Orthoepy. Modern orthoepic norms. Basic orthoepic rules of the modern Russian literary language. Moscow State University of Printing Arts

Orthoepy. Modern orthoepic norms. Basic orthoepic rules of modern Russian literary language.

In the literary language, we focus on generally accepted patterns - norms. Norms are characteristic of different levels of the language. There are lexical, morphological, spelling, phonetic norms. There are pronunciation rules.

Orthoepy - (Greek orthos- "simple, correct, epos" - "speech") is a set of rules that establish pronunciation standards.

The subject of orthoepy is oral speech. Oral speech is accompanied by a number of mandatory features: stress, diction, tempo, intonation. But orthoepic rules cover only the area of ​​pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions or combinations of sounds, as well as the features of the pronunciation of sounds in certain grammatical forms ah, in groups of words or single words.

Compliance with orthoepic rules is necessary, it helps better understanding speech.

Pronunciation norms are of a different nature and have different origins.

In some cases, the phonetic system dictates only one possibility of pronunciation. A different pronunciation will be a violation of the laws of the phonetic system.

For example, indistinguishing between hard and soft consonants

or pronunciation of only hard or only soft consonants; or distinguish between voiceless and voiced consonants in all positions without exception.

In other cases, the phonetic system allows not one, but two or more possibilities of pronunciation. In such cases, one possibility is recognized as literary correct, normative, while others are evaluated either as variants of the literary norm, or are recognized as non-literary.

Norms of literary pronunciation are both a stable and developing phenomenon. In every this moment they have something that connects today's pronunciation with past eras of the literary language, and something that appears as new in pronunciation under the influence of the live oral practice of a native speaker, as a result of the action of internal laws of the development of the phonetic system.

Contemporary Russian pronunciation evolved over the centuries, from the 15th to the 17th centuries. on the basis of the so-called Moscow vernacular, formed on the basis of the interaction of the North Great Russian and South Great Russian dialects.

By the 19th century Old Slavonic pronunciation developed in all its main features and, as an exemplary one, extended its influence to the pronunciation of the population of other major cultural centers. But there was never complete stability in pronunciation; there were always local differences in the pronunciation of the population of large centers.

So, the norms of literary pronunciation are a stable and dynamically developing phenomenon; they are based on the laws of the functioning of the phonetic system of the language and on socially developed and traditionally adopted rules, which are subject to changes in the process of development of oral literary speech as a result of the influence on it various factors language development. These changes initially have the character of fluctuating norms, but if such changes do not contradict the phonetic system and become widespread, they lead to the emergence of variants of the literary norm, and then, possibly, to the establishment of a new pronunciation norm.

There are several sources of deviation from the norms of literary pronunciation: 1) the influence of spelling, 2) the influence of dialect features, 3) the influence of the native language (accent) - for non-Russians.

Heterogeneity of pronunciation in various groups The population determined the emergence of the doctrine of pronunciation styles. For the first time, L.V. Shcherba took up the issues of pronunciation style, he distinguished two styles of pronunciation:

1. Full, characterized by maximum clarity and clarity of pronunciation;

2. Incomplete style - the style of ordinary casual speech. Within these styles, various variations are possible.

In general, the current orthoepic norms of the Russian language (and their possible variants) are registered in special dictionaries.

It should be highlighted:

a) rules for the pronunciation of individual sounds (vowels and consonants);

b) rules for pronunciation of combinations of sounds;

c) rules for pronunciation of individual grammatical forms;

d) rules for pronunciation of individual borrowed words.

1. The pronunciation of vowels is determined by the position in pre-stressed syllables and is based on a phonetic law called reduction. Due to reduction, unstressed vowels are preserved in duration (quantity) and lose their distinct sound (quality). All vowels undergo reduction, but the degree of this reduction is not the same. So, the vowels [y], [s], [and] in an unstressed position retain their main sound, while [a], [o],

[e] qualitatively change. The degree of reduction [a], [o], [e] depends mainly on the place of the syllable in the word, as well as on the nature of the preceding consonant.

a) In the first pre-stressed syllable, the sound [Ù] is pronounced: [vÙdy / sÙdy / nÙzhy]. After hissing, [Ù] is pronounced: [zhÙra / shÙry].

In place of [e] after hissing [w], [w], [c], the sound [ye] is pronounced: [tsyepnoį], [zhyeltok].

