Why do you dream of eating large grapes? Why does a woman dream about grapes? Dream interpretation grapes

This plant is a symbol of abundance; bunches of grapes express and show the generosity of Nature. Why does a woman or man dream about grapes? The dream book calls a plant such as grapes promising and a significant symbol. You don’t dream about it often, so you should pay attention to the interpretation of the dream and listen to the advice given in the dream book. The dream can be interpreted in different ways, but in general, grapes in a dream are a wonderful sign that promises good luck in business and changes, especially in the financial sphere.

Since Antiquity, grapes have been a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

I dreamed about grapes - what is this for? These berries are one of the main symbols of human prosperity and fertility, the main raw material for the preparation of aromatic wines that have long been loved by people. Huge bunches of grapes decorating the table and walls speak of generosity towards guests. Successful life path and material independence awaits the person who had to drink wine from grapes in a dream. Depending on the circumstances of the dream, grapes carry many meanings that will hint to a person about various areas of his life.

Who saw the dream: woman, man, child

A woman who saw grapes or bunches of them in a dream should carefully analyze what she saw and try to recall the main details of the dream in her memory, and think about what feelings you had at that moment.

Seeing grapes in a dream for a woman promises a quick increase in wealth, the emergence of new interests, and a change in lifestyle. You will travel more, pamper yourself more, and will be able to afford to visit an expensive cosmetologist. If you already have a chosen one of your heart, the dream shows that now he needs your support, give it to him, praise and admire him more, and his business will go uphill.

A woman who eats grapes in a dream can expect gifts in life. Good luck and harmony in your personal life will show sweet and pleasant-tasting grapes. Otherwise, if the grapes turn out to be bitter or sour, everyday troubles are coming. In this case, dream books advise not to start any serious business, but to try to spend the near future at home, surrounded by friends and family.

A woman who sees fertile grape bushes in a dream can expect recognition and respect from others. This will happen as a result of the problems of one of your close friends, which only you can resolve, and you will do it as competently and beautifully as possible.

If a man had a dream, then expect a promotion up the career ladder. Dream books advise not to spend the money received as a result of career growth (and it definitely will be) on purchasing a car. It's better to leave the money for the family. Please your loved ones more, this will bring you satisfaction from the results obtained.

If a child has a dream, he needs to communicate with peers, and this moment such communication is clearly not enough. Maybe you live far from his friends or try to limit his communication with classmates for some reason, but believe me, now such communication is especially important for him. You can enroll him in a section with children of the same age as him, invite his friends to visit you more often, and organize parties. A child who sees huge bunches of blue grapes in a dream should be prepared for future difficulties as he becomes more familiar with the world around him. However, thanks to the competent support of parents, these difficulties can be easily overcome.

Parents are encouraged to talk with their children almost every day about their dreams. Children at this age are very vulnerable and a sudden nightmare can significantly affect the child’s psyche. There are also frequent cases when a dream seen by a child carries information about the life of one of the parents.

Where exactly did you see bunches of grapes?

  • A dream in which there were grapes in the garden, especially if the clusters were large and the berries were large, symbolizes the appearance of unexpected money. The possibility of an unexpected inheritance is not denied. If there were a lot of leaves on the vine, and the grapes were practically not visible, then this symbolizes the extra troubles that you will have to deal with in connection with receiving money. Such hassles can outweigh the joy of receiving income, so try to fuss less, distribute all the necessary tasks and stop rushing from one task to another.
  • If you dreamed of berries on a plate, you have to organize a celebration. Maybe it will be the wedding of one of your children, or the children of your friends. If you receive such an offer in the near future, do not refuse it; you will spend many unforgettable moments in the preparation process.
  • If you bought grapes in a store, this may promise you a not very pleasant meeting with old acquaintances. Try not to become too immersed in unpleasant memories, especially since pleasant events will soon occur that will displace the emotions that arose from the unpleasant meeting.
  • When you bought grapes at the market, try to remember whether you bargained or not? If you bargained, this means that you have to actively fight, defend your interests before your superiors, which will ultimately lead to a promotion in your career; you will be respected as a decisive and persistent person. But only if you show yourself to be such. If you just bought grapes at the market, without bargaining, then this may portend a bonus or salary increase without any visible reasons and effort on your part.

