Kadyrov without a beard. "The raids are carried out after Ramzan Kadyrov's speeches." Expert: if residents of the Murmansk region believe in Chibis, he will have no opponents

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, called rumors that beards are banned in his republic as “blatant lies.” According to him, such information is spread by “open enemies of Islam.” He also added that any resident of Chechnya can wear a beard of the length they see fit. Kara awaits only those bearded men who are “trying to imitate the Wahhabis.”

Ramzan Kadyrov denied rumors that wearing beards is allegedly prohibited in Chechnya. “We do not prohibit Muslims from wearing a beard, as prescribed in the Sunnah. This is everyone's personal choice. We are against those who, having grown a beard, try to imitate the Wahhabis,” said Chechen head at a meeting with the leadership and clergy of the Urus-Martan region.

Later, on his Instagram, Kadyrov said that these “blatant lies” were being spread by “open enemies of Islam.” At the same time, he noted that anyone has the right to decide how long their beard should be. As confirmation that any resident in Chechnya can have a beard, Kadyrov posted three photographs of Chechen torchbearers. “These are world champions, world-famous athletes who run with a torch in front of millions of spectators. They have beards! So what is the price of talking about banning wearing it? - Kadyrov asked a rhetorical question.

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Some men wear a beard not because it is beautiful, but because it is accepted in their culture. For example, Muslims believe that a man is obliged to wear a beard.

However, fashion today has spread so much that many people have begun to pay attention to the beard. eastern states. Today we will learn what Chechen beards are, how to cut them and how to care for them.

Basically, all Chechens have a beard; few people cut it, and they have their own reasons for this. Chechens believe that if a man shaves his beard, it means he is committing a serious sin. Every Chechen man should grow a beard.

Muslims believe that a beard is a symbol of masculinity. A Chechen with a beard shows that he bows to the Lord and wears his gift.

For reference! The beard was worn by the prophet in whom Muslims believe, and therefore they do not shave their beards to be like him.

What does a proper Chechen beard look like?

Chechens wear beautiful thick beards. They never shave their mustaches, as this causes a certain suspicion.

The length of such a beard is different for each man, but its peculiarity is that it is thick and grows almost along the entire chin. The photo shows what kind of beard Chechens should have.

Beard trim

To cut a Chechen beard, you must first grow it properly. It is important not to shave your hair until it has grown a few centimeters. Basically, such a beard is worn with sideburns and a mustache.

When did you grow your hair to required length, then you need to draw the boundaries of the beard and shave off unnecessary hair. A trimmer or sharp machine will help you with this. Finally, you can use scissors to adjust the shape of your beard.

Many people don’t want to cut their beard themselves for the first time, so you can turn to a specialist for help. If you want to dye your beard, then you need to do it in a salon.

Advice! Special computer program will help you choose the beard that suits you.

Why do Chechens have red beards?

You can often see that a Chechen has a red beard. Not every Chechen has this beard color, but this is due to some factors:

  1. It is in the genetics of Chechens that they will have a red beard. We can say that this is an individual feature of the body.
  2. Due to heredity, men have a red beard.
  3. Mix of nationalities.
  4. Hair color is also affected hormonal disbalance, vitamin deficiency and poor nutrition.

These factors influence the color of the Chechen beard. Some men specifically paint their broda red.

Raid on those who wear beards without mustaches in Chechnya

A beard among Chechens is a normal phenomenon that does not raise any doubts, but if a person wears a beard without a mustache, then he may be asked several questions. This beard cut is worn by those men who support extremist ideologies. Therefore, men cannot wear beards without a mustache, and if they do not want to wear a mustache, then it is better for them to shave off their beard as well, so as not to attract unnecessary attention to themselves.

In Chechnya, the documents of those citizens who cast doubt are checked, this applies to bearded men without a mustache. In 2015, the police checked every such man. With this in mind, you need to know what beard styles you can wear in Chechnya so as not to attract unnecessary attention.

Beard care

If you decide to get a beard, then you will have to constantly take care of it. Be sure to buy special beard cleansers to keep it looking beautiful.

Regularly trim your beard. To do this, you need to buy a trimmer with different attachments. Comb your beard daily with a special comb. A well-groomed beard always attracts attention.

