Why do you dream of a spacious house? The meaning of dreams Home. Why do you dream about your grandmother’s, mother’s, or your former home? Parental home - dream book

  • The house is intact or falling apart.

    Primary elements - metal, water, earth.
    Elements - dryness, cold, humidity.
    Emotions - sadness, fear, thoughtfulness.
    Organs - spleen, pancreas, lungs, colon, stomach, bladder.
    Planets - Venus, Mercury, Saturn.
    Feng Shui literally translates from Chinese as wind and water. Wind and water are the primary elements of creation, determining the state of the three remaining primary elements: fire, earth and wood. Feng Shui is the ability to live in harmony with the two most important elements - wind and water, and through them the ability to live in harmony with all of nature. Feng Shui has different directions: how a person should behave correctly in different seasons, how to properly build and maintain a yang dwelling - a house for the living, and how to properly organize a yin dwelling - burials for the benefit of descendants. According to the theory and practice of Feng Shui, the state of yang homes fully reflects the health and relationships in the family. Each person creates a home in full accordance with his or her worldview. But in life, the spiritual collapse of a family can be covered up with expensive furniture, external courtesy, and so on. A dream tears off all artificial masks and reveals the true inner feng shui of a home: an expensive apartment or a luxurious mansion can be seen as falling apart, burned out, but a modest apartment, if there is peace and harmony in the souls of the owners, is usually dreamed of not as a palace, but filled with some special light, in such a home I definitely want to come in. A house or apartment is a yang dwelling for the living, in contrast to a grave, a yang dwelling for the dead.

  • A house falling apart - destruction and death, Yin states. The image of a falling apart, collapsing house in a dream is a sign of the loss of the inner basis of life, the loss of forward movement by the owner of the house, or the destruction of the family. For the dreamer himself, such a dream speaks of a critical state of the body, since the collapse of something is always preceded by an intensity, an explosion of emotions that destroy the body. After an explosion of emotions the world begins to penetrate through the gaps to where man previously created his own small world. Big world destroys the little one as soon as the owner small world loses the ability to animate him (all his strength was spent on the intensity of passions). A destroyed house, in turn, does not provide the owner with protection; the result will be depression and illness. The situation often begins to spin in a circle - from the owner to the house and back with deterioration, spiritual and physical collapse. The earth is unfavorable to the home, water penetrates into the gaps of the house: the spleen, stomach, lungs (they do not like dampness) and large intestine, kidneys and bladder are not in order.
    Sleep is unfavorable.
  • A completely destroyed house (dreams that you are standing in front of it) - may portend serious illnesses and even death (the house collapses on the dreamer, crushes him), the collapse of affairs and relationships is inevitable. The apartment/house is not destroyed, but neglected and dirty - they speak of spiritual stagnation, laziness and loss of direction in life. Enter/see a new bright one in a dream beautiful house/apartment - means finding a new path in life, new interests or companions; a dream can also portend unexpected, life-changing news. All the rewards here are well-deserved: the dreamer was spiritually active and caring in life, while avoiding intense passions whenever possible. The dreamer has already programmed for himself a decent future, which appeared in the dream in the form of a new home.

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Dream Interpretation - House, dwelling

This is a wife who gives her husband shelter near her. And who will see what comes out small house, he will get rid of worries and worries.

If he sees that his house has become wider, then this is an increase in his goods and harvest. Seeing houses in a dream is interpreted in different ways.

If someone dreams of an unfamiliar house in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar inhabitants, then this is his house in the afterlife, and the condition of this house will be the same as in the dream: good or bad. And if in a dream you see a house that is familiar to you, then this is a house in worldly life.

If someone sees himself in a house familiar to him, then his worldly goods will increase as much as this house was wide and large. If you see your house in ruins in a dream, then this means its destruction. material condition due to improper actions.

If you dreamed of a dilapidated house, imagine that it is very quickly demolished and a new stone house grows in its place.

Seeing your own house in a dream means serious changes: seeing your house abandoned means they will turn away from you faithful friends; you did not find your home where it usually stood - you will be deeply disappointed in people;

For some reason you have lost your own home - you are threatened financial losses and failures in fulfilling their plans;

Make repairs and furnish it with unaffordable luxury - in real life disasters await you in family life;

Seeing your father's house means death close relative;

Your house needs major repairs - to a serious illness of one of your loved ones; your house is collapsing before your eyes - quarrels and scandals in the family can lead to divorce;

beautiful house according to the dream book

Luxurious new house promises long-term prosperity, a lot of joy in life and exciting travels. Entering a house - a dream foretells good news.
However, if you saw your own home, furnished with luxury that is inaccessible to you, the dream foreshadows trouble.

beautiful house in a dream

Cosy Not big house IR portends the imminent fulfillment of desires. The dream promises harmony in the family. And if the house is big, this portends material wealth and good luck in your personal life.

