How to properly attach a baby to the breast. How to properly attach a baby to the breast, attachment to the gland. Proper attachment is a strong foundation for breastfeeding

The 9th month of pregnancy has arrived, the last month of the “interesting” situation of the new mother: the woman and child are already ready for a new period of life, and are confidently approaching “ finish line» pregnancy. When the 9th month of pregnancy arrives, you need to be ready for the onset of labor at any moment, and there is nothing to be afraid of - a baby at 9 months is already considered full-term, his tiny body is quite well prepared to meet the conditions outside world. Therefore, by this time a woman should be, as they say, “fully armed”: she has probably already prepared , a nursery has been set up for its new resident, and mommy listens to herself every minute, waiting for the contractions to begin, and these are real contractions, not training ones.


Symptoms of overdue pregnancy

What are the dangers of overdue pregnancy?

Why does pregnancy last longer?

What to do when you are 10 months pregnant?

What does a post-term baby look like?

· Ninth month of pregnancy: development and condition of the child

Baby on at this stage is already completely ready for life outside the mother’s womb: the baby’s lungs make breathing movements, the sucking reflex has been developed - one of the fundamental reflexes of the first year of human life, - the digestive system is “ripe” for “receiving” and “processing” breast milk.

At nine months of pregnancy, the child can already “boast” of the proportionality of the build of his body, the baby’s skin acquires a soft pink tint, and the embryonic fluff of lanugo gradually disappears from the body. By the way, lanugo, as well as remnants of vernix lubrication, can remain on the body even after the birth of a child, but only in areas that require special protection - in the folds of the skin or on delicate shoulders.

The ninth month of pregnancy is the period when the baby is already in a position in which it will move “to the light” along the mother’s birth canal. This is, as a rule, a cephalic presentation - upside down, the baby will stand “on its head” until the very beginning of labor. The child occupies the entire uterine cavity, and therefore has virtually no opportunity for active body movements.

The last month of pregnancy is not just the final month for the formation of the baby’s nervous system; the “finishing touches” are made, and “control adjustments” of relationships occur. The intestines already have relatively good peristalsis, the baby’s original feces are present - meconium, it consists of disintegrated blood cells, dead skin cells and the intestines themselves, “recycled” amniotic fluid. A certain amount of iron has accumulated in the liver, but while the baby is in the mother’s tummy, the liver will continue to “stock up” on iron - it will be needed for hematopoiesis throughout the first year of life. The heart is ready to begin full-fledged work in new conditions: when the baby is born, the hole in the central heart septum will close, ensuring blood circulation through the lungs - this will become the last stage. On this moment the lungs do not participate in the circulatory system, since the child does not “really” breathe, although his lungs make breathing movements.

In boys at 9 months of pregnancy, the process of lowering the testicles into the scrotum may continue; in rare cases, this process may not have time to complete before birth. Also, the immune system has not yet completed its formation; it will continue after the birth of the child: now he receives antibodies through the placenta from the mother’s body, and then he will “extract” them from breast milk.

The last month of pregnancy will finally determine the individual parameters of the child’s weight and height: the weight of a mature, full-term baby on average ranges from 2600 to 3600 grams; as for height, it is usually within the range of 48-54 cm. However, deviations from these indicators are quite acceptable and often are normal.

· Well-being and sensations of a woman at 9 months of pregnancy

The last, ninth month of pregnancy will bring some relief to the woman - two weeks before giving birth, breathing will become clearly easier: the baby’s head drops into the pelvic area, and as a result, the uterus does not put so much pressure on the lungs. However, instead of difficulty breathing in the 9th month of pregnancy, there may well be a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, and even a dull pain in the area of ​​the inner thighs, groin or pubis - the baby’s head presses on the nerve endings.

Of course, the uterus continues to put pressure on the stomach and bladder, which means that feelings of bloating, constipation and frequent urination can accompany the mother until the end of pregnancy. Edema does not leave the woman; the risk of developing varicose veins is still high.

Vaginal discharge in the last month of pregnancy changes in character - now it is thicker and contains large quantity mucus, sometimes specific blood streaks are observed in it. This occurs more often after intimacy with a spouse or an internal examination of a pregnant woman.

In the ninth month, the belly no longer increases in size, but its skin can itch simply unbearably. A pregnant woman needs mandatory treat the skin with special creams against stretch marks - they can now appear even in one single night: many successful mothers share stories about how they went to bed in the evening with a “clean” and smooth stomach, and in the morning they discovered red stripes on the skin.

At the 9th month of pregnancy, sensations and symptoms characteristic of early dates, in particular dizziness and fainting. Only the reason for them is no longer in a stuffy room or sensitivity to odors, but in the compression of the genital vein when the woman is in a supine position. This is why experts recommend that pregnant women sleep on their side, especially on the later, - to prevent the development of “vena cava syndrome”.