Bearded signs N and last week the presentation of the new president took place in the Chechen Republic. The event was filled with riddles and answers.
It all started with a guessing game. The enemies of the new life were asked to figure out where exactly the new president's oath to the people would take place on October 5 - covering their tracks, they repaired a couple of houses, thereby imitating preparations for the event. And the enemies didn’t figure it out, because in the end the blue plastic tent for the oath was pulled on driven pegs right on the territory of the fortified fortress called “official Grozny” - where the so-called government complex is located in the center of the Chechen capital, and Mr. Alkhanov swore an oath to serve the people , being fenced off from him by high concrete wall. So what? The main thing is that the plan worked: you really couldn’t put a bomb under the plastic tent, and the event was able to reach the planned end.
The second intrigue of the day turned out to be just as effective. It was perpetrated by the shadow leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. He appeared in the blue tent in a renewed form - with a Wahhabi beard in the process of growing. Which was, without a doubt, the main event of the presentation of the new president.
So, why does Kadyrov Jr. cut his beard the way the Wahhabis do, whom he continues to publicly call “shaitans”? And why did this happen?
What you cannot take away from Kadyrov Jr. is his animal sense of danger. IN Lately Kadyrov's favoritism at Putin's court has begun to weaken very much - this is very noticeable. And without direct Kremlin patronage, this same Ramzan is just a Tsentoroy (from the village of Tsentoroy, where he lives) guy with a bad past. Considering that the majority of Basayevites are Wahhabis, and part of the Ramzan brigade today are people clearly “from the other side,” including Wahhabis camouflaged for the time being, it is obviously becoming increasingly difficult for Ramzan to survive. So he is cunning, starting to give signals in a “bearded” Morse code: “I am one of my own... I am one of mine... And I’m just trying to deceive “these Russians”... For now.”
Ramzan's Wahhabi beard clearly indicates that the outcome is close - in this case, you can completely rely on the character's intuition. Either Putin is ready to make a final decision “on Ramzan.” Or - Basayev. After all, Wahhabis today walk almost freely in the Kurchaloevsky district, where Tsentoroi is located, hand in hand with federal special forces. Will the blue plastic tent in the center of the official Grozny, very similar to the “Severny Airport”, in which one of the previous Kremlin governors of Chechnya, Zavgaev, once settled, be saved?



In the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, a resident of Grozny, Tumso Abdurakhmanov, who fled Chechnya due to persecution that began after a conflict with the cousin of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, was detained because Abdurakhmanov did not give way to his motorcade and wore the “wrong” beard. This was reported by the publication "Caucasus.Realities".

Abdurakhmanov sent an audio message to the editorial office, saying that he was detained and could not promptly answer questions, but clarified that at this stage there is no question of transferring it to Russia. He did not answer the question about the reasons for the detention.

Kadyrov's relative did not like Abdurakhmanov's beard

Abdurakhmanov is the ex-deputy head of the Chechen state-owned company Elektrosvyaz. The persecution of him in Chechnya began after he did not give way in Grozny to the motorcade of Islam Kadyrov, who then headed the administration of Ramzan Kadyrov.

In November 2015 close relative the heads of Chechnya did not like Abdurakhmanov’s beard and its contents mobile phone- video clips and pictures with unflattering content about the Chechen leadership.

“The beard is part of my religion,” Abdurakhmanov explained to Open Russia. “In accordance with the canons of Islam, I cannot remove my beard, I am obliged to wear it. The general wearing of a beard in Chechnya began after my story, it was in 2016. Then Ramzan himself grew a beard, and his entire retinue, the entire republic, began to wear beards, imitating him."

“But at the time of my arrest, not only did they not wear beards, but raids were carried out: the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic in full force was taken out onto the roads, and they caught people with beards. A person was taken to the police station just because of his beard, photographed, filmed.” , he added.

“Because of my beard, the entire cortege abandoned their important state affairs and turned behind me,” the Chechen claimed. In an interview with Echo of the Caucasus in May 2016, he said that the reason he was stopped was that he crossed the avenue right in front of Islam Kadyrov’s moving motorcade.

According to him, they stood at a traffic light for about 40-50 minutes, during which he was asked questions of a religious nature, and Kadyrov himself did not leave the car. After this, the conversation continued in the form of interrogation in Kadyrov’s office premises.

“During this conversation, Kadyrov concluded that I was a Salafist and that he would not allow me to practice this kind of Islam in the republic,” Abdurakhmanov said.

“He even accused me of not loving Ramzan Kadyrov personally. He says: what I found in your phone is already enough to kill you. But I, he says, want to give you a chance. If you want, he says , I'll let you go now. I'll give you three days and I promise not to look for you these three days. This is a kind of head start for you. You can go anywhere, run. But in three days I'll start looking for you - I'll find you, I'll kill you. I'm like that , as you say, you killed a lot,” Tumso Abdurakhmanov told the publication “Current Time”.