After soft consonants in place [a], [e], the sound [ie] is pronounced:

[ch٬iesy / s٬iela].

b) in the rest unstressed syllables in place of sounds [o], [a], [e], after solid consonants, the sound [b] is pronounced:

par٨vos] After soft consonants in place of sounds [a], [e], it is pronounced [b]: [n" tÙch "okʹ / h" mÙdan].

2. Pronunciation of consonants:

a) the norms of literary pronunciation require a positional exchange of paired deaf and voiced in a position in front of the deaf (only deaf) - voiced (only voiced) and at the end of the word (only deaf): [chl "epʹ] / trʹpkʹ / proʹ b]];

b) assimilation softening is not necessary, there is a tendency to lose it: [s"t"inaʹ] and [st"inaʹ], [z"d"es"] and [zd"es"].

3. Pronunciation of some combinations of vowels:

a) in pronominal formations what, to - th is pronounced like [pcs]; in pronominal formations such as something, mail, the pronunciation [h "t] is almost preserved;

b) in a number of words of predominantly colloquial origin, [shn] is pronounced in place of ch: [kÙn "eshn / nÙroshn].

In words of book origin, the pronunciation [h "n] has been preserved: [ml "ech" nyį / vÙstoch "nyį];

c) in the pronunciation of the combinations vst, zdn, stn (hello, holiday, private trader), one of the consonants is usually reduced or dropped out: [holiday "ik], [h "asn" ik], [hello]

4. Pronunciation of sounds in some grammatical forms:

a) pronunciation of the form I.p. unit adjectives without stress: [red / s "in" iį] - under the influence of spelling arose - th, - y; after back-lingual r, k, x ® uy: [t "iх" iį], [m "ahk" iį];

b) pronunciation - sya, - sya. Under the influence of spelling, soft pronunciation became the norm: [n'ch "ielas" / n'ch "iels" aʹ];

c) the pronunciation of the verbs na-ive after g, k, x, the pronunciation [g "], [k"], [x"] became the norm (under the influence of spelling): [vyt "ag" ivyt "].

5. Pronunciation of borrowed words.

In general, the pronunciation of borrowed words is subject to the phonetic system of the Russian language.

However, in some cases there are deviations:

a) pronunciation of [o] in place of [Ù]: [boaʹ / otel" / poet], although [rÙman / [rÙĵal" / prucent];

b) [e] is preserved in unstressed syllables: [Ùtel"ĵé / d"epr"es"iįb];

c) before [e], g, k, x, l are always softened: [g "etry / k" ex / bÙl "et].

The pronunciation of borrowed words should be checked in a dictionary.

Speech norms act differently in different styles of pronunciation: in colloquial, in the style of public (bookish) speech, of which the first is realized in everyday communication, and the second - in reports, lectures, etc. The differences between them relate to the degree of reduction of vowels, simplification of consonant groups (in colloquial style, the reduction is more significant, the simplification is more intense), etc.


1. What is the subject of study of orthoepy?

2. Describe the basic rules for the pronunciation of vowels.

3. Describe the basic rules for the pronunciation of consonants.

4. Indicate the main features and pronunciation variants of certain grammatical forms acceptable by the literary norm.

5. Indicate the features of the pronunciation of some combinations of sounds and doubled consonants.

6. Describe the main features of the pronunciation of vowels and consonants in foreign words.

7. What are the main reasons for the appearance of pronunciation options and violations of the norms of literary pronunciation?


1. Avanesov R. I. Russian literary pronunciation. M., 1972.

2. Avanesov R. I. Russian literary and dialectal phonetics. M., 1974.

3. Gorbachevich K. S. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. M., 1978.

7. The concept of orthoepy and orthoepic norm

Orthoepy is a science that establishes a uniform literary pronunciation.

The orthoepic norm originated in the 18th century, initially it was called the norm of the Moscow dialect.

In the 19th century, the Petersburg norm appeared.

In the 20th century, two linguistic schools appeared, they set their own standard for themselves. The orthoepic norm is subject to change. It is considered one of the most mobile norms.

Orthoepic norms cover phonetic language system. Phonetics- this is a science, a section of linguistics that studies the sound side of the language, that is, the methods of formation and acoustic properties of sounds, their changes in speech.

Phonetics- involves the accurate transmission of speech sounds using graphic means.

In concept orthoepy includes the pronunciation of individual words and groups of words, as well as individual grammatical forms in those cases where their pronunciation is not determined by the phonetic system, for example, the pronunciation of [shn] at the place of the combination ch (sku [sh] but) or [c] at the place of g at the end -th - his (that - that [in] o, him - e [in] o). In normal colloquial pronunciation, there is a deviation from orthoepic norms. These digressions are associated with certain dialects, native dialects, which are different from writing.