Feelings of some lethargy in the ninth month of pregnancy are common, as are absent-mindedness, inertia and forgetfulness. At the same time last days Pregnancies can be characterized by literally “explosions” of energy, hyperactivity; physical and emotional fatigue is replaced by impulses to furnish an apartment - the so-called “nesting instinct.”

In general, the sensations in the ninth month of pregnancy definitely cannot be called pleasant. Due to dramatic changes in the body, pain occurs here and there: under the ribs, in the back and lower back, painful sensations appear in the pelvis and buttocks, in the lower abdomen, painful spasms can cramp the legs at night, uterine contractions become noticeably more painful... Fortunately, you only have to endure a little bit - after the birth of the baby, all these unpleasant phenomena will disappear.

· Precursors of labor in the last days of pregnancy

It’s probably not worth repeating that the ninth month of pregnancy is the final month and labor can begin in any of these four weeks. No doctor will be able to accurately calculate the day when the baby “decides” to leave the mother’s tummy - tests and examinations at 9 months of pregnancy and even ultrasound indicate only an approximate, estimated due date . However, the pregnant woman will be notified of the approaching “hour X” by those called. How does labor begin, and what indicates its imminent onset?

Some precursors of childbirth have already been voiced, namely: prolapse of the abdomen (when the baby moves into the pelvic area with its head), increased urination, as well as other sensations of the 9th month of pregnancy.

In addition, one of the signs of approaching labor is a slight decrease in the pregnant woman’s body weight. A few weeks (days) before giving birth, a loss of 1-2 kg occurs, which is explained by hormonal changes, as well as a decrease in appetite and loss of some fluid in the body.

The release of the mucus plug signals that labor will begin any day now. The cervical canal, as it matures, begins to open slightly, and the mucous plug that closed the canal throughout pregnancy comes out. A woman learns about its passage by finding a lump of colorless or yellowish mucus on her underwear, possibly with blood-stained mucus or streaks of blood.

Well, while the body is completing its “preparation” for childbirth, the woman needs to resolve the last pressing issues on the eve of this significant event: finally decide on the maternity hospital, prepare everything. From now on, when leaving home, a pregnant woman must always keep her exchange card and passport with her.

· Ninth month of pregnancy: nutrition

As a rule, nutrition by 9 months of pregnancy is completely adjusted and corrected, so the woman has nothing to worry about. Everything harmful has long been banned, but healthy things have become commonplace in the diet. And the pregnant woman’s body almost unmistakably suggests the right direction in nutrition - it itself “refuses” unacceptable or dangerous food. If not, then last weeks pregnancy should Special attention devote to the organization proper nutrition: how, what and in what quantity a woman consumes food in the ninth month can affect the process of childbirth and the well-being of the newborn. In addition, nutrition in the ninth month of pregnancy contains some new rules.

In the last stages of pregnancy, it is advisable to completely free the diet from the presence of allergenic foods that can cause the development of allergies in the child. It is also recommended to avoid unpasteurized pates. soft cheeses, canned foods are potential “sources” of intestinal infection.

The pregnant woman’s usual pattern of eating foods containing calcium (dairy and cottage cheese, first of all) now needs to be “adjusted” a little. In the second half of pregnancy, the need for calcium is increased, but in the last month of pregnancy, excessive consumption may subsequently result in rapid closure and overgrowth of the child’s fontanel, and as a result, an increase in intracranial pressure. From now on, the daily amount of calcium sufficient to provide the body is 1-2 glasses of kefir or 150 grams. cottage cheese. When it comes to cottage cheese, preference should be given to homemade, not very fatty, and avoid sweet curd masses.

The ninth month of pregnancy should be completely freed from fried, fatty, salty foods, sweets and baked goods. Fish and meat are still necessary, but the amount of these products in the diet is now recommended to be reduced - they have the ability to reduce the elasticity of the perineal tissue, increasing the risk of pain and ruptures during childbirth.

The “main emphasis” in nutrition for the 9th month is better to focus on vegetables and fruits, cereal porridges with a small amount of fish or lean meat. Refuel vegetable salads You definitely shouldn't use mayonnaise; the ideal substitute during pregnancy is lemon juice and olive oil.

It is preferable to steam, boil, stew or bake dishes. It is advisable to take food warm or cold, not hot. It is recommended to eat slowly, chewing food well. Shortly before meals, you can drink a glass of water - to improve digestion and reduce the amount of food consumed - so the feeling of fullness comes faster (useful in cases of excessive weight gain). The main thing is that the water is without gas - soda is now prohibited. Well, coffee consumption, of course, should be postponed until a more appropriate time.