What color were the berries you saw?

Green grapes with large berries most often dreams about money.

Why do you dream of green grapes with long, elongated berries? As the dream book says, green grapes for a man means that you are too puzzled by the financial sphere. You shouldn’t give all your attention to her; your loved ones are also waiting for you. If you dream of green round berries, there are a lot of them in a bunch, then this means an increase in cash flow.

The main semantic message of green grapes seen in a dream is life changes personal nature and successful development of affairs in the financial aspect of life’s journey.

For a young and unmarried girl, green grapes seen in a dream will tell about her spiritual purity and physical innocence. In the future, you are expected to meet a young man with a similar soul and character. Acquaintance will become the embryo of pure love relationship based on mutual understanding and loyalty to each other.

White grapes seen in a dream are a harbinger of bright days to come. For example, a person who has a dream in which he is harvesting white grapes can count on a future life in complete financial prosperity. A woman who sees a vine of white grapes in a dream should not doubt the intentions of her gentleman. A dream can tell her about an upcoming marriage proposal from her lover. A pregnant woman should put aside all fears before childbirth, because it will pass quickly and painlessly, and the newborn will be completely healthy.

Why do you dream of black grapes - try to ensure that the money coming to you is “clean”. If you know for sure that the money came dishonestly to the person who gives it to you (maybe on loan, or maybe it’s your boss or business partner), then it’s better to stay away, because in the future this money can even harm you, or you will lose it or spend it unwisely.

A dream in which you saw blue grapes will tell you about an endless zeal for victory. The character of a winner and leadership qualities will accompany you in achieving your goals and conquering new heights in various areas of life. A woman who has a dream in which she makes wine from blue grapes can be confident in her husband’s fidelity, but she should be on her guard, because some of his social circle have their eyes on him.

Have you seen bunches or one berry?

Bunches of grapes seen in a dream symbolize sexual attraction to a person of the opposite sex. Sometimes people, without expecting it at all, get involved in short-term sexual affairs, as a result of which they receive physical pleasure and enormous life experience. Having seen such a dream, rest assured that future sexual adventures will not bypass you.

A small grape in a dream speaks of spiritual loneliness. Perhaps your tactics in dealing with people are not completely loyal. Such dreams are typical of introverts. Loneliness, which gives pleasure, is of course good, but it is worth thinking about later life, when in old age sitting alone by the fireplace and waiting for your death will not be the best the best option. Perhaps it is worth finding the same person of the opposite sex, with similar views on life.

What did you do in your dream: eat, gather or cook?

Why does a woman dream of eating grapes? If in a dream a girl eats grapes, enjoying the juicy berries, then you can rejoice, soon she will receive a marriage proposal from loved one, with whom she planned to start a family. Such an alliance will be long and lasting, bringing joy to both parties, caring for each other and mutual respect.

There are grapes in a dream for young man- this is advice not to stop there in the area that currently occupies the most. If you're busy with money right now, and you've put in a lot of effort, but it seems like it's all in vain, then you're wrong. As the dream book says, eating grapes means that you will soon receive the fruits of your efforts, the main thing is not to stop acting. If you for a long time If you were trying to get a girl, then soon she will agree to become your friend in life, even if now it seems that this is unrealistic.

The taste of grapes identifies the dreamer's inclinations towards sound thinking. A sweet taste speaks of good self-control and complete emotional readiness for further life. On the contrary, an unpleasant bitter taste will tell about the dreamer’s lack of concentration and absent-mindedness. In this case, you need to engage in self-knowledge, for example, sign up for a yoga class.

Picking grapes in a dream - what does it mean? If you were picking grapes in a dream, then you should pay close attention to your health, as well as the health of your loved ones. Try to undergo a short medical examination and tests to detect a possible disease in its infancy and prevent it from developing. If no malfunctions are found in the body, then start improving your health; it will be very useful to go to the resort.

  • If in a dream you made wine from grapes, then this means that you want to quickly begin to enjoy the fruits of your labors. There is no need to rush; it is better to invest the funds received again.
  • If in a dream you made grape juice, then your well-being will soon increase, and this will happen in the most unexpected way for you.
  • A girl who baked a grape pie in a dream can count on having offspring in the very near future.