8. The concept of graphics and spelling. Brief information from the history of Russian writing

In the 1st half of the 10th century, the first texts written in Cyrillic appeared among the Eastern Slavs. They were found on a vessel from Gnezdovo. Many inscriptions were found in the 2nd half of the 10th century.

After the baptism of Russia in 988, book writing arose. The Chronicle reports on "many scribes" who worked under Yaroslav the Wise. Liturgical books were mostly copied.

In the process of correspondence, the original language was adapted to the East Slavic language, and the Old Russian book language was formed - the Russian version of the Church Slavonic language. The author's writings were based on moralizing and hagiographic works. These scripts were not very literate, because the scribes were not very educated.

A special class of ancient written monuments are annals. The chronicler, outlining historical events, included them in the context of Christian history, and this united the chronicles with other monuments of book culture of spiritual content.

Along with these works, a non-book written tradition developed in Russia: administrative and judicial texts, official and private office work, household records. These documents differed from book texts in both syntactic constructions and morphology.

At the center of this written tradition were legal codes, from Russian truth, the oldest list of which dates back to 1282.

They occupy a special position graffiti- prayer texts written on the walls of temples, although there are graffiti and other content.

Graphic arts is a set of signs together with rules that establish a correspondence between signs (graphemes) and sounds (phonemes).

Letter is a way of fixing the language with descriptive signs for the purpose of communication between people.

There were the following types of letters:

1) pictography - writing with drawings

2) hieroglyphic writing

3) phonological writing (sound)

Competent oral speech is the key to successful communication. The ability to correctly express your thoughts will help not only when applying for a job or in business negotiations, but also in Everyday life. But in order to perfectly master oral speech, it is necessary to know and observe the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. This is what our article will be devoted to.

What is orthoepy?

The word "orthoepy" consists of two Greek roots - "orthos" and "epos", which are translated as "correct" and "speech". That is, the science of correct speech - that's what orthoepy is.

Graphic abbreviations

Graphic abbreviations include initials next to the surname, volume or distance designations, for example, liters (l), meters (m), also pages (s) and other similar abbreviations that serve to save space in printed text. All these truncated words when reading must be deciphered, that is, you need to pronounce the word in full.

The use of graphic abbreviations in a conversation can be assessed as a speech error or irony, which may be appropriate only in certain circumstances.

Names and patronymics

Orthoepic norms of the Russian language also regulate the pronunciation of names and patronymics. Note that the use of patronymics is typical only for our language. In Europe, such a concept does not exist at all.

The use of the full name and patronymic of a person is necessary under different circumstances, both verbally and in writing. Especially often such appeals are used in a working environment and official documents. Such an appeal to a person can also serve as a marker of the degree of respect, especially when talking with older and older people.

Most of the Russian-speaking names and patronymics have several pronunciations, which can vary, among other things, from the degree of closeness with the person. For example, when meeting for the first time, it is desirable to pronounce the name and patronymic of the interlocutor clearly, as close as possible to writing.

However, in other cases, the orthoepic norms of the Russian language (pronunciation norms) provide for the historically established in oral speech way of use.

  • Patronymics ending in "-evna", "-ievich". In female versions, it is necessary to observe the written form, for example, Anatolyevna. In men's - let's say short version: Anatolyevich / Anatolievich.
  • On "-aevich" / "-aevna", "-eevich" / "-eevna". For both male and female options, a short version is allowed: Alekseevna / Alekseevna, Sergeevich / Sergeich.
  • On "-ovich" and "-ovna". In the male version, the contraction of the form is permissible: Alexandrovich / Alexandrich. In women's - necessarily full pronunciation.
  • AT female patronymics, formed from names ending in "n", "m", "v", are not pronounced [s]. For example, instead of Efimovna - Efimna, Stanislavovna - Stanislavna.

How to pronounce borrowed words

Orthoepic norms of the Russian language also regulate the rules of pronunciation foreign words. This is due to the fact that in a number of cases the laws of the use of Russian words are violated in borrowed ones. For example, the letter "o" in unstressed syllables is pronounced the same as if it were in a strong position: oasis, model.

Also, in some foreign words, the consonants before the softening vowel "e" remain hard. For example: code, antenna. There are also words with a variable pronunciation, where you can pronounce "e" both firmly and softly: therapy, terror, dean.