· Sex in the ninth month of pregnancy

In many cases, sex in the ninth month of pregnancy is not only acceptable, but even useful, but in about the same number of cases, sex for a pregnant woman is not recommended or is completely prohibited. Determining this is entirely the priority of the doctor leading the pregnancy. Actually about admissibility physical intimacy In the last month of pregnancy, doctors argue. Some experts strongly recommend abstinence, since sex can trigger the onset of labor ahead of schedule. Others believe that there is nothing dangerous in the presence of sexual games between expectant mothers and fathers in the ninth month of pregnancy. Of course, provided there are no serious contraindications for sexual intercourse, such as the threat of premature birth, low location of the placenta, leakage of amniotic fluid, multiple pregnancy. Well, only a doctor can reliably determine the presence of such contraindications to having sex.

If a specialist has not established a “taboo” on sex in the ninth month of pregnancy, then if desired, delights intimate life quite accessible, although with reservations. The poses should be as comfortable as possible for the woman, eliminating pressure on the stomach. The optimal positions are considered to be on your side or on your knees.

By the way, sex in the ninth month can be good method natural stimulation of labor, in cases where the baby is “delayed” from birth, remaining in the mother’s tummy longer than expected. The point is not only in physical activity during sex, but also in the presence of special substances in male sperm - prostaglandins, which can cause contractions of the cervix and soften its tissue.

· Tests and examinations at 9 months of pregnancy

The ninth month of pregnancy is a period when a woman will have to visit the doctor weekly. At the appointment, the general well-being of the pregnant woman is assessed, weight and blood pressure are measured, and the limbs are examined for swelling and its severity. In addition, urine tests for protein and sugar levels are mandatory.

The doctor evaluates the preparation female body and baby for the upcoming birth. The baby's heart must be listened to, and its presentation and size are determined. The doctor determines the height of the woman’s uterus and examines the cervix to assess the degree of its maturity.

During a vaginal examination, the doctor may take a smear for flora. If any unfavorable changes are detected, the woman may be recommended emergency preventive treatment if the timing allows it to be carried out without harm to the pregnancy and the condition of the child.

If the “interesting situation” is clearly “delayed”, the period has “exceeded” 40 weeks, the 10th month of pregnancy is going on, and labor is not expected to begin, the doctor is obliged to conduct a re-examination. If there is no progress in cervical ripening, the pregnant woman will be advised to “move” to the hospital. There they will take measures to artificially create a background conducive to the onset of labor. However, similar are practiced only in cases where there is a truly overdue pregnancy, and its further continuation adversely affects the child and his mother. In other cases, mother and baby are closely monitored.

· Preparing to breastfeed

In fact, it is necessary to prepare for breastfeeding a child during pregnancy. It's not difficult, but it's really necessary. It should be noted that, contrary to popular belief, the shape and size of the breasts do not in any way affect the amount of milk a nursing mother has - this is clearly not something you need to pay attention to. During the 9th month of pregnancy, it is useful for the mother to “harden” the skin around the nipples - this will help avoid cracking and the appearance of wounds in the first days of feeding. This can be done with regular air baths, a contrast shower on the chest area, or wiping it with a terry towel previously soaked in cool water.

If you have inverted or flat nipples, it is recommended to massage them, very gently pulling out the nipples, very carefully. The duration of such a massage is several minutes a day. Be sure to use a moisturizer during the massage, or better yet, oil. It is better to do this in the last days of pregnancy, since stimulation of the nipples can cause uterine contractions, triggering the onset of labor, as a result of the production of oxytocin.

From the first weeks of pregnancy, some women are faced with the release of colostrum from the nipples - a thick yellowish substance, the very first and most important food of a newborn baby. Colostrum contains significantly more protein than mature milk, but less fat. And most importantly, it contains incredibly important immune bodies that will protect the baby from many infections during the first days of life. But often colostrum does not form even towards the end of pregnancy - this is also normal, it will definitely appear by the time the baby is born.

· 10th month of pregnancy - overdue pregnancy

10 months of pregnancy - and this happens. But 10 months of pregnancy is not always a cause for concern. The fact is that, despite the development of modern medicine, doctors often mistakenly calculate the timing and estimated date of birth. But if there is no error in the calculations, and the condition of the uterus does not change properly, it means that pregnancy has been delayed. An overdue pregnancy can be dangerous if the uterus begins to age, ceases to perform its function, and the amount of amniotic fluid decreases. This condition is dangerous for the child.

Symptoms of overdue pregnancy

There are symptoms that indicate a real delay in labor:

  1. uterine insufficiency;
  2. decreased mobility of the child;
  3. a small amount of fetal fluid and its thickening.

One way or another, in the last stages a woman needs to carefully track your child's motor activity , and if in doubt, immediately contact a specialist.

What are the dangers of overdue pregnancy?

After 40 weeks, the expectant mother must visit the doctor without fail. The doctor will probably send the woman for preservation in order to monitor the pregnancy every day in a hospital setting. If necessary, appropriate tests and examinations will be carried out.

The baby does not stop growing, and soon he will become very cramped and may have difficulty breathing. In addition, meconium poisoning may occur, which the baby increasingly secretes into the amniotic fluid. During an overdue pregnancy, the fontanelle on the baby’s head gradually becomes overgrown, and the bones of the skull lose their elasticity.

