, having scientific evidence that its meat is not only tender, dense, aromatic, but also very dietary, containing little fat, it was appreciated by all adherents healthy eating. Dorado is bred in special conditions in Greece, Italy, Turkey, France, therefore Mediterranean cuisine is rich in recipes from this fish, which in artificial conditions grows even more delicious than in nature. You can cook it in any way you prefer: fry, bake, stew, boil, combining it with a variety of sauces and side dishes.

By the way, according to taste qualities and the consistency of sea bream is similar to sea bass, so these types of fish are interchangeable in all recipes.


A distinctive feature of this fish is the absence of scales and bones, except for the ridge. It is believed that the smaller the catfish, the more tender its meat, and large fish that live on the bottom, in the mud, have tougher meat with a pronounced taste and specific smell, which is not always pleasant. In fact, this applies to fish caught in natural reservoirs with stagnant water, but in the product of industrial fishing, the fillet of even very large individuals remains tender, with a special structure, and has almost no odor. Catfish is well suited for cutlets; it can be boiled and fried in portions, and medium-sized fish can be baked whole in the oven. It should be taken into account that in this fish fat accumulates in the tail part, which can taste very different from the rest of the carcass, especially in large specimens.


The size of pike can range from 0.5 to 40 kg; carcasses weighing 2-3 kg are considered the best in gastronomic terms. The meat of this fish has a rather specific taste and smell, and besides, the pike is quite bony. But its recognizable taste adds a “zest” to the dish, which is why it is popular for preparing minced meat for cutlets and rolls, and is used for fish soup or frying. The skin of pike is very dense, it can be removed as a whole “sleeve”, so a whole stuffed pike has been a classic dish of Russian cuisine for many centuries, although its preparation requires a lot of effort and skill.

This large ocean fish was little known in the Soviet Union and was almost not used in our cooking, while European and American cuisine makes full use of this tasty and useful product. The fatty meat of tuna has a very pleasant taste, which is difficult to confuse with any other fish. A variety of canned foods are made from it (including own juice and oil), which are widely used in salads, and tuna fillet is fried and steamed, it acquires an interesting consistency and rich pink color.

On sale you can find small carcasses weighing 2-10 kg. But the most delicious and expensive tuna fillet comes from large ocean fish. Some specimens weigh about 500 kg. This is information to make it easier for you to imagine such a fillet if you suddenly think about pieces like cod or perch fillets.

A fish that looks more like a snake can cause unwanted associations in people suffering from herpetophobia, that is, the fear of all sorts of creeping reptiles. But other than a suspicious appearance, this fish has nothing in common with snakes. The fatty eel meat is very tender and pleasant to the taste, it is considered a delicacy. Hot smoked eel is a popular product of Asian cuisine; in particular, without it, a dozen types of sushi would not exist. But European cuisine also boasts a variety of eel dishes: it is boiled in red wine, fried with spices, baked in dough.

Well, I hope this long excursion into fish kingdom helped you understand at least a little what's what here. And I would like to believe that you have a desire to buy some fish and experiment with it in the kitchen. Personally, I wanted to, so I will move from theory to practice.

And besides, freshwater fish is two times cheaper than sea fish. This bottom-dwelling marine fish is common in the North Pacific Ocean. But these fish have a lot of small bones. Do you have all this? This means the boneless fish is fresh. Therefore, it is better to stew such fish, then the bones will soften. Hake, pollock, and tilapia are oceanic fish without bones.

There are people who don't like fish. And there are those who don’t like it just because of the presence of bones. Although sea fish have fewer bones than river fish, they differ from other aquatic inhabitants in that they have only a backbone and practically no rib bones.

What is the name of a fish that has no bones from birth to death?

Fish with few brushes has many advantages. Buy fish fillets, they are boneless and easy to cook. Sometimes fillets still have large bones, so you have to sort them out. Sea bass and tilapia. Freshwater fish(pike, crucian carp, carp, carp, catfish, trout, etc.) are smaller and have many small bones, but the taste is not inferior to sea fish, especially if cooked whole. The sturgeon family - sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon - are kings among fish. You can cook anything from them - from soups to cold appetizers.