A person who good-naturedly treats you to grapes will turn out to be a fairly devoted friend in life, whose support you can count on in any situation. If the person hosting the treat is not familiar to you, then you are expected to meet a new person, which will lead to warm, friendly relations in the future. long years.

A dream in which you take part in making wine foreshadows future success in your career. Feel free to implement any ideas and dubious projects, because success and recognition from others are guaranteed to you.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Dream Interpretations generally regard grapes in a dream as auspicious sign, foreshadowing replenishment in various areas. But every dream book about seeing grapes interprets grapes a little differently. So, for fun, let’s take a look at the most popular dream books of our time and find out what bunches of grapes are meant for in dreams, according to their famous compilers. Which of these interpretations is correct? It's up to you to decide. Listen to your intuition and choose the option that suits you best.

Miller's Dream Book - your destiny is in your hands

Why do you dream of grapes in a dream? This means that you should take specific actions in order to change a situation that you have long wanted to resolve. If a young girl dreams of grapes and has not yet found love, then she strives for love with all her soul, thinking that she is already mentally ready to meet her soulmate. However, this is not quite true. You must first learn to love, starting with yourself and your loved ones, and not wait for a loved one to appear and solve all your internal contradictions and conflicts.

Vanga's dream book - expect changes

Bunches of grapes often symbolize changes for the better that will soon come.

Dreaming of grapes signifies positive changes. If you dreamed of red grapes, then moving is possible. If you have already thought about it, but put the question aside, now is the time to remember and try to find a solution. It may even be a change of city. In any case, moving will bring many pleasant moments into your life.

If you dreamed that you were picking grapes, it’s time to enjoy the results for which you worked for so long, into which you invested a lot of effort and time. Now you can take a little break in order to resume business with new strength and new desires.

Freud's Dream Book - Become aware of your desires

In a dream, eating grapes symbolizes your inner desire to get everything at once. However, you need to prepare yourself for change. Develop yourself as a person, work with your fears and grievances to eliminate them, start living more consciously, and then success will become your constant companion. A man's dream of grapes means that changes await him in the business sphere. If you have been thinking about starting your own business for a long time, now is the time to realize your idea, because luck is on your side.

Modern dream book - expect joyful events

As the modern dream book says, eating grapes means that you will find inner peace and tranquility that you lost so long ago. If you were picking grapes, then such a dream is interpreted slightly differently depending on your gender: for a girl - you can expect a prosperous marriage, for a man - a promotion or a long, fruitful business trip.

Big dream book - serious worries will appear

Looking at green grapes means tears; eating them means you will have serious worries. For a woman - your wishes will come true, a new acquaintance awaits you. If you only dream of grapes, many people will lie to you, and you yourself will lie more than once. A vine without berries means the well-being of the family.

Symbolic dream book - an awkward situation is possible

If you ate green grapes, be careful: you may find yourself in some awkward situation or receive an indecent proposal that will not only embarrass you, but also offend you to the core.

Psychological dream book - you will recover soon

The nervous tension you felt Lately- this is a consequence of working on oneself, so to speak, “production costs”. It will pass soon, just don’t stop there. You are worthy of your chosen share.


As we can see, the interpretation of a dream about what grapes mean in a dream differs depending on its details. But in any case, this is almost always a positive sign, meaning changes for the better in your life. Always remember that you need to be prepared for any changes. Having interpreted the images from the dream book, now you know what to expect. Good dreams to you!

Video “Why do you dream about Grapes”

Grapes in a dream according to the dream book?

Grapevines bending under the weight of grapes - dream of public recognition. For a young woman, such a dream means fulfillment of desires and a successful marriage.

A vineyard that you drive past and pick bunches of ripe grapes as you go is a dream of success.

Unripe or rotten berries portend sad events.

Children's dream book

Grapes - to tears.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Eating black grapes means sadness. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the punishment that you are destined to suffer: as many berries, as many blows.

Eating white or red grapes is good if it happens in season. If not, the meaning of the dream is the opposite.

Eating green grapes means gaining wealth through hard work. However, your well-being, alas, will be temporary. The sweet taste of grapes bodes well.