Why does pregnancy last longer?

Medicine does not reliably know the reasons for post-term pregnancy. And no one can say exactly when childbirth will occur. Therefore, the due date, as well as the date of birth, are approximate, and the pregnancy can end either a couple of weeks before the due date or two weeks later. Both the first and second may be a variant of the norm, the main thing is that the process is not disrupted. Fortunately, modern medicine has good experience and equipment, making it possible to identify deviations, notice disorders and intervene if necessary.

What does a post-term baby look like?

Post-term babies have longer nails and hair than other babies, wrinkled skin, flaking on the feet and palms. There is little fruit lubricant on the skin of a newborn; it may have a purulent yellow or even green tint. Such children often have less deposited adipose tissue. They are often born weak and require special care in the first days of life. But this applies to a greater extent to the birth date at 10 months of pregnancy; with a delay of one to two weeks, babies, as a rule, are completely healthy and feel well, although they look “overripe.”

What to do when you are 10 months pregnant?

Even an overdue pregnancy cannot continue indefinitely; after two weeks from the “designated” date of birth, the pregnant woman is sent to the hospital. In the normal course of pregnancy, labor can not be forced, but only monitor the condition of both. Perhaps cycles expectant mother had different lengths or the doctor simply made a mistake in the calculations, which happens often. Artificially induced labor is more difficult, long and painful.

If there is no threat to the child’s condition, you can try. More active movements, walking up stairs, massaging nipples, having sex, and more are suitable.

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Last month before giving birth, 9th month of pregnancy, video:

9th month of pregnancy, counting by lunar calendar, which has 28 days, is 33, 34, 35, 36 obstetric weeks. There is not much time left before meeting the little one. Some women give birth to babies this month. This is still premature, but with medical care, all healthy babies survive and develop without any significant pathologies.

How does a mother feel in the ninth month?

1. Fatigue. I want to give birth as soon as possible, despite the fear of childbirth itself (for most mothers). The last months, which, by the way, are already spent on maternity leave, you need to devote to yourself to your beloved. You need to find a hobby or engage in self-education - you have a lot of free time, use it. When the child is born, you will devote all of yourself to him.

One important point- if severe fatigue is combined with tachycardia even at rest, this may indicate the presence of iron deficiency anemia. Donate blood for hemoglobin. Your level should not be less than 110. Otherwise, you need to take an iron supplement. Many women refuse it, since such medications cause constipation (and pregnant women often have problems with bowel movements), but this should not be done. Remember that iron deficiency threatens fetal hypoxia and is deadly during childbirth, both natural and surgical. Iron supplementation is continued for several months. The dosage is determined by the doctor.

2. Frequent uterine tone or preparatory contractions. By the end of this month, all progesterone medications to prevent premature birth are usually discontinued. These medicines relieved hypertension in mothers. So, after finishing taking them, tension in the uterus, its hardening, will be felt much more often.

Also periodic hypertonicity of the uterus, usually in response to some physical activity, are called preparatory contractions or Braxton Higgs contractions. They do not lead to dilatation of the cervix and the onset of labor. Although unpleasant, they are not painful and do not intensify like real contractions.

3. Pressure in the perineal area. Sometimes unpleasant sensations are associated with the breech presentation of the fetus, which may try to stretch the legs (if they are tucked in). But more often this is due to the low position of the child’s head. This happens closer to childbirth. If the doctor during the examination notes a motionless fetal head during a manual examination, it may make sense to look at the length of the cervix on the ultrasound. If it is greatly shortened, inpatient treatment and observation are necessary.

What happens to the fetus at 33-36 gestational weeks

The baby becomes very strong and well-fed. By the end of the ninth month, his weight is already 2.5-3 kg. Height is 45 cm on average. Chubby cheeks have formed. They are clearly visible on a 3D ultrasound. The sucking muscles give relief to the face. By the way, their baby develops in utero. You can see him sucking his thumb. After birth, this habit continues in all babies. Only many of them are swaddled, so there’s no way to get a finger in their mouth. The sucking reflex in newborns is very strong. Dimples are visible on the shoulders and buttocks.

At the end of the month, in case of breech presentation of the fetus, some women will be sent to the hospital. This applies to women various groups risk. If necessary, a caesarean section is performed as close as possible to the expected date of birth so that the baby is as mature as possible for life outside the womb.

Earlier births should be expected in multiple pregnancies. So, many twins are born at 36-37 weeks.

The baby's head has a round and oval shape when he is inside his mother. But after birth, the shape of the head is often irregular and pointed. This is a normal deformation that occurs as a result of natural childbirth. The bones of the skull are very soft, this is necessary to facilitate childbirth. But within a few days the head will return to its correct shape.