Before cooking, the fish should be divided into parts and scalded with boiling water, this will preserve more useful properties. Their meat is tender, without small bones. Pike has a specific taste, the meat is lean and there are small bones. Pike is good for making cutlets, but more often it is stuffed whole. Pollock is a universal fish, without small bones, odorless, and dry, which is a big plus for those who cannot eat fatty foods or for those who are losing weight.

Fatty fish

The list of fish is, of course, endless. The House of Advice spoke about the main varieties that are commercially available and are familiar to everyone. Prepare the fish a certain scheme, it’s like a law - peel, acidify, salt. Cleaning fish is unpleasant, but very important; you cannot do without this procedure. It is better to clean the fish with gloves so as not to prick your fingers and in the direction from the tail to the head.

Then the fish should be placed in a sealed container and placed in the refrigerator for several hours, then the fish meat will be juicy and the smell will be pleasant. Fish is thawed for several hours in salt water, except sturgeon fish and fish fillets, which should be thawed at room temperature.

The fish turns out much tastier if it is kept in cold milk or greased with sour cream. A fairly large proportion of them are fish. They are an integral part of this amazing ecosystem. And how delicious sea fish is! The list of names familiar to us from childhood is impressive: pollock, herring, capelin, saury, cod, hake, halibut, notothenia... There are also more exotic specimens. In the article we will talk about what types of marine fish exist, and talk about the usefulness and nutritional qualities of certain vertebrates.

All representatives of this family are distinguished by low fat content of meat (usually up to one percent) and high fat reserves in the liver (up to seventy percent). Perhaps one of the best edible fish, is distinguished by dense white meat, which serves as an excellent source of proteins, and the absence of small muscle bones. Pacific navaga has coarser and not as tasty, aromatic and juicy meat as the northern one. This white sea fish is low in calories.

Atlantic pollock lives in the Barents Sea. The meat of this fish is very easy to prepare: you can boil, dry-dry, fry, bake in foil. This family includes flounder and halibut. The meat of this fish is white, tasty, without small bones (with the exception of star flounder, in which bone formations are scattered throughout the body). Fat content - from one to five percent.

This is a fatty sea fish (fat content - from five to twenty-two percent) with white, tasty and tender meat that has a sweetish aroma. There are Far Eastern, Kuril, Atlantic (oceanic), Azov-Black Sea mackerel, bonito, and tuna. As a rule, the meat of these fish is quite fatty, without small bones, and tender. Distributed in Atlantic waters, it stays in adjacent layers and near the surface of the water. This is a pack of predators big fish. It is very thermophilic, so it appears in the Black Sea only in July-August.

What kind of cooking fish is not bony?

This predatory schooling fish lives in the Black Sea, reaches a weight of seven kilograms and a length of eighty-five centimeters. The meat of these fish has light color, dense consistency and pleasant aroma, contains from two to five percent fat (with the exception of bonito, which has a fat content of up to twenty percent).

The most delicious is the ten-finned fish, which is slightly larger in weight than usual. Pagrus, Cuban crucian carp, sea bream, chonfish, dentex, scap are all representatives of the sparov family. Due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids, including myristic, palmitic, and lauric acids, this sea fish is very healthy.

River fish, our wealth

In Antarctica in last years mastered the fishing of tasty fish - notothenia and other representatives of the family in question: oceanic goby, toothfish, squama. The meat of these fish is white, dense, aromatic, without small bones. The family includes up to one hundred and fifty species. Among the trade names of individuals arriving on store shelves, we are most familiar with sea ​​trout, captain fish (otolith), croaker, umbrine.

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In medium-sized fish, the meat is soft and not too coarse; in large fish, it is coarsely fibrous. Herring is often consumed salted. In Holland, large smoked fish are called “zal”, and small salted fish are called “bäckling”. And in vain. It should definitely be included in your diet! Sea fish, photos and descriptions of which were given in this article, are, of course, only small part all vertebrate animals living in the waters of the World Ocean.

Once upon a time in our country, Thursday was considered a fish day. Now all kinds of fish, especially sea fish, appear on our tables almost every day. I would like to warn you that when buying fish fillets from “bony” fish, you are not protected from small bones.