Crushing grapes: in a wooden vat is a sign that your boss will treat you disgustingly; in a clay vat - a dream heralds work under the leadership of a kind and fair leader; in a vat made of baked brick (stone, brick or plaster) - to work for a strict and formidable boss.

Crushing grapes, collecting the juice in large jugs, means profit, and a lot of it!

Selling grapes means getting rid of sadness.

Italian dream book

Grapes are a symbol of goodness, wealth, fertility and sexuality arising from femininity.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you see fragrant bunches of grapes, you will experience happy marriage and the fulfillment of all, even sometimes unfulfilled, desires.

A dream in which you drive past a vineyard, picking fragrant grapes as you go, promises you a generous companion and success.

However, if you see that the grapes are rotten or unripe, you will soon begin to doubt whether you are doing the right thing.

Culinary dream book

For men, a dream about grapes means great troubles, a struggle for their happiness and well-being.

For girls - to the implementation of all ideas related to the arrangement of their personal life.

Picking grapes means a profitable job, a dream come true.

Eating sour grapes means minor troubles.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about Grapes in a dream?

Seeing grapes is a pleasure; eat - to recovery (if sick), to better health.

Family dream book

If you dreamed that you were eating grapes, you have big worries ahead. For a young woman, this dream is one of the most promising: her dream will soon come true. cherished wish.

Grapes that taste unpleasant - dream of fears and doubts. However, you will soon regain your peace of mind.

Slavic dream book

Grapes - tears; but eating it means profit.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing in a dream portends crying and tears; there are grapes - ripe ones foreshadow a great feast; eating green grapes is a slight displeasure followed by great benefit; eating dry grapes - portends loss, worries and grief; trampling grapes with your feet is a sign of victory over enemies; eating red or black grapes means hearing reproaches; There is white grapes- a sign of innocence and great benefit; Picking grapes means great grief and tears.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Grapes?

Eating grapes means that the difficulties that befall you will strengthen your character.

Seeing vines bending under the weight of bunches of grapes means a high position in society; you can make other people happy. A young woman has such a dream - gives big hopes. Perhaps her deepest wish will come true.

If you dream that you are riding a horse past a vineyard, picking a bunch of muscat grapes and eating them, your business will bring you profit, and your cherished desires will come true.

If the grapes seem spoiled or unripe to you, fleeting doubts about the success of your business await you.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Grapes are a reflection of personal Power.

Yes - a reflection of reasonable hopes for good result any business or even plans.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Grapes in a dream?

Seeing grapes in a dream - for a new meeting, picking them - for joy, eating them - for joy, profit, profit, pleasures, unripe grapes - for minor troubles, dry ones - for losses, worries, troubles, grief, red - for reproaches, reprimands .

White grapes in a dream are a reflection of your innocence and purity in reality.

It seems that seeing grapes in a dream is positive sign, but not worth it on this occasion be greatly deluded. For many, it is difficult to determine without a dream book what grapes are dreaming of, precisely because of the significant inconsistency of this sign.

So, one person may see grapes as a feeling of guilt for some events. For others, this will serve as a sign of potential temptation. The third will receive success and good luck from what he sees, and the fourth, for example, on the contrary, will receive only failures. This berry should not be interpreted in an unambiguous order.

It is very important to pay due attention to the impressions you receive from sleep. How do you position it? It is these sensations that can suggest the correct interpretation of this phenomenon.

It is worth noting, however, that rotten, blackened and tasteless grapes have a one-sided interpretation - this means trouble. For those who ask why they dream of a lot of such grapes, the answer is quite predictable - to big failures, perhaps of a protracted nature.

On the other hand, if you are lucky enough to see attractive, tempting bunches of grapes with clear signs of a sweetish taste, then this will benefit you in all your future endeavors.

Why do you dream about green grapes?

Green grapes promise future wealth and success. Seeing him, there is a chance for positive changes in business and settling various family troubles.

It is also very important to pay attention to what manipulations you performed with green grapes. If you tried to make wine from it or eat it - to minor successes and minor victories. If you just put its berries in any container, expect sharp positive changes own life.

Why do you dream about blue grapes?

The appearance of grapes in a dream of blue color indicates a significant increase wages or the arrival of an order that is profitable for you in the near future. Pay attention to the size of the grapes: as its size decreases, the waiting period for the above-mentioned changes in the situation of your finances increases.