In addition, for borrowed words, the stress is fixed, that is, it remains unchanged in all word forms. Therefore, if you encounter difficulties with pronunciation, it is better to refer to the orthoepic dictionary.

Accentological norm

Now let's take a closer look at the orthoepic and accentological norms of the Russian language. To begin with, let's figure out what an accentological norm is. This is the name of the rules for placing stress in a word.

In Russian, the stress is not fixed, as in most European ones, which not only enriches speech and increases the possibilities language game, but also provides huge opportunities for violation of the accepted norm.

Let's consider the function that unfixed stress performs. So it is:

  • gives an opportunity for stylistic coloring words (silver - silver) and the emergence of professionalisms (compass - compAs);
  • provides for a change in the etymology (meaning) of the word (meli - meli, Atlas - atlas);
  • allows you to change morphological features words (pines - pines).

Also, the placement of stress can change the style of your speech. So, for example, the word "girl" will refer to the literary, and "girl" - to the neutral.

There is also a class of such words, the variability of stress in which does not carry any semantic load. For example, Butt - butt, barge - barge. The emergence of these exceptions is due to the lack of a single norm and equal existence of the dialect and the literary language.

Also, the stress in some words may just be an obsolete form. For example, music - music, employee - employee. In fact, you are only changing the accent, but in fact you are starting to speak with an outdated syllable.

Most often, the placement of stress in a word has to be remembered, since the existing rules do not regulate all cases. In addition, sometimes a violation of the literary norm can become an individual author's technique. This is often used by poets to make a line of poetry sound more even.

However, one should not assume that accentology is included in the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. The stress and its correct setting are too extensive and difficult topic, so it is usually taken out in special section and study separately. Those who wish to get acquainted with the topic in more detail and exclude violations of the norm of setting stresses from their speech are advised to acquire an orthoepic dictionary.


It would seem that it can be difficult to speak mother tongue? In fact, most of us have no idea how many norms of the Russian language are violated daily.

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Russian literary pronunciation and its historical foundations


The concept of orthoepy

Orthoepy(Greek orthos - direct, correct and epos - speech) is a set of oral speech rules that establish a uniform literary pronunciation.

Orthoepic norms cover the phonetic system of the language, i.e. the composition of phonemes distinguished in the modern Russian literary language, their quality and changes in certain phonetic positions. In addition, the content of orthoepy includes the pronunciation of individual words and groups of words, as well as individual grammatical forms in cases where their pronunciation is not determined by the phonetic system, for example, the pronunciation of [shn] in place of the combination (sku [sh] but) or [v] in place at the end of the th - -his (that - that [in] o, him - e [in] o).

In the usual colloquial pronunciation, there are a number of deviations from orthoepic norms. The sources of such digressions are often native dialect (pronunciation in one or another dialect of the speaker) and writing (incorrect, literal pronunciation corresponding to spelling). So, for example, for natives of the north, a stable dialect feature is okane, and for southerners, the pronunciation of [g] fricative. Pronunciation in place of letters at the end of the gender. pad. adjectives of the sound [r], and in placech (in words, of course, that) the sound [h] is explained by the “letter” pronunciation, which in this case does not coincide with the sound composition of the word. The task of orthoepy is to eliminate deviations from literary pronunciation.


Russian literary pronunciation in its historical development

The orthoepy of the modern Russian literary language is a historically established system, which, along with new features, to a large extent preserves the old, traditional features that reflect the historical path traveled by the literary language. The historical basis of Russian literary pronunciation is the most important features of the spoken language of the city of Moscow, which developed in the first half of the 17th century. By the indicated time, Moscow pronunciation had lost its narrow dialectal features, combining the pronunciation features of both the northern and southern dialects of the Russian language. Acquiring a generalized character, the Moscow pronunciation was an expression of a national one. M.V. Lomonosov considered the Moscow “dialect” to be the basis of literary pronunciation:

“The Moscow dialect is not only for the importance of the capital city, but also for its excellent beauty, it is rightly preferred by others ...”

Moscow pronunciation norms were transferred to other economic and cultural centers as a model and there they were assimilated on the basis of local dialect features. This is how pronunciation features developed that were unusual for the Moscow orthoepic norm. The most clearly expressed were the features of pronunciation in St. Petersburg, the cultural center and capital of Russia in the 18th-19th centuries. At the same time, there was no complete unity in Moscow pronunciation: there were pronunciation variants that had different stylistic coloring.

With the development and strengthening of the national language, Moscow pronunciation acquired the character and significance of national pronunciation norms. The orthoepic system developed in this way has been preserved to this day in all its main features as stable pronunciation norms of the literary language.