These fish are distinguished by their elongated body and very delicious meat. In general, in sea ​​depths There are at least five hundred flounder-like individuals. So fish can and should be eaten even by those who are afraid of choking on a bone. This sea commercial fish In terms of average annual catch volume, it ranks third in the world, second only to pollock and cod. How to cook: Dip in flour and fry.

If you're thinking about celebrating, say, a birthday, then most likely the last ingredient you'll want to use for the main dish is white fish. Everyone loves red fish. However, this is easy to explain; we were spoiled by fatty and expensive Norwegian salmon. There is no doubt that imported farm fish, firstly, looks beautiful both salted and baked, and secondly, it is quite easy to cook, difficult to spoil, and easy to choose.

Another thing is white fish. It can taste delicious, or it can be dry and tough, completely uninteresting. This fish costs much less than imported red fish. And yet, this does not mean that white fish are worse. You just need to be able to choose it without confusing it with another, cheaper type of fish, and after purchasing it, you also need to cook it correctly. Which is correct? Some fish will look great fried, but some need to be served with sauce, simmered over low heat? We have selected the most delicious varieties of white fish that you can eat every day and cook for the holidays.


Perhaps the most popular fish in Russia. We mainly use it salted, but fresh herring can also be fried - it will be delicious. The most popular fish right now is the Atlantic herring: it is light-colored, beautiful and attractive. But the healthiest and tastiest is the Pacific one, undeservedly set aside by buyers in the European part of Russia. The meat of this herring is darker than the Atlantic one.


Very tender and quite fatty fish. Halibut is ideal for baking, frying, and magical in pies. Amazing smoked halibut. It has very few bones and the meat is tender and very white. It is rightfully considered one of the most delicious varieties of fish. In addition, halibut is not bred in captivity, so its meat is also very healthy: it contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and contains the essential amino acid tryptophan.


Smoked mackerel, and especially hot smoked, is simply a divine fish. It is aromatic, fatty, tender. But unsmoked fish, for example, stewed in white sauce or baked in foil, is no less tasty.


Catfish is wonderful and delicious fish However, it is very fatty, so during cooking half of it is lost in the pan. But this does not detract from the taste of the catfish, which is simply made for frying. It is also suitable for minced cutlets, but paired with some less tender and fatty fish.


Only 70 Kcal per 100 grams, selenium, vitamin B12, potassium and sodium make haddock an excellent fish for the dietary table. Haddock tastes a little like cod, only it is softer, more tender, and airier. It is especially worth noting that this fish is never caught rubbery and hard as a sole, but other white varieties have been noticed this more than once.


Cod is an excellent fish, but only if it has not been thawed and re-frozen many times. The more times this happens, the tougher the cod becomes. The same fish that reached the buyer in a working refrigerator will delight him with the softness and tenderness of its meat. Cod can be very tasty in almost any condition: it can be baked, fried, stewed, steamed, made into soup and added to cutlets. By the way, this hot smoked fish is a very tasty thing!


Flounder is slightly higher in calories than haddock and slightly higher in fat. But nevertheless, flounder is still a dietary fish, and at the same time quite tasty. Due to its slightly higher fat content, flounder meat is quite easy to cook and difficult to spoil. One of the advantages of flounder is the small number of bones.


Freshwater Siberian fish muksun is rightfully considered one of the most delicious and healthy northern species. This fish is rich in bromine and fluorine. It also contains a lot of copper, which is necessary for the addition of oxygen to hemoglobin, a protein that delivers oxygen to all organs and tissues. One of the most important qualities muksuna - it is not susceptible to infection with opisthorchiasis, so you can make stroganina from it and eat fish raw. If you don’t want it raw, you can bake muksun, it also turns out very well. Salted muksun also looks great, an ideal snack for beer.


Smoked eel is one of the most delicious delicacies. But eel can also be sold fresh. Then you need to make soup from it. It will be quite fatty, because the fish itself is very fatty. Eel is a very special fish that, once you try it, you will never forget, and if you like it, you will buy it again and again. In addition to soup and smoking, eel is stewed, used as a filling for pies, and finally wrapped in rice to make rolls.