The nature of the child's movements changes. They are not becoming less common, but they are different. Mommy notices how the baby rests his limbs on the uterus. Have you seen a picture on the Internet of a pregnant belly with a baby’s foot clearly sticking out? This is approximately what happens at this stage of pregnancy.

The so-called hiccups in the child can cause anxiety in mothers. Especially if it is long-term and frequent. In fact, the child does not hiccup in the literal sense of the word, but does breathing exercises, is training before his birth. The point is not at all that you ate fatty foods. Do not worry! It’s not worth doing an ultrasound or CTG because of this. The lack of movement for several hours should be cause for concern.

All organs and systems of the child’s body are almost ready for birth by the end of this month. And, most likely, at a gestational age of 36 weeks, the baby will be able to stay in the maternity hospital in a regular ward with his mother. That is, you won’t need to nurse him. This is what concerns healthy babies, no deviations.

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The 9th month of pregnancy ends the period of intrauterine development of the child and is the time of preparation for childbirth.

In general, pregnancy lasts 280 days, or 10 lunar months, it is simply generally accepted to consider pregnancy as ordinary months, and since moon month lasts only 28 days, and the usual one - on average 30, by the end of pregnancy there is such a discrepancy in the count.

If we talk about which weeks are included in the 9th normal month of pregnancy, then this is the period from 37 to 41 weeks of pregnancy.

Baby 9 months pregnant

A child in the 9th month of pregnancy practically does not grow anymore, and even the weight gain becomes less and less every week. It is fully ripe and lies in the uterus of 95% of women correctly, head down.

The weight of the fetus at the 9th month of pregnancy fluctuates widely, and is now almost the same as at birth.

The skin of the fetus is smooth and pink, the body is rounded. The original lubricant has almost completely disappeared, only a little remains in the natural folds of the skin.

Most children have thick hair on their heads, but a baby can be born almost bald. There are fine hairs on the shoulders and in the ear area. The hair color now is most likely darker than it will be in adulthood, and then, after birth, it will change more than once.

During periods of wakefulness, the child’s eyes are open, he sees perfectly, and is able to express emotions with grimaces.

Eye color is usually blue. Melanin in the cornea accumulates after birth, and the final eye color will only be achieved by age 5.

The most important thing that is happening to the baby now is his preparation for childbirth. A fetus at the 9th month of pregnancy must reach a certain physiological maturity, that is, enough surfactant, a substance that is responsible for their expansion, must be formed in its lungs so that the baby can take its first breath.

His intestines, kidneys and all other organs must be ready to fully perform their functions, and most importantly, the child’s nervous system must mature.

As soon as he is born, the child will have to maintain his body temperature on his own, will have to sleep and eat, will have to do many things that his mother is now doing for him. And until the child is fully prepared for birth, they will not begin.

It is the baby who will give a sign to the mother’s body that he is ready, using hormonal signals.

Woman 9 months pregnant

Women in the 9th month of pregnancy already have time to get tired of their interesting situation and are awaiting childbirth. Those who had a difficult pregnancy, with complications and problems, are now finally calming down, ceasing to be afraid of premature birth.

The last month of pregnancy is especially difficult for first-time mothers, as fatigue from pregnancy is mixed with anxiety about the upcoming birth and the fear of missing its start. Multiparous women, as a rule, experience the last weeks easier, and if the pregnancy is going well, they are happy to use this time to rest, enjoying the last calm days.

A woman’s body is now also actively preparing for an imminent event. At the 9th month of pregnancy, the abdomen of first-time mothers already drops. This usually happens 2-3 weeks before birth. In multiparous women, it may drop during childbirth.

It may even seem that it has become smaller in size, and this is true. Before childbirth, the amount of amniotic fluid gradually decreases, this occurs under the influence of changes hormonal levels, and has deep meaning.

A small amount of amniotic fluid at the time of birth reduces the risk of complications during childbirth, such as abruption of a normally located placenta or prolapse of parts of the fetus or umbilical cord, malpresentation of the fetus.

What may concern you:

Pain in the 9th month of pregnancy becomes a common companion for most expectant mothers. The most common pain is in the pelvic and lower back areas. Even with a normal pregnancy, the divergence and softening of the joints and ligaments in the pelvic area to facilitate subsequent childbirth may be accompanied by severe instability and pain. The pain in the pelvis in the pubic area and sacrum is especially severe at night; it is impossible to find a position and turn around in bed.

Lowering the head into the small pelvis leads to a decrease in heartburn and the appearance of constipation and frequent urination. You may experience associated pain in the vagina and perineum.

At the end of the 9th month, intensified training contractions may cause discomfort. These false contractions, or Braxton-Higgs contractions, are necessary to prepare the cervix for labor. It’s as if the body is training before childbirth. There is nothing scary or dangerous about them; such pain goes away almost immediately if you lie down on your side and relax. The contractions are not regular and simply resemble a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, accompanied by a feeling that the stomach is turning to stone.