Basically, seeing a house means danger. If you are building a house, this portends an improvement in business. But being at home means trouble and gossip in reality.

beautiful house in a dream

A house in a dream symbolizes a wife who gives shelter to her husband near her. It can also mean family, loved ones.
If the dreamed house is unfamiliar to the dreamer and is located in an unfamiliar place, this is his home in the afterlife. And if you are familiar, then in the mundane. Seeing yourself in a familiar house means your well-being will increase as much as the house is spacious and beautiful.

what does it mean if a beautiful house is in a dream

A cozy and beautiful home symbolizes a woman. A cozy, well-equipped home in a dream means well-being in intimate life the dreamer and his partner, trust in each other.

dream interpretation beautiful house

A house in a dream represents the dreamer himself. If the house is big and beautiful, the person is confident in himself, even to the point of arrogance. But if the house is beautiful, but small, the person lacks self-confidence. He may even refuse to admit that he has existing virtues.
A beautiful house can be a dream for someone who in reality lacks a sense of security.
Overall, a beautiful house in a dream - auspicious sign. And the larger it is, the better.

Various buildings appear quite often in dream plots, so the question of why a big house is dreamed of is relevant. To find the answer to this, you will need to look through several dream books. It is best to remember the entire dream and take into account various details when interpreting.

Various buildings appear quite often in dream plots, so the question of why a big house is dreamed of is relevant.

It will help you understand why you dream of a beautiful house. women's dream book. If you believe him, then this symbol promises happiness to a person. The dreamer will do well in life, he will be able to achieve a high position in society, he will like his work and bring in a high income. However, at the same time, he should not forget about those who are less fortunate than him. You need to help friends and relatives, then your wealth will increase and no one will dare to take it away.

A dream about a haunted house promises confusion in a person’s life. However, in this situation he will be to blame himself. The dreamer often believes gossip and, as a result, gets confused in incorrect information, draws incorrect conclusions and sees something that is not really there. You should not speculate and suspect loved ones of bad deeds.

A big house in a dream promises a person new opportunities. It is important not to miss them and take advantage of the benefits that fate will give. If the dreamer sits idly by, then wealth and prestigious work will pass him by. He will not be able to achieve anything outstanding and will drag out a miserable existence.

A dream about a haunted house promises confusion in a person’s life.

You may have a dream about a house in which there were many insects. If the building belonged to the dreamer, then guests will soon visit it. There will be a lot of them, so he won't know where to place them all. Because of this situation, the sleeper will not be able to perform responsible work, which will cause dissatisfaction and anger from his superiors. It is best to try to spend less time with guests. Some may be offended, but in this case the dreamer will not lose his job.

Seeing an abandoned building in a dream means a bad streak in life. A person is advised to reduce expenses to a minimum. You should not make expensive purchases, as they will not bring dividends. It’s better to hide for a while and try to lead a modest lifestyle, not allowing yourself too much. Only through reasonable spending will the dreamer be able to save part of his capital and not get into debt, which will be incredibly difficult for him to pay off.

Seeing a huge mansion decorated with gold in a dream means a new stage in life. In the near future, the dreamer will receive a dubious offer, but it is worth agreeing to participate in the project. Subsequently, he will receive a huge profit, with this money he will be able to open his own business and live comfortably.

Why do you dream about a new house (video)

Dream book of the 21st century

If you view this dream book, a beautiful house promises good news for a person. Perhaps he will be offered a higher position or a job in another city that will pay well. You should not refuse this offer, since the dreamer has enough knowledge and skills to perform new duties better than his predecessor.

Seeing a dirty residential building in a dream means problems in your career. There is a high probability that the sleeper will be laid off or asked to vacate his position. It will be extremely difficult to find a new job later, so you will have to agree to a small wages.

If you look at this dream book, a beautiful house promises good news for a person

Seeing a new residential building in a dream is good news. If it was dilapidated, then you should expect problems. They can appear both in your personal life and in your career. It is important to immediately begin to resolve them, otherwise things will be difficult.