Later, Kadyrov, according to Abdurakhmanov, changed his mind and organized a meeting with spiritual leaders to set him on the “true path,” but instead of preaching, they called him a “dirty Wahhabi” and the leader of a certain radical sect and released him on the condition that in the near future he will betray his “like-minded people.”

After threats, he fled to Tbilisi. In Chechnya, a criminal case was opened against Abdurakhmanov under Part 2 of Art. 208 (“Organization of an illegal armed group or participation in it”). In addition, he was suspected of collaborating with terrorist organization"Islamic State"*.

“My friends in Chechnya were rounded up and forced to sign a paper stating that I allegedly went to Syria to participate in hostilities. They also took my cousin and forced me to write the same paper,” says Tumso Abdurakhmanov.

Currently, the Georgian judicial authorities are considering Abdurakhmanov’s appeal against the refusal to grant him political asylum. If it is rejected, the blogger may be extradited to Russia.

In April 2017, the Tbilisi court upheld the decision of the Georgian Ministry of Refugees and Resettlement to refuse to grant Abdukharkhmanov political refugee status.

The Tbilisi City Court found convincing the argument of the Ministry of Refugees and Resettlement of Georgia that granting political asylum to Tumso Abdurakhmanov “due to significant circumstances is contrary to the interests of the country.”

In February, the human rights center "Memorial" appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation with a request to check the actions of the Chechen prosecutor's office, which was ignoring requests from a resident of the republic, Tumso Abdurakhmanov, about his illegal criminal prosecution by the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 2016, Chechen Ramazan Dzhalaldinov from the village of Kenkhi appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika with a complaint about officials who were depriving residents of a significant portion of compensation for housing destroyed during the second Chechen campaign, as well as withholding the salaries of public sector employees and generally eliminating from helping people.

After this, the Dzhalaldinov’s house in the village of Kenkhi was burned down by unknown persons, and the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, explained that Dzhalaldinov himself burned down his house in order to cast the local authorities in a negative light.

Dzhalaldinov himself fled to Dagestan, but in May the Grozny TV channel showed a video of Dzhalaldinov, in which he lamely apologizes to Kadyrov for criticizing him and “provoking the people” and calls his actions a “big mistake.” In June, his family contacted Vladimir Putin on direct line, asking for his rights to be ensured.

Residents of Chechnya reported systematic detentions of men with beards

The practice of detaining young people with beards is systematic in Chechnya, they said local residents. The number of such detentions increases sharply after statements by the head of Chechnya, observers noted.

As the "Caucasian Knot" reported, in Grozny on February 12, three young men with beards and shaved mustaches were detained by security forces and taken away in an unknown direction.

Earlier, an acquaintance reported that security forces detained two young men with beards on January 27. According to him, the detainees were beaten, their beards were forcibly shaved off and released. Also, young people with beards and without mustaches were detained by security forces on February 11 at a market in the center of Grozny. This was reported by city residents and human rights activists, according to whom all those detained were released by February 12.

"Raids are carried out after Ramzan Kadyrov's speeches"

Raids to identify bearded men in the republic began after an incident in the ancestral village of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, Tsentaroy (Khosi-Yurt), where the wall of one of the buildings was painted with the symbols of the “Islamic State” (recognized as terrorist, the activity is prohibited in Russia by a court decision). After this, three young people were detained in the village, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reported. head of one of the local NGOs.

“We have carried out raids against bearded men before, and each time these events are preceded by an angry speech by Ramzan Kadyrov, who demands that security forces and heads of authorities local government and the clergy to strengthen their work to counter extremism, terrorism and Wahhabism. This happened this time too. Literally the next day after Ramzan met with the leadership of the security forces and again raised the topic of Wahhabism, young guys with beards began to be grabbed and taken away in Grozny right in the central market,” the head of the NGO noted on condition of anonymity.

According to him, security forces detain young people with beards “only for external signs".

“A similar thing happened a year ago, in January 2014, when, after another angry speech by Ramzan, the security forces began a “hunt for shaitans.” And we consider all those who wear beards, shave their mustaches or wear short pants to be suspicious citizens. That is, people they are detained as potential extremists only based on external signs,” said the head of a local NGO.

“It’s fashionable for young people to wear beards now.”

In the republic there is a conflict between young people on the one hand and the authorities and clergy on the other, a resident of Chechnya believes Aslan , historian by training.

"Everything that the authorities prohibit in official level, people, especially young people, perceive it as something that must be followed. Nowadays it is fashionable for young people to wear beards, or, as they say, to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. And the authorities consider this a manifestation of Wahhabism, and are fighting it in every possible way, including such actually illegal methods as detentions, beatings and shaving off beards. This is such a conflict between our youth, on the one hand, and the authorities and the pro-government clergy, on the other,” a resident of Chechnya told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

In his opinion, the incident that occurred in the village of Tsentaroy “also speaks volumes.”

“The guys who painted the jihadist flag in Khosi-Yurt were detained, and, as I was told, two of the three are brothers. They did not deny their involvement in this, but even vice versa. If such sentiments reign in the ancestral village of Ramzan, the center of anti-Wahhabism, as they like here speaking, one can only guess about what kind of mood prevails among young people in other regions,” a resident of Chechnya believes.

"Representatives of the clergy conduct explanatory conversations"

Raids to identify bearded men in Chechnya are “systematic,” he said in an interview with a “Caucasian Knot” correspondent. representative of one of public organizations Grozny.

“To say that those who wear a beard are constantly subject to some kind of pressure would not be entirely correct. At some periods, the pressure in this regard increases, but then subsides, and after some time is being resumed. Although it is obvious that there is no point in fighting the external manifestations of Salafism or Wahhabism. It is necessary to fight for the minds of young people so that they do not succumb to harmful influence from outside, and not just intimidate, as our government likes to do," he noted on the terms anonymity of a representative of a public organization.

Young people detained during raids in the Chechen capital, after conversations with representatives of the clergy, are released, in turn, claims representative of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“Indeed, our employees carry out operational and preventive measures aimed at combating Wahhabism and extremism. There are detentions, but this only applies to individual cases when there is a need to establish the identity of this or that “fan” of extremist ideas. Such citizens, as a rule, are dealt with an explanatory conversation is held, after which they are released home,” a police officer told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

Three young guys who were detained on February 12 in Grozny while traveling to shuttle bus, were released from the police a few hours later.

“One of the detainees was the son of a close friend of mine. Despite the injunctions of his father and mother, he, like his friends, wore a small beard and shaved his mustache. This was the reason for their capture by the security forces. Then they were taken to the territory of one of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where They were held for several hours. Their phones were checked, then a mullah or qadi spoke with them about religion, and then they were released, warning that if they do not stop imitating the “shaitans,” they will have more serious problems", a resident of Grozny told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent Zalina Sh.

January 10, 2014, the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov demanded that security forces intensify the fight against representatives of radical movements in the republic and their followers, after which in the republic law enforcement officers became en masse detain young people wearing beards. The detainees were taken to police stations, where their cell phone records were checked.In December 2014, after militant attacks on the Chechen capital on December 4, at least two cases occurred in Chechnya detention of young people with beards and shaved mustaches , which in the region is considered the main sign that a person is Wahhabi.

"Wearing a beard by a man is the sunnah of our prophet Muhammad. This distinguishes a man from a woman. But in last years Some of our youth have made it a rule to completely shave off their mustache and leave a beard. They explain this by saying that the Messenger of Allah allegedly ordered this. But only those who do not understand religious issues say this. It's about not about completely shaving off the mustache, but about shaving it a little above the upper lip so that when eating food the hair does not get into the mouth. The Prophet Muhammad himself, as well as all the caliphs and companions of the Messenger of Allah, wore a mustache and beard. It’s interesting that the “fashion” for completely shaving the mustache appeared in our country in the late 90s, and before that no one had even heard of it,” emphasized the imam of a mosque in Grozny Umar.

It is worth noting in this regard that in January last year, when raids were also carried out in Chechnya and young people with beards were detained, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, commenting on the situation, literally said the following: “We do not prohibit Muslims from wearing a beard, as prescribed in the Sunnah. This is everyone’s personal choice. We are against those who, Having grown a beard, he is trying to imitate the Wahhabis."

WITH March 2014, imams of mosques in the Chechen capital are required to monitor the appearance of their parishioners and submit weekly reports on the work done . Gave appropriate instructions kadi (Islamic judge) of Grozny Adam Ilyasov . At the same time the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov declared at a meeting with the clergy that in the republic there should not be “even the spirit” of movements that contradict the Koran, Sunnah and Tariqa , among which he named Wahhabism , Habashism and Tablikh. At the same time, in Chechnya, belonging to an “undesirable” trend in Islam is often determined by appearance- beard, short pants and performing double Friday prayers.

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