At the end of pregnancy, discharge from the genital tract changes in nature; it may intensify and now you need to monitor it especially carefully. Normal is a mucous, transparent discharge that resembles chicken protein and does not have an unpleasant odor.

Before childbirth, thrush often worsens, and the appearance of leucorrhoea with a sour smell should always alarm you, because thrush in the mother is a risk of infection of the child and almost certainly - ruptures of the perineum during childbirth; thrush causes inflammation of the tissues and makes them loose and less elastic.

Discharge in the 9th month may also indicate that labor will begin soon. The passage of a mucus plug is an unusual and not everyone presenting symptom, which is better for you to know about in advance. It comes out in the form of a dense lump of mucus with bloody streaks or colored pink. This is not bleeding, but only an admixture of blood, but, of course, it can scare.

Childbirth in the 9th month of pregnancy, starting from the 37th week, is already urgent, and the baby is full-term. You definitely need to know how they start.

Remember that the water may break even before the contractions begin, and then you also need to urgently go to the maternity hospital, because the rupture of amniotic fluid is also the beginning of labor.

Dangers of 9 months of pregnancy

The end of pregnancy is the time when worries return. Now the mother’s illnesses can also cause trouble, and the range of medications acceptable for taking is narrowing again.

Late gestosis in pregnant women (late toxicosis) poses a particular danger. This is a triad of symptoms: swelling, increased blood pressure and protein in urine. If high blood pressure and protein in the urine can only be detected during examination; you can notice swelling in the 9th month of pregnancy on your own. They are always a reason to consult a doctor.

Do not forget to take a urine test before each visit to the antenatal clinic.

At the end of pregnancy, it is important to especially protect yourself from colds. ARVI and other colds before childbirth are extremely undesirable, and not only because a weak, sick woman will suffer during childbirth. It is quite difficult to treat, for example, a fever in the 9th month of pregnancy will require taking medications that negatively affect the body’s preparation for childbirth and subsequent labor pains. Paracetamol, aspirin and the like suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins - and they are necessary for the ripening of the cervix and the development of labor.

A cold in the 9th month of pregnancy is not advisable in relation to the possible infection of the baby with ARVI immediately after birth.

Diarrhea in the 9th month of pregnancy and vomiting can indicate not only poisoning, sometimes this is how labor begins.

Your life

Your life is now entirely focused around the upcoming event, the birth of a child. Your worries are all focused on this. You put things in order for the children, prepare a bag for the maternity hospital, checking that you have bought everything.

Large purchases are most likely already behind you, and you are simply rearranging the already ironed piles of baby clothes. Nesting syndrome is a common occurrence in recent weeks. Wash everything, iron it, or even start rearranging furniture or minor repairs - this happens to many people. One can only be amazed at this energy, which you have so much of, despite your impressive belly and seemingly clumsiness.

Now you need to pay attention to your diet. In ancient times, during the 9th month of pregnancy in Rus', women kept a fast. This was justified by the mother’s spiritual preparation for childbirth, but at the same time it was of great benefit to her and the child. Fasting did not allow the baby to gain too much heavy weight, which means it made childbirth easier.

Your diet during the 9th month of pregnancy should not include excess fats and carbohydrates. It's time to completely give up sweets and limit pasta and baked goods, avoid eating fatty and fried foods. The calorie content of food should be reduced and the amount increased fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Eating this way will help you cope with constipation and prevent the birth of a baby that is too large for you, and you will not gain weight. excess weight, losing weight after childbirth is difficult.

It's time to limit your movements to your hometown and not part with your exchange card. They gave it to you a long time ago, and now, when leaving home, don’t forget to take it with you. If labor begins, only having the exchange in hand guarantees admission to the chosen maternity hospital and the fact that you will not have to be in a “doubtful” department with unexamined neighbors.

Try not to be alone for a long time.

In general, if the pregnancy is progressing normally, the 9th month is not a reason to limit yourself in anything. You can and should take a walk every day, it will help you cope with insomnia and keep yourself fit. No restrictions on sex life. Sex in the 9th month of pregnancy is possible until childbirth, orgasm is not prohibited, only masturbation is not advisable due to the risk of infection. It is prohibited only if your water has broken, there is placenta previa and other complications of pregnancy, but then your doctor will definitely warn you about this.

At the end of pregnancy, if a cesarean section is planned or there are complications, many pregnant women are hospitalized in the maternity hospital in advance. Perhaps you are at home now - or maybe already in the maternity hospital.

Your feelings at 9 months of pregnancy can be very different, be that as it may, very soon it will all be over, and you will take your baby in your arms. Pregnancy rarely lasts more than 9 months, we wish you a safe and easy birth.