Ukrainian dream book

A dream about a house promises a businessman an expansion of his spheres of influence. Perhaps he will try himself in other guises. With due diligence and investment, he can make a good profit, leaving his competitors far behind. For a girl, a dream about a house portends marriage. If she doesn’t have fans, they will appear soon. One of them will propose marriage to her. You shouldn’t refuse right away, it’s better to weigh everything well and then give an answer. Perhaps she will not have romantic feelings for the gentleman, but she should get to know him, then sympathy will appear, which will very quickly develop into love. For a woman, such a dream promises order in life. She will live a measured life, shocks will bypass her, as will great joy.

A dream about a house promises a businessman an expansion of his spheres of influence

Seeing a building of incredible size in a dream means advantageous offer. You should immediately start working on it, then you will be able to make a huge profit. For a woman, such a dream promises matchmaking with a rich man. She will be flattered by the very idea that such a gentleman paid attention to her. Subsequently, she will agree and will not regret her decision. Several such dreams in a row foretell fabulous wealth for a person. He will be able to properly manage the capital that will be in his hands. In this case, it is important to rely on your intuition; it is this that will lead the sleeper to success.

When a big house is seen in a dream from Thursday to Friday, the problems that the dreamer has will be quickly resolved. However, he must learn a lesson from this situation; if the sleeper does not do this, then history will repeat itself, but he will no longer be able to get out of it.

Why do you dream about a house (video)

Magic dream book

If we consider this dream book, a large house on the shore of a lake promises a woman a carefree life. However, she will always be dissatisfied with something. The dreamer should be grateful for every gift of fate, then happiness will not keep itself waiting. For a man, such a dream promises positive changes in fate. He will be able to find a companion who will become a support for him and support him in difficult times.

A dream about a house often promises a good life. A person just needs to grab the opportunities that fate gives him, then he can get rich and become truly happy. Friends and relatives will envy him.

If we consider this dream book, a large house on the shore of a lake promises a woman a carefree life

Dreaming of a residential building in which there are many rats and mice is a harbinger of financial difficulties. You should not carry out any transactions with money in the next few months, as there is a high risk of losing your savings. It’s better to wait and wait, otherwise a debt trap cannot be avoided.

A big beautiful house in a dream often promises a man promotion. He should work harder so that his superiors will notice his zeal and reward him for his services. After such a dream, a girl can happily get married. Her husband will be incredibly generous with her, she will only have to be an exemplary wife.

A big beautiful house in a dream often promises a man promotion

If you dreamed of a beautiful house, you should expect positive changes in fate. A dilapidated building promises negative events. However, the subconscious only warns about possible problems It is within the power of man to prevent them.

Attention, TODAY only!

In dreams, the image of a house is one of the fundamental ones, not only for dream interpreters, but also for psychologists and psychoanalysts. Any dream book associates a house with the sleeping person himself, hence the peculiarities of interpretation of such dreams.

“Why do you dream about a house?” - this question modern man worries no less than our ancestors a thousand years ago. The famous Swiss psychologist Ernst Eppli, speaking about why a house is dreamed of, believed that this image appears to a person only in the most important dreams. What happens to a house in a dream is experienced to some extent by the dreamer himself.

Of course, this does not mean that if you dreamed of a house that is collapsing, then you are in danger deadly danger. Rather, it is a symbolic farewell to a certain stage of life. And if no active actions occur in the dream, you need to analyze which house you saw:

  • New or old.
  • Big or small.
  • Wooden or multi-story.
  • Residential or abandoned.
  • Yours or someone else's.
  • Maybe it was your parents' house or your deceased grandmother's house.
  • Beautiful or not particularly beautiful.
  • Empty or furnished.
  • Perhaps you saw a building unfinished, destroyed or even burned down?

Let's understand the meanings of such symbols in dreams.

As it says Modern dream book, the new home in your vision can indicate several things. It can symbolize future successes in the most different areas life - the appearance of a new reliable friend, achievements in business or creativity, or the onset of a new life stage.

Sigmund Freud believed that a new house in a dream of a girl or young woman means an imminent marriage or a new romantic relationship. If a lady is focused on her career, then for her such a dream will mean positive changes in her work.

If a man dreams of new houses, he can expect “useful” acquaintances that will help in his career advancement. Or the sleeper will soon receive information that will open new horizons for him and lead him to new stage development.

Good news - regardless of the gender of the sleeper - is promised and an old house. But only if it is residential and cozy. It’s very good if this house in your dream is your old house, luck will smile on you.