If a woman dreamed that she was holding a bunch of grapes in her hand, then this is a symbol of imminent marriage, and in the future she will no longer need anything.

Also, the appearance of blue grapes in your dreams may indicate that you will soon receive a gift from someone close to you.

Why do you dream of large grapes?

More often than not, the size of the grape determines the size or timing of what it portends. For example, if it swings financial sector, then the larger the berry, the faster you will be able to get rich.

As for the sphere of bringing success or failure, the size will have an impact on the characteristics of the significance of future events. If grapes were a dream of success, and it was big size, then expect important changes in your life for the better.

Why do you dream about eating grapes in a dream?

Usually, a dream in which you eat grapes foreshadows troubles or some kind of worries. What is important to know is that all future problems can be solved, and will be more of a test of endurance and determination, rather than something that will ruin your life forever.

It is also worth paying attention to the amount of grapes you eat, since it is clear that the more you eat, the more serious the potential problems will be. If you choke on them, then you will have a chance to avoid them.

It has long been noted that grapes represent fertility and prosperity. Eating grapes in a dream is a sign of prosperity approaching the dreamer by leaps and bounds. Despite the humorous interpretation of the dream, dream books predict absolutely serious success. However, an accurate and truthful explanation of what you dream about, for example, “Kishmish” or “Libya”, will be suggested by dream interpreters.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller paid attention to eating grape berries in a dream special meaning, which he talked about in his dream book. Here are a few examples of what dreams of eating grapes mean, according to this interpreter:

  • dreamed of a sweet grape - to the fulfillment of “hot” desires;
  • squeezing grape juice and drinking it means victory over competitors;
  • chewing raisins in a dream means an anxious and joyless time;
  • dreaming of sour berries means worries that will strengthen you.

White brushes are a sign of purity of thoughts

A dream about eating white grapes is considered a good omen. According to the way Pastor Loff’s dream book interprets this vision, you can be calm about your reputation, because not a single soul would think of suspecting you of atrocities or evil thoughts.

In turn, treating yourself to white “Friendship” is a sign that there are no ill-wishers in your environment, no one is plotting anything bad against you, the Eastern Dream Book pleases.

Black berries, or take care of your finances

A certain person who will try to squeeze into your trust with cunning and flattery will have a bad influence on you. Moreover, this bad influence will affect almost every sector of life, but it will “hit” your pocket the most and most painfully. This is how Tsvetkov’s dream book sees the future of those who ate the black “Talisman” in a dream.

Why do you dream of eating black grapes that are not fully ripe, the Gypsy interpreter will tell you: you will commit unseemly act regarding your business partner, simply put, “you will scam him out of money,” so you will be tormented by moral torment.

Blue grapes as a symbol of networking

A dream in which you taste grapes of a beautiful blue color is considered a very good omen. Stories of such content indicate your ability to negotiate and establish connections.

Do you see in a dream how you treat your worst enemy to blue grapes and eat them with him? You can be sure that you will come to an agreement with him.

Green grapes: From voluptuousness to disgust

Now, about which grape can we say that it is a symbol of voluptuousness, it is about emerald. If you want to know why you dream of green bunches from which you slowly pick the berries and put them in your mouth, enjoying the taste, then take a closer look at the interpretations of Freud’s dream book.

Dreams in which grapes are dreamed belong to the love type. Grape fruits by their nature are a symbol of sensuality and passion.

Seeing grapes in a dream, touching them, or eating juicy berries often means expressing yourself in love affairs, and in the absence of a loved one in life, it means the opportunity to meet your chosen one in the near future. The most common interpretations of the images seen on the theme of grapes are as follows:

  • Fulfillment of desire.
  • Career growth.
  • Soon marriage.
  • Emphasis on sexuality.
  • Life changes for the better.

Let's try to figure out why grapes are dreamed of and what differences there are in the interpretation of dreams from different dream books.

1. According to Miller’s dream book, a woman who sees these juicy fruits in a dream can expect favorable changes in life. For a young woman, the dream promises success in all her endeavors.