Video, 9 months pregnant

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The last month of pregnancy is the end of a long journey and a period of agonizing anticipation of childbirth and the birth of a long-awaited baby. A baby born at 38-42 weeks of pregnancy is considered full-term, this is exactly the middle and end of the ninth month, but if the baby is born at 36-37 weeks, he is no longer considered premature, but prematurely born. Such a baby is quite capable of independent life, although somewhat more sensitive to external conditions environment and requires a little more attention and care. With each week of the last month he gains weight and grows, you should be ready to give birth at any moment.

What happens to the body in the 9th month of pregnancy

The last month of pregnancy has arrived, it lasts from the 37th to the 42nd week of pregnancy, on average children are born at 38-40 weeks, and only some a little earlier or later. After 38 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is considered full term, and delivery can begin on any day, only about 5% of children are born exactly on the expected date.

At this stage, the woman is already quite tired of her position and her stomach, which has become very heavy; the agonizing wait and frequent training contractions make her tired and irritable. Now you can no longer be afraid of premature birth if you previously had problems with pregnancy or had complications. Often, with a planned caesarean section, delivery is planned for a period of 38-40 weeks, so that the fetus is as mature and full-term as possible. The last weeks are especially difficult for those who will give birth for the first time, since the sensations of real contractions are still unfamiliar and you are often ready to go to the maternity hospital with training ones.

The body is actively preparing for the process and so-called precursors constantly appear. Two to three weeks before delivery, the abdomen lowers due to the insertion of the fetal head into the pelvic cavity and gradual relaxation of the lower segment of the uterus and cervix. At repeat pregnancies the stomach may drop immediately before labor or at its beginning. The abdominal circumference may decrease slightly due to relative oligohydramnios, due to changes in hormonal levels, which helps in delivery and reduces the risk of complications (umbilical cord prolapse, malpresentation, placental abruption). It will become easier for a woman to breathe, heartburn and discomfort when eating will decrease.

Pain in the lower back and pelvis may be bothersome; the joints and ligaments soften, which helps during childbirth, but affects the condition of the back and pelvic area. Particularly unpleasant and severe pain can be when lowering the head into the pelvis, pressure in the pubic area, sacrum at night, pain in the perineum and vaginal area, it is difficult to find a position in bed and sleep peacefully. Training contractions can become more frequent and stronger, they help the uterus to actively contract in the future. Training contractions are irregular and go away if you calm down and rest on your side, they have the appearance of pulling in the lower abdomen and a feeling that the stomach is turning to stone.

Before giving birth, special body changes called labor signs may occur, along with a drooping belly. Such signs include a decrease in body weight within 2 kg due to the convergence of edema and hormonal changes in the body, decreased appetite and physiological cleansing of the body. Shortly before the event, appetite decreases or disappears completely, there may be loose stools and even diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Within a few days or even weeks, the mucous plug may begin to come off - it can come off in parts or entirely, in a lump, as the cervix ripens and the cervical canal opens. The mucus may be yellowish in color, colorless, or streaked with blood. You need to completely pack your bags and documents and be ready to go to the maternity hospital at any time from the start or breaking of your waters, or regular contractions at regular intervals. In the ninth month of pregnancy, a woman must always take an exchange card with her when leaving home.

Fetal development: weight, size and gender

At this time, the baby is already fully formed and ready for birth and life outside the mother’s tummy. The child has the entire necessary set of reflexes; the lungs perform breathing movements, although they are still collapsed and will open only with the first breath. They produce enough surfactant to breathe on their own. Digestive system ripe and ready to eat food and digest it with enzymes, a lot of original feces have accumulated in the intestines, which should only leave after the birth of the child. It was formed from amniotic fluid, epithelial cells, desquamated cells that enter with swallowed water. Meconium has the appearance of a putty-like olive-green mass, odorless.

By the ninth month, the baby has a proportional body, the skin is smooth and has a pale pink color, the skin vessels are no longer translucent, the fluff (lanugo) has almost disappeared from the body, remaining only a little on the shoulders and back, in the area of ​​​​natural folds, along with the original lubricant, which protects delicate skin crumbs. Now the baby is actively gaining weight and growing in height, it is becoming more and more crowded in the uterine cavity, he is taking the uterine and most optimal position for childbirth - head down, pressing his arms and legs tightly to the body. He does not have the opportunity for active movements, and now it is mainly pushing, tossing and pulling. They are clearly felt by the mother.

The nervous system matures, it becomes more and more perfect, developed and mature. Nervous system regulates the functioning of all internal organs and glands, which allows the body to function as a single system.

This month, the fetal liver actively accumulates iron for further use for the child’s needs in the first months after birth. Iron is essential for creating new blood cells and preventing anemia. The heart has fully formed chambers and valves, except for those openings needed for fetal blood flow, so at birth it will be ready to function new scheme, and the fetal openings will immediately close. Now the oval window and the ductus ductus are open, so that the blood bypasses the lungs, and the baby “breathes” the placenta. At the same time, the lungs themselves, due to the penetration of amniotic fluid into them, perform “breathing” movements and develop.