If you dreamed about an old and not particularly well-kept house, this is a reason to take care of your own health or put things in order in your home. If in a dream it turns out that the old house has chosen you as its owner, you should be more careful in your relationships with friends or acquaintances, unless, of course, you are afraid of losing them.

Seeing a big house in a dream and beautiful cottage means a fairly high self-esteem of the sleeper. Such a person feels safe, knows how to get along with others, and people perceive him positively. The Eastern women's dream book considers a large and rich house, the owner of which the person in the dream plot to be a harbinger. positive changes in life, including moving to a new, more spacious home.

Big a private house, according to Vanga’s dream book, is especially good in a dream for someone who has this moment there are difficulties in life. A big house may herald the end of a period of problems and a solution financial issues in the form of, for example, a salary increase.

It happens that people ask the following question: why do you dream of a house filled with insects? The dream book of Nostradamus says: when a house is overrun by insects, it means that there are ill-wishers in your circle. You need to monitor your reputation so as not to give these people a chance to realize their evil plans.

Well, why dream of a house if, on the contrary, it is small? Children's dream book interprets: the sleeper does not like to be the center of attention. Probably, in life you should make fewer plans, but you need to act more actively - then your hopes for happiness will come true faster.

Vanga's dream book explains a dream about a small house that is clean and cozy as follows: the dreamer is waiting for the fulfillment of some secret desire. The option of the onset of a happy family life in connection with marriage or as a result of the resolution of a family conflict is also likely.

If you dreamed of a multi-storey house, then the Numerological Dream Book interprets such a house as a symbolic vision in its own way. As it is written in this interpreter, the most favorable image is if a large house is nine-story. This is a symbol of power, a “ceiling” and for business man, and for a public figure.

Why dream of a nine-story house surrounded by “twin brothers”? Most likely, this foreshadows intense competition: clear sky in a dream over such a microdistrict means that your competitive strategy is correct. You dream of tightly packed high-rise buildings - the line of battle needs to be adjusted in order to guarantee a favorable prospect.

For a person who does not have his own business or political ambitions, the meaning of a dream where multi-storey building, somewhat different. If you are standing on the ground near a building and looking up at it, in reality you should set yourself more mundane tasks. If in a dream you are somewhere on the top floors of a multi-story building, then your plans are quite feasible.

Why do you dream of a wooden house, one- or two-story? This means that success will await you in the near future - in business or in interactions with people. If you dream of neat wooden houses, such a dream means a favorable resolution of real estate issues.

However, dreams with wooden houses also have significant psychological implications. If in a dream it seems to you that a building is out of place, it means that at the moment you are disappointed in people, but you should not dwell on this feeling so as not to miss favorable opportunities. A wooden house without windows and doors symbolizes the fact that a person does not allow himself to “breathe deeply” in reality - maybe he should relax and enjoy life?

family nest

Surely in your vision you understand whether it is a residential building or not. Why do you dream of a house that clearly has life in it? If in your vision it seems to you that this is your home, then you should take a closer look at what is happening in different rooms.

If the house is beautiful and tidy, it means that your health is fine. In addition, in the near future you can expect some pleasant things: good news, promotion and prosperity. If you dream that your home is somehow not in order, then you should pay attention to your health and how you behave in life.

The roof or ceiling is not in the best condition - perhaps in Lately you have worked hard and are now in a state of mental overstrain. Something is wrong in the kitchen - a reason to check the condition of your digestive system, and if you see a mess in the bedroom, it’s time to clean up general cleaning"in the sphere of personal relationships.

Someone else's neat house, where you feel free and comfortable, portends new acquaintances. These new connections can be both pleasant and useful. New contacts will help you advance in your career and in solving financial issues. Family dream book believes that someone else’s shelter, which seemed better to you in a night vision than your own, signals dissatisfaction own life. Such a dream means that it is time to change something.

Why do you dream of a strange and unpresentable house? The modern dream book believes: such a vision suggests that in the near future you will need to mobilize to solve some problem. Someone else's house in a dream, if you feel uncomfortable in it, suggests that you need to be less harsh in communicating with people, otherwise you may lose your best friends.

What other houses can we dream about? For example, an empty and abandoned house is a symbol of the fact that today's failures can be rooted in a person's past.

  • If the abandoned house in your dream is boarded up, it means that you regret some actions in your past - you should either ask for forgiveness from specific people or forget everything and move on.
  • In a dream, you may see an abandoned house and find yourself inside. If you suddenly find yourself comfortable there, then you should expect a white streak of life.

Parental shelter in a dream, as a rule, means that inheritance issues will have to be resolved. The parental home in a dream and the people you saw there will tell you which relative’s health you should monitor especially closely in the near future.