If you're thinking about celebrating, say, a birthday, then most likely the last ingredient you'll want to make into a main course is white fish. Everyone loves red fish. However, this is easy to explain; we were spoiled by fatty and expensive Norwegian salmon. There is no doubt that imported farm fish, firstly, looks beautiful both in and baked form, and secondly, it is quite easy to cook and difficult to spoil. And it’s easy to choose, the main thing is not to take the rotten one.

Another thing is white fish. It can taste delicious, or it can be dry and tough, completely uninteresting. This fish costs much less than imported red fish. And yet this does not mean that white is worse. You just need to be able to choose it without confusing it with another, cheaper type of fish, and after purchasing it, you also need to cook it correctly. Which is correct? Some fish will look great fried, while some need to be served with sauce, simmered over low heat.

We have selected the most delicious varieties of white fish that you can eat every day and cook for the holidays.

Fatty and tasty

Fat is the best conductor of taste for our receptors. Our brain generally adores it and considers the fatty product tasty. Of course, up to a certain limit. It’s just that no one will eat raw and fatty lard, but salted lard... and with garlic... Therefore, the most delicious fish is fatty.


Perhaps the most popular fish in Russia. We mainly use it salted, but fresh herring can also be fried - it will be delicious. The most popular fish right now is the Atlantic herring; it is light-colored, beautiful, and attractive. But the healthiest and tastiest is the Pacific one, undeservedly set aside by buyers in the European part of Russia. The meat of this herring is darker than the Atlantic one.


Very tender and quite fatty fish. Halibut is ideal for baking, frying, and magical in pies. Amazing smoked halibut. It has very few bones and the meat is tender and very white. It is rightfully considered one of the most delicious varieties of fish. In addition, halibut is not bred in captivity, so its meat is also very healthy, it contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and contains the essential amino acid tryptophan.


Smoked mackerel, and especially hot smoked mackerel, is simply a divine fish. It is aromatic, fatty, tender. But unsmoked fish, for example, stewed in white sauce or baked in foil, is no less tasty.


A wonderful and tasty fish, however, it is very fatty, so when cooking, half of it is lost in the pan. But this does not detract from the taste of the catfish, which seems simply made for frying. It is also suitable for minced cutlets, but paired with some less tender and fatty fish.

Dietary and gentle

Low-fat varieties of white fish can also be very tasty and healthy. They contain B vitamins, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, in general, those elements that we need every day. Moreover, these types of fish are low in calories and are especially recommended for dietary nutrition.


Only 70 Kcal per 100 grams, selenium, vitamin B12, potassium and sodium make haddock an excellent fish for the dietary table. It tastes a little like cod, only it is softer, more tender, and airier. It is especially worth noting that this fish is never caught rubbery and hard, like a sole, but other white varieties have been noticed this more than once.


Excellent fish, but only if it has not been defrosted many times and frozen again. The more times this happens, the tougher the cod becomes. The same fish that reached the buyer in a working refrigerator will delight you with the softness and tenderness of its meat. Cod can be very tasty in almost any condition: it can be baked, fried, stewed, steamed, made into soup and added to cutlets. By the way, this hot smoked fish is a wonderfully tasty thing!


It is slightly higher in calories than haddock and slightly higher in fat. But nevertheless, flounder is still a dietary fish and at the same time quite tasty. Due to the slightly higher fat content, flounder meat is quite easy to cook and difficult to spoil. One of the advantages of flounder is the small number of bones.

Expensive and unusual


Freshwater Siberian fish muksun is rightfully considered one of the most delicious and healthy northern species. It is rich in bromine and fluorine. It also contains a lot of copper, which is necessary for the addition of oxygen to hemoglobin, a protein that delivers oxygen to all organs and tissues. One of the most important qualities of muksun is that it is not susceptible to infection with opisthorchiasis, so you can make stroganina from it and eat fish raw. If you don’t want it raw, you can bake muksun, it also turns out very well. Looks great and salty - an ideal beer snack.


Smoked eel is one of the most delicious delicacies. But eel can also be sold fresh. Then you need to make soup from it. It will be quite fatty, because the fish itself is very fatty, but memorable, because once you try eel, you won’t forget it, and if you liked it, you’ll buy it again and again. In addition to soup and smoking, this fish is stewed, used as a filling for pies, and finally, wrapped in rice to make rolls.

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