In boys, the testicles finally descend into the scrotum; in girls, the labia majora cover the labia minora, and the process of genital formation is completed. The immune system is also maturing, although it will still be fully formed after the baby is born. The mother actively transfers antibodies from the main dangerous diseases, which she suffered from herself. By the time of birth, the fetus will reach its final height and weight of 48-56 cm and 2800-4000 g. Girls are usually born smaller than boys, although much depends on the characteristics of the parents and the conditions of pregnancy.


The main sensations of this month are fatigue and harbingers of childbirth, now the woman clearly feels all the movements and movements of the fetus, the stomach has reached its maximum and it is extremely difficult to carry it. But a couple of weeks before giving birth, it becomes easier to breathe and eat due to the lowering of the abdomen and insertion of the head into the small pelvis. At the same time, pressure and discomfort in the pelvic area will increase - constipation may increase and the urge to urge more often due to pressure from the head on the bladder. There may be pain in the sacrum, pubis and thighs due to irritation of nerve endings.

There may be swelling and the risk of varicose veins, the skin on the abdomen becomes very tight and itchy, and stretch marks may occur. Fainting and dizziness are common due to hypoxia and compression of the vessels by the large uterus. Preparations for childbirth are taking place and weight loss of 1-2 kg, diarrhea and vomiting may occur as an option to cleanse the body before childbirth. A woman feels that her lower abdomen is pulling, and abdominal pain may occur, which indicates the onset of regular contractions and labor.


Towards the end of pregnancy, the discharge intensifies, protecting the baby from infections that can enter through the vagina. Now it is important that infection does not develop, as this will be dangerous during childbirth. You should immediately consult a doctor if you have curdled, crumbly or copious milky discharge, and especially yellowish, green, gray, foamy and unpleasant smell. They need to be treated immediately.Such discharge reduces the elasticity of vaginal tissue and leads to complications during childbirth and an increased likelihood of postpartum inflammatory processes.

There is also a gradual removal of the mucus plug - these are transparent or slightly pink lumps of mucus; the plug can come away either gradually or simultaneously, as a lump of mucus. Childbirth will begin soon.

Analyzes and examinations

This month, visits to the doctor will become weekly, it is important to evaluate general state woman, her weight and the presence of edema, blood pressure and determine the level of leukocytes, protein and glucose in the urine before each visit. The doctor will assess the woman's readiness for childbirth and may schedule hospitalization in the maternity hospital in advance or at the onset of labor.

At the beginning of the month, an examination will be carried out on the chair and a smear will be taken for flora; additional blood tests may be prescribed. All planned ultrasounds have already been completed, but in case of doubts or concerns, the doctor may prescribe additional ultrasounds or Dopplerography, fetal CTG. This will help in choosing tactics during childbirth and deciding whether it will be natural or whether surgery is indicated. caesarean section.

Mom's diet and weight

During this period, the uterus puts maximum pressure on internal organs and you need to eat right to avoid nausea and vomiting, constipation and other digestive problems. The birth process and the condition of the baby largely depend on the mother’s nutrition. On recent months pregnancy, it is worth switching to hypoallergenic food with the exception of potentially dangerous allergens, giving up foods that can become a potential source of intestinal infections or poisoning - canned food, raw foods, unboiled milk, poorly fried meat and fish. It is important to pay special attention to products with calcium - dairy products and cottage cheese, yoghurts. Equally important is consuming enough protein in the form of red meat and iron-containing foods. The amount of meat and fish in the diet should be slightly reduced in favor of vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils, grains and light foods. It is worth giving up fatty, fried and spicy foods, excess sauces and spices, steaming, baking, stewing or boiling food. It is worth eating often, but in small portions, avoiding carbonated drinks, fermented foods, excess sweets and carbohydrates. Can be done once a week fasting days in consultation with the doctor. Before giving birth, your appetite may disappear altogether - and this is normal, the body is preparing for difficult work and cleanses the intestines.

Cold in the ninth month

In the ninth month, you should protect yourself from a cold, otherwise childbirth may be complicated, and you will have to give birth in an isolated box in the observation department. A cold is dangerous due to disruption of labor, the need to use medications and the danger of its influence on the fetus. Thus, taking paracetamol or its analogues disrupts the process of preparing the cervix for childbirth and further complicates the birth process.


The issue of intimacy in the ninth month is controversial - this will be determined by the doctor. But usually women's libido is reduced, and with such a large belly it is not very convenient to have sex at all. Many doctors recommend abstinence while the mucus plug is passing, although orgasm itself does not trigger preterm labor. But if there are contraindications, sex will be prohibited - this is leakage of amniotic fluid, placenta previa or low placentation, multiple pregnancy or the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Difficulties may arise with the choice of poses, since you need to completely eliminate pressure on the stomach. If childbirth is delayed, intimacy is one of natural methods stimulation of labor - a man’s sperm has a softening effect on the cervix.

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