If you see your parents’ house in your dreams, and your parents are already there, it means they want to warn you about something important - you need to remember what exactly they told you in the dream. Dwelling has a similar meaning in a dream - this dream should carry a warning about some things that are important to you. And it is in your power to unravel what the house of your deceased grandmother told you about.

But to see your old house, the home of your childhood, in night visions, portends receiving important news in reality. Your childhood home may also encourage you to think about your own family nest, if you haven't already done so. And if they did, the childhood home from the dream says that it is necessary to restore order there.

The psychological dream book says that if people from your childhood are present in such a dream, you need to be more independent in making decisions, and not rely on those who are “smarter.” If the home of your childhood is not the happiest memory for you, then the vision signals that you need to forget about the past, about the grievances of childhood and move on in life.

Not the most pleasant vision is a dream about an empty house. An empty roof means that at the moment, for some reason, you have lost the feeling of fullness in life, and it seems empty and meaningless to you. The empty dream house encourages you to fill your days with something important and interesting: if changing jobs is not possible, then at least find yourself an interesting hobby.

You dream of tastefully furnished rooms (the style does not matter - it can be baroque or hi-tech) - to your peace of mind one can only envy. And it is thanks to him that you can achieve significant success.

Why do you dream of an unfinished house, says the Dream Book of the 21st century: such an “unfinished house” is a symbol of some important matter that you have not brought to fruition. It’s worth remembering what it is and completing the project or closing this issue for yourself.

Fire and risk

Not the most pleasant question for those who remember their dreams is the question of why they dream about a destroyed house. Dream books say that such a dream is a sign of failure and financial failure, but this is only if you rely on others. Rely only on your own strength, and then may you dream of at least a hundred empty houses.

Why you dream about a burning house, interpreters say clearly. In the near future, you should not take risks so that the consequences of risky transactions do not become similar. Why do you dream of a burning house that you put out yourself? The answer is obvious: only you and no one else will have to correct the consequences of your rash steps.

The question of why you dream of a burnt house has a similar answer. There is no need to take unreasonable risks - and then you will avoid unpleasant consequences.

In your visions, you can be not just a contemplator, but also take some active actions yourself:

  • Buy housing.
  • Conduct its construction.
  • Do cleaning or repairs.
  • Not only you can act - for example, you can see that the house is falling.

Let's start with the last one. If a residential building collapses in a dream, then this can mean diametrically opposed things. If, when you see a house collapsing, for some reason you great mood, this means that one is over for you life stage and a new one begins - this could be a change of job or family status, for example.

If while the house is falling, your emotional background leaves much to be desired, in the near future you need to be more careful in matters of finance and real estate so as not to lose your savings. In addition, if a building falls in a dream, this is a serious sign to check your health.

Also, if in your dreams a house falls, in reality you may not feel very confident - in this case, you should ask for support from relatives and friends in issues that are important to you. If in a dream the house you are inside falls, but you remain unharmed, this foretells that the dangers that threatened you will pass you by.

Buying a home is a pleasant and troublesome business not only in reality, but also in dreams. How bigger size the building had to be bought in a dream, so high altitudes will be able to achieve in life. This will not necessarily be a high official position, it may also be family or financial well-being.

Buy a house in the village - you may have to change your place of residence due to an offer new job. Buying a house somewhere on the outskirts means that you blame your loved ones for your loneliness. The dream book advises to show more understanding, and soon the unpleasant feelings will leave you.

Buying a house near a pond in a dream means that in reality your plans will come true. And the faster and more successful, the larger both the building and the reservoir were in the dream. But if your dream purchase turns out to be a dilapidated house, dream books say that you need to change your job, because the previous one has ceased to satisfy you morally or financially.

As the Modern Dream Book says, building a house in your vision foreshadows a turn in the situation in reality in better side. For example, if a person who has already planned a divorce dreams of the construction of a residential building, such a dream may be a sign that everything will soon get better and the problem will not have to be radically solved.

Dreaming renovation work in the house - pay attention to who makes them and how. If you do everything yourself and efficiently, then in the near future you can rely only on yourself to solve your problems. If your friends help you, and the work goes smoothly in your hands, then in life you can count on friendly support in official and financial matters.

As you can see, the houses in our dreams are very different, and in order to most accurately interpret your dream, you need to remember all, even the smallest, details. And, of course, stock up on a positive attitude in order to read a useful message in a dream that is “scary” at first glance.

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