Literary pronunciation is often called stage pronunciation. This name indicates the importance of realistic theater in the development of pronunciation. When describing pronunciation norms, it is quite legitimate to refer to the pronunciation of the scene.

In the formation of literary pronunciation, an exceptional role belongs to radio broadcasting, television and sound films, which serve powerful tool spreading literary pronunciation and maintaining its unity.

The pronunciation system of the modern literary language in its basic and defining features does not differ from the pronunciation system of the pre-October era. The differences between the first and second are private nature. The changes and fluctuations that have arisen in modern literary pronunciation concern mainly the pronunciation of individual words and their groups, as well as individual grammatical forms. So, for example, the pronunciation of a soft sound [s] in the affix-s - -sya (my [s"], washed [s" b]) with the old norm (my [s"] -washed [s" b]) does not contribute any changes in the system of consonant phonemes of the modern Russian language. The strengthening of the new pronunciation variant of the affix -s - -sya (boy [s "]) as a modern orthoepic norm brings pronunciation closer to spelling, which was not the case with the old pronunciation variant (boy [s]), and therefore it is quite expedient.

An example of a new pronunciation variant that introduces a change in the phonetic system of the language is the pronunciation of a long hard in place of a long soft ["]: along with [in" and], [dro" and] pronounce [ ]s, drow. The strengthening of the new pronunciation variant introduces a change in the phonetic system of the language, frees it from a separate element ["], which is organically unrelated to the system of consonants as a whole. Such a replacement makes the phonetic system of the modern Russian language more consistent and integral and serves as an example of its improvement.

The examples given show that the new pronunciation options are unequal. If they improve the pronunciation system, give it more consistency, then they turn out to be viable and have a basis for fixing as an orthoepic norm. Otherwise, the pronunciation variant will gradually die out.

Orthoepy is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules of literary pronunciation. The main task of orthoepy, as an independent branch of the science of language, is to establish pronunciation norms.

Orthoepy includes:

Rules for pronunciation of unstressed vowels

Rules for pronunciation of voiced and voiceless consonants

Rules for pronunciation of hard and soft consonants

Rules for pronunciation of consonant combinations

Rules for pronunciation of combinations with an unpronounceable consonant

Pronunciation rules for individual grammatical forms

Features of the pronunciation of words of foreign origin

The orthoepic norm is the only possible or preferred pronunciation option compared to others that are less consistent with the pronunciation system. Those. orthoepic norm - pronunciation rules accepted in the public speech practice of educated people.

Orthoepic norms cover the phonetic system of the language, i.e. the composition of phonemes distinguished in the modern Russian literary language, their quality and changes in certain phonetic positions.

In the usual colloquial pronunciation, there are a number of deviations from orthoepic norms. The sources of such digressions are often native dialect (pronunciation in one or another dialect of the speaker) and writing (incorrect, literal pronunciation corresponding to spelling). So, for example, for natives of the north, a stable dialect feature is okane, and for southerners, the pronunciation of [g] fricative. Pronunciation in place of the letter g at the end of the genus. pad. adjectives sound [r], and in place of h (in words, of course, what) the sound [h] is explained by the “letter” pronunciation, which in this case does not coincide with the sound composition of the word. The task of orthoepy is to eliminate deviations from literary pronunciation.

In the history of the Russian literary language, by the beginning of the 20th century, the orthoepic norm practically prevailed over local pronunciations. So, the dialectal pronunciation on o disappeared: “young”, “good” instead of the literary “young”, “kharasho”, etc. “fields”, “seas” instead of “field”, “sea” - in the center, etc. But there are especially many cases when it is impossible to confidently say which of the options for the literary language is “correct”. At the moment, Russian orthoepy has not yet been fully established and continues to develop.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Moscow pronunciation, preserved in old Moscow families, was considered the “correct” Russian pronunciation. However, by that time it became clear that this pronunciation was in many ways behind the times, and later, with the diffusion and migration of ethnic groups in Moscow, it became archaic for Moscow as well. Therefore, every day new ones are created and old norms in orthoepy disappear and change, this process is influenced by life itself, a living language and a changing culture.

In the history of the literary language, the following are possible:

maintaining the old norm;

competition between two options, in which dictionaries recommend the traditional option;

variant competition in which dictionaries recommend new version;

approval of the new version as the only normative one.

The necessary conditions:

The existence of a developed literary language

Splitting a single language into dialects

The influence of dialects on the norms of the literary language

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