If a girl dreams of these berries, then in the future her most cherished wish will come true. She will definitely meet her chosen one, with whom she will be happy until the very end. last days, will become a good mother and preserve her beauty for many years. In terms of career growth, the girl will also have good luck.

Bunches of grapes framed by dense foliage mean the opportunity to achieve a high position in society. A girl who sees berries in bunches in a dream has the ability to promote people to achieve grandiose goals. Successfully interacting with the right people, she will be able to find her own circle of like-minded people, which will ultimately contribute to the growth of her status in society. A woman in a dream in the role of a rider who picks grapes while galloping in a dream, in real life will receive a tempting job offer. This image also means the fulfillment of a secret desire. The dream book interprets grapes as a dream come true.

Did you dream of grapes on the table? Eating grapes in a dream means facing obstacles and troubles that will ultimately make a person stronger. Miller's dream book foretells positive life changes in the future of a woman who dreams of grapes in any of its external incarnations.

2. The fruit symbolizes pleasure, and the dreamer who dreamed of these juicy berries is a voluptuous person. If in a dream he had to eat berries, then this indicates increased attention to issues that are in the foreground in this person’s life.

Seeing grapes in a dream means that bed issues have truly captured his heart, everything else is given less attention. Essentially, all life problems and circumstances relating to both work and family are resolved in bed. This tactic gives good results, but over time, the patience of the other half will end and you will have to find some other ways to solve problems. The dream book interprets grapes as intimate life.

3. From Tsvetkov’s dream book you can find out why you dream of grapes with red berries. Red bunches of grapes, spied by a woman in a dream, promise her trials in the future in the form of severe fear, the reasons for which are difficult to find out. It is reassuring that the fear will not have a lasting effect and will eventually disappear from memory.

Eating grapes of any color in a dream, be it blue or green, means soon shed tears and sadness. The dream book interprets grapes as a temporary obstacle. A woman will be able to withstand this shock with dignity and continue her march through life with her head held high.

A bunch of grapes presented and presented to a female representative symbolizes a successful acquaintance. There is a possibility that this will be a beautiful, whirlwind romance that will dramatically change the fate of the woman who sees this sign.

Why does a girl dream about grapes? For a young girl, the grapes predict a happy personal life: mutual understanding, strong love and improvement in relationships.

4. Grapes and drinks prepared from them have been valued since ancient times thanks to taste qualities. Aesop's dream book predicts happiness in life and improvement financial situation who drank wine from grapes in his dream. Treating yourself to wine in a dream means supporting friends, being ready to come to the rescue at any time and under any circumstances.

Bunches of grapes seen in a dream, served as a treat, anticipate your future visit to a very hospitable host. If you dream of grapes that you use to make wine, then in the future you can count on increasing your position in society, receiving support and material benefits.

If you dream of a vine from which you mercilessly pluck the leaves, then there is your own misunderstanding of the role of friends in your life who sincerely wish you success.

Hiding behind the vine means there is a person in your life who is trying to ruin your plans by any means necessary. Advice - you need to evaluate business relationships more seriously.

If you dream of green grapes that you reached out for but were unable to pick, then this is a sign of the impossibility of fulfilling your plans. At this period of time, no matter what efforts you make to achieve your goals, unfortunately, nothing will come true. But circumstances should not be blamed for what is happening.

5. Why do you dream of grapes if a young woman saw them? Modern dream book predicts positive changes in life for girls who see this sign. If a young woman dreams that she is in a vineyard and ripe grapes are hanging over her head, then in the near future all her wishes will come true. Such a dream promises good luck, regardless of the scale of the plan.

Unmarried women who dreamed of grapes will perform successfully in exams or meet their chosen one. Married woman a dream predicts an increase vitality. The energy recharge will be so powerful that in pursuit of its goal it will be able to do the impossible.

Picking grapes in a dream means success business meeting. You will have a conversation with management, and you will be able to convince your colleagues that your own point of view is correct. They will accept your suggestions and follow you.

Black grapes in a dream symbolize a relationship; in the near future you will find an approach to a person with whom you have long been planning to establish contact. Green grapes in a dream will lead to rash actions in the future.

Why do you dream about buying berries? Buying grapes in a dream actually promises a new acquaintance or successful completion of business. A person who inspects newly purchased grapes will receive new vivid impressions